KLAMATH REPUBLICAN rmiKhl'KY. JANI ABY I ir» 30 LOCAL NEWS. NkatluK *• '’K111'’- Wilbert lapman of Bly was In town Fildny j F. King <>f Merrill was Monday- Will. Gracu of Portland was fiaturiUy- C II. White of Royston Ill’ll’ was In town Mend*)’’ I, M. Whllneyof Merrill was here |Ml Thunid.iy. I, J Straw cam« up from the I »of- rt, ranch Friday. A. M. Zcvely «if Bonanza ttiUl ¡I Fulls visitor Friday. I M1H il Win. Wiliam of Falls visitor Tuesday. T II. Wat kins of Lebanon ii'rlvd here Tuesday evening. W in. Bntd of Lakeview was an at rival In-re Iasi Tbursday, A. Kershner was In from Ills ranch the fare part <»f th«' week. H. F- Martin of Merrill left fur jhirtland I»"1 week. Frank Adams of Merrill was in Klamath F’’*11* "n ,,|i*|"rM Fiiday. The eold wave Inis caused some I alckn*«. though we have heard of no iwriou* cam*. W'a understand prep irat iocs Wi­ tiring mail«’ for a bill here mi the niglil’if Febuary II. F. |>. ('haiuls’rlln, lt lawyer of Jutland, arrived here Sunday Cleti- Ing <»n legal Imslm-sa. Tlie I”« harvest has resumed, the prietiKt having boan rwidvrvd excel h-st t>y the cold snap. la following nlwdulc time, III« atage* have I ms - ii doing better lb.in tbr trains this winter. K <'. Ilamakcr and T. B. Kinsman of Bonanza have been Klamath Falls «laHurs lb« (Kvst wf I'liw Grove, wax a caller st thin office V1ond.iv. Mr. Silas ll.iwk an old resident of Metlfurd, on ac­ count of the lllnna« of Hi« priuvlpul. Th« Mcdfonl M ill M’l-ms apjiz lien wive tlial the Sunset Telephone < may discontinue Its city. Jat. Dermott, J. <‘. Eu h miks and S. L. Fan lln bteklyuua. Hue win i„.,,| |>( A|h|rim ltl„| al Ix-m-s Mere broken ami lie was bad­ . Lakeview. The Niinset ly Injured. h is .1'. • ,i, , |(| ,,|H,r in,,,, I,, ii «no Yreka .Imirn il: Til« total expan uml Hi. numb. r iw-reiMlng dally. sea Incurred by the grand Jury Incoii- 'l l" ladles «,( i |l(. m . E. chun II ncclion with the Mxikout civs s, Io w 111 K1*' “ sup|H-r In the building un- January 15. Dm2, was, In round num- *11 «••• 1 illlv iHi upied by th«- Duffy Co., I m m, ».I,lisg.:m. The expenses of the commencing m 5 30 o'clock p. in. trini of .1. W. Brown f iih >>f her mother, leaving for men employed and so Chinamen, there List Friday. Her piare ill the Wa Chung, the labor contraetor m 'I msi I I s Is’llig tilled by Miss Minnie of Ashland, furnishes the Chin­ A ppi« gale. esc and Is slow In securing the T» lai i f I lie ease of the Suninilt nu ll who do nut like the Job In win­ I rr , it Ion .ind Power I ’n. vs. Hayes ter monlhs. lie will si sin IncrcMe and swart/.. Involving rights to ccr- . Ills force, however. lain waler, w.is coneludid 111 Ule cir- Likevlew Examiner: It has been 1'1:11 court here Monday, The drei- si -n of tlie e.nut has nut Ixirn render­ decided, positively, since the return of F. M. Miller from San Ftanelsco. ed as yet. that the Lakeview Mercantile Co. of <>n Monday, Louis Dennis, Henry which Mr. Miller Is president will A lilis and Major Worden were en­ build a flouring mill In Lakeview. ta/ d ill viewing till’ road petitioned The company has an option on a fol by John Short and otilen to the plant, and It Is m ire than probable e unity liurd. The [iriqxiM-d road Is that the mill will tic In operation on a ji.art of I lie route between Simu­ summer. The company has I next lili l abs ind Bonanza. to establish a branch I als. i decided V L. Michael, one of the stanch ineii'liandlse store at Blv, Klamat li republicans of Dairy, made us a comity. in the spring, and may open Ile eaux- up .1 like busllleas In other lo”.lllt les. pi,-.:s.irit i-.ill, y.-sti rilav. ■low n on ol li.-r business, but Massimi- The fact that Lakeview is to h iv- a iiiiiiii-d tn ad as Juryman III a c.ise il urlng mill of large capacity will lie tu I«- ir !. il In the circuit court to­ good news for th.* farmers of G his -- morrow. lie.ice lie lias to slay. Lake valley. Fr.-d A tiri a giHHl town. keeps pi’oplc away. The laud- lion It V Kmmitl of Keno made able and indomitable energy of In­ tis a pleasant call mi Saturday. He lilian Agent Applegate completely was last fall engaged fur several M|iieleh<*d all danger and fear on the months In surveying an extensive ri'servalI si, and the prompt action i rad of government land near The of people outside the reservation Datlrs and has a contract to survey made short work of wiping out the an . i lier Im/e tract near Bend, Crvsik dlsi-aw. There Is not a county or Co. the coming summer. town In tin* state which at lhe tirxt C. II. Withrow Ims recently been was worse threatened, or which was st’l.'hlv fixing up and arranging his sooner restoimd to It» normal condl- . ......... . Mall! street. A new carpet, tioll of gissi heal111. 4.-i- •:«< •? •.? •: $-i ■ 4.-j.4.4 4. -•« 4- BIG STORE $ J ■J- Steel Ranges, General Line Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, and Crockery, Furniture and Burial Cas­ kets, Paints, Oils and Glass, Carpets and Lin­ oleum, Wdl Paper, Sewing Machines. CASH STORE S tiletto - SEWING MACHINES are the best that mechanical skill can pro­ duce, and at an honest price, fully warranted for ten years. ï Dry Goods, * Clothing and Groceries. È The Best Assortment We For sale by Have Ever Shown New Stock Now Arriving. GEO. T. BALDWIN, Hardware & Furniture Dealer. A. O. \J. W. BUILDING, KLAMATH FALLS, f ÜAÍAto OREGON. t weather vvill favor the company in chief to hold at least monthly drills its future efforts. 1 and put his men in tip-lop shape to Messrs. Ream's A Jennings will meet any emergency, should one shortly show their contldenee in the arise, Klamath Falls has reason to growth, progress and future of Klam­ I h - proud of her tire laddies, as a finer ath Falls and county, by commenc­ I hh I v of young men, enthusiastic to ing Important improvements on their the core in their work can not lie I brick store, which will add not only found on the Coast, in a town of the to Its at)lactiveiiess, but also to its size of Klamath Falls. Tlie election size and convenience. Al the rear of of officers was hotly contested and tile store is a wimk I cu building here ,.. , after the election of Chief Boggs was q iii^ I assured, lhe whole department gave tofore used :is a warehouse, will lie moved across the street, andthree iheeis for their chief and a In its place will Is built a stone ex . tiger, showing their love and confl- .... , dence in their leader. The chief! tension to the store. Such extension t| u . simply bowed in recognition and cast | will tie 3o feet long, and luving I... same width as the store. 2k feet. I Ills eagle eye sternly on them when I The j When completed, they will h ive a they-subsided and sat down. only officer elected unanimously was j store 100 feet long, 2* feet wide, inside, and altogether will con­ the vice president who seems to have trol HOOO square feet of floor sjiace. a very strong pull on the boys. Hence they can find room for an im­ Their next meeting will be held on mense stock of gissls, such a stock in the last Monday in February. One who was present. fact, as will be required in a city of 5000 people, which growth Illis town SPECIAL SCHOOL MEETING. We will make in the near future. On Monday was held a special' will further add. that the interior John A. Bovrr, aged 7.1 year», ami will be greatly improved and that a sc I khi I imteting for district No. 1 at For many years a rcsld. nl of .1.« k»m new plate glass front of th” largest the town hall for the purpoM of levy­ vllle, died there oil Wednesday < f and most attractive style will be put ing a special tax for school purposes. last week. in. The meeting was well attended, as From Jaeksotiv III« condcii< e MEI; UNG OE I IREMEN. lhe citizens of this district take a In Medford mall: Hi»« Sutton, of great deal of pride in their schools, At a large and enthusiastic meet- Klamnlh Falla, paid <-nr town a oliort and a two mill tax was ordered levied. ingofthe Klamath Falls Fire Is­ viait WislueMlay. Considerable discussion was had in II partaient held in the town hall on On acrounl *f delayed truins, the regard to the establishment of a the evening of January 27. 1U02, the Ager stage arrived with no mill county high school. Messrs. Baldwin, following officers were elected: trim« th« railroad Monday morning Willits. Hammond and others taking Alex Martin Jr., president. and yesterday morning. part, and after much wah-wa a straw­ .1. V. Houston, vice president. vote showed that everybody present Rev. Ilarblt return«*! Momlay t<> .1. W. Siemens, s-erct ny. was strongly in favor of establishing lflcard, I'al., to rvntlnui* spis’lal meet C. I. Roberts, treasurer. said school. No further business Ings, lie reports gmsl hitcresi and II. L. Boggs, chief. being before the meeting, it stood that several have already unli«’d with tallies and other furniture, together .1. <». Ifasith and I*. II. Hath have Geo. Bielm, Foreman N >. I hose I adjourned. • be church. wlib the mapa, pictures, etc., which returned to their homes at Grants Company. NAILS! NAILS! $5 PER KEO. Mrs. Mary Vlnzenl. a native of adorn (lie walls, and tlie cordial wel­ Pass from Alturas. where they were Fred Shalhs’k. assistant foreman Old Fort Warner. Lake county, died come which awaits visitors, make Ills (<«||ed as witnesses in the notorious No. 1 Hose Co. Steel Cut Nails, to close them out. at her home In Berkley, Calif., on the place a most conif irlable ami cosy Lnikout lynching case now on trial, C. I. Rolierts, foreman No. 2 Hose 50 kegs, at ♦."> pei keg. itth Inst., leaving a liiisls«nd and resort......................................................... On being interviewed, these gentle- Co. GEO. T. BALDWIN. The Hardware Dealer. hair children. Otto Hedrieh, assistant f ireman ( apt. O. C. Applegate, the popu- "" " •" ll'»' ‘¡rants I'.iss Ohser- Quite a nntnlier of other Aults in lar V, enl al Klamath Agenev, was ver that “much of the sensational- No. 2 Hose < '<>. FOR TRADE. Chas. E. Ilumphery, sergeant-at- the circuit court arc st III expected to at Hie Falls »11 business a few days i*m that is going the rounds of the be Irl«*d before the end of the pres­ the fore part nf this week. lie is n-’"s|> ip«is. regarding Mod.*- county arms. 1 have 10 acres of fruit land at One new incmlier was duly initiat­ Ashland which will trade for Klam­ ent term, among them several mure kepi ahmz.1 eonsluntlw busv handl-1 mid Its people. Is gross exaggeratIon. . fl„ dnllesof bls ollie., 'anil was They found tlx-city Of Alturas |.( Is- ed Into the depart ment and two ath Falls unimproved lots or acreage. Irrigation cases. 1. A. D vffy . Ben Rabin arrived from his moun­ ..specMlIv rushed during the qiiaran- n quiet and law abiding place, most names were dropped from the rolls Address or ca'I < n, Klamath Falls. The tain sialhm Tuesday nnd rrports tine tn imnlrolling tli«> thuuiiand 1„.' <’f the eltIz.’ns licing of culture and on account of non-residence. .bans m.'l.-r his charge. ¡ rellnem. ’ ut. They saw but one or department is in a flourishing condi ­ REGISTRA HON NOTICE. that there arc iwiw I to men employed t wo drunken men during their so- tion, financially having not a cent in In grading for I lie proposed railroad After mentioning a recent case joUrn (here. They predict a great its treasury. Registration for the coming elec­ There are now 31 up Klamath river. lie- Vledford Mail says that "if A*!’", future for the county of Modis’ and memliers lielonglng to the depart­ tion was opened at the County Hon. IL A. Eininllt and family . ------ l.v I land ‘ ‘ is going * to ------ turn — any — great num -, Mlrroundlng terrltorv.” ment, who are div ided in two hose Clerk’s office on Monday, the 6th day were up from Keno on Friday to al ........................... i | ht <’f her citizens It ose on Medford to Justice of the ....... ........................ e.nnpaiiies No. 1 under the leader­ of January, 1902. The Inclement weather which vis­ • «nd the theatrical cntcrtalnnicnt of get “groggy" It ought tobe Impera­ Peace and Notaries Public of outside ship of Geo. Bielm and No. 2. com ­ Mtsirc’s dramatic, company nt the tive that they Is-supplied with funds ited this section last Friday and Sat­ by ('. I- Rolierts, and the precincts desiring Imoks and blanks I sufficient to pay their fines and not urday hindered the success of the manded Opera house that evening. whole under the supervision of Chief for registration pur|s>ses may pris’ure two entertainments given by Moore's A. C. Beals has the contract fur compel ns to board them while they Home Co., one here and the other II. L. Boggs, an experienced fireman same upon application to the clerk. J ames II. D ioscoll . making a coinimsllous, sulistanllal are "laying out " the sentence of the ■ at Merrill. As many ns could have who has had much experience In this County Clerk. court. ” wAgon for Fre«l Misirc's dtiiiii.it 1« been expected considering the stormy line oi work in Port land and Ohio. Considerable discussion was had in r,l,npnny, which starts on Its travels Capi, \pplegatc reports that work .niter elements, witnessed the pre- A full line of groceries. Patent from here early In the spring. was suspended Novemls’r .11 on the Ml|llilt|(,|t of “The Waif of Sacrameli- regard Io buying uniforms and the medicines of all kinds- enough to Imys will soon make I heir ap|x aranee kill you if sick, make you sick If not, F rank WeC«mn, who assaulted 1». M ih I ih ’ Point irrigsi Ing dllcli and will to," here Friday night. Mr. and Halliday last September with a dan- I h - resumed curly in the spring with Mrs. Moore handled the leading roles togged out in the latest and best continually on hand at the Excelsior, gfrous weapon at. Grants I'nss, has a force of fifty men. The ditch will In their usual, skillful manner, and style. 11 is the Intention of the Dairy, Or. _________________ been sentenced by Judge Hanna to lie tlilitcen miles long and water were ably supported by the local tal- • ’ -____ nlxivi’ 10,000 acres of land. Il Is the ent. At Merrill a small audience nine years In the penitentiary. I The coldest morning so far, was Hist of several Irrigating enterprises braved the cold weather and hovered l*»t. Naturday. Ono llieiinometci pi'iqxised for the Klamath reserva-; almtil the stove, while the company, chilled by the alwence of sufficient Mid 5 degrees lielow zero, other liter- 'hui. heat, presented three nioinctera were more considerate mid Jos. Stafford, a tireman ill the cm- nrtitielal comedies “Sweetheats," reported from two to Itve degrees piny of lhe Southern Piu'lllc, was excellent Above. nearly killed by an accident nt Grant» ••From Germany by Wire,” and "Is Lakeview Examiner: George B. Pass recently. Stafford was In the Marriage a Failure." Not withstand- McFarland, Coast Manager for the tender of an engine preparing it to Ing the cold, the audience was kept , Nunset Telephone Company, Is now receive a cargo of wood. Not know-’ in a roar of laughter during the pro-; In Nevada extending the lines of that Ing lie was there, a brakeman dump- gress of the entertainment, mid was it is hoped mild ftnnpany. Next summer th..' Suns -t cd a big mti -s of wood on him. Sever- thoroughly pleased THE Order your Easter suit now. Over 600 sample patterns just received. For tailor suits to order at $10 ^to$25. Call in and see sam* • pies and let us take your order. DUFFY L. F. WILLITS, Proprietor. n 11 i 4-¿«-.t. [1 Cl LW, i' -I- .♦«.;« .;««;«-> -;««;«•> •> ■? THE BRICK STORE. FULL stock of General Merchandise. i REAMES & JENNINGS, KLAMATH FALLS, OR. A LITTLE STORE, FULL OF BIG GOODS EXCELSIOR 1. F. Davies, Mail Distributor and General Roust­ about, Proprietor. DAIRY, KLAMATH COUNTY, ORE. SSKE GRIZZLE & BRYANT For General Stone Work. Cemetery Work of all Kinds a Specialty. All Work Guaranteed. Shop Opposite New Feed Stable. $250.00 REWARD The Klamath County Live Stock Association will pay the above re« ward for the arrest and conviction of any person or persons found guilty of stealing or altering the marks ov brands of any stuck belonging to any mendier of tills association. Address Chas. Horton, President or J. <>. IIamaker,Secretary.