Eruptions tbe < xtra demand. This to ENJOY BEING PETTED. .to tbs supply one department of the Go*eruiueut Baried Treasera Tridl Werkad. American consuls In Spain receive that runs day and ulgbt. with three frequent complaints from their coun different shifts ull day excwpt Suudaye trynwn that they have been swindled Dry, moist, scaly tetter, all forms 8NAKE8 TAKE TO FONDLING LIKE and holle hummed aud whistled by never so plentiful. The shootings are quest. eral years ago 1 was taken with neural­ as extensive as those of Scotland, ’’Don'L" »be exclaimed. "Tbey're the thousands of people all over theeouutry gia and antlered untold misery. I and among the owners of parks of who never heard Hie name of the slug most poisouous of ail snakes aud their tried a great many doctors and several this kind in North and South Caro­ er. aud perhaps never put their fool In lina are many New York millionaires. bite means almost certain death. The tbe music ball. Probably, then, a year remedies with the result that I found temporary relief but I was not ennui Shooting parties are given during the managers would not allow you to touch or two later tbe same singer will ap­ and l-egan to fear that I Dever would lie. winter, the guests being taken down them and It might cost you your life." pear with a song quite as taking, ap ­ In special cars. "Then Policeman Reilly, who is a "Huh! I aln t afraid." was the re­ ply. “I was in the business before you parently, as the first one. yet It will neighbor of ours, recommended that I H.iiUeh. Thia Morning! fall to create tbe slightest stir.and will try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Ten cent», after eating too murh, drlnklnc was born and handled snakes that was be a dead letter, except to those who People and I did so. I thought that too much, will prevent that morn nc torture a deal trickier than rattlers. Water Carry a box < a», areu m your pocket. Drug­ moccasins, black and puff adders and have beard It In music halls.” the first box gave me some relief, and gist., 1 c, 25c, We. Instances of tbe accuracy of this gen­ my husband insisted that 1 keep on venomous reptiles from all parts of Sounds Like Yank« Humor. the world. Once." she added proud­ eralization abound. It was Miss Lot­ taking them, I did and I can truly Frederick Villiers, the well-known ly. "I owned a cobra.” The woman on tie Collins who first sang "Ta ra-bootu- say that the»«' pills are the only medi­ Few cine that ever permanently benefited war artist and correspondent, tells of the piatform Incontinently surrendered de-ay” In a Loudon music ball. having seen the following sign in a and allowed the visitor to take her p. ta. thought It was a song out of the ordi­ me. prominent hotel in an Australian which the stranger fondled as a fond nary. even those who heard It, yet "I used to have to give up entirely town where water was scarce: within a few days all London was and lie down when the pain came on. mother would a baby. “Please don’t use soap when wash­ humming It. and It was not loug before My face would ewell up ro that my eyes “Oo wouldn’t hurt mamma, would ing. as the water is required for tea.” It had tecome as familiar as "God would clow. The pill* have cured all oo*' she cooed as tbe ugly, flat bead of i Save tbe Queen." this and I have had no return of it for gr.Ts or Oirro. crrr or tolsdo . ( the rattler lay against her cbeek. Tbe Lvcas Cotnrrv. i It Is said that there are at lewst a the last three years. I keep tho pills Fi»xi J. i ntMt make* oath that he Is the snake darted out Its forked tougue. but , dozen singers of comic suuga who are constantly on hand as I believe they senior parterol the firm ol F. J. i aaxxT A Co.. doing buaitire» in the City ol Toledo. Connie it did not spring Its rattles. The glitter I known In tbe profession as “one-aoug are a wonderful household renie«lv. and State »‘ore*. d. and that said flrm will pee of Its beady eyes showed that it was "To Dr. Williams' Pink Pill» for the sum ot OSE Hf SHRED DOLLARS for each i men.” Tbe meaning of the title Is. of and every cane of Catarrh that cannot be cured fully conscious of what was taking course, that they have suug oue song Pale People 1 owe all the comfort I by the use ot H all ' s C atakkh C vsk . place, but it evidently enjoyed being FRANK J. CHENEY ; which completely eclipsed all of their have enjoyed for the pa»t three year» “Even the Sworn to before me and aubrcribed in me caressed by the veteran. For lustauee. in being free from neuralgia and I am presence, day of December, A. D. ISM most venomous snakes are harmless as other performances. Charles Coborn, the man who suug glad to be able to recommend them." i------- ( A. W. GLEASON, Jong as they are treated right" said Many who are now tortured with Noiorp Public "Tbe Man That Broke tbe Bank at Ball's Catarrh Cure is taaen internally and acts tbe woman. “They love to be petted Monts Carlo,” made more money out of neuralgia will read with interest the directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of and stroked. Just as a cat doea. If they ■ other songs, but for oue person who above statement which is beyond doubt the system. Send for testftnoDials, free. are tormented, they are likely to strika. F. J. CH ESKY A CO., Toledo, a knows one of bls other songs probably a* it was given over the signature of Sold by druagxsts, 75c. Rattlers are the easiest of all snakes to Mrs. William Cotter, whose huslmnd ■ a hundred know this one. Hall’s ramxly Fills are the best» handle, for they won’t bite without Other familiar Instances of the one- has been Democratic regi>ter of elec- giving warning. Nearly always they Stevenson's Neglcctd Grave. soug success are Anua Held's "Won't tions iu Hartford, Conn., for over 1U A New Zeland paper reports that will coil for a strike, and Invariably You Come and Play With MeT" and years, and who is well known through- Robert Louis Stevenson’s grave in they will spring tbelr rattles. Ernest Hogan s "Who Said Chicken In out the state. “I was In tbe business nesrly fifteen Samoa is overgrown with weeds and Mrs. Cotter, who lives at No. 42 j This Crowd?” Both of these have is in some danger of being lost al­ years. In that time I was bitten more Windsor street, Hartford, is tbe mother sung many another song, but none of together. Many persons used to visit than a score of tlmea. but It was al­ of a happy family, and is now enjoying it, but it is said that the yearly aver­ ways because of my own carelessness. ! tbe others has bad such extreme pop- ex.-ellent health. ularlty. Tbe authors of "Little Anole age is now something like six. I always kept antidotes at band and Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale Rooney.” "After the Ball Is Over" and I do not believe Pi»o', Cure for Con­ never suffered from a bite more than ' other equally well-known songs are People will not only cure ca>es similar to that of Mrs. Cotter, but containing sumption has an equal for cougbs and most persons would from tbs sting of cold,.—J ohn F. Botts, Trinity bpring,. a bee. Snakes bavs always been one almost uuknuwn. yet In many cases as they do, all the elements necessary to tbelr one song carried them to tempo- Ind , Feb. 15. 1900. give new life and richm-sa to the blood of tbe best cards In museums and s'ds ’ rary fams.—New York Times. and restore shatter«*! nerves, they have shows. In nine cases out of ten tbe Waiter, Arithametic. proved efficaciou* in a wide range of dis­ reptiles are handled by women. Ths "Walter, I find I have just enough act proves more attractive to the public NEW KIND OF RAILROAD TIES. eases. They are an unfailing s|Menre. Such Eczema is caused by an acid humor in where none of this ragged, filthy cur­ the blood coming in contact with the rency is handled. Those who bare ta­ to procure some material for ties that a costume can be worn on all dress oc­ ikin and producing great redness and in­ bles where New York, Boston, Phila­ will stand the severe tests from heavy casions where a very elaborate toilet is flammation ; little pustular eruption* form delphia or Washington money is han­ and fast traffic, but thus far no suc­ not necessary. and discharge a thin, sticky fluid, which dled are considered very fortunate. cessful results have been attained. dries and scales off ; sometimes the skin is Suicide Is ths French Army. Many patent preservative pi'oce»ses hard, dry and fissured. Eczema in any From these towns come money for re­ have been resorted to, such as chemi­ According to * French army paper, form is a torment ng, stubborn disease, demption which Is practically new. suicide Is more common In the French and the itching and burning at times are Many banks In the East make It a rule cals to preserve tbe wood, cement en­ army than any other In Europe. Of almost unbearable; the acid burning to never put out old money. Many of cased lu steel and steel plates bent tbe annual death rate in all branches humor seems to ooze out and set the skin tbe bills from Washington bavs never Into oval or seml-balf moon shape. Just of the service suicide accounts for 5 on fire. Salves, washes nor other exter­ been folded. now ths Lake Shore aud Michigan per cent. nal applications do any real good, for as Southern Railway Is experimenting on Tbe chief of tbe redemption division long as the poison remains in the blood explains that a New York bank which Its main Une, near Sandusky, Ohio, it will keep tbe skin irritated. would pay out such money as Is bsnded with a design of steel ties constructed BAD FORM OF TETTER, over the Chicago bank counters could from old worn out sixty five pound “For three years I Who want to better their condition, write not do business. Its customers would steel rails. had Tetter on my About (»10,000.000 Is now spent annu­ today for my plan of making money, hands, which caused not have the soiled and ragged money. them to swell to twice Many go further and say the filthy ally by tbe railroads of tbe country for f-arge profits and permanent business their natural sise. Part of the time tbe disease money Is dangerous. The facta do not renewing worn-out ties, it being esti­ assured. Ixx-k Box606, Portland, Or. was in the form cf run­ bear this out There never has been mated that 112,000,000 new ties are ning sores, very pain­ ful, and causing me a case of contagious sickness In tbe de­ needed each year. Tbe total number of much discomfort. Four ties now In use on tbe railroads of ths JOHN POOLB, Portland, Orogott, partment which could be traced to con doctors said the Tetter had progressed too far country la calculated at 780, nothing for Can give yon the beet bargains la me. I tx)k oely three money and the East gets clean money tofore sources of supply are so nearly bottles of S. 8. S. and Buggies. Plows. Boiiers and Engines, rests entirely with tbe banks. Tbe exhausted, says the Black Diamond, wss completely cured. Windmills and Pnmns and General This was fifteen years Eastern banks supply Dew currency that tbe International Society of Arbo­ ago, and I have never Machinery, bee us before buying* old trouble.” — Mifi because their customers refuse to han­ riculture has undertaken to encourage since seen any sign of St, Kansas City, Mo 1«. B J ackson , 14x4 Me dle the other kiDd. Tbe Western banks tbe growing of catalpa trees, with spe­ 8. S. S. neutralize» thii acid poison, give out dirty currency because their cial reference to the need of crossties tools the blood and restores it to a healthy, customers do not protest. It costs the for American railways. Whits oak. natural Ltate, and the rough, unhealthy banks extra to get new money. It canerack, white cedar, chestnut, pins skin becomes soft, smooth and clear. cures Tetter, Ery costs 20 cents per (1,000 to seud old and redwood, which have up to this siuclas, Psoriasis, Salt money to tbe department for redemp­ time been used for ties, are becoming Rheum and all akin tion and Its costs tbe same amount to too costly. If not too scarce, to supply CANDLE POWER. kJ Ljfl iseases due to a poi. get the new bills, a total cost of 40 tbe demand from thia source. The so WW Ww WW oned condition ot the For Church, Store, cents Tbe Government pays tbs ex­ ciety suggests that the catalpa be Hotel, Hall, Sir-ct blood. Send for our book and write or pressage on silver. Tbe banka say that planted along the right of way of rail­ Llghllns The*« about your cane. Our physicians have Lamp» are cafe, «<-o. made these diseases a life study, and can they would be glad to furnish new bills road lines, not only as a future source noml'-al and relia­ ble Hee what users help you by their advice; vre make nc If tbe Government would pay the ex- of supply, but as a means of adding to think of them by charge for this service. Allcorrespoudeua pressage. Unquestionably they would tbe pleasure sn. The fushlonuble woman seems tn find use for any number of uncut gem*. It Is on« of the season’s fads to have a buckle, a brooch cuff but tons, pendant, and umbrella handle to match, and for these, turquoise I sapphires amethysts and moonstones are employed. A J*,’ systeui was toned up and I Buffered no more wilh my ovaries Lydia K Pinklmin s Vegetable Compound is Uie greatest boon on earth U> differing Wtiinen ” MKM A nna A r TON, B<>x 13, Troy Mo i * J Ovarlas trouble la serious trouble Every wumsa koeve thia Fr»lrk woman An.¡er»t,, dangerous end e«p..nai»s. Is ths usual procedura, and st be.t, she ran ,IW,.; marel* lu gather together the ahattered '»amants vf health after e lediLa struggle. “ Many tlmxe thle la ne-eeaary and msnv liaise It is not II Is «la» for evsrv woman lu be cun«in. r<| that every backache end aldsach«. every aldi nonni Mln. indi- atee something wrung, and autaelhlng which will not go away lUelf or be driven away by hard work It la also right for every woman U> know that for every disorder of the feminine organe l.ydlu E. IHllkhiini’e \ «'grillili«* < <>lll poil ltd la the port. I IrsatnienL that It ta the tnedicise always aaN to use and alwaya certain to help. When your health and perhaps your life la at slake, la It wise to pa»a by a reme I v which holds the record for the greateat number of ab.oíste . urea of female ilia end which la rm ognlied by the profeeaien to be the grealrwt mdu Ina for w .men In thè world, and accept acme thing else whi h you knuw little or nothing shout? Head the r*-orda of core In the letters like Mrs. Astone printed regularly la Uba p«p»r. •"*< >f I»» are sick, do not be satiatled Io take a aubatilulo fur i II ¡ k Lydia E. Pinkham's Vagolatolo Oompound. r Wr have 4ri*x>nWe*1 with the <||y na* k ©f« Iv.w vierte Miti !•« |«i f |u anv wlutian n»t«1 that Ih« ata»vr |*at montai Irtiri • il ! a uu •• .■■*««;,< ■ r< \ utxaiMixg in* wiilaf a »|MKtal LT' la K fitiKíM Maixxiwa < <> REWARD T WHAT IS A SLICKER? SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES» IF IT ttABS THI» TRADE MASK Z/ Guilt In London Parka. As tho winter advances the gulls conie up the Thames In numb era In search of food. They have al ready invaded th« parka, much to the alarm of the ducks, who find to their cost that these hungry Intruders rot» them unmercifully, in St James Park there are humlreds of these waifs. Front the brldg« which crosses ths lake they may be seen floating on the water or circling overhead, uttering plaintive screams as they Pall dart about lu search of food Mall Galette. I fyli WtïP ITI» THE. BIST WATvasaoos OIL.CD COAT IN THE WOHL». NADI roa sinvici __ _______ m’-LSJ.IMM WXATWU **’*2'wa>T'n,TW ««*>’ cAYAioeue» rutr inewiMi ruii. UNt or t,AnMfxTj an » rati AJ TOYVPRCO BOSTON MA55.4» ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Thin« It’ni «ear <’ lug* Mostar u .!i . i • \ at 1 r© '•W** j»r©|>ara «o r»a rial tu m 1 al trate-1 r a ia|f»arlm< i ravpau Mi'twml« .• mi »« V i « amor t » hnt rm. r» Acw- leer îtv Ferre • joo l erou«. ft ; a I i . A » ri II -t • «-tl>* ihiif i ©re •«» •• h > »st UM crop« ©nJ ruBlvifiBra !>©«• 1 hat a ll>© g • » »• f r ■ at« r »« fol of th© F»rry fteiu« Mor» rotti’ • H«a4a •<- Bil l • aiwin ttitotk any <>th»r Genuine Keeley Cure iiiütit». BESTFORTHE BOWELS toiti«t. lfe»44 by •*» '>•< IP «4F»n©4(/ PKKK. O» M. Yoftf A Co. Carter's Dat roil. Little Liver Pills. The Farmer’s First Profit 1» si*4* la hie elelles at ee*L B*n>t fur Our FOR roi FOR FOR e RIUOUIRÍI«. TORPID LIVER. CONITIPATIOR OÀLXOW (KIR. CANBY CATHARTIC Must Boar Signature of , a DTTD’C RUDACRts UAKI tno FOR DIUINEIS. Praolutlona r©XI«f ham Ha«. », uplttai aa4 àaUiA a© hx parila i* Complete Annual Cata* logue for 1902, FREE1 LAMBERSON - Portland Oregon CURE SICK HEADACHE. The Distinctive Value of Syrup of Fif« is due to its pleasant form and perfect freedom from every objectionable quality or substance and to the fact that it acts gently nnd truly as a laxative, without in any way disturbing the natural functions, The requisite knowledge of what a laxative should I* and of the best means for it* production enable the California Fig Syrup Co. to supply the general demand for a laxative, simple and wholesome in its nature and truly licneficial in it* effects; a laxative which acts pleasantly and leaves the internal organs in • naturally healthy condition and which does not weaken them. Io assist nature, when nature needs aaaiNtance, it is all important that the medicinal agents used should l>e of the l»est quality and of known value nnd Syrup of I'igs possesses this great advantage overall other remedies, that it docs not weaken tbe organs on which it acts nnd therefore it promotes a healthful con­ dition of the bowels and assists one in forming regular habits. Among its many excellent qualities may be mentioned its perfect safety, in all cases requiring • laxative, even for the babe, or its mother, the maiden, or the wife, the Invalid, or the robust man. Syrup of Figs is well known to lie a combination of the laxative principle* of plants, which act most beneficially, with pleasant aromatic liquids and the juice of figs, agreeable and refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the system, when its gentle cleansing is desired. The quality of Syrup of Figs is due not only to the excellence of the combination, but also to the original method of manufacture which ensures perfect purity and uniformity of product and it i* therefore all important, in buying, in order to get its beneficial effects, to note the full name of the Company—California Fig Syrup Co.—printed on the front of every package. 480 4 I P I I V I I »■ I I i | I J I I I I Louisville, Ky. Francisco, Ca PON SALE BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS. Naw York, N. Y. PN1CK FIFTY CBNT» PUN BOTTI.».