Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, February 27, 1902, Image 1

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NO. 47
A* If *tii;M*n«<1 by aurpriar, Vera afaaAa
motionless, her bamla lying passively lu
hie. Hhe la aware that he la looking at
her. with « new, wild, arrange espreaaloa
Barcelona li In Control ol iroopa— Strlkara
Captain Alics, Chief, Asks that the forces st
In bla »yea, but a horrible » iiim * of being
Determined and Aggreeaiva.
powvrlesa to realat him numbs all her FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF
Washington, Feb. 20.—The war de­
being. A 11*1 suddenly, aa ahe struggles
Barcelona, Feb. 20.—The city of Bar­
with beraelf, h» bends over her, and
partment lias made faiblic a rejsirt of
is in control ot the tr-sqm, but
without warning llfta her hand» and
Captain Henry T. Allen, sixth cavalry,
presses warm, fervent klaaea ou th*
bands of strikers «restili doing
A Comprehennve Review ol the Important dated Manila, December 15, ccneprn- Commercial and financial Happenings ol Im­
small, cold hand»
considerable damage.
Rioters today
Then abe la aronaed Indeed from her
Happening! ol the Paet Week. Preiented iing the I'hilippjne constabulary, of
portance -A Briet Review of the Growth
attacked a prison van and attempted to
will lethargy, and by a aharp inurement
In a Condeneed form. Which la Mort which he is chief.
Captain Allen says
and Improvements of the Many Industries
wrenches herself free.
release a numbm* of strikers who had
"Don't,” ahe erica, faintly; “It la Io
Likely to Prove ol Intereit to Our Many the <onstabulary consisted of 2,500
Throughout Oar thriving Commonwealth been made prisoners. A striker limi
auffersbla! I cannot bear It! Hava you
men, and was abTe to control, without
—Latest Market Report.
on the guani, who, in turn, shot ami
no aeuae of honor left?"
ai<l of troops, the provinces of
Iler tone calms him, but ■omethlng
killed the man who fired on him. A
within him revolts against th« Idea of
Abra, lion toe, Union, I <e pan to, Ban-
Ninety-nine grain ship* were di*« large hitniter yard has been burned by
apology, 11« lose« her let her know It.
guet, Nueva Vizcaya, Bataan, Principe patched from Portland this *ea*in.
incendiaries, and several stores have
lie will not go back from that, though
her seoru alay him.
Colonel N. B. Knight, a prominent been pillaged. The captain general of
Germany will alsilish Hu- bounties
I'p to the date of the rejs/rt there Oregon attorney, of Salem, is dead.
"There la nothin« dlabooorabls," ha on fcugar.
Barcelona has summoned a meeting of
aaya, steadily. "1 love you; 1 am glad
had l«i*n only two men lost from the
The Folk county Republican central the proprietors of the metal works, at
you know It. Despise me If you can, re­
force by desertion—a showing attrib­ eommittee will meet in Dalia* March 1.
ject me na I know you will, I am atlll the have Isv-n mailo in Africa
which he will recommend granting the
to the care in the selection of the
better for the thought that I have laid
The Red Boy and Concord mines strikers demand for nine hours' work
bare to you all my heart. And now—
men. Captain Alien says that experi­ in Eastern Oregon have lieen consoli- per day.
dwision in tin* Schley a]*|*eal.
you cannot atay here," he goea ou quick­
has shown that the cost of a single dated.
ly, as though feariug to wall for h»r next
Hie t'orean army will 1«. reorganized
Rioting wax renewed here this even­
words; "the night la cold and damp. with Briti*)i officer* in charge.
constable for one year doe* not exceed
A gray eagle, measuring 7 feet 2 ing and crowds of strikers paraded the
There 1s the auminer house over there,"
I wo hundred |*-r«<>ii* have been killed ♦ 250 gold, while the cost of maintain­ inches from tip to tip was shot a few streets, doing extensive damage. The
pointing In Ita direction; "go end rest
ing an American soldier ordinarily is days ago near Astoria.
in .lie riots at fianx-lona, Spain.
there, till I < all you "
troops charged them rejs-atedly but
The Fi*h lake irrigation ditch in
atalsrut «1,000. Captain Al­
Vera lia«tena to the shelter auggeated,
A broken rail i auH«l a wreck in Ohio I
succeeded in disj-ersing them on
and sinking down upon the one seat it
len states thatlinchasing down the role Southern Oregon will lx- completeil bv
opening fire. The strikers then assem­
contalna, a round ruatlc chair iu the last in which one man was killed and five l>er band« the constabulary is unques­ May 1. The ditch in 65 mi lex long.
stage of decay, gives way to the over­ injured.
tionably mor«- efficient than the Ameri­
A h a result of the recent cold enap in bled in large numbers in the outskirts
powering fatigue that for the last hour
Nine Filipino officer* ami 98 men can troops, ami while one large garri­
of the city. It is feared they meditate
baa been oppressing her.
Reluitan 'If have *urreiidere*l.
They also gave up son in many of the provinces may lie Umatilla county, about 25 per cent of
the grain Mowed laxt fall muxt be re­ an attack upon the factories. Troops
ahe does this, and quite unconsciously.
500 revolvers, 66 rille* und 2,000 always necessary, it is his opinion,
I tbatinately determined to tight sleep to
have proceeded to the factories to be in
round* of ammunition.
after a thorough study of conditions,
lh<- last, »lie presently succumbs to that
Two Jacknonville prisoners, w ho were readiness for an emergency.
kindly tyrant, and falls Into one of tbs
1 lie senate ba* | i « nmx 1 the Indian war
can soldiers, with the native contingent being held for burglary broke jail a few­
A serious collision between th»* troop«
most delicious alutnlx-ra ah« baa ever yet veteran ]«.-n»ion hill.
of troops and constabulary, will suffice night* ago in nome mysterious manner and the strikers occurred today at Fan
One life was l*x*t in the burning of a to garrison the Philippine archipelago. and escaped.
Ilow long It laata she never knowa, but
Martin, a village in the suburbs.
Captain Allen says that the general
wheu n*-it she opens her eye« with a Mnitariuni at Battle Creek, Mich.
The mill dam across Long Tom river
the troops fired on the mob, kill­
nervous start, the first Hush of rosy dawn
A l»dt factroy at lx>ui*vi!le Ky., wax
at Monroe, which famished power for
is fl-HHilug hill and valley and sea. Home- deetroycii by fire,
ciflcation have never been so favorable the large roller mill* there, has been ing three and wounding six. At Bad-
lx«**, $100,000.
thing lying at her feet disturbs all her
as now, when the ‘‘crumbling from the
elena, the mob attacked the gendarme*
Fire in a Cleveland, Ohio, rooming top” is duly manifested. In his opin­ waehed out by the high water.
prwonsrlved fancies
It must have slip
l«-d from her when she rone.
Regard hou-e <le»troyi«l $100.018) worth of prop­ ion the canqiaifn in progress in Batan-
At the recent teacherft’ examination and the cavalry who were protecting
Ing It more earnestly, she acknowledges ertv.
gas and I.uguna w ill lie the coup de in Douglas county, five applicants re­ the street car service and a serious
uiiwillingly that It la Heaton's coat, a
A trunk factory at Wyandotte, Mich., grace of the insurrection. The better ceived state paper«. For county certi­ melee ensued, in which one p<son was
light gray one
When she was asleep,
totally destroyed bvffire. L>ss, class of jieople, he says, are extremely ficates there were 32 applicants, 20 of killed and three wounded. At Saltadell.
lost to all knowledge of friend or foe,
tired of the struggle, and ardently de­ whom passed.
then ho had rome and placed that coat
also in the suburbs, the strikers burned
sire [mace. The recently enacted sedi­
across her shoulders.
The Democratic Htate convention will the actroi tax offices and a convent.
President Rmim-velt ha* been asked to tion law, he says, has had a potent
Iler eyre are large and languid with
intervene in Ix-half of the Boer Coni- value in bringing evil doers to a reali­ be held in Portland April 10.
sleep broken and unsatiatied, her •oft
Democratic convention for the Second Troops have l**en sent to Sabadell and
hair lie» rutfleil on her low, broad brow.
zation of their allegiance to law and or­ congressional district will be held at to other places to suppress the dis-
t rders.
Hhe looks timidly, nervously, around her
Twenty-six Chicago families are der. In a recapitulation of the work of the same time and place.
aa one expecting anything but good; homeless as the result of an apartment the constabulary for a little over four
The new prefect presided today at a
The price of land in general in a<l- conference of delegates from the strikers
her whole air la shrinking, and her whole house fin*, l-oss, $100,000.
months, it is shown that in 15 engage­
seif altogether lovely.
Farma and their employers, at which it was
ments 20 outlaws have been killed, 20 vancing in Benton county,
To the young man standing In bla shirt-
Lyman J. Gage has been tendered the wounded and 374 captured.
which a few years ago cviuld have been agreed that work should lie resumeil
sleeves, half hiddeu among the laurels presidency of the I'niti-d States Trust
purchased at $10 per acre are now pending the adjustment of the claims of
and looking at her, with admiration gen Company. He w ill likely accept.
held at $20 to $25 an acre. Many new the strikers by a mixed commission.
eroualy mixed with melancholy iu his
families are Reeking homes in that
A dispatch from Paris announces that
glance, she seem« the very ieearnatlon
Miss Stone lias been lilx-rati-d. Official One Life Lost and Several Persons Injured— section.
of all things desirable.
H* preaaes her hand and hurries her notiie ha« not, as yet, been received.
A company has been formal at Dallas
over the short, dewy grass into the
for the operation of a creamery.
Senate Unanimously Puses the Bill for Relief
Spain is now interested in'the con­
shrubberies that form an effectual acreen
Battle Creek. Mich., Feb. 20.—Early
ol Indian War Veterana.
Fifty horse« for government artillery
from all observation of those in the gar­
today the large Adventist sanitarium service have just been purchafteil near
den beyond, and so on until they rotne to to w liich nation prevented intervention,
the small oaken doorway through which she wants to know who her friends are. and hospital buildings, located here, Eugene.
Washington, Feb. IV.—Several days
«he bad passed last night, and which has
were destroyed by fire, causing a loss
ago Senator Mitchell undertook to se­
proied more foe thau friend
of about $500,000. with only $60,000 county will bold ita county convention cure tl»e passage of his bill for pension­
tow n nearjst. Louis.
Otscr inside the longed for |Hirtal. her
first Impulse is a natural one; it la to nm
ing the Indian war veterans, but Aid-
An Iowa gambling house was held up insurance, beside« great jiersonal loss to March 8.
aa fast as her feet can carry her to her an*l robbed of $2,000.
300 patients who were in the main
Claekamas county commissioners are rich, of Rhode Island, objected. Today
own room.
A crusade is on in New York against building, and who had only time tn looking for a suitable location for a there was a lull in the senate business,
(To be continued.)
escape in their night clothes. One life poor farm.
I mtg >ln* e the moon ha» mounted the
hell'll»; m«w It la at Ita full
A myriad
sim» her? loiupany with It, tile hush of
,|.-.|.iiig nature pay« homage to It
euio y. slowly, from the old belfry tower
" " ' ' I"11’ b<*r quickly from him and
the twelve atroh'** of midnight have
>• sway.
the air.
•‘•w, y,,u ,rr n„t »„rth It!" he
Vera, Il-Illg • autluiisly from beatile Grl
'* Ida ri liner full of the must Intense
„ 1,1», who I». a» usual, sleeping the sleep
coat* inpt.
of the jil»t. »Ilp* «’ nlly OK *'• the Imre
whit*- ii'-r**»» wblelt the muoubeams are
Uatelmg *l< II* alely.
A sl< Im of iiHxinlltfht coining through
n , O I,a. d«M II' I II"
" •• •'» "< •»»' the op
u window
the lamp to
of hl r efforts to I "»e herself and her hale "tin Ihr,
and <> s | ii | h *| m Vera*« attention,
fui tbmiglil» lu un'Oll»* lousne»». »he de Ilow s
how lif-Mvenly fulr th«* gar
I, rimile» to ri«* and try wbat «lady may di'h is
wrapped I ii those pale, cold
j., for her
Hhe alcpa lightly aero»» th.- beam*! Hhf <iin hit |t from where ahe
room. iq» ns the door aud apevni« with all •o» un th., ilrep, i'ii«hlotii-<! seat of tbs
ha.ie ">er the corridor, gaunt and gliosi
■•LI fa I i n,,i wiiiiluw, mid h longing to
I, m lhe dim light, down the grand old
■ • ■ t.. i il«- tsadsr
«'»*•*• •
"" ,b* l,',t night «.! I l>. atlog *.n her burning fore
of the library, where "lie day »be made
I k u 'I. take» posu.salon of her.
tiw dlamvery that comfort wa» to lie
1 atihing iq, « light «liHwl to cover the
«»•-hing g su »he wi-ara, she «trala. care
Hulking • matih. »he light» • lamp fully a» iiught n guilty soul, by Griaelila'a
up.,ll a »Ide table ami proceeil» to clam l*rd, along the dusky corridor, down the
In» the I***'* »heleea. Taking down one »tain«».., «nd past the aervanta* quar-
(Xat »lie think "III please her, X'era
■ « llgbt lindi r Mis Grun- li's
Mllrr|. upon <me of the deep window '1‘rT warn» hrr that that n-inorseli-sa foe
teats. i*"*ks outward, tryiug to pierce the has as yrt rrfuM-d to surrender herself
(oft ami «crated gloom.
to simulier
The "pilling of the door rouse» her. It
A »mall d'X>r leading Into the garden
I, quite an lumr latrt an hour f.-rgotti-u i» 11--»« t > ibi», and moving swiftly up
by her a» »he read With a amblrn start th* uarmw stone paaaagr that bring« her
»lie look» up. turning her face over her to it «be iqu-tia the diMir, and ao r-loalng
. ** f. ' ‘ .1 I. I r
it after hrr that »he i an regain the hou«<*
rumlng 1» at this unholy hour
Hrr at any in><tuent, »hr turna tu finii herself
bearl grow» cubl within her a» »lie »era alm... m the «squisite |M>rfun><*d sllruce
- H.ai"n Dysart!
of the night,
In »ilrncr they »tare at ea*h other
Ilow long »he thus glee» beraelf up to
Vera. Indeed.
great la her astonish­ the »wert tu-w enjoyment of life ahe
ment. forgets to rl«e. but alia there curl hardly knows trulli »hr hear« the ancient
ril up among her fur«, with • little froscu belfry clorb ti lling the midnight hour
lock ■>( fi«’ »nd drteatatlon oli her p«*r-
It startle« her
Hun ah«- iudeetj bevfi
fei-t f* ▼
here «o Inng? W'lmt If Griselda »bould
"I ha>e ill»lurbril you." »ay» Heaton wake and lie alarmed for her?
at last, breaking lhe »pell, aud .peaklug move« qmrkly In lliu direction of the
In ■ ilistimily unnatural lone
house, and at last, rraalulug (hr louer
"1 did b"|»* 1 »hnuld have fuund prl garden, lu-gina to think her pleasant $»o
•ay« jours at au end.
varj »«»mr* hrrr, at «»'tur liour.
Hhe ha» neared the shrubberies and In­
•| rain«*
• •»»«»k. “ aaya hr. runt ritr voluntarily turn» her giamo* tbelr way aa
that 1 am burr, w HI ) ou prr they lie npos her left. Involuntarily, too,
Wit 111«* h» RHJ • frW Mur<la iu ti$y u« n ■In seek» to pierce lhe darkness that eu
4s- frtitr t”
« i lops them, when »he atop«, and preaaea
•ay« ahe. with ondi» her baud <<>m ul»lvrly to her breaat Who
gui««*<l «('tiru
is H what la it, Uuiving there, in the
•M*«*rt«iul>. I would pro«» to you bow myaterloua g I. «mi?
h«*r wrotitf**«1 iur,” ” «ay» h<*.
"Don t Is- frightr-m-d
It la I. Heaton,"
tirtidy. **! ■rfetiowIrdtfr thnt on<w my ■ aya a mo»l iiuwrlmtue Voice.
fathrr ripr»-«»rd a wish that 1 abouM
"Ab!" »he «aya. Hhe la angry lieyond
marry you,“ «xdorlof darkly, "always doubt, and »till further anger»! by the
provhlrd toil Wrr* willing to a$vrpt
knowledge that there I« more of relief
and I ' «lowly "•rrrdrtl tn (hat wiah
than r-ddneoa in the simple exclamation.
Hui why, why?** drman«la «hr. flash
"I had no Idea you were here at all." COACHMAN KEPT HIS DIGNITY.
ln< r»»uud at him
ahe aaya. faintly, after a pause that Ira»
**| <|<» not wonder at y«»ur qUMition l< gr w h . irti, u iiily long to ta* awkward.
Incidentally Hie Kmptoyer t ail Illa
W sy In a Wonndnboul Eash Ion.
»rrui« ini|M>a*ili|r there «hmihl lw a rua
I am afraid I have startled you
ir I
a*»«,’’ rrplira hr, oddly ; "for ever alu* r ha*l known I should Dot, of course, hare
'Dlls la one of the many stories that
the tirwt hour wr met you have treated cunte here "
are floating atxiut town concerning a
me with uniform unfrirndllnr»«, I had
"Foil make It very hard for me," »he man very well known lu the capital,
alm>»«t »aid $11*» ourteay .“
' ■»>». vs It h a touch of passionate impa
who Is spending the summer In Eng
“There ia a rraam, nrvrrthrlra«,” aaya tleni'T
land, says the Washington l'ost. He
ahe, hotly
She haa mine a atrp or two
"ITist 1» unjust," ssya he,. roused In
ararrr to him. and hrr large, lustrous ' turn
**To mske your life easier is my hits taken a country house over there
ey<*t, Uplifted, «ri-m to I* h »I i detian<*e Into heart's de»irv."
for lhe season, and la living a grand
bl*. ‘’Y<»ur reason 1 ran fathom but
"Are )"U »u< *eedlllC. do you think? seigneur with a troop of dear only
your father*« that. I confrsa. puiale« Dm*. It." with znthcrinf scorn, "make knows how many servants. These
mr Why should hr, whose g<»<| la m<>h«y, my part »ni H-ther. wlii-u you conqiel me
English servant^ so their American
rh'»<>■«• the pennlleas daughter of th«* to aee that you »lay away, or only conn*
master has discovered, are quite un­
brother hr defrauded to I m »
here at hours lnc<>nv«*nicut to you. lie
like the tnetilala to whom he la accua-
"Ih-frsuded?*’ interrupt« Keaton, with | cause Iws-aii»« of me?"
tonteil In his own country. They are
a fn»w n
Hhe turns n.ldi* sharply, and nnlks a
“(’all It what you will.” with an eg* -t<p or I«" away from him. Honirhow *|M«'lallsta. Each one of them la hired
prroivr ge«turr of her hand "undertake .1 this instant, the growing chill of the for some one i>artlcular work, and pro­
hi« drfenae, too; but the fart remain« • arly night seem» to «trike more sharply fessional etiquette forbids them to
that th<* iniquitous dr$><| that gate to • >n her »en»i'». ami » shiver not to l«> trespass on each other's preserves.
your father what «hnuld have I» t « mi our« »uppri's—il stir» her wh*di* frame.
How strictly they keep them each to
wn« undoubt«'dly ilrawn up by my un<*le
F oil are cold," he eii-lalma, coming his own work the American did not
I bar«» heard all about It a hutidtril times. up to her «Uh a hasty stride. "What
know till, sauntering Idly out of the
Your father hardly drnl«*d It to mine inadne«! it 1». your l*elng out at th»«
house one day. lie espied a watering
whm last writing to him
Ilka taking hour! Come. a»tnr back to the house,**
which bad been left by a gardener
ua home to live with him wn, I tup*
She agn-rs silently to thia proposition,
p»ae. a wort of reparation To marry me ami follows him airosa the grass to the at a little dlstauce from the mansion
to y«>»i, and thua give me back the prop small oaken ihsir that had given her on the edge of the drive. It occurred
trty hr atole 1« that a reparation, t«»o?*‘ ■'grrss only to find It barred against her! to him that It would lx* amusing to
Hhe la a« pair as death, and the hand«
Hvatoii. baling trial it. glanrws at hrr play at being a gardener. Hr would
thnt < hug to the ba<*k of the chair near In mute dismay
water the flowers bltnself. So, calling
h'*r are trembling
Hut her lipa are flrm
"tlruneb must have fasti-nal It. on her to a man servant, who happened to !«*
and hi t eyes flashing
It orrtir« to Hrs I way to bed
The bolt 1» drawu,” »ay« passing, he Ixidc hint fetch the water­
tun, gating at her in brratble«« «ilence, he. »lowly.
ing can. The man straightened him­
thnt if r | i $* could have ritermlnnt«*d him
*-|to you mean that I can't get In?"
self up anil touched his cap.
then nnd then» by a look «he would have J nsks «he, a» if unable to credit so terri
don«» It.
"Beg piirdou, air," he said. In a tone
hie an annoiim i-ment.
■■(th, I ilare say it can’t be so bad »• of respect not untnixed with surprise,
V'»«i degrade yourself nnd me when
Only." hewltatlng, as If "I'm the coachman, str."
you talk like that." says Heaton, who in that." ha’tib
"All right." answered the American;
iim pnle nn hhe Is. "For heaven’s lianlly knowing how to eiplaln, "the
Mkr try to remrnib«*r how abominably front disir 1» of course locked and chain
"bring me that can."
you inisreprrn,»ut the whole thing
If my cd, »il l the servant», with the exception
"Beg |iardon, sir,” repeat«« ths man,
father had a freak of thia kind in his of Gruni'h. all H»lee|> at the top of the
"but I'm the coachman, sir."
’'••ml a dealr» to aee you married to Ilia houiH'. a late arrangement of my father'»,
"Well, well," said the American, "I
finiv »„n Murely there wan no dlNrotirh»ay a» th** orlgliiHl »lu vant»' quarters lie he
I »m "f'aid, therefore, that if we know you're the conchman. Bring me
tn y<»u coiitnin$»d In stieh a desire. It wna low
rnth. i ymi
M.r lhn| n W|.(| llb>ni|t knocked forever, it would have no effect. the can."
•rrangrmrnt on htw part. It was more.“ However, I ' »» ff? •» dn something, but
The coachman touched his cap again,
lit* |ov$»a me; in wishing to a«»e in the meantime you must not stay out and repented his former remark. IXght
you my wife he paid you the highrnt
dawned on the Aiuerli'Sn.
"You may feel It cold
I don't," re
^»mpliinent hr could. I defy you to re
"Oh," said bo, "you're the coachman,
i«rd it m any other light.”
’<ni plead his cause well it in your the moonlight last*. *h«ll I find it lonely are you? Well, coachman, you go round
I." rni*ing her unfriendly, heau- to the stables and have tny four-fn
®"«‘. nayi «hr, tapping the buck of the either
< i'»ir with taper, nngry Angara. "Why tlful eye» Q hl* "I «»sure you I »hall bo hand brought round at once."
The coachman sh I u I»I and wnlkixl
Skr the trouble? ho you think roti can quite happy "tit here, even though I »lay
•ruig me to view the case In n lenient till the day dawn« and the doors are away. The coach and four drew up at
open ngiiln."
Am I likely to forget thnt you
the door a few minutes later. The mas­
I11* fepeata her word
y<”> iiidrd ami allotted your fath«»r In try
climbed In.
u b’..fo,’,v ,IU’ ‘«Hu thin defeated mar he looks nt her with a keen scrutiny. "A
"Now." said he, "drive me to that
ria ft*?"
word out of place, surely; given the Iwst
I hardly dare to believe you watering can."
put that marriage out of your .... ..
hr, alowly. “You have taken eoiild ever bl* 'happy' nt Greyaturt."
The order was obeyed. The horses
"Hiippy or unhnppy," says »hi*, with
"» •»rrioiialy. | aaatin» you I would I
pans»! » hundred yards down the
” uniriy yIH| now- If you ware a« will quick iisentmi'iit. her mind Ixung ills-
«” .'on air unwilling
I can hurdly tressed by this awkward fear of having
"Get down nnd hand me the can.
to |ui»s till* night from under any n«>f,
P'd i; Mrongrr.“
Whm my grandfather left thia pmp ■•sutely it nin be nothing to you! Why now," ordered the master.
who 1» na hate
A moment Inter lie was contentedly
to ymir father,“ ahe any«, alowly. II fleet 11 n lnteri*»t in
"• hfi It ptirpoM$>|y unentailed. Your fill to you *' I nm?” A little tire has watering the flowers. He had the ran,
then, w«»rt> you to rroaa lila fallen into her tone, nnd there la ill-aup- the coachman's dignity had been pre-
could leave you. hr I have been nresni'd contempt in ......... ye« »he lift* to served, and all was well.
Pel Imp» lie I" driven by it into ail
I" nnilt m -4. to avoid thnt, you would his
1,1 with any of bls viewa. You would „„ger thnt lend* to bin betrayal.
No Hook of I natrucllona.
'■Hateful I" me! Do you think you are
rv " T.
rlfl< e yourself na to mar
Weary Watkins I see here In the
(hut Vera?" "«>" ■”'• ,n * ,ow ,on** but
■ "l'‘
t>h, tin* contempt In her tom*!
""ll "u,,,len passion— paper about how to git on a trolley
ntrii'r’ ,M 11 ,‘”'K PA1»*- Then H»*aton. one full of
II '"g forward, hc I kcs her by both arnia passion long suppressed. "Do you hon­ car anil off.
Hungry Higgins I bet you won't see
Inina her more directly to the light. estly belleie that?" Hi* manner la al­
•’* grnap of big handa | r hr a vine, ami most violent, nnd «* h" speaks he catehca no piece sltotit how to git on anti off
'"'■rw.ird It Rvemed to her Hint hr both her hand« in his, ami crushes them of freight cars. That kind of thing
voluntarily, an It were, shaken vi liemi utlv against his breaat. "I would comes by nature, er It don't come at
h, heaven." h« »«?•. mlaerably. "that
■‘J ’’lightly,
"U°W dure you?" he says, In a low.
that were sol”
all.- Indianapolis Journal.
automobile scorchers.
is supposed to have been lost.
New York has just ex[x*rien<xsl tlie
There were at least 300 jiersons in
worst blizzard in 14 years.
the main building when the fire broke
Death list from Sliamaka. Russia, out in the basement. This building
was five stories high, and as soon as
earthquake numlmrs 2,000.
the fire was discovered the night at­
The senate has ratified the treaty for tendants on each flisrr gave the alarm
the purchase of the Danish West In­ in the corridors, and the ]iatients made
their escape down the fire escajiee aided
By the confession of another prison­ by the nurses. They did not have
er, a man in the Colorado penitentiary time to save their |x*rsonal effects.
Two of the inmates were slightly in­
for murder has been set free.
Admiral IMwey was asked to dine
The firemen w ere handicapped by in­
with Prince Henry, but had to decline, sufficient water pressure, and in two
owing to the illness of Mrs. Dewey.
hours the buildings were in ruins.
The bill to re|x*al the war taxes was Two firemen were* seriously injured and
unanimously passed by the house, every one slightly.
member voting in favor of it. It may,
The Oregon's Repairs Completed.
however, lx* amended in the senate.
Washington, Feb. 20.—The nayv de-
A bill has lxx*n introduced in the partment has lieen informed that the
senate for the retirement of Naval Con­ repairs on the battle ship Oregon at the
structor Hobson. His eyesight has Puget sound navy yard are practically
been very |xx>r for the |m-t two years. complete. The hole rent in her lx>t-
Portland chamber of commerce trus­ tom during’ her grounding in 1900 has
tees were severely criticise*! for their all been closed over, and -she will lie
recent action favoring admission of Chi­ ready for duty again about March 1.
nese by a mass meeting of 1.200 citi­
Indiana Mint Burning.
Brazil, Ind., Feb. 20 —Miners have
Prince Henry is on his wav to the been forced to leave the Tennant
United States.
Company's mine at Turner, two miles
Fire at Wisdom, Mont., destroyed west of here, on aecount of the intense
$20,000 worth of property.
heat caused by the burning coal more
Martial law has been declared at than 100 feet underneath the ground.
It’is believed that the mine will have
Trieste, Austria, on aecount of riots.
to lx* fiisxied and abandoned.
General Bell has stamped out the re­
Transport from Manila.
belllion in Batangaa province, Luzon.
San Francisco, Feb. 20.—The United
The treaty for the Danish West In­
dies will come up in tin* senate this States transport Meade arrived today,
32 days from Manila, with alsnit 1,200
soldiers, whose terms of service have
Because they amlii not get whiskey, expired. Four deaths occurred during
three Oi«ge Indiana in Oklahoma drank the voyage. The vessel encountered
a concixlion of wixxl alcohol, vanilla, heavy easterly gales, and was forced to
ailognc and Florida water.
put into Honolulu for coal.
A British force was caught in a Boer
Austria Abolishes Sugar Bounty.
trap on the Klip river and two office™
London, Feb. 20.—A dispatch to the
and 10 men killed and a large number Central News front Brussels says that
wounded before they gained shelter.
Austria has decided, in compliance
The president will announce his de­ with the demand made by Great Brit­
cision in the Schley cast* in a few days. ain, to reduce the import duty on sugar
to five francs. The correspondent de­
Representative Tongue has intro­ clares the adherence of Hungary to this
duced a new irrigation bill in the decision to lie assured.
Chinas« Ministar to Russia.
A company has been incorporatal in
California to develop the island of
Mindanao, P. I.
Troops have had to be called out in
Franco to preserve order among striking
leather workers.
St. Petersburg, Feb. 20.—Yang Yu,
minister to Russia dies! here tixlay,
after a short illness. Yang Yu was
formerly Chinese minister at Washing­
ton. lie was transferred to St. Peters­
burg in November, 18116.
Organized laborers to the number of
Effect of American Ship Subsidy.
7,000 an* employ»*! by the diamond
I-ondon, Feb. 20.—The Daily Mail,
dealers and jeweler* of Amsterdam.
in its issue this morning, discusses the
The Tyrol, following the example of effect ¡upon British shipping of the
Norway, is trying to encotirage the win­ American ship subsidy bill.
ter tourist business by offering l>etter pa|x*r contends that the bounty suggest­
ed by Senator Frye will completely
facilities for winter sports.
counterbalance the advantage now held
Valletta. Malta, lieing midway in the by British shipping, but that the only
.Mediterranean, lx’tueen Gibraltar and remedy hiitherto proposed—that Amer­
Port Said, imports more than half a ican ships entering British jxirts should
million tons of coal for the use of pass­ lie fined to the oxtent of their subsidy
—is impracticable.
ing vessels.
and Mitchell saw his chance, but as
A club has been formed at Joseph to Aldrich had gone away, senatorial
advance the interest of that town and
courtesy would not allow the bill to
come up. Mitchell, however, caught
Business men of Pendleton are con­
sidering a plan for the establishmen the Rhode Island senator on the tele­
phone, got his permission to have the
of a paper mill.
At the annual meeting of the Tilla­ objection withdrawn, and the bill was
mook Creamery company a dividend of |>assed without opposition. Heretofore
10 per cent was declared.
Speaker Henderson has stood in the
Umatilla county has been asked to way of the passage of this bill in the
increase the assessments of railroad and house, but Senator Mitchell has confi­
telephone companies $3,000,000.
dence that the house will give it con­
The contract has been let for build­ sideration thia session. The speaker
ing an opera house in Allmny, to cost and the members of the committee on
$5,000. It will have a seating capacitv rules are dose personal friends of
Mitchell, and he hopes that time will
of 700.
be given for the consideration of the
Portland Markets.
bill. The Oregon members are working
Wheat—Walla Walla. 65(S65 l3c; industriously tw secure a majority in
bluestem, 66<a*66 lac; Valley, 64065c. the house for the consideration of the
Barlev—Feed, $19019.50; brewing.
$20020.50 per ton.
Oats—No. 1 white. $1.1501.25;
gray, $1.1001.20.
On« Hundred Men Temporarily Imprleonad__
Flour—Best grades, $2.8003.40 per
Saved by Most Deepcrate Effort!.
barrel; graham, $2.5002.80.
Seattle, Feb. 20.—The great Tread­
Millstuffs—Bran. $19 per ton; mid­
dlings, $21; shorts, $21.50; chop, well mines, on Douglas island, were as­
sailed by fire on Tuesday, February 11,
Hay — Timothy, $12013; clover, and a terrible holocaust was prevented
$7.5008; Oregon wild hay, $506 per by the almost stqierhuman attempts of
everybody w ho could reach the scene to
Potatoes—Best Burhanks. $1.1001.35 stay the progress of the Hames. The
steamer Dirigo, reaching port this
per cental; ordinary, 750 85c per cen­
tal, growers’ prices; sweets, $202.50 morning, brought particular« of the
fire. The Alaska-Mexican compressor
per cental.
building was entirely destroyed.
Butter—Creamery, 25027)gc; dairy, Thirty-eight thousand dollars on the
180 20c: store, 13015c.
stamps, mill plates and a 120 stamp
Eggs—22l»025<* for Oregon.
mill, with the engine room were saved.
Cheese — Full cream, twins, 130 It took the concentrated efforts of eight
13Sc; Young America, 14015c; fac- two inch streams of water to master
the flames and for hours the agonized
tory prices, 101 Sc less.
Poultry—Chickens, mixed, $3.500 people worked under fearful suspense;
4.50; hens, $4.5005.50 per dozen, 100 for more than 100 miners were in the
12c per pound; springs, He per pound, lower workings ami in imminent danger
$304 per dozen; ducks, $506 per doz­ of meeting a horrible death.
en; turkeys, live, 12S013c; dressed, were all rescued safely, coming out
15016c per pound; geese, $607 per through the old workings. The origin
of the fire was not known at last re­
Mutton—Gross, 4c per pound; dress­
ed, 707Sc per pound.
Bankburn Sails With Salmon.
Hogs—Gross, S^'c; dressed, 6t^07c
Victoria. B. 0., Feb. 19.—The Brit-
per pound.
isTi ship Bankburn will sail tixlay.
Veal—808 ls for small; 707 l2 for She is the last of the 11 salmon ships
which have taken 679,247 cases of salm­
Beef—Gross, cows, 3J404c; steers, on, valued at $2,716,888 to Liverpool
404'8c; dressed, 6l207lac per pound. and London.
With the shipments
Hops—11013c per pound.
made by the steamers, more than 13,-
Wool—Valley, 13015c; Eastern Ore­ 000,000 worth of salmón has l>een
gon, 8012Se; mohair, 21021 %c per ship|x*d from British Columbia t hi*
The area of Greater New York is
now 318 square miles, against Greater
Ixuidon’s 700 square miles.
Riveting of Ixiilers and the like is
now done almost entirely by a com­
pressed airhammer, whieh strikes5,000
times a minute.
The Norwegian council of atate has
decided to negotiate for a loan of $2,-
000,000, to be used for the construction
of railways and a thorough telephone
system throughout Norway.
largest Building In the World.
Chicago, Feb. 20.—A Mrmit wim
issued tonight for the coiMrnction of
wlmt is plannal to lie the livrgext build­
ing in the world. The building is pro­
jected by the First National Bank
officials, and will hold, when complet­
ai. 9,000 ]x*ople.
The building will
stand at Dearborn and Monro» streets,
and will cost $3,000,000.
Work will
| be begun in the spring.