St Bi THE BRICK STORE. í i Í I * Ir f FULL STOCK i i1 General Merchandise. 11 JENNINGS, & REAMES I < kLAMATM FALLS, OR. r j i ■« I * I SHTBE NEW STORE#; $ HOUSTON’S BUILDING Opposite City Meal Warket. DRY GOODS ANO CLOTHING, I s ti L adies ’ and -* TIMBER LAND, ACT .U NE 3. 1H7«. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Usirrn S tàtss L and orrtca. | I Ti i V W ¡I JU) tin ««»I VMI ft KI. •ta F? M •Ol MO r»l M <»r 1*. o( Fo Fo KI. cl« Ian <»m ni Notice for Publication, VNITKD states L and OFFh K. ( June 16, 1902 ( Notice is hereby given that, in compliance a ith the provisions of the act of Congrvs.s of June m U78, entitled “An act for the »ale oí timber lands in the states of California, Ore­ gon, Nevada, at d Washington Territory,” as extended to all the Public Land Htates bv act of August 4. 1N92. Louis K. Stanoshvck of Fort j Klamath. County of Klamath. State oi Oregon. 1 hasthisday tiled in thia office hi* »worn state­ ment. No '764. for the purchase of the SW»4 ot Section No. in Township No. 32, S,. Range No E W M . and will offer proof to »how that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural i»ur- ■““*»». and to establish his claim to »aid land Jas. H. Driscoll, County Clerk, at Klam ______ ills, Oregon, on Friday, the .Mb day of ¡September 1908. He names as wltne**e»: = 1 Jacob Isler, of Klamathon. Calif.; Keith A Porter of Fort Klamath. Oregon: L. C Drake, I of Fort Klamath. Oregon; J Wallace Dickey. TOWN TREASURER'S NOTICE. ofFo't Klamath. Oregon Any anti all per ‘ sons claiming adversely the above-de*crib ed land* are requested to file their ciair. s in Notice Is hereby given that there this office on or before said 5th day of Sep­ are funds in the town treasury for tember, 11W2. E. M RRATTAIN Register L akkvikw , O rduon , our Stock and Veflfy Prices. Respectfully, YEO. MILLER & CO.Si 1 NUHMTH REPUBLICAN rubllshwd every ThuVartCy fry ► W. I tiUSE & SON, Enrrors ( ib T hursday , and PaoraxToas. S2 00 Owe year >' i l.t¡ » J uly 10, 1902. PERSONAL J1 ' IJ J. L. Fenton of Ashland was Bunday. ♦ here I). Pertflfzl of Ashland was at Falls fftadaV. the F. W. Broadsward of • Falls visitor Sunday. was Lxtrella £. M. Hafhmofrd and wife of Mer- HU visited this place Sunday. F. Say det and wife and Misses Gould and Gidley of Tainax were R’ * If ’■ here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Yeo ¿tri daugh­ ter returned to this place after a visit in Ashland. »' /- last week D. R. Grimes of Des Moines, la.-,- was here the last week looking for an investment in agricultural land. I Hon. C. S. Moore, state treasurer, will arrive here this evening to visit relatives and enjoy a few days' fish­ ing and hunt ing. I ! £ 5 •Ralph A. Ross le't Monday for the new town of Bend in Crook coun­ ty and expects to be gone several weeks. rt ‘I i ( Miss Abbie Parrish of Portland is here to spend the summer with the fhaaiiv of her grandfather, J< W, Aamakar.- ! gon, I NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNTING. I t il i i ! ? il • ÍTy z 1 Ik1- ¡¿¿J I Ì In tba County Cowrt, Klanrafh Coun­ ty, Oregon. . _ . - In the matter of the estate at James Edward McLaughlin, deceased. Notice la hereby given that the under­ signed has fifed nis full and final report of lbw administration of the a*,eve es­ tate in the said court, and the Hon. Geo. T. Baldwin, Cownty Judge of aaid iknwrty, haa aet Monday, the 11th day of JfoguM, 1907, at 11 o’clock a, m., at tlie court bonne in Klanvath FaHs, in aaid conwty. aa tne time and place for Hie liewring of any objections thereto, Dated aif KtWasatb Fail», Oregon, JZy ». MW. E. D. Btioos, XdmiaiatraUx ot th* ertate of Jam«« Rdwavd M<*TanghWn. • I • Register. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. | notice for publication . A TTORNEY-A T-LA W, GENERAL PRACTITIONER. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE. > i-akevtew, Or.. June 39, 1902. i Notice is hereby given that iu compliance 1 1 pii with the provision« of the act of Congress of' co June*, 1678, entitled An act for the »ale of! Wills and general probate business a timber land» in the State« of California. Oregon I ac Nevadaand Washington Territory,” as extend «ta Specialty. ed to al) the Public land States by act of Au­ um. Opposite Court House, Klamath gust 4. 1892. John W. Bailey, of Ashland, Coun­ tern ty of Jackson, State of Oregon, has this day FaTIs, Or. filed in this office hi» sworn statement No. by i 815. for the purchase of the S’, KW‘4. NW‘4 kev HW'4.8W. NW', of Section No. 22. in Town nth, i ship No. 40 8., Range No. 7 E. W. M . and will I offer proof to show that the land sought I» ' inti more valuable for its timber or stone titan 3.53 I for agricultura) purposes, and to establish hi» Sec. claim to said land before Jas. H Driscoll. County Clerk, at Klamath Falls, Oregon, <»n 1«, 1 Friday, the 5th day of September, 19U2. He < S 1 name» a» witnesses : Eugene Spencer, of Keno. «how Oregon; J 8 Bailey, of Shake. Oregon; Fred Edsal, of Shake, Oregon; Charles Young, of uabl Ashland. Oregon Any and all peraonsclaim­ agrie ing adversely the above-described lands are her < requested to file their claims in this office on clerk or before -a d 5th day of September, 19<»2. All Work Promptly Executed and Klan E. -M. BRATTA IN Regi-tcr. H, O. CHUTE jeweler and Optician^ Eyes Correctly Fitted Fine Watch Repairing, Guaranteed. At C. 25th DeLap's TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, U78. w itni R. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Store. I KLATIATH FALLS, OREGON CITV HEAT MARKET I i Nevada as extended to all the Public Land *tales by A shland O he ., June 19, 1902. actol August 4. IN92, Charle» Young, of Ash­ The Southern Oregon Chautauqua land, County of Jackson. State of Oregon, has this day filed in this office hi* sworn »tale- ; Assembly July 9-18 at Ashland, Ore­ ment No. 816. for the purchase oi the NW». of I Section No. 84. in Township No. 40 8. Range No gon. Everything first-class. Lec­ . 7. E. W. M-, and will offer proof to show that land sought i» more valuable for its tim- 1 tures, schools, music, fun, pictures, the ber or stone than for agricultural purpose», to establish his claim to said land before good camping. Hon. Henry Watter­ and Jas. H Driscoll, County * lerk, at Klamath son and Dr. Robert McIntire are Fall». Oregon, on Friday, the 5th day of Sep •ember, 19U2. He names a» witnesses: John among the lecturers. Be sure to W Bailey, of Ashland. Oregon ; J. S. Bailey, of Shake. Oregon ; Fred Edtall, of Shake. Oregon ; ' come. For particulars address. ' Eugene Starncer, of Keno. Oregon. Any and ' all persons claiming adveeeTy the above- , T. A. H ayes , delcribed lands are requested to file their in this office on or before »aid 5th day Secretary claims of September, 19U2. P. M. Picard c¥ Ktamwthon bas been »ere this week canvassing tof a new nook devoted to the recent Marti­ nique horror and other volcanic erup­ tions. In the matter ot the estwte of John Loosley, deceased. • Notice is hereby given that the un< dersigned executrix of the estate of John Lonsley, deceased, has filed in the Cownty Court of the State of Oregon, fW XNneath County, her final account as executrix of said estate, and that by order of said County Court, duly made and entered, Monday, the llth ihty of August, 1902, in the forenoon of said day at the hour of 10 o’clock thereof, and the cou t room of eaid court in the county court bouse, in Klamath Falls. Klamath County, Oregon, has been, fftted M the time and place for hearing any objections there «nay be to said Anal account and Ute final settlement thereof. This notice is published in the K lamath RarvaLicxN l«y designa­ tion of the owderfflgfied. Dated «t K fa ma th Falls, Klamath County, Oregon, this 10th day of July, 1'902. Lccv L oosi . ey , Executrix of the estate of John Loosley, deceased. « •« 3, IK7M, entitled “An act for the sale ot E h SOUTHERN OREGON CHAUTAUQUA I June timber lanas in the States of California. Ore- . PROPRIETOR OF Will run a meat wagon through the Spring Lake and Lost River country twice a week during theA warm Weather. He will be able to supply all ranch­ ers who want fresh meats. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT.- i 1 r lol hit po Wl with the provisions of the act of Congress of KI JOE KOESAL I wish to express heartfelt thanks fo the many kind neighbors and friends who tendered help and sym­ pathy during the illness and after the death of my beloved son. Mrs. S later . Ir, the redemption of the following war­ rants, interest on same to cease from TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, l l June S. t«7S »notleil "An »el for th» »»le ot IlmlH-r ihv State. o‘ Callfornl». Ore- son. Neva.ts «tul Washington Territory." i a» evienile,I to all the Public land siale» by act ot Analisi 4. Is*.' Keith A. Porter. »(Fort Klamaiti. connu of Klamath. State ol On-son. ha, thi» -lav tiled In thia otBei- hl. »»orli Mateinent No. 7M. for the pureha»c ot the SE1« ot Section No 5, tn To* n.htp No X!« Kana« No. 7<» E " M and will otter proot to »how that the land .ought Is more vatu- ; able tor It» timber or »tone than lor aaricul- turai purpi».»». and to e»tabli»h hi» claim to ' -aid laud betöre Ja« Il Driacoll, County clerk at Klamath Fall., Oregon, on Friday. Uhi-Sth-lav ot September. IWJ. lie name, a» wlttie»».'»: Jacob later. Klamathon, Calli.: Unti. It siano.heek. ol Fort Klamath. On-gon : I. c Drake, ot Fort K lamat It. Oregon ; J Mai lace Du-kev. of For. Klamath. Oregon Any amt all i-erson. claiming adveræ v the above-deeril-ed land, are requeated to tile their claim. In Ihl. office on or before »aid sth day of FepMinber. ItWi. E. M RasTTalM. Keglater. Ali of which for the Present Will be Sold at Abso r ?! until tw« o’.k.k p. m. «I SAtni'Iwj. Juli I2tl>. lift<2. I«« luitii-lnng »'«I !ur in» tlie fi«i'»' v< si ,- im I iii « Jntiv 3D. IBM, 61 I«e IS'liiiil» lw«-l, ni l ; 50."0»> piMlliil» Hour’ft.lXMl pound« lipidi*«, fireii ; »A.- lux» |H>iin4 of flection No. 8, in Township No. 40 8., Range No. 7 E. W. M . and will offer proof to *how that f he land »ought is more valuable for its I timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to e»tabri»h hi» claim to «aid land before Ja«. H. Driscoll, County Clerk, at Klamath Not Falls, Oregon, on Monday, the Kth day of Hep­ tember, 1902. He names as witnesses: Pleas­ lowing _______ ant L. Fountain, of Klamath Falls, Oregon ; J. his intention to mute final proof in sup­ I V. Houston, of Klamath Falls, Oregon; H. T. port of hill claim, and that said pns,f Hummers, of Klamath Falls, Oregon; John will be nta6M 92,920 F. I. BUSBAR, Secretary of State. Kodol TREAHI KEIC H NOTICE 15, NE»4 NE‘4, Sec. 22. NW’. NW»^ of Notice is hereby given that there are TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3. 187«. Sec. 23, Tp. 37, 8., R. 10 E. lie names lite following witnesses to prove his funds in tin- County Treasury for lie Notice For Publication. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. continuous resilience upon and cultiva­ redemption of the following county ser­ Department of the Interior, VKiTm htaten L and O ffht . 1 tion of «lid land, viz: Thomas Patter­ rants protested on and prim Io Nov. 22, I.akevlew, Oregon, lune 1’.. mJ » Land Office at Ixikevicw. Oregon, I «95. Interest on «urne will cease Notice is hereby given that in comnliance son, of Klamath Falls. Oregon; John June 26, 1902. Digests what you «at with the provisiona of the act of Congr^N, «001, «07«, Harada and Washington Territory,’’ as ex’ Oregon; Herman Hchmor, of Klamath .„d ns«r Ilia intention to make llunl proof in sup «»Ml, K'IHL’, dlgeatanta and tended to all the Public Land Hiatel by atft of Fills, Oregon. «079. «¡MH, «.579, August < IRT j . Pleasant L. Fountain, of Klan» prirt of his claim, and that said proof 603«, HIM», «471. «40«, E. M. B kattain , Register. «00«, ath Falla, County of Klamath. Htatc of Ore­ to cure. .„Litaeiwitl« will lie made Indore Janies ||. Driscoll «3KM, «4««, «32, «t¡73, «103, «337, «473, ««74, «¡>50, It can’t help August, 1902. He name» a* wltneaaes: Kam lowing-named settler has filed notice of tlie following witnesses to prove )||| «462. but do uel T. Hummers, of Klamath Falls, Oregon; his intention to make Until proof in sup­ continuous >q«>n amt .»Itlva Itatcil at Klarnnth Fulls, Oregon, this Oliver W Hly, oi Keno. Oregon; John Con­ port of hie claim, and that said proof tionof said land, viz: 1!. S. Grigsby ’ r'lS:»! AÌ>"& «.KUiniÌH 1'‘*** ** nolly, of Keno, Oregon; M. It. Frain, of Ber­ 22nd day of May, 1902. wick. California Any and all porNon» claimiiut w ill be made before .f ; <,►. ilamaker, I’. of Klamath Falls Oregon ; John Hhem II. il. V as V alksski «o. adversely the above-described lands are re­ H. Commissioner, at Bonanza, Oregon, ar>l. of Klamath Falls, Oregon; W. F County Treasurer. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. quested to file their claim» in this office on or on August 2, 1902. viz: Arant, of Klamath Falls, Oregon; C before »aid 25th day of August, ¡902. l aitli, of Klamath Falls, Oregon. Ben Abbeloos, E. .M. B ratta in , Kcgi»ter. Departm^ol the Dd«*'! K. M. liliA I TAIN, Register. H E. No. 20o7, for the HW'4 NW^, J. O. HAMAKER, Land Offici, at Ukevmw. Ore^ ( TIMBERLAND, ACTJUNE3, 187H, \V'2SW'<, Sec. 15, and NW'4 NWk. Fee. 22, Tp. 39 S., II. 13 E., W. M. lie limber Land, Act June 3, 1878— NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. name« the following witnesses to prove Notice Is hereby given th»‘ Notice for Publication. his continuous residence ufion and cul­ low ing named settler ha* fl 'jn M(p_ UNITED ST8TES LAND OFFICE, I tivation of said land, viz: Silas Olten- his intention U> make fl»» I’ ( I. akkvikw , O kfxion , June 26, 1902. f cliain, of Ixirella. Oregon; Frank D. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE ; Do a General Land Locating Busi-1 .mrtof his claim, and L akkvikw , O mkoon , April 30, 1902^ nesa. Surveying and Conveyancing will lie made before Ja* Notice is hereby given tiiat in com­ Swingle, of Ixirella, Oregon ; Charles .). • (>fV Notice is hereby given that, in cotn- a Specialty. All Business Promptly county clerk, st Klamath Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “An Campbell, of ixirella, Oregon. pliunce with the provisions of the act of <>n 1902, viz: °n J I ill y V 20 Richard Hutehimsm. E. M. BaATTAia, Register. Attended to. (Hike In City Hall. act for the sale of timber lands in the Congress of Jnne3, l«7«, entltli-d -An I Tp. states of California, Oregon. Nevada, i IL E. No 2095. f<>r •>'* ” * To ” "* ll,nl*r lands in the BONANZA, ORP.GON. and Washington Territory,” as ex­ TI M UER LA NI ». ACT JUN E 3. I «7«, u“ 1"/’ Ml'lo»-n'a. Oregon, Nevadaand NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. tended to all tlie Public Land States by ni h n T*rr,!orv’” »« •’»tended to act of August 4, l«92, Linsy C. Sisemore, A full line of Buckingham and following willies«,'« to Pf"*' (j¡"«tionn< nil the I ublic Ixtnd States by ai t of An gust 4, 1«92, EH. Townley id K|X llecht Issits and shoes men's and „„uareaidem o u|«>»»"{ ^.|, o of Fort Klamath, County of Klainatli, U niter S tates L and O e F k e , I-akeview, Oregon, May 19, 1902. Hthon, ( onntv of Siskiyou, State of Cal­ ladles’ -for winter wear at the Ex- , rh State of Oregon, has this day tiled in tills said land, vif vizi 5 rlI1àtr<>r/» ,d Ia<-s, ,____, ___ and _ to ________ establish ed to all the Public Land States by liirul" "... ?r *U”Ie l.,ian '"f ’Vricub Art kinds of dry «92, William W. Erb, tils claim to said land before C. C. Cnn- act of August 4, I l«92, Erb. turai purposes, and to establish 'i'! at Mrs. May lone’«. cetolor. A load Jimt In. D«1* (Ter'k o to ‘f°KTam n'"' More " the ‘^'«"''''ntv rungham. U. ningham, I . S. K. Commissioner, Commissioner, at hi Fort r'ori of <>i Ashland, Asiiiami. County i miiiiy of ”■ Jackaon, •'"* Us.;;;, State f l«t; of .'.1 claim «aid land C,,,, Rubber boot« with leather «ole» at Klamath Oregon, on Monday, th« «th Oregon, has Ihh day filvi in this office i terk of klainatli county, Oregon, at gon. fhc Excelsior, hairy, Or. Dyspepsia Cure U. S. Commissioner and Land Attorney. z J'