Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, March 27, 1902, Image 1

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day, when th* sound of carriage wbaela
uu tbs graval uutalda tbs wludow, th»
*i bo of a rraoiiu'llug knte k, atartla bar
out of bar <outamplatad rrpua«
Ami now there la a little quick rush
through th» ball, a apringlng »tip up th«
atalrcaaa, the rustle of sllkeu skirts In
tba ante root» bayoud, a vol<« that n>ak»«
Vera start eagerly to her feat, aud pres­
ently Mr» I’eyton, looking supremely A Cvmprthtiulva Review of the ImportaM
happy, a»d, therefor*, charming, flings
Happening ol the Paet Week. Pr runted
bi raelf luto bar slatar'a arms.
"Oh, I am too glad to be surprised."
In a Condenaed form. Which li Moat
aaya Vara, fondly,
likely to Prove ol Intereat to Our Many
"You're an Improvident person,” aaya
Mr» I’eytou, beaming on her from out
the g>a»se» of fur» that cloth* her daluty
form "Grace telegraphed for us, to help
her with a dlnuar party that ts to coma
An inventory of Collis P. Hunting-
off to night; »0 coma wa 'lid And, being ton « estate show» it to Is- worth alsiut
»<> close to you, I fait I should see you »29,(XX),(MM).
or 'll*."
U illiain .1. Bryan celebrated his 42d
"It's selbsh, I know, but Pm so glad to
hare you. Let ma take off your fura. I'irllohty by moving onto his farm near
What a delicious cost! You hadn't that Lincoln, Neb.
when I was down with you, ab?”
Antlirai ite coal miners of Pennsyl­
“No. It’» « new on* Turn g»v* It to
lie'« abeurder than rrcr. Hut I vania ar«* <.ii the eve of anotlier strike.
haeen't breaed ths »lemrnta to talk I he trouble is over the wage M ale.
It u) about Heaton I want
about him
Governor Brady, of Alaska, has a-k««l
to tell you."
«'ongres* to appropriate »100,000 w ith
"Heaton ? To
which to represent Alaska at the St.
this to talk of
louis exposition.
must be »'»mething eery aerioua," aaya
V*ra, changing color perceptibly.
A resolution has lieen introduced in
"Vera. I cannot help regarding ua you U...........
thanking l:.ar Admiral
and me aa In part criminals Poor, dear Ketnpff for refusing to join the allied
fellow, It muat haee been a blow to lose fori .-s in the l»>inbardmi-nt < f the forts
everything in on* fell awoop. And yet
nt Takti, China.
what nmre could we have done than what
we did do? To the half of our kingdom
It i- umler-to«»! that the pre-ident is
we offer««l him. but, aa you know, La con-i'lering the appointment of ex-Sen-
would none of ua!"
ator Wolcott, of Colorado, to succeed
"I know all that
Ws have dlscuased So n-tary of the Interior Hitchcock,
It a thousand time«."
who will retire Irom the cabinet.
"The far* 1», Heaton 1» leaving Eng and
forever, and he has a desire, a longing be
Fire on the Hoboken, N. J,, water­
cannot subdue, and, I’m «ur«, a muat front caused u I"» h of »1,000,000.
natural one, to •ru* bl« old boma bcfuia
Ex-President Cleveland celebrated
he goes "
his (>5th birthday on the 1 Hth innt.
"Well?" says Vera, coldly.
“Well," in eiactly the asme tone, with
First Annintant I'ostmaster General
a little mockery thrown in, "that's the
Johnson ha» renigne.1 on aeconut of poor
whole of It. He wants to get a last look
at ths eld place liefure leaving It for­
ever. At least, that is how he puts It.
Joseph H. Manley has been offered
Can he com*? that la the question, I tbe |s>sitiouof first asaistant ¡»«stmaster
really thluk It would ba ont ly decent If general.
you were to drop him a line a itul
aak him.
The senate is working on the meas­
It wouhl b* the moat graceful thing, at
ure for the protection of the president
all events."
An hour later Griaelda drive« back to against anarthists.
the Friars with the coveted out* from
King Edward has made arrangements
\ era to Heatou In her hand
to feed 500,(MIO of the poor of fjondon
(To b* continued.)
riiAiTKn xix
Of that tilth« » fatal
,l"’ rnl'",ry
,„|r remains 1» romidete Ignorance Of
*|r |i>.arC. atnl'len death It hears Hi.
follnwlu» morning
with •
. urluelty. hut with iw-n. of r.<trt
Th. funeral that takra place on th. thlr.l
d„ I. .mall, certainly. J»L ronaidertng
til Iking» th. deed man'. open ho.tlllfy
lv hl. neighbors. au«i th. il.arth nt ho.
plt.llt) that chain'terlard hla sojourn
then* larger ihan might
I k u »B|*« ti.l, and at all eveula select
Anmtig other» Imf'l lllverodale attemled
■ f ■ , ............ It waa MppnMd t ■
Kral«», aa li. ami the old matt had never
tu mu. It a. seen .a<h other'» feature.
Hut It waa found ImpoaalMo to ■ unreal
th. .alatrur* ot Hedley from th. two
I'eyton had umlerlakeu to give
tb.ni a rather careful account of what
bad hai'pened. and In truth, when all
waa told b. waa almoat aa much at ..a
th.,Ill 4 a. tb.T were. aa th. stranger re
eiainml a atrangrr to him
Herltey had
gH.rmmrd to reveal th. aerret bold h*
bad had on Mr Dy»art Io Noatou. Iltluk
Ing th. latter wi .Id mail, good bit fath
It I. In th. old man’, private dm lhai
hr dor. thia Going up to th. old fa.li
tuned loir.au he, hr a subtle touch, uu
locks the srcrrl «pt lug
The <l«M»r falls
h. »be hmldru abrlvaa
• n<1 thrlr coatrule hr ell un< •»«• rslrd
Hrltiitg up»»« • feet J allowing perrhiuent,
Kr<llr) fiiws 1» out, am! otrn<»tne by
fatigue sn<l rsHlrinref. <lru|»e upou hie
Kagrrly hr <>|M-ua at><1 araue It,
• nJ thru holds it out to l>y«art.
■(’iiniperr that,** eaye hr, la a high
b»nr nf triumph, "with the will of your
grandfather, the» left all to Gregory l»y
serf, rutting out thr rider aou. Compare
It, I say eud you will era that this wee
»»«•• ut«' l three years later than that «»th
er thet other * bleb Is now iu forte. and
be* been three twenty years “
Merbaolcelly l>y«art take« it Na word
ee< a| « • him Hi»rrch, indeed. Is lmp«»sei
ble l«» him, a«» busy in hla mind trying to
take In all the miserable dishonor of thr
Story that
yet hee but the bald out
line« laid l»efore him
\«i one Knew of it but me,“ says Hr I
ley. feverishly, yrt with at» undercurrent
of delirious e tenement lii the recital
“Hut me and Grumh
What she made
out of It tto <»nr ran tell, e« the «»Id «'hep's
<>nr. but she'« as knowing a file In my
<»piui<«n as you’d meet In a «lay's walk
Y»u can see <Mtr two «Ignat urea
can’t you read 'em? We witnessed it
Wr s|«»ne knrw, and he bought us otri
Writ, *|waa worth a quid or two. 'tla a
fl ir old place **
Itjrsart makes no answer lie haa eup
ported himself against a table near him.
• nd ia faring blanbl), hopelessly, through
the win low at the dull lande« ape outside
||r ares nothing, herds nothing, save the
voice <»f (he mnn who la s|»eaking
'"Twii felony, mind yon. besides the
fart of having to give up the money, an«!
property, and all. so I knew I could turn
on the screw aa tight as I liked
be laughs, “you see, I counted without
my hoot
I never dreamed the <dd man
would show fight like that
He took it
hardly, my return guana he believed tne
dead, and resented the breath m me
and I shouldn't wonder If, after
frar«. hr ha«1 got to brhrva th
money ■ ml rirrylhlng. waa l«l
• WI» ’*
Ktlll Dysart aaya »"thing
Ired withdinsn his dull eyes fi
acene without, and Is now atarli
««seeing ryes at the par«4tmeat th
him how the pr«»t»rr1y waa never h.
er'», hut waa left to hla uncle, and h«»w
hla father aupprraaed the will, and kept
the property In spite of law and honor,
and all things that go tn give a sweet
savor to man's life «»n earth It had never
been hla father's, all thia huge property.
It sever would be hla And If not. whose?
Vera’s? lie starts as If shot
"la that all?“ he asks
“Well, no
Not quite
Your fare ssys
very politely that you'd be glad tn see my
ba« k. but bualnesa first, pleasure after
ward." lie grins. “It la as good for us
tn ««»me to terms now aa later.'*
’’TermsF* r«peats Dysart* gating at
him darkly
"Well, I
I h r|„„r, |, o ,,7, g..,,
r> after « |„n<
,( | fa, yul|>lg
man, pg)*, «„g,,,
tv, L
' ••-'•■'lEll XX.
With the f,|,| W||| ,.|,,p,d
Baud. li,.. f
moruing r....m. where he know a be will
!«• »or, t<, |IU,| Veia Twilight l> begin
’ »• and ilready the ,«lft b**aM
"f •-><!»( a pi.,< Lntuing ths approach of
1 • king H|„ ,t«rt, «lightly ,« h, come.
I am . o'y i., diiturb you." any, Dy
• art, with «u effort at calmtieta. "but It
o. . ,,,ry (hat I «livuld come,
I «n> gl,i| y,,,| have come.
I, too,
, (.,
you." «ava Vera, a
touch of h. rvouanegg Iu her tone. "1
you moat ku w it la Itupoaalbla that we
•*' "'Id «lay here any longer Our uncle,
who w>, our guardian, ia goue aud"—
•he baa I... n (•> her feet and ia looking
•I him |g . e i Ute«« "I bave wantaol
to apeak 1.1 I .1 abnnt It for a long Unie,
I thought, perhapa, you would help ua
to find an ,(her home." 11« cau aee that
• he aiffei, terribly In having to throw
beraeif ,p ,a hi, good nature, to openly
demand hi - a*«l«tance "We muat leave
tin« and at ,n e,” «aya abe, atammerlng
ind B J a aught unaeralrlo break
In ber voicw
Uri « n u..t have to look for another
homo, aaya be,
tbla la your own
hmi«r "
'•»b. u >' Irawlag hack wltb a haughty
I bae* l <4 you it I* tatytOMl
ble I «ha i certainly not atay here "
• • you «41 ' quite aa haughtily. "It
will be in your power for the future to re'
•Je eiartiy where you pie ave, but If tlie
fear ,t aeeii.g me here la deriding you
• galUat thia ple«e. pray be aatiafled on
that (■iint, I have no longer the amalleat
.aitu to rounder my «elf maater here."
Warned I,y a change In bia manner,
ha at bigi
H imetb ng baa happened?" abe aaya.
Vet • mething I Had It difficult to el
plain to you "
S' I !,e manage« to tell ber all and to
• bow her ber grandfather'« will th« will
«hl- h bia father bad auppre«aed all three
Leave» tbat W*re Italn* Hak*d When
I’ompell Waa Destroyed.
Kuffcrcra from Indigestion ar* ad-
»Iwd to «-at stale bread; the staler the
better, they are told. There 1» Iu tile
uiuaeunt at Naples some bread which
ought to be stale enough for anybody.
Il was baked one day In August, 79
A D . In one of the curious ovens still
to be »m-n at Pompeii.
Mora than clgbte«-n centurlea, there­
Hut rht« • horrible?* abe aaya. faint
ly. when he had tinlahed. “I won't bave fore. have elapse«! »line It was drawn
She thrown out ber hand« aa though "all hot" and Indigestible from the
In ren .u «'.on "Why ahould I deprive oven. Ho It may claim to be tbe old
y "il of y .or home? «live me enough to
eat bread In the world. You may s « m
live mi e. ««here with «èrtaelda, but—"
It In a gluaa case on tbe upper floor of
' V' i are u'llck to fall Into error," aaya
he « «ili
I have begged you already the museum There are several loaves
to • r t gra«p the altuatlou
It le I, of IL one »till bearing the Impress of
' appear,. I who" he heoltatrw. and the baker's uame
aftr finding it Impoaaible to apeak of
la shape anil alm- they rcscmltl* lbs
hl« father goea on "who hare deprived »mail cottage loave« af England, but
vou of your home You muat aee that. I not In appearance, for they arw aa
beg," «lowly, that you will not permit black aa charcoal, which. Iu fact, they
y-mtrelf any further foollah dloi'uaalon
closely resemble. This was sot their
on tbla >ubje<"t ”
Hr turn« away abruptly
There la original color, but they bava become
...o ething ao eolitary, ao utterly alone In i srlMinlzed. and If eaten would proba­
bly remind one of charcoal biscuits.
b1' wh a air, that without giving her
aelf time for thought abe apri riga to her Win» new they may have weight'd
feet and call* to him.
about a couple of pounds each, and
Where are yon going? To alt alone? were most likely ralaed wltb leaven,
I > hr-»od over all thia? Oh. do not. aa Is most of the bread In arlentaj
countries at the present time.
I t rem
The popular Idea that I'ompell was
I. "why
• wbllo destroyed by lava Is a fallaclsua one.
er and If a lava stream had descended upon
the city the bread and everything else
waste In the place would have been utterly
dutely, destroyed
Pompeii waa really burled
•ain* •• ..
under ashes and flne cinders, called by
tretutiloudy, "that you
the Italians lapilli. On that dreadful
One white hand hanging
at .let M <a lotea upon a fold of her «oft day In August, when the great erup­
tion of Vesuvius took place, showers
. , • aud cruahea It coevulalvely
I ..««>
In an uncompromlolng tone, of rtue ashes fell tlrst upon the doomed
that I fully iindniwtand your mletaken city, then «bowers of lapilli, then more
kin Ineaa th* aacrlffce of yonr inclina
ashes and more lapilli, until 1'ompeli
ii.-tM yon would make and decllue to was covered over to a depth Iu placeo
profit by It."
of fifteen and even twenty feet.
You are dlolngrnuoua
What yon
Other comestible« besides the bread
really mean la," In a low tone, "that you
were preserved, aud may now be seen
will not forgive."
"There la nothing to forgive, «ave niy In the same room in the museum There
are various kind« of grain, fruit, vege
He opena the door deliberately and tables and even pieces of meat. Most
.l.wea It with a flrm hand behind him
Interesting Is a dish of walnuts, some
Vera, left ataudlng thua cavalierly In the cracked rmdy for eating, others whole.
“Ay. why not? I>‘ye think you'll get inlTlle of the room, with the knowledge Though carbonised, like all the other
full upon her that »he haa been alighted, eatables, they hare preserved their
«»it of it scot free?”
Dysart at area at him as If scarcely •pttrned, her kind Intention« nithle»»ly characteristic wrinkles and lines.
flung back upon her. let* the quick, pa»
There are tigs, too, aud pears, the
“Want time tn think It over like your aumate blood riee upward, until It dye«
rather shriveled, as one would
resisted parent?" with a sneer
up -n her throbbing heart, and then all at expect after all these years, the tatter
for me, my lad. We’ll settle now or nev
certainly no longer "Juicy.” But per­
er. You nee you’re In n»y power, and once It cornea to her that alie la no long
er poor, forlorn, but rich, on, of the rich
haps the most Interesting relic In the
l‘m not the one to------**
And wirti room Is a honeycomb, every cell of
"Kir, I ain In no man’s power," aays | Pat commoner« In England
Dysart, calmly. "I trust 1 never shall
which can be distinctly made out. It
Hila will,” striking it with his band, latlou than »he haa aa yet known. Drop
Is so well preserved that it la bard to
'’through which my unde and hie «laugh
reallxe that the comb le no longer wax.
ter have been t»ern fraudulently” he with her hand« and crie» aa If her heart
nor the honey, honey.
•aya thr word with difficulty “kept out la broken
A piece of the comb «cents to have
of thrlr property for so many years, shall
been cut out. and one can Imagine
be nt once restore«! to It« proper owner.”
Three moutba have come and gone.
some young Pontpeltan having helped
A yellow tint ovi-rnpreada Hedley', far*
(jteat i hmige» have theae three month» himself to It ami sitting down to oat
A» if entirely overcome, be «ink, upon a
l.cmgl.t. They have uuhouaed Heaton It, when he had to Jump up and fly for
|>v«art and given hl» Inheritance Into the
bls life. One cannot help wondering
"You'll »urrenderT" he »ays with a
hand», the moat ntiwllllug hand», of hla
gasp. “Anil your father’s memory? How
what became of the piece whether the
Hand« too »mall to wield ao
will you like to hear him branded a, «
young fellow took It with hlui and ate
common swindler, whom death a Ion* sav
But Mr I'eyton haa nobly come to her It as he ran, or whether he left It ou
ed from the law •aVlpr’
H >• t0 •'*,u «»»•« tnoat of the hie plate, Intending to return for It
Dysart blanch«« I,nvoluntarily lie put,
Innovation« owe their birth, The haud
when the eruption was over.
nut lii, hand ami aelxea th, chair next
b.„„« landau, the ¡muy trap, the «Ingle
him and clings to it aa If for support. No,
Inongham, all have been bought by him.
that he could not endure.
lie haa perfectly reveled In the cbooaing
"I will give you £500 the day I see
of them, and haa perfonw dragged the re­
Ton on hoard a steamer »ailing for Au,
in,.(ant V,ra up and down to town, aid
tralla,” any* Dyaart with dry lip, and a
ed manfully by Griaelda, now bia wife.
»"•att that seems dead within him. "I
Bh„ haa «bio been reveling, to view the
am now. comparatively «peaking, a P'»,r
aeveral carriage», and give her verdict
mau,” hla word, comlug from him slowly,
■ttechanlcally, In a dull, eipreealonleaa thereon.
Today ia rich In atorm and rain the
way. "I i,n offer you no more.”
beavena aeem to have opened.
"Double It," aaya Hedley, "and I'll
from their watery home come the heavy
lenve the couutry tomorrow."
drop«, deluging the gaunt ahnibberlee,
"I haven't It at thin moment, hut I
,nd beating Into the aodden earth auch
dare «ay I «hall he able to manage It."
pieatimptuoua anemonea and daffodil» aa
•ay, Dyaart, In the >ame wornout, Indtf
have dared to ahow their face«. Vera
ferent manner. "In the meantime, whll,
baa Jiiat enaconced heraelf coally before
1 try to get It, I »hall require of you that
the leaplug Ore, book In hand, bavin*
you «lay wlthlu thia houae and held
reelgaad all hope of aeelng vlaltom to-
apve< h with no one •*»* Qrupck.”
M««le It Iteraelf.
"Dhl you dream on Amy’* wedding
"Mm yea; I thought It was —tn to
put It under niy pillow and dream on
It than to eat It and have tbe nlght-
niara."— Philadelphia Bulletin.
The royal crown of Perala, which
datee back to remote ages. I* In the
form of a pot of flower*, aurmounted
by an uncut ruby the size of a hen's
27, l»O2.
Majority and Minority Raports of th« Sanata
18 HOME.
Deutschland with Her Reyal Passengers Has
Arrived at Cuxhaven.
Cuxhaven, March 1».—The return of
Washington, March 21. — Senator
Admiral Prince Henry ot Prussia to
Morgan, from the committee on isth­
tierman »oil waa safely a<'eomp)i»ha<l
mian canals, has presented to the sen­
ate the majority and minority reports Commercial and financial happening) of Im- yesterday afternoon, amid all the ftonip
portane« A Brief Review of the Growth I ami circumstance
with which the
of that committee on the question of,
the validity of the title of the new Pan- 1
and Improvtmenta ol the Many Induatriu I prince’s imjwrial brother haa seen fit
i »tn» Canal Company and its right to |
Throughout Our thriving Commonwealth to mark the successful ending of Prince
Henry’s American mission. Tbe same
transfer the Panama canal pro|ierty to
— Late»t Market Report.
g>»»l fortune of freedom from untoward
the United States for »40,000,000. The
olqwtions of the majority to the title
Coos county Prohibitionists have incidents which characterize« I the
prince’s trans-Atlantic journey contin­
held by that company are I rare« I largely ' placed a ticket in the field.
on the relations of the canal company
ual until the end, and the landing oc­
The district convention of Christian
to the governments of France ami Co­
during a |>eriod of brilliant sun­
lombia, but the committee also dis- Endeavor aocietie* of I.ane am! lUuglas
an <>v*rca»t day.
citsae» at length many other phases of
The Ham burg-American Line steamer
the ijuestion. Among these is the rela­ I
Of the 41 delegates Mint to the
tion of the sltareholders who subscribed Wheeler county Republican convention, Deutochland, from Cherbourg, hnviug
»2'10,000,000 to the old 4’anama com­
23 are for Moody and 1 h for William- on board the prince and his »nite, waa
pany, whose interests, the report bolds,
first sighted at 5:30 in the afternoon.
cannot Is- lightly regarde«!. On this non.
German battleship Kaiser Wilhelm
point the report says:
The I'olk county I'rohihitionieta will
"The spectacle of the Unite«! States hold a convention in Dalian April 5, II steamed down to the roadstead to
oongre-s authorzing the president, as for the purfioHe of placing a full county meet the Deutschland, and returned es­
the agent of our government, to conduct ticket in the field.
corting the big liner. Th* Itautschland
a trail« with such a corporation (the
tied up at the new stone quay and was
new Panama Canal Company) without
consulting trance as to the claim of in- school district have decided to extend the first ship to dock there. Emperor
depentlence it (the new Panama Canal the school term one month, making William stood upon the quay sur­
Company) asserts, will l>e entirely new the closing of seven month« of Hcbool round«! by high naval and municipal
in the history of nations, and its <»»n- on April 18.
As representative of tbe
sequences cannot Is- lightly disregarded.
At the meeting of the Columbia American embassy at Berlin, Com­
"Among those is tbe serious danger
full county ticket mander William If. Beehler, the naval
of the United States being drawn into county Democrats a
disagr's-able relations with a larg** ami was named aud a resolution adopted attache to the «rubassy, stood at tbe
condemning the action of Pre-ident emperor’» side. The quay was decor­
influential ls«ly of tbe worthy people of
France, whose friend-hip for ns as lieen Roosevelt in sending envoys to Jtl-e «or­ ated with flags of all the states of
the thousand*
< heri»he«l during the entire life of our onation of King Edward as nn|«atriotic. the empire, and
of spectators who cover««! the roof* of
republic, an«l had its origin in niagnan-
Continued heavy rains in Southern
imous sacrifices tor our country when Oregon have kept an abundant supply the great warehouses and the wide
this country was in the travail of its of water in all the ditch«—, allowing the slo|es overlooking the scene cheered
birth. Unfortunately, the report of hydraulic plm-er mining operations to wildly as Prince Henry walked down
the isthmian canal commission reveals continue tn full blast through',ut the the gangway from tbe steamer.
Emperor William kissed bis brother
I the fact that the men who made this Josephine mining district, ft i» enti­
offer are chief among those who de- mated that the output will be 50 per upon both cheeksand shook hands with
. frauded these fiOD.OOO or 800,000 cent greater this year than in any rea- the members of hi* suite, saying a few
cheerful sentence« to each. In the
Frenchmen of »250,000.000.”
son past.
meantime the guns of the squadron
8|»*aking further of the obligations
The Multnomah county Republican saluted. Side by side his majesty and
of the new coni|>any to the old, the ma­
convention met in Portliml March 19. Prince Henrv then passed down in
jority say:
"If Mr. Eiffel and his associates get A legi-lative ticket and delegates to the front of the marine guard which stood
»40,000,000 from the American people, state anti congressional conventions at salute. After this the marine guard
it is well that they are sheltered Irom were named, after which adjournment passed in review, while the band of the
during coronation week.
the claims of these defraud««! and de- was taken until March 27, when the imperial yacht Hohenzoliern played
the national anthem. Tbe passengers
Th«* state asylum for deaf and dumb s|»>ile«l bondholders and stockholders county ticket will be nominated, The of the Deutschland crowded to the
at Jackson, Miss., was totally destroyed by the alltrged despotism of French independents bed full control of the steamer’s rail and cheere«! heartily dur­
courts. They would never escape jus­ meeting.
by fire. I."—. » 1'1,000.
ing the ceremony. Some of the Amer­
tice in American courts, and would be
The 1900 potato crop in Coos county ican passengers waved American flags,
Prince Henry has landed on German compelled to account for every dollar of
otherwise the stars and stripes were not
the money to the bondholders, and to has been nearly all cleaned out.
the stocks la-aring interest, before ap­
The renate ha» pa tute. I the »hip 'aub- plying any of it to the profits of their
aidy bill.
The Raker City gas plant is to lie
The house is working on the rivers 1
pared by Senator Kittridge, completely enlarged and improved to meet the de- Chino« Government Troopa Badly Defutad
and harltors bill.
in Kwang Si Province.
upholds the title of the new Panama mand for gas, which is steadily in-
In a collision at Milwaukee between ompany, as will be seen from the fol­ creasing.
Hong Kong, March 20.—General Ma
a passenger train and street car 10 |>er- lowing extract, which constitutes its
Primaries for Multnomah county has been defeated by the Kwang Si
opening paragraph:
sons were injured.
held March 15. Very few Demo­ rebels, who have taken poHseeeion of
"The title of the new Panama com­
A life sat ing crew and seven men it pany to its concessions ami other prop­ crats voted, as there was no fight among Fang Cheng. They have killed ot cap­
had rescued from a stranded vessel were erty appears from the facts and docu­ their force*. In the Republican ranks
tured all the Mandarin« and have loot­
drowned at Cane Cod.
ments which have lieen laid Itefore the the anti-Simon forces carried the day.
ed the town.
Two children were burned to death
The Polk county Republican conven­
General Ma attacked the rebel strong­
any complications. For a transfer of tion was held at Dallas March 15 and
in a fire at Galena, Kan.
its concessions to the Unite«! States, the delegates to the state and congressional holds, but after an engagement lasting
Ten thousand |>eop)e participated in consent of Colombia is requisite, but
conventions naniol anti county officers two days, was forced to retreat. The
a students' riot at St. Petersburg.
thia consent has l ecn given by the gov­ nominated. No action was taken in rebels then established their head­
The blizzard in the Dakotas has ernment of that country as fully as it regard to the senatorsbip.
quarters at Fang Cheng. The rebellion
spent its fury anti the railroads are now can now be given. In case of purchase
is spreading rapidly in the provinces of
The Republicans of Morrow county
of the canal by the Unite«! States, dif­
o|«<ning their lines.
Kwang Si, Kwang Tung and Yun Nan.
ferent concessions am! different rights held their convention at Heppner A letter received here from Tien Pai,
Fire damaged the Trinity Episcopal must l>e obtain««! by treaty between
church at Portland to the extent of this country am! Colombia, an«! such a March 15 and elect««! delegates to the 50 miles from Wang Chou, says all
mildness is sus]>ended there, owing to
»12,000. Insurance, »1*1,000.
treaty would necessarily involve the state and congressional convention. fear of the rebels.
Pension Commissioner Evans is to l>e consent of »he senat«- to the transfer by
Marshal Su is at I«ui Chau, and Gen­
given a more im|«>rtant office. His suc­ the company <4 its rights ami property Williamson as United States represen­ eral Ma i« at Kao Chau (both in Kwang
on the islitmus to the Unite«! States. tative and pledging its delegates to vote Tung province). Both ot these com­
cessor has not yet been chosen.
manders are awaiting reinforcements.
The worst blizzard in years is raging Such a treaty Colombia has shown am! against the return of Senator Simon.
declare«! its readiness to make. In
They wish to join their Lines, but the
in North Dakota.
every other point, the right of the new
rebels are holding all the intervening
Japan's foreign trails abowa a sub- Panama Canal Company to transfer its
passes and prevent a junction of the
stantial increase.
property to the United States is per­
Wheat—Walla Walla, 65@65Hc; government troops.
The emigration from Germany in fectly clear. Every link in the chain
Many of the imperial soldiers are
Valley, 65@65Sc.
of its title. an«l every step in the course
1901 was the smallest in years.
joining the rebels, owing to superior
by which it became in a |s>sition to sell
Barley—Feed, |20®21.; brewing, pay offeied them and the opportunity
Captain A. 8. Crowninshield hae its property, free and clear, is plain and f21@21.50 per ton.
of looting. The rebel leader is Hung
been promote«! to a rear admiral.
Oats—No. 1 white, |1.15@1.25; Ming, a relative of the celebrated Hung
Fifteen of the leaders of the students’
gray, |1.10@1.20.
Sou Chen, leader of the Tai Hung Hung
New Claas of War Veasela.
riots in Moscow have l>een de|>orted to
Flour—Best grades, |2.80@3.40 per rebel II ion.
Izmdon, March 21.—At the spring barrel; graham, |2.50@2.80.
A‘number of British and Americana M*ion of the institution of naval arch
Millstuffs—Bran. (19 per ton; mid­
have been imprisoned in Ecuador with­ itecta today the president, the Earl of dlings, |21; shorts, 121.50; chop,
out cause.
lukban’a Influence Brings ths War to an End
Andrew D. White, Unite«! States had decided to create» new class of war
Hay — Timothy, |12@13; clover,
in ths Island of Samar.
minister to Germany, is making prepa­
somewhat after the type of the t<>ri>edo »7.50@8; Oregon wild hay, |-5@6 per
March 20.—General Luk*
rations to retire.
boat destroyer, but of greater sea power. ton.
in influencing Guevarra,
A tornado in Alabama resulte«i in the
Potatoes—Best Burbanks, |1.10@1.25
death of one person and the serious in­
Turkey Refuaei to Pay.
per cental; ordinary, 70@80c per cen­ who recently issued a proclamation de­
jury of several others.
Ixvndon, March 2.—A dispatch V» the tal, growers’ prices; sweets, »2@2.25 claring himself the successor of General
The Northern Pacific strike at Mis­ Exchange Telegraph Company from ;>er cental.
Luk ban in the island of Samar, to sur­
soula, Mont., has been declared off Constantinople says:
"The Turkish
Butter—Creamery, 25@30c; dairy, render, have been successful. Both
and all men who were out will be rein­ government has flatly refused the de­ 18@22S«; store, 13@15c.
General Smith, in command of the
mantl of the United States for the re­
Eggs—14c for Oregon.
United States forces in Samar, and
payment of the sum of money (»72,500)
Cheese — Full cream, twine, 13@ Guevarra have agreed to an armistice
When flour Waa a Dollar a Pound.
paid to the brigands as a ransom for
13)ic; Young America, 14@15c; fac­ to facilitate the collection of Gnevarra’s
Only a few year« ago flour sold for |1 Miss Stone and Mme. Tsilka.
tory prices, l@lHc less.
men with their rifles, when the formal
a pound in parts of Montana, and other
St Petertburg Student) Sentenced.
Poultry—Chickens, mixed, |4.00@ surrender will be made.
The arm*
provisions were higher.
St. Petersburg, March 21.—Eighty­ 5.00; hens, »5.00@6.00 per dozen, U@ will be paid in at the fort.
When pro- seven of the persons who were arrested 12Sc per imund; springe, ll@12c per Smith cables that Guevarra has 400
»1.75 in Virginia City,
visions were foni'd too high by specu­ here for rioting have l>een sentenced to pound |3@4S per dozen ; ducks. |5@8 rifles, and that Guevarra guarantees
lators, there was a raid ami living three months’ imprisonment. The per dozen; turkeys, live, 12@13c, the absolute [teacefillness of his men.
dressed, 14@l6c perpt.und; geese, |t>‘g
General Chaffee is greatly pleased
necessities, especially flour, were taken prosecution« of the ringleaders are still @7 per dozen.
with what he considers as closing the
to a common depot and the "<x>rner
Mutton—Gross, 4c per pound; dress­ native insurrection. The resistance in
Rhode) Somewhat Weaker.
ed, 7@7J^c per pound.
busted. These stories, and many oth­
Batangas and I-aguna provinces is prac­
Hogs—Gross, 5>£c; dressed, 6J»@7e tically over. There are daily surrend­
Cape Town, March 21.—Cecil Rhodes
ers that afford more pleasant reading,
ers there of men and guns.
The in­
are found in Wonderland for 1902, was slightly weaker this morning. The per pound.
Veal—8@8J* for small; 7@7H for surgents have been completely starved
published by the Northern Pacific exceptional coolness of the weather ami
into submission by General Bell's ag­
Railway. This Itook carries hundreds the free administration of oxygen con­ large.
Beef—Gross, cows, 3$i@4c; steers, gressive tactics in preventing any ex­
of beautiful Western scenes in perfect­ tribute«! to the patient passing a quiet
ly printe«l illustrations that the co*tlv night. He no longer read*. Mr. 4@4Sc; dressed, BSS^'tc per pound. terior assistance from reaching them.
Hops—12@13c per pound.
Some surprise is expressed at the num­
magazines might lm ' proud of. Send to Rhodes was much pleased at the receipt
Wool—Valley, 13@15c; Eastern Ore­ ber of rifles to lie turned in by the men
Charles 8. Fee, St. Paul, Minn., for of the messages of sympathy sent to
the book. He sends it free, but 6 him by King Edward and Queen Alex­ gon, 8@12Hc; mohair, 21@21Hc per under Guevarra, as it was thought
there were but 200 in Samar.
eents |>ostiige is necessary.
Santos-Dumont Accepts.
Governor Taft, testifying before the
house in-ular committee, denied reports
Paris, March 21.—M. Sant.'s-Dumont
that Filipinos are cowardly.
has accept««! an invitation from the offi­
The Pennsylvania management con­ cials of the St. Louis exposition to go
templates a new union station for Chi­ to St. Louis, assist the authorities in
cago, to cost, with terminal facilities, the organization of the proposed balloon
»10,000,000 to »15,000,000.
contests and select a site on which to
William Hoey, for many years gen­ erect a l>all<jon she«! for himself. The
eral superintendent of the Adams Ex­
press Company, committed suicide at aeronaut will sail for New York on the
The Joys of meeting pay the pauga
New York while temporarily insane steamer Deutschland April 4. He will
ot abaeuc*; *la* who could bear ft.—
not take a ballon with him.
from illness.
NO. 51.
Boston Strike Wiped Out
M ím Shaw, of St. Louia, ia to paint
the portrait of Queen Alexandra this
Boston, March 20.—The great strike
of last week, involving 20,000 union
men, was completely wiped out during
St. Ixiuis fair manager« are informed the day, when practically every man
that King Menelik of Aby««inia may went bat k to his work under conditions
accept an invitation to viait the ex pre but »lightly changed from thoee exist­
ing when the trouble liegan. Now the
Joseph Devlin, now touring the only incident in the labor sitnation i«
United Statea in the interest of the the strike of 75 longshoremen at the
United Irish league, ha« been elected Clyde line wharves.
This is an inde-
to the British parliament from North I>endent strike brought abeut by two
diagruutled workmen.