its full <|i;ota It; extending the system to The Dalles district. Iler«' tin road could establish a terniiniis or it might find a right of waj down the Columbia to the sea: in which case all the energy desired i'otlld I”* pro­ duced from tlie limitless power of the Columbia. To thorn'familiar with the terri­ tory that would thus Is' brought In Contact with the tiuslern. busy, out­ side world, by such an all-ehvtrtc svstem, then'remains not the shad­ ow of a doubt but that it would prove one of the most important imlustrial enterprises which could «-»tn«' to that great and practically umlevelopeti section cast of the Cascades, a por­ tion of which is still referred to as, "The Oregon Desert." FULL STOCK General Merchandise. REAMES & JENNINGS, KLAMATH FALLS, OR. TIMBERLAND. a CTJINEA I s .' s . NO! D F. FOR I I HI It’A IB»N. t’N'ITKIt sr V ! lv. I.A\l> Oi l l> K. I I.Mkt Xirw, lutu- .'0. I I* hvrvbt k I vcii Umi lu »«»iH|»lirtin >’ U Illi t he proViMollA of |hv At-( ot ( oligK «.« el .lime :» L n .M, ehtltlevl Hi •• t lor Ibv -•I«- "I liinlH L I mid I i » in the (Male* uf t'nlllvrnia, l<«i to h H th.' Public I tool '!•»’' b) act »«t AuniiM 4 I n ' i Chai lea Young, of A»h land, futility of Javk»OU. Ktate of <>«egoiL l»a* thia day tiled th Ilita office hla «worn «tale inent N»» Nib. (or the |»ureha»ie ol the Section No 34. tn rottiuhlp No. 40 S Kange No 7. K \\ M . and will offer proof to .-how that the land sought la more valuable tor Ita ttm her or -tone than i«n- agrteuttUNd |>ur|»uata and to o>tnbli»h hi” clahu Io »aid land bvtoi«* .1**. II D i 'I hco II, I'ounty i lrilt. at Klamath Full». Oregon, «»n Friday, th«' .»th day ol Sep 'euilH»r, IWJ. Il<‘ 1181111*» aa wltne”»«”« John \\ n»4ih'\,oi \-iiiati.i Oregon; ’ H Bailej Shake. Oregon; Fred Kd-all. of Shake, Oregon • h.igvnv Spcneer. of Ken«». Oregon V in ami ail pcM'in claiming a«l\«Mvly the «bow drM'rlbed land- are re«)nvatrd to tile their claiina tn tin» otlh'c on oi be lure ¡»aid at li day of September, PAU. K. M B1ATT4IK. K-'glaler TIMBER L and . ACTJt’N't: 3. I”7”. NOTICE FOR Pt Bl.iCA 1’loN. I NITKD STATES I AND OFFICE f I «krUi-a. Or . Juiu» .1». l*»2 » N »ti«‘e la l»vr«’l»> given Dial in ««»ui|'h*u» >• aa u |i t lie | r«»v Istoti” ot Un» act »»I C«ni« t • -* »»I lune 3. I.-.?*, entltlv«! ‘Au h»r the -at«» «»I Umber I mih I* in ihd Slate- «»i Callturnia, OrvK«»n N« \ a«tn uii'l Wii'hhiiUoii L’rntury.“ a- « \u•n«l e art ol An guM 4, lS'.U, l«»hn W Bail«'\.of A-iila . l Coun t\ ot Jack-on, Slate <»l Orvg«m, ha» UiU «lay fllvtl tn Uli» office III* »Horn *tai«‘tneut N«' st ., for th«« puie)ia»e of the S’M SW'4 NW»4 SW»4 . SW» 4 N W‘ 4, of Sr « U<»n N«> “. tn low It ship No. 4i* S . Range No E W M . ami aa ill offer pro«»f i<> »how that the laud »ought t- more valuable for ha timber or »t«»ne titan tor agricultural pur|’*»»»e». and lo v-tabh'-h lit» claim to -at«l latul beiore Ja*. II Dri»coll. County Clerk, at Klamath Falh. <»rea«»n, ou Friday, the AUi int. Assoouas this connection is made, it will be an lute Wholesale Prices. easy matter to continue on to Klam - We Cordially Invite the Public to Call and Inspect ath lake in Southern Oregon. When the road is coinpletisi to connect with •ur Stock and Verify Prices. the logging road at head ot river, logs will be hauled by rail to the nulls ! contemplated at Laird's ranch, south lot Klamatiion, recently purchased by • tlie Pokegauia Sugar Pine Lumlier __ 1 Co., for which the ground has Is-en leveled off. and some of the apparatus I already delivered. The new mill tdwn is destined to become one of EUGENE, OREGON. | tlie liveliest and most prospt'rous in the county, as box factories, house The first Semester. Session 1902-1903, opens AVedneeday, September 17th. furnishing lumber and other wtssi The following School» and Colleges are comprised in the University : Graduate work establishments in addition to School, College of Literature, Science and Art', College of Science and Engineer­ two extensive saw mills, are to be ing, University Academy, School of Music, School of Me-lieine, School of Law. 'add«”!. With this addition to the Tuition free, excepting in Schools of Law, Medicine and Music. (Incidental lumbering business of Siskiyou. in­ fire »10.00; Student-Body tax »2.50 per year. Cost of living from »100.00 to i eluding other new nulls at various »300.00 per year. For catalogue, address points, tlie lumber output of Siskiyou Registrar of the University, Eugene, Oregon. may possibly be doubled within the next year or two. ■ stantial resources and attractions’ which should not be neglected In Tlmber^,?.i’ln*cLM '878_ Notice for Publication. this great advertising enterprise, but UNITED STATES LAND OFF1CEJ we cannot expect them to receive Published every Thursday by L axevikw , O regon , July 2t>, 19Q2.i much, if any, attention unless our I Notice it* hereby given that, in coin- W. HUSE & SON, people take steps looking to that end. p)jance with w jth the tlie proviaion« provisions of of the the act act of of ut,va’ i ; pliance E divobs asd P roprietors . Cungres« of June 3, 1878. entitled “An By a union of effort, this can and : i act for the «ale of timlw-r land« in the should be done with little expense. DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING, TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 3. 1-7”. NOTICE FOR VI BL1CATION. I sited S tatks L and <>rrn k . ( Lakeview, Or., June 23. VMrj. « Notice I» hereby given that In e«»»:»pilane.' w uh th.» provi»l«>n» o( the act of Cuugr«"'’» «»f June 3. I nt *. entitled An act t«»r tlo* '•ale o( timber land- in th»- N'ate- of < alitornia. <»i* gon. Nexads. miu*ton. ol K lam • th Fall». CouiHv of Klamath, state «»I Oregon, ha* thl» «lay tiled In this office his »worn statement No Sb>. lor the luirvbaw of tlie >F‘4 ol >. ctiou No 8, in rnwnsnip No s- H . Hange No.7F W M . und will offer pro«»f to «how that the lam) »«»tight I m more valuable for II» timber or Motiv tiiati for agricultural purptMN*«. and to e-tabli»h hi* c-iann to »aid land l»vf«»re Ja- H Driscoll, .'mini) < l»rk, at Klaniatli Fall-. Oregon, on M>»nilay, thr sth day ui Sep tvmber, 1ÄTJ He name» n- w iti c*-« -: I’lea»- aut I., F«uinialn, of Klamath Fall«, Oregon, J V. Houston, of Klamath Fall», Oregon; S I' summer-, «»vc *le»«,rto<,‘l land» are requc-t««l to tile their claims in thl» office on or before »aid sth «lay oi Septem her, I ä »2. Respectfully. YEO, MILLER & CO THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, K. Nf. BRATTAtN, RegtMvr KLAMATH REPUBLICAN. rtascBimos bates : O*e year (in advance)........................ T hursday , july sì . 12 oo 1902. The populists refuse to fuse with the democrats in Kansas and are pre­ paring to call a mass convention and nominate a state ticket independent of their former ally. Thus it Is gratifying to note that demo-pop union, regardless of principle and solely for offfce, will fail this year even in Kansas, the nucleus-of popu­ lism, calamity and long whiskers. AN ALL ELECTRIC ROAD. ' In remembering with pride the many other resources and natural ad­ vantages of Klamath county, w? should not overlook the incalculable value of the energy possible from the various falls and rapids in Klamath ! . , river. Not only may these be Uli* lized for tilling reservoirs for irrigat-1 ing purposes, but there is such power going to waste enough in this town and near Keno, a few miles be- «fates of California, Oregon, Nevada and XVashington Territory,” aa extended to all the Public Land State« by act of August 4, 1892, Alhert Davis, of I»ewia- ton, county of Nez Perce«, state of Idaho, has this day tile«i in this office his «worn statement. No. 1< m «0. for the pun-ha««* of the Wl2 SEl4, E1., SXVC, of Section No. 31, in Townflhip No. 39 S.. Range No. b E. W. M., an«l will off6r proof to show that the land sought is more valu- able for it* timber or »tone than for ax rienltural purposes, and to establish his claim to raiii land before C. II. With- row, U. B. Commissioner, at Klamath Falls, Oregon, on Monday, the 13th day of October, 1902. Re names as wit- nesses : James J . Whitco.nb, of Ashland, Oregon; William Young, of A«hlan•> ‘ i ¡J Nollve For Publl-atioa. |k>pailiu«>nt of the Interi••». | ......................... ALEX MARTIN E E. IÌEWES. President. » my MARTIN JR Vice President, '-«'.¡er Notier i« ln '<'|v »i«»n «l’"‘ "f lowing nam’ d »etti«’, h-.» t..... I-, ” • ' h.» mt....... ou t” mak< ’H"*1 P»”*’ .' ""¿'J. porto! lus vis un. «ml »»'•• V"*" kill l.e msde l'Vb'ie J. O H«in»k..G U. .». Commi»»« r. «t Bonansa. O“*i.»"- on Augm-t 2. VI« : Ben Ablsdoo», Il F. No. ’.M >7, loi th.' SAA N AA ,. V -W , ».-.• Ift and '> • See 32 I p 39 ”.. R- U> 1 •• " 1 numv» Hiv folio» ing «U-........ hi* continuons rv*i>l*nev "l’*'11, IÍV .ltiol< <>f said land, VI«: sia» > .ham. ol Loulla. OW- H *nk I swo gh-.ol l.on ll”. «’ll». Orrgol'- I > » t M ...... I W I . I • L* 1 H ! I ' I UsirKt> S tats » I. «- ii O, , i < a. Uikevicw.Oltgon. 'Ln 19, 11102. Notice i» hetebv given tbst in <'“in- itluiiio' with tlie provi-mita ot Ute m l of Uongrcenol June 3. I”.”, entitled ' An act |O| the S.ileof limber land» n> the states ol California. Oregon. Nevada, and Washington I'erriton ' a-extend ed to nil the Public laind Stale» bv ,„ i of Aiigu«t 4, 1-92. William AA . l.rlr. ,1 txhlantl. Cotinlv «•( Jackson, Stale <>t Oregon, ha» thi*'I'»»- lll,,4 ol Section No. 31. ill l’i»w llf»ilip N’L 19 1s , |{MII£t' Nt», i E. AA’ Al mid will offer |>t««of t«>«l''«w that lhelaltd sought 1» more valuable lor its tillil-'T or stout' ill.ill for sgt pur|»««es. anti to establish lit« cimili to stiiti land liefore the county clerk of Klamath eountv. Oreg«»»», ill Klamath i Fall». Oregon, on Sal unlay, I ho 9th «in v Ih» tinnir* a» wit- of August. 1992. Itesse»: tieorge XX . < >wvii. «»I X*hlaml, Oregon ; l-avi.l Allen, of Ashlan«!. Ore gon; Eugene ”|»'i>cer, ol Keno. Otegou; James AA’. It.idev, Shake. Oreg..... Anv and all |»'r»o|ts claiming adversely the als'Ve descrilted lands are requested to tile their claims tn tin* ................ or before auid 9th dav .«I Augii-I. 11*12 Fl. M. Ba«rr.«i-. Register. Timber Land, Act June 3. 1878 Notice for Publication. I’MTl D STATES L.XND OEFK’l’ l L akkvikw , (> nkg «> x , Mav 10, Notice i« hrrrbv given that, in c<»ni pliance with the provision»» <4 th«* a«*t <»( ( ongrvM»<>( June 3, ls«\ entitl«*! ‘ Xn act B>r the «ale oi limiter I aih I»» hi do* Utah*« of California, Ori’^on, Nrva1 1 j ^XX’’^, S t 2V. \ I *4 \W»4. a NXX NMi, «»t >«•» ti.»n S-». 32 in Township No. 3s flange No 13 I’. XX’. M , ami uill«»ffer proof to >«h«»w that the jiih I »ought i« more valuable (or it« timber <*r »tone than for agricul* tural pur|toM*i«, nn»l to establish In«« claim to rai«l Inml I ef<»rv J. Ilaiiia- krr. U. •». Commissioner, «I Bonanza, < >regf >n, on r-atunlay, the 2nd dav »I August, 11*12. He names ar w : Silaa Olienchain, <»l L»reila, < >r«»g«»n ; Frank D. Swingle, of 1 orvlla, ( Arrotili ; Charl»*M J. Swingle, of Luella, ( fregoli ; XX'altar K. Campl»ell, of Lirella < >rttg*m. Any ami all ¡N*n«om< claiming adVerne * ly the above r before *ai I.AND uri.ov, July 17. lt”>2 I Notice i« Itt relo given that in rent pliance with the (.revisions of the act ol Congress of June 3, l”7”. entithsl "Ah act for tlie sale of titular lands in lite state» of California, Oregon, Nevada, ami AVashinglon Territory,” ns extend' <*d to al! tin* Public Land States l,v act of August I. I» >2. Harry B. Ilargtis. ol Klamath Fail« county of Klamath, ataleof Oregon, ha» July 7, |ta)2, |||rd lit this office lit» »Worn slalemeitl No. 947 lor the |>ur<-ha»e of the SAA’1, of lion No. 14, tn Township No, 40 Range No. 7, E. AA . AL, and will offer proof to show that tlie land »ought is more valuable lor its timlwr or stone than for agricultural |>urp>»es. and to establish lit» clstm to said land la-fore J»-. II. Driscoll, Counlv Clerk, at Klam­ ath Falls Oregon, on Mon-lay, the 2uth ol Septemla-r, 1902. lie name* as witness«'*: Hiram H. AVeseott,olKlam­ ath Falls, Oregon ; Amy G. AA'.-M-oit, ol Klamath Falls, Oregon; J. AV. llama- ker. of Klamath Falls, Oregon; John < onnollv, of Keno, Gtegon. Anv ami all (M-rson* claiming adversely the al»>ve-*le«cril»',| lunds are retpiested to tile their claim* in this otlice on or In- fore said 29th -lav of -eplemls-r, lt*>2. F-. M. BRA 1 LAIN, Register. Vlf in Collections Attended CorresDondencB to Promptly. Invited. KLAMATH FALLS PLANING MILLS? J. F. GOELLER, Proprietor. Plansand Specifications Furnished on All Kind Buildings and Contracting and Building * on tlie Installment Plan. Among the infinite variety of material an.l work furnished bv tl.i. t.t Slote fronts. AAts.l Curving. sla|r ||aiU, Balusters .ml P( l’,lll‘r«l Scroll ami Turned Work. Sash. iMora ami Blinds, Corner ami Base hl,\ ami l urtied Balusters. D..,i .,„1 Window Frames, Ptilpita and Pew Fit I st **”'* Builders' .lardwaro, Paints and Oil, Moulding amlGlass, Elman,,,,’, .*'i i Embossed, Ground and Cui Gla»s. Wall l’a|ter, Furnitiirr, , t. , t, '***“•< Beal work »nd mwtrrml. .nd in the l»t<.»l »nd iikm H »ppr,>u,|’lltt|wl EXCI I ANGE stables w. W. HAZEN, Proprietor, EAST END, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. ivPFV I Joi st's boarilctl by flay, week or mouth ▼ VI Jf e ||,tv a|)(| (¡raj(1 |,n,|g|lt a|H| M)|(| ’ russ««ng<‘rs con\««y<>d to all pint” of Southern ()r(,m anti Northern «‘ulifornia at the very lowust rutu«. I Telephone Connection Between Stable and Hotel Linkvillc. of KlamaHioii, Ualif. Any ami nil per- sons claimiiig a«lvvnM«ly th«« nUrve- «h'wcril*i*«l lami* ar»« reqtievtrd to tile I heir claims in Illis office on or I., f«»re sani 20th «lav of 8«»ple!iil«er, ivttf. _ E. XL fill A FI XlN. I(«,gisirr. Timber Land. Act Itine |S;N-- Notice for Publication. UMTF.I» >ri »Dal INI- f»F riliaiirr ll»r iti|*r«»a» of i»7«, «•» riiitivd ••Ai» art f< i»r It»«” »air of a, ina in sr ian«t- ; ih» «latra of i • IHorul*. <>rr ad», airi Mathitigti >n Ti-rriitT) .*• •< (»h*tlii|a|i ....... Hi»l» of Matti* Ihgtun. ba» ihi» «tat file«) in uh » oft»«» her • »•■rii «tau-inrut. *.«» \ í »..» for u>> titit« b••«* <«( Ih«* I "«• «nd < Hrr |1 lot» I and >. of H. -« So II in Town*lil|« So Xi M. Kang«! So 7‘w. » * M .•ltd a Hl <»n«’r . r »•>! m *li«>w tliat tur lami Mil* »hl I« tuofr «ahiablr fur li« nlutn-r or aitino thaii f«< agrietihural pur- IMO«-«, and to rafab.lall hr» «'ialiti IO Mod lalol t>vlurr Jaa If DriM-rtll i'ounty Clerk, at Klatnalh F»U», orogon un M»iur«l»y. iba JKr«l I ». Oregon, il. “ «b»1 iratri«-« •• w ltnr»»ra: «la» «»I Augu»l, Hamuvl Mali». «•t F«»rt Klaii.atb, Orvgun < bar ir« Martin, ul E«*n hlatiia’li, Oregon: J I. < ¡ara • »I Fori k'aiuatli. (H-’gou, M Ko< knn. J Furl Kl»t>i«lh. urrKou An» »n«i • Il prr«Mi( adtrrarly th* «I mio ffir« « mi ur I*f«»r»’ »aid 23r«t •lay of Augnai I MU 1 • D. REAMES, M.D. Physician and Surgeon, AB Cella Answered Promptly Day or Night. Ri-sidi-ncv, on.- ).)<»-k north of Klamath HoU«c <>th th»* n>ntl«»r (4 thr « «late ol J«»hn Ln>«|« v, «ll’i VMMrr»?««n. tor Klntnuth County. l««-r Ihial account io» »•iri titrix «»f- «ui »•’•tat«-. nn*l that hv or«t««r of mhi >I County ( >«nl. duly mad»« i«n«l rnh’»«-l. Monday, th»» llth «lay of Aug»i«f. IWfJ. in th«’ for»«n«»»»ti of aaiurt in fhi* county court hollar, in Kluinalb iiill*. Klamath County. <>i«g«»n. bn* ta«rn fixed tit«* lime an«l |»I hc <’ for benring any ohj«*« tiona there innv la« to paid final account and the Una! «M itl«’ii.»-nl thereof. Thia notice | h |»uhli?nt«««l ut Klatnath Falla, Klamath County, Oregon, thia UHh day «»I July, IDD2. I.l’cv L mwiiky . Executrix of the catate «»I John IxMadey, dac**aar’• UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, I and we have not consulted the ex- M. Ilanimond. Financial ber.; Al* L akevibw , O keoon , July 23, 1902. \ isting railroads for permission to ex- Notice is hereby given that in com CaMi’l, Treasurer. ploit it. We feel that nature has pEance u rrliance with witli toe the provision* provisions of the ac act of put in the foundation broad and j Congress _ of ”. entitled ------_________ „7 June J...... 3,187 5, ......K.l ' “An I timlwr lands in tlie deep for such an enterprise and t that __ , a‘1 *or t* , >e ,, Fa*e California. Oregon, Nevada, . .... states of California, the company which occupies this alKj - — Washington Territory, ” ” as ex- - ■................- ARENT field, will not only prove itself a lien-, tended to all the Public I,aiian W. Ryan, ot efactor to a most deserving class of act Fort Klamath, county of Klamath, state limber Land, Act June 3. 1878— round in his pugilistic encounter pioneers and natives, but will earn of Oregon, han this day filed in this with Robert Fitzsimmons at San Notary I’ubHc and Convey««« Notice for Publication. large dividends as well, and become a office his sworn statement No. 1039, for KLAMATH FALLS. 0«E- Francisco last Friday. It is reported the purchase ot the SW1^. of Hection powerful factor in the development No. 2”, in 1 ou nsinp No. 32 s.. Range UNITED HTATES LA ND OFFICE,I to have been a hot contest, to the L akkvikw , Ornaos. July 17, 11102.) of one of the best portions of Ore­ No. E. W. M., and will offer proof delight, of the 8,000 spectators. The to show that Hie land nought is more Notice I or Publication. Notice is hereby given that, in com­ gon. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878 San Francisco Examiner, 1 however, valuable for it* timber or stone than pliance with the provision* <nn h II th« Public l.Hud States ... fights if they are to be “fakes.” That its generation by the gravity “ witnesses: T. J. Vaughn, <_ ___ _______ ■’! purl of I,I* claim, and ll,at -aid gust *• I, l lh ” ” 92, Amy < G. AA'escott, ol Klam- 2- Amy i. W. »coll. <>I KI h '"- system oi natural water power H the , RUmlth OreLn-Wd'am T Ftiiv. oj "!£ »?? When a town has the good fortune Klamath . Oregon ; William T. Stdve, of June 3, in,s. entitled 'An act 9>r the >*|e ,,t will he Oiatie Is-fore James H Dril-oll n.o T r «••*. HUH, . . ......... oun.y of '»I Klamath, Mate ■ ••••■ .d -I .. _ ... . o _ ’ _ ’ t 1 tril.«ve landalti tliu ■*■(<.■ z.f 4'u ! i f. 1 (ffl-. County Clerk, at Klamath I alls <)"- ' Oregon, .............. ............ ............................................. Worh’.w, ha* July 7. I'.">2, lih-'l in thi* of­ to secure such a creditable exhibition process of “minimum cost,” is j Fort Klamath, Or’egon ; Henry r « L- ------ non, .'■e>i«, equally axiomatic. .... »»■ /»-.»■.. ; i I-rank *•.**. l - •: <>. i»..« • to all the public .... i , . hii < i . .-t»i<. . i,y , t gon, on August 9, 1992, viz: Digests what yo«*^ Hence It it follows '•» Fort Klamath,Oregon But- ........ extended fice her sworn statement. No.949, (or I Im as a prize fight, it should of course be ♦ 1 of Fort Klamath, Kmmnil,, (Jn-goii. OrvK<,,i. AnVand Any’and *u*'>-' 4, • 1K92. william 1 I Nhlvr, -hive, of ,,r Fort r,„t izi. si « * i ii »1 i let*, oi Auftn-t |>nr<'h«se of tlo- NIVI4 of .»e.'tiou No. 14, Till” J,r,'l’“ra'!"ni1^Ht»U»*l ,, .. »‘:,‘r,v »“ Arant. that Klamath county holds the key ■ gj] j ... -. < wi«inM«h «-¿»imtu iriMtna«h hit««.. Den>on*claiminir>ulver»dv theahnvoJ Klsin * ,b ’ 1 " “ "O' of Klamath, State of ore genuine. Shamming and a conse­ Range No. 7. r-onsr i,tuning auvt re< iv.tneatHrw- K„„, hM, thi.»lat Rp d In thl. oil....... .worn II. I-,. No. 2910, forth« At SI'i , Rec. m Township No 40 No. tKW, for th«* purchase of th«- 31,Tp. 3”,F. R. JO, |; BmlN>„ MJ, E. AA’. M., and will offer pr<»d to show quent lack of brutality and blood de­ to a project, which, if properly han-1 «*nt, u 1 »• l-'Ot 4, M«-«-. 7. and Lot I, of >• ction No. died would redeem this section and ' I ’irns in this officC- on or before ’ i. ‘j in “ Town-hip H’ ,C 10 E ,|H "amis tilgt Ilo* land sought is more valuable No. 33 H., Range No. 7, K. W. tract from the inspiration and good ... , said “th tlay of October 1902. .;" and will offer proof to show that tie- land tlm following HitmsM-* Io prove hi» for il* timlsT or stone than lor sgrictil «rive the wor <1 :« nrotilril.Io and nnrl sig tie. ­ r- - .. .... .. ... .. . give the world a profitable E.M. BRATTAIN, Register. feeling of the occasion. The princi­ sought I m more valuable for its timber or turai purpose*, and to establish her i storm than for agricultural purpose«, nnlm Connolly, of Keno, Ore­ U xitrd S tates L axd O ffice ,) Fort Klamath, Or».-gon; JanmN M. Emery, of l ailh.of Klamatli Falls, On-gon. Fort Klamath, Oregon; A. H. Mldle, of Fort gon; Hiram II. Wescott, of Klninalh L akeview , O regon , July 24, 19O2.f E. M. BRATTAIN, Register. Immigration agent« of the Harri­ traffic. Klamath, Oregon. Any and all perMom« Falls, Oregon; Harry B. Hargus, of Notice is hereby given that in com ­ claiming adversely th«- above f th* Washington Territory,” as ex- j UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE ) fore said 29th day of September, 190’J. Lsnil Offico at L,kevj"*y(£ influx of homeseekers from the East. Red Bluffs, abounds in rapids and tended lo all the Public Land State» I.AKKVIKW, O rkoo N, July » i'SCj’ ( Department of the Interior, E. M. BRATTAIN. Register. It is proposed to gather reliable falls. These would furnish energy i>y act of August I, I”92, Thomas J. Notice is hereby JuJ1 notiad Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon, .liu.’1"’' k'»-" that, 'in com­ A’aughn, of Fort Klamath, County of pilarne with the provi-ions of the act <4 July 9, 1902. statistics and general information enough from the California line to Klarnath, Mate of Oregon, lias this day TREAHURER’K NOTICE. -;ng,eHHof.|„I1(.;i ,H7M ,,A|i |owing-n*m’’,l wttl’-r 11 proof‘"*¡1 1 Notice i* hereby given that the fol­ and publish them in pamphlets, to be Sacramento, or tide water. The filed in this office hi* sworn statement, lowing-named his intention loumk« '"» I .|pnjl Bottler ban filed notice of Notici) ih hereby giv. n flint there are port of bi" «’Iniin. *" 1 !"‘ h . pne* No. 1042, for the purchase of tlie W 1 .^ <>l circulated among Eastern people who Klamath river within a distance <.f NAA'1^, of Section No. 29, in Township her intention to make final proof in sup­ stat, . ,,f ahforniH, Oregon, Nevada and fumi* In ilio <'oimtv Tr<-a»ury for thè kill Is-mmle More Jas. • u(v y«;1“//'“-. Territory,” a- extended contemplate changing locations. The fifteen miles furnishes energy equiva­ No. 32 ”., Range No, 7,'i E. AA'. .Al., port of her claim, and that *aid proof D>at. i rt-di-in plinti of of thè follo« mg voiinty war­ County Clerk, at KUmam; th»« I’nLlif. i i u r«* ‘ 'i'" H *w* , ’ y “ rt r,l 'ds protested < rant* protcsted on and priol lo Nov. 22, and will offer proof to show that tlie printed matter will be fresh and of lent to 300,000 horse-power, which gon, on Ailguat 1 ” , .1 IN95. Interest L on sani« will cea*e land sought is more valuable for it* tim­ eountv e erk. at Klaniatli Fall*, Oregon, o Fort Klama h ’c “T" W; John GUP-' p jlNI varied interest and the supply will would take up the system at the ber or stone than for agricultural pur- on August 1”, 1!*)2, vi».: Stat« of <|X ’ /’"'“T Kl>*'"'",b . Irom this date: ” <105, ” lffl, ” 45» ‘ , ............ ............ No*. Christina Sliur, ;«I,'«.R *1I in this ollie,.*1?.’ l "" •lay ,la-v filed ”“ «7, ” 293, ”229. mma, »147, «293, ”452, »107, ”<‘77, wlW’< of I’oksgnma. be abundant. Resides, agents will California fine and supply it more . poses, and to establish his claim to said one of the heirs and for all the lieirs of 1 land before C. If. Withrow, U. S. Com ­ ”1)27,8291, *4k, deceased, H. E. No. W. M. He n»mri.,hL|linuou«i ,”!!, ”471, ”40”. ”l)”3, ”<><13, »10”, deuce upon «nd and HE1^ FW'4, Sec. 32, Tp. 40, >. I a h. \\ M., nml Wl|| ,)ff »ioli, ” 3111, H3IO, He names as witnesses: Dan AA'. Rvan, ”3””, ”4””, ”7”l, and induce immigration. Much to tance between »airces of energy toMlmw that the laml sought-m«vid J,‘l,,k%"»ker °f f’‘jl of Fort Klamath, Oregon; William T. H., R. ”, E. W. Ni. blie names Hie fol­ ahc for its umber or »torn, tl.J, for agri »145, ”71”, Mill, htt'4, ”2”5 ”3110, ””23, the credit of Ashiand, the board of would be that occupied by the Klam­ I I Fhive, of Fort Klamath, Oregon; Ixiuis lowing witnesses to prove her continu­ cultural purjMtse», and to establish Ins »1)2, ”371, ”417, »13”, ””22. «‘Il, ”3117, trade there has made provision to ath marsh, which is a mere bagatelle ffessig, oi Fort Klamath, Oregon; ous resilience uj>on and cultivation of claim to said ‘ami lM.|ore J,tM, || |,,jN »HA, »H4, »»3, H.329, ”479, ”420, ”0*7, gam«, Oregon; D»»'«! ■ said land, viz: Brice McCormick, of furnish 100,000 copies of a circular cam pared to distances electricity is James M. Emery, of Fort Klamath, Keno, Oregon; H. B. Chapin, of Keno, coll, eotmiv clerk, at Klamath Falls ””37, M4«kA, ”505, ”.502, ”039, ”311, ”302, gains, Or,‘rj(' uba TTAIN- H«1’1 -I ” 214, ” <>40, ” 577, Oregon. Any and all penions claiming ( Oregon, on Saturday, the 2lith dav of ”.’”»3, ”321, ”;|T,3, ”327, setting forth the resources of that now covering, by transmission, in I i ' adversely tile alwve-descrila-d lands are Oregon; Josiah ftoten.of Keno, Oregon; Frpteinber, 1902. ”532, ”073, ”103, ”337, ”473, ”<‘74, ”050, ||0 Robert A. Eminitt, of Keno, Oregon, town and Southern Oregon. In this California and British Columbia. I reqneeted to file their claim* in this ”402. . . liessesi Chris Weiss of I', ,t Lt l ’ All kinds of dry g'"”1» ,'h OIJ E. M. B kattain , Register. Dated at Klamath Fails, Oregon, this on or before said 11th dav of Octo- "•h, Oregon ; William O, Hill, of Fori connection It is well to add that Once on the Descimtes, this turbu­ office Itatr likH * ——- celslor. A load M'»' I 22ml day of May, 1902. Klaniatli. Oregon« LinNcv <’ n. I Candidate W. J. Bryan has con­ cluded his New England speech-mak­ ing tour. It is not reported that he has removed any of the differences existing among democratic chiefs. If each contending leader stubbornly sticks to what he thinks is the prop­ er thing for democracy, as now seems probable, its fabric of principles will be so shreded by the time the No­ vember election rolls around that the party’s attending train of satellites won’t know what they are voting for. i C. H. WITHROW, STATE LAND BOARD. KocM Dyspepsia Curo «“"’‘-tStasy-!!- j