Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, April 10, 1902, Image 4

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Spring Humors
"Penin.i is an Excellent Spring Catarrh
Kitticdjr—I am as Well as Ever.”
Come *o Bust |*o|4e and cause tinny
trouble«, — pimploa, boils ami other
eruptions, borides loss of appetite,
that tired feeling, tits of biliousness,
indigestion ami headache.
Tiie sooner one get« rid of them th«
better, and the way to get rid of them
ami to build up the system that haa
Miflered from them ia to take
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
and Pills
Forming in combination the Spring
Medicine par tier il me», of unequall«xl
■trength in purifying the blood as
shown by unequalled, radical and per­
manent cures of
•wa/rf Haaaf
A//ft/raFa aS Nawwwe
St»o</ Pogawnlnw
«aft «ftwaww
«afta. PAsanTOa
Oyaaaaaia. Etc
Accept no substitute, but be sure to
get Hood’s, and get it today.
roncan rivai*.
The zeze ia a favorite instrument in
Fast Africa. It is a sort of crude vio­
lin. composed of a luir of «rood fastened
to a large gourd There is a single
string made of vegetable fiber,and differ­
ent tones are reproduced by lengthen­
ing or shortening the string.
Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sooth-
Ing Syrup the be?t remedy to use tor their
children during the teething period.
From G<ort< IV to Edward VII.
Should the Baroness Burdett-Coutta
live to witness the coronation of Ed­
ward VII next June, it will be th«
third event of the kind she will have
attended. At the age of 16 she saw
George IV crowned, and she also at­
tended the coronation of Queen Vic­
Ara Toil Valng Alles'« Font-Enas?
Il 1« tbs only cars lor Swollen, Smarting,
Burning, Sweatin« Feet. Corns and Bunion«.
A»k for Allen'« Fooi-Ea»e. a powder la be
• haken Into the (hoea. At all Drazt>»ta and
Shoe Store«. 2c. Sample «ent FREI
Allen 8. Olm«te<1. LeRoy. X Y.
England to learn From la
At the suggestion of Alfred .Moselev,
of London, and Ixird Reay, president
of University College. London, a spe­
cial commission will be sent font Eng­
land to this country to inquire into la­
bor matters and the relations between
masters and lalor unions.
The Imperial seals of the Dowager
Empress of Cbiua were recently sold
by auction lu London. Then1 are n«
duplicates to these very Interesting and
l«eautlful specimen« of Chinese art. and
therefore they are of special value t«
the wealthy connoisseur
The seals
are four tn number, and are of green
Jadestones. They are of Interest t«
artists, for the strong minded dowager
waa much addicted to painting water
color«, and to prevent any doubt being
cast upon them as uot the genuine pro
duct of her own Imperial hand, and
that posterity should also be enlight­
ened as to her geulus. she used to af­
fix one of these Jadestone seals upon
them. The Phoenix is carved on two
of these seals. This Is the special
mark or crest of an empress dowager
of the empire. But the lady autocrat
waa not satisfied with the Phoenix
alone. Having usurped the reins of
government, she arrogated to b«rself
th« prerogatives sf the Emperor, and
added the ISragon to her own emblem
of majesty. This makes the pair of
seals belonging to Yl Kun Palace of
especial value, and will be a token to
•ucceedtng generations of her usurpa­
tion and reality of power In the rm
plrw One of the seals Is of lu espe­
cially beautifnl design It Is of white
jade, the surface of which is a beau­
tiful red color. It belonged to the Em­
peror Klen I.ung (178B-96I. and Is stat­
ed to have been carved by himself, his
majesty haring been quite an artist in
his way
It bears the words. “It 1«
only the learned of the present day
who leve the lore of the ancieata."
In the cut are shown the Impression«
of two of the seals, the Dowager Em
press’ ordinary seal and the Emperor’s
Yl-Kun seal. The Inscription of the
former is translated. “Nourish your
mind and nurse your spirits.’' while
that of the latter Is "Written by the
Imperial Hand in the Yl-Kun Palace."
Piso's Cure for Consumption is an infal­
Beauty Was So Destruc­
lible medicine for coughs and colds —N. This Ansora
tive, Said the Domratlea.
W S ami ax. Ocean drove. N. J, Feb 17.
A Brooklyn woman recently gar«
away her pet cat. an Angora of great
A Joke From England.
beauty, although she was much attach­
Mr«. Gotham—Now they say Chicago ed to it. But the cat had broken maay
is to have the most powerful telescope plates, two cream Jugs, a leapot. sev
ever made. What do you suppose that eral teacups, several handsome piece«
is for?
of brie a brae; had drunk cream and
Mr. Gotham—I presume they want milk Intended for breakfast on several
to find out if the top stories of their occasions, «nd bad stolen several
iiouses are inhabited.—Tid-Bita.
sweetbreads when the Ice chest wat
left open. Nevertheless, this dewtructfv«
cat was a great favorite with the cook,
We offer One Ho ndred Dollar* Reward for any chambermaid, and dining-room gtrL
ease of catiarrb that can not be cured by Halle who won their mistress’ heart by al­
Catarrh Care.
F. J. CUtWt A Co., Props, Toledo. O. most crying when she sent ft away.
WetbennderMgDed.bave knewa F J Cheney
Two days after the Angora's de
lor th" ra«t l.vyean, and believe bim perfe* i.y
hon ruble in al. lu«: i.ea* tranaactl. na an.l 11 ti­ pert tire its mistress found s handsome
an. ally able to carry outaoy obli«an< ns made band-painted plate on the dining room
by their firm.
Wa*’ A Tarax.
table broken lo several pieces. She
Wholesale Drsrglsu. Toledo,
ssked the maid about ft.
WaLDise Kir sas A Maans.
Wholesale Drugg «.a. Toledo. O.
“I dunno," answered the maid, “how
Hall's Catarrh Care la taken lr.ternally.acting
directly on the blood and mue<ms earfaeeeor It happened, unless puss came back and
the system. Price 75c per botl.e. Bold by all paid a visit You know. mum. cats has
druggists. Teat, iron'a s free.
« way of comln’ back.”
Hall’s Family Pilis are the beat.
“Ye«, so I understand. Mary, and I
Danger of Resentment.
think puss will soon be with us again,
“Republics are ungrateful," said the so that she will not bare to make vis­
its,” replied the mistress.
hero, sadly.
“Well,” answered the business man,
That night she wrote a letter to the
“I suppose a republic .has a great deal friend who had taken the cat, saying:
of human nature about it. Nobody
“Send puss back, for I think I bar«
likes to be dunned, and some people discovered the cat or cats for who««
are liable to make the mistake of con­ acta she has been blamed.”
tinually reminding a republic of it«
Fuss was brought back, and for a
wonder the domestic« don’t like her as
much as they once did. She Is not se
welcome tn the kitchen, but then she
has reformed. Her mistress furnished
the key to her reformation when sb«
told the story to a friend.
“You see,” she said, "she has quit do­
ing damage since I told the domestics
that I would bold them responsible fur
all the damages she did and would tak«
enough out of their earnings to pay for
the damage. Sine« that they have
watched her ao closely that she has
neither broken any dishes, drunk any
cream, nor eaten any sweetbreads.”
And the owner of the cat smiled at
her friend, says the New York Tinies,
and actually winked.
Little Liver Pills.
Mutt Bear Signatur« of
Fimos« Novelist Called F.orop« a Ro­
mance and America Hnmdrusn.
Here la an Interesting letter, in th«
possession of a well known autograph
collector, that, according to the Phila­
delphia Record. Fen I more Cooper wrote
to his publishers In 1881:
“1 hope you will be wrong In antici­
pating a bad reception for 'The
Brav«.’ I cannot tell you much of Its
reception In Europe, though Gosselin
says It IS very decidedly successful In
France. America Is, of all countries,
one of the least favorable to works of
the imagination. In Europe, or, rather
In England, where there bss existed
a necessity of accounting for some suc­
cess In the very teeth of their preju­
dices snd wishes. It has been the fash­
ion to say that no writer ever enjoyed
so favorable an opportunity as I, be­
cause I am an American and a sailor.
As to the sailor part of the business.
It la grossly absurd; for what advant­
age has an American sailor over any
other? They know the falsehood of
what they say In this respect, for I
can get i3.iM)0 for a nautical tale that
shall celebrate English skill to mor­
"For myself, I can write two Euro­
pean stories easier than I can write
one American. Why. Europe Itself Is
a romance, while all America Is a rnat-
ter-of fact, humdrum, common sense
tlAC* Oft YtU-OW
WILL KlLPYOLWtY region from Quaddy to t'ape Florida."
None llequired.
He was obviously anxious, and aha
seemed almost willing.
"I shall refer you to papa,” said she,
with a becoming blush, "before giving
you a final answer.”
"But 1 am perfectly willing to take
you without any referent*,” said be,
magnanimously. -Indlnnapelis News.
Short StorieJ
after Walt
i "Leaves of Graxa” made Ha appear
am*», J. T. lYxtwbridge vvaa walking
with Lowell In Cambridge, when the
latter poluteil out a doorway sign,
,''Grocer!««,” will» the letters act sig
tag. to produce a bizarre elTect. "That,”
said lie. “I* Walt Whitman with very
common goods lualile."
While he was In England. Mark
Twalu Bays hla head waa one« taxed
as gasworks, lie wrote Queen Victoria
a fit wildly letter of protest, tuiylug “I
dou’t kuow you. tmt I’ve met your sou.
lie waa at the bead of a pro*a>aalon In
tho Strand, and 1 was on a ’bus.” Years
lien t«an A Urosvvaar. o( ths ramoua Obla afterward he mot the Prince of Wah*«,
now King Edwarvl VII., at Homburg
Hon. Dan. A. Grosvenor, deputy au­ i They had a long walk and talk lt>
ditor tor ti e war department, in a let­ geiher. Whou bidding hltu good by,
ter written from Washington, D. C., tho ITIuce said. "I aui glad to have met
you again." Thia remark troubled
••Allow nie to expresa my gratitude ■ I’A’alu, w ho feared that he hud been
to you for the benefit derived from one mistaken for some one else. He coin
bottle of l*vruna.
One week has uiuideated thia suspicion to tho 1‘rluce.
brought wonderful changes and I am who replied: "Why. dou’t you remem
now a< well as ever. Besides being
one of the very be.-t spring tonics it Is , her wbeu you met m« on tho Straml
an excellent catarrh remedy.” Very and 1 was at the head of a procession,
aud you were on a 'bust*
Dan. A. Grosvenor.
It is related that about ten years ago
llal I’. lrinton, chief national export
exposition, I'hiladeli Lis, Fa., writes: Mr. aud Mrs. Leland Stanford were
"I was completely rundown from over­ traveling through tho Middle West lu
work and the responsiuility naturally 1 cogu.to. They Usp|>eiied to I ms In
connected with the exploitation ota : Bloouiiugtuu. Ind., one Sunday, aud
great international exposition.
My J pursuant to their usual custom went io
physician recommended an extended church. They attended the Christian
vacation. When life teemed almost a Church of Bloomington, thou largely In
burden I Iwgan taking Feruna, and the hands of Atnzl Atwater. Wbeu the
with the use of the fifth ts'ttla I found plate was pass««! for ths collection
myself in a normal condition. I have Mrs. Stanford dropped In a ten dolla"
since enjoyed the best of health.”
gold piece. Mr. Aiwater waa ths dea
Almost everybody needs a ton iff in con lu charge of the collection taking
the spring. Something to brace the It was noticed that the ushers held a
nerves, invigorate the brain, and hurried conference with him when the
cleanse the bliss!. That Fenina will money was taken forward. At Its eon
do this is Iwyond all question. Every­ elusion, Mr. Atwater said: “Ladles
one w ho has tried it has had the same and gentlemen, there has evidently been
experience as Mrs. D. W. Timberlake, a mistake. Seme one has dropped a
<>f Lynchburg, Va., who, in a recent leu dollar gold piece Into ttie collection,
letter, made use of the following words: if he will pass up after the services,
“I always take a dose of Feruna after we will lie glad to allow him to ex­
business hours, as it is a great tiring change It for the amount he Intended
for the nerves.
There is no better to give." It Is. M course, needless to
spring tonic, and I have used alsnit say that Mrs. Stanford did not take
all of them.”
advantage of the opportunity.
For a free book on “Chronic Ca­
Ths manager of an Eastern life Insur
tarrh,” address The Parana Medicina
ance compauy received the following
Co.. Columbus. Ohio.
letter from a policyholder: "1 hold pol­
icy In your company. Xa ------- , date«!
An L'autual Oceuren«.
27th July, 11)00, for 23O.UUO, on which I
Towne—You seem to have a little have paid the yearly premiums I have
now to Inform you that my physician
Browne—Yee; railroad accident.
advises me that 1 have a pronounced
Towne—You don't mean to say that case of apiiemlleltls. and bls diagnosis
you got damages.
Is confirmed by a sp«*clallst whom 1
Browne—1 mean to say a railroad I have consulted. I am told that the only
took some stock in years ago has finally hope of saving my life Is an operation,
paid a dividend.
which w ith hospital exi*eni*«*s will cost
(ftOO, an amount that I have no means
Chip of th« 01« Block.
to pay. 1 am sensible that I owe It to
“Thoma«," said the minister to his you. w ho have so large a p«*ctinlary In­
five-year-old son and heir, “I trust you terest In my life, to gbe you the option
will not misbehave in church this to pay the cost of thia operation to save
morning, as you did last Sabbath. my life that I may continue to pay you
Such conduct is very mortifying to for the yearly premiums on my policy
(I believe that I am otherwise strong
"But. papa," rejoined th« incorrigi­ and healthy), or In the alternative to
ble Thomas, "aint we taught to mortify pay the g'Jo.OOO to my beneficiary with
In a few weeks I am quite willing to
the flesh?"
be exnuilnt*«l by any physician you may
ANOTHER GRAND REPORT FROM name, and to have you select the oper
ating surgeon Immediate attention Is.
of course, Imperative.” The manager
Is at a loss to know whether or not
from a business standpoint, the com
Where Upward« of 10,000 Men Are Cao- pany should pay the cost of operating
• tantly Fin ploy ed.
Lake llannington.
Some time ago the Portsmouth Times
Sir II. Johnstone. In a recent speech
and Naval Gazette published a most
thrilling and remarkable experience of gave the follow ing picturesque descrip­
the wife of Mr. Frederick Payne, him­ tion: "The waters appear a very deep
self connected with the Portsmouth blm*-gr<*en, nml their surface Is so still,
Dockyard for many years. The report and their mirror like reflection is so
produced a great sensation, not only in complete, that when coming iqH»n the
Portsmouth, but throughout the coun­ lake suddenly It Is ditfictilt to reallae
try, being considere*! of sufficient im­ that you are looking down u|s>n a lake.
portance for repr duction and editorial . ami not upon some awful chasm In the
comment by the leading metropolitan ! earth's sin face, over which hundreds of
and Provincial Pre«« of England, as i thousands of flamingoes are floating.
showing the marvelous powers which 1 for the only thing real almut the lake
St. Jacobs Oil possesses as a cure for when seen under these conditions are
Rheumatism, its application having the flamingoes. Keen from above, they
effected a jierfect cure in the case of l>x>k Ilk» a belt, which on Its outer side
Mrs. Payne, after having been a help* la gray w hite, the young birds; white
less cripple and given up by several lu the middle, the half grown ouea; and
posses» an Inner ring of the most ex­
We have now further evidence of its quisite rose tint, the full grown birds,
intrinsic value as a Pain Conqueror. in the full beauty of a plumage wblcn
Our readers will do well to follow the ranges from pale blush-pink to scarlet-
intelligent and highly interesting de­ crimson."
tails as given in Mrs. Rabbets' own
Had to Mislead Him.
To the Proprietors St. Jacobs Oil:
"It was a dblrty thrick annyhow."
Gentlemen—My husband, who is a growled Mr. Mulcalmy.
shipwright in His Majesty's Dockyard,
‘•Pbwat’s thot?” asked Mr. OTun
met with an accident to his ankle and der.
leg, spraining both so badly that his
"Me b’y Terry Is playin’ th’ dlintrn In
leg turned black from his knee to his th' Kivlntleth Iteglmlnt Band, au’ tb'
U m *«. The Dr. said it would be months baudmasther knew be wudden't play
before he could put his foot to the anny Gurman ebunea, an' ao be
ground, and it was doubtful whether he crushed out th' toltle av 'Th' Watch
would ever get proper use of his leg on th’ Itbolne. an' all th’ other Guruiati
wans an' marked thlsm as ’Th’ Wear-
A few dare after the accident Ibais In' av tb* Grane* an' sooch lolke, an'
book left at the door telling al»out St. Terry played lolke th' dlvll all th'
Jacoba Oil, 1 procured a bottle from our tolme Fr-r-rlnce Hlnry was here, nlver
chemist, Mr. Arthur Creswell, 379 knowln' but phwat he waa handin' out
Commercial Road. 1 began to u-e St.
good Olrlsh music. An’ now th' b’y
Jacoba Oil, snd you may guess my sur­
has a brick In bls han' an’ bar rd
prise, when in about another week from
that date, my bii-lmnd could not o*ily wor-r-rds In his tathe and Is huntlu'
stand, but could even walk about, and th’ bandmasther.”—New York Judge.
in three weeks from the time I flr»t
Easily Rwallowed.
ured the Oil my husband «as back at
"I don't quite know what the lady
work, and everybody talking aliout bis meant,” says an elderly physician, "but
wonderful recovery. This ia not ail. whatever It was. she meant It bard.
Seeing what Ft. Jacobs Oil could do Khe came to my office last Tuesday,
gave rne faith in your Vogeler’a C ir- and after considering her case, I wrote
ative Compound, also favorably rn -n- a proscription, which was to be put
tioned in the Irxrk left at my house. I np In capsules of very large size. 1
determined to try the compound on my explained the why and wherefore of
little girl, who waa suffering from a
tills to her, and asked her If shs could
dreadful rkin disea«e, the treatment of
swallow anything so big. She looked
which has cost me large sums of money
in going from one doctor to ano'her at me In an acidulous way.
" 'Swallow Itl’ she said. ‘Why, tny
with her, all to no purpose.
She has taken two bottles of Vogeler’s husband belongs to two whist clulm
Curative Compound, and one would and more lodges than you could count
now hardly take her for the san e child, Swallow It! Humph! I reckon I haven't
her skin haa got such a nice, healthy been married ten years without learn
color after the sallow look she haa Ing to swallow bigger things than
that.’ ’’—Washington Post.
always bad.
I shall never ceaae to be thankfful for
Mad Htuilrnl.
the immense benefit we have derived
An extraordinary Incident is related
from tbe«e two great remdiea of yours. In th« "Journal des Debata” In connec­
I think it a duty to recommend these tion with the University of Budapest.
medicines now I have proved their It Is stated tlint an Individual confined
In a lunatic asylum left It In order to
i undergo bls examination nt the unlver
slty. Go answered all the Interroga
93 Grafton Street, .Mile End, Landport,
tlons clearly and Intelligently, and, hav­
Portsmouth, England.
A lioeral free sample of Vogeler’s ing received bls diploma, re entered tb«
Compound will bo sent by addressing asylum.
St. Jacobs Oil Ltd., Baltimore.
Tired Out
o». Isr«.*« .
, i ,.
Do You Grow;;.-’J?
o '•’*■
I flrtfiflllLJ
Wax* wnw o-v i r
•».'••«» * »
' •*-•-. 'i.ii.iuiu u .* u. i
•• | was very porlv and ce«M
hardly gat
h'|'h,n I t>wd
tirsd out all ths tuns
(| onlr
Ayer's Sarsarsrilla, •'
luok two bottle. •« » *
perfectly well.
ney, Princeton. Mo
Tired when you go «o
bed, tired when you get
up, tired all the tune.
\l hy? Your blood Is im­
pure, that’s the reason.
You are living mi ,hc
border line of nerve ex­
Take Avers
Sarsaparilla and^be
quickly cured, »n «.‘.n—
i* *•••• •
,14 t.mllr m*1" "*•
leeall. *«»«
Naw- Year Haiolutfunt
<"*’ Keoloy Curo
leu» IUM». 7.-.*“,
Don’t bea Drudge
\ mi ran ibi y(lnr w
mv Waxliing
\4,1 h.Mir
X",...... I'
H...... i“.*m‘,x;
•in I hi 'trm tit.n*
o ■» ,«.
t'iuod On« Indvsd.
"Can « man with a family Im a »<«<«1
Christian <>n a «alary ut
a aeek" I«
a qiiMtioa causing great 4isrua«|on in
I a*tern eircliM. Il lin |s a Christian al
all he woulil bave tu l»e a g*a«i uiiu on
that salary.
Pre Hovr Psfxr is ?•••♦■
Or ««I ( our«««.
colonel ia utterly (•»ar«
Pretoria has made it. ap|*'irai>re in
It contain* rommutiu «ti »n« less of public opinion.
Hlobl»«— I hat’s right
I onoo heard
aympathizing alili the B-er« (rom a
him admit l-eforo a crowd of people that
large nubmer of SOO lloro SO I wOf
he »I k I ii ’I like grand opera.
A new M*»Boar pap* «»IW
Bin «*
M -,
I, M -----------------
. rUiU4e<rLi< r»
h-*."»‘ H» •■---* ,.f l»v
L... .**■
“Whst Imcam« I your brother Bill,
who never oould learn Ills lory st srltonl,
slid aleavs liisi«t«x| that lienedlcl Ar­
Would Th«r« Wrrv
l*s N»w
Johnny is aast««! st the palli" rea-! il.>14 .li«« .»vermi America?” iuqulrnd the
Former Reaident
rtwpondmt th«
"Wlm? Hill?**
Bill?" responded
the Per-
Johnny’« Mother ((rom above) —
• >n A<l*lr*,«ee«l. "Oh, lie ilon't live
Johnny, why aront’ y- u practiciiig
hero any more, lie made s million
Johnny—I am, ma.
Johnny’s Mother—Well. Id nt brer dollar* - »I »4 a historical novel that
ha i Ariani !-»r It« I vr<> amt Jo«n of Are
Johnny -Well, I’m practicing the (or the heroine."—Baltimore Amer­
Di ll li kL’l lid *
oi.ab-iiwM- «r. -i.M o>«.w„,i„_,„
U» m.
.< • ,i i., ! .. „„
mu »« v
m- -
» . *i
.lw u >.
I .. . ,
' •
brate« in ahaDa
A .
I W. t
I > fWl
»fff IUN>
ur mon1
ay • wueth «afe fn» « ”n„ |
’ ‘ ‘
o-'i ( Il. ut,- 1 I * g y
W « . u*iaa
too them.
'•«» ' ••
I bbt / b
M|P.haf.a. n
99 bwbb
and, Qt
’* •■•••rttssr, pl*u
tuwD11 >u thia papers
9Ô0 »HOPS.
A\cßcl*ible Prcpaf.tluínT’f Ai
! simfialinfJttKRkXl.'indnetfula
I tuif’iheStiKKteaiYtlkrevhrf
rronwh*!» DrtÇf Mion Cheerful
nrss and Ä’M Contiiin« nriihiT
OjxLun.MorpbtM nor Mineral.
N ot N arcotic .
Apnfeci R.'ftwdy ferronflfipa
Bon. Sour Stomach.Illanto™
Worms.(>>nvulsM)tw fever 1 xh-
nrss ftixl L ohn of SLEEP
Tho Kintl Ymt Harn Alvrnyw Tiottghf« nn<1 wlilch ha« hem
lu id * ö für ovrr 30 yrnrw, hu« liornn tho signature <>f
uml hus bren mntlo under lil« per-
Minivi «upcrvislon einen It« lufhncy.
AlloW no ons todccclvc )<><t In thia.
All Uountrrfrlt«, Imitation« itnrl •• Just-ns-gtMHl” are buk
Eiperlmrut) thut tritio wltli nnrl rnilangrr tim hrultli of
luiauts aud ChUdrcu—üxperlene« ngulnst Experiment«
C m tori* la n linrrnleas aulrat Ittifo for C*»tor Oil, Paro-
gorlc. Drop« nnil .Soothing Hyriipa* It Is i’lr-uaunt. It
contains neither Opium, Morphltio nor other NarooUo
«¡■balance. Its *c«v 1« its guarantee. It dostroys Worms
mid allay« Fovrrlahneaa. It cure« IMarrhira mid Wind
Colic. It relieve« T'eetlilng Troubles, cures < ’oiinllpnl loCL
ami Flatulency. It uoslmilatca th« Foo«!, regulat«« tho
htonuM h aud Dowels, giving healthy and natural »bop«
Tho CUUdxeu’a 1‘auuccu—Tho Mother’s ErlcuzL
Boars tho Signatur« of
Facsimile Srÿrvnlurs of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.