Difficult Digestion ¡TEACHING A SCHOOL. That Is dyspepsia. II makes Ilfs miserable. III sufferer* eat no« because they «aanl ed EntireClaea portent a Requisite Másele as Ina- Is Scholarship, Who bath bleeding at tbe uose? He who teeebetb a country eebool. Where- Hood’s Sarsaparilla I fare 1 say uutu you. go not gaily forth hooDsTlLLi aretbe baM ~ea«har»Sa. to teach them that dwell lu the laud rouud about leal ye have wouuda aud sore*, for verily It bootelb mure to Erudition. eotnpa** ye buxe than to read the star*. “Remember," said the Boston boy's —O. K., U1S Maxima ancle, "that children should be seen It is truth the poet slugs that he wlw and not heard.” essay* to haudle the uuruly lu a coun­ “My dear sir," was the courteous try school has edueatioual work cut rejoinder, "that is one of the theoriee whose fallacy has long since been ad­ out for him uot laid dowu iu auy repu­ mitted by civilized nations. The em­ table text l>ook. No persou ou earth Is subjected to peror of China is about the only person I as many petty ;>vrs\ are learued. Nobody is kept In at reces« or “I am glad to bear that.” “Yes, sah, all we require is a retain­ noon rest, for as yet uo open defiance ing fee, same as lawyers, sah.”—New has marked tbe demeanor of the pu­ pils. They go slowly, for the temper York Weekly. of the master is not a revealed thlug Hamlin's Wizard Oil is a gootl medi­ yet. Just before school "lets out” the cine; pain and t-ufferinij cannot abide I teacher rises, taps bis bell an I. having with IE; your druggist will tell you so. secured attentlou. delivers a curt lec­ ture concerning what has been doue - Noah'» Trouble». or. rather, not been done- and his anx­ “Confound that dinosaurua!" eg- ious desire to see Immediate Improve­ claimed Noah, as the ark gave such a ment. Then the bell taps In dismissal lurch to starboard that the waves and the boys rush tumultuously out. dashed against the roof. “I wish it firing back bucolic shouts of scorn and would learn to stay on its own side of defiance as they scuttle away. the boat!” Then the teacher. If he Is war.v. Then Noah seized a handspike and knows he Is In tbe position of the tnan started below deck to shift the cargo.— who has bet ills sole remaining dollar Ohio State Journal. on a losing horse he is up against it Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sooth­ good and plenty. He arrives at the ing Syrup the best remedy to use tor their scene of bls labors on Tuesday with sembled this morning; why Is It In this condition now?” "Reckon they built them Mate w'Ue we wua at recess.” “What were you doing on the roof a while ago?” “Wnan't up on no roof ’tall." "Open those window«. Nobody la to leave the room uutll bld," says the an­ gry teacher, selalug the ruler In a 11 rm grasp. "You stuffed something lu that chimney. Simpson, and you're going up there and take It out right now.” “Think so?" Is the luipudeut retort. “You will either do It or I will have to puulsb you severely.” “Reckon you better lick me—If ye kin." says Jack as he defiantly faces the pedagogue. This places tbe school and teacher ou a war footing. Tbe ultimatum having lieen delivered the teacher either goes In aud fights a wlnulug tight or loses all control of the school, It admits of no alternative, For tbe honor of the profession, lie It known, lu most cases war medicine of a tierce and eager va rlety Is speedily mixed. In the early clash boue and sinew ou \he side of the big boy tells and the scholars dance about, hoping for victory, lu the end lu moat cases skill, endurance aud high­ er nervous energy turu the scales and lu almost record time Sluipsou la a licked commodity, lie may not actual­ ly ascend to the roof to correct bl« er­ ror of judgment, but the thlug Is doue and the “smoke out" Is a dismal fail­ ure. In Kansas after the dose of the war a set of boys from New York arrived In a little village to find hotuea. The village school was taught by a former trooper who still wore hts blue uulforut vest. Oue of the New Yorkers was the soul of mischief. He slguallzed the coming of winter when Ice was good and skating fine by putting some aw­ ful things ou the big cannon stove. Tbe smell seut the school to the tall grass outside. Wilson was chargisl with the trick, but denied It stoutly, Theu the school reassembled and Hie usually mild eyes of that teacher blax- <>d. Wilson was as big as lie and fuu was sure to come. The boys commenced to whistle In concert with the shrill piping of the wind. One small boy was detected In the act and received a hot ruler on his crupper wheu Wilson Interposed aul said be alone was to blame. The IH-dagogue then allowed lie would have to whip Wilson, so the action commeuc <-d without time wasted In prelimina­ ries. Wilson sent the teacher tn under a form In the first dash. The teacher rose and staggered to a clinch. Then he got busy over Wilson and pounded Am lent Cemeterv <•« lluiuble Tragedy of Iter Hisge of Lair • milk. When the lloers besieged Ladysml h they permitted a “camp of refuge'* au-l a field lioapltal to be established at lu- toiubl, a few tulles distant. Here tbe liuu coul ba til n Is were gathered. And io the Luaplt.il, writes George Lynch in the laiudon Hally Express, came every morning the train from Ladysmith, bearing Its liurdvu of sick and wound­ ed. To the dwellers at lntoiubl that train brought Hie history of the siege, tho dully bulletlu written lu blood and dis ease. Women who had husbands and brothers and suns In latilysmllh crowd ed around always to see what news it brought, and weut away with a sigh of respite and relief wlieu It carried noth lug fur them. And yet. after a fashion, these worn en at liitonibi were more fortunate than the men In Ladysmith, sluce they could learn from the new arrivals bow their loved oues fared. But men were not allowed to go Imckwnrtl and forward to Intouibl; those who weut had to re utalu, and somehow or other little or uo uews seemed to reach the garrlsou. In tbe dearth of news «me iusu In lAdyamlth had arranged that twice a week, when be could get off duty, bls w ife at Intouibl should go at 12 o'clock and stand lu front of a big marquee where he could see her through the ship's telescope at the 4.7 battery. She went there regularly with her child, and straining her eyes toward that sandbagged point above Convent'* Hill, sometimes fondly Imagined that site could see him. Ami as the months passed her child, like the others In the camp, grew more sickly, thin and pale, till It seemed ns If the Erl King splr’l of the ntlasiulc fog had wrapped U round and entered It, and made it H changeling of bls own. Hut delicate as the child W1«. the mother was the first to fall sick, and the news of Iter Illness reached her bua band by his seeing one tiny figure standing alone at the appointed place, waving n handkerchief. And there came a day when It. too. was no longer to he seen. He could not go to them, but had to stay and fight on with bitterness in hi* heart A Vanishing Bird. If the north German farmer look« with equanimity upon the gradual dl* appearance of the stork, the Northern tourist lu quest of the quaint and pic turesque will hear of the vanishing of the long legged, red t>eakeil bird with children during the teething period. Domestic Troubles. Mr. Nagget—Oh, what's the matter with yon? You’re forever finding fault. Mrs. Nagget (sweetly) Well, that equalizes things. You’re forever losing one. Mr. Nagget —Losing one? Mrs. Nagget—Yes, your temper. Surely that’s a fault. Th« Sure Way. "How dare you send a collector to my bouse?” “To tell the truth, sir, we were a lit­ tle doubtful about you.” “Then why not have me looked up? You would then have known that I never pay my bills.”—Life. Don't Get Pootsoret Ge* Foot-Kaee. It 1« a certain care for sweating, callous and hot. tired, aching feet. Makes new ar tight sheer, easy. Try it today. Sold by alt Druggists. Price 2Ac. Don't accept a substitute. Sample sent FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted, LeKoy Ji. Y. Only Time Could Tell. ■UVINQ MAN IN THE IRON MARK. THROUGH THE TELESCOPE. 1 •’*"• •" •’■rlo llle Hti|»|M»«r«l llrorlrol I’ler#« «INDIN« TWIN«. TM r«IUwta< Palo«» ShmiM u K , MM. line of the <»>«« b«uare of Paris, situ­ Beware of unwTuptilou« dealers wlm ated at 17 Rue Heautivlllla. la almut to misrepresent the quality <>( Ulla lm»«ltt. i.llaupiaai. and tbs !>!•*• “»•**»* ' know It uo more. Il h«« baiM» haudsd aut article. falling out badly, The la».l material for lllmllng Twine over to workmen, who will demollab Is pure Manila fibre. The purest ma ­ bottle of a ^^ s Hair Vtl It to make room fof » wurkelmp Kuo Heautrellliu Is su auelent and narrow larial for liilidiiig Twine is Hisul fibre Tita I m ’.I llinding Twins 1« |>arw M||' Miss Minnie Hoover P| atrvet which the omulbua.-a «io uot hila, selmte.1 fibre, (IM) lent to IM.nelrate. remnant of the limes wheu Perhaps your m0|t) th«« I’laeo «I«-« Vosges wss the t“*1* tbe uound. Tbe next grade la made l>artly of I’ure Manila fibre and run. Royal ami the home of beaux. "|te- hld ,hl" l”lr, but ,1,,,^ ooo t<> th«« |M>und. ruked." ami red headed, lu <»r' Twine made <>f Hlrel fibre cannot |m .Ion of the doomed liouae. famous In no reason why you apun longer than MX) feet p, |M(U|1J times past as the reahlvuce of distlu- K° ear Timm. on the tag, for no «lealer or maker will I stagnant water gives au additional as- , Somtthln' Wf«h!p l«*t of melancholy, la the reputed fail to put on the latiela any tact which Windig-1 make it , riU. grave of the Iron Mask. 1 he old at- j will recommend his gooda. wi ,,. l * * The "Red Clover Leaf" is the beat talk on any »ubje. t tvndant will tell you that the water nothing. ,h 1 does not run away becauae tlnwe la a grade of Twine made and is the favor­ Jal>l««r —K ' vault liencath covered over with n ite with the farmers all over the Pacific ■ queer. coast, and is of guaranteed length an.l thick beu of cemviit. In th«« middle of strength. the garden there la a subterranvan pas­ JeMwr—The fa« t that »ou ... The Manila grades are tho emootheat, sage which leads by gentle dveeeut ®* erenest aud tuoet satisfactory la every stantly talking. direct to the cave of burial. The qure- raepect. tlou which Is agitating tbo mind« of Stilt Hacia, i* (««»«»ay. The Meal gradea are rough, coarse tbe “Gid Paris" s's-lvty which walchre ami harsh; they wear out the knotters, Until very recently h.r.lly w. , , * over these matters 1« whether tbe twine gulden ami twine holders <>n the tivala took piare in the I|ie * oonre of this fascinating figure of a binders very fast and are so stiff ami cony Uitlo.iit -tilt r«.,, former «-entury ere really there, Ibis unyielding that tbe knots are more like­ usually <..n.i.t..| „( , „„„ M J w.ll bo OOttML |>erli«pa. wh«-n tbe ly to slip and lieaiine untied when the tooeter, <>r som. thing <«! th, Will tbs strange In- bundle art inth,.lrn£ touib la opened struineut that he wore for so mauy ■hocking and hauling. And It i Incurablt. years be found, rust eati-n. among the Home twine« are «>ld merely by the Judge—What U yllUr remains? Actually, there Is on tbe name of the manufacturer and the grave a coluimi wblcb brers an Inacrtp- aalcmau is careful not to mention the lililí. I hat « not . proteuioi,'if tlon. cut with a knife, "Here Ilea Mar- gra.ie or quality. In buying alwav. a disease”’—( In,a,.«, p,,!, ' chlall. th«« Man with the Iron Mask.” re<|uire s|>e< iflc information a« to the It would ap|Mw almost informed, cannot lie deceived. built over Here, however, If one may Manila fibre is sll brought from the again believe the tradition of the quar­ Philippine Islands. The Pacific ooaet ter. bav«1 lain the aslo-a of Itabelala, of Should «.|»>cially enrourage trad« with Manaanl. the architect wl»o built the tbeee islands, for they now belong to Bank of France, am! the hotel, now our country, ami in Asiatic tra«le lies the Muse«-. Camavalet, of Moll«»re and eur liest hope for the future, for the reason that when this trade la «level- bls apuu»’, Armamle Bvjart. OKkuoN rOKTUMk ojied the Pacific «xiaat will control it Anoltier tUualon tlinprtlrd. ami our csimmerca will Increase a Ruthless bacteriologists destroy cot thousand fold. Thirty Ihtrd tear C mudtowtaii inc* MiwIr.R » t'. pmani by one our fondest illusions. Now faith The only check that can l»< put upon and collega preparar ¡Mr« -o’lrwi Up* in tbe purity of glaciers must go the the rapacity of the producera of Sisal rial i'iiufMH in tu • i itala»! raial<»«tK*. All opular fallacies. fibre in Yucatan (which la the cauae of reopen Äpptcmbar Hitherto the nun In tbe street bad the present high price of twine) la thr Iti SANOK Tl HR rm«, Triad Imagined tl it were all tbe waters of largest possible use <>f Manila fibre. Redure the ilamaml for Hisal Twin« every city and plain |s,||uted be would p' still fiml Imtmi u!ate springs In the 2-X |«er cent and you will see twine Alps. But M. Rinat. w ho presides over prices «leclins at once. I’arrnt« <1r«lrln< h " « Infitirnnro. Going to possible market changes ws a chemical I aJ «oratory at the Paateur surrounding«. |w*r <*• t rllmat«, tgrr'ul 14* Institute, having no such faith, attain­ do not quote prices in this article, but vlilon. an-t lh*»rt»Hgh mrnUl n.nrtl m »4 plp» leal training Hr thrir |>>ya will find all oíd ed some ice front the glaciers of Mont we will at all limes sell at reasonable raqutromanfa fullv mot a. Il<>|ira -teltoo*.. Mta| pl Ices l«uaed on the cost <•( the goods, l ark, ten Ma>........ mty. < al Blanc Itself and pla«ed Jt under hie Hand for < atab . sb,nt pltHe*. mlerueiope Hts verdict shat­ and we will tell the trnth Twollh y«»ar taglnt Viritl ink. IKA <• lioll I. Ph. 0. MidM ters tbe dreams of mountaineers. It the twine ami will not reeort to any appears that even thr summit, which niiarr presentation. Our gradea and brands are: Pure so long remained untrodden by human feet, has lost Ils purity. If It ever bad Manila, "Real Clover loaf” hraml, H50 f«'«* to tbe pound. Mixeal Fibre any. for alt ’hat I« '•*’ In Coffiii, Ifiai HaLtntf I’"* •’ • anti» «I Gouda, «yru The Ice In question, and water melt­ “Manila, * ADO fa^t to poond. Colora-al Oyater«, Ft« I h< y are r»»nfra*e«lh Hisal, “ Standard, ” MO feet t«> pound ed therefrom, were found, on tiacterlo- flnrRt g< oh pactad at any prlca. A»fc Hisal, "Pure Hiaal," 000 fa-el to MnO grocer tor them loglcul analysis, to be “peopled with TIIK PORTLAND CORDAGE CO WADHAMS A kl 1/V MOS m P**«* colonies of mlcrolsw '* The statement Patronize home manufactures. All »»uftlaml. which follows Is particularly terrify­ our twine is ma«ls In Oregam None of ing. It appears that "tbe germa In tho money goes out of the state except question were found to ttrlong to tbe tho Imre cost of the raw material. most varied farnttl«—« of baclerla.” JOHN 1*001 I . PoRII.AMt, ORt. I out ot Morii.™« Slrwl. M. IlitiMt accounts for the pollution of Frev«» Mu Ntraitm. Can airs yuta th* «.-.« lai.s n» I* Itntie» the Mont Blanc glaciers, says the Lon- | •ml Knffinss. W In.lnillh. rmt>|«»nd “Did yon say,” asked the author's ral Ma-lilm-ty W ..«I -.win« Machin«» don Telegraph, by surmising that the friend, “that your hero, who is poor, is •;«tiiau lias 110 business to be carrying “No, he fell to it—tumbled through aching day. Some small boy falls to done. But this kind of thing must end lb« Jurors wanted to marry her.”— by the natives, and It was counted as $3,000 at night anywhere unices she a coal hole and sued the city.”—Chi­ learn bls lesson. When asked why, he a ml It did very suddenly. Brooklyn Life. much a sign of good luck If a stork cago Herald. 1 says with a wildly beating heart, but I The non-combatants were gazing eag- is prepare«! to take the conseajueucea. bold front, “I don’t have to.” This I 1 erly at the place where the row went built on a roof as In ether parts of Ger­ Yt Ithlu the [last yenr the uewsp.ipers many It Is to have a swallow build un­ 'causes a snicker to run all over tbe In behind the dust clouds. have ra-<-or •">« U* , nearly always inherit it — not necessarily ' looks in vain for the promised help. was promptly smitten. The assailants not beyond earshot of tbe Herald or on their persons, large amns of pu-h . ul mower. money which should lie safely lodgi-d being over eager and lacking the cool ihown In »he .«..ve 11 from the parents, but may be from some Square clock, and hung Ills high hat uc ■ II ynkli ini*, sii'l »0 *U1 *1*»I*“* ** in tbe banks. Many people are preju­ remote ancestor, for Cancer often run» So be takes bis licking and snufllingly skill of four years' battle with the i hsmplon l«r«w « ni M-.«<■< ^m«« Till. on «. I<> •I«"«' '•■»* 1 " ’"^MwroS through several generations. This deadly prvmlses to be good. Rage Is In tils "Johnnies," were buffeting each other a low peg. As Itecame one of those tri- diced against tbe bnuks. but where bar will r.l*r U"' wheel’ .. ..... *' '""I, poison may lay dormant in the blood fot J heart against the teacher and tbe big In high vigor while the teacher dodged placed Individuals who loiter In swell there Is one bank failure there are a »rsetlon »nd eullli.s I- <« r. « »■ lobbies and eat nt uncertain Intervals, hundred robberies. It Is essy to take pion llr»w « ul II.......... th«J” years, or until you reach middle life, then boys both. In and out. missing a punch here and l„r* M.ln'i Ui" '-« ■"¿I m . 3« the first little sore or ulcer makes its ap be tried to ignore the ciimuo I acquaint Possibly three or four such happen­ giving one there. At last Wilson sud­ downw.r.l pull, h.-hllii« II"' »heel« 11«^: proper precautlona but practically Im- pearance—or a swollen gland in the ings reduces that school to a condition ance who sat opposite, but with n per possible to catch thieves. ill«» ground. Im «• it’"y denly shot out of the cloud aud strik­ fl) kill ng th* nt'iffl p-W'«1" breast, or some other port of the body, of somber thought; the teacher Is not ing his shock head against a foot of «latency peculiar to casual acquaint­ krL Tbl* fr»* » Ri»"d’ "",1t gives the first warning. want th* r**i mowrr n>M*i' ances that person wouldn't stand for An Economic«! Parson. To cure Cancer thoroughly and perma­ so easy after all. Morning recess calls the stove upset that and lay out '’Xif'.rh^k"«!.-........... »'Ärn« It. He butted In, so to spenk, and th - “ Brer Williams, all tho«»' de winter nently all the poisonous virus must be for a conference. Usually the teacher drsd.ofdellshled . Iu™:l In time too sfiort for record the big ^WKt“.A’e.'“rs>>________ J eliminated from the blood—every vestage stays Inside the school bouse in deep I lioys were fleeing while the teacher tenant by courtesy of hotel rotundas season you wtiz prea< hln' red hot air­ of it driven out. Thia S. S. S. does, and thought. He sees his work and plans felt that It was up to him to say some­ monte on hell fire, en now >«—■ dH"»’”* me no pain or tnronven- school right there, and he did. Then r.niKil call. . - Pscaetzs «auanv Co., at. Peal, Minn. H savk r«>w- there nre certain Word, ing information about thia disease, and words cutting like knives. “I will do ‘id some in talking loud, aBKTi.Buss:—! have hern “••"JL*Je.t£S hsvrcnr"l 11 horses All there Is to some celebrations, yoc write our physicians about your case. W< the laughing for thia sebooL That chim­ Hut the man who lets his money talk m-4H except in „ .lem rlptlo,, ,,f „ r »BBS ths past rtaflt months, and In that time yotir |