KLAMATH VOL. VII. ULAMA I li »ALLS, REPUBLICAN kLAMATII COUNTY, OREGON, AUGUST 14, 1902. NO. 19. beat saw a light there about 2 n the morning, and as the house wus an Eight shots in al) were fired, and empty one, suspected something was these eight will take some of the efful­ amiss. He found the door open and In gence off the reputation of the Oiegon the front room, which In bare of fur­ convict as a dead shot. Seeing he was lure, discovered the body of a gentle FROM THE FOUR QUARTER8 OF not succeeding in his eudeavors, he left ITEM8 OF INTEREST FROM ALL num, well dressed and having cards In hie position behind the rock and made THE WORLD. his pocket bearing the name of 'Enoch PART8 OF OREGON. NOTED OUTLAW 8UICIDE8 TO a dash for the wheat field not far dis­ BY A. CONAN DOYLE. I Drebber, Cleveland, Ohio, IL H. A ' tant. Just as he was entering the field There had been no robbery, nor Is E8CAPE CAPTURE. there any evidence as to how the man A Comprehensive Review of the Import.nt he stumbled, and fading on his face Commercial and Financial Happening! of Im. met his death. There are marks of crawled on into the field on his hands Hsppenings of the Put Week, Presented Closely Punued sod Twice Wounded, He Pub portance—A Brief Review of the Growth blood In the room, but there Is no and knees. I" a Condensed Form. Which Is Most '•’'"'•t; but he was by no means wound upon his person. We are at a UH A I’TE It 11—< 'ontinued. an End to His Existence- Body Found in and Improvements of the Many Industries This led the hunters to believe that Likely to Prove of Interut to Our Many 'iip i<*rioinonon hm P oo appeared to loss as to how he came Into the empty they had at least wounded their man, _________ •'From a drop of water," «»Id I the liiiliXIlltt. Throughout Our Thriving Commonwealth a Wheat Field Near thi Eddy Ranch, Where house; Indeed, the whole affair Is a but it was getting dusk, and they did ■, "a logician could Infer Ilio pos Readers writer, ~ i V V J!”1’ D'lborlau's works?" puzzler. If you can come round to the He Spent the Last Few Days ol His Life. —Latest Market Report. not dare to proceed, as they could not slbillty 1,11 Atlantic or a Niagara Does L«< oq cornu up to your house Hny time before 12 you will find Fatal Wovnd Made by 45 CaliberRevolver see their man nor know how ready he without having Been or heard of one I'l' " ii of u f these things a man's call that I have ft In me to make my name that Is. when the fit Is on me, for I can, After defying for nearly two months on the left leg showed the cause of the cus. The circuit <'ourt of Cuyahoga county man s despair and subsequent sicide. Ing Is plainly revealed. That all unit famous No num Ilves or has ever be spry enough at times." lias dissolved an injunction against the all law, setting at naught all efforts of ed should fall to enlighten the com lived who has brought the snme “Why, It Is Just such a chance as Cleveland city council, which prevent­ The marriage of L. Bush Livermore, the authorities of two states to capture prtent Inquirer In any case la almost amount of study and of natural talent you have been longing for." FRIARS 8OLD EARLY. editor of the Baker City Herald, and ed that liody from transacting business Inconceivable." or kill him, baffling the best man “My dear fellow, what does it mat­ to the deletion of crime which I have Mi.es Ethel Cox, occurred at Stephen’s "What Ineffable twaddle’’’ I cried, ■lone And what Is the result? There ter to me? Suppose I unravel tile Is-csuse of alleged illegality and the in­ hunters of the Pacific Coast, and travel­ Disposed of Their Philippine Holdings Before Episcopal church at Baker City Sunday auguration of a 3-cent street car fare. slapping the mngazlno down on the is no crim« to detect, or, nt most, whole matter, you may be sure that evening. American Occupation. ing across two states with impunity, table. "I nuver read such rubbish In some bungling vlllany with n motive Gregson. I.estrade & Co. will pocket Former President Steyn, of the Or­ my Ilfs." demanding and re.»eiving entertainment Rome, Aug. 8. — According to in- The Sugar Pine Mills, constructed at all the credit. That comes of being so transparent that even n Scotland ange Free State, is reported to lie in "What Is It?" asked Hherlm k Ynrd ofll. lai enn r.se through It." an unofficial personage." very bad health. He has gone to The all along the line, this criminal won ormation received by the Vatican, al­ Grants Pass, on the site of the old Holmes. I was still annoyed at his bumptious “But he begs you to help him." Hague to meet President Kruger. der has at last been sent to his final most all the real estate belonging to factory are about completed and will "Why. this article," I ssld. pointing style of conversation. I thought It best Spanish friars in the Philippines, was be ready for operation by the middle ''Yes. He knows that I am his su ­ it It with my egg spoon ns 1 sat down to iTiange the topic. An explanatory note issued by the resting place.. sold before American occupation to of the month. perior, and acknowledges it to me; Russian minister of finance states that to my breakfast. "I see that you have I wond.-r what thnt fellow Is look A party from Creston, Wash., had syndicates and corporations, registered read It, since you have ■narked It I Ing for’" I asked, pointing to n stal but he would cut his tongue out before Russia will regard as a violation of Mrs. C. C. Van Orsdell and Mary don't deny ..int It la smartly written wart, plainly dressed Individual who he would own It to any third person. treaty the proposed American counter­ the honor of running to earth the out­ and duly recognized, headed by Amer­ F. Hurley, both of Oregon, were elected icans living in New York. It is al ­ However, we may as well go and have It Irritate» me though It Is evidently was walking slowly down the other law, and are due to receive the re­ respectively grand guardian and banker vailing sugar duties. leged by the same authority that, al­ the theory of some arm chair lounger side of the street, looking anxiously at a look. I shall work It out on my own at the national convention of Women wards of $8,000 offered by the govern ­ though the friars hold some shares in of Woodcraft at Cripple Creek. who evolves all these neat little para the numb. th He had a large blue cn hook. I may have a laugh at them. At Helena, Mont, a lone highway­ doses In the seclusion of hla own ve|o|>e In hla hand, nnd was evidently If I have nothing else. Come on!” man held up Samuel Trevis anil James ors of »Vashington and Oregon and by these corporations, they do not own He hustled on his overcoat, ami bus­ A letter of instrncion sent by Com­ private individuals. The party was controlling interests. The Vatican is study. It Is not practical, I should the bearer of n message tled about in a way that showed that Randall, and after lie had robbed them, like to seo him clapped down In a "You mean the retired sergeant of an energetic fit had superseded the compelled rrevis to stop a street car. tie made up of the following persons, citi­ surprised at the information, in view missioner Hermann to the register and third class carriage on the Under­ marines " said Sherlock Holmes. a handkerchief over his face and go zens of Creston: C. A. Straub, deputy of Governor’s proposition to buy the receiver of the land office at La Grande, apathetic one. ground, nnd asked to give the trades friar's lands, which are apparently no Or., authorizes them to make tempora­ “Brag and bounce’" thought I to my through the car. "Get your hat." he said. sheriff; Dr. E. C. Lanter, Maurice longer in their control. of all of Ids fellow travelers. I would elf It is con­ ry withdrawal of the lands that are lie knows thnt I cannot verify “ You wish me to come? ” Whitelaw Reid, sjs'cial ambassador lay a thousand to one ngulnat him." Smith, attorney, and J. J. Morrison, sidered remarkable that Governor Taft, subsequently to be embodied in the hln gliras.” “ Yes, If you have nothing better to "You would lose your money." 8her to great Britain, has leturned. The thought had hardly passed a railroad section foreman. These fresh from the Philippines, was not Blue Slountain forest reserve. lock Holmes remarked calmly. "As through my mind when the man whom do.” The Shenandoah collieries may start four men, armed to the teeth and bent aware of the situation.' A minute later we were both In a Circuit court is in session at Oregon for the article, I wrote It myself." we were watching caught sight of the up under the protection of troops hansom, driving furiously for the City. “You!" on achieving success wheie others had number on our door and ran rapidly Washington Knew About It Brixton road. "Yes; I have a turn both for obser ncroas the roadway. A Chicago woman has been arrested failed, set out from Creston yesterday An additional free delivery route will Washinton, Aug. 8.—The war de­ It was a foggy, cloudy morning, and for starving nine infants to death. ration nnd for deduction. The th<*orlee We heard a loud knock, a deep voice a dun colored veil hung over the house aftrenoon about two o’clock, They partment has known for some time that be established Sept. 1 at Salem. which I hates' expressed there, amt below nnd heavy steps ascending the tops, looking like the reflection of the Striking anthracite coal miners say were working on the information of portions of the friar lands in the Phil­ which appear to you to tie so rhltnerl stair Oregon produced, about 19,500,000 mud colored streets beneath. inconi|>etent men are feeing sent into the Goldfinch youth, who bad been ippines have been disposed of to com­ pounds of wool this year, and nearly cal. ar« really extremely practical so ' For Mr Sherlock Holmes." he snld My companion was In the best of the mines. panies and all of the recent negotia­ practical that 1 depend upon them for stepping Into the room and handing forcibly made the companion of the tions conducted by Secretary Root have all of it has been disposed of at prices spirits, nnd prattled away about Cre­ my bread and cheese " mv friend the letter. between 12 and 14 cents. The Santa Fe railroad has issued a mona Addles, and the difference be ­ "Ami how?" I asked Involuntarily. Oregon convict for over 24 hours at the carefully taken into account any con­ Here «in nn opportunity of taking circular granting an increase of wages Tha first wheat of the season whs "Well, I have n trade of my own I tile conceit out of him. Hr little tween a Stradlvarlus nnd an Amatl. tingencies which might arise through Eddy ranch, and proved said informa­ As for myself, I was silent, for the to the carmen. suppose I am the only one In the thought of this when he mnde that run these transfers. The transfers are not stored at the Albany Farmers Compa­ dull weather and the melancholy busi ­ tion to be well founded and worthy of world. I’m a consulting detective. If dom shot. There is good reason to believe that considered to have been entirely in ny’s warehouse at Albany Monday af­ ness upon which we were engaged de­ you can understand what that la. Here ' May I ask. my lad," I snld, blandly, pressed my spirits. the United States will secure a coaling belief. good faith and it is generally believed ternoon. It was of Al quality. In Iximlon we have lots of government "what your trade may be?" Proceeding in a southeasterly direc­ that the friais do in fact hold a major­ A contract has been awarded H. C. Per­ station on the west coast of Africa. "You don ’ t seem to give much detectives, and lota of private ones “Comnilsslonalre. sir." lie snld. gruff thought to the matter In hand." I said Press censorship in Russia has been tion for about 11 miles, the pursuing ity of stock in the companies which kins of Grants Pass to survey six town- When these fellows are at fnult they ly “t'nlforin away for repairs." at last Interrupting Holmes’ musical vigilant and exacting since the assass­ party made all possible haste in get­ took over the lands. sh.ps on the line of the Oregon Central come to me, and I manage to put "And you were," I asked, with n Military Wagon road land grant. them on the right scent. They lay all slightly malicious glance at my com­ disquisition. ination of the minister of the interer. ting near the Eddy ranch, which is sit­ “ It is “No data yet." he answered, the evidence before me, and I am gen panion. uated on Lake creek, about three milse MORE RURAL MAIL ROUTES. About 20 tons of hay recently cured a capital mistake to theorize before In a collision between a passenger directly south of Fellows, on the erally able, by the help of my knowl "A sergeant, sir: Royal Marine edge of the history of crime to set Light Infantry, sir. No answer? Right you have all the evidence. It biases train and street car at Terre Haute, Washington Central railway, where Postoffice Department Authorizes Several Ad- and baled by J. E. Murphy was burned the judgment." near Salem. The fire caught from a Ind., three ]>eraons were fatally, six the outlaw was said to be located. them straight. There Is a strong fam nlr " “You will have your data soon," I ditional in Oregon. spark from the engine which furnished lly resemblance uliout misdeeds, and if He clicked bin heels together, raised remarked, pointing with my Anger, seriously ami two slightly injured. The country is what is called “scab,” you have all the details of a thousand hln hand In a salute and was gone. Washington, Aug. 6.— Rural delivery power for the baler. There'is strong talk in Jamaica of and when near the ranch the party “this Is the Brixton road, and that Is at your finger ends. It la odd if you of mail has been authorized in Oregcn the house. If I am not very much mis­ annexation to the United States. took all precautions as to ambushes or Governor Geer has appointed Z. Z. can’t unravel the thousand and first. as follows: CHAPTER IH. taken. ” surprise. Riggs, of Salem, a memoer of tha state Li-strade Is a well known detective. Robbers at Astoria bound and gagged Aumsville, Marian county — One board of pharmacy to succeed G. C. “So it Is. Stop, driver, stop!” I confess that I was considerably They approached the place in safety, He got himself Into a fog recently We were still a hundred yards or so a man on a fishing scow and secured and when within some f-w hundred carrier; length of route, 2314 miles; Blakley, of the Dalles, term expired; over a forgery case, nnd that was what startled by this fresh proof of the from It. but he Insisted upon our $400. tlcal nature of my companion's yards came across Farmer Eddy mow­ area covered, 20 square miles; popula­ also A. D. Charlton and A. L. Craig, brought him here." alighting, and we finished our Journey i theories. ing in a field. The party went to tion served, 535. both of Portland, delegates to the min­ "And these other people?’’ The Vatican proposes a gradual with ­ My respect for Ills powers of anal upon foot. Cleone, Multnomah county — One ers' congress at Butte, Mont., Sept. him, and while engaging him in conver­ "They are mostly sent out by private drawal of the friars from the Philip ­ i i sis Increased wondrously. There still sation they saw a man issue from the carrier; length of route, 24)4 miles; 1 to 5. Inquiry agencies. They are all people remained some lurking suspicion in (To t>e eontinueil.) pines. who are In trouble about something, barn, whiih could be plainly seen from area covered, 23 square miles; popula­ my mind, however, that the whole ainl want a little enlightening I listen A Salt Lake mining man shot and where the party stood on a rise of the tion served, 660. PORTLAND MARKETS. thing was a prearranged episode, in A Crushing Reply. to their story, they listen to iny com Freewater, Umatilla county — Addi­ fatally woundedjwo persons and then ground. “Is that Tracy?” asked one of tended to dazzle me. though what Referring to the ‘ 'Pulpit and Pew” killed himself. inents, and then I pocket my fee." tional service, route 2, one carrier; the party. “It surely is,” laconically Wheat—Walla Walla, 60361c for new object he could have In taking "Hut do you mean to say.” I said, earthly question raised by Dr. Horton’s in­ replied Eddy. With this information at length of route 23 )4 miles; area cov­ crop; 63@6+c for old; valley, 65c; In was past my comprehension. "that without leaving yotir room you me When North London The Seattle steamer Jessie Benning population blueetem, 65386c. hand, and the man so close to the Jiunt- ered, 21 square miles; 1 looked at him he had fin­ teresting experiment, a can unravel some knot which other | ished reading the note, and hiB eyes minister writes: has been sold to the Colombian govern­ ers, there was naturally a great deal of served, 500. Barley-117.75 for old, 116.50 for men can make nothing of. although assumed the vacant, lack bister ex­ "I think we ministers rather relish ment for $68,000. Monmouth, Polk county— One car­ excitement. The party separated, and new crop. they have seen every detail for (hem little of it. ” criticism, but we get too rier; length of route, 21)4 miles; area pression which showed mental ab­ selves?" Troops will remain in Shenandoah, Lanter and Smith accompanied Eddy covered, 30 square miles; population Flour—Best grades, $2.053 3.60 per One rcalis in this connection the "Quite so. I have a kind of Intuition straction. Pa., where the recent riots occurred, in the direction of the barn, while the served, 465. barrel; graham, $2.9533.20. minister walking “How In the world did you deduce story of the young other two men swung around to cut off that way. Now and again a case turns home with one of the elders after the until the strike is ended. Woodburn, Marion county — Two Millstuffs — Bran, $15(816 per ton; any break for liberty in another direc­ up which Is a little more complex. that?" I asked. he. petulantly, deliverance of his first sermon. After A secret organization in Tayabas pro­ “ Deduce what? ” said routes, two carriers; length of route, middlings, $21.50; shorts, $18; tion. Then I have to bustle about nnd see "Why, that he was a retired ser some moments' silence the latter ob­ vince, Philippine islands, has been up­ things with my own eyes. You see. I Neairng that structure, the two man 43)4 miles; area covered, 41 square chop, $16. served : I rooted by the constabulary. have a lot of special knowledge which geant of marines.’’ hunters stepped behind the barn on a miles; population served, 1,175. Oats—No. 1 white, $1.0031.05; gray, “I have no time for trifles," he re- I “ Yon were not long. ” I apply to the problems, and which fa 9 5c. 3 $1.00. slight eminence, from which they could with a Rmile, piled brusquely; then. The cruiser Brooklyn, which con­ watch everything that went on, and the rllltatea matters wonderfully. Those "I am very glad to hear you say so,” UP IN THE AIR. Excuse my rudeness. You broke the Hay — Timothy, $12315; clover, rules of deduction laid down In that “ replied the youthful cleric; "I ' was veyed the remains of the late Lord farmer continued up to the liarn door. thread of my thoughts; but perhaps $7.50@10; Oregon wild hay, $5@6 per article which aroused your scorn nre It Is Just ns well. So yon actually afraid I was tedious.” Pauncefote to England, has returned. When he arrived there Tracy came Several Balloon Weddings Io Occur During ton. Invaluable to me In practical work. were not able to see that the man was “Oh,” was the crushing reply, “you from the barn again and began helping Portland Elks Carnival, ’ Aji explosion in a colliery in New Observation, with me. Is second na a sergeant of malines." Potatoes — Beet Burbanks, 75(386c were tedious.”—Westminster Gazette. South Wales resulted in the death of at the farmer unhitch the horses. He car­ •tire. You appeared to he surprised Portland, Aug. 6.—There are to be percental; ordinary, 50c per cental, “ No. Indeed." ried no rifle, althou h he had his revol ­ when I told you, on our first meeting, least 100 persons. several weddings “in high life” in growers prices; sweets, $2.50(33.00 “It was easier to know ft than to Speaking of Royalty. vers in place. that you had come from Afghanistan." explain why I know It. If you were per cental; new potatoes, lc. The Louisiana Purchase Exposition The fugitive saw the men carriyng Portland during the September carni­ ''Yon were told, no doubt." Damocles had been invited to dine val of the Portland Elks. The ceremony asked to prove thnt two nnd two made Butter—Creamery, 20321c; dairy "Nothing of the sort. I knew you four, you might And some difficulty, with the King of Syracuse. On taking company has secured an additional 50 rifles, and turning shraply on Farmer of tying the connubial knot will be 17318c; store, 17317)4 c. runic from Afghanistan. From long and yet you are quite sure of that his seat he instantly saw the sword acres of land for use in the St. Louie Eddy, said: “Who are those men?” Eggs—20321c for Oregon. habit the train of thought ran so swift fact. Even across the street I could hanging by a hair above his bead. “I don’t see any men,” said the host.. performed in a balloon in mid-air, a fair. ly through my mind that I arrived at h . e a great blue anchor tattooed on Cheese— Full cream, twins, 12)4 Whereupon Tracy pointe') out the two thousand feet above the ground, in "1 suppose,” ho said to the king, A tidal wave in Cort» Rica, following men on the hill, waitng to be sure of plain view of thousands. This is one (813c;YoungAmerica, 13)4314)4c; fac­ the conclusion without being conscious the back of the fellow's hand. That of intermediate steps. There were such smacke.l of the sea. He had a mili­ “you call that the hair apparent.” no severe earthquakes, frightened hun­ their man before they began shooting. of the novelties that will be seen dur­ tory prices, 1® lXc less. Dionysius, pretending to see dreds of residents and caused consider­ Ed ly informed his companion who the ing the early days of the Elko’ carni­ "tops, however. The train of reason­ tary carriage, however, and regulation Poultry—Chickens, mixed, $3.503 ing ran: ’Hero Is a gontlemnn of a side whiskers. There we have the humor in the remark, replied: able damage. men were, and at that time the officers, val, which will open with a grand 4.50; hens, $4.0035.50 per dozen, bov; "I don ’ t know about that, my medical type, hut with the nlr of a mil marine Ho was a man with some prize parade on September 1. Several ll@U*4c per pound; springs, UQ ••nry man. Clearly nn nrmy doctor, amount of self Importance nnd a cer­ but if it falls upon your bead it will $400 Gift for Children at Portland Carnival stepping a little closer, commnaded: applications have already been re­ “ Hold up your hands! ” U)4c per pound, $2.50(34.00 per dos- •hen. He has Just come from the tain nlr of command. You must have make some crown prints.” Children’s Day at the Portland Elks’ At this juncture the outlaw jumped be­ ceived by the management from willing en; ducks, $2.5033.00 per dozen; tur­ tropics, for hfa fam |H dnrk, nnd flint observed the way in which he held This shows that the ancients wete candidates. For their willingness to , not the natural tint of hfs skin, for his head nnd swung his cane. A steady, not aver e to joking, even under trying Carnival will be Sept. 12, the last dav hind Eddyand placed both the man and experience this unique, if not sensa­ keys, live, 13314c, dressed, 15316c per but one of the great street fair. On his horse between himself and the pound; geese, $4.00(86.00 per down. his wrists nre fair. He hns undergone respectable, middle aged man. too. on circumstances.—New York Times. that occasion a pretty Shetland pony hunters. In this Doeition he command­ tional, ceremony ina balloon, the man­ Mutton—Gross, 2)4@3c per pound; hardship and sickness, as hln haggard the face of him—all facts which led with an up-to-date cart and harness ed the farmer to lead his hoiee to the agement is pre|>ared to set the happy dressed, 6c per pound. , 0 Rfiyn clearly. His left arm hns me to believe that he had been a ser­ Unification. couple up with about $500 worth of will lie given to some lucky boy or girl barn, and remaining under this cover b"«n Injured. Ho holds It In a stiff Hogs—Gross, 6)$c; J reseed, 7®7)4c "Sectional lines are vanishing. Soon who is present. The pony has been he moved toward the shelter. and unnatural manner. Where In the geant.” When housekeeping equipment, including per pound. “ Wonderful!" I ejaculated. everything from a piano to a sack of there will lie no north, no south, no given by Dr. W. A. Wise and the eart nearly to the stable he broke and dash­ tropica could an English army doctor Veal—7®8c per pound. "Commonplace," said Holmes, east, no west!” ’«on much hardship nnd got hln arm is from Studebaker’s. Besides this ed inside. He did not linger long, but flour. If any swains from outside Port­ Beef—Gross, cows, 333)4«; steers. “Yes; 1 suppose it’s only a question equipment, it is probable that a saddle, in the twinkling of an eye reappeared, land are anxious to receive a handsome 3)4@4)4c; dressed, 738c per pound. wounded? Clearly In Afghanistan.’ The though I thought from his expression whole trnln of thought did not occupy that he was pleased at my evident of time until they get up a corporation together with a handsomely embroid­ rifle in hand, and started on a dead dower, all they have to do is to ad­ Hops—16317c; new crop 17318c. salil Just big enough to own the whole country.” * second. I then remarked thnt you surprise and admiration. "I I ----- ered saddle cloth will lie given with the run down the valley. Turning to the dress a letter to the secretary of the Wool—Valley,12)4315 ¡Eastern Ore­ • ■ ’ . It enme from Afghanistan, nnd you were now that there were no criminals, Portland Elks ’ Carnival, to make the —Puck. pony. Prize baby day Mfill be Sept. 5. two men looking for him, the desper­ gon, 8314)4«: mohah. 25326c pound. j— appears that. 1 am wrong — look nt astonished.” ado fin'd two shots, but without his final arrangements in advance. me over the note "It la simple enough ns you explain thia!" He threw *' Ths Largest Dome. the commissionaire had William C. Whitney, of New York, usual precision. Neither bullet took Yale university gave degrees to a '■ I snld, smiling. "You remind me which Dry Goods Combination. The largest dome in the world is that has given a handsome house and lot to effeet, and without waiting for further class of 650. Plans for a Chinese vol- Edgar Allen Poo’s Dupln. I had no brought. Chicago, Aug. 6.—The business of unteer mission were announced. Idea that such Individuals did exist “Why." I cried ns I cast my eye over of the Lutheran church at Warsaw. the physician who attended Mrs. Whit­ fighting Tracy took to his heels and Its interior diameter is 200 feet, That ney in her long illnses. outside of stories." made all possible haste down the valley Schlesinger