Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, February 06, 1902, Image 3

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Juilim Brnn “ departed Nunday for
V. f. bmlth of Lakevlaw was here
Ratuuel Wllaon and wife arrived
rrooi Merrill Saturday.
W. O. Applegale of K Immilli
Agency wae hero Tuesday.
J. ('. Ferguson was In from hl*
L<at river ranch yesterday.
Court Reporter Calkins departed
A>r his lw>me nt Ashland Friday.
John W. Cox of Modford was u
Klamath Fails visitor last week.
Circuit oomt adjourned lust Kalur
day until llw «rat Monday In May.
j. F. Adams arrived Humluy from
hl* trip to the Rogu<- river valley.
The Duffy Go. has treated Its store
front to a coat of paint tins week.
The *cb<M»l iioard met, Monday
evening. Io transact routine business
The Ager stage brought mi in,ill
vestmUy morning bocauw of delayed
Rev. Griffith will prcudi next Mun­
day morning and evening at tin- M
of thia pise* IUH.<| |O |m asMsilutsd ami J i air ph K. Hall.
('apt Apple-
*Hh Mr. Idh-uian in Hie law bualm-os gate, Imllan Agent, who has spent
“* Portland.
' the post week attending to tiusliims
Tim a.M (jcatructlon by firn In ■ Fw-re. remained until after the de-
l.akevl. w sinc» u„. big conllagralloti P«rtore of the student*, having fin-
of May •••>, IIHHI, IM-Ciiriwl on Wcbneo- ‘ h 1"*1 n“‘ l»*«ksary preparations for
day of hut week, when the rwaidence *,M,r Ioumey and acceptance In the
"f.l. I’. Yancy was liurnod to lb» school,
ground Tin-content* of the blllld-
Ashland Tiding*: In
tin- special
I tourl*» sleeper, attached I to the
K. It, Ili-iiiiK'K during I Is visit tn souM'tionnd Overland, were a guard
•'.illfornla Ira* pun-liaat-d a very _____
band ,l,M*
mllltary ptiaomTa, eo mute
l*aur iIIH| valuabla mare, | paying ifrora Vancouver nan«,** to Kan
'herefor »1300. Nhe I h c«l blóek, I Franclaeo. Among Uu- pru^-rs w*s
seveii y<-ars old. fiflven banda high 1 Frank A. Bakowiakl, degraded auUlicr
imi of laclng stock, ami wlran she and anarchist, who will serve ten
arriK-g «||| doubtlcos show some fast years In Alcatraz prison for threaten­
< trotting.
ing to kill Pn-sident Rnuoevelt, an<l
l'Iie proceda of thè supper giren voicing approval of Czolgosz and Ills
The other pilaonera will
hi thè ladies ami friend* of thè M. E. crime.
from six months to two
' ••'Oc li Frlday nlglil umoimted to
tin- offeiiMU for which
I iie ladies oi tire cliurch are
'ery .-r.iii fui lo ilo- friend* who hclp- they wen- courtmartluled range from
ed to m.lke li a success, uml to thè simple desertion to strlklug a super­
• own in generai tur thelr lils-rul ior otlk-er.
Rev. Jesse Kirk, who I* accom­
the Indian hoy* to I'I km - h I x .
Tli<- conniy autliorltles bave order-
'■I Dir residence- of o. short al Sprlng | Arizona, expects to proceed from
l ik. ami ihe residence of Mr. Newton there to Washington City to work
al l'un Grove quarantIm-d ou account , In the interest of a measure la-fore
Al. ¡''onKr''** to pay the Klamath Indians
of tin- presence of smallpox.
Sloan and Claud Clopton have Ix-eo for lands erroneously excluded from
employed to maintain restrictions at ! their reservation. Rev. Kirk Is an
I educated Indian who has studied and
tin- IWo hoilM-S.
| worked on the matter now In hand
J.i'k Wade and Win. II. Dalbm.
I for ten years, and is well qualified to
t I k -< <mt< * mm | murderers of James II.
K. church.
I represent til* people III Washington.
Ashland is figuring on securing u Morrow, were hanged In tin- rouit- The excluded land comprises 021,-
complete sewerage system at a «•< *i tioiiM- square at Portland Friday
Two M2* ,M n * "n<l
•" •*■<’ *P
morning nt 7:f>* o'clock.
<,( »-o.'HJO.
pralaal anti treaty the Indians are to
monti ', and ten day* ela;au-d In-tween
It la reported that oil has been
, receive about so cents per acre. Net-
Hie < oomilssioii of the crime and tin-
struck ai a dept It of 110 feet III M.il
tlement ha* been pending thirty
execution of tin- murderers.
heur county.
year* and It I* now believed every-
The prevailing grip, stille not tiling ha* been prepared so there can
The Baptist church will hold ii
A year ago
bualneaa meeting m-it Saturday al 2 serious in Itself, I* annoying because iw no longer delay,
of it* stubborn tenacity.
lly the action of ratifying the treaty and
o'clork p. m.
J M. Dalrdson of Nome, Alaska, • •nir<.... ha* rescued his anatomy providing payment was deferred by
was registered at Hotel Link« Hie hrlow the wlslihone from aches and; congreM on account of an error,
lassitude, the disease rea<-liea up and I which has since been correctzfi.
here Monday.
grab* the head, which It conduct*> bill Ui satIsfy all differences is now
Fred Melha* arrived lioim- Monday
i i r -ugh a serie* of dlalsrllcal cier-. before congress and It la Impexl noth-
on tils raturn from a business trip to
i mg will prevent it* piissage at the
3an FramTw-o.
The county clerk's office receives Prr*',,i session.
I*. L. Fountain has bought the
Tlie Kan Franclaeo Examiner's
rejUdence of Gevi. iNcken, considera­ a dalh average of tietween three and
four hundred acalpa, imwtly thrwe of correspondent at lli-ddlng, t'al. under
tion being »HAO.
rabbit*. laist Haturday 1000 rabldt dale of Jan. 31 says: “Application
G. G. Aralrrson. proprietor of the sralpa came In. and on that day has Iieen till'd in the
I'nlted States
hotel al Dairy, wns st the Fulls the alxuit »500 Worth of coyote and rab- Mnd Office here for a right
of way
fore part of Hie week.
hit M-alpa. an accumulation of two over Government lands for the Klam-
Itrv. J. It. Griffith will bold servic­ wc-ks, were burned.
Thirty-nine, *th Lake Railroad. This proponed
es al the M. E cliun-h Saturday e.iyote M-al(M were received Tuesday, lumlx-r mad is to extend from Woods
eveiling at 7:30 o'clock.
The bounty on coyotes Is »2 and on at a point two miles on the Oregon
Attorney llamnusid, ac« ompanled rabbits 5 cents.
side dividing line tietween that state
by lila stenographer Mrs. Maldonaldo,
latkcvlcw Examiner: A private and California, across a line in the
left Munday for Medford.
letter receiv'd III Ijtkevlcw last week southwest direction to Lairds Sta­
flrv. K. il. Ketcliraoti of Bonanza conveys tin- news that the contract tion on tile Southern Pacific main
assists llev. Ilartilt this week at Pl- between tile Oregon Potash Company line In Siskiyou county, a distance of
card In special meet Inga
and tin- Nevada. California and < ire- twenty-five miles. The Government
The town board of trustees met oil gon Railway Company Is binding, generally grants such petitions.
Friday, Jail. Slat and levied a town tlist the road will build to their
Like County properties a* sp'xxilly as mad will tic commenced. James
tax of lu mills on the dollar.
and that everything I* as- F. Farraher, who ran for Cong­
Jeff WII s - hi came In from l «angel I
tin- development of tile pot- ress from this district last elec­
Valley Nuiiday to attend to some lius-
n*li claim* at Summer Lake and tion. is prominent In tills big lum­
Ines* before tlic pmlmte court.
bering and railroad enterprise."
\lx-rt lake.
Judd Ager, forwarding agent for
Whether the almve statement refers
Yreka Journal:
The present. 1 win- to tlie road now building from near
F. W. kktfl A Co., at Ager, was n
ter so far I* devoid of snow, a very Klamatlion Into Klamath county, or
Klamath Fall* visitor Saturday.
amount l*-lng visible even I on to another mad, is not dear.
C. M. Irllemati ami It. F. 1U-1I ar­
as the peti­
rived frotn laskrvlrw Tuesday even­ the high mountain* outside of Mt. statement “that as
ing and left yesterday morning for Shasta, which Is covered perpetually tion is granted the mad will lie com­
on aeeoimt of Its great height.
Our menced," looks like another road, as
Dirt land.
street* alsuit till* time last winter the mad from Klainathon was com­
Gers Dirken ami wife departed
were consider.ilily blocked up with
Tuesday for Iowa, where they have snow that fell during New Year's menced over two months ago.
gone tu hs-ite, on iicommt of il week.
Rain lias also been very
daughter who Ilves there.
<tearv<* since November, the weal tier
It la reported that the irrigation
Wednesday morning of last W<x-k living dry and cold during the past
, company Instead of further enlarg­
showed the coldest weather In Ash- two months.
ing tlie ditch in town, will cut a
land in many year*, thermometers
Mi-dford Mall: J. >. Adams, of
l)r canal through the hill.
ladii-aimg 12 above zero.
Klamath I oiinty, one of the promt- where It ought to have Iieen al tlie
The town of Burna is to have an
nent stockmen of that section, was M(art. This will Is- gissl for land
rlrrtrlc light plant, a 2.» years’ fran­
in Medford this week.•••.!. W. Cm owners outside of town, ns such a
chise for (he purpawe Inn Ing iieen
left Wi-dm-sday afternism for Ft. ditch will give twice the water and
granted to F. N. Averill of Ihirtland. Klamath, whither he went after
at least double the land it
The frequent wrecks on the South­ eight head of work horses which he |U1W d,*-*. It will also save the con-
ern Pacific line suggests that then- owns. lie expects to be gone about 1 f|nurd annoyance and damage to
la yet need of a considerable numlicr a week •••S. IL Grizzle, of Merrill, IPH|dents and owners on Milin street
of millions spent In improving Its Klamath County, was In Medford a and avoid possible expensive lltiga-
track and rolling st<a-k.
few days this week. He was return- (Ion. We learn from thraie who have
Mr. Morrison of W ism I river cairn- Ing from Myrtle Creek, where he had I |nvrs(|gatcd, that the cut through
down from that place on Monday is-eii to attend the funerals of
| the hill will cost no more than to
with his wife, who was Iwlng taken father and mother.
¡enlarge the ditch as It hi» heretofore
to the Insane Asylum at Salem.
t'oncernlng tlie Importance of eg- been done.
la a sad and aorrowful sight to see. Isterlng, tin-Oregonian recently
Tlie grippe Is prevalent In town, to voters: Your registration of
and nearly everyone Ims a touch of I
J. L. Vaden received a letter from
It. It Is not In us severe a form as You can I vote this year unless you
Waslilngton attorney of Thursday
It generally la, but It Is severe enough register this year, and you can’t vote evening of last week, giving a list of
to make people realize Its unwelcome In tlie primaries, which is the actual I the award* for carrying mull in this
elect Ion, unless you register before ¡county. The list Is as follows:
Geo. W. Jones of Ashland, from
Al. McDowell, a resident of Luke the primaries are held. Within the
to Pelican Bay: price,
county for twenty-three years, died next no days everyh aiy who is to Ashland
participate In politics this year must I
of pneumonia at his home at Fish
lx- registered, and since there will lie I Col. Dutro of La Due, Mo., from
creek, near Warner valley, on the
press and crush toward the end, Ashland to Klamath Falls; price, $4.-
22nd ult. lie leaves a wife ami four
hud better register now.
| 300.
(’apt. O. C. Applegate has received
Marion L. Van Meter of Bedfleld,
Th« Conk ling of Rogue river paid
a letter from Paisley In latke county, from Bonanza to Bedfield; price.
a fine of »25 into Justice llatton'si
stating Hint there were between • 177.4«.
court Tuesday for killing a deer, twelve and fifteen families suffering I
J. L. Vaden of Klamath Falls,
complaint being made by E. 1. from smallpox at. Kummer Iarke,1
from Bonanza to Lorella and other
Applegate, spi-chil deputy game and three families at Paisley and one I
points; price. F744.
forestry warden.
| family at Silver larke.
The corrcs-1 J. L. Vaden of Klamath Falls,
We are told that I. F. Davies, )«»(- imndent aeeiiis to think there would from Bonanza to Yalnax; price, »3*4,
master and merchant nt Dairy, pro­ | Mt III Is- more cases. Fumigating ata-
Col Dutro of La Due, Mo., from
poses to s«sm commence the building I tlons have Iieen established and efforts Ft. Klamath to Crystal; price, »3*0.
of a hall In Unit town. It will be HO made Io prevent the spread of the
Colonel Dutro of La Due Mo..
by tto feel and one of the largest disease to other parts of the miintry. from Klamath Falls to Tule Lake;
buildings In the county
The reservation has quarantined price, »1,100.
J. L. Vaden of Klamath Falls.
The Paisley public school has been against the Infected localities.
Klamath Falls to Lakeview;
Seven bright. Indian girlsand boys,
closed on account of the smallpox at
• hat place and vicinity.
The two varying In ages from 17 to 20 years, price, »H.tltlii.
Alex Martin Jr. of Klamath Falls,
teachers have agreed to discontinue left here yesterday under the care of
their salaries and receive only »pon­ Rev. Jesse Kirk, for Pli<a*nlx, Ari­ from Klamath Falla to Ft. Klamath;
zona. where they will attend the In­ price, l,W0.
ses during the vacation.
W. W. Smith of Bly, from Lorella
The seven
C. M. Idleman, ex-attorney gener­ dian Industrial school.
Vlst Illas; price, »007.
al of Oregon, passed through here
The new contracts will go Into,
last Friday on route to Lakeview. son, Claybin Kirk, Josh Williams,
Me went <Hi busliiCM. J. C. Ilútenle llarvcy Drew, Fred A. Hendricks' effect next July 1.
— --
Klamath Falls
Steel Ranges. General Line Hardware, Stoves,
Tinware, and Crockery, Furniture and Burial Cas- J
kets. Paints, Oils and Glass, Carpets and Lin
oleum, Wall Paper, Sewing Machines.
are the best that
shill can pro­
duce, and at an
honest price,
fully warranted
for ten years.
For sale by
Dry Goods,
Clothing and Groceries
The Best Assortment We
Have Ever Shown
New Stock Now Arriving.
Hardware & Furniture Dealer. **
of our town to get their feathers
ruffled somewhat.
At the opera house Monday even-
Miss Lulu Harpold was the guest
Ing. Fell, to by the home companv.
Tile one-act curtain raiser, “Nature of Mrs. Geo. McDonald last Saturday
and Philosophy" or “The Youth who and Sunday.
Mr. John Nichols of P.ie Valley is
never saw a woman." is extremely
seriously III.
ridiculous, and will I m -enjoyed by all,
Mr. Chas. Hoagland is on the sick
as it tells a sweet love story and
shows that nature will teach more list.
Rev. Ketcheson held services last
than philosophy. Tin- two-act com­
edy-drama, - Naval Engagements" Sunday in l«angell Valley, Sundav
is full of delightfully funny situa-'evening in Bonanza, and on Monday
tlons and sparkling dialogue, show- .morning started to Picard, Cal., to
that it is possible for people to agree assist Rev. Harbit of Klamath Falls
so well on certain subjects, that they J in a series of meetings,
are compelled to quarrel over theniJ A Bible reading is held in this
Hilt all's well that ends well, so place every Wednesday afternoon at
let us laugh and tie happy. “From 2:30 o'clock. Everybody invited to
Germany by Wire" is a revelation, come
showing In what an incredibly short
The Epworth League will hold
space of time it takes to make the their meetings on Tuesday night of
Journey, and “Hans" arrives with each week instead of Friday as was
“just a little due on him.”
tirst announced.
Wc have learned, indirectly, that
the Moore Dramatic Club of Klamath
Moore's Hume Company will ap-
Falls purpose visiting us in the near
pearat Bonanza Friday evening. Feb­
future with one of their plays.
ruary 21. presenting three charming
The Bonanza school, under the
comedies —“Sweethearts,”
Germany by Wire,"and “Is Marriage efficient leadership of Jas. G. Wight,
a Failure?" At the conclusion of the is in a prosperous condition; the per
As is
performance an all-night bull w ill be cent of attendance is good.
given by
nv Bonanza citizens, wim
witli sup­
per at
at’ Hotel
. Mr- Wight is a thorough gentleman,
Hotel Morine
come and enjoy an evening of’ rare *“[’ roorul h«1’1*
girls imitate. If the school board
will lu>k to the best Interest of the
children here, they wilt engage his
services again for the next year.
II. L. Clopton lost a valuable horse
a few days ago.
A number of our young people en­
joyed a candy pull and corn popping
al the Hotel Morine last Saturday
Mrs. Morine, the land­
lady. knows just how and what to do
to make you feel that the evening
was far too short.
B ill J ones ' ohil .
Steel Cut Nails, to close them out,
Three thousand pounds of apples 50 kegs, at $5 per keg.
for sale. Inquire of E. I. Applegate,
The Hardware Dealer.
Conger Avenue.
lh-ar Editor:
My fat her and
motlier and brother have all exposed
their ignorance through your paper,
and caused the blush to risi’ to my
checks. 1 have persuaded them that
I am the smartest, brightest, and
wittiest of the Jones family, and to
let me try my hand this time.
said If I could heat him, 1 was a
“good tint” ma said “it didn't take
very smart people to write for the
paper no how:" brother said “gals”
always thought "they was smart."
A dog tight last Sunday morning
caused some of the male inhabitants
Registration for the coming elec­
tion was opened at the County
Clerk's office on Monday, the «th day
of January, 1902.
Justice of the
Peace and Notaries Public of outside
precincts desiring books and blanks
for registration purposes may procure
same upon application to the clerk.
J ames H. D kisi - oll .
County Clerk.
A full line of groceries.
medicines of all kinds—enough to
kill you If sick, make you sick if not.
continually on hand at the Excelsior,
Dairy, Or.
Order your Easter
suit now.
Over 600
sample patterns just
received. For tailor
suits to order at $10
œto $25. Call in and see sam-
• pies and let ns take your order.
L. F. WILLITS, Proprietor
General Merchandise.
I. F. Davies,
Mail Distributor and General Roust­
about, Proprietor.
For General Stone Work.
Cemetery Work of all Kind« d*
All Work Guaranteed«
Shop Opposite New Feed SteMe,
$250.00 _ REWARD. r
The Klamath County Lite Ntaok
Association will pay the above rn*
ward for the arrest and con viel ton of
any person or persons found guilty «f
stealing or altering the marks or
brands of anv stock belonging to oar
member of this oMuclatlon.
Address Chas. Horton, President
or J. O. llamaker,(Moratory,