KLAMATH KLA11ATJ1 fbe Doctor’} flilerotna By H«sba Stretton *■ CHAl’lWt »XXVIII «> hi II ihi » h IJ * \ly b© aald, ’ I bad» ’)«»u |©avrev<*n y«»ur duty In tny ItreplM Now I .umili «Il you tu fiilflll H. X •» *r duty lie« j. iikr, by your buabgiad • eidu bi I hn a|T”ii* uf tlralh H h UI m “*“ I wld«|M*rvd ruy llp« »< ur «• b uieuug io pr«»u«miiru lb® wurde, au «IIff ani toll lh«*y Mt. ••flood’“ li® ««Id. ”y«»U hat® <• h«••• ii lb® brftrr part Com®! ‘I'b® good God will proh’ft you.“ Ib* dre* my batid through hla artn ani I« I me tu tb® low dmirway. Thi* triff r room, •• I entered, waa trry *Hb tb*’ owmbenging ceree, and my gyiuiy ®>®a. daMiM«d gildnally out of ihr *hm tMihght, line after tin®, uniti It hy «harp an I dletiuct under my gœ ’H»«* poor, ailarrable face! lb® rraiha«. dreary, d)lug ryot! ••WI i - t ® I« (Hivlar* h® muttered, in ■ bonr«. au no», Ih’liul.l ,1 fni-tid for yon, naiid»• tn«*.** !>• a frolli Knxl iii'l. .MouwlHiir. ut) iM'lovr«) EuglHh rliihl.” V»ii ibi hot kimw why I Min, my 'b’«r t j h> Eu^ hli vou nr$» coinè t<> tin? frulli |>r Mitrilo ' * ry tiiir,” In« *n|i|, * | ani hi« friend « fiilher |ir l..|i» Kt«ni1 II. N I M a I haliti i l’.iri y tu < uinpiiiiy in©, bui w» «rrr af ,n i uf ih, fi>r« r f*«r ber I niii alt uh! phj l||M?Hft4ft ¡t nllnw nm l«M«’. tliat Cotti» lo ri rï uhi t uri* '' Mutilimi I.. ©rly, nti*t * nt. he rould by «lr h.illy “l hav© alrratly apokrti uf your affair« to mi o'*| fri« li I of mine*, whu H nn rx< » llrtit hiw* )er. I ani rolli© lo uffvr myarlf to y«»u in piare uf your Kunr*hMU« un ih«* otb«*r ahi© of (ha wt>rbl.M I uittvr) a litth* n«*ari*r tu M<*in»iriir •*W$ h«ar It.“ an«wrre.| Tar*!if. Ai:; -I CAME I I’ll.X \ Gil W i: * A strange, •iiaanio lie ani l» fi.t'c i a r.wa bi« glisatly far». ■ look of Irliiii.pli Md • i. MO III» liliger« Ilkli!■ n I IV »f my band, and I left II psasivt-ly In their rl««n- "Miner’ lie murmured. "Olivia." he aald, after a long pan*», «nl In a atronger voire, “you alwaje a|«ike the truth to me Thia priest and to» f.. hitter bate In-« u try lug to fright, u me inio repentance, aa If I were mi old « -ni.tii They aay I am near dying Veil »■r, 1« It inis?" Rh hSi -I." I a li-f. "it la mu- " Ilia lipa i-loae.l after a cry, and eeeme-l *« it tln-y would never open axaiu He abut bi» ejea we.iriedljt. Feebly and lit fully came hie ga«pa fur breath, and he inn,med nt tinua. But atill hie Inger* In-Ill me fast. though the allghleat effort of mine would h.ire net me tree. I left my bun I In lua cold grasp, and epoke to hint winnever he moaned. There was long silence. I rould hear the chirping of the sparrows In tlie th it-Io-.| roof. Monsieur Laurentle and 1'nr.llf atom! nt the foot of the bed. look­ ing donn upon its both, but I only an«' their shadows railing a. roan ua. -My eyes were fastened upon the face I should •""*> are no more. The little light there wna re. in,.,! to I h > fading away from IL leaving it nil dark and blank. “Olivia!" lie cried, once ngnln. In it time of mingled linger and entreaty, "I mu lien*," 1 answered, laying my other blind upon hie, which wan nt lust relaxing Its hold and falling nwsy help- 1'"ly. But where waa he? Where was Hu- vol i- which half a minute ago called Olivia? Where was the life gone that lind grasped my hand? He had not heard my imnwer, or felt uiy touch upon hla void lingers. Inrdif lifted me gently from my place I'enide him, mid curried me away Into the open nlr, under tho overshadowing eavea. •* i > L 4 CHAPTER XXIX. i The unbroken monotony of Vllle i n- l-ni« i losed over tile again. A week Im* Sil-led liv n ft||| week. I am Heated nt the window of the anion, gnaplng In « I'fenih of fresh nir such n cool, balmy breeze n* blow* over the ailinmer aea to the rliff* of Hark. Monsieur Lauren- tie. under lb“ «liellar of n hogs red uni- I’ll II I, in I hooning (ton rlpcnt cluster of m ip<’« for our supper till* evening. All th- street ¡« ,la alm Ha H( nildnlghi. Hud- ilunly there breaks upon ua tin* liarah, t'" t'l l. elnng of well shod horns hoof* "pot! th<> atony roadway—Ihe cracking " " poslilllon'a whip tho clatter of nn "pproa.-hing enrriage. Pierre, h I io him lieen banking Idly ttn- Ihe win low, Junipn to hl* feet, nhoilt- "«■ "It I* Motmlonr the Bi*liop|" Mln ttm clap* her hnnd* mid cries, •The tl»'». Aunt Nolly, the Prince!" -ii.ir-leur Lnurentle walk* «lowly down a th., gm*, hi* cotton umbrella spread '■'•‘r him like a giant fungus. It I* cer- usi ,,l<> •’’■i**''*’» f"» "** •Iderly. " He hnlrrd mini, older Ihnn Monsieur ‘"'ireiitu,. |int W|(|| )( Inore imposing nlllf ntely presence, slap* out of the car- <•»«, and they salute one another with | I at tn.-, with Mim.'thlug like ti-at* glisten* lug in Ins eye*. •’Is It all aeltleil?” he saked, “I* ni.»n slrur coin» to rob me of my K hols mi.I her t><«>r ol.l I'r. u h father!” •■.Never! n.-ier!" I miaw. r.-d i eh.-m.-nt ly, “I ahull not forget ?<*<■ ** !< »{ a. I live. Ile»i4i ", I uiemi to come 1.« k ter.» oft. n. every ye.ir if I can. I almost Will I coul.l stay here altog.-tlicr; but jr.ni I kn iw that i* iuipo»*ilile, moiiuieur. l> it nut quit» Impoanihle?" "Quite Impovailde!” lie repeate.f? s.itoio- what sadly, "madam» la too rl h noiv ; she will have many good friend*.” "Not one latter thin you." I «aid, "not one moir dear than you. V»*, I mu rich; and I have be. n plauning aometbing to do for Vllle .11 I h >I*. Would you like the church enlarged aul Iwautihed, Monaleur |v Cure?” "It 1« large cti ingb mid fine enough al­ ready." he auaWered. "Hhall I put «oiiie |>iiluted windows au.l marble image« into It?" I asked. ".No. n.>. rnadmne," he replied, "let It reiiialn a« H I* -luring my short lifetltue.” "I thought no,” I ital-l, "but 1 lielleie I have di*ci>vered what Monsieur 1» Cure would approva. it la truly Magll h There 1« no «. ntimeiit, no rouimice about it. Cmm.it you gilcas ivlial It in, uiy w ise mid learned inonaieur?" "No. no, iiindmne," he mimvered, aniil- lug In «pit» ,,f lli" "i*'l*ie”- ••Listen, dear uionaieur," I continued; •’if this village 1« unhealthy for me, it la unhealthy for 5*"i »**<1 >oiir people. Hr. Martin told Tardif there would always I a fever here, a« long as there art* no drains and no pure waler. Very well; n .w I mu rl.-h I "h"H have it drained, precisely like the beat English town*; nud there ahull | m > a fountain In the middle of tho village, where all the people can go to draw good water. I "hall come hack next year to oee how It has been dime. There is my secret plan fur Ville eu hula." The next nioritlng I took a lust solitary walk till 1 «•««>«’ u|’l,n « grave, it was my farewell to Ihe wrecked romance of ■ ■ life Monsieur Lniircntio in - my married conipmiicd ua b iu> If I liu-l I ■-< n hie siafer Minima, too, Im • mu- perfectly recon. Had to her new pie aillou I aaw little of Martin, lie bad l>»cn nfruld I -Il -ul l ft i-l luy-l-lf t.u in-l to tlissi, and the very fact that be bad ones told me he loved me had made It mora difft cult tu iuus to say *o u sei-oli I time. Ile would not have any lure from me a* a duly. If I did not love fall», fililjt, with my wli-du lu-urt. ebuosiug buu after knowing others with whom I could com­ pare Inin, lie would not receire auy U-sser gift from me. “What will you do, Olivia?'* asked Dr. John oiu- day. •'What ciiu I ?" I aald. “Go to him," lie urged; “he is alone, I auw him a moment ago, looking out at us from the drawing room window. God l>l< »* fallili Olivia, my deer girl, go to him.” "Ob .lm-k"' I cried, "I ranuoL” •’1 don't *e» why you cannot.” he an > ■ - i- I k-nly. "You are trembling, and i "‘f t > •■ * - « from white to red, and then white again; hilt you have not lost it-- mo- ot y our limb«, or your tongue if you take my grip, It will not lx very dilli- ull i t - i- •» Ilio lawn Come, he la th» <>.- -t fellow lit iiig, and worth walking a down yard* for.'* I l.eb.-i. I «Im i d bare roll sway, but 1 heard .Minim* » v- lee behind me, call.nt »lirilly o I >r John, mid I could not bear bi fair him again Taking my courage in both limi«. I «I. iqi.-il quickly aero** tlie tl or, tor if I li.id b>stated loug r my heart would li.ne fulled me. Hear ely a in-iui.-ut had |iaa*e*l aim» Ja-k left me, nud Martin had not tinned hi* head, yet it ace med an age. Mmt.ii, ' I wbl»|M*re the pan an«i claims cannot be purchased short of fabulous prices. Bergman The Concord mine, one of the richest in Eastern Oregon, haa been sold for reports that several thousand men are $300,000. on the creek. He says the goM belt The expense« for 1901 of Clackamas extends a distance of 10 miles», anti county, not including roads, were near­ owners of claims refuse to consider ly $70,000. proposition* to purchase even interests Articles of incor|siration have lieen in any of their holdings. filed for the erection and operation of a Preparatory work has been com- new sawmill at Astoria. menced on one of the largest anti long­ Baker City chamber of commerce has est mining tunnel* in the world near adopted resolutions favoring the open­ Juneau, Alaska. The tunnel will lie ing of the L'p|s-r Columbia. alsiut H,000 feet long, anti will be Ar the end of the fast quarter there were 10 more convicts in the state pen­ started on the Ireach south of Juneau anti run into a mountain to tap a large itentiary than at the beginning. Ravers an- offering to contract the number of claims in the Silver Bow 1002 hop crop at 11 cents. This Is basin, formerly owned by Charles D. slightly higher than the first offers for Ikine, who sold them to the Alaska Ex­ the 1901 crop. ploration Company. The Tnftdwell Tlie farmers of Eastern Oregon are mine claims will I m * tapped by no up­ fearful that the present fair weather raise of about 800 feet. A large mill w ill make a wheat shortage next year. will I m * built on the leach where it can Miners also would like to see snow. be operated the year round, ft is ex­ The voter« of Albany scliool district have ordered the erection of another pected that new veins will lie tappetl school building in that city to uccoin- in running the tunnel, as the moun­ mislate the increased number of chil tain through which it is to be driven dren. is almost solid quartz. The tunnel Philomath is to have an opera house. and mill will cost in the neighborhood Total tax levy for Josephine county of $2,000,000, and active work will be has been fixed at 32 mills. commenceil March 1. Robberies and holdups are said to lie Hop growers around Salem refuse to sell their crops for less than 12 cents numerous in Dawson. The latest rob­ per pound. bery was the holding-np of the Domir« A l'x-al company has been organized ion saloon by two masked men, who for the purpose of boring for oil near secured $1.400. Two men were arrest­ Monmouth. ed for the crime. One of them The 1901 assessment roll of the state fessed, implicating the other. Be wen* married n« «-.on «« tin- « i. *u iva« over, wh.-u Murtiu » t.ivlil -imt.le pa­ tients were nil going away from town. Our» un» n very quiet wedding, for I bad Bo friend* on my aide, mid Marini • ' l.Ill Julia ."'I I lid ."lile, fol »lie told n lial.y very youug. and Captain Carey rould Hot leave tie in Jolimna Carey and Minim* were my lirldeamnils, ani Ja-U wu» Mait,u « groomamnii On our way bonté from 8»itxerlaud, in the early autunni. »«• wrut down frulli Pari« tu Falaise, mi-l through .Noiresu t i t die >li I. «I The n.-xt elafe of our homeward Journey w«» Guernsey. Mar- tin wa« Welcomed wit h almo»! li» limito enthusiasm ill Ht. Peter port ss I Iso-H in little Vllle i-U hula. My eyes were dazzled with the shin*-, and dim with team, wh>-n I < aught «ight of the little cottage of dir, who wo «tn tilling ont hla nets <>n tin* «tom* >au«<-way uuder the wiu.uws. Martin . ailed to him. au I he tluug duwu shows an increase in property valua­ HAS MADE A RECORD. hi« neta atol ran to meet ua. tions of fl,000.000. "We are . ime Io apeud the day with Pendleton's city council has dis­ you, Tardif," I crii-J, wh<* a day from heaven," he said, taking >ifi hi* Kalivuiian'a cap, anil E. E. LYTLE. Active operations will lie commenced round at the blue sky with it. President Lytle. Columbia Southern railroad, which is about at Baker City in the near future of the ked clon.lu, ami thu oca with it. extend its line 100 miles further south into central Oregon. was born beautifying of the city parks. i* r O. R. ft N. Co. at Touchet. Hood River and The Dalles until 1897. when has been formally dedicated. of un, an I Tnnlif rowed ua ill hl* ls>ut he took a leading part in organization of the Columbia Southern rail- pint th.- entrance of the Gouliot Caves. road company, and he has been at the head of that corporation ever The Uncle Sam Mining and Milling ” miles of road are now under operation, and it is the most II- W.i* l> I l quiet, hilt be Ils <-lu*>l to our since. Seventy Company, of Blue river, is making ex­ free talk tog. tln-r, for I could not think profitable line in Oregon, considering the mileage. tensive repairs to its property. of g .o.1 old Tardif as auy airunger; and M-.-uied to watch ua both, with a far- Bend, a distance of about loo miles, ute there shall be transportation for Calapmiia school district is consider­ . faithful, quiet look upon his fa. e with branches to Ashwood and Prine the product. Three Eastern com­ ing means for raising money with w hich ilii-tilnea I fancied he did not hnar vllle. Thc amount of the capital panies own 44.000 acres covered with to erect a new school building. wL.it we in e ».il .ng. und again hl* eyes stock authorized Is $1.000.000. yellow pine, all accessible from the The extension will consist of. first, proposed extension. Mining develop would bright, ti wub a sudili u gleam, as The public schools and churches of if lua whole soul slid heart shone through a line from the present terminus of ment In the vicinity of Ashwood, a Coquille City have been closed on ac­ them upon us. It waa the last day of our the Columbia Southern at Shaniko in new town on Trout Creek, has reach­ count fo the numlier of cases of small­ holiday. f<>r in ihe morning we should re­ a general southerly direction. cross- ed a stage that demands transporta­ pox in the city. turn to London mid to work; but it was Ing Trout Creek and Crooked River. tion facilities. » uh i p.-rfe. t day as I had never kuuwn to a point on the Deschutes River. Portland Will Be Benefited. The Badger Mining Company, of at or near Bend postoffice In Crook before. Portland trade field will be greatly Susanville, expects to install a reduc­ "You are quite hippy, Mr«. Marta County; second, a branch up Trout Astoria, Jan. 13.—Thomas E. Par­ 11.I.IV. ' nmd Tardif to uie, wbeu us Creek, via the Oregon King mine, to extended by the construction of the tion plant on its property in the near a point at or near Ashwood postotfice; proposed extension. A considerable future. The plant will involve an out­ ker. night clerk at the Parker House, were parting from him. part of Igike and Klamath Counties lay of $100.000. third, a branch up the valley of Crook ­ "I did not know I could ever lie so hap­ in this city, is gaining quite a repu­ which now have their commercial re­ ed River to Prineville. py." I answered. lations with San Francisco wifi fini tation as a life-saver. During the We jaw him to the last moment stand­ Portland Markets. it easier to reach Portland after the Engineers Now in Field. past three years he has been success­ ing on the cliff, mi I waving hla hut to us road to Bend shall have been com­ Wheat—Walla Walla. 59@60c; blue ful in rescuing sixteen people who lugli sbove his bead. Now and then The Incorporator* are officers of the pleted. A wider extent of country there catlie a shout aerosa the water, It.. Columbia Southern Company. Mr. Ly­ will lie drained this way. and its rap­ stem. 61c; valley. 59*4©60c. had fallen into the river. The hotel Barley—Feed. $17© 17.50; brewing fore wo were quite beyond earshot, we tle being president Miss Enright id development will amount to open­ is located directly on the water front, In-iird Tardif's voice calling amid th. secretary, and Mr. Deyoe auditor of ing a new empire at our door. Fur­ $17.50©18 per ton. and many times during the datk splashing of the waves: Oats—No. 1 white. $l@1.10; gray. the old corporation, The whole pro- ther extensions of this railroad are nights of winter, persons have fallen "(lol Iw with you. uiy friends. Adieu, perty will be practlcajly one line contemplated, one prong to go to 95q©$l. umili ielle overboard, either from the wharf or from Biggs to Bend, The route has Lakeview and another to Burns. Flour — Best grades. $2.7003.30 per (Tin* PUil.i the railroad treatle. Mr. Parker has been reconnoitered. but the definite Those may come next year. Then in­ barrel: graham. $2.50. location Ims not y.t been made. This terior Oregon will be fairly supplied had several narrow escapes from Millstuffs — Bran. $17 per ton; mi'*, ('oliminipt inn Can Be Cured. work Is now In progress, engi­ with transportation lines that will drowning while rescuing others, and dlfngs. $20; shorts. $18; chops, $17. Heading aloud In recoinmeuded •>» neers having been in the field for tend to bind Oregon together rather than tear it in parts. Hay—Timothy. $11012; clover, $7 has never received any reward for physicians ns n benefit to persons ■ t- some days. ©7.50; Oregon wild hay. $5@6 per his work. In the majority of cases reeled with any chest complaint. the ones rescued even neglected to ton. The recommendation in made because TEN WERE KILLED. Population of Canada. In all cases of lung trouble it Is Impor­ Mutton—Lambs. 3*4©3*4c, gross; tell him their names or thank him. Ottawa, Ont-. Jan. 17.—The pipuln- tant for I ho sufferer to Indulge In exer­ dressed. 6t4c per pound; sheep, weth cise by which the cheat la In part filled tion of Canada wa* otticially announced I Explosion in a Coal Mint Ic.vts None to ers, 3*4©3*4c. gross; dressed, 6@6*4c DANISH ISLAND PLANTERS. T«ll th« Tai«. by and emptied of air, for the exercise by the census department tmlny. per pound; ewes, 3*4@3Hc, gross; It Is strengthening to the throat, lungs is shown by the census of 1901 to lie Smith McAlister, I. T.. Jan 16.— dressed, 6©6*jc per pound. Say Sugar Trad« Will Be Ruined if th« Sal« and muscles of the chest. Reading —Gross, 5ftc; dressed, 60>6Hc l> Not Consummated. 5.300,0611, an increase of 536,42-» for . Ten miners lost their lives in the ex- per Hogs pound. aloud can be practiced by all. and can , plosion yesterday evening in mine No. the decade. The representation in the St. Thomas, D. W. L, Jan. 11.— lie a pleasure and profit to both reader Veal—8@9c per pound. 9 of the Mllby & Dow Mining Coni- and hearers. In tills treatment It la house of commons will In* redtictsl from : pany at Dow, I, T. Beef—Gross, cow*. 3Hc; steers, The following cablegram signed by a recommended that the rending be delib­ 213 to 210 member*. The Yukon will large number of the residents of the The ten men who lost their lives 314©4c; dressed. Mi7c per pound. erate, without being allowed to drug, la* granted one member. British Colum­ Butter — Creamery, 25 0 27c per Danish West Indies, was sent from the | were the only persons in the pit. and that ........ minclation bo dear, the body bia one additional nienilier, the North­ i none were left to tell the story. All pound; dairy, 18@20c; store. 12140 Danish Island ot St. Croix to the Min­ be held III an easy, unstrained, upright 15c. ister of Finance and the Rlgsdag at position, so that the chest shall have west Territory two, and Mnnitolia I the bodies were recovered, and as Eggs—2002214c for cold storage; Copenhagen January 3: none was burned, the conclusion is three, making an increase of seven. flee play, and that the breathing be as 22©25c for Eastern; 28030c for fresh “Confirming the memorial to his deep ns possible, without undue effort. Ontario will lose six members and the that death was due to afterdamp. The Oregon. majesty. King Christian, June, 1900, explosion did not injure the shaft, maritime provinces four, making a total Poultry—Chicken*, mixed. $2.5003 ___ ; the undersigned planters, representing IlcgHrdcit a* an Evil in Austria. which is a new one, and the fire that A* a result of n report submit ted to loss of 10 members, which, with a gain ! followed was put out before it did hens, $3.5004; 814@9c per pound; 38,000 acres out of a total of $0,000 springs, 9©10c per pound, $2.5003 per Ihe Austrian council of agriculture, set­ of seven in the Dominion, «ill make n ( I much damage. The sound of the ex­ dozen: ducks. $506 for young: geese. acres, and merchants and other rep­ resentatives of the Danish West In­ net loss of three. ting fortli Hint suit* cannot be brought plosion was heard plainly above $6.5007.50 per dozen; turkeys, live, dies assert that if the American mar­ Io recover losses In transaction* for tho 11012V4c; dressed, 13014c per pound. ket is not secured by the sale of the Bad Fir« in L-1 Argtl««. | ground, and rescuers were at work future delivery of grain, tlie council haa Cheese—Full cream, twins, 13© islands, the sugar industry here will Isis Angele*. CiiL, .Inn. L — Die promptly. The explosion occurred at iinanliiH.imly declared Itself In favor of 1314c; Young America. 14015c. suffer severely and will have to cease prohibiting nltogeiher transaction* In Reeaft Wirocliing bl'M'k wns nlmo*t a depth of 210 feet. The condition of Potatoes—Best Burbanks, 85c©$1.10 in the near future, the prices for sugar now ruling being below the coat of grain for future delivery, Thl* Infor- totally destroyed bv fire b»lny, together the mine indicated that the men per cental; ordinary, 70©80c. producing that article.” Hops—8010c per pound. matlou I* eonveyed in n communica­ with the saddlery establishment of might have made their escape. The Subsequent signatures secured to tion to tho Htnle Department from lliivden A Lewis mid n coffee mid spice bodies were found within a compara­ Wool—Valley, 11014c; Eastern Or­ this message raised the ratio of rep­ Lulled Htnle* Consul Warner nt Lel|>- house. The Io** is estimated ut $150.- tively small raidus. Most ot the vic­ egon. 801214c; mohair, 2102114c per resentatlon resentation to nine-tenth of the total tims were men of families. pouud. zlg, Geimnny. Mr. Warner »talc* that 000; well inaureil. acreage under cultivation. the council ha* p<*tltloned the govern­ Mor« Men Needed In th« Navy. A Ugislativ« Indorsemrnt. Senator Clark bought 66 painting.! Philadelphia Returns to Panama. ment to use It* Infilieuc»* to supples* St. Louis, Jan. 1«.—Rear-Admiral in Vienna for $320,000. Jackson, Miss-. Jan. 17 — Both this priieilce altogether In Austro Hun­ Colon. Colombia. Jan. 15.—The Unit­ hotiM*« of tlie legislature today unani­ Crowninshield, Chief of the Bureau Three children of Jacque Mondry. re­ gary. _________ mously adopted a resolution declnring of Navigation, who was before the aged 10, 7 and 3 years, were burned to ed States cruiser Philadelphia Clianee* Increase»!. Rear Admiral Schley to he the rightful House naval committee today, point­ death In their home at Buffalo, N. V. turned to Panama yesterday from La A boy baby a mouth old can expect hero of the battle of Santiago, mid “en­ ed out the urgent necessity for an in­ The mother and a two-days-old baby Tablas, whither she conveyed the were rescued. luit 42 year* of life. If. however, he title»! to the unfailing gratitude of his commissioners who purposed to ar­ crease of men and officers In ordei live* to ft year* hl* chance* of living country." The resolution indorse« the The First National Bank of New range an exchange of prisoners be­ properly to man the new ships. He York has declared a semi-annual divi­ have increased to ftl years nud 6 report of Admiral Dewey in the Schlev the Colombian government and advocated an increase of the enlisted dend of 10 per cent on Its increased tween court of inquiry mid condemn* the the Liberals. An exchange of fifty­ months. This eight prisoners was finally agreed up­ majority re|«>rt of the memlier* consti­ force of at least 3000, and discussed capital stock of $10.000.000. Regulation or Price of Medicine. tuting the court. Schley is also cor­ with the committee plans to Increase makes a total of $21.310.000 which the on, to take place on the island of Ta- Tlu* price of medicine in l'rusala I* bank has distributed among Its stock­ boga. In the gulf of Panama, ten mllee dially invited to visit Jackson. the number of esdets at the academy. holders since 1883. regulated by the static south of Panama. /'