¿MATH REPUBLICAN M • Mil . ' LOCAL NEWS« ¡The Atdilan«1 Chautauqua opened icrtlay ;*•'“ w“‘ |8tb io»t- Burn to Mr. and Mr*. Wm. Null u gtattisll' Falla, Oregon, July f>lh * I » t ioiiih I. Thu m i it ..."i,'1;, »'*«• "I Lake- IjiAt week Senator Mil. hell and •'ongressman Tongue recoin mended tlie re appointini.'|| ltf •'apt. O. C. Applegate u agent at tbe’”inal Park. Secretary | Hlt< hcock has not determined what I other offii-lals will he needed for the park. — ■ 1,0!, a sun- Tracy, the eacaped convict, 11 Uh lulled three officers neur Beat tie und „.till at ‘•nt'*' Kxperlen<-e in (he U. g. w.„ate 1 to Mr. and Mrs. W. E. developing the . Mtmrr of Klamath Falls, <»regon, keene«aandMgll< |lv tu“‘; nual celebration. Ills word is the, july fllli, « •*•'' rosourc«-» of Klamath mctuN-r to '.‘ ¿hit' " ,'Sr ; ! jucalculatni to n*ult In great gmsl ¡••••U»oda, his atUck having 1»™ t i 1 T* Pr°grB,n , ”1" (1) this community. I effort to chokes.... . B< verKIge <" the ww”‘’8 ^‘"al-we of The newly orjmnlxed county court this county, dll know that the In­ | Indiana. haibeen In session «•“» *««•»<. getting dians must celebrate for one week. Notwithstanding the wet weather affairs Into running order and attend­ The chairman of the entertain­ of several days previous, a large num- ..................... „„ „ ....................... . ing to gencn“ bUBlncna. ment commit tee was a half-breed ami »•r part i, ipnled In the c |,.brat Ion In a most efficient official; treating botli Ashlaml papi'ra report a large nutn- ( ortoii m on the ' Indians and whiten with the utmost ._r of people fl-"'" the Rogue river ourt j. 1 hi* program was t arried , eourteay and fairness, lie controlled ■ " * ‘ ‘ 1 and untry K”‘"K 10 Cr»Ur 1‘‘Ue out as nearly In accordance with the the program f ir the week’s festlvl- jyHeart bay this week. j a< '< rtlh< d arrangement ax posxible. t lex, after It had been approved by The drug atore of Chitwood & Co. ii < *.million <>t the grounds, owing (laptain Oliver Applegate, the gov- lua been repaired and repainted both ....... It necessary to make 1 eminent ag. nt. inside and outside and 1« much Ini- Mime . hang. « Hnn<'°f the most lieautifiil and patrl- In Lake county In three week« as a m-w in the slmpc of a clx-mlcal ,,l'c exhibits that this county bus ever result of »ale» of wool. refrigerator In the cold storage de- witnessed. The Godess of Liberty plan* are Iwlng made for another part incut of his hotel. The refrlger-‘ W!W a half-breed Indian ntalden, ,icaiiil«>at excursion on Upper Klam­ ator, manufactured in Chicago, j» dressed in flowing robe» of white and ath lake the last of thl» month, The about 24 feet high, 2 feel wide and 1 her raven black hair disheveled and ootlng will cover three day a. m Indies broad ami consumes forty i “*M*d by the winds, added an at- The timber cruisers are »till com­ pounds of Ice In twenty-four hour». 11ractive, romatlc color to tlie situa­ ing. Tliere will lie many thouaanda Heretofore Ins cold stroage room used tion. The "Undo Sam" of the ll( ame l<» at<«l and taken between 700 or 800 pounds per day. Thus If occasion was Frank Applegate, <> n<.w and November flrat next. this new Invention proves a success, feet and ~>i indies tall, dressed in There 1« power enough going to ax now seems probable, It will lx* a the conventional attire of the genu­ He appeared to waste at Klamath Falla to supply great saving in quantity of ice need­ ine "Unde Sam." ed. lie the "real thing." It is question- ImliMt rial energy for a city of a bun- ! able, that If in this broad land there -fred thousand people. Will It al- John M<»>re. aged 3H years, son of appeared a better "Unde Sain” than ways remain ao$ Isaac Mr<* of Ashland, was ac<-l- Frank Applegate, the son of Captain Pmfi-atont E. II. Lake and F. L. dentally killed on the logging rail­ <>. C. Applegate, the government Kent of the Oregon Agricultural road lit Pokegama on Tuesday night agent. e -ge held an Interesting and of last week. Moore was acting as After the march the literary exer­ pr< table farmers' Institute at Bo- brakeman ami at the time was riding cises took place In the grove. An nm a Itutl Tburwlay. on the front of the engine, jumping Indian lioy read the Declaration of R n to turn the switch bars. Independence, in English and did it at bia Imme In Klainatb Fall« on 1 In an attempt to jump, his feet well. He seemed to indulge in a Sunday, after a lingering (lines« from 1 slipped and he fell in front of the sardonic smile when he came to the urgantc heart disease. The funeral engine, which broke his neck and place where our ancstors accused The re- ^George the III of turning upon us and burial took place Monday after­ otherwise Injured him. t mains were taken to Ashland for . the merciless savage: noon. “Whose only Mr. Sargeant who lias decided to Interment. known method of warfare, is an in­ The timber cruisers and would-lm discriminate slaughter liraU* here, left (or hi« home at Is-I- of men, 1«, Ohio, last Friday, ami after ad- purchasers continue to arrive In women and children.” justing lit« Ntlalr« there will return ¡crowds, slid government timber is Following catni the oration of «ccoinpanied by hi« wife, In alniut a In active demand. The approaching Captain Applegate, the agent. Hi* i railroads from «event! directions, paper was an able one and will com­ niontli, Tlie rompetat Ivc examination held thereby giving assurance that this pare favorably with any patriotic ad­ III Salem recently resulted In the ap­ county will soon have a first-class dress delivered In this country on He reviewed the pointment by t'ongresMman Tongue - market for luinlier, Is probably . the our natal day. •if Fred M. Perkins of Salem as a principal cause < f the excitement ami work of this kindly and humane gov­ The build lug of several largi ernment, during the past year and imvh I cadet and J times I). Moore of rush. sawmills arc being talked of, and it congratulated the “first Americans,” Ashland ,u alternate. would not be surprising if they were the Klamath Indians, upon their Anna The two pupils of Mb* to materialize till* season nt Klamath progress in civilization and cduca- Btockwcll'a bc I hio I ut Crystal, Lena Falls and Keno, ami perhaps also at tion. He graphically cont rasted Brown and Sherman Brown, who their present situation with what it Spencer creek. tisik the state exam hull Ion for ' the At Klauiatli Falls there waa 110 was only thirty years ago and com­ elgbth gtadc, received the highest special celebration of the Fourth. plimented them tut being among the in. rks In the county, being 00.3 ami Everybody felt cheerful and patri­ most civilized trilies In the United 93«. ot Ic, but In view of (lie grand fair States, In referring to tlie govern- Eighteen timber applicants fruit wlih lt the Agricultural society will menl’s expansion polity he quotes Vancouver, Wash., arrived here List have, those of our citizens who did John G. hit tier, closing with these Thursday and filed on claims In town- not g<> to the celebrations In other, significant lines: ship 3«. range H. They left Tucs- U,wns deemed it lies! to P<*‘|x»ne • And «ta.ith^h^ d»v on their return home, Iwlng con- their holldav until then. The child- «„<1 weMwsr.t. ««v.-.m »»w the living flood on llie »newline of niNivstic Hood. veyed to Ashland by Liveryman 1,.II. however, had a joyful time HieHkR and lonely Shuis. lutenimr. nears the tread , ‘ , ill Korol«-1« lair haired children, Heai-er led Hazen. shooting off fire crackers, and In the u u . , I And ««ling downward through her hoar lock« A bitsliiesR men's league for Klam- evening Mesgrs. Willson and , Held- tswnv Aulsii climb her giant knee«. ath Falls would Im in order now. • rich furnlslieti , citizens with a line , The The Itaoern nea-hall hush her wave, to hear , u ■ I,u ... 1 fai-Hic » Mirtheal anawer Freedom-» cheer Let a dozen (calling men get to­ display of tireworks. Also till n was , An(4 onP roiling tire of triumph run gether and agree to work in harmony a largely 1 attended and enjoyable 1 »-tw-enthe sunrise «nd the sunset gun. ------- The program for the following for the development of this county dance In Houston’s opera house. ............................. t "tug of war,” and gisal results will almost instant- county high | ‘"eluded the 1 Tlie locating of the c foot racing, contests at jumping. iy follow. school at Klamath Falls will ns a Itorse racing, baseball between the this There 1« a report that the Colum­ 1 matter of fact, add greatly to Indians and the whites or "Wood bia Southern rallniad, building tills place. A line scluxil building, con­ River Tribe,” old style Indian gambl­ way from Shaniko, Is now Nicked by structed with gissl taste, and preaid- ■ ing, the war dance, etc. The war Jim Hill of the Great Northern. If cd over by competent and experl- ■ dance is a weird feature, and brings that Is so, It la an uMnrance that the enced teachers, will make it n favorite out the Indian in his native spirit line will be pushed along with till with scholars and their parents. of years ago. They seem to delight possible speed. Manv people wIP tlml it for the Ix-st i Interests of their children's education i in thia—eapeelally the older ones Assuming from healthy Indications, i 1 and it Is Indulged in by the squaws that Klamath c-ounty Is on the eve to remove here especially In the win­ ! as well. They chant while dancing of a broader growth and development ter. Thus the town will grow not around the midnight lire and their it 1» only logical to conclude that the only In population but In a business song is one of defiance and victory. " l"l‘“er °f course next five year« will witness a growth point of Vi«'*- The KlamatIts were never beaten in all this future growth and Improve­ herealsiuts, greater than has conic battle. ment 1» pleasant to contemplate. to us during the past thirty year». They have held this beautiful Ashland Tinlngs: Miss Alice Con- Klamath's public sclitsd 1» exten- j I tier, daughter of John Conner, form- KlamatIt basin against all enemies east and west from slvely known for Its high standard of ¡erly , of Ashland, died at the Will- north, south, They are an in- time immemorial, work and curriculum. Now that we IsmetU Hotel, Salem, of tuberculosis, teresting people and have have Hecured the high school of the (o tlm t()c tvliifrv whHc iil'.l man July 3. 1002 aged 22 years, 3 months | ' county, we should sec to it that the and 5 days. The young lady, who | reputation of this town as an educa­ was well known in Ashland, was j _ __ _ tional center Is broadened and ex­ Imrn In Lake county, Calif., and is a : Up-to-date shirt waists and under- Dan j wear at Mrs. Maylone's. tended. sister of Walter E. Conner and Old Boreas closed a week'» engage Coimer, formerly of Ashland, who 1 I ffient here Friday nlglit with a front, arc now living at Swan Lake, Klam- The remains passed which did some damage In spots. A ath county. -- number of garden» suffered some- I j ihrotigh Ashland on Friday s noon what, but we liavn't heard of anyj ¡train en route to Gallstoga. Calif by an aunt, Mrs. E. H ranchers whose crops were seriously . ....... ( ’ able and Mr. Fred (J. Fish, where hurt. Since then the element» have they were burled tieside those of her grown warmer. mother and sister. _ Lakeview Examiner: Last week *Fhc Examiner stated that. L. Gerlier, The W. C. T. IL will hold their Now Operl ‘hr Klamath stock buyer, bought regular meeting Friday, July Uth. 200 bead of cattle from Hedden ami at 2:30 p. m., in the M. E. church. Small of Kummer Lake. Mr. Grrbcr At this meeting the officers will be corrects the statement in conversa­ elected for the coming yeah Mem*---------------- tion with an Examiner represent»- .mple..¡A( o (J w BUILDtNO, “ve yesterday. The number of ent- | K)amath Fa||s. E mma G ihosby , “r- purchased whs 425 head—a mlacd Secretary. hunch wjtli 150 calves thrown In at I BALDWIN STUDIO iroie. ^UP-TO-DATE PHOTOS And Ready for Business. « I Perhaps one of t In* most Interest­ ing Fourth of July celebrations this year In the United Blates occurred In our own county, on tlie Klamatli Indian reservation, about live miles1 from the Agency, and nearly 40 miles ! from Klainatb Faits. There was a suggestion of pa- trlotisin ami barbarism com- , blned, in this celebration. The I Indians look forward to it, from one I July to the next. Captain O. C. I Applegate, tlie efficient agent of tlie government, encourages Ills and tlx- government wards to be patriotic, | THE I . TH,i I'IS'Eril AT Olici KLA-1A.ll Klamath Falls ELECTRIC BIG STORE CASH STORE ✓ Steel Ranges, General ine Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, and Crockery, Furniture and Burial Cas­ kets, Paints, Oils and Glass, Carpets and in • oleum, Wall Paper, Sewing Machines. I STILETTO- SEWING MACHINES 9 are the best that mechanical shill can pro­ duce, and at an honest price, fully warranted for ten years. Dry Goods, Clothing and Groceries The Best Assortment We Have Ever Shown For sale by New Stock Now Arriving CEO. T. BALDWIN, Hardware & Furniture Dealer. $ 7X. O. \J. W. BUILDING, \A / KLAMATH FALLS, ♦It OREGON. CROWN TOILET CREAM Cures sunburn, tan and freckles, chapped lips and hands, softens and smoothes the skin. Guaranteed to be perfectly harmless. CIIITWOOD L. F. WILLITS, Proprietor * co. £VBr ing us jour prescriptions. i mm #* Fresh confectionary, nuts, etc., Oregon, lias thia day filed in tbie office her sworn statement No. 349, for the etc. D uffy C o . purchase oi the NWJ4 of Section No. 27, Big line new clothing, suits $8.00 in Township No. 32 S., Range No. 7’2 E. W. M., and will offer proof to show to $1.3.00 D uffy Co. that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agri- i Subscrita* for R kpiiilican . cultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before the county TIMBER I,ANI», ACT JUNE 3, 1878. clerk of Klamath county, Oregon, at NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Klamath Falls, Oregon, on Friday, the day of July, 1902. She names as UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE.! 25th I. akkvikw . O regon , May 12, 1902.f witnesses: Linsy C. Sisemore. of Fort Klamath, Oregon; Anna O. Sisemore, Notice is hereby given that in com­ of Fort Klamath, Oregon; Sarah J. pliance with the provisions of the act of Rodkey, of Fort Klamath, Oregon; Congress of June 3, 1878. entitled “An Chris Weiss, of Fort Klamath, Oregon. act for the sale of timber lands in the Any and all persons claiming adversely states of California. Oregon, Nevada, the above-described lands are tequesl- and Washington Territory,” as extend ed to file their claims in this office ed to all the Public Lan.l States by on or before the said 25th dav of July, act of August d, 1802. William O. Hill, 1902. of Fort Klamath, County of Klam­ E. M. B rattain . Register. ath, State of Oregon, has this dav filed in this office his sworn statement No. 348. fertile purchase of the E’j of E1., of Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878— Notice for Publication. Section No. 21. in Township No. 32 S.. Range No. 7,‘a E. W. M., and will UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE ) offer proof to show that the land L akeview , O regon , May 19, 1902.) sought is more valuable for its timber Notice is hereby given that, in com­ or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish Iris claim to said land pliance with the provisions of the act of ■AS liefore the county clerk of Klamath Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An county,<»regon,• t Klamath Falls, Ore­ act for the sale of timber lands in the I gon, on Friday, tin* 25th day of July, states of California, Oregon, Nevada and , 191)2. lie names as wi'nesses: I.insy Washington Territory,” as extended (’. Sisetnore, of Fort Klamath. Oregon ; to all the Public Und States by Anna O. Sisetnore, of Fort Klamath, act of August 4, 1S92, George W. Oregon; Sarah J. Rodkev.ol Fort Klam­ Owen, 01 Ashland, county of Jackson, ath, Oregon; Chris Weiss, of Fort state of Oregon, has this day filed in Klamath, Oregon. Any ami all persons this office his sworn statement, No. 382, claiming adversely the above descrilied for the purchase of the SEl4 of Section lands are requested to tile their claims No. 34. in Township No. 40, 8., Range in this office on or before said 25th day No. 7 E. W. M., and will offer proof to show- that the land sought is more val­ ofJulv, 1902. uable for its timber or stone than for ' E. M. BRATTAIN, Register. _________ _ _________ _____ _ agricultural purposes, and to establish ■ Iris claim to said land before the coun- j Timber Und, Act June 3, 1878— tv clerk of Klamath county, Oregon, at Cemetery Work of all Kinds Notice for Publication. Klamath Falls, Oregon, on Saturday, Specialty. All Work Guaranteed. the 9th day of August, 1902. He names, SHop Opposite New Feed SteMe. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE,» as witnesses: William W. Erb, of L akeview , O regon , May 12, 1902.1 Ashland, Oregon ; David Allen, of Ash­ Notice is hereby given that, in com­ land, Oregon; Eugene Spencer, of Keno, pliance with the provision« of the act of Oregon; James W. Bailey, of Shake, Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “An On-gon. Any and all persons claim­ act for the sale of timber lands in the ing adversely the above-described | states of California, Oregon, Nevada and lands are requested to file their claims Washington Territory,” as extended to in this office on or before said 9th day all the Public Land States by act of of August, 1902. The Klamath County Lite Stocit August 4. 1892, Anna O. Sisemore, of E. M. BRATTAIN, Register. Association will pay the Mtbie re­ Fort Klamath, county cf Klamath, state of Oregon, has this day tiled in TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878.— ward tot the ait teat artfl ctmflction of this ofliee her sworn statement, No. 347. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. any person or person« ftftiHd fruilty of for the purchase of the S,*n act of August 4,1892, Affle Hill, of Fort Julv, 1902. 1_____ la Daley, Aregnn: Ei M; BRATTAIN, Reghtef. , lone'8 Klamath, county of Klamath, state of THIS SPACE BELONGS TO THE ► EXCELSIOR I. F. Davies, Prop. DAIRY, KLAMATH COUNTY, Öftß, Q. D. GRIZZLE For General 3M Wort. $ NEW SPRING GOODS $ CENTRAL MILLINERY STORE. SidChiHti