KLAMATH REPUBLICAN. m—» rlli:Khl»AV. FEBRUARY Í» l-Xt-J b'< I " I will I h - In hi» ll.illds for pil'r ll1' "0 | . ,| U., 1 V '.’l. Il I ■«i»'I"l (h it fax .. ....... will Iwgln P”utlng in irom th.it ili...... .. ne bave bruti uujoylng an llidian LOCAL NEWS sky ami an. »grecatilo ntmoapiiere tlil.week, llioiigh truvel lia» liccii I, 0111 beg»" »>'• II»« m*» ••’»U remiered (llfficult by a tblck con at Ing C. L. Milter of Bly In toWII "f iiiik I, |f prcNcnl slcmvnts coil- Friday- tliiuv, liowsver, tlm roud» will MOOII G, C MuBuimugh of Gohl Hill w.ui I m * g'HMl. here Kuu«i»y. W«- und. hitand Iter. J. M. M<- W F. Arant was In from Pine * "’id'exp, 11, t,, var.ife tlm I’ri sliy- (¡rove Monday. lerlan pisioi.it,• here mid remove jot u Cob-man <>f Kwan lake wax In i I m - w I k re alsuit t he 1st of April, Itcv. M' < bmli imd family liiivo made town TucMiny. Mr. Ilamsby arrived here from innny friends here, who will regret t<< sei- them ieavc, Morrill Tuewlay. Mra. . w. Hazen arrived bollir W. K. Spence of Rock creek waa a Kat uid iy from Ashland, where • »lu­ Fall» visitor Sunday. T. J. Newiilll of Ballsl-in, Orc., was c.il|, <| |,v t ||P Ilin, ,s of tier mot li- er. She left ||(.r mother much Im- arrived here Nunday. proved In health. Mr. Ila/.en nut W. IL Hlmpxon wax in from I i I k Iter at Hart's station amt ui'i'ompa- Nxyl«ii ranch Haturday. tiled In r to this place. IL M. Wlillimy of Morrill wax In Hetirv I'arrlsh amt ('. E. i tlie latter part of I m I week. arrived from A Jil.iml Monday, Attorney F. II. Mill» wax doing will remain a few days, wlill buxine*» al Lakovlaw laat week. Pal I ish ili» » some work on I i I h John King and Robt. W«-l*h of Mollili of town, Mr. C'lusscr Merrill arrlv-'l »• lb'' Fall» Tuesl.n ftbiii Michigan liuti fall and An Intcrcolh-glale oratorh'al eon timlier eliiim t„. ir 11,1,.^ lai ,,. t.-st will I* pull'd off al .Salem Mureb Tile tide »' it Her on Tuesday In- ducisi llerlwrl and < hai le» Baldwin 14. A »on wax lx>rn t«i Mr. uml Mr» to cxeieiw iheir )acht mi the river Carrey ILmi»by of thia place on Sat and lake. They h id a gay Mid en- J'-vable trip imi attracted much ul­ urday. J. F. Adam* "f Merrill wax hcr<- tenth,n. Their Isiat with sails uli th« lir»t of tlie week, returning hoiur set, rode th,- waves like a bird. l. ik" cutmi \ Is now having a liber­ yreierdny. al »hare of smallpox, Imi rigid meas­ lion. II. A- Emmllt mid family of ures ate I» lug enforced to prevent Krtl" were Klamath Fall» visitor» the spread of the i I im . ihc , Four Hew Natarday. cavs Were reported last week 12 Burn. Sat unlay, to Mr. mi'I Mr*. mil, s ft.un l.akev lew and several new >, Biehn of Klamath Full», n '■ is, s II IO I, leluped at Paisley. daughter. Busin, ss meet lug ,,f tho second A mild form of smallpox I» prrv- quarterly conference of tlie M. E. ■lent at RoM-luirg mid llm public church w ill Is* held here Hext Sat ur- arli'xita have been «•lu«-«l. d.iv at .1. tu u'cl.H'k p. in. The pastor Attorney J. W. llamaker arrived will preach bundav niornlng and home Siimlay via Iger from a bu»l evening, After tlie niornlng M-rmoii, muM trip 1« Nau Frmi<-i».-o. tie r< will ........ mmiiiilun »civico. Godfrey Neubert mi«l wife of \nt<- Tlie N'irtli-rn l‘:mJtie railroad lope valley were hi on Timadxy to ami ¡n< •» tti.it it »ill join tlie Union trade »< tli<- Klamath Fall» »tores I'« ifle In miking settlers' rates from Mr*. P. B lt-aim’s departed Sun th<- Esst to Southern Oregon points, dar for Portland, where »he w.u, call tlie Mine vs th'»«' to Wextern Wasll- rd by the »erteua Illness of Imr moth­ ingtoii. 'ITi''<¡re.it Northern will I m - er. coiii|. ¡|e<| t<> follo» the same policy. fjut Friday was not only St. Val <1. *1’. Baldwin's big algn loom» up rutlne't day, tail was th«- 4 ird .uml vrraary of D m admission of Oregon conspicuously, and is tin- prccurmir of another eqiinll) as big a sign on til«- s» a state. West slile of the roof. Mr. B. will, ns We understand t hat <¡<0. and we undcr*tand. mhih liulhl a large Claud Chastain ami Mr. ti<» lore arrived 1 L-vkevlew Exammer: Mr. and Lakeview .Monday xml began a »••rh-s Mrs IIoni F ’ uller arrlretl frolli Klaui- of entcrtaiiiim’iits in the opera horn» aiti I ; "s l.mt IVedm-sday everilng lirre Turaday evening. and noi.¡¡ned scierai «l.iv» visitili^ Victims of Hie grip are ns-overm--. Il 1 Mi I ter la a It b.is prevailed In mx -I i a nilhl form popul ir and liandsomc young bride tll.it people adret il have n .! b-ell troni K l imai II. Th.-y wer .- guest» al greatly annoyi-d by II. IL.Icl L.i»<■' ie >v. F. W Jetinlngs «la-partr<| vest«- r lay Shaniko L< i l--r: The Columbia for Dritown, Calif , when« Im hu» itlicrii railway surveyor» are mak­ gone to Im a* llm trcdalde of hl* ing .•■»•I headway »Ince leaving Shan­ fat her wlm Is very III. iko. Tbri are making a preliminary Rev N. J. ilarblt rrportatli.it siirvcv down Wards creek and have |xsip|e of Bonanza are talking of got stal.is set some twelve mile» building a Mcthodl»! church build- from lu re. As far as surveyed the Ing then* in th«- near future. niiiti’shows up 111 tlist-. lass shape. We have is-en Invited to rillend a The Southern Pacific company 1» fre-' lecture mi "Cbrlatten Seh ime” replacing IK Iron bridge» with steel, by lion. W. G. Ewing, of < hic.igo, and pro|Mi»i‘s soon to commence till­ nt Ashland, tomorrow evening. ing In It» nunicrotm. high trestle», The Medford Mall reports that , t inier the new rule, tlie com pan V Maurice Brown expert» to come 1 to seems to tie active hi tlie direction Oregon Mr>n and ass, elate 1 himself >f Improvement, and It is hoped tlie witli hl» tirOlhci III tin- »task I llUMllli.s line and its rolling stock will not be III Ivl imatli rounly. ' long In reaching modern standards. The Paisley I'.mt hit» juat entered Ashland Record: .lames M. David- It» arcutxl year. Tlie I'ost has l.'cn « hi . one In from Klamath Falls Fri- 41 |xitent factor In the new life of du) with .1. Fiank Adam», Mr. D. nortliarn Lake county mid descl « ves was formerly county clerk of Slski- « large share of credit. toll c unity and u native of the aanir. C. I>. Wilson went down to San Ifelsa surveyor of ability ami is FranclNco last week, bring calh 'I , hM ifedat Nome, Alaska, where he is there by th«- lllnexa of liia wife, wlm extensively Interest -«I. Until gentle­ has been under medical treat incut foi men paid I Ills office a pleasant call. »'•»«riil month». Ills daughter ac , The biggest dally receipt of rabbit companlcd him. 's sculps for .some time at the clerk < office was recorded on Tuesday when Tlie village ehs-tlon conic» off earl) next month, mid II, is mi event In, till w. re delivered then-by mm man. wlilcl> every citizen xhould show Ins The rabbit scalp business lias I h - i - ii Interest. People arc very apt to re­ lagging somewhat of late, but It Is gard town «-h-ctloiiH with ImlltTereii«-«-. expected that there will be a rush as the tiim for the expiration of the but I his 1» » ml»i uko. Imnnty draws near. Il will end Medford Mull: (¡co. W. Manning. March 0. <'f Klamath Falls, wlm has lx-en In Messrs Potter and Fuller of Wlnd- ••outlmrn Arizona and .Mexico for tin I'iist year, arrived In Medford Thurx- lhdd, Kansas arrived here Monday <1»y morning and 1» visit Ing hls, for the | nrpose of Inlying land. They weld to Poo valley to look alxtcr, Mrs. Jas. D. Fay. id farms I hero. They said that the Miss Clara Nlockwcll who lias been corn crop in Kansas was a failure Mtrndlng the Ashlaml Normal last year, and that when the cheap kc I kki I, arrived here last Saturday to rates on the railroad go Into effect »pend some weeks visiting. Khe has In Marell and April, there will be a been in (,f |a(,, )|(|(| W((M compelled to large Immigration to tills locality •I'lit school t<• m| m irarily. from that state. Frank MeCornack and family wen- Clara Torrey, whose home was in town on Tuesday. II«' Is a success­ near Talent, Jackson county, suicided ful stockman mid ha» some 12,(M>0 at Klainatlion on Wednesday night ’"■res, Ix-lng »Ituated on Big Klamath of last week. She committed the Like nnd one of the largest and best rush act with a revolver, tho bullet ranches In tlie county. piercing her heart. The young lady Work mi the railroad building till» was aged about III years. Her fath­ way from near Klainatlion Is pro- er died In July I8U4, and since then gn-sslng slowly. We understand t he her mother married Chas. Iloyton. force will he largely Increased and Besides her mother, two sisters and roiistructlon rushed ns »«»m aw llm five brothers aurvlvo her. A (liree-fiKil wildcat Invaded the weat her become» net lied. We arc requested by Sheriff Sum- county capitol grounds at (¡rants m'is !<• announce tluil the tax roll Pass recently and was prevented I frmn »torniln.f and Inking the Insti­ tution by an officer, who vnliantly met the e'ter'iaehlng etici iv nnd »Ith the aid of lead pills hooii had II Ires decomli.il. We me lUMUred that JoM'jililiic'K scat of governmetif I» seldom tliii» »»Milled by the grim feline species of the forest. F. L. Wright of Ashland Is lc’e representing tlie Southern Oregun Mathie (,’o., of which Ip- is a inemlier. Tim company deals in nil kind-, of cemetery work and giiiranle. , Mills- fact Ion. J. L. Vaden arrived Imre Tuesday on III» return from a trip to Portland and Intermediate points. He repirt.s that there 1» conalderablc favorable talk about Klamath county along the riillroa>l and predicts lliut there will I»- a large Influx of new settlers as soon as spring opens. Meltford Mall: They are not giv­ ing out much news now at tlie Soul li- em I'ac I tic coal mining plant; from I In- size of the lumps of tiehig brought In and the quality thereof it Is evident that things are not going so badly. The liolstii g niai'lilni ry w hl< h lia» been standing on the depot platform for several weeks was taken out oil Tuesday replace that formerly In use, latter having proven inadequate handle tlie work. <'. L. Itli'sle». son of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Khotles of this place, was inar- r|e<| to Miss Nettie A .inderkair in Ashland on Wednesday of last week, ICcv. F. <;. Strange of tin- Presby­ terian churcli |M-rforndng tlie cere­ mony. Mr. Kiiode» eijM-cts to secure employment In tlie navy yard on Puget Sound and will locate there with Ids bride. He served three years In tin- I'. S. navy and witnessed tlie surrend-r of Manila «luring the Spanish-Ainerl'-aii war. lb- left here re of Inestimable bcnclll to tlie val-1 Circus riders. Misses Edith Hum- | C. H. Hoagland, who has been i’l ley »1 retelling from Klamath Falls plirx-v ami Bessie Chapel. for several weeks, is somewhat fl- to Title lake, and will aid materially Columbia, Miss R. French. proved: he 1» able to walk ou'i for a in the fut ure grow t li and prosperity Tnelebani. Allan Sloan. few minutes at a time. 1 of this county. The project 1» In Gold bug, Miss Minnie Taylor. Mrs. II. J. Chrisman has gone to Queen of diamonds, Miss Emma Tur­ capable and determined hand», nnd Bly to work in the hotel at that It Is Ix-llcvcd that slice«-»» will follow ner. Queen of hearts, Miss Inex Turner. place. the effort without conflicting with ctars, Miss Amy Lenz. Baptizing at this place last Sun­ oilier siniilar undertakings already Night, Miss Nida Turner. day was postponed on account of I established. Kummer, Miss Bertha Arnett. high and muddy water. Tlie enterprise Is Inaugurated by Broom gill, Mi«s Jessie Arnett. i N. W. Duimn has resumed work . rule lake raneliers, and N. S. Merrill. tanking Backward, Miss Nettie Brew. I W. I*. Whitney ami Win. Ballot that Old La-ly Wiio Lived in a Sime, Miss again at the store. Marie llamaker, youngest daugh­ prei'lnet were here yesterday to pre­ Jessie Marple. ter of J. O. llamaker, is on the j pare articles of Incorporation, copy Night, Miss Lydia Turner. sick list. B ill J ones . of which was duly lih-d with the \ Spanish girl, Mist Anna Heidrick. Klamath county belle, Miss Bertha BONANZA PLOP l L, ATTENTION. county clerk. Capital stock is tlAO.OOO and will lie supported, It is Hammond. Black and white, Mi»s Mallei Bennis On Feb. 21st. Moores Horne Com­ said, by Iwi ranchers, who propose to pany of Klamath Falls will give one Iws otne stocklmlders. Within thirty and Mrs. Helen ScbofleM. Twilight, Mis. II. 11. VanValkenburg. of their «harming performances at days tlie organization will lie corn-; B«t, Mrs. J. G. Pierce. the Bonanza opera house, opening pleti-d. The promoter» anticipate Schoolgirls, Mrs. C. O. Clopton and with the delightful two-act comedy-1 no difficulty In floating lends and lie- Mrs. A. t'astel. drama. ‘-Sweethearts.” This com­ Illg able to have active construction Klamath Falls. Mrs, S. E. Martin. edy cannot fail to please each and under wav early this spring. Princess Patchwork, Mrs. F. W. Jen­ every one. It is pure as a dew drop, nings. The plan is to tap the main body full of bright, sparkling fun, inter-1 Shepherdess, Mrs. L. B. Burke. of I'pper Klamath lake and make a Twin sisters, Mrs. S. T. r-umniers spersed witli dramatic scenes and i canal that will furnish water enough situations. Following --Sweethearts" j ami Mrs. George Hum. to Irrigate 40,WO acres of ¡and. Winter. Mrs. Jack Horton. is --From Germany By Wire.” When, This will require cutting through the Highland lassies, Mrs. Jas. II. Dris­ yon see this bill you will see howl hill northeast of Klam;1 th Falls and coll a id Mrs. May Stafford. quick the trip can be made, and will umong other work, making a half- Spanish dow n, John Cotinas. also have a chance to laugh to your mile tunnel. It is thought it will i Rosa O’Grady, Sain Chapel. take a year to complete the canal. ■ Big Mitch, teamster, Richard Breiten­ heart's content. The whole is to1 conclude witli the .side-splitting It is a co-operative m -I iciiic and will stein. farce, ”ls Marriage a Failure.” Gunner on battleship Oregon, Frexl lie able to furnish water to atock- Come boys and find out; come girls holders and other» at a comparatively I !ie li n. and get some pointers, Come one. Marine. Bert Dennis. low rate. come all and enjoy a rare treat. Twin downs, ltobt. Baldwin and A. It can be readily seen that tile After til«' performance an all night limb rt iking will greatly enhance the I*. McMillan. H. L. Glopton’» store. Wm. Newton. dance will be given. Supper at the value of thousands of acre» of land Briekelspial, Wm. Terrill. Hotel Morine. l*crforinance begins and iM-sIdes such direct benefit, bring Admirai Cervera. Chas. Biehn. at 8 sharp. much Indirect profit to the county Clown, .lno. Taylor. NEW TELEPHONE SYSTEM. and to this town. Chap, John Cainplx-ll. -------- < Roller Mills, Floyd Baldwin. (Oregonian.) | MASQUERAIM; BALL. Clown, Jack Horton. A shland , O il , Feb. 12.—Ashland Knight Tempi.ir, John Martin. A. large crowd attended and enjoy­ lloopskirta aud B.eastpins, Ky Tay- is to be the western terminus of a ed the iiin»quera hop«' is entertained for his recovery. niinus. making over ¡100 miles of line Near o’clock the next morning, Quarterly conference was held iio altoget her. The promoter of the tilcrprise I is IL V. Gates, or Hills­ midnight an excellent »upper was this place last Saturday. Rev. liar­ enterprise A I bit of Klamath Falls'was present. boro, who was in Ashland today mak­ served at the Esamnd House, ing arrangements for undertaking good tlim- is the verdict of all wlm Churcli stewards were appointed as the work floin here. .A contract has attended. follows: Bonanza Mrs. ('. D. Hoag­ I h - cii made with tho Bell Telephone Prizes were awarded In the follow-1 land, J. G. Wight and Mrs. A. D. Company for its instiuiuents for use] upon the new line, upon which it is | Ing order, the winners and what llM’-v I Harpold. Lorclla Mrs. David also umierst'Mid the Bell Company represented liclng mentioned: ('ampbell and E. IL Williams. An has an option to purchase after a First prize: llliuk butterfly, «ither business meeting will be held given time. Edna Mitchell. who ho rr-x«u Second prize: The old woman w lived in a shne, Miss Jessie Marple. I I H Third prize: Twin clowns, Hobt. I 1111^ Baldwin mid A. I'. McMillan. Judges: Mrs. I. W. Burris», Mrs. I. D. Applegate ami Mr. J. C. Smith. Following is n lint of the maskers mid what or who they represent»»!: White buttertiy, Mis» Nell It. Boyd. Blue butterfly, Mis» Kate Clopton. Green buttertiy, .Miss Bessie Ham- moti'I. Red buttertiy, Mis« Muggle Clopton. rKlTPCV ||| r