Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, February 06, 1902, Image 4

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    IVhat are Humors?
Kaivu i* Quarrala.
In Rurmah in Ceylon, and, though
They are vitiated or morbid fluid« route- fortunately in a le«ror degree, in Ma­
In* tbe vein« and afta-tlng th« tluuea. dras. quarrel* are constantly occurring
They ar« commonly due to defectlv« di*««- in which knives are lipought into play
llon but are sometimes Inherited.
and serious wounds inflicted, resulting
llow do they manifest tbemaelvM?
mon« than often not in «hath
In many htrmi of cutaneous eruption, knives used in Ceylon are sheath
■all rheum or eczema, pimples and bolls, knives, ami for long the law almiing
_nd In weakness. languor, (eneral debility. community has lieeii trying to get the
How are they »spelled ? By
authorities insist on these knives ladng
1 ma«ie with a button on the tip.
would thus l>e rendered harmless
which also build« up the ay «tern that ha« stabbing,
while still available
»uttered from them.
legitimate use.
It 1» th« b««i medicine for all humors.
A Otlution.
Will io— Those gold fish you »ent
Whare Vanity Ruhr
A flench explorer has discovered on home are fakes.
Simron—How do you know?
the west coast of Africa wliat he regards
“Why, I took them out of the water
as the vainest people on earth,
are the Vahonin*. a warlike tribe, and they turn«*! brown in 15 minutes."
whore main employment ia the adorn-
ment of their persons, chietly by niaans
of tatbHiing. Great ingenuity i* also
exhibited in drossing their hair, which
in many cases is arranued in astonish­
ingly elaborate fashion.
Earl Cadogan'« lmm«nr« Ettat*.
Calling eue «lay oil a Ml*» Ferguson,
amt obsen lug a due lioueysih kle lu
full bloaaoin over tbe door. Kir Walter
S oft «-oucratulated hi» friend on Its
appearatace. site »poke of It a» trum-
|n*t honeysuckle
' Weel." said l*« «itt,
"ye'll uever come out o' your alu door
» Itliout a flourish o' trumpets!“
A certain judge III a Western State,
who was n-it«Nl for hl» dlalnclluatlou to
admit that he was III. was recently ap­
proached li.» the State Librarian, »ho
coiirtiNutsly asked after his lioaltb.
"William." said the Judge, cautiously.
"I aiu uot well, hut I am better tliau I
was when I was worse lhau I uow
Geueral Wallington Booth. of the Vol-
uuteers of Atuerl«a. tells a atory of a
prayer-meetlug held lu New York Oil
the East Bide duriug the re»'e«t Major
I am »lire Pl»o'a Cur» for Consumption
»»Vrd my life three year* avo -Ma» T ho *.
alty campaign In tbe luntst of a pray­
Itnaaisi. Xlapl« street, Norwich, N Y..
er, lit* relali's. oue pl»us brother said:
tab. 17, luuu.
"Oh. U»rd. we r«ay Thee that the
Ikemocratlc imrty n»ay hang together lu
The Man Who Didn't Get Ofl.
tbe coiuiug elect!.>u ' “Atuen, answer
“For*deep-laid, underground, double­
The money lost annually by »killed prayer. Lord, put in a Bepubllcau
dye«!, contrary meanness, give me a
workmen of all orcu|«atioiui figure* up who wa» mvir
But I do uot UllWB
to millions of dollar* ami is Nxvuiing It as the i> Kepubli.au brother meaua It.
“Goodness!? M hat do yon mean?"
greater every year.
This anmunt >’f I.onl
I pray that we may hang to-
“They always go to cleaning house
money represents mainly time l.»t aud
get her iu reucorU aud accord.” eon-
Jn«t when a man is thinking of going
the serious eff«vt upon the social com­
t tuned the Lteiuocrat. “Amen. Lord.”
fishing. "—Chicago Hearld.
fort of the workingmen and their fam­
agaiu »aid tbe Republican; "any cord,
ilies is evident. Mr George V Ham­
»«» 'otig as they bang.''
Mother* will find Mn. Winslow's Sooth­ mond. of Tacoma, Wash.
ing Syrup the best remedy to use tor their
One»», duriug a dry season lu China,
, other day:
children during the teething period
“I have hist my share "f time but I the late LI Hung Chang called on Miu
Routl Saga's Lunch««.
am thankful to «* that I have not breu ister 1'ouger. aud spoke of the weather.
"Yea." said Mr. Conger, "It seems to be
According to the popular tradition losing any of Late
It I* dry lu Auier-
“You d«N»'t look a* if you h«a lost dry everywherv
Rusroll Sage sustain* life when down
ica. too. I lead lu oue of our papero
town w ith a cracker, a red apple and a much through sickness."
But the th»' other day that In many phu-e lu
“Jis. Md I don’t feel so.
glass of water. This is as wide uf the
fact as are many such stories about fart remains that 1 was a very sick the West the people were praying for
I U*>k cold along in 1SS9 and rain." "What!" said the Earl, "do
prominent men. Mr. Sage is not only ' raan
“nice” in regard to what he eats, but rheumatism *ettl««i in my arm» and your pet'pl»' pray to their God
I suffered for three
vear» ralu?" "t»h. yes," said the tululater,
a hearty trencherman and an excellent shoulders.
authority on all that goes to make up a and nothing relievtsi me untill in April. "they often pray for rain." "Ami does
1892. upon tbe recommendation of my their God scud It when they pray for
hearty meal.—New York Press.
sister. I l«egan the use of l’r. Williams' It?" asked the Earl. "Yes. sometimes
The wise one* nee Hamlin'« Wizard Pink Pills for Pale People and found their prayers are answered, aflii some­
nil for Rheumatism and Pain; the fool­ relief in the second box. I took five times they are uot." "All tbe same
ish ones try exj>erimente.
boxes in all an«i now am entirely curei Ilk«' Chiu«'»»' joss, bey?" said tbe Earl,
and have ha«i no occasion to use them w ith a grin aud a chuckle.
Employment lor Indus Children.
Johu W. Gate«, of tb,' United States
Miss Katherine Hughes, of Ottawa,
Mr. Hammond resides at No. B10
Canada .is the leader of a movement N. Steele street, Tacoma. Wash., and Steel CoriKiratiou. tells this story of
for providing employment for Indian at the request of the reporter made affi­ one of bls friends who liati bls roiuau
children when they leave the schools. davit to his above statement before tic notions knocked iu the bead in
She is called Kateri Kaidnerenstra by James H. IYege. a notarv public, on Switzerland tins summer. "My frleud
begau tbe asceut to tbe hospice of St.
her Indian protege*. which means “she July 5, 1901.
makes things go pleasantly.”
There is a popular idea that rheuma­ i Bernard." says Mr. Gates. “When
tism is cuu«e«i by exposure to cold ami atwiut au hour’s climb from the pass
that some localities are infected with he was stoppl'd by a «lense fog
it more than others. Such conditions waited gleefully, expectiug to I«' res­
frequently promote the development of cued by tbe dogs, and so be able to
In Nautical Term»
the disease, but. from the fact that come back to us with a thrilling story.
Parson—Vee, on one occasion I mar­ rheumatism runs in certain families, The dogs did uot come, however, aud
ried four couples in a quarter of an it is shown to be heri<iitarv and, con­ the fog [tartly lifted, so be resumed
bis climb, anil tiually arrived nt tbe
hour. Quick work, wasn't it?
sequently a disease of the blood.
Nautical Young Iatdy—Yes, rather.
Frequently an individual, in whose hospice, where he was weleumed
ills first
Sixteen knots an hour.—London Punch. family rheumatism lias not occurred, warmly by the brothers.
develops the disease, an«l when a diag­ questiuu was: ‘Why did y»tu Uot send
B t . ti nr okio . errr or roi.roo. > „
nosis of the case is made, it is general the dogs out In so dangerous a fog?'
Loe»» Corirrv.
< “•
F bahk J. t hzhzt makes oath that be la th« ly found that the ailment is due to a He nearly drupi«e«l from bis chair w beu
aen.or carter of the firm of F. J. C hzxzt A Co.. derangement of the blood.
one of tbe brothers said: 'You did uot
doing busin«-»« in the t'ltv of Toledo. Count,
External applications may afford tem­ telephone u».' 'Telephone you?’ tie
and state store*« d, and that satd firm will pa­
th» auin ot ONE Ill's OKED dollar * for each porary relief, but to cure the disease it ejaculated. 'Yes. was the answer; 'you
and evarr case of Catarrh that cannot be cured
is necesaarv to treat it through the see, shelter» have b»<en built all along
by tbe use of H alx « C atassh Ceas.
i tbe climb, aud eacb shelter bu» btteu
Sworn to before me and antwertbed in me blood.
gnsrnce. this «th day of December, A. D last
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale provide,! with a telephone. If a fog
People go directly to tbe seat of the dis­ «-ollies up all oue has to du is to go to
Aatory rublit order, pruifying and enriching the
th»- uearest shelter and telephone. We
Hal . > Catarrh cure 1« taken Internally and acts
directly on the blood and mucosa auriacee ot blood by eliminating poisonous ele­ immediately seud a man and «log to
tbs «ysiem. Send tor te-t> mon tala. free.
ments and renewing health
giving I that shelter. The «lug carries bread,
F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, a
forces. They are a positive specific i cheese, aud wlue. As we know at Just
Sold by <trucs:«u. 75c.
Ball'« Family Fill» ar« th« beat.
not only for rheumatism, but for such j what shelter the climber is uu time Is
disease* as locomotor ataxia, partial lust In looking for him." Mr. Gates
A Lawyer'« Fine Diitinction.
paralysis, St. Vitus dance, sciatica, neu­ ' adds that bis frieml was »■« disgusted
A law yer was [«using along the street ralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache that be leit Switzerland at unci'
carrying under hi* arm a law b«x>k the aftereffects of grip or fevers, an«l of
when be was accosted by a friend. other acute diseases, palpitation of the
bbeep in Varied Clothing
“Ha! Mr. Blank, and where are yon heart, pale and sallow complexions and
Oue of tbe result* of tbe Itnestlga-
g ing to preach today?”
“I don't all forms of weakness, either in male or
tlun of a special committee of tbe So­
p.-each, I practice," replied the lawyer. female. Dr. William*’ Pink Pills for
ciety of Art* iuto tbe «¡uestiou u( Isouk-
Pale People are sold by all dealer* or
biudiug goes to »bow that abcepskiu is
Brooklyn. N. T , J»n 20-h —For many yean will be sent postpaid on receipt of
Oarneid lea. The Herb Cure, bx, b-en r'arnitz price, fifty cent* a box; six boxe«, two o.teu used by bookbinders under very
a rei ntatnui that is rare—it Is t'MIVEOSALLi
praired! Till- remedy present« unusual at­ dollar* and fifty cents, by addreeisng different name*. They found book*
traction« lo those in iearcb of beaitb; It I» Dr. William*
Medicine Company, bound. nominally In Levant morocco,
made of HKKHK ibst cure tn Nature « wav—by
n mor in| the r-auae of diBes».'; It is PUKE: it Schenectady, N. Y. Be sure to get the bard-grain uioroe o, straight-grain mor­
eleatiM** .he »reirm. purifies the blood and es- genuine; substitute* never cured any- occo. pigMkiu, calf skin. crocodile and
tat'likhe* a perf-ci action of tbe digestive or-
alligator leathers- all of wh.cb. on close
fans. It is equally good for young and old.
microscopic examination, were found
Indian Territory Coal Dtpoiits.
to be tbe ordinary common sheepskin,
Sockty lor Preventing Tubcrcu'osis.
Some idea of the value of the coal on which had been stamped tbe sp«* lal
4 society has been organize»! in
Moscow , Russia, the members consist­ deposits in Indian territory can be grains and markings of tbe sk
ing of l>oth physicians and laymen, for gained when it is known the average were got up to imitate. The
the purpose of preventing tuberculcsis , thick nee« of the vein is four feet, which tee, however', were satisfied
by putting into practice those mean* will produce 4,000 ton* to the acre. many cases troth tbe buokbinc
which science has indicated as effective. There land* are leaned in lot« of 900 tbe librarians had bought the»
acre* each, which mean* that 3,500,000 era under tbe impression tin
to 4,000,000 ton* can be produced by were buying tbe genuine artlcl
those leasing the land. On this output dun Globe.
the lessee« pay a royalty of eight cent*
feist the Lord’s Nlcke
a ton. The output during the last year
A little Ixiy wbu goes to
was 1,900,127, a* against 1,400,441
school every Sunday always re
tons the previuos year.
nickel from bis father to plac
There ia no poison ao highly contagious,
General Buller'« Witz.
collection plate. Last Sunday bl
•o deceptive and so destructive. Don 't be
too sure you are cured because all external
Lady Audrey Buller, the wife of Gen. gave him two nickels, saying:
signs of the disease have «lisappeared, and Sir Redvers Buller, is the daughter of for tbe lx>rd and the otb«-r Is f
the doctor says you are well. Many per­ tbe fourth marquis of Townsend, and self.” As It was too early to «
sons have been dosed with Mercury and was the widow of the Hon. G. T. How­
Sunday school, the little boy sa
Potash lor months or years, and pro­
nounced cured — to realize when too late ard when the famous general won her porch ste|m In tbe warm sunshli
>. uu«-
that the disease was only covered up — hand. She is an exceedingly popular lug with tbe two nickels. After
be dropped one of them and It dlsap-
a — « >«___ driven from the
Like. ,urface to brrak
peare<J down a crack. Without a mo­
out again, and to their sorrow and mortifi­
Suraly Not
ment's hesitation and still clutching tlx«
cation find those nearest and dearest to
Mr*. Upchurch—Maud, I wish von remaining coin In hl* eleuebed fist, he
them have been infected by this loath­
some disease, for no other poison is so wouldn't have so much to do with that looked up at bl* father, exclaiming:
surely transmitted from parent to child young Hinningside. I am told he is a “Oil. pop! There goes tbe Lord’»
as this Often a bad case of Rheumatism, confirmed agnostic.
Catarrh. Scrofula or severe skin disease,
MI m Maud—Why, mamma;
Postal Here ce.
an old sore or ulcer developing in middle agnostic* don’t confirm people, do they?
life, can be traced to biotjd poison con- —Chicago Tribune.
Postal service In tbe L’nlted State*
originated in l'iSii. when tbe General
In^aVly Tho S,n of tho Piu'9ni‘
Court of Massachusetts ordered that
Th« Real Thing.
life, for it remains smoldering in the sys­
"notice be given that Klcburd Fair
tem forever, unless properly treated and
driven out in the beginning. S. S. S. is fessor, that you have given up all your bank* hl* house In Boston 1» the place
the only antidote for this peculiar virus, studies in the higher mathematic* in appointed for all letters which are
brought from beyond tbe sea* or are
tbe only remedy known that can over­ order to play golf?
come it and drive it out of the blood, and
Professor—Yes; I have.
I wanted to be sent thither, to be left with Ilins,
it doe, thi* so thoroughly ami effectually
and be 1» to take care that they are
something to discipline my mind.
that there is never a return of the disease
to t>e delivered or sent according to the
to embarrass or humiliate you afterwards.
direction. And lie is allowed for every
Wind-Up of Mourning Period.
cures Contagious Bkxxl
letter a penny, and must an*wer all
Poison in any and all
The year's court mourning for the
stages; contains nc late Queen Victoria will come to an miscarriages through Ills own neglect
K 'A K
mineral to break down
end on January 22. If the opening of In this kind.”
your constitution ; it ia
purely vegetable and the only blood puri­ parliament should take place, as is ex­
Till* Wa* in Missouri.
fier known that cleanses the blood an«l pected, on the following day, it will bo
The following notice wa* found tack
st the same time builds up the general
cd upon tbe door of a Clinton County.
I of the new reign.
On the opening day
Missouri, ebureb recently: “Then* will
Our little book on contagious blood of the season the king will be accom­
poison is the most complete and instruc­ panied by the queen and by all tl e be preaching In tins house. Providence
tive ever issued; it not only tells all members of the royal family who may permittln’, Sunday, and there will he
preaching here whether or not on tbe
about this disease, but also how to cure
yourself at home. It is free and should be then in England.
Monday following upon the subject.
be in the hands of everyone seeking S
'He that bellevetb and la baptized shall
cure Send for it
be saved, and lie that bellevetb not
John Strunk, of Stroudsburg, Pa., «hull be damned,' at half past 3 In the
93 year* old, failed to vote at the fall afternoon.
election for the first time since he be­
came of age, and then only because I Is
If we could see ouraelve» a* otbei
■on was unable to drive with him rn »ee uh all oculist* would have to won
•lection day to the polling place, whi<h overtime.
is 14 mil«« from his home.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
Sick Women
Roma idea of l ari t’ad.'gwn'* wealth
may be gathere.1 from tl>„ fact
some 13 or 14 yntro ago he «vpemle.1 «
quarter million poumla ••» •*"' I’*1“
of tl e Culford o-late. m Sulf. Ik amt
the rebuilding of the boil«««
Mmr »
after thl« ho prorontol nn extensile-<
Happiness will go out of your Ilf« in t'lielroa. known «« Bl«» klaml». h' ’ *
forvvwr, my winter, if you have any Gninne-» trn.t, for tl........ . .....
of the aymptoma mentioned iu Mrs workmen's
H 1» I'“' “J,
” ’ •»•■■»» •
Valentine's letter, uulcsa you act that «luring th«« next few yvwrs ‘
I'nsuie Lydia I*. I’lr.k« wtxilth will I* <loubl»*l-
Kim's \<r get able compound at « nc« I
»1 is absolutely sure to help you. 'I h<-n
Low« Ideal
e rite for advice if there ia anything
All active loie i<leali«e*-that i«.
about your ease you do uot under­
ami love, th« id»*l
1"'“1 "
You need not I* afraid to tell the Otten, iu.lve.1. the alwrptton m
things you could not explain to the I.I.M1 Í» ro «■omplete that the
doctor—your letter will be »eenouly by is tiil-takonly »u|«|»'»<«l to l«e ld«nti>
women. All the persona whose« priv­ with it. thus opening the »ay t»> »I««»
ate letter» at Mrs. I*taktuuu's l.alvr»
lory, at l.ynu. Maaa., are »vomeu
All and bitter disappointments-
let ter» are eontiiieutial amt adv ire aba»
Craft in Our Port«.
lutelv fre»\
Hero la the Utter : — “It la with
There are about
pleasure that 1 au«! my tcMimouy to craft in our Atlantic sml gulf p«r'»
your list, hop­
day in the year.
The weather b"r' 111
ing it may in­
can reach e»ery ve»»«d master tn e»vrv
duce others to
port of material size within au hour m
avail thena-
wlves of the
cane of danger.
benefit of y»«ur
Llghtheuas tUII» Ua«tar Watar
valuable rem­
edy. Before
The Rev. John M. Bacon, thè l ng
taking Lydia
lish tmlloon export, in»i-t» tbat lik1'*-
E. Pinkham's
houMW »houlil bave wsrning l»«U»m>«l"F
as well a» above water. I«eean»e i" “
Compound I
storni sound trave!» further utuier water
felt very bad
ly.w .is terribly
tliau through tho air.
nervous, and
And Th«y M*rv«l«<L
tired, had sick
heatl.ichea, no
■Ami what are you making’" we
a»ke»l of the Intelligent Ari«an. a« we
gu.ovimr pain iu Momach. pain in mv
Itnel, and right aide, »nd »o weak I admired the I'lav of his brawny mu»-
could scare»-1y stand
I wa» not able clen.
“Makin'«»’«catcher» for milk train»
to do anything. Had »barn pains all
through mv b»xly. Before I had taken he replied without looking up Irnui hi«
half a hottie of your medicine, I found work.
rnvaelf improving. I «•« ntlnued its u»e
Whvrwat we
on, tnarvolini?
nntil t hail taken four I .-ttl •». and frit
tfrv:itly at the intrh tu io* of modern *»•
ao well that I did not need to take anv
I am like a new perron, and enee!Udt i m< »re A tneriewn
your medicine shall always have my
Profit« in Altar ol Ro««».
praire " - V k « W I' Y'«■ t m i » z,
Ferrv Avenue, Cmmlen. N.J
t>ne of the tm»-t profitable priwiucta
of Bulgaria ia the oil or altar o( ro»e«.
which amount» to more than fl,000 ooO
ijfdls £. Pinkham MscHckn* D^a
annually. The town of Skipka, where
was fought the «Iroi-ite liuttle of tl •«
Turko-Ru»»ian w»r. on the ’th of
Injudicioutly Choccn T«xt
A church was a considerable time Julv, IS’7, is the renter ot the nwe
without a pantor. A great number of gardens.
perrons of varitxl talent» [«reached to
them with a view of obtaining the poet.
AU went well until he gave out the
text: “See that ye refu»e not him that
epeakoth." Imagine th,» consternation
the |«eo[>le experience,! w hen he rea«l
out the text in a lofty ami commanding
manner. He wa« unaware of the feel­
ing he created. The people did tl«e op­
posite from the text. The young man
was uot callcL
Belt Monument to McKmlty.
There has been much planning
suitable memoriatl» to William
Kinley. There »muhl be no more
propriate tribute pai«l to hi« memory
than th,* completion of a tran«-i»tbmian
canal, which in his la-t public utter­
ance he advocated a» a project essential
to the full Burceaa of tra«le ex|>an»ioii.
The canal when built should stand »« a
monument to the fur sighted preshlent
w ho did more than any other man to
make its couUruction necessary.—
National Magazine for Itt'remlair.
Sot Loit Entirtly.
Mi»« Mau»le—No, Mr. Smith, I
never be your w ife, but I will always
be your »i-ter.
Mr. Smith—I'm afraid, Mi«» Mamie,
that you will nut lung accord me sven
that comfort.
Oh, don’t worry shout
Mi.«* Marnli
that. ! have just promised to ■tarry
your brother.
nn pn ri hthik
Uses Pe-ru-na
For Colds
A letter From the Fiecutiva Office of Oregon,
!'<« ru na 1» known from th* Atlantic
to t I m » I "act fie. letter» of cnngrauila-
lluii sii.l «••«mii vU'l ill««» te.tifying t«i tlm
merit« "( I'e ru ns a» a catarrh remeiiy I
«re |»sirtng tn Ir-'iu every »tain In the I
iini"ii. I*r Hartman 1» rereiviug hun-
ilnds of »u« h letters dally
All daaaea |
write tlir-e letter», from lbw Inglirot m I
the l«iw«at.
I be cutil - r laborer, Ilia |ii<|<»«r arti-
«an. the « lerk, the ««lllor, the alate»-
man, the prv«u her— all 'agree that I'e-
ru-na 1« the catnrrh rernwly of tbn age
Ih«, -t.i.n am! »'-irum, recognizing
catarrh »» lJu’ir greatest enemy, are
eq-,» lullv enthilaiaalic tn their [«rairo
ami testimony.
Any nun who wi«l«es |«erfect licoltli
niiul l»> entirely tree from catarrh
Catarrh 1» well-nigh unl»er»al. alm«««t
I’e-ru-lia ia the only
■ iMs-lute «afi'guar.i known
A n>ld I*
the beginning «•! « atarrli
T«« prevent
cold», to cure relda, 1« to cheat catarrh
mil of it» victims. I’e-ru-na not only
cure« catarrh, but prevents.
h"U-eh' hl all 'ul«l 1« suppllr«l with thl»
great rcmi'lv f««t r»«ugha, cuhls an«l ro
The goiernor of Oregon is an anient
admirer of I’e-ru-na
He keep« it cun-
tlnually in the Km*». In a rrcent Up
tor to Dr. Hartiuau he aaya;
Mutar, tot Etra fn< a «
The fir»t t« wn in Fnglaml lo do away
with lx>rro«.st thè tire «tallona la Fe­
rie». Mavor F Hmith ha* »upplie-l ilio
engine I>«> um -» with powerful little mo­
tore, whlch wero provw»l sucee»«ful in
everv w.y.
Tlie en.ine carrica Ave
men, tour lad<ler», 31M) yard» of b«»»e.
two »landpi|«e» ami olher appliam < m ,
It i» driven by a M«»en borasi |«ower
doublé cyllmler water cader engine
fi tirsi with variai«!« Igniti"».
Prr««d«n( KooarvrU i ttorira.
Preableiit R,«>rr,««It's t,-s
Admiral and General, Weigli t<-,-rtlrr
2,331) [»«umls. | tm coactiman nn l f .>t.
man woar re«!, white aml bine c.. ka.lca
whlch waa ths bwdgw w«>rn ly J«ffer.
a>«olan Ucpublltuii» iintil | ?,>».
Jack Fortune-Hunt—Yi'», she
e«l me ami all Ini ause of a l«wl break 1
made when I was ,>ro|«o»ing.
Dick Ailams—What was that?
Ja« l: Fortune-Hunter—Oh I told her
she was one in atlioueand. She think»
she'» one of the Fuur Humlre»!.—Cath­
olic Standard.
Ik'ar Hire—I have had <s-«ai
use your I’e-ru-na medicine in „
ily for folds, ami it proveil t>« |„ in ri«
reliant remedy. I bain not h«i •MCg.
aion to uro it for other ailiiu tw.
Yours very truly.
W m |
It will 1« noticed that tlm g
*«ys h« ha» not lui.l ,sx*a»|on to
roaron for thia 1», newt other a
Imgin with a c>|,|. I a ng I'.- ,
prouiptly euro rolda, he pr..t<
family against other ailments,
exactly what every other famil)
United Htalea alcaild ,|o. Keep
tia In the houro
fro It for 1 n»ha.
«■■ Ids. la gripi«, and other c
aff>s-t|on« <>f winter, and there 1
no other ailment« tn the hotiar
familie« »hould provide thomroh
a ropy uf I»r Hartman'» free I.
titlni “Winter Catarrh." A.l.li
Hartman, C«>lumbu*. Ohio.
WOLC, /Wr/s.iJ, Orrgos.
Morrtaon ««r««x
Can give voa
|lii«ir. l'io«.
W«n m il« ami
Machinery. Sre
LOO* tee »BCVt TM8t ’AM
out ml ? tve«T*ne»e
yiCWNtj FULL tfNE orw'.’w ANÖttALY
th« t«««t bar,»
Rullar« sul
«.• i»x
pitmn. ant '««i»rai
u« o«!ur« miyinp
The Farmer’s First Profit
Fui Hand. OrAgoti.
Fuuudod l*«U
Complete Annual Cata
logue for 1002, FREE!
Homi Schei! for Bofj.
Million »nd Xiloli Trihhg.
Wrtt« f<»r IHusir«t«d Catalogu«.
LÄMBERSON • Pcriland. Oregon
AkîHl R C. M U ILL. Principal
Ac«»' Year Reyirlntlnni
A Baa Break in Society.
Htn to <»( (
Fan. utiia i»o|,artm«nt
Halom, May 9, ispa
The i’e-ni-na Mmliclne C«> , Coim,,^,
Keeley Curo
Mu« r«n«í flam ll<io<»r, opinai «ra l iija MA
M a bik Ba»4 lar pArUAatww .1
May InUlati. ï;r,,r,rô.îJ.%w.,,'^r
For Ch’treh, Mtnr»,
Hot-1, Itali, .M«r •«
L I g b ( I h g
1 I i * m
are safe. *• o-
nomi'a an4 ralla»
w al mort
think of them by
a« Idra»« mg
selling my
nmler i» w pirn. A
tried ârlirlr that «eli» on it» merit. U ritti
quick (or partirnlar« a»> • • k I hriv »* Ur*
laOrk IL>i
«• Pt>rll«r»d, Or.
When the lalxir organization» turned
out the other «lay several well known
politician* were seen in their rank*.
“Didn't know those fellow*
• ' ker.
, IV i rr-
i New*.
w. r. w. V.
>•. A
Blood Poison
» much
«t’e all.
have a
Knolrn and wlrn
tohereber good crop»
are groion.
Sold everywhere.
tgoe rlnoual bRl.E.
o. as. n«»v a co.
all oruggists .
****••’** «F*
ne ixiiki 1 <>u nave Aiwnyn Honcut li.'ii borne the
tttre of Clin*. II. Elctclicr, anil lia* been made under liin
personal *u|>ervislon for over .30 years. Allow no one
to deceive you In thl*. Counterfeit.*, Itnlt.ition« and
•• .Ju*t-a*-griod ” are but Experiment*, and endanger the
health of Children—Experience against Experiment.
LIVER tonic
Cantoria I* a liarmle** Hiilmtltuta for Cn*tor Oil, Pnre.
fforic. Drop* and Nooflilntr Nyrnp*. It |* Pleasant. It
contain* neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
HubMtance. It* age I* it* guarantee. It dcHtroy* Worm*
ami allay* I'cvcrUlinr**. It ciir<* Dlarrlio-n and Wind
Colle. It relieve* Teething Trouble*, cure* CoiiHtlpiitlon
ami Flatulency. It ussilnilates the Food, regulate* the
Stomach ami Bowels, giving healthy and naturul bleep.
Tho Children’* Panacea—Tho Motlu-r’* Friend.
Tùe Kind You Haye
tho Signaturo of
In Use For Over 30 Years.
taata goed. Fat tfi»m Ilk« '
r.mov. any t'.d t».t« Inti'
. 11 !«
Ing th» breath sw«-«t »n<t
S pt«a«ur» to t»k> I! m. and IW
tlkrd ««pri lally hv rhllilrrti
h by
lira s>’»<«ni.
ar» pur»lr v»r»tabl» »nd
, n.
curial or oth.r mineral pnlym rn j
>1,1 ot th« latrat dl-< <>v, rlr»
»nd form a combination "f
d , rh
r.pialrd to m»k« th- bt.««>d I
. f„,n.
amt mail» clean »kin and bralltlmt
, ... ,ia
ton» ths atomarh and bow»l« "r‘
th« liny llvrr
ths stools in
• tr.ncthrn th
llvrly. h.alth»
lion natural.
h»v»r grip nor grip» Th'/ ?,'!]" ,! ,,n.cm-
Itlv.ly and navsr - au»« "nr,k
n . i m ««•
furtanl. t. rim« T.«krn r. >-'l!l 'r.l!',.lr,,|^ ,, It
the llv.r act regularly m.l
should They k»’P th’
properly moving and krrp thr M (
Inrreas« th. flow of milk In
•ra if th» moth.r .«'• •
" mild
h.r milk mlhlly piiraittlv«
} ,[,!,«•?
lint certain rffi ct on th' b,
p,r lb*
they are th« only aafa laiatlv« 1»
nursing Infant.
, ,ny
taken patiently. P*r’l,,*^',['tr’r h >« "ll’ ar
form of ron»tlp»tl«in. no •’!■'" . n„| rh’F
how often other remr«lle» b«v
are ab»olutely auaratiteed tocur (||y r,.
or purchaae money will be cheer«
... ..nt fr«*
coat 100. ilk-, IA- a bo« '’■"TPliltunonHl'
for the n.klna W« l>" ,ll"h. '”rlt iitid'r ,b.’
but «1’11 Cnscaret« Oil 'heir tn
b| i| lrv •
■oluta guarantae to cur'!L, ,l^ull*,
box to day, or writ« ua for tre
and booklet
mrtt STaaiiaa a«««»r
__ ______ —
" somsthing ju.t a. good ’ when Cs’rare«•
tor, and furnish «videnca upon wluth *sCM convict.
AU consapouden