Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, November 14, 1901, Image 4

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    /^The Small
of the Back
That is wheie some people feel
weak all the time.
They are likely to be despondent
and it is not unusual to find them
borrowing trouble as if they hadn’t
enough already.
The fact is their kidneys are
weak, either naturally or because
of sickness, exposure, worry or
other influences.
" I •“ thankful to My.” write« J. L. C mq
Syeamore. Ill., "«hat HoW'i 8ar»apa-
rilla ha» cured me For many rears I wan
troubled with backacha. At ttmaa 1 waa aa
bad 1 bad to ba balpad from the bad or chair.
I am now wall and strong and froa from bain."
What this groat medietas did for him It haa
dona for others.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
Promisee to cure end keeps the
promise. Begin treatment with
Hood’s todav.
Smith » Handl.ap
Caller H Id Up.
Mistress—Jane, have you ever beeu
second girl before?
Jane—No mum; alius cook.
comes you take the card, show the
lady into the reception room and
bring the card to me. I will then
tell you what to do.
Next afternoon: Jane appearing at
the door of her mistress
room—Caller down stairs In th' hail.
Mistress—In the hall? Why didn't
you show her into the reception
Jane—She didn't have no ticket.
Bchnola In Pori«» Ki«»».
"Suspense,” sighed the condemned
mtn. "Ah, my young friend; you
don't know what moments of torture
"Oh, yee I do,” interpoaed the cal­
low youth. "I have often sat quietly
with only a dime in my pocekt while
my best girl leisurely persued the
menu of a French cafe.”—Chicago
The expense «»f maintaining schools in
Porto Rico is very hi<li if we von wider the
amount upem for me small number of
pupils enrolled.
Education, however, is
always e.'semial to Mint's. In «»ur couu-
try the i*ev»ple are beiit* educated to the
fact that thereiraaurecuraforifidijreation,
dyspepsia, constipation, nervousness and
malaria, fever and a«tue, and that medicine
is HoMtUer'a* burm.t« h Hitters
Try it.
Our Private Die Stainp >• over the neck of
the bottle.
For Infanta and Children.
Tfci Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature of
A Genuine Surprise.
Her Mother—I saw him kiss you!
I am terribly shocked.
I did not
imagine for a moment be would dare
take such a liberty.
Herself—Nor did I, ma.
In fact,
I bet him a pair of gloves he daren’t!
Brooklyn, N. V., Oct. 31st.—After investigat
Ing Garfield Tea, which ia quite universally
acknowledged to be the best family remedy, it
is not difficult to explain it# tuccr»#—it 1« the
medicine for GOOD RESl’LTR. It is manu­
factured here by the Garfield Tea Co. in their
new and attractive la bra tor y and ia made
wholly from simple, sweet an t withal health
riving HEKHE Garfield Tea is the ORIGINAL
herb care for constipation and aick headache
Where He Was.
A little four year old occupied an
uper berth in a sleeping car.
ening once in the middle of the night,
his mother asked him if he knew
where he was.
"Tourse I do,” he replied, “I'm in
the top drawer. ”
Tho»« Low Character».
Greene—That fellow in tbe short
coat was a wonderfully fluent talker.
Gray—Yee, I waa wondering wheth­
er he waa a labor agitator or only juet
a prizefighter.—Boston Transcript.
There is more Catarrh in this section of the
country than all other di*ea»es put losether,
and until th a last few years was BUpiXiacd to be
incurable. For a xreal many y ear* doctors pro
nounevd it a local disease, and prescribed h>cal
remedies, and by constantly failing to euro
with local treatment, pronounced it incurable.
Science has proven catarrh to be a constitu­
tional disease, and therefore requires constitu­
tion al treatment. Rail's Catarrh Cure, man­
ufactured by F. J. Cheney A Co . Toledo, Ohio,
is the only constitutional cure on ths market.
It is taken internally in do^es from 10 drops to
a teaspoonful. It acts directly oa the b«ood
and mucous surfaces of tho system. They offer
one hundred dollars for any case it falls to
cure. Send for circular* and testimonials. Ad­
F. J. CHKNKY A CO., ToUdo, O.
Bold by Dnixxists. 75c.
Hall's Family Fills are the beet.
"Are you the man who used to
write articles about ‘How to live on
Ten Dollars a Week’?” asked the
caller cf the pale gentleman with the
bulging brow.
"I am he," responded the pale
“Well, say, won’t you give us one
on 'How to Build a Thousand Dollar
Cottage on Five Thousand Dollars’?"
—Baltimore American.
Dr. Youngun—No. sir; I do not ap­
prove of admitting others than the
physician to the sick room. If the
physician understands his business
he can prepare the patient for the
Mr. Oldun—You mein if be doesn’t
understand bis business.—Baltimore
Pino's Cure for Consumption is an infal
lible medicine for coughs and colds. "
W. dsMCSL. Ocean Grove. N. J., Feb. 17.
A Pekin Musical«.
Bittar Experience.
From the pagoda of the late Prince
LI Sum Whot we heard strains ot
strange and weird Susie.
Turning to the guide we asked:
“What causes that peculiiw melody?"
“ Why,'
Why," he explained, "that is one
of our soldiers playing on his loot.”—
Baltimore American.
Kane—Oh !
there's the wedding march. Do you
remember when we marched up the
aisle to It ten years ago?
Mr. Raisin Kane—Yes. and I bave
been marching ever since.
•’Have you hay fever?
“No; that’s old. I have the elec­
tric fan sniffles.—Puck.
It has cured more cases ot Backache and
Leueorrhcea than any other remedy th*
world has ever known. It is almost infallible
in such cases.
It dissolves aud expels
Tumors from the I’ter us in an early stage
of development, and checks any taudency
to cancerous humors_________
table Com|M>und rs-
movrd a Fibroid Tumor from my
womb after doctors failed to give
Mas. B. A. Loa ba an,
Westdale. Maae.
Bearing-down Feeling
Womb trouble«, rauaing pain, weight, and
backach.. in.tantly re he red and perma­
nently cured by ita use. Under all circum-
stance« it ecu in harmony with the law»
that govern the female »yatem, and la aa
harmleaa u water._ ___________________
liarkaeh. I.H
after taking
tbe awond Mlle Vour meUiciu.
cured in« whan doet.'re tailed.
> Pavla Block, Gorham st., Low.ll, Maae.
Suppressed or Painful Menstruations, Weak­
ness ot the Stomach, Indigestion, Bloating.
Flooding. Nervous Prostration, Headache,
General Debility.
Dizziness, Faintness,
Extreme Lassitude, ** don't care" and
" want to be left alone ” feeling, excitabil­
ity. irritability, nervousness, eleepleaene««,
flatulency, melancholy, or the "blue»," and
Theee are auro indications ot
Female Weaknee*. some derangement of the
troubled With DiszineM,
H-taulach**. Faintnrsa. Saving
LLata. Your medicine eared me.
Mas. Sanaa E- Baaxa.
B— k flp orl,
For ai<hl rears I «offered with
womb trouble, and was enllrely
curad by Mr». Pinkham's medici»«.
Mas. L. L. Towes.
Littleton. N. H.
Kidney Complaints
and Backache of eilhrr t~z the Vegetable
Compound always cure«
V«(»tabto Creo,
Lydia L Rnkhini Th»
pound I, »old by all
oruxfuo or Mnt by
mail, in r»rm of tilla
Llrsr Pilli core
or Ix.rrng««. oa rto
Nipt of »1.00.
Sick H«ad»ch«. 25c.
With many millions of families Syrup of Figs has become the
ideal home laxative. The combination is a simple and wholesome
one, and the method of manufacture by the California Fig Syrup
Company ensures that perfect purity and uniformity of product,
which have commended it to the favorable consideration of the
most eminent physicians and to the intelligent appreciation of all
who are well informed in reference to medicinal agents.
Syrup of Figs has truly a laxative effect and acts gently with­
out in any way disturbing the natural functions and with perfect
freedom from any unpleasant after effects.
In the process of manufacturing, figs are used, as they are
pleasant to the taste, but the medicinally laxative principles of the
combination are obtained from plants known to act most bene­
ficially on the system.
To det its beneficial effects —
Many of Them U«rn to Talk as Well aa
Imitate Others' Peculiar Notes.
The parrot, the magpie and the raven
are not the only birds capsule of learn
lug bumau speech, lu them the facul­
ty of imitation is more highly develop­
ed tbau amoug the other members of
the feathered world. There are a score
of species that are able to Imitate
sounds made by other animals. Blue-
Jays, caught early and properly (milted,
can be taught to speak as well aa must
parrots, and the same thing can be ac­
complished with a crow If be Is caught
young and his tongue silt. M. H. Cou-
pin. a well-known naturalist, tells some
curious stories regarding the Imitative
powers of certain bird» wblcb are gen-
erally auppoaed to lack aucb attain-
He tellaof a sparrow which learned to
Imitate the strident noise made by a
grasshopper. The cage containing the
sparow was bung during one spring
next to a cage lu w hich were grasshop­
pers. At that time the sparrow took no
notice of the noises made by Illa neigh­
bors. but the next spring, when be
found himself again lu the company of
the grasshop|>ers, he seemed to con
alder that It was "up to him" to take
part In tbelr dally serenades. He made
several attempts to sing after the man­
ner of hla neighbors and was nnslerate-
ly successful. For the rest of bls life,
long after the grasshoppers were dead,
be would every now and thru give vent
to his feelings in a strain composed
partly of the notes of the graaahopirers
and partly of the notes of other birds.
JOHN POOLB, PortUnd. Ong0ltt
*•»«•« Marets»« Suret.
th. H..4 W.rk .. ..........
•r«*.b.»i »«—•••
buy the ^er\uirxarMxnufactured by
tedifomiai FiqSiyrwp C«
Loui.vill«, Ky. S** FrAric.iaco.Cwl. Mew YOrkMY
Josef Hof>nann an an Inventor.
‘ *.......
th. H.alth 1« Hr..« l»»W«.
Teaehing ai'h.ol ta an
which haa many attraction» (or cul
tmnl women, I nt it ••I"" •'*?
draabacka »ml otten .<l?<i't‘ * ’ '
heul'h M'rinualy.
'» "
m > in theeweof women with dele at.
nervoi ■ »yalein» and lli.-e »ith a too
denev to pulm mary troublea
Mary K Power., of F.INw Hh
'« .
¡.atncherwhoMi health «*« l,r'7 '
down by the hard work which th
charge of a large m 'I ioo I entail«-
"During the winter id IM*. *bile
teaching M-hool. I lai »ine .ubjecl to
nervouam*», which grew woroe until
my w hole »y»tcm *»’ |l|,i down. ■ )
luck ach.il and at turn- I *•» ■“»
dizay that I could hardly »tend. My
liniba were »wol en and alway» tire»1,
to that I felt no more rested lu the
morning than when 1 went to I«1
»«» also troubled with a cough and the
food I ate did not atiingthin me
I’llia condition, aeeoinpaniid ••>' I'“-
pation id the heart, kept up lor
eral month» until in March. *b*n 1
.,,i about Dr Wlllia ■ 1 1 - U'11"
for Pule I’titple in a Juneau, W im oii
ain, newspaper.
"I la-gan taking the pill» »nd in
about a wn-k I noticed, a change (or
better. I felt ».> encouraged by
» the
«IV .........................
thia improvement that I
pt on tak­
ing them until I h:wl uawl Ihltv laix« ».
;iiul wax entirely curetl.
keep I’ink I’ill« by
them occiwionally when I
mill of « tonic.
"1 believe firmly in the K<
by risk Pill« lor I’alc I "
have mlviMil numy of niy ft
uw them.”
to give
Al) the element»
to I lir blood
now life anil richne
anil re.tore »hatterixl nrrie. Htff con -
talnnl in a coih I ciimi I Im in, in Dr.
W illiams' I’ink I'ril» for Pale I'vople.
They are an unfailing specific for»i ch
disMtaaa aa locomotor »taxi«, |u»rtlal
|uirAlysis. St. \ itus
— von»
headache, the after rffreta of the grip,
palpitation of the heart. |uile and wal*
low complex ion#, and all form»» of
weakneaa. Al all druggiatfi. or direct
from Dr. William# .Medicine Co .
Schenectady. N. Y., »r>ti cent# per
box; aix boxea 12.50«
Strong Provocation.
“ ___________
Johnnie, you must never inter­
rupt any one when they are apeak-
"Not even to correct such Imi
grammar as don't, ma?”
Hr Would't Rack Down.
Miss Jones—Professor, do you dare
to look me In the face and thm aay
that I originally sprang from a
Professor (equal to the occasion!
Well, really. It must have been a very
r harming monkey.—Stray Htortos.
1 tarn why wul bey a irtAK*
mitohell ,
A STA VCR OO. ...Columbia Llnlvergity,..
Acaderak and Collegiate HaNa.
’M: reinsio N .
IP BICSIOSO W,,»i««iaa. 0 C. Hi.' will
II .-«I.« quli-k r»l ' «• l< älh N II Vol. «1st
axb < urpa. Fowrouilu« alalias sine« laTa
t'oUIOlUI i l«i#iraf I4i#r»rv h . mim
leauuart lal l.„ i-.rir. .i.„ I,.pl,
RKV. K, P. MURPHY, Prerid«ol
t'nlv.rsliy rsrk. roril...| o„|n#i
It mak.. Ha«» l«y ate Kre». item tsyiag.
grey, Ctei.re ,A« An
Or.M.m H Itreaxltea,
tkak», sad ma.as item are. r,K.
uwl 50,
a. . uaa .-sia««a» *ateO«anA aptaoped •••«« r««i«e <««, a—a I ...
tea—u « ro-Aaa. -I
ra> aat«H t1WLtk( So.il. allr»
l> re l—I «tel la ..«ore ui .«uire rooiwy
0 H uiuuia. tassk. w ¿i
KJ. IIOWM1. I..,!
Arrivlag at a Tolal
Polnlar» lor Sauvaalr l.oila<ton
Tax Collector—How niich la your
bus band worth?
Mr«. Wise About a million.
Tax Collector- Are you sura?
Mrs Wise Oh. yes. You aee. the
Jury awarded him I?.000 for the loss
of a Unger. I think In proportion the
lest of him «mild I»' worth about 500
times as much.—Chicago News.
Rouvenir collector« will 1«. interest.
<il to learn that lot) large t»|,|r,
doacn chairs, twelve duaen work
box»». Il deaks. 34 dosrii knife hand.
I«*. 24 doM ii cigar c«.e», |ix) do«ra
umbrella handles and over lo.ixx) ig.,,
holders have mi far boon made out <>(
the only original surrender tree <>(
Hantlago, and th» tree is nearly a||
there still.—New York World.
I «ila« No Cham«».
...... —— «•
A t »uuHtan<r.
Genial Doctor
heartily at a Joke ot hla pal lent I —
Ila* ha’ ha' There»'» not much the
mater with you. though I believe that
It you were on your deathbed you
would make a Joke.
patient Why,
course I should. It would be uiy last
chan< e — Punch.
"I lUppooe it is merely « rerincl.
deuce,*'said the young man who is
an X lou# to Irani.
I t "What is?" Inquired the eipsri*
«noil friend.
' The fact that the moat sensational
reforlnera hare been men who w.-rr so
rg-li they didn't need any more money
T« Rtmwva Spoil.
or ao.pour that they had ioat hop« »1
Jester—That man Hharplrjr la a gelling any. *'—Wellington Ntar
clever putent medicine advertising
Break IK. H«,i
daughter left word
Jimson—I» he?
Jester—Y'mi l«t ' He's lw>en aig lliat I a- ould call «nd repair the
naling the sun alunit thè efficacy of piano.
Mr H iii I i »— W hat 'a wrong with it?
Ina new magic freckle curo.—Ohm
Tuner—Hhe says three strings art
State Journal.
Mr. Bink» (confidentially >—Li«ilt
fllixt M oumi to t>«hnd RMirosda.
here, here's five shillings lor your-
A series of block hmiM-a are l*iiig
self. You break the rest of them —
built t<> defend the railway lines in
fid Hite.
Koirih Africa.
U Iw-n the onler to
build throe bhek houara was gnen by
Why Ha DM II.
General Kitchener, a chain of them
Mother—GtMMhir«« gravimi#, Willi«!
IWt miles in length was completed hi What do you m<*Bii by »pilling th#
a fortnight.
milk «od honey on Ihr fluor*
Trifling that Costs.
Th« Wr«ck ol th« Birkrnhtad
Sciatica and Lumbago
J. Johnson, who died recently tn
Liverpool was the last survivor of
the famous wreck of the Birkenhead
the troopship that went down In HI-
mon's Hay In February, 1X5J. when
only 181 men out of 63S got ashore
The troops stood drawn up under
arms on deck till the ship sank.
W illie—Hu#te wmilrd to play w#
tn in (*ananti, Ihr prom iteti lami,
hiel like the bible. — hl ir grin! et
Struggling uiiiiiatet-—Jlirre was a
stranger in church today
Illa Wife»—Well, what did he look
Struggling Minister—I did not aro
him, bui I found a llvc-ahlllilig pire*
ill the contriliut Ion bo«.—t'aurlls
Eapart TtsiMusny
A ( andid Annotin. cmcnl
'Jenkins has luat wrote a book oa
'How to Hiioceed ’ ”
“I wonder if It wjll I* a succeM.'*
"It ought id 1«, Jenkins lias fail«!
al everything else.”
Summer Ktnlutktn»
WP Kedcy Cure
a,-. » ri«M roar
am «•<• i •. m > «, • 4
Mlwlr.« ||
»«,» rallar troia lioso», oylu« a» I uro»»*
haMSk Baad la« rartlaaiarote
Conquers Pain J
r.alaM laalltata
Mw»»*l to •»• WllllaMt
. Fartlaad. Ora««»-
IlllltlU, Aaw
Price, age and goc.
■out av atx noauoM 1» KBMCiaa.
Na. <S IMI.
“Are my codfish balls as good as
Birds are made to take their own pic-
I turee by the Ingenious apparatus of O.
Han Marino the Oldest Republic,
The oldest republic on the earth Is
that of Han Marino, Italy. Its Independ
cnce dates from Boman times.
When a small boy tlnds out what wor­
ries his mother be always does It.
'ia .MM
Ila* ball Irati#! ’»• mru labi#»
Turn# (»*•'!< lu th# wiu.l
Hall i win#» thru»! in wheel, Inturlng
«ml r retorvlug
i h ***1 rumini«'
- «uatllir«,
• _
.trAitdl aiuouiil u<
(<»r |»tim|Hug
..alvanixl »dr» tu#l»ttg
Im I m««Ui»,
with ##!»»«»•••’• bull». iltuibl#-uu l»#4| su
tan can ru»l ur
lm»a# •••«I ralll«
YA righi t«*gitl»t»»r
trgttUlkin No
»print to th »ng* t«*u»iuu with »uri ohaitgu
i«l t«iai«#rai>ir' au«l ai*»w wrakrr with a<a
K»palr* al«»»?« “h liau<i
Ihr»# thing» »'• willi inotl»| lu futi.
Blnla Take Their Own Fli tiiri-a.
Blnce 1800 the pension dlnbiiraements
have been more titan a billion and a
half of dollars.
itee us befur« buying
Coat of Ten Year»' Pension«.
telll"“'11* *"'1
1...« Ite Hi».««
Josef Hofmann, the great Polish pi­ those your mother mgde, David?"
anist. who first played In public when 0
"Better, my dear, 100 percent bet­
years old. and now, at 24. Is ranked us ter. We didn't have« any Ironelena
one of the greatest living performora, la codfish in those days, and every time
a mechanic as well as a musician. Just we had codfish balls some Ixxly got
now he Is busy experimenting with choked.”—Chicago Herald.
electricity, and when not at the piano
A Battle ol Giants.
he may be found at work In his lalxtra-
tory, perfecting a motor for Increasing
“Smithers can Gill as good a I flab
the speed of automobiles. He has ap­ Btory as anylrody I know,
I tolti
plied for patents on this Invention In him an awful whopper the other
the United States and Uarinany. Hof­ night, but he matched it.”
mann Is gifted In many ways. An ar­
"Raid he believed it.—Stray Stories.
ticle In The Ladles' Home Journal on
"Playing the Plano Correctly,” shows
him to Ire a writer of no mean merit,
and the advice he gives Is, of course,
O. Pike, an Engllali photographer. A
bait of fat Is placed on an elei-trlcal
wire, which Is so connected with a
I camera that, when the halt la removed,
the camera shutter Is released, giving
an fnstantaneona exposure of the sen­
sitive plate.
Can give you the best b«r»«i„. i
Buniea I'lowa, Holl«,. tn<|
F igs
P leasantly and (¡ ently .
To 0 VE^COflE
Ailments of Women.
It will eutiivlT cure tbn wont forms ot
Female Couipl.unta. all Ovarian tro^blAT
Intlamiuation ami I’Iceration, Falling and
I HsplaA'emenlsof tho Womb, aud couwquonl
Spinal Weakness, .tnd is peculiarly adapted
to the (’Ya»7* o*' / if*.____________________
, toar hiobciu« cured mo of lor*
rlbie tatuai« i Itoeaa.
Ms» M. E M vllzb .
la Concord Sq . Ho»ioa, Mm
Doctors disagree sa to the lufluenes
of heredity. Home bold that s great
deal hinges upou It; others lieltov« th*
coutrary. Home of the airiheutle stories
told to exemplify thia mysterious bond
between ancestors sud desceudsuta are
very curious.
There was s loan collection of old
portraits exhibited In London lately
sud a young girl waa among tlie visit
ora. Hhe was an orphan and wealthy,
but without near relative«, and was
often beard to complain ot the loneli­
ness of her position.
As she paaaed through the gallery one
particular portrait attracted her atten­
tion and she went back to It more than
once. Her compatriot! saw In It noth­
ing but the commonplace painting of a
tulddleaged man lu the «-oatume of the
latter part of the last century.
"It A< such a nice kind face,” said
tbe girl, rather wistfully. "I Imagine
my father might have looked like that
had be lived.”
As moat of the pictures were ticketed
tbe visitors bad purchased uo cata­
logue. but before going away Miss B.
bought one at the entrance and made a
last visit to the portrait for which she
bad felt so stroug an attraction. To her
astoulshiuent she found her own name
opposite to Its numlter and learned ou
Inquiry that tbe orginal was one of her
direct ancestors.
Another occult coincidence or psycho
logical phenomenon happened a few
years ago to a Southern statesman and
flnaucler whose family lias always beeu
of rauk In bls native State. Thia gentle­
man waa overhauling old documenta
and letters which had lieeil stored lu a
musty cheat for years and lutemled to
publish whatever might In' of historic
value and Intereat.
To his surprise he unfolded a letter
yellow aud time stained which was
writteu In bls own peculiar handwrit­
ing. or seemed to have been written by
him. although the date was two genera­
tions before Ills birth. The signature
of tbe surname, which was the same as
Ills own, was so markedly characteris­
tic that be could scarcely believe his
own baud did not pen the letters.
"Mike,” said Plodding Pete,' "de
world owes us a living."
"Yes.” answered Meandering Mlk<-
“but In order to collect It we've got
ter do something to convince de
He'll Be "Incriminated.”
world dat we're alive. An' dat a too
Vary Probable
The uniformed functionary who Is in much trouble."—Washington Star.
Teacher—What led Columbus to
Good Price» for Mirtei.
conclude the world was round.
a local hotel takes pride In the moUtb
Two Point» of View.
Eighty aeven carriage borses were ful of Jewelry that Is displayed every
Bright Boy—Well, his experience
An emotional citizen of the great
with it proved that it was anything sold in New York the other day for time he grins. He bad bad Inck with city of Illinois wax one day showing
but square.—Boston Transcript.
an average of over >1,000 each.
his teeth In earlier life, and several a visitor the wonder» of the lake
Ivories have been replaced with gold front. "A few years ago." said he.
fillings. An acquaintance, one of the "the lake front extended Inland far
prominent regular boarders at the beyond where wo are standing.
hotel, noticing the animated showcase tell you there Isn't a town In the
world that's making history aa fas'
the other day. observed:
as Chicago Is'" It looks to me more
“I am afraid, captain, that after you
like making geography," replied Ibi*
are dead and buried, you won't remain unemotional stranger.
long In your grave. Home one will dig
you up for that gold In your mouth.
Conductivity of th« Earth.
You'll be worth more dead than you
Col. Pllsoduskl. of the
are alive.”
army. has. It Is reported. Just suc­
Raatus laughed so heartily at this ceeded In transmitting a telegram
that the Jewelry display dazzled the without the use of a wire by utilising
[ the conductivity of the -earth. It Is
eyes of the guest.
"Ob, no, sab,” he said, "dey won't dig said that the Insignificant force
me up, sab—no, sail, cawae I'se gwlne which will transmit through air a dis-
teh Ire incriminated, 1 am. All'll Jen i tance of only fifty yards will allow
transmission through the earth for
fool dose gold buntahs. Dey's dun got a distance of 560 yards.
mah odah down at de creamery long
ago.”—Detroit Free Press.
Three Good New Day».
Sy w •?
Vegetable Compound
la a pcailiva euro for all thoaa painful
Th« Current DiuuMion.
Way They Playtd Partners.
Pl hi KHAM’S
Helpful Hints.
Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow’s Sooth-
Ing 8yrup the beet remedy to use tor their
children dunng the teething period.
“They had been married a year be­
fore ary body knew IL and even then
their secret waa discovered only by
accident.” "Indeed?" “Yes, one ev­
ening at a card party, they thought­
lessly played partners, and the way
they quarreled let the whole thing
out:"—Detroit Free Press.
Meauarhable Htsetss T«ld at Ite
M rater lone laintarM.
Rev. Dr. Thirdly—I wish
r.ounce brethren and sisters, that next
8unday my place in this pulpit will
be occupied by the Rev. Mr. Smith.
We will now sing three verses of
hymn No. 1»«. "That Awful Day Will
Surely Come."
Mis Experience,
A Disagreeable Characteriatk.
Katharine—I detest that Mr. Tit
Margaret—Why. Kathailne?
"Oh. he'a the ltina of man who al­
ways calls when you are expecting
somebody else who doesn't come."—
taste good
X»t tham tlka
ramova any bad tasi» •”
'it I»
Ina th» braalh SW.at «»¿rila ntov srs
.... to toirroeuJ
■ plaawura
taka •>>*»• and 17
paclally by children.
llkad sapaclally
swrsran in» atom«...
mr.uth. ’hroat and food rhsnn
means, they
■ irurlng In it
lug In than
ot any Klngj
lira syMatB.
ara purely g
curial or M
slat of that
and form • mwi»|i WlJ."",„fiW
equaled to maka tn» Itwtni »■
rn a.
and maka slaan akin and Iraaullf“' com
. _ .
ton» tha stomach »ni,.bowJ1’.V.iv «ob»"
th. lasy llvsr. They <1o not
‘ 1)Ut
th« stools and « »us« tb»1^ dt»<M » ■
strengthen the bowala «nd pu*
h«|r a«-
lively, healthy condition, making
tlon natural.
. n.
navar grip nor grip». Th,T *£!n']|"l,/,1ncóm-
ItIvahr and never causa
LJJi maka
fortabla feeling Taken WtUlarlrK
th. liver act regularly •n‘,„,I"},7bodr
should. They keep th»
properly moving and keep the
Increase the now of milk
era. If tha mother eats a tablet. IJ
her milk mildly Pifgatlv» arid . a^^ war
but certain effect on the baby.
they era th. only »aft laxative ror
nuralng Infant.
taken patiently.
m > w old of
form of constipation, no
Th»? ’
how often other remedialthey. ran.
are absolutely guaranteed to <ure y
or piirchaae money w"l be
. _.i.« rent fr*
coat 10c. Or. sor a bog.
for the asking We P''bH«bunder a*'
but a.II Caecareta on their r"'” ,nj try *
aoluta guarantee to
’’.J,, »«mpl»*
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and booklet.
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