KLAMATH VOL. VII. 'AWA a KLAMATH FALLS, REPUBLICAN KLAMATJI COUNTY, OKECiON, NO. 7 MAY 22, 1902 ... 'J "I di'i not think of that," said she; ON 8T. VINCENT. PEACE NEGOTIATIONS. “I was there for only a year, after 1 —— j left school in Paris. I had only lieen [5 T London Time« Reviews Their Course In Two Thou land Dud a» the Rciult of Vol TH' home three months when father went away.” came Di»turbaace>. South Africa. FROM THE FOUR QUARTER8 OF ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM ALl I bail learned more than I could have London, May 14.—The Timas relates Fort de France, Island of Martinique, THE WORLD. PARTS OF OREGON. anticipated Here, surely, at length BY J. MACLAREN COBBAN. May 15.—The United States govern­ the coulee of the peace negotiations as was the strongest presumptive, if not follows : ment tug Potomac, which came to Mar ­ direct, evidence that Mr. laicroix, ami K Comprchcntlvt Rcvliw ol the Important tinique from Kan Juan, I*. R , cruised Commercial and Financial Happenings of lut "On the receipt of the Dutch corre- not another, had dropped the ticket, tlappenin^i o! the Paet Week. Pretented the coast of this island Tuesday. and therefore that he had come Imme. portante — A Brief Review of the Growth spondemv intimating that Great Brit­ She CH A ITER Vii—Contlnuud. plii-ii'ULi-rii,n t.,, a ,|ai|y pa|w*r of somu I imagined him trawling from Ixmdon In a Condented Form, Which It Mott encountered an inky black column of and Improvements of the Many Industries ain was ready to listen to proposals "It is singular," I said, "that you • mp"itaiice publislni.l in the neighlsir- Bridge to Croydon to pay, perhaps, hia Likely to Prove of Interest to Our Many smoke, which made it necessary for her Throughout Our I hrivmg Commonwealth from the Boers in the field, Acting in your own Any should have conn* to oig l.irgi. town. Ths paper, I knew, daughter's school bill, and returning a to no five miles out of her course. President of the Transvaal Scl.aalk- different way, although he bad taken a Readers. wn widi-lv read, but I had not reck- — Latest Market Report. tin- same ^inclusion iilsnit Steinhardt The Potomac brought a ton of sup­ burger came to the British lines and us I have gradinili)- I h ** ii coming to. I •mi 'l upon my letter attracting such at- return ticket to Ixmdon Bridge. This plies to Martinique, consisting in ;>art asked permission to consult with Mr. do not trust him at nil; he is pitih-s •*■ 'ti<*n as it did. The second irglit struck me as agreeing with alii had Congress has raiaisl its relief appro­ Tillamook is being benefitted by a uii *1 unsero pillons, mid I am sure lie iil'i r I had written it men and women I heard of Mr. I roix—careless ot priation to half a million doliarH for of i-islfish and Hour. A famine here is rate war between two navigation com­ Steyn, ex-president ol the Orange Free would make no more inquiries concern­ *u u.i ronditIona, but chiefly of the money, and without much steady con­ ■Martinique. imminent. The northern section of panies. State. This led to the Boer delegatee 11.; class, w«r«i inquiring their way sistent purpose. How easily such a ing V ur (nther than seeimsl neee-sury the island is depopulated. Business going to Pretoria. TLeir first proposal man must have become subject to the I he Danish piirliamentiiry commit­ The settlement of the weavers’ strike for the sake of up|M*iiriiuces. Hut, dear 1 trough the village, or finding their tee is deadlocked on the Danish West here is suspended. at Oregon City hinges ii|s>n the recog- to Ixird Kitchener and Lord Milner, Miss l.m-roix, I think you can do no way along all the roads and Ian«« to resolute Steinhardt! It occurred to me that it would not Indies treaty. The Potomac will leave here for the rition of the union. the British high commissioners in South gisst by going to London yourself. Let “th.* Nightingale Clcugh." The »mall me net lor you in the matter; believe wi-i kl-. papers of courae copied the let- Ire impossible to learn from the Croy- There are 2,000 dead at St. Vincent island of St. Vincent, where conditions A great deal of enthusiasm is being Africa, was that the republics should don school mistress whether Mr. I-a- me, I have it as much at heart as if it • * r and on Saturday and during the is and from the volcanic disturbance are re|Kirted to lie worse. IJ Souffriere, aroused throughout the state in the merely concede all the demands were my own. Huven little put iene*-, lollowing week parties same from long I croix had called on her. With a few in the West Indies. on St. Vincent, was in full eruption Lewis and Clark fair project. by Great Britain regarding the fran­ ami I think we shall get at something ' • li-tanre purliciilarly to the Great North­ caped being ground under the wheels of to return to Pretoria without being March the fifteenth, eighteen hundred are on strike in Chicago Is-cause their It is believed that the submarine cables the last car. He was bruised but not armed with full powers to negotiate. ern, and 1 advised her to remain at “"tig Ami when nt length, after a few and eighty-two. companions had been discharged for in St. Vincent have lieen broken by seriously injured by the fall. Tinqsirley Hall for the present, ami to timid notes it poured out its full heart, Schaalkburger assented to this, but Mr. joining a union. the disturbances, The present vol- conduct herself towur.1 Meinhardt so us 1 hiard many 11 low m I i mingling with CHAPTER IN. Steyn s acquiesence seemed doubtful. The Oregon State Grange Patrons of th« strains of the artieaa music. Oregon has received 14 gold medals, canic eruption on St. Vincent is the not to excite his resentment or sus­ "Mail advices received from Pre­ The end of my six months' curacy Husbandry will convene its 29th an ­ first since tlH12. Governor Hunt, of M lu-tlu-r the nightingale took alarm picion. was almost at hand, but, since my re- four silver medals, 18 bronze medals Porto Rico, has asked Louis Avme, nual session in the senate chamber of toria.” continues the Times, "declare nt this invasion of its solitude, or mid 82 honorable mentions at the Upon this wo preparisi to leave the that Lords Kitchener and Milner prom­ cent discovery, I was resolved I would United States consul at Gaudeloupe, the capital at Salem on Tuesday, May ised generous compensation for burned cottage; and on glancing casually awiiv wlu-thir some mischievous persons still remain at least in the neighbor­ Charleston ex|H,sition. 27. The grange will be in session un ­ who is now here, what assistance he from her, 1 was arrestisi by the Is- frightened it, it ix'certain that by the hood of Timperley. I went first to tlie At Tucuncarix, N. M., three men could render. Governor Hunt's offer til the Thursday evening following, farms, promised no difficulty with re­ «nd o( the m-ek it »11» heard no more, rector, who was nut vet well enough to were killed in a fight. havior of the old man. gard to the question ot amnesty for lias been communicated to the govern­ when a big banquet will be spread. "l.isik at him!” I involuntarily ex- mid tlie jssiple went away diHap|sunti«l resume his duties, in the hope that I rebels, which did not present insuper­ The strike in the Oregon City woolen ment, which will accept it. mid noisy. One ot these evenings I The board of county commissioners able obstacles." claimed. might prevail U|»n him to let me con­ mills is practically over The looting of the ruins at St. Pierre of Clackamas county has granted a His face was tluslnsl, and as if puffed was returning with the crowd, when an tinue to fill his place for some time wakisi alongside of ma, Irsik» with blissl; hia eyes were extraordin­ old fell Americans will own the ships of the has begun already. While coming to franchise to the Oregon City & Sub­ WASHINGTON LANDS. longer. I was surprised, and somewhat arily bright mid watchful; bis mouth, ing nt in« hard, und at length s|>eaking piqued,to hear that it was entirely out new shipping combine, but they will Fort de France the Potomac picked up urban Railway Company to lay down a boat containing five colored men and and operate railroads, telephone, tele­ “ 1 hoii'rt parson as wrote th' letter— of the question, liecauM* another curate fly the English flag. twitche l grotesquely, as if in the effort one white man, whose pockets were graph and power lines upon the Aber­ Their Di»po»ition Will Be Determined by a to use it for s|HMM-h; and hia right leg eh'*’’ had already been engaged. Fore»try Reiervc Official. The coal shortage is already apparent filled with coin and jewelry, the latter 1 answered I was. and shoulder stirred a little under the "A young man from St. Bee's,” said at Reading, I’a., in consequence of the evidently stripped from the fingers of nethy road and the Oregon City and “ Ah An ’ thou'rt Osw go road. fo ’ Ixmdon — eh? Washington, May 14.—Representa- blankets. the rector. "Mr. Steinhardt says we Scranton mines being idle. the dead. Lieutenant B. B. McCor­ tive Cushman recently called _ ¿on the "Ohl" cried Ixiuise, "perhaps seeing \ git place that—wi" gardens, I've must have no more clever men in Tim­ The Linn county court has appropri-1 __ Tlie Italian government will send a mick, commander ot the Potomac, ar­ ated $-00 for the completion of a read I commissioner of the general land office ns, and hearing ns talk—if he Ims heard «ay, full o' a' kinds <»’ birdr and perley. I would Lave liked you very rested these men and turned them over beasts." Uncle heard ua—lias reused him! well to utay, but von know— you v nee it cruiser to represent Italy at the in­ from Albany to the southern boundary I -aid I supposed he meant the Zoo- can’t lie. If 1 cun do anything for auguration of the new Cuban republic. to the commander of the French cruiser ot Linn county, on the way to the Blue to ascertain whether or not certain Jacues," elm said, in a loud voice, Suchet for punishment. lands in Skagit and Snohomish coun­ going to him, and laying her warm, I'.gii Al Gardena. you—" River mines, the remainder of the road In explosion of naptha near Pittsburg "Ah. llap|H*n that's them. I'm soft hand on his withered, líteles- 1 Baid, to lie built by private subscription. It ties are to be eliminated from the a score of lives were lost and about 200 rare and fund o' brida and liea«ts; 1 |icr!ey, 1 APPEALS TO THE PEOPLE. wrist, “are you feeling Is-tter?" is believed (his will do much towards W a-hington forest reserve and opened persons were injured, many of whom ills only answer was a wink of his ym 11 go to Ixmdon some day, and see j where in the further development of the claims to settlement. Reports to this effect will die. them wardens. Happen I may come tor Io iked at me in a way which made President Ask» Relief for the Stricken People on the Albany side of the Calapooica bright eyes, recently reached Washington from the It is now generally admitted that of the West Indie», "Here is John coming,” she con­ a* re-« thee: 1 hear thou'rt leaving me doubt whether I had been wise to m ines, some of which are pronounced state, and have led to considerable tell him my desire. However, he 30,000 people lost their lives at St. rich. tinuisi to him. "i shall come ami see Tini|H*rley.” Washington, May 15.—The following epeculation. Mr. Cushman learned "In a very few weeks,” I said. answered he would see what he could l’ierre. The streets of the city are cov­ you tomorrow again." that on April 18 Commissioner Her­ ered with corpses. was issued from the White House dur ­ "We. I, now, I like thee; and I mun Many emigrants are arriving daily at .1 ■ We left the cottage as John ap­ mann directed D. B. Shelier, superin­ Medford. Steinhardt, it w evident, expected proached with hia wheel barrow , ls*ar- '..in* and hear thee praich af re thou Tlie new steel casting combine, to lie ing the afternoon: tendent of forest reserve in Washing­ g* • ! >'. mon, I a' aomething here, me to so away, back to the south prob- known as the American Steel Casting ing ti e shell fish for bis alterno m "The president has appointed a com­ The fruit growers around Medford ton, to make an examination of town­ tini';"—he produced an old pocket t nb y, since I disliked Timperliy so Company, w ill control one-fourth of the round. mittee to receive funds for the relief of are jubi'ant over the recent rains and ship 3»north, ranges 8, 9 and 10 east; IsHik, and fr m one of the compart ­ 'much; but I metaphorically shook my production of the country. "1 think your master must Is* rous­ the sufferers from the reient disaster the fact that prospects for a good yield township 31 north, ranges 10 and 11 ii enta he took a (quart of paste board Croydon evidence tit him and more ob­ ing up a little, John.,” said ixiuise. east, and township 30 north, range 11 Another revolution is on the^tapis in in Martinique and St. Vincent. The are better than for years. wliii h lie guv« me — "happen that may stinately resolved not to go away. "Vea,” said John; "I think lie mini, east, with reference to whether it is l'itii« in handy when thou goea ba* k to There happened at that time t * lie sev­ Hayti. gentlemen appointed from each city The mill on the Lucky Bart group at better suited for forestry purposes or miss. Seems to me he may get »« I iid.'ii. I found it ill Ixn roix'a Ixinc eral curacies vacant in reightioring Peace may be officially proclaimed will be asked to collect and receive the Gold Hill is running day and night on agricultural purposes. No report has «eel again as Im was afore th* other )•* nd' nmre'n a year ago, and says I, ‘I I pari-hea or districts; I applied first for in South Africa on May 20. funds from their localities and neigh­ ore from the Doubtful claim. A 30- yet been received. master went to Lunnon." mini keep this till I go to Ixmdon,’ but one with the result alter some time of borhoods as exjieditiousJy as possible inch vein of high grade free milling ore As I t.svk my way through the vil­ The government hill for enjoining When Superintendent Shelier shall I *lo not think 1'11 ever ride in a first having my application declined, and and forward them to Hon. Cornelius N. assaying $45 per ton was recently lage to my lodgings, I found myself i las« larriage—so thoud'st better tak' then (or another, with the same result. the 18>ef trust has lieen filed at Chi­ Bliss, treasurer of the New York com­ struck in this claim, which will bring have been heard from, the general land turning over these words of John: how office will convey his recommendation cago. I wii1* di-appoiut, d and puzzled , I knew mittee, which committee will act as a the Lucky Bart group to the front to the secretary of the interior, where “well," I wondered, had old Jacques it, nmn." "What ia it?” I asked. Government troops who were ordered airain. something over $150,000 having I had lieen reckoned successful in Tim ­ central distributing point for the coun­ been Indoro hia nephew went to Inn- tlie matter will be finally acted upon. "To be sure," said lie, '"tlioo perley, and I could not under.-tand the to disband in China have raised the try. The president directs all the post­ already been milled from the several It is probable that no final action can don’ If lie could recover ()ieech, could M0 It's i< tirat elusa ticket". coldness and reticence of the replies I standard of revolt. masters throughout the country and re­ ledges on the property. he tell us anything of comequence con­ be had until late in the fall. In case 1 thanked him, and put it in my received. But I was soon startled into It is reported that threeother islands quests the presidents of all the national cerning him? The number of strangersnow pouring all or a part of the land is found to be pocket. the perception of their cause. of the West Indies were extensively banks to act as agents for the collec­ into Oregon is being felt even in the agricultural, that much will undoubt­ We were then upon the cottage in CHAPTER VIII. Ixiuise and I had got into the habit tion of contributionsand to forward the backwoods. A year ago it was believed edly be restored to settlement; other­ Steinliurdi of meetiiu frequently (as I have already damaged liesides Martinque. which I hail seen Frank same at once to Mr. Bliss at New York. 'loth Miss I ji roixand myself waited sitting at the piano. Sounds of music hinted) at the cottage of old Jacques: Natives whose kraals were burned by The ]>ostmasters are also directed to re­ that all the public timber land worth I wise its present status will not be al­ tered. Impatiently for news from Freeman in an 1 singing were again proceeding from we were still waiting for news from burghers, attacked a Boer laager in the port to the postmaster general within taking had passed into private hands, Loudon. From day to day I expected ai d investors were buying freely from it, an I 1 wa« not surprised to see that I King's Cross, and we did not know vicinity of Scheepers Nek May 5, and 10 days any funds collected on this ac­ a letter; and day after day, when I met FOR RELIEF. the original locators. But since then mam "f those who had lieen diaap- killed 32 Boers. count. The president appeals to the In r either in Jacques's cottage or in pointed by the nightingale stood listen­ whether the letter was to lie sent to me, the more inacessible and less timbered or to Feemun, or to Miss Lacroix. The United States government has public to contribute generously for the the little clough lieyond Timperley Congreu Vote» $200,000 for the Sufferers ing in silence to the girl. Ixiuise met me one morning in great dispatched vessels to Martinque to relief of those upon whom this appall­ land is being eagerly sought by people Hall, I had to tell her that no letter of Martinique. When 1 reached my lodgings I took alarm and hurriedly told me the ex- render any assistance possible to the ing calamity has fallen, and asks that anxious to tile on timber tracts. had come. She quickly liegiin to show out the old fellow's singular little pres­ l>ccted letter had come, but addressed stricken inhabitants. the contributions lie sent in ae^speedily Washington, May 14.—The volcano sign« of that Li-art sickne-s, which in ent. It was the "return" half of a first to Mr. I acroix—that Steinhardt there­ PORTLAND MARKETS. as possible." calamity in the West Indiea came up the young is so ready to follow ii|w>n Further details add only to the ex­ class railway ticket from London Bridge fore had opened it, naturally ex;>ecting The National Red Cross Society has before the house during the afternoon, the steady, indefinite postponement of tent of the St. Pierre hoiror. From all to Croydon. It was tolerably clean ; it Wheat — Malla Walla, 65’-g@66c; the District of Columbia measure being hojie. In mv efforts to encourage her must have been throw n away or dropped, to find it 11 litisiness communication! over the world assistance is being sent also issued an appeal for aid for the bluestem, 67c; valley, 65c. same cause. laid aside to permit the relief bill to be 1 encouraged myself also to lielieve soon alter it was issued, and picked up He brought it to her, and asked ta the unfortunates. Barley — Feed, $20@21; brewing, considered. that an Oierrilliiig Power wa« holding sisin after it was thrown away. A bus - knew what it meant. She read it;, it $21@21.50 per ton. The anthracite companies have told In view of the president’s message The Number 1 nereis rd. this mystery in hand for some great pic.... which had liegun to creep upon «11« short, and to this effect: The their miners not to report for work at guard who had had charge of the 8 Oats—No. 1 white, $1.25@1.30;gray, urging an appropriation of $500,000 purpose, only to reveal it eventually me when first 1 looked nt it shot up Pittsburg, May 15.—A careful and o’clo k express on the evening of March Scranton, I’a., and it looks like a lock­ the house committee on appropriation^ with the more force and effect. systematic search for the dead and in­ $1.15@1.25. with startling suddenness when 1 turned Flour—Best grades, $2.85@3.40 per unanimously reported a substitute to One evening when I met her In the it over and read the 'late stamped on the 16th, 1882, had been found ami in­ out. Both sides are preparing for a jured in the Sheridan honor reveals a terrogated ; he could nut reirember long struggle. ( the senate relief bi'.l making it $200 - clough we were Isith start lol mid its edge—“Mar 15 82." list of 23 dead and 202 injured. A barrel; graham, $2.50@2.80. anione answering to the description of Miilstuffs — Bran, $ 15@16 per ton; 000, and placing its disposition unde’r silenced by the clear, full note of a President Simon Sam, of Hayti, has complete list of the injured may never I his ticket had been found by the old the missing gentleman, lie might or middlings, $ 1H@2O; shorts, $17@18; the president of the United States bird—a liquid “joug.Joug." be known, as many were able to get chop, resigned. $16. ■ Heminway, of Indiana, the acting "Is it a thrush?" I »aid in a wjtiaper. man in Lacroix lane: had the person might not have traveled by that train, away without making known their Admiral Sampson's remains have 1 chairman of the appropriation commit­ IIiiv — Timothy, $12<®15; clover, Mie ligtened breathless, almost pant­ who had lost or dropped it there been b t it really seemed impossible to as­ been buried in Arlington cemetery. identity. A conservative estimate by the -nine as the person who had bought certain at that distance of time. ing, w it h joy, those familiar with the situation places $7.5O(glO; Oregon wild hay, $5@6 per tee, secured unanimous consent for im­ mediate , consideration. The amount ----------------- -«V -HUIVUIll, Tlie British press demands that the the numbei more or Jess seriously hurt "Oh," she whispered, at length, "it it in I oiidon’’ If he had, had he been I imperley? In a won)— Potatoes—Best Burbanks, 1.5001.65 "e Pa|d, had lieen limited to $200,000 a ■■ government take action on the steam­ at not less than 300. is n nightingale—it is a nightingale percental; ordinary, $1.25(21.35 per because the committee was informed ■ n lieen Mr. laicroix? It ship combine. and, p'sir girl, she actually roblicd l’,vl Few Japanere in America. l<> to say, until after such were being cental; growers prices; sweets. $2.25@ ‘ that large contributions ‘ “How can the dear little bird have got Former Senator In Mining Deal. The attorney general of Missouri has There are comparatively few Japan­ a 1 saw little chance of lieing 2.50 per cental; new potatoes, 3@3,Lgc. made by private parties. so far out of its way as thia dreadlitl ""( l’ierre, 8. D., May 15.—Ex-Senator :^rs to ese in the United States. There are but filed proceedings against the beef trust Butter—Urean erv, lm.i I7'ac; dairy, The bill was finally passed and went place?" John M. Thurston, of Nebraska, and 12's(<415c; store, 10(rfl?lec. e I.a- 100 in Chicago, ami many of them are in his state. through the senate without division. After a rapt attention of some students in various schools. Several Eggs—I5oi 15'sc for Oregon. The nomination of II. ('lav Evans ex-Senator W. J. McConnell, of Idaho, T iites to the ravishing song, Isith Wilhelmina Steadily Improving, Olli‘6 merchants and foreign representatives as consul general to Ixmdon has been have joined in a mining venture and Cheese— Full cream, twins, 12.ki were impelled to go away to tell <> will operate in New Mexico. They linee- are here, while from one to a dozen confirmed by the senate. 13c¡YoungAmerica, 13'¡¡©ld.'ge; fac­ The Hague, May 14.—The bulletins of our delight. The path out o Japanese business men puss though have incorporated the [San Ygnacoi de tory prices, 1(8 I *4C less. issued at Castle Loo concerning the • lough led along the ridge liehind Chicago every d iv. There is no disposi­ The house lias passed the omnibus Bora Mining Company, Ltd., with a Poultry—Chickens, mixed, $4.50(8 condition of Queen Wilhelmina have i cot- |ierley, past two or three neat tion on the part of the Japs to emigrate statehood bill admitting Oklahoma, capital of 11,000,000. 5.00; hens, $ > 00(8 5.50 |ier dozen, been reduced to one a day, and it is ex­ I visits housee. From one of these wo ll’a(a!2e per poind; springs, 11@ pected that they will soon cease alto­ insw - to the United States as the < bine e do. Arizona and New Mexico. surprised, as we approached, to 11 l4c per pound. $3,00(85.00 per doz­ gether. The marked improvement in sts nt —Chicago Chronicle. Profit» of Steel Trust. It is now estimated that fully 40,000 music and singing of an unusually en; duck-. $5.00(8(1.00 per dozen; tur­ her majesty’s condition continues and n, I people perinheii in the earthquake at quality. It wan just growing da Wendell Philip«' Warning. New York, May 15.—Checks aggre- keys, live, 18<2 I 4e, dressed, 15(8 16e |ier the constant attendance of her phygj- oi lit lump shone out from a window, Wendell Philips onca said that unless St. Pierre, Martinique. The American gating $10,000^)00 were sent out by J. pound; geese. $6.50(87.50 |ier dozen. eians is^no longer necessary. I to which tho blind wan not yet ill our next step in progress, as a nation, consul and his family are among the Pierpont Morgan Co., in payment of Mutton—Gross. 4lac per pound; and we could plainly see a man » dead. Lord Pauncefott Quite III. was in a spiritual direction, that boy the second distribution of profits re­ sheared, ">■'.) *■; dressed, 7 lae |>er |*ound. at the piano, and a girl, slight was now­ living who would write the Ilogs—Gross, 6’4c; dressed, 7 ‘s@8c The attorney general of Washington sulting from the formation of the Washington, May 14.—Lord Paunce- "mall of figure, standing with her down fall of the American republic, as has rendered an opinion that Mr. Mc­ per pound. fote, the British ambassador, continues mi liis shoulder. She sang in a Gibbon wrote that of the Boman Bride is still lieutenant governor,^but United States Steel Corporation. The Veal—6’j(98c for small; 6'a@7c for quite ill here, and his condition is giv­ • I'-ar mid sweet an a bird's, a son; empire. ing the family some concern. He suf- is invested witli the power of chief ex­ amount of cash advanced by the syndi­ large. much in vogue, called "Ehren < We are not inquiring for tint Imy ecutive. Beef—Gross, rews, 4’ac; steers. ers from asthma and stomach and other cate was $25,000,000, which was re ­ Rhine.” As we panned the song < now, but for one who will ma >« that 5*40; dres-ed, 8(88^4'0 per ;>onnd. troubles, and owing to hie advanced quired during the early stages of the Queen Wilhelmina is convalescent. and tho player turned; we saw hI history impossible. Hops—12*uIS cent“ jier pound. age, his system fails to respond as read­ corporation’s negotiations, and returned and each exclaimed to the other, ' Wool—Valley, 12(811; Eastern Ore­ ily to the treatment as was hoped would Nine men were injured in an explo ­ .. tutti I ted me somewhere io *<.. Hiitory ol American Citi»«. *• s I-rank I" So here dwelt the r . after the first six or seven months. gon, 8@12e; mohair, 25c per pound. lie the case. sion in an Anaconda smelter. "Von have, then," said I, "f liis indifference to Ixiuise's beauty American cities lire built to l>e f r i,,i,d ut Ixtndon, or anywhere • ml sad grace! Violated Ruin of War. some- Airship Expiated. The British administration in India |. is not lie essnry, you know, burned. 'Iheir histories read public Over 2,000 pounds changed hands in “Oh, what would his father my, if r ,,|H : thing like this: Flourishing. New York, May 15.—Great carnage is alarmed by rumors of sedition in Af­ Paris, May 14—The airship belong, he knew!” exclaimed Louise, in alarm II,al you smuild live in London to fol­ library, handsome churches, blocks of lietting upon a game of piug pong in was wrought at Canipano, the Vene­ ghanistan. ing to Senor Auguste Sevres, the BrazH- "I don’t think wo'll tell him," low up inquiries-" stores, now cou thouse, first clnas Ixmdon recently. zuelan seaport town which was at­ inn aeronaut, made an ascension dur­ “ Well," Hixiil she, "I know two or Baid I. All the flour consumed by the 11,- ing the morning. The airship exploded Athens expects to be visited by more tacked, says the Port of Spain, Trini­ hotels; destroyed by fire; lots, mil 1 was that, night more cheerful and three girls living in Ixmdon who were lions. than ¡10,000 tourists, chiefly English dad, correspondent of the Herald, by 000,000 people in Siam comes from the and killed Sevrosand another aeronaut. hopeful than I had been since my com­ at school with mo in Croydon, but I and American, during the present land and sea, May (1, by government United States. Senor Sevres arrived in Paris with a ing to Timperley. I wan not addicted think I could not ask them." Migl. Price lor a ’Calio. month. troops and gunlmats, without 24 hours' Swans on the Thames at Eton and Hying machine last November. He Imagine h° w my heart leaped! I *o writing letters to the newapa|M>rs, A record price for a Strndixariua Sixty-two miles an hour is to be the notire having been given, so that non- Windsor are living fed from the local then announced his intention to sail •mt tl.e presence in that district of the wns afraid I showed my emotion in my ’celIo ia reported fr"in Fo lin. It is average speed maintained by a new combatants could leave the town. For­ boat rafts, as the birds are unable, across and around Paris. Hie last little bird of song, that usually sug- lo ENTS OF THE DAY r_ NEWS OF Til ESTAIT