..March .April May J t There ia a best time for doing everything—thnt is, a time when n thing can be done t<> the lieat ad­ vantage, most easily and moat ef­ fectively. Now is the lieat time for purifying your blood. Why? Because your eyetem is now trying to purify it—yon know this by the pimples and other eruption« that have coine on your face ami body. SHE'S i A RECORD-BREAKER EGG OUTPUT. IN ll.r Prixtact 1. Greater In Vatu, than th. Puntal Ke venue Som» lutareal- ingkitaiiatlca Larg»r than th» Amer- iena Navy A Million Ton Chicken. Supposing you took a train for a dis tauce of list miles and looked out of the car window, and saw every four j feet either a heu or a rooster sitting dowu aud watching the train all the J Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills way. you would probably think that . you had seen a good many bens and ' roosters a heu you got there. But If all the bens lu the country concluded to Are the medicines to take—they do watch the trains go by at the same the work thoroughly and agreeably time there would l*e enough to camp an drug stores lu the towu. And. Iveshl. » more than half these drug stores are training young uieu In the buslnesa Of the 17.0 drug stores only about fifty are making a good profit on the Investment. The oth manage to skill along and cannot afford to pay lanre wap'« As long as the supply of drug clerks exceeds the demand their compensation will b« small. There la no remedy for It that ! can see. My advice to the young man who contemplate« learning the drug business Is. don't. My advice to the young man already In It who seeks to belter Ills condition la. get out of It." Competent druggists may I h > bins! for ?.. to »10 a week, and for this they are w tiling to work from ten to twelve hours a day Kansas City Star. Vaabia t*i s<»«a i Y bi Month« n««a»«« »r b|,r«lH«rsona «offering from pains to u«e thia won­ derful remedy, which did so much for me.'' Mr«. Thomas dot's not enlighten lia as to what treatment she pursmxl dur­ ing the months she was unable to stand, ami during which time »he was suffer­ ing so much, but we venture to suggest that liaota lu this Oil have been awardtbl twelve gold medals by different international exhi­ bitions as the premier |>ain-kilIing rem­ edy of the world. I’lie committees who mii'lo the awards were in each in­ stance eompoeed largely of the most eminent modi i.il men obtainable. Mrs Thomas did not know the high opinion in which St. Jacobs Oil is held by almost every progressive m<«liT the stage, did she?” “Sttidieil for it' Well, rather' Why, »lie's taken the entire divorce court COurro.”—Chicago Post. so? Rox- have it at all.—Philadelphia Pre.»«. Bl» Belt Comp«r«d. Ar» Ton Valng Allen’« Font-Knar* Il ia th» only care ter Swollen, Smarting, Burning, s weal tn* fret. Corns and Bum >n. Ask for Allen's loot-E*»«. a powder to be ahskan into tha ahoea. At all prurgists snd 8hn»Stor«», 2-c. Sami-la.«nt FREK. Address Allen S. Olmsted. IaRoy. N. Y. Elections have not pnalucetl th« big- g«‘st lieta. In August, DMIO, ■ N ot York firm wagered IJSO.tnH) on McKiu- ley's election, lint in 1M4:I Lord . That’s what drives me to drink.—Baltimore World. CATAR11H C O’SOT Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's 8ooth Ing Syrup the best remedy to use tor their children dunug the teething period. Doubly Answered. ‘‘Do you object to cigarette smoke?’ asked Young Softleigh, as be prepared to light one of the undertaker's de­ light«. “Really, I don't know,” replied Mira Cutting. “No gentleman ever smoked one in my oresence.”—Chicago News. WELL LIGHTED STORES. < Th« M. A. M. Arcs are Causing Quite a Stir. < Nothing is mors annoying than a poorly lighted store. From the time of old tallow dips millions of people have been bothered by insufficient light when the evening comes. But now it rooms the whole question ia settled by the beautiful, brilliant, economical ”M A M” Arc lamps that are becoming so popular. They are cheap, too. Write to C. IV. Lord, Portland. Oregon, for a circular telling you all ab>orta. Eggs are light affairs, weighing only about an ounce and a half. Minorca eggs are the heaviest being about fire to the pound While Wyandotte and Brahma eggs run seven or eight to the pound. Probably all the eggs laid In the United States last year weighed about (¡53.000 tons. This is at>out four times the total tonnage of the American navy, counting in even older ships. part of the State, hi a recent report the milk commission of New York sug gested the Innovation on the ground that a man with whiskers milking » cow was liable to Impregnate the uillk with germs, because whiskers are or may be iulcrol.| one. and will Issue an order that all : milk delivered them must be drawn by I beardless men They say that wltb or dluary cleanliness the dust from the stable Is liable to Infect the beard, and that the whiskered man must go. so far as they are concerned - Binghamton. N. T.. Correspondence Nev York Sun UK Ct HI1> With local appUeatkm«, m the y cannot reach the »■•»' ot the .' < atarrn )• a !>hx»d « r cs>n*(itutional 4 im a«e. an«l in order to cure It Tou tuna: tale internal remod » • Hal1. • Ca Earth t ure ia taken internally, and acte»lirei li| on the blood anil mn<’©ne «urtai Hall'« i.a tarihCurv ia nut a ouack medicine It war pre* rlin’d by onecí the in'st physician« n thia roUn ry tor vrara. ami isa regular pre*’ription. It -c -mi «• I <>( the J rM ton y known. Cotu- bined with the beat blood purifiera, ac ting di­ rectly on the muf'ia auriavea. The perfect cumb.nation the two ingredients i* what pr^*« dmvawat a «<•: •l-rfnl n-Milta in curing catarrh, ben*! I« r teat-monta.«, tree. F J. « H y.\ i.Y 4 <’«».. Propre, Toledo, O. Sold by dr iggiwtw. price 7fir. Hai;* tamil) r.lla are the beet. Satisfied. *'My friend,” r*aui the very severe person, “treasure the precious mo­ ments. Think, with the deep awe which the subject deserves to com­ mand, ti|>on the fact that time is swift- ly fleeting ami stays for no man.” "That's all right,” answered the cheery citixen; "1 want it to fired, If time were stationary I'd lie out of work. You see, I'm a watchmaker.”—Wash­ ington Star. Wllh»ul rx»<|«r*"«"- •* ‘ . I Th» Swans. Order from the Phlllppia«« Aiming rwe'iit older» from I tulip- pinn hofldquflrtevra i» l*1«’ fi>ll'‘*,,,tt "Tha metallic lining ol bon* «"• |u4ckgg«*rt beh'Ugilig h> the i Stale», used to proto, t nmteli«'» ami other arielea from uiolsture, »ml when no longer needed will 1« meltrel »ml Tdllng Iti» I rltnfl Friend (over the wire after dinner)— Your wile la certainly a brilliantly handsome woman. I should think you would I«' ji-al'Wis «d her. Ilia lloat (contlileiitlaliy)—-T<> tell ymi the truth, Seymour, I am. I never unite any Issly here that a san« woman thrown into deep water or other» i-" could possibly lake the least laucy to. di»|a>»»d of in »uch manner »• to pre­ At lb« bread Upere vent recovery." ‘•What’s the big feller a-iloin of now, Maria?" ‘‘Ilushl lie’s a-singiii* of a song In M m . O. II CSAFFtUL German What do you want?” beigh to young Mr. Duggleby. "1 wants,” »aid the llillvllle citiseli at a constant disadvantage. yiii, i, "Indeed," gurgled tlm youth. "I in a lewrmt wlii«|» us» l.)r Infiammati, m <>f ih» ovari« and Womb . all», therefore. .I,, f„ ,a more American. lliat I can l<«ik after bis money and knowledge, and hrr »spnri. n..» trave thè vulflarily Vi iiitii. Ilo can Cogl re <>lh«racn oughl Piukhaiu a l^sLueatury, Ljuu, M... lo l«i Ihankfui, doti'l yvu tluiik?”— Chicago l’uat . Her Dulles “We have a deaf ami dumb mem Ur of our Woman » Club,” said Mixa Gab- URIFIERÍ TESTED IND TRUE til'ARANbELD. AM> MILD EVERY Will.RE USED ABSOLUTE SECURITY. 2 Hyacinth Bulb* Or « Tulips, CD EC rntt T -gcllicr with our Complete Catalog (or too». If yo a a r«a ye»«r Fht aUiaN t It» Lit F. k 11 • K a«a«e««al pr* Mtoa at ifow a* I' bm I ts»«it»y th .• .»< tew • i - «4 H to a4 vlgkl r^wvw a»w aavOTfol bw»« Itefli »anta " a « > kllfog aM •laaiitlgb» W1 It awa .■ » T Wavaa a Maa. J II Milhir bTOll*» <«»••• Agawte, F«»r«latgd, <>rw.. SwatUa, Wa*h« C ai * i ?R Superior FI ddder P lants VICTORIA RAPT □AL***’ IRICk OOG THAT IS K M!AD OC ADIR. Giani Incarnate Clover Tr»«? « sm » w * IwtvifiaMt ie » w < tali wuhdn «1 waeèa aftOT aMfclUkg *n>l <• aiwt i 4a of rwM'uaw* all • ?*•»-Ira W di 4v well e«*rw Prue 4iK *iMap. ••Doc.” a trick dog owned by Fred P Corning, au old time showman, la a lightning calculator. He w ill count the number of persons In a crowd, give Could Smash the Navy. Naval ships are tremendously heavy for their bulk, while eggs are uncom * r*"o truc ouarahteed I niouly light. i’erLai« battleships weigh notât I. tK, Th— I. UAE IT. ÿ fifty or sixty times a» much |»er cubic AAAAAAAAAAA A A A AA ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ U ' Inch as eggs. So It can easily tie seen J that If all the eggs of the country were Trying Situation. rolled together Into one it would make MiM Amateur—Can’t you give me a fairly sixable affair. Say. an egg a part with more speaking in it? stout 150 miles long and proportioned Theatrical manager — For what (like other eggs. reason? ! All the bens In the country. If rolled Miss Amateur—Well, before going together, would make a fine, handsome on the »tage I belonged to a woman's i bird weighing Just about a million tons. debating club, and not having a chance Hens average about eight pounds to say much, goes very ill with me.— «piece. The figure varies both with the Ohio State Journal. individual and the breed, which weigh as follows: Pounds. Pounds Wyandotte» ... .‘J1 jCochins .. Plymouth Rock».7'-j M .norcsa . Jersey Blues....8 Hamburg, Brahmas............... 9' i Brahmas and Plymouth Rocks are tha most profitable and the most plentifo! A [.¡ÜIIIM5O CALCULATOR. Full grown bens are supposed tn stand two feet high. Roosters grow a little the number wearing glass«», tell bow Scrofula is but a modified form of Blood more. many are smoking and low mauy rot, Poison and Consumption. The parent Brahmas. beaMtefl having the heaviest tell time by a waicb shown Girci by who is tainted by either will aee in the eggs and being equally with the Plym- ' some one. child the same dreease rrth Rocks the most profitable, and manifesting itself in therefore the most popular bre«ot» which some­ glands of the neck and urement Is twenty six Inches, and some times appear on the finger mills are due throat, catarrh, weak of them get much bigger. A few look to some subtle action of tlie blood, u|>oii eyes, offensive sores like turkey», with their bead» three feet which all the oonei. sinews, muscles sad abscesses and of­ tentimes white swell­ from the ground. and organs hi the oody are dependent lag—sure signs of-.^^ —^., Tba Faithful H«n. for nutrition. They sometimes disap­ Scrofula. There may On account of the faithfulness and In­ pear o' tb'Jr own accord, but there I m be noexternal sign» for . ” " » n dustry of the American hens during the no kr.o’vn cure. In reality, they signify alongtime, forthediseaaedeveh lop* slowly last decade, tlie American egg peril is, t., derangement of the sy«tein. in some cases, but the poison i 1» in the *be eggs ; blood and will break out at the first favor­ threatening Europ«- In able opportunity. S. S. S. cures this wast­ exported from this country wer« «Jt 1 he Beet Way. ing, destructive disease by firstpuiifving noticeable from the point of view of ‘he Parke—I wish I knew wlmt kind of a and building up the blood and stimulating quantity, though their beauty and gen­ suit to get. and invigorating the whole system. eral excellence was. of course, the same. Lane—Why don’t you > to 72,000.- brown diamond, whose brilliancy seem- whether inherited or acquired, and no 000 In 1900. The change Is largely due remedy so thoroughly and effectively to the perfecting of the cold-storage ed to be more adamantine than that of any white or canary atone In the mar cleanse* the blood. If you have any cleanses process for eggs, and took place almost blflod troubla, trouble, or,your or.your child hat has inherited ket Brown diamonds of so flue quality entirely In the last half of the decade. some blood taint, take 8. S. 8. and get are extremely scarce; but the color has the blood in rood condition and prevent 1890-19110 Another tremendous gain ap- never been appreciated by any except jiears probable for the current decade. the disease doing further damage. damage experts. Send for our free tree bools and write our The American hen Is a bird. physicians about your case rase We make no Wrong Posting. Charge whatever for charge lor medical advice. Hurplus of PHI Mixers. One hundred thousand letters are THE »WIFT TNI SWIFT SPECIFIC CO , ATLANTA. GA. "Why do druggists' clerks get SU«! posted In the wrong pillar boxes In Eon » small salaries and have to work auch don every day. long hours?” This question was recently naked of A widow I m alwnys trying to make a the Htar in a communication which was man believe she thought- lie was going published. A day or two later another to I m her. »WW a Woman Tliaro la a psthetic Iitila story tuld ut ••What »• *•«» lu ,l“* Olia of Ilia H usatoti chlldrsu of Ilia royal tlia iiistisgvr of th« o|i»r» ‘‘""T' „ , i, (aiiiily. Hhu waa vary fond ut whita real hot aliuw. Th« ‘’¡•J" *. > . w„ 4W*s»»» Ooeifo»-« fail, • walis, ami bar fathrr bail a gréai titilli- all right for tlicm U>»l M« **• , >, l>cr of thriii broiight tu tha esatto lake» want »iim'thiug»i««li”it‘’r •'k tu |>l«a»a tlia Iitila daughter. But "Mv dmr sir." r«Plinisu.| “uld «'»• bari black une» «ub*t itutrel iu memury »i.- theater »»..*..*.«»• building« I >i 11 Iti i inn*. —A hit Mg on Ilia To treat a aase properly of lire geliti» chilri. • ’ "i”'» if It it |( B,. aary .11 «I h ,,,/.. e«ry to know »II u POflt. |»t i.ss. ... __ "v ........... ■ -."u.t G ",n Whare Na Want fur It th« found Out glseu by a wuureu L, • for family pl * Allinrt was ssnt down town by his alelau She «annoi •■ring hrrwlf t„ Milkneed — — 1 I »■> child. Mintnda ....... . to get aonis hum radish which tedi •roiylhlng. »ml th« physic^ i, how 'vl your Imad get I* •“ "•> alia needl'd fur liar pick las. Emereon n.ngmll.'w H. a im'r’’’ After quit« a lung ab-ana lui calilo It 1» caused, madam, bv a aupam""''»’- alien of cerebral cortex io **'■’ 1 Ikii'k home tinti ami empty hamiud. •■Well, whsro la tbs liursaradlah?" frontal lol»*, an ultra vewiculAi grow of th« midbrain and i X’ri"r'lim»ry • <*- a «In» I his mothvr, •‘Why, mutilar, I went to avrry liv­ vedopmeiital phen■■ni.'iis in ri” "" 1 11 oblongata. 1‘trie conriitK* 1 , ery »tabla ill town, ami they didn’t primary cau»fltie”' rrinfl in i e.l«»p •>««flalr pOT4iSe. AfoiWl'fltojMg lafi* My wife h ad a deep-seated cough for three years. I purchased two bottle» of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, large size, and it cured ber com­ pletely.” J. H. Burge, Macon, Col. A. A A. A A. A AAA.AA.AAA. A.AA.A.A.AAA.A. A. WW WWW WWW ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ U \QnecÖNßiöoöpu/tifie/t ♦ Probably you know of cough medicines that re­ lieve little coughs, all coughs, except deep ones! Grana, Gioverà and Fodder Pianta CURE SICK HEADACHE. OON’T WEIR OUT THE CLOTHES Rubbing them to pieces; lire my Wash­ ing Tabled». No rubbing rw|uir«>l. S-n-l fiO i-enta for sample paciaee and full di- r.-< tionfl. st O. POM BLL. Box 606, Portland, Oregon. cfoiabf OM*><««ÌUy uwtrd tarai »«•■*• •forti aa r'«MHar*4 lt«fl>l Rai*. 1*s«Mntr. - ts.< a»? tee t ntirti prrrn f .Vhrv |OT A- ffo . F«fo • »•« "»• . • l«h !»• »’ l»U«l.*l« «sf aa4 • (• • • of l«aj yaa A r«, n. >n |>u.,af i.ra^a, *«»- . »v Osea* MVefaerru Ttot&ng • tafote ef foaatftuA«wm ha, and aa e»»ai«aa amunat <-f paAorag« tm any farmi» Smmua Imerwela S ÌO999 of Maf por Ai rr T*«ffOTfo4 gvfoMof wtsOTVBOT Mi la fnr • a/, v • to imeti.fl’. »ai I«*» -< farro** m marini t» y«a «vitti maxiy fatui bot «1 «a. -pm. >«(3 u< Dal ps.OTita pnafiae* mr ' aia» ■< ai«mal «w»ta fog JOHN A. SALZER SEED COMPANY. La Croisc, Wh. The medicine that has been curing the worst of deep coughs for sixty years is Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral Three «Is»«: M-- . anonah for an ordinary eo:>l; M*.., just right tor Lruurhltla. b,mr*. n-.i, bard eolda, see.: ft, moat ocotul«al tor cbronie <■»»,« and to k««p on hand J. C. A YEH IO., Low.lt. XtaM. Scrofula THE CHILDREN ENJOY THE OFFSPRING! OF HEREDITARY BLOOD TAINT. . THE BEST WATERPROOF CLOTHING IN THE WORLD / KARS TUB TRAPE HAÍA 3 -O n ,. a si ««»i *t naw TAWNOMSTITUTES 0N5ALE rVf.RTWMEit CAUiocuonru SHOWING’FULL UNE OF GARMENTS AND HAT*. A J TOW CO CO.IQSTOM.MAM. m JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon, Foot of Morrison Street. Can give you Puiggies, Plows, Windmills and M achinery. See the liest liargains in Boilers and Engines, I'umps and General ns before buying. New Year Resolutions Wf Keeley Cure Sw»rsll»f from llqaor, opluia sad U3MH hatHK Madtui partlaalam« r>al«x Mo»»d to 4X0 William« kttltf inS ItUtt. fl»»., rorllaad. Orsgoa BlSHOPSCOTTACAOEMri t > O U T L A H O O M I______ ’ ART HUP C NEW1LL PH I HC IP AL A. P. M. U. il KN wrlll uisuUon t W K’ —A ■ Í- Life out of doors snd out of the games which they play and the enjoy­ ment which they receive and the efforts which they make, comes the greater part of that healthful development which is so e«*cntial to their happiness when grown. When a laxative is needed the remedy which is given to them to cleanse and sweeten and strengthen the internal organs on which it sets, should be such as physu isns would sanction, because its component parts are known lobe wholesome and the remedy itself free front every objectionable quality. The one remedy which physicians and parents, well informed, approve and recommend and which the little ones enjoy, because of its plesssnt flavor, it. gentle action and its beneficial effe, is, is Syrup of Figs snd for the saute reason it ia the only laiative which should be used by father, snd mothers. Syrup <>f 1- ig. is tlie only remedy which acts gently, pleasantly and naturally without griping, irritating, or nauseating and which cleanses the system effectnslly, without producing that constipated habit with h results front the use of the old time cathartn s and modern imitation#, and against which the children should be so carefully guarded. If you would have them grow to manhood and womanhood, strong, healthy and happy, do not give them medicine#, when medicines are not needed, and when nature needs aaai«tanre in the way of ■ laxative, give them only the simple, pleasant and gentle Hyrupof Figs. Its quality is due not only to the excellence of the combination of the laxative principles of plants with pleasant aromatic syrups and juices, but also to our original method of manufacture and as you value the health of the little one», do not accept any of the substitutes which unscrupulous deal­ ers sometime. offer to ‘ increase ' their profit#. The genuine article may be bought anywhere of "'I reliable druggists at fifty rente per bottle. Please •- remember, the -• - ------ of the Company to full name CO. to printed CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP the front of every pack­ age. In order to get Its beneficial effects it is al- ways necessary to •he genuine only. buy *-L.