Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, July 24, 1902, Image 4

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Is a constitutional dleease.
It originates In a scrofulous condition ot
the blootl and depends on that condition.
It often canaes headache and ditslness,
ln>|>a,rs the lasie. smell and hearing, ah
ha ts the vocal organa, disturbs Hie stoma, tx
It is always radically and psrmansntly
cured by the blood-purifying, alterative
and tonic action of
Produce Chronic Catarrh
St»«!« MlMperth.~le*
Bonis—Ho» ’I” T’“1 ,lk* th**
poem of mine?
. .
N agit ne—FI ret rate. It’s s.» restful,
so soothing, don't you know.
Horus—Restful! Great Hoolt, man!
It's an spiel
Naggua—flood Heavens! I thought
it was a lullaby.
Long Hair
F<»i<»tv>l, Probably«
Did you read the manuscript
Hood's Sarsaparilla
This great medicine has .wrought the most
wonderful cures of all diseases depending
on scrofula or th, scrofulous habit.
head ached, my eye*
constantly running,
A Great Arouser.
"Then' goes a man who believe« in
arousing the people."
“Labor agitator, eh?”
“No manufacturer of alarm clocks.”
Money All Gone.
Did you ever experience
might term a feeling ot gone-
Mltoholl Wagon.
Her Potitlon.
lira. Tarke— What kind of servants
A Fortunate Boy.
do you prefer—white or black, Irish or
First Messenger Boy—Hull,v Gee!
Mrs. 1ne—I’ve gotten beyond that. Look at T'ree-twenty-one ruuuin* ter
I’m looking for servants that prefer me. beat de autos? Wet's up?
Second Messenger Boy—Why, de
lucky guy has got a message fer de
Captain uv de Giants, an' lie'll git dere
Sidney—I know; but I’m so delicately
before de second innin', sure!—Puck.
constituted that It exhausts my vitali­
ty to see other people work."
Somewhut Different.
A Hard One.
“Whither away?" calk'd the inquisi­
The eminent Boston professor who tive man after an acquaintance who
declares that there can be no more lan­ was hurrying down the street
guages invent*.1 ha.- probably not heard
“To tlie coronation." answered the
of the Georgetown man with a hare lip hurried one as he checked bis speed
who is teaching a parrot to talk.— for a minute.
Washington Post.
“What?" axelaimed the human inter­
rogation point. "Not to England?”
Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow’s Sooth­
“Oh. no," replied the other, as he
llow She Got 1
ing Syrup the beet remedy to use tor their
started to get up steam again; “only
children during the teething period.
to the dental emporium to have a tooth
An L'nfavorib'e Symptom.
“You have what I call a quinine
cough,’’ said the doctor, proceeding to
mix a dose of medicine for his caller.
“And a quinir.e cough, I suppose,”
wheezed the patient, “is a sort of a
Peruvian bark.”—Youth’s Companion.
An Estimate ot Art
“Have you ever written anything
that you were ashamed of.’’ inquired
the severe relative.
“No,” answered the author. “But
I hope to some day.
I need the
money.”—-.Washington Star.
Colonel Maltby tells of a neighbor of
bis at St. David’s who went home at a
rather unusual hour of the day anil
said to the family servant:
“Can you tell me of my wife's where
a bouts?”
Bridget hesitated for a moment, and
then replied:
"Faith, to tell ye the truth. I really
believe they are In the wash.”—Phila­
delphia Times.
A Social Martyr.
“I have been a philanthropist in my
way,” remarked Cayenne. "I have
made enemies of my own, but I have
restored the breaches between other
“By making disagreealde remarks.
People who had been enemies for years
have hurried to make up their quarrels
Good Gue>>.
In order to tell one another wbat 1
“He is a terrible woman hater.”
have said about them."—Washington
“Yes; 1 suspect that at some time ha Star.
must have been a floor walker in a de­
partment store.”—Puck.
“Some men,” said Uncle Eben, “is
honest because dey la too good not to
The Cabbage Cure.
An' some is honest 'cause dey ain't
Cabbage is an old cure for drunken­
ness. The Egyptians ate it boiled be­ got nerve enough to take any cbaacea.”
fore their other food if they intended to —Washington Star.
drink wine after dinner, and some of
the remedies sold as a preventative of
81 Ch In whiskers—Abe Pumpkindus­
intoxication on the continent are said ter changed bis mind, an’ now be be­
to contain cabbage seed.
lieves in trusts.
Uncle Geehaw—Thet so?
Si Ch in whiskers— Yes. H, 'lows,
since be bought them 5-cent shares of
Goshall Hemlock oil stock, that's
S. S. S. is a combination of root® formed a trust of all the oil tields In
and herbs of great curative powers, Texas an' Is goln' tew pay him fM) per
and when taken into the circulation cent a year, lie has famll'arized him
searches out and removes all manner self with 'em, an' he don't see lie barm
of poisons from the blood, without In trusts.—Puck.
the beast shock or harm to the system.
His Hartl Experience.
On the contrary, the general health
First Tramp-Bill says he's havin' a
begins to improve from the first dose,
for S. 8. S. is not only a blood purifier, putty tough time these days.
but an excellent tonic, and strength­ Second Tramp—Is he?
First Tramp—Yes! Says he refused
ens and builds up the constitution
while purging the blood of impuri­ eleven Jobs ylstiddy mornin' before he
ties. S. S. S. cures all diseases of a got bls breakfast—Puck.
blood poison origin, Cancer, Scrofula,
Bound to Please.
Rheumatism, Chronic Sores and Critic—But this portrait of old Bi#
Ulcers, Eczema, Psoriasis, Salt gott Is entirely too large. It ia muck
Rheum, Herpes and similar troubles, more than life size.
and is an infallible cure and the only | Artist—Oh, that's all right It will
antidote for that most horrible disease, please him all the more, because It rep
Contagious Blood Poison.
A record of nearly fiPy years of resenta him as big as lie thinks he in.
successful cures is a record to be proud
A Merciful Mon.
of. S. S. S. is more popular today “He’s a kind-hearted automobliist
thai. ever. It numbers its friends by isn’t be?”
the thousands. Our medical corres­ | “Exceptionally so. I never knew Idm
pondence is larger than ever in the to run over even a child, unless be was
history of the medicine. Many
T' _ write m a burry.”
to thank us for the great good S. S. S.
Their Flrat Winter.
has done them, while others are seek­
Ili» Wife—Shouldn’t we put some
ing advice‘about their cases. All
letters receive prompt and careful thing In the advertisement about our
attention. Our physicians have made reason for Helling?
a life-long studyof Blood and Skin Dis-| The Suburbanite-Why-er to lie
eases, and better understand such cases truthful, we might aay that we wish
than the ordinary practitioner who to sell ou account of the weather.—
makes a specialty of no one disease. I’uck.
We are doing great
When the Ghost Walks.
good to suffering “What Is the difference," asked the
humanity throurh boy, “between a 'fixed star’ and an or­
KJM our consulting de- dinary star?”
Wl^ partment, and invite i “I suppose,” replied Mr. Furstnlter,
you to write us ifyou have any blood his father, "a fixed shir is one who
or skin trouble. We make no charge gets his salary regularly.”—Phiiadel-
whatever for this service.
‘ pbia Press.
The cine XViar Mun.
Blink»—There goes Professor
great phrenologist, pay-
physician. He Is the
man In the world.
Blinks -Of all things! In what
The Kind Yon Have Always Bought has borne the sigmv-
ture of Cha*. II. Fletcher, anil has been made under Ills
{lersonal supervision for oier .30 rear*. Allow no him
o deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitât Ion* and
•• «Tust-as-good ” arc hnt Experiments. and endanger tho
health of Children—Experience against Experiment»
Summer Rexolutlont
Keeley Cure
lur« rr'lrt fr«»ra it i'i•»» • •< him an I ' ’beem
liablis sri 4 for
Moesol lo 4Í0 Williams
Keeley Institute 4««*.. |*i/.11«ml, dreg»«
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, l’arc»
goric. Drops mid Moothing Myrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its nge is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
mid allay« Feverishness, ft cures Diarrlora and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
ami Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowel«» giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children’s Panacea - The Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
^9 Bears tho Signature of
00 Reward
To protect your health and our reputation, we will gladly pay this big reward to any one who will furnish us Infor­
mation on which we can secure conviction of a dealer who tries to sell worthless fake Imitations,when CASCARE iS
D® CA AC Retire ? ou' off e r ed sorn«thi ng " j u st as good". It's because there Is a little more money In the fake.
Buy CASCARETS from the honest dealer. They are always put up In blue metal boxes with long tailed trade-
marked C on the cover—every tablet stamped C. C. C , and they are never sold in bulk. Remember this and when­
ever lakes are offered when CAoCARETS are called for, get all the details and write us on the subject at once.