Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, February 06, 1902, Image 1

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FEBRUARY 6, 1902.
NO. 44.
......... ..
CHAl’TEIt III (<’ot»(lBU«J.I
upon ■ utound m-«r ber, ab»
lo ber |>rrlty mollili.
,,„l «uh • •>m|»b> iduqui’n1» 'h«l canno«
k , ¿ h > H*bljr <oiiiinriKlrd. «ri*»
|m ■< ’»••* '"P
b,’r ,rr,h Xu«'iM *“*«*•
Uh h I tbr
,r wbrlbrt Ihr brmllnc ««uri- ••
•rnM Blaterisi •• '<• •»
hast ippral. wbo ¡ su
'*"• hrU
Al all evi-ut»,
h, uri ri «tir» «r liti» bimsrlf frolli hi»
(«ah. abatever II m«J b”
.|I1II1I»'I. Grlaekla return» lo Ih» «II«' k
■ Hi!” crii-» »h» »«ala, «Uh ■ »b»r|>»r.
fwr liKiiiiiilloo. Ami »UH mrtblng mine»
Tb» beudlng hguro reFu»r» lo
•iraighl'» hi» back. ami iblog» remala «<
h la rs-wlljr too bml
4u<ni from ber niouud ab» dauiber» up oli
a bl|hrr batik, »mi once more armi» oul
hrr »uh» upoo ib» worid;
"III. tur g'H'il man!" I*hl» d'o*» Il
|f ro!Hp».l»<l <o • ' kimwleilg» ibi» tributi-
lo bla »irlura.
goo«i Ui»n” Uprrara
guaaelf. look» »»• atatljr round hlm »1 »»
,rf polii! hot Ih» righi om- Orai, «mi »•
laat arce Gr.»rida 'I b» i lfi-' t prix|ui »d la
■ot uni; nai»ui»tirmia bui marveloii»
Ilo«» t
ni» f”d. hi» cast. bla rtioli-eat
gj au adui.raU» orangr groua» gml bc
ran»a ■Iramlng lowgrd hrr »1 abeiut
l«rntf Un'ila au bour
Il . »,»». »ver s.nce they tirai llgbtml
gaia Gnidi 1». Il»«» arrinrd IO gr "» IO
h.r, »»■! no». a» b» <lr»wa ticarer. ah»
too ain-a »mi r»»<>gnl»ra b.m
ì li» ktiowl
a<J(» thua gilord ao aurpri»»« ber tbat
•ha rrrj ncarly fili» off ber h.gh batik,
ami tbr» growa very cbarmuigly ruey.
aud a» rbarningly cunfurc<l. Il I» non»
oibrr thoai Ib» youog mio ahn ba i bdped
lo rrstor» ih» itrriagr lo Ila legnimele
“Il la really you?" cric» li», with unaf
fort.il drligbl, inloring warmly.
*ìt la you, too." rrplira ah», reflectively,
and a» ibougb II la a Ulti» unfair to
throw all ib» p» mona liti»« at ber
“8o It ta," aaya b», aimi ng gayly "You
«anird me? I hopo you bad not lo rail
aft tot*
“Very often,'' am ling. loo. ami Jump ng
down off bi-r pedestal,
"I thought I
ahonld nrirr mah» you bear
lb* you
bauw tbr road to Grryruurt? I doni
"I do. It la a I nt I ou a way. and coin
pbratrd Hut If you will permit mo Io go
with you and allow It to you, Mo* Ity
“Ok, BO No. Intieri!. It la giving you
quila two inmb lrouble, and bow do you
know my name?" aaka aha. with a ahy
(I. ora at b.m from under ber I ou g Inabro
"I naked somebody in tb» alliage." ivo
fra»e. be, boueatly, "and h» told tue you
war» Mr Dysart's uiecr. Y»u d n't m u I
that, do you?"
"No. I, loo, hrard of you." abr aaya,
"but tIva I doin'« take for granted eaery
thing that waa told me."
' What did you brar of me?"
‘Thad you were a young man 'down
from Lunn « town, an* aa full u* tricks aa
a egg's fuH o' male.' ** replira abe, de
murely, evidently quoting somebody. and
with a giamo ao "full o* trlrka" on her
nwn account that be laugh» In aplte of
“Well," aaya he. "I'm not from 'Lun
non town,' certainly, and I tuqir I'm not
a greater wreli h than my frllowa Aa Io
my ’tr.i ka.' I don’t l*ell»»e I've one "
"If got from Ixuidon. from where?"
"Rather rloae to you. My aloler Irra
Jnat orer the border of thia county, a
matter of twenty mitra or ao. and I »pend
moat of my time with her."
"Il waa a eery good thing for my elater
and me that you came Hali ng." aaya Uri
arida; "or I suppose we ahuuld both lie
now either dead or dying.”
Here adir
iooka round her. "Ilaar wr aery mueh
further to go?"
"About a mile."
“I with II waa leas." nervously. "I am
afraid Vera will be frightened at my lung
abaem-e, and and that my uncle will l*c
angry "
"Perhaps he won't hear of It," aaya Mr.
Peyton, hopefully. Griarlda ahake* her
"He look» Just like a person who would
hear ererything," abe aaya.
"!'»» heard a good deal alunit him off
and on. People will talk, you know, and
—he'a eccentric, lan't he?"
"If you mean weak In mind you were
neu«r further out In your Ufe.” naya Uri
»»Ida, mournfully. "He la all mind. In
my opinion. There lan't a weak »pot In
hltn. By the by, hare you ever been to
Greycourt ?"
"No. Pre often thought I should like
to go on some Wednesday or other."
Home Wednesday! What Wrdneaday?
And why Wrdneaday? Griarlda 1» din
tinctly puaalrd, but hardly like» to aak a
question on (hr aubjgot,
“It's a qiiaint old houae," »he aaya,
"and might l>r lorrly, I think, If the Irn-a
were cut away and some aunlight let Into
It, and a Hide furniture.
It'» empty,
positively empty."
' Surely you forget the galleriea?" aaya
"la it Indeed poaaible that you do
not know that I hoar picture» of your an-
ceatora are aliaolutely pricide»»?
Li'lya and Knrllcra, GainulHirougha ami
Reynold». Why, thoae gallrriea at Grey-
court. I've often heard my father «ay, are
aliout the flneat in England. Your uncle
" good enough to open them to the pub­
lic every tirat Wednesday in the month
• I the very trifling charge of half a
"hyt" crlea Griaelda, fluahing ao hot
• color that the teara grow within her
,0” c*n l “icHtl that."
''ell, why not?" aaya the young man,
‘•illy, preparing with a «tout courage
lo defend a vile cauae. "It ia to Improve
be tawtea of the multitude Chat he dot«»
. of courae. And If he chooaea to repay
hitiiaolf for the wear aud tear of hia car-
ll,'t». who alinll »ay he haa not common
*"«» on hla aide?”
At thia moment Che chimney» of Grey-
ct’tirt »hone through the lutenitIcea of the
Wera <>n her left, and, with the knowl-
***» that arhe had gained
her home,
cuuma. too, the aound of running water.
ami the thought that alt through her re­
turn walk through the l«>afr wood» that
límale had ruabrd aa a churu» to her
Ah now | know!" rrie» die, »topping
abruptly, »lw| I,«king full at her <’otu-
paniuti, who vrow« *onw«whRt xuihy in
• Pl»«•.*!»nn< r.
n<>¡B4» of running wtt-
i« th«* river that flow« brumth
G ' '
If | |t#(1 ,,n|y
it I
urr.l tint ha Yr r %
y.M| g|| fhi» tfOUbk."
”lt !• un trouble," «nj« hr, ¡»lunJy.
Kh«* hnkta oiit io h¡ui hrr hand. "<J<M»d*
by," «he
Oil, tint K im |<| by, | hope," r«*tUniB Iw.
• tiiiou«,), taking thr alhii Httlr hand and
b«'l«|iug rt Ba «annly
) m * darv«. par*
hn¡M intrrr <*l«»««4y ihutt hr la quit» aware.
* I ahall a*r you aga.n?"
"Oh. no
Indeed," nofiJy. "You
tnuw' u h th.nV that I'n )r <Jr«gury <I< m * h
not | m * hb M um to know <>ur nwifhbora.*'
Hr lift« bi« hat and Oriarhla, giving
him a rather a*>>mn lit!Ir aalutr, turna
away frotu hm A an<»nd latrr, however,
abr Hilda h.in again braidr hrr.
h«-rr ia all Hie nppi araivr of rom
mg ram in thr ahy,” be aaya» gravely.
Itoti’t j « i think •«>? I frar we «hall
have a |irrfrrf atonn before kaig
thought I d toll you. ao that you might
g«*t aa tmi'l) g'wid out of tbrer wood« «•
powatblr brforr thr drlugr
Thia week.
n<>w, mi gtot he flue, but I ahould not gn­
awer Lu th* licit, and. Indeed. If you will
permit uie In a Iría» you, I ahould recoin-
nit nd y i to take a walk to morrow. Wbo
.hall .iy that ra.n might not fall tb» day
Wbo. indeed?
It aeetiMi th» .oundeat reaaoning. Ko
Gnael.la, hav ng ahowu her«e!f lmpri »«i«l
by It, Ini'llnra her head to him once more,
and. a turn in llw path biding him at lavt
from view, take« lo her he*-»«, and hard­
ly draws breath uutll. having found tbc
atnall Iron gate that admit» to the gar
den at Ma lowest »nd. »tie enter» by It
and feel. h<-r»elf at last at home.
Gn the hall doorsteps, as If lying in
wall fo- her. Manda Mrs. G run ch. the
"I»ear me. misa, and ao you have re-
turned." say. she
"Dear! but master
«.II lw ma u glad to bear of it. lie waa
that upset by your abaeui-e that
fan-n’t ao much aa aiqiroa. h him.'* Gri­
arlda ■ bl-ol grows <old "llut now he'll
I m - «ore to tdl you hiiturlf bow glad be ia
to »■«- you back safe aud aound."
Something out of the goodly paat, some
vague tuu* h of decency belonging to th»
days wh*-u h» was young and happy, aud
when honor was «till u word to wbi<4i h»
Aika (or Revitw ol Finding» of Court Baaed
cfiiug with all hia might, renders thia
on Verdict of Admiral Dewey.
coarse epithet, as applied to the pretty or­ FROM THE FOUR QUARTER8 OF
Washington, Jan. 31.—The navy de­
phans committed tu hia care, insupport­
partment has made public Admiral
"You hardly remember, I*erhapa, that
’» appeal, deltvi-rtsl to the presi­
you are »| h * b king of my men*«," h» aaya
A ( omprtbtnvlvc Review of the Important dent alxnit a week ago.
Tlie depart­
with an angry frowu.
"Holty toity! None of your air« with
Hsppenlnp of the Past Week Pretested ment's "comment” will lie publish«!
me,” aaya ahe, sternly. Hhv advaniea a
Admiral Schley ap-
Is a ( ondeneed Form Which It Mott in a day or two.
step nearer to him. "Remember, Dysart,
peal» to the president a« the chief exe-
that I can either make or uiar you. 1,
Ululy to Prove of Interut to Our Masy
aud I only."
eutive and <’oini>iander-if-chief of Uie
"1 would I were sure of that," says he,
army and navy, "ve»ted with power to
llavr you forgott»«
regulate and direct the acta of the sev­
Hi-'lley? lie knew."
An indis isive naval engagement waa
"I'ish! lie's dead; let him real. What
eral executive officers thereof,” and lie
a one you are to worrit! Twenty yeara
arks that the president review the find­
B'»i more. an<l no sigu of him, and I aak
t'bliago ilraitiage canal contractors
ing» of Admiral Dewey, a» opposed to
you waa hi- tlie one to remain quiet. If ba offer to build an iathmian canal
saw a way to forcing a sovereign out of
the majority report.
These three
Tbc first ni<M*ting of the trustees of
"True, true," says
Dysart, eagerly the Curnegiii institution ha» l»**-n held. ground« are set out comjieiidiously in
the “petition," which fills about eight
catching at th a suggestion. "And yet I
A parliamentary commission is con­
would give tuuifi to know that be waa la
sidering the questmn of >le|>opu1ation printed page» of a pamphlet, and is
the grave."
signed by Admiral Hchley, and by
"Ay, and 1 in mine!
I know you." of France.
saya she, with in evil look. "You fear
The way» and means committee will Merer». Raynor. Parker and Teague, of
frame a bill for reduction of the war hi» counsel.
"I fear nothing," aaya he, coldly.
revenue taxes.
Attached to the («tition are three
"What," soya she, slowly, regarding
him closely; "not even that your sob
A new gol<i district has lieen discov­ exhibits, “A,” ••B” an>l “C,” each
ahould know?"
ered near D uwhhi which is claimed to made up from copious extracts from tlie
Hbe pause«, pleaas-d with her work. All I m * the rii-he»t yet found.
te-timony taken by tire court of inquiry
at on* e, «» It were, on bearing thia ques­
Admiral Schley's appeal to the presi­ and intend«! to confirm Uie statements
tion. the old man quails before her like a
lM*aii-ti houud
'I lie life goes out of him. dent. a-king for a review of the court of >f fact made in ti.e petition itself.
be aeenia tn »brink Into h.m»elf. aud puts inquiry, ha» l»-en ma<le pubic.
Thia latter document, the first ground
out h.s bands as though to ward off auma
Eight live» were lost in a Iloston fire. of up|*eul, is the holding of Secretary
fatal blow.
"Not that.
Anything but that,” he
The B*i«*r» have marie |>cace pro]xmal» Ling in his indorsement of the court'»
mutter a. feebly.
through Holland.
finding», "that the conduct of tlie court
"WrU, don't drive me to It," says sb»,
There were 10,000 | m « i [*I m present at in milking no finding and rendering no
"Kemrinber, It waa for him I did It," a hanging in Pennsylvania.
opinion on there ipie-tion» (that of com­
cries lie, sharply. "After all my love, my
mand and of cri-dit for the victory) ir
care, my ae<*re< y, to have it now laid burr
to b in! I tell you" bis linger» working of a government own«! Pacific cable.
approveil—indeed it could, with pro­
convulsively "rglher than that be should
A »ub-tituU* for tho Nicaragua canal priety take no other couri-e, evidence
know, it aeema to me that it would be a hill has Iws-n intr'»!u<*«l iu the «mate.
on there questions during the inquiry
sweet and simple thing to murder him
The general outlook in Batanga- prov­ having been excluded by the court.”
vi ho w ould betray me."
“I'm not go.ng to betray you." says ince, Philippine island», is favorable.
On this point the jietition say» that
•he. "And aa for saying 'twaa fur bim
A train wreck on a New York rail­ the secretary of the navy wa- in error
you did It, w fay ■ ■ '*
road resulted iu tlie death of the in stating that the court excluded testi­
"For him. For hia sake only.'*
'T'artly, I tb.nk," «aye she. dryly.
mony to sliow that, as Dewey said,
"Entirely. gUoge her. What other crea­
Four veaeel» are now on tho Pacific Schley wa- the senior officer in the bat­
ture had I to love me- to love?
•ear hi ng for the missing English war­
mother, as you know, hated me; aud
tle of Santiago; was in absolute com­
when she died I was glad," says be. ship Condor.
mand and entitled to tlie credit due for
■ rush.ng bis fingers together.
A discharged soldier in Fan Francisco
"Yet thr deed was aianely neceaaary planned to go to New York in a box, the glorious victory which resulted in
if doue for bim," aaya Grumh. bolding but «m discovered ami turn«! over tn Uie total destruction of the Spanish
her ground. "That old aunt of hia (tie
mother's a.ster put want out of the qure the police.
lion for him."
Two prospectors in Montana have
"I knew nothing of ber desire to make found a mine of almost pure silver.
him her heir- then."
The average areay is l*i,000 ounces,
"You know It now, anyway," »ays »he, which gives it a value of nearly #1,000 Caux Death o( Thr« Periom and Injur«
with a nasty sneer. "And it is never too
Score of Otherx.
late to mend to find by accident that to the ton.
paper you bare Just locked up."
Emperor William ha- i-elebrated hi»
I’ittnhurg, Jan. 31.—Three j*ersons
“I hare thought of It." aaya be. with 43d birthday.
were killed, two fatally hurt, and a
lowered brow and eyre beut upon the
River navigation has lieen suspended score of other» more or less hurt by two
ground, "dreamed ot It; and
dreaming baa but convinced me that above U m - Cascade IxickH.
runaway cars <>u the Monongahela
things had belter stay aa they now are.
Two Negroes in I*oui»iatia, who had branch of the Pittsburg Railway Com­
Into what lH-tter hands could they have
fallen? Who would have husbanded it murdered a white man, were lynched. pany tonight.
all like me? You know the care, the
A train in South Carolina waa belli
The accident hap]iened at the foot
trouble, the aleepli-as days and nights 1 up and the express rar rifled of its con­
Long Hill, running into Wilmerding,
hare devoted to tlx* tlianagi'llleut of—of
II. You know wtw her it has ever been
from McKeesport. A car without pas­
Governor Shaw, of Iowa, will luume sengers got beyond control of the motor
a joy to me- rather a grief, a wearying of
tbc flr«h. a curse!" The word conire from the duties of secretary of the treasury
man, and dashed down the hill, one
between hia lipa with a little hiaaing February 1.
sound. "But It ia all for him. for him,”
and a quarter miles long, at a terrific
Liberal» <lef«it«l the Conservative
be says, In a dying tone.
»¡•••I. At the liottom it jumjied into
With rretlrea, feeble step* he beg ns to forces of Colombia in three auccesaive
the Pennsylvania Railway station, car­
pace thr room.
"lie believes in me. lie truata me; he
United Mineworker» will levy an rying away the side of the station ami
alone-now! But if ever he were to learn
to help strikers tight battle tearing up the platform. A large crowd
the truth he would spurn me from him.
gathered about the wreck and 12 min­
I gwear lo you" hr turns and titre hia with ojieratorH to the end.
burning eye« on her»— "l'«l strangle you
The delay of the committee in report­ utes later a second runaway car came
with these hands," holding them out be­
ing the canal bill to the senate means a tearing down the hill and plowed into
fore her. trembling with
passion, yet
the crowd w ith death dealing force.
strong and lithe, "before the words could saving of much time later.
pare your lip»."
The treaty for the sale of the Danish On the way dow n the hill the car struck
"I'm not go.ng to play traitor. I've West Indie» to the United Statre calls
a carriage containing a young couple on
told you that." »ay» »he, frowning "I've for the payment of $5,000,000.
their way to McKeesport to be married.
had ■ chance l*cforr this if I wi«b>*d to do
Intenre cold rentintie» to prevail The carriage was completely wrecked,
It. and I'm not going to help hia ch.ldren,
whatever happens "
Iler brow growa throughout the middle west.
black and her eyes lighten. "May curses trains are delayed on account of snow. and the driver fatally hurt. The young
people escaped witli comparatively
follow him wherever he be, even through
An extra session has been called of
the gates of d*-ath!"
injuries, and were later married.
"Amen." says Dysart, carelessly, llien. the Colorado legislature to make corpo­
A blinding sleet storm prevailed st
In a different tone: "Seaton ia coming rations pay taxes on full valuation, the
home to-morrow."
the time, aud it is said the two cars
. same as private citizens.
“You have a design." »ays she. tiling
“skated” down the hill w ith brakes
her »harp eyes on him with a searching
| |>osition at Manila in I»eceml>er next.
tightly set.
"True; and I think well of mentioning
Tho Manila chamber of commerce
"Slip" at a Furnace.
it to you." »aye Dysart, slowly. "After asks that Chinese be admitted to the
long and careful thought I have decided
Jan. 31.—In an accident
on abandoning more gmbitlona scheme« i I island».
known as a “slip" at the plant of the
and wedding him to my elder nice«,
An unknown hypnotist put a Spokane
| man to sleep and doctor» can do noth­ Illinois Steel Company, at South Chi­
(To be continued.!
cago, early to lay, one man was killed
Mrs Gnimb, aa Griaelda left her, turn
<-d »«.de. an! with darkened brow made
for it*» library, Mr. llyaart'a uaual abid-
>ng place.
Not finding him here, she
humea onward down th» ball, until alie
' ornea to a heavy curtain, once handsome,
■oa mo h eateu aud dingy, and pushing
j d aside, reveals a long Itagged passage,
«uh a h.gb. narrow d-*oe at the extreme
(«looping as she conies to It, she peers
through the keyhole, aud finding it emp­
ty. trie«, with a cautious, quiet grasp.
- 'tic handle of the dour to Hud th*- latter
' I ■ ked Kt.II very cautiously she atqra her
1 hand lutu h'-r pocket, draws out a key,
wrU oiled, aud inserting M in the keyhole,
softly <qwus the door.
A grim smile orarwpreads her face as
she looks toward the further end of the
room 'There, on h.s knee« beside a cab
inet, kneela Mr Dysart. It ia open, ami
Mr. Dysart, in hia worn ami shabby old
coat, is kneeling lH*fore the aectrt open-
taig. gloating openly ii|*on Its contenta.
I'lle» iipm piles of yellow sovereigns are
so built our on 'be top of the other that
they reach from one narrow resting place
lo the other above, and no on. Dull, heavy
gold that scarcely glitters, save in the
eyes uf the wretched miser bending over
Yet it la not ao much <m tbc money as
on a paper he holds in hie baud that hia
attentuHi is on < ntrated. lie is au brut
ou th«* ¡s-nis*l of M that be hears neither
thr turn of the key in the lock nor the
woman's entraneg. And now, as a mali­
cious chuckle breaks from her, it bo star­
tles him that be springs to hia fe<« aa if
shot, ami a sharp, horrid cry. that ia
ing to rouse him.
almost a ahrirh. racapes him. Ilia face
Chinese Cumplliiients.
Prinre Henry will be given a military
ha« grown ib-adly white, great drops of
There In one point In w hich CblneM i farewell when he leave« Germany for
sweat »land out upon bis brow.
"t'umfortlng yourself with a look at it." etiquette, no often ulmiird. Is tnueb the Unit«! States.
says she. with a malignant leer. As she more aeiisllde thnn ours. That Is In Its
The Prince of Wales received a very
•peaks she points not al the gold, but nt failure to regard the Imputation of ma­
the paper be ha» tightly clutched in hi» ture age as a discredit to either man or chilling reception on Uie occasion of
wotiuin, or. on the other hand, the Im­ his visit in Germany.
"How did you come here, woman?" de­ putation of youthfulness as a compli­
Investigation of the Iowa mine dis­
mands he, in « »iirill tone, lie is trem­
ment to persons of either sex. An ex­
bling, and with nervous lingers preanra
aster disclosed the fact that tho explo­
the paper into the secret recrea in the cub
sion was caused by too heavy a charge of
with the visit of tlie ITIuce and Prin­ dynamite being placed by one of the
Inet. and shut» to the oaken woodwork.
"Why. through the door," retorts »he, cess Henry of Prussia to Shanghai, If men who were kill«!.
sullenly "How else? You should remem­ amusing, as It reflects on our own false
ber to lock it when engaged on work like notion of the complimentary In such
Fire at Goldfield, Colo., caused dam­
age estimated at #30,000.
"I could have »worn I locked It." any»
TheGerman prince and princess were
he, still »baking. "Bee! here is the key
Manila hanks refuse to accept de­
▼ Isltlng a notable mandnrln, one of
In my pocket. I tell you," with Increas­
posits of Mexican silver.
ing agitation. “1 did lock It. Are you a
Colorado union miners have demand­
tiind that you can follow m» through this being hi Invariable matter of Chi-
nree polltencsw « ns:
boltcil doors?"
oil the discharge of nonunion men.
"Hush! Don't give way to fooliah fan­
"How o!d arc you?"
A man and hia wife have been arrest­
cies. And after alt. why neesl niy com
"A little more than thirty-six," an­
Ing fluster you? Surely," with a mock­ swered the prince, smiling.
ed in San Francisco for counterfeiting.
ing air. "your occupation waa an inno-
•Tndiisl!" said the mandarin. "Your
Eight of the colleriea in the Hazel­
cent one; you were but refreshing your-
highness appears fifty,"
ton district, Pa., were closed because of
wlf with a glimpse of----- "
"Be silent, woman!
Are you mad?"
high water.
crie» he, lifting hia anna like one in mor­ terpreter llerr Voight, a German—
It is estimated that Uie loss by the
and Inquired the prince««' age. She an­
tal fear.
"You're but a poor sort after all.” ahe swered. "Thlrty-two." The Interpreter recent fires in Columbus, Ohio, will
aaya, contemptuously.
"Too poor for Interpreted, and the mandarin made a reach $500,000.
faith or trust of any sort. What! can remark In Chinese evidently Intended
you not even believe in me. who has
to l.o complimentary. The Interpreter
The cotton crop of the I nited
served you and yours long and faithful
for forty year»? la It likely I'd betray blushed uneasily, and hesitated to States now almost equal» in value its
tranalnte the remark. The prince saw wheat crop.
you now for his children?"
"Ay. he served you falsely once," nay» the difficulty, and laughingly com­
The gold mines of Mysore. India, are
Gregory Dysart, a savor of pleaaure in manded:
worked by American electrical devices,
hia tone.
"Out with It Voight!"
tho power being from the melting Hi­
"He took my beat—my life, my soul—
"He says," the Interpreter then trans­
the heart of everything." vaya ahe. slow­ lated to the princess, "that your high­ malayan snow.
ly beating one withered baud upon the
Swiss papers record a decline in the
other. "ThoiiKh years have rolled by I ness looks like sixty!"
lie had nteanJ, It well, and of course^ export of wood carvings, and attribute
have not forgotten; I shall not forget at
it to the lack of variety in the carvings,
all. When tirat I »«w them I felt aa the princess hat! reuse enough not to
the subjects being monotonously re­
though. If power were given me. I could take It 111-
have blasted aa they stood I hose insolent
Th« aweetoat type of heaven la botn*
tiuaalaa upstair** ’
and four others were so severely injured
that they will probably die. Cold
weather is thought to have lieen tlie
immediate cause of tlie accident. It is
suppo-ed that tlie molten iron at the
top of a bla«t furance became chilled
and clogged at tlie top. When tlie men
opened the vent at the bottom to draw­
off this metal, the whole mass slid
down, covering the workmen from head
to foot, with tlie white-hot metal.
Chine«« Naval College
I-ondon, Jan. 31.—The Tien Tsin
correspondent of the Standard says that
the emperor has order«] Admiral Yeh
to organize a naval college at Che Foo,
and to engage Rear Admiral Ixird
Charles Bere-ford to net as naval in­
structor at the college.
London'« Smallpox Epidemic.
Lontlt n, Jan. 31.—The smallpox epi­
demic in London, niter falling to 20
ease» daily Inst week, increased sudden­
ly this week and reached the record of
71 cases yesterday.
Two Cracksmen Killed.
Gallipolis, ().. Jan. 31—Two crncks-
meu tire dend, a deputy sheriff is se­
verely wound«!, mid a marshal mortal­
ly wound«! ns a result of an attempt to
rob nn ng«! and wealthy widow of this
city tonight. The plans of (ho roblier»
had been revealed to the Athens offi­
cers, who came here today ami, with I
the local officers, seereteil themselves I
in the house. U|»>n tlie appearance of
the robliers a battle ensued, in w hich I
both were killed.
Commercial and Financial Happenings o( Im.
A Brief Review of the Growth
and Improvement» of the Many Industries
Throughout Our Thriving Commonwealth
- Latest Market Report
Business men of Grants Pass have
organized a Ixiard of traile.
Some trouble is being experienced
with the Indians on Umatilla reserva­
The postoffice at Spikenard, Jackson
county, ha» been moved one mile mirth­
A number ot sales of hops have lieen
reported from Dayton at 12 J« cents
[ter [siltnd.
The site of the postoffice at Anlauf,
Ihiuglas county ha» lieen moved a short
distance to the southwest.
Mrs. Martha Proctor Spencer, who
came to Oregon in 1S52, died at her
home in Hillsboro, a few days ago.
Two lumber schooners left Tillamook
a few days ago for California points,
carrying 1.750,000 feet of Oregon fir.
Oregon insane asylum trustees have
renew«1 the contract with Alaska,
whereby this state will for another year
care for the demented of the far north.
A number of prominent mining men
are taking active steps toward putting
in a smelter in Southern Oregon. At a
meeting held by them, Merlin was fie­
ld«! to tie the beat location.
Eugene school district voted a 6 mill
tax at the annual meeting last week.
Many hogs are dying around Pendle­
ton from what may prove to be cholera.
The company owning the hot artesian
wells at Vale, has decided to erect a
fine hotel for the accommodation of
'York is progressing smoothly at the
oil well being sunk at Vale, Malheur
Fire damagml the Ashland Iron
Works to the extent of #1,000 a few
days ago.
........ I
Coal Teanutan.
Chicago, Jan. 30. — Cowl towntators
renew«! their war on big down town
buildings today. Th« Coal Tiwmster’a
Union decided that its members should
'•art no cowl to buildings where gas is
used during the sumruer months.
8 o'clock 100 drivers were ordered to
»top by officials of the tiniun, and
promptly obeyed the order. President
Albert Young, of the Coal Teamsters’
Union, Maid:
Hehavn already Mtop|>e«j hauling
coal to the Old Colony building, the
Monadnock, the Palmer houxe and the
Auditorium, and before night not a
union teamster will be hauling coal to
a building that ones gas for fuel during
the summer.
During the last cold
**nap our men were work«! to ileath.
Buildings that had formerly rn-ed fuel
gas found out that coal wa» necessary
and our men had to work day and
■ night, and at that time were unable to
! meet the demand. Many of the regular
coal burner» were coni[*elled to wait
for coal, and suffered greatly on ac­
count of our inability to supply the de­
Milton Booth, secretary of the Coal
Teamster»’ Union, said:
“We are not in the fight alone, but
have the support of the coal men. We
would have conduct«! the campaign
alone had it been necessary, but with
the aid of our employers we are in a
much better condition to conduct the
fight and it will be a lively one.”
After the teamsters' boycott against
(he sky scrapers had been in effect for
four hours, firemen, engineers and
elevator conductors threatened to co­
operate with the teameters. Thia af­
ternoon a meeting of the prominent
coal dealers and property owners wa»
held, and a truce was declared until
Friday. In the meantime union men
hope to influence the consumers to burn
<*oal the year round.
Substitute for Nicaragua
Canal Bill is Intro­
duced In the Senate.
Washington, Jan. 30.— Just before
The merchants of Baker City have the adjournment of the senate Senator
agreed to close their store» atti:30 Spooner today introduced a substitute
every evening except Saturday.
for the Nicaragua canal bill. The new
A preliminary survey of the route of bill is a practical authorization to the
the vr<>poe«l electric road from La president of the United States to choose
Grande to Cove has been completed.
between the Panama and Nicaragua
The first provision looks to
Oil has been struck in one of the
wells being bored near Nampa, in Ea»t- the acquisition of the franchises, right
ren Oregon. Sample» analyze 78 per of way anil other property of the new
cent paraffine.
Panama canal company of France, in­
The Gopher Mining Company, whose cluding that company's control of the
The president is
property is in Southern Oregon, is in­ Panama railroad.
stalling a five stamp mill, and will have authorized to pay $40,000,000 for these
ore to keep it going steady.
“provided a satisfactory title can be
The Woodburn school tax will be 10
He is then authorized to secure the
mill» this year.
This, with the
county and state tax, will make a total necessary concessions from the republic
of 43, the highest ever known.
of Colombia, these to include the
[lerpetual control of a 10 mile strip of
territory from the Caribbean »ea to the
Portland Markets.
Wheat—Quiet. Walla Walla, 63© Pacific ocean. A canal sufficient to ac­
commodate the largent vessels ia then
63%c; bluestem. 64@6<Hc; Valley.
to be constructed, under the super­
vision of the secretary of war.
Barley—Feed. |19©20;
The bill also carries an alternative
provision authorizing the president to
$20@21 per ton.
Oats—No. 1 white, #1.10© 1.25; gray. proceed with the construction of the
Nicaragua canal in case he fails to se­
cure the necessary concessions from
Flour—Best grades. #2.80©3.40 per Colombia or a satisfactory title from the
Panama canal company.
barrel; graham, #2.5002.80.
An immediate appropriation of $10,-
Mlllstufts—Bran. $18 per ton; mid­
000,000 is made in either event. The
dlings, $21; shorts. $20.50; chop. $17.
limit of cost is fixed at $135,000,000
Hay—Timothy. $11@12; clover. $7© in case the Panama route is chosen,
7.50; Oregon wild hay. $5 @6 per ton. while #160,000,000 is allowed in case
Potatoes—Best Burbanks. 90c@$1.25 the choice falls on the Nicaragua route.
per cental; ordinary. 70@85c per cen­
tal. growers' prices; sweets, $1.75©
2 per cental.
Fira In Adjoining Building Drove Ouest»
Butter—Creamery. 2502744c; dairy.
From the Lindell.
18020c; store, ll©13c.
Jan. 30.—Two hundred
Eggs—2002144c for fresh Oregon.
Cheese—Full cream, twins. 13© and thirty guests of the Lindell hotel
1344c; Young America, 14©15c; fac­ were driven from their a|*artments into
tory prices, l@144c less.
the sleety street tonight by flames
Poultry—Chickens, mixed, $303.50:
hens. $404.25 per dozen, 9@10c per which wreck«! the adjoining building
pound; springs. 10c per pound. $3© at the corner of Seventh street and
3.50 per dozen; ducks, $6.50©7.50 pe- 4Vashington avenue, and for 30 min­
utes threaten«! to sweep away the hos­
dressed, 14©15c per pound.
Mutton—Gross. 4c per pound; telry. TVomen were carried from the
dressed, 70744c per pound.
upper floors by elevator, and down the
Hogs—Gross, 5%c; dressed, 644 ©7c stairs in a fainting condition. Mothers
per pound,
with infants in their arms groped
Veal—844©9 c per pound, dressed.
their way through suffocating smoke.
Beef—Gross, cows. 3X©4c; steers
4@4>4c; dressed, 6440 7 44c per pound Men dragged their trunks after them
down the broad stairways of the hotel,
Hops—11012 44c per pound.
and clerk» in the office hastily pro-
Wool—Nominal. Valley, 13015c; cur«! tlie valuable» of the guests from
eastern Oregon, 801244c; mohair. safe» and vault» and carried them to
2102144c per pound.
places of greater safety. The structure
in which the tire originated was the
There is now in operation in Belgium old O'Neill building.
A dozen or
11 extensive mills where cornmeal is more firms occupied it, ami the losses
ground. One mill at Alost has a ca­ stiffer«! by the-e firm» will approxi­
pacity of 170,000,000 pounds per year. mate #300,000. The Lindell hotel was
It is said that all the mills are crowded dantag«! by smoke to the extent of
at present.
A million dollars a week ia the cost
of tho United States army.
American manufacturers of silver are
preparing to enter the market in Eng­
Tlie Italian government lias declined
an invitation to take part in the 8t.
Ixiuis exposition.
The Baltimore A Ohio road will
spend $50,000,000 on improvements,
mostly on tlie line between Pittsburg
and Chicago.
Japanese Soldiers Frozen to
London, Jan. 30.—The Tokio corre­
spondent of the Daily Express cables
that over 200 soldiers have been frozen
to death in Nothern Japan.
Drouth In India.
London, Jan. 30.—The viceroy of
India telegraphs that the drouth ia
drying the crops in Bengal, Ute North­
western provinces and in Punjab. The
autumn crops are fair in the province
of Scind and in the Bombay d«*ccan.