KLAMATH KLA.MA1II l Al.I.s, REPUBLICAN. » KLAMATH COUNTY, (!|{E« far It Unil«l States getting u coaling station . |. rxeu In • n>»a»«ir» prepare«! for It, in Cui« bui e«.n If •**. Ihla *!**ea not prevent th» A passenger train struck a buggy in „i.hl.ii «»Hated .han«» that ov»rapr«*a*la the suburbs ol Pueblo, killing its three I,rr f.,,w aa ah» heae» It. Iler pulaea Idctnze ** torve t« m.m-rve h«*r. qni.keu utipl»a»anll/ aud diis half rl»»a And I* * a •)>. i from the beach! A is-cuplillts. ■la.k *,l.y.. t being dragged forward, a |o her feet Another mount«! force of 2.0(H) men p.-rhape meant to reach An h'»Ut ’w* &»•••« •n‘’ ’• ,n valiant |ier reooi for dinner. a th ••» mi.eta* » «.,ula hovering on death's is Is’lng raised ill Camilla for service hi blink ai l ■ k- , ouragi. to their falling South Africa. •ervaut btlntf« her • note. I h«»r J » y»*» for the hind In *''*''* • tbe fr b**at. amt now * Two mask«l men held up an I Tiiail»n which Grtnrldn no- lltml ' 1,11 t, ire he. suddenly become pot in, Kali., hotel, but wen* unable nraui «Hitler» hate ««»inpclled me tn entne P .*...*, ,.r n|,,,* r .Il break into the safe. brrr again f«»r the laat time tonight, • IL |g »«I.lently ad t«. tre-pa»«. h»r the laat time, upon jrutir dre».mg th* m w th passionate words, and The president Is receiving dozens <4 b.MpItallty I brg >ou will not let mjr ' r I."at, end with applications lor the governorship of the pre.« n r disturb you. my atajr will be au renew,-d el ■ |U* I- aerina to Cotll|H*l those Danish West Indies, should tb«>H- abort that I dare to hope you «111 U"t present to f->||ow him III« Toler, In Its I.lamia Is* sold to th«* United State», vehemence, rises even sbovo tbr storm. mark the u<»nwnr«a upoa ’ - table near that It la be whom ber Cuba will Is* turn«**! over to th«* Cub­ My iwtiiiplim* • to Mr. !»yaart, aud I hupr be will dine with tue tonight.** ahr v »ra sts.-g.ra tn her feet and «tare« ans May 20. aaya, calmly, but with an unruuarloua blindly *b» asmi darkoeaa A hearty Thera have lawn 40 cholera «'axes and loiirb <>f hauteur liuw dur« he date to *«y g «■ .p fr..m those crowded together 30 doutlia at Manila. treat her like thia, to pcralat In believing ■ •a the l.ra* b Tb» mista bave clear»«! • or rather, tu pretend to believe that away from ib» muon, and aba can a»» A St. Joseph, Mo., man is under ar­ hit la eu diataatefui to het 1 fi» Wril tbu»r eager watchers that the rest for having 13 wives. What la he t > her. unr way or the other, *. at were upon tbe rig Ein|»*ior William’s new yacht, th«* that «hr ahould rare «barber be waa In glu« et» u longer ther». bet hnuae nr OUt of It? Ilo» bai» been aiicieaaful, then, •• Meteor, will Is* ready to cross the ocean At dinner, however, abe w’ll have an <• I«, tabs* thoae five half. in a few’ day«. apportunltjr of widening b'.a knowledge d*-a I -o-at nee into the bl«-aaed lifeboat. Two men, charg«! with grand lar­ aotn« what It will l>r the aimpleat thing H t «b» rea* io re could go through ceny, sawed their way out of a Mon- t * Irt hint are how utterly unimportant • ba »ea In safety, they can return. au itrn* hr la hi the aa heme of brr ellat A bl».»* J r»l »f comes to ber, so sharp Una jail ami esca|>o«l. • *pa rdly, (bat she almost give» I‘r»-sident-<*l«t I'slma. of Culm, i- rjr« a* altr (itrna to rr«Tive the Wuman •ay * th It 11*» good ship. Indeed, confiilent that the earner of the n* w re­ who haa n-»w rutne bark with an auawer * g' : . U !.*■ < the black. Indiatim i mesa public will is* siicces-ful. (<> her ii>«*«aagr to I>y«art. • t 4 a nun-ite aim», now all le bar»— I’b'-re la a timidity In the woman'« air tl.».» la but a»a and aky, and tb» memory Judge W. Van Drvanter, of Chii-ago, of It' Bit the lifeboat still livre. that « arna her has l»*en prominently mention«l as u "Mr l>yaart*a rompllmenta and thanks, Lrrry ward la«h of tb» temp»atuoiui su<'c«*»is>r to Secretary of the Interi r ntndamr, but he haa already dined !u »at«. ! >r. tba lifeboat tb» mor» sur» Hit*li«s*k. !• I ’ ■belter, a! » ia working on the oh-e A Litudre«! I ftah tt thia bracelet.” aaya Vera, hold a o-l lotudred «-»ger eager banda ara Ing out her arm Kbr 1« aware that the • list* bed fl it to prrvi-nt th» returning margarine bill. *> a* • ft .in ■trying It backward, sotue of woman ia watching her, rurlomdy If nrr An Alalsima negro was lyncii«! for v ialy, and abe •<» m<»vro that the atidden the men to re «dimturou« than the root, pallor ■ f hrr face, the aole thing that ru»b Into th» «urging tide up to their tli<* ax-ault of u little white girl. •h v « her Itidlgnatk»n. shall n >t betray • . > * ani — •» the boat an t drag It for- An agent of the Southern China her ' That will du; you ran go.” abe cibiy Into safety. el« has arriv«l in thia «»untry to I>y.» * •( ng ng to lami, helps out th» •a)« after awhile She aw«-epa down arms. •ta'ra alnmat In the arrvant’a fooUttrpa. re. u»d h t* t iw eaha*ret»d by fear and »ip.«.'» » .*f th*-ui, in*l»»*l, baa faint and Into the green drawing room, a Governor General Wo«si. of Cub • mailer apartment than the uaual re« ep r-l * it there at» kindly anus open to ts-ing talked of as a sun ess«ir to I than r<*«>m«. and n«»w looking delicately r» » <» * * n> and kindly vole»» to bld oral Miles. euty iMtiealh the touches of lamps an*! them w. ..tn» and to praise the God of An ex-premier of Japan aaya hi ftrel ght. and with the perfuma of many ... a t land for tb»ir delivery from «■entry «not going to have any trouble death thl. n gbt. flowers banging around It. W h a hurried wav» of the band he with Russia. I be wind, the thunder, the lightning. •HU rage, but the rain has ceased, and turn, al * iptly away from th» cheering A Kansas |*<>»t office roblier ha» been **d and the dancing torchlights, and '□ the murky heavens above, a pale, sick ly riio -n la striving f«rbly to break a way niah*-e hie way through the heavy dark captunsl <>n th«* Pacific coast after a thr** jgb »he denar clottda Suddenly the n*-.a ' iwa.-d thr small pathway that will churn* of over 5, 000 miles. d<»»r is thrown open by an agi’ated banal, lea l I * the t a*! above. Stumbling, un Ttie mineworkers «»«ocistion of Penn­ and the woman who had attended her *■» tan • I freling altogether »xhauated. sylvania has issu«l an ultimatum, and upstairs comet hurriedly, without cert lie ne*erthe *»a hmia It. and puts out his if it is not accvpt«s| by the mine owner» baud ’ gr■ ;•» for the rock that he knows m<>ny, Into the room a re|M*titi*m of the 1900 strike w ill oc- <>b, madame, I thought you would like steads at tb» right aide of It, where the cur in tin* anthracite region. to know that you should be told ** aha beach contmrni eo. ‘Go l heavetMi, what la thia? He at »I»«, tflghteurd by tbt aBpresalvn on A ntnn has liven arrested in eta ta v! uitly. and then hla fingers fast Vera'a face. «in for burglary who «»nf«*»se» Well?'' says Vera, going a step nearer en with aln st convulsive energy over is an anari'liiat anil that lie rhe ams'l * "Id hand that haa been thrust to her. Into his A shsrp little cry breaks handkerchief over tin* hand of Cxolgosz "There la a ship In great dlatrcwa. ma through the darkneM. and then th» «9*1 just prior to th«« sliisiting of McKinley. dame somewhere out there,“ pointing hand Is burilrdly withdrawn, and two Cholera has broken out at Manila. vaguely in the direction of the ocean, arms sre thrown round him, and cling to “upon the rm ka. they aayt Tbeeew leaping to and yet the dinging arms ar» warm, lie- g. and genuine; thr sobbing voice Is York which, if complet«!, will control receive their prey. res! a small disheveled head la very do»» th«» entire nickel output of the world. “Yea. madame, but that accident yea trrday you will remember It? they say to him very Wbat haa happeued? lias Tin* new Chine»«* exclusion bill o»n- It baa disabled all of the men. and It la hr gone mad? Il*- Is «li'islly pal»* white aa th» death tains a clanm* which will prevent China almost certain death to go at all, and the from wbi< h ha baa but Just now so nar­ from participating in the 8t. louis hands being short, there must be volun rowly e.* »p»d, aud acr.ma bit right tern (air. terra, an >1 who will risk their lfv»»--- tli» towiibred girl »top, »h*»rt with a pl ' there 1» a »light streak of blood, atill Th«* Canadian Pacific freight sheds at qulv«^1, ami covers her face with b»r wet Thl. add« to hla pallor. Vera, see­ Winnipeg were burn««!, together with ing IL shudder» violently, and Involun haoda. "Volunteers! Wfiera la Mr. Dyaartf tartly, almoat unconsciously, lifts her all freight r«*cor«is for tin* past 22 year«. rrlrv Vera, auddenljr, with prophetic In ham!, ami preesea her handkerchief to la*ss, <150,000. allncf. "Mp»ak, girl!’’ tunilug llercely uu the wound. Th«* senate pass«l the war revenue Speak’." aaya he, and now the word her tnai«l. rv*)«eal bill. "Gone down to the beach, madame. to is a command. It rings sharply. Thera la a very anguish of doubt In hla tone, Th«* house has pass«**! tin* rivers and tee what can lie done.” “Gone!" aaya Vera, alowly, aa If daaed. anil hl* ay** burning Into here, are ao harlsirs bill. full of rd«T the carriage," ah» aaya, after n him thus vaguely the answer he require«. minute or two, during which miatnwa an*! The anthracite coal miners of Penn­ In a moment his arms are round her, niiild have remnlnn! silent. Thia aiiddcn criiahlnc her against Ilia heart. To him sylvania have demand«l an eight h" 8lu* frrla chilled, calmed, atrrngthrn«!. Another delay in the ratifleation of »hall tell the Joy this knowledge brings The moon haa In a meaaure * onqner«! him J**? that la almost pain? tin* Panish treaty by the Danish gov­ th«* cloinU, and now alilnea out with a "Darling, darling!" whispers he. softly. ernment lias ln*en brought alsmt by the pale, watery luster, (bat rather adds to And th»*1 «R»r * "t’1» while, "I am too upfxisition. than take, from the weird wildness of happy* I •**’ n,>, know what to say I the night, Tli» thunder still rattles over lairge holdings in the Rock Island cannot apenk.” And then again, "May head, atul vlvlil tluahc. light the black have been purchased by the Harriman I kl"«« you?” be»». Here and there, aa the carriage Hi* J*«*» not welt for permission, hut interests and now that road will not lie paaaca by the outskirts of thr wood, these prr.acs hla lip* to hers dear lipa, that extend«! to th«« coast. Intermittent burets of light show where ki.a him back again, with honest, heart­ a tree hna been felled, or the road ripped An inventory of Collin P. Hunting- felt gladness. up, or a ainall bridge carried bodily (The end.) ton's estate shows it to l>e worth altout away by the force of the swollen cur­ |2I»,000,000. rent underneath. The British marquis working before All through the deadly crashing of the tin* mi-*i han turned up in St. Helena William J. Bryan celebrated his 42d •torui a booming sound may be heard at on n nailing vi*sael plying between En­ birthday by moving onto his farm near long Intervala. Half maddened by It, «nd l>y that other greater fear, Vera Ilea gland anti Australia, nccordlng to the Lincoln, Neb. Mt. Helena Guardian. It 1« the Munitila liack In the carriage, pressing her flu Santos-Dumont, the Brazilian aero­ g**ra row to her eara, now to her throb of tlraham. eldeat non and heir of the I Hike of Montrose, 21 yearn of uge. lie naut, is in London and expects to make I'ing brow, that feels aa If It were burat Ing. want« to Ond out nil about the mer­ ascensions during the coronation sea­ Arrive«! at the entrance to the village, a chant marine aud to earn a master’« son. drive of about a mile from Greycourt, certificate. Parisians are discussing a plan of ■lie stupa the carriage, and opening the erecting wireless telegraph systems in door springe to the ground. A sudden Jnpaneae Clock». gust of wind passing by almost da«hea Japan Import« American aprlngs an<1 that city to tHke the place of tele­ her to rhe earth, but by a superhuman manufacture« clock« no cheaply that phones. effort she defies It, and half blind«! by J. A. Alexander, a rich and respected the fiashlng lightning, and bewildered by only the very loweat grade» can be lin ________ • he raging storm, she turns aside, and ported. merchant of Casa, Ark., turns out to be runs panting, struggling, down a aide I,Ire only for to day aud you ruin to* James Huddleston, an escaped convict pathway that alia knows leads to the from Texas. morrow. Slmmoua. beach below. Cap« Town. Cape Town, March 27.—( « ¡1 Jtlmdw, ■ lied |.«*aei,fully a; ,7 p v| ye-t.-r- «lay. II*' slept in th«* aft«*rum Hr mt- eM'huur lor the burial service, which will le held in the cathedral. I he Indy will -etlien t.ik**n back U» Gr«»»t- escliuur, and < ventually w ill I«' iuteir«! at Matoppi Hili. NO. .»‘J. ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM ALL Maaiure follow« That of Coopar. W Judya TafL CI BA FOR CUBANS Favored FULL CONTROL WILL BE GIVEN Washington, March 27.—The Repub­ ON MAY 20. PART8 OF OREGON. lican member« of the house committee on insular affairs are rapidly j*erf« ting Commercial and I inancial happenings of Iwv the bill providing a civil form of gov­ Secretary Root flat Ordered th« Withdrawal In th© of All Troop« Excapt a Small fore« of portance A Brief Review >f the Growth ernment for the Philippine«, follows main the measure as jierfwte«! Artillery, which Remain« Temporarily — and Improvements of the Many Industries C'joper that introducad by Chairman All Treaty Obligation« Mutt b* Aitumcd Throughout Our I hriving Commonwealth and favor«l by Judge Taft. by th* Naw Government. —Latest Market Report. In its prenent form the bill provides for the institution of civil government Die i ri-anu ry plant at Junction City in the Philippines when the govern- I Washington, March 27.—Secretary will soon Is* in operation. inents all certify to the president that Ror>t has wadi* public bis order to Gen­ A party of alsntt 20 immigrants ar- a state of permanent peace has l«*en se- eral Wood directing him to turn over rived in Yamhill county a few days ago enred. Thereafter a census is t*i he the government and control of Cub« to held ami tbe i-lands divided into dis­ its people May 20 next. The order re­ from l'eniiessee. tricts. A legislative assembly is cre­ A commi rcial club has been organ­ ated, consisting of two houses. The up- quires tbeCuban government to assume ize! at I re. w iter to further the inter­ j*er bouse is to some 'extent a contin­ all treaty obligation» and directs Gen­ eral W«xxl to lontinuoan artillery force, est» of that city. uance of the Philippine commission. to avoid leaving tbe i-land entirely *le- The Golconda mine, in the Cracker The lower house of Philippine assem­ fensele-s, until the Cubun government < rec« dirtriit, seven miles west of blymen is to be elect«l by the people. »hall have < p|s>rtnnity to organize its Today’» tension of tbe senate com own forces. General U«*o«l also is di- Sumpter, has Imeii sold for <250.000. mittee was devoted to a consideration rect*«l to convene the Cuban congre»» Tbe btiHinesa men of Salem, now of that portion of tbe Philippine gov before May 20. He al»* is direct«! to that a flax mill is assured, are working ernment bill which refers to the land cormult with President-elect Palma and for the establirhti ent of a linen mill. held by the religious order». The prop­ -ubstitute such persona aa be shall de­ osition was not formally dispose«! of, Preparations are being made to re­ but members of the committee general­ sire for those now holding official posi­ ceive a D) etamp mili ami complete ly expretu-ed the opinion that the pro­ tion» in Cuba. The text *,f the order follow»: «• piipmeiit at the Maybelle mine, in vision would be allowed to stand prac­ Wa.-hington, “War Department, the Granite district. tically as it was after the «immitt« March 24, 1902.—Sir: You are au­ The Grant county n the e»tuhli-l ment of The note«! Roaring Gimlet mine, in to Is* issii«! to «s ure the means for t1 e -aid goveri m*-*it to leave the govern­ the Gold Hili district, has caused! purchase of the land, by the govern ment sod control of the i-land ol Cub. am ther **> n»ation in the nature of a I ment from the friar» shall Is* made to its people, pur uant t*> the pr vi- rich »trike, 'I he mine was pun haeed piyalde Ingold or its «(uivalent ii -ions of *he act of congress entitled, ‘an liiet w«*k by Iudiana men lor <10,000, Philippine currency, and another that a t making appropriation f r tlm army * ml since it- purclms«* the new owner» tl.ey shall dr_w interest at the rate ol i'r the ti iul year «ndiig Jui.e 30, hiiv** r-truck a big |x>ck< t ledge on the 4 l*j per lent, instead of 4 per cent, a* 1902,' approvtd March 2, 1901. main vein ami removed a pan of near­ originally provided. It was stated in “Upon the transfer of g. vem’i ent the course of the meeting that theland- ly pure gold, or ate ut < 18,000. iml Control to the pre-ide,*t ami con- The Prohibitionists of Washington would not coet to exceed <7,000,600. ,*r*-i« »<> elected v> u will advi.e them ' "lint* will lio.d their <«invention April bat »uch transfer is up >n the express GENERAL OTIS RETIRES. '*. It i- the intention to place a full inderstai.di: g and «-■ niliti* n that the rsiuntv tiiket in the field. Demo- ew government «loes thern and by ratii- primaries were heli! in Umatilla Unusual Tribute Paid to the Old Soldier by he a* ct pt.mce thereof, pursuant to the •■unity March 25 and the «onnty con- provisions of tbe appendix to the con- the War Department. *«-iiti* n in Pendleton March 29. The titu’ion of Cub.i, a1 America am! her niaj«-ty, the queen Capital, <500,- General MacArthur. two cles of inc**r|wjration. egriit of -p in. sign«! at Paris un tbe Mild M)0. The war department paid an unnsra 10th day of D«*eniber, 1898. the The settlera rates given by the rail- tribute to General Otis in issuing a It is ttie piir[«>-e ol the Unit«! States' roads are bringing many new arrivals general order reciting the distinguish« government forthwith up ti the inaug­ He laml*»i wi'li m<«!cr.ite means ami inun the J'.i.-t ■ aily, who are buying services of the officer, not only through uration of the n«-w government of t*»*k to diamomi mining, ultimately homes in various parts of the state. the civil war, but in his management Cuba to terminate the oc< upanev of the «mwjjilating nil tlie mining itit«*re-t» at .Manila In conclusion Secretary The Baker City A Snake River rail­ Root says: “General Otis goes into island by the Unittai State- and with­ an*l «» ntrolling the diamond »apply of draw from that i-land the military road, with lieaihpiarters at Baker City, Africa. 1 he warm African climate ha«l his retirement with a consciousness of force- now in occupancy thereof, but inaile a mountain of energy of a Meanly has fil«l articles of in«*rporation. Its duty well done during 40 years of con­ for the preservation and care uf the English youth. Cai e |»>litics a*»>n at­ "bject is to build a railroad from Baker tinuous and exceptionally meritorious c<*a-t defen-es uf the island, and to trai ted him. lie eliteri«l tie lolonial City northeasterly to the mouth of service, which entitles him to the grat ■ void leaving the i-land tntirely de- parliaiiK'iit aaa nietnlier for Barklv West -quaw creek, on the Snake river. Capi­ itude and best wishes of his country­ fen-ele-s against externa! attack, you ami lat«T t<»*k otti*«* in the ministry of tal «tock. <2,500,000. men.” may letve in the coast f' rtifieatioua Sir Thomas 8catil**n. On the fall of Republican county conventions and -uch »mall nnmler of artillerymen as Detective 1« Mi>«ie$. sir Gordon Hpiigg«' mini-try. July 17, primaries were held in a number of may be m*ce»eary, for such reasonable 1890, lie became premici of the colony. counties Saturday. In the S«-ond eon- Wellington, Kan., March 27.—A de­ time as may la* required to enable the In 1891 he visit«! England, ami while gresi-ional district the fight la-tween tective nam«i Ferguson, who has lieen new government to organize and substi­ tlier«* «*ple of Cuba in joint with a living a|iia*lr*ui of 600 tr<»>pere. Baker county, and Williamson in at the hands of the gang that kill«! -ession at such reasonable time l*efore When the Ang!o-B«ier war broke out. Union. Wheeler and Gilliam are for Montgomery. Montgomery was killed the 20th of May as shall be necessary Mr. Rhodes was at Kimberley, where Williamson ami Sherman for Moody. at his home last fall at Winfield, while therefor, for the purpose of petformiug In* remain«! «hiring the siege, pia ring Columbia county is said to be mostly prosecuting a case for the railroad the duties of counting and ratifying the hiniM-lf at the liea.l ol a reg nient <*f for the Wnwi county man. Clatsop Ferguson recently was instrumental in el«-torial vote for president aner of Montgomery’s death. Cuban constitution. At th« -ame time hurri«l to Ixindon ami met Mr. Cham- counties, and Furnish is in favor in von will publish and certify to the peo­ Iwrlaiii. but the subje* t or result of the Eastern Oregon. In many of the more Ctcil Rhode«' Condition. ple of Cuba the instrument adopt«! aa «inference waa never announce«! Hi» important counties, however, the dele­ Ca[*eTown, March 27.—Cecil Rhodes the constitution of Cuba by the consti­ health l»*ing 1 ti'I. Ite return«! recently gations are n*>n«>mniittal. exjierienced a very bad heart attack tutional convention on the 21st day of to th«* (■«!«• m the hop* that the South yesterday afternoon, from which he did Febuary. 1901, together with the ap­ African air woiibl benefit him, but his PORTLAND MARKETS. not rally as he has done from previous pendix added thereto and forming a omdition steadily grew worse. attacks of this nature. At midnight part thereof, adopt«! by the said con­ Wheat—Walla Walla, 63 (364c, lie was weaker than at any time during vention on the 12th day of June, 1901. bluestem,66c; Valiev, 64(jf65c. FOR ST. LOUIS EXPOSITION his illness. Oxygen has la-en adminis­ It is the umlerstanding of the govern­ Barley—Feed, <20(321.; brewing, ter«! daily, and he is frequently tap[>«l ment of the United States that the gov­ for dropsy. Hie friends enterain little ernment of the island will |*a-s to the Chief of Agricultural Department will Visit <21(321.50 |ier ton. new pre-ident and «xmgress of Cuba as Oats—No. 1 white, 11.15(31.22 *« ; hope for his recovery. Portland. a g vernitig concern, all the laws pro- gray, <1.10(31.20. St. Louis. March 2** —The work on | mitigated by the government of occupa­ To Study American Methods. Hour—Best grades, <2.80(33.40 per the world’s fair has progressed ao far Berlin, March 26.—At a conferem-e tion continuing in force and effe«*t, and that it is possible for a casual visitor liarrel; graham. <2.50(32.80. poi of cotton exjwrts held at the Colonial all the judicial and subordinate execu­ Millstuffs—Bran. <18 ;>er ton: mid­ to make out roiigldv the main features office today it was resolved to dispatch tive and administrative officials contin­ shorts, <20; chop, of th«* picture which is to t lie pai Utili on dlings, <20; a commission to the United States to uing in the lawful discharge of their th«*-ite with buihling». lagoons, , t 1 rees <16.50. study the cultivation of cotton, with present functions until changed by the and ami avetiu«*». Saturday plans | Hay — Timothy, <12(313; clover, the view of the establishment of exper­ constitutional officer of the new govern­ ma- s|s*eiti< atii'i« will Is* ready for the <7.50(38; Oregon wild hay, <5(36 per imental stations in German East Africa ment. At the same moment the re- chinery building. The estimated cost ton. sponsibility of the United States for the on American lines. <>f the building is <660.000. Potatoes—Best Burbanks, <1.10(31.30 collection and ex[s*nditnre of revenues The department of works has pre- percental; ordinary, 70(380c per cen­ and for the proper performance of duty Government Orders Stumer Libeled. par««! plans for lining*"* which siali tal. growers’ prices;sweets, <2.25(32.50 by the offi'-ers and eniploves of the in­ «invert the St. loins Athletic Club on per cental. Washington, March 27.—Attorney sular government will end and the re­ General Knox today telegraphed in­ the world’» fair site into a temporary Butter—Creamery, 25(330c; dairy, structions to the Vniteil States attorney sponsibility of tbe new government of hospital. The large increase in the Cuba will, therefore, commence. 18(a22 l sc; store, 13(315c. number of men employe*! "» the site at Port Town-end, Wash., to liliel the* “In ordei to avoid any embarrass­ Eggs—14c for Oregon. makes some provision for emergency steamer Wilhelmina, whose captain is Cheese — Full cream, twins, 13(3 stateti to have brought into port two ment to tbe new pre-ident which might aid t** the injured n«s*ssary. ari-e from his assuming executive re­ F J Hart, areliittvt of the Arkansas 13'jc; Young America, 14(315c; fac­ Chinamen whom he put ashore and as­ sponsibilities with aubordinates whom world - fair building, has arriv«! in tory prices, 1(31 'gc less. sisted to escala* the inspection officers. he doe-not know, or in whom he has Poultry—Chickens, mixed, <4 00(3 e the presentation to Major you have already proposed of consult­ (it7 per dozen. world’s fair, ami Charles M. Reeves, Jenkins by his former chief of the ing the president-elect and submitting Mutton — OroM. 4c per pound; dress­ s»*cretnry of the j joint committee on leg- ed. 7(37'«c per pound. Rough Riders of a beautiful sword lief re the 20th of Muy, wherever he * • am! territorial ex- islation ami -tate from the South Carolinians. shall so desire, for the persons now Hogs — Gross, 5V«c; dress«!, 6^@7c hihit", have left .. on a Western tour of per pound. holding official positions such persons ; , last about three weeks, «»xploitation. to Tu.-kish Troep« for Albani«. as be may designate. Veal—8(38Si for small; 7(37S for will meet the governors of New They v* “I de ire tl,at you communicate trie Ixindon, March 27.—‘‘A report has »» contents of this letter to Mr. Palma, M1.X11,*. Nevada. California. Oregon. large. Mexico Beef—Gross, cows, 8*«@4c; steers. been received from Constantinople, Washington. Idaho. Utah and Wyo­ ascertain 4(34'gc; dress«!, 6 '«(37 V per pound. cables a correspondent of the Daily the president-elect, and ming, as well a* the members of the Chronicle,"that 40 Turkish battalions whether the conrs *,above described ac­ Hops — 12(3 13c per pound. 1 business organizations of the capitals Wool—Valley, 13(315c; Eastern Ore­ have been mobilized for service in cords with his viewsand wishes. Very of those stnte«: also the leading eit:- gon, 8(312‘ge; mohair, 2l(32l!qc per Albania, where there is a reign of respectfully, „.„H of scleral other cities, including “ELIHU ROOT, Secretary of War.” anarchy.” San Franeis-o. Portland am! Tacoma. pound. About 32.000,000 tons of water roll over the cliff at Niagara every hour. March 28. — Tbe war office Ixindon. has appr*>v«l tin* n*'« rifles and they | It takes the constant lalsir of 60,000 will probably »«>'i Im issued to the |a*ople to make matches for the world. whole British s«”.'- The new arm ia lighter and its barrel is 5 From a twenty-year-old mulberry 19 oun«*s I- indies shorter hut it has the same tree 218 pounds of leaves can be “■ in iff* I* ha-* plucked yearly for feeding silkworms. range a» the rille now th«* Mauser , breech I-.— - ' mechanism, but an Hop growing has so greatly increased ¡;;;priiV«| Mt action. It is provided with a vvindgange ami a foresight. It n the United States that last year 240,000 pickers were employed to strip will hold 10 rounds of ammunition in | 72,000,000 hop vines. the magazine. New Britiih Army RHI«. American Governmant Sounded. London, March 27.—The Daily Chronicle, in an editorial this morning on the* statement that France and Rus­ sia have sounded the United States with regard to its attitude in regard to the Anglo-Japanese alliance, says it looks as if France and Russia were al­ ready reckoning up the chances of the game. The Chronicle asks what might happen if they could reckon on Amer­ ica’s friendliness or even neutrality in the far East. Intent of Anglo-Japaneae Treaty. St. Petersburg, March 27.—Accord­ ing to advice« received here from Port Arthur, it ia believed there that the real intent of the Anglo-Ja|*anese treaty is to comjiel Russia to evacuate Man­ churia The Japano-e have already es­ tablished a Japarieve-Chineee bank to coni|*e>e with the Rusaia-Cliinese bank, and a Japanese institution han secured concessions to explore for gold in Mao* i ehuria.