Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, September 12, 1901, Image 1

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The Doctor’} dilemma
By Hcsba Stretton
”11» has been living on Tardif» coarse
far» fur a w»»k," »uswvred my mother;
"ao uow It» haa compassion enough fur
Ida Hark patlaut to pack up »out» dainties
for her. If you could only glv» him on»
or two of your bad headaches h» would
bar» uior» aympatby for you.”
"Hara you had on» of your bvadacb»«,
Julia?” I Inquired.
"Th» wurat I »v»r had," sb« auaw«r»d.
"It waa partly your going off In that raab
way, aud th» storm that cam» on after,
and th» fright wa war» In
You count
not think of golug again, Martin.
•ball tab» car» you don t go after wa ar»
Julia had been ua»d to speak out aa
calmly about our uiarrlag» aa If It waa
no otor» than going to a pl<-nl«. It grat­
ed upon in» Just than; though It had been
much th» aama with rnjaalf. Thar» was
no delightful agitation about th» future
that lay bafor» ua. W» warn golug to
a»t up housekeeping by ours»lr»a, and
that waa all. Thar» was no mystery In
It: no problem to be sol red, no discovery
to be mad» on either aid». Th«ra would
ba no Blue Beard's chamber io our dw»ll-
Ing. We had grown up together; uow we
had agreed to grow old together. Ill at
wa» tbs sum total of marriage to Julia
■ nd ma.
I bnlshod packing the hamper, and
•ant Pallet with It to th« Mark office, bav-
Ing addressed It to Tardif, who bad an
gnged to b» down at th» Ureuz Harbor
to r»c»lv» It when the cutter returned.
I was In hast- to secure a parcel of
books before tba cutter should start home
again, with Its courageous llttls knot of
market people. I ran down to Barbet'e.
1 looked through the library shelves until
I hit upon two novels. Besides these, 1
chose a book for Munday reading
Bart-et brought half a sheet of an old
Times to form the first cover of my par
eel. Th» shop waa crowded with market
people, and as he waa busy I undertook
1« pack them myself. I was about to fold
th» newspaper round them, when my eys
was caught by an adrertiseiiimt at the
top of una of tbs columns.
from her borne in Ixmdon, on the 2oth
Inst., a young lady with bright brown
hair, grey eye», and delicate features;
age twenty one
Hhe la b»lleved to have
jeen alone. Waa dressed In a blue silk
dress, and sealskin Jacket and bat Fifty
soou recover |.»r lost strength. I had to
'‘Marlin hubreaf* «jarnlgl«d bulb lu sloop down to b»»r what sb« was saying.
»till, doctor?" she
0iit« brt'iih
lias» | I k»pt quit» still,
MYr«. ii»a‘lrui<ila«’ll»a," I aai«t. Uli tilling a»k».| faintly.
tba trr.« uf balr •• If It b«<J !>•••» •
I tnu»l own that U)y
amartad, and
Mut. and
forward to gr««t tb«m; ■W
«1/ »«Het
vole» »i,
„ ,t to be
L» tnnl»l.
wa» not
iru.re-t. I bad
•*gra you «urpriaod io »*•
n»v»r f»lt •„ u>«rjoy»d In tuy Ilf«
..h.0l tbr vldrr
that t>ion>»i>t It it what a singular wl»h
ara aniatod pHrlttod! Iloworrr did lu I»- ol»dl»ut |........J thia girl! Wb»t
•OU fri brrai Wb«u did you com«r*
a won Irrftil >»rr of aubiiilwlv» ««If con
•Q uii » ra«ily.M I rvpli«d
’*1 « «tu«
Ruuiar. • «d Tardif f«t« ha«l uio lu b •
”1 •h-uld ¡ik. $«>
Tardif/* mur-
awt> boat If th# waatbar bad prrmitl«d murr<| th«« g ir| fO
(fmt nigbt, after she
I «buul.l have paid you • tulL but you had •w«kr»i<-| from « ••<■<>!$d
long and
bDOW •h>l
p»a«*»ful «Im-p
•To I»« auro/* au«w«,r«d Emma, “au'l
I «••ll»<l blia «nd he cam# In barefoot,
bo* ia drar JuliaÎ Hb« will »>• *«ry ant* bit broed. burly frame ««••mlng to fill up
lou« about you.**
• II the link room
Mb« rould nut raise
••Kb* waa «»n th« r«rg« of a uarruna at
her hrgd. but h»r face waa turned to­
lark wbrn I loft hor/* I «aid; “that will word« ua, sili »h» held out her small
(rtvt to iu« rra««* h«r anil«ty “
WM«t<«d hand to blm, smiling faintly. Ha
d«tr girl*’’ «h« r«pli«»l aympa
f«|| on hl« hhe»« before ha took It Into his
"But. Martin, ia thia juuug grrsi. horny palm, and looked down up
«Omán h«r« ao very ill?
« l»avr bear I on It
hr hold It rory rarofully wltb
fruit» th« Itrnoufa «hr had had a daug«*r
toor« •landing in hl« ojron.
•ua fail To think of you Iselng In rtsrk
U hy, It 1« lib«« «n «»gg ■hell/* hr ««Id.
•v«r «in< « Homi»). sud • • never beard
bl«-«« y i mafn'*4$Hr, (Jod bio«« you
« word <»f It'"
f«>r getting well «gain.0*
"!• that th» yoiiug woman's balrY*
Hhr l«ugh«<| a! big word« • fc*blo
-r««.“ i I i< pli»d; "It was necessary to though tnriry laugh, like a child'« «nd
She Is dangerously III wliti
rut It off
• hr ■«•flu«* I .|«l1ghtr<| w|lh th« «ight of
fav«r “
hi« h«*«rty
glowing •• It w«« with
towards h«ppln««* It «•« • gtrango ch a nr« that
Both of
tba du*»r
had thrown th«-« iwu togrthrr. I con 11
ma. ani t<»ok tn« ao mu« h by surpri«« not allow I «rdlf to r<»n»«ln long; but
that I ha t yl«l«lod boforw I bn«w I was • ftrr that «hr h«pt devising littlo nir»
It was th»lr shrinking move •agr« to «rn I to him through tuo w hrn-
m«nt that did It. My answer was alui<>st rvrr I wa« about to !••«• her. Iler in
• • automatic and Involuntary aa th.lr
trreour«« with motbrf Itrnuut
tr«mrly Umit«d, aa th« old woman*«
•‘You •«*• Il would not bi wise for any bn«>w lodge of English waa alight.
' A feter
•f u« to g«» about«" ! ««Id
breaking out In tbc laland. s«ipocially now
you b«*« no rcahl«*nl doctor, would b«
itr| arrioua.**
Thu« I ««M ur««l l«oiatloii for mya«lf and
mjr patient
Kut why had I l>««n «ag'-r
to do ao? I <n»iw| not anaw«r that qur«
tlon to mxa«*lf, and I did not potnier otur
It mon> ininut««
I waa Impatient, yrt
•trangd; rrlu. tant, to look at th« «lek
girl og«in, after th« !<»•• of her b««titlfu!
hair Tha «hang« in h«r gp|>aaran««
•truck tu« a« «¡ngular. Ilrr fa< « brforo
b«J • look of suffering an>! trouble, mak
Ing it almnat old. charming aa II waa.
go* «he bad th« ««pect of quit« a young
girl, acgrraly touching upon womsubuod
Wf aat up «rain together that ulght,
Tardif an i I
lie would not smoke, |.S
th« «<ent of th., tobacco should g*-l in
through the «'revieja of the door, atol !•••
wn (he girl a «'haue« of ah,rp. but hr h«i•!
bl« pipe l»etwrrtj hi« trwth. taking in Im
aginary puff now and thru. that be might
k«ep hlinaclf wide awak«
We t « ; » - ■ l 1
one another in whiaperu.
'Tell m« all you know
II« h«<! beri
«•Ila.’’ I «aid
it how led gr t>rfora. but hla
•pen at thl« moment. M<
mor« >p<u at midnight that
happened, in > • n»rquru*'», that I wa» the pounds reward la offered to any person
'There « not much tn t«ll, d<* tor." hr
otil; person who could talk or listen to giving auih information as will lead to
“ll«r nam« I« CMlitlrr, aa I het through the long anJ dreary hours.
livr restoration to her friends. Apply to
aald to you; but ab« do«*« not think ah«
Messrs. «Cott snd Brown, Gray's Inn
!• any kin to tha Olli vim of
Road, E. C."
Kh« i« poor, though ah« doog not look a«
I stood perfectly atill for some seconds,
My mother was lying on the sofa in tb»
If «he had been born poor, dm*« gbrT**
staring blankly at the very simple adver­
“»Not in th« l«a«t dogroo/* I ««id. “If breakfast i<"'in. with th» Venetian blinJ»
tisement under my eyes, There was not
•h« lg not g |«dy by birth, ah« ia onr of down to darketi the morning sunahiuo.
Her eyes w. re . I..»ed. though ah» l.»ld th» slightest doubt In my mind that It
th« first «[»wcltiwn« of Natur«*■ gmt’r
had a direct reference to niy pretty pa-
folk, ! ha«« «aor com« agrogg. lia« ah« In her hands th» prayer book, front which (lent In Hark. But I had no time for
written to any our alm*« «he ram« hrrrlf*
deliberation then, and I tore off a large
Not to a aoul/* h« itnwrrnl eagerly. for the day. Whilst I was looking St
corner of the Times containing that and
Hh« tol>| tn« ah« ha«1 no friends nearer
other advertisements, sn.l (bruit It uu
than Australia. That la a great way movement, ehs seemed to feel that 1 wua seen Into my pocket.
there; and after looking up »he started
off **
In the afternoon I went down with
* And «h» has had no letter«?** I gakod. from her »"fa, au.l flung her anna about
Julia and my mother to the new house.
' Nut (>n»," h» replied «Uh» haa nd th me, prr»aii>g < lo»»r and doser,
"Oh. Martin, uty boy. my darling!" ah» to see after the unpacking of furniture.
•r written tmr r»c»|v»<| a »ln«l» letter."
But how <i|.| you com» »ero»» ber?" I sobbed, "thank heaven you are come I can Imaglue circumstances in which
Hb» did not fall from the back »afe! oh. I have been very rebel- nothing could l-e more delightful than
I ought to have the care with which » man prepnrea a
•»le». I »appo»». |(„w was II »h» c.m» liou», very unlo-lleviug
to Uv. In thl. um af the world plate with kuown that you would be safe. Oh. 1 home for hla future wlf». The very tint
of the walls, and th» way the light falls
»on ?"
ant thankful!"
• Ho aiu I. mother." I »»bl, kissing her. In through the windows, would become
"p1 t*H you »II »boat It. Doctor M»r
"You hsv» cent» back like a barba­ matters of grave Ituportsn e, but there
Un. h» .«Id, »nd he related how h» hsd
rian." »he »al l, "tougher than Tardif was not the slightest flavor of thia senti­
‘“’J •" »-<«•»»■
¡«rdlf, ' I .aid, when h* had c.m himself. lL>w have you managed. iu> ment In our furnishing of the new house.
It was really more Julia's business than
riud»d th» recital, "I did not know what boy? Von must tell me all about it."
"As soon a» I have bad my brvakfnet, mine. I went about the place as if In
• X<xel fellow you w»re. though I ought
mother. I must put up a few thing» lu a some dream. The house commanded a
to bav» learned It hy this time."
■No." he answered, "It Is not In ms; hamper to go back by the Hark cutter," splendid view of the whole group of the
Channel Island«, and the rocky islets in­
t • s..in»thlng In h»r.
You feel some I *n»w»red.
numerable strewn about the »ea. The
thing of It yourself, dm-tor, or how could
"What sort of tl> ng»?” »he asked. "Tell
afternoon sun waa shining full upon
u?’ In * p<K’r ,,“1• b0UM >0t« ‘hl», me, and I will be getting them ready for
Sark, an-l whenever I looked through
think ng of nothing but her, and not ear you."
the win.low I could see the cliffs of the
>g »bout th» vresthsr kesplng you away
fron horn»? There wa» a curimi» thing course, ,
I «abl. “you caunot help mr in Havre Gosselin, purple In the distance,
with a silver thread of foam at their
- «6» had h„t ,njf |„„M, with her. not that. But you can And thing« auhablo
foot. No wonder that my thoughts wan­
J.”°’ ?"[ * h«« of any kind
Hhe never for a delicate appetite; Jelly, you know,
dered. an l the worda my mother and Ju­
tre.'. 7
* kn,w' ,or ,bl“ "'’"M h*’'* •nd Jami». «»‘I niarmalado; anything nice
troublsd h»r. It t, ,„y helisf that .h» that ronira to hand. And a few amuaing lia were «(-raking went In at one ear and
out at the other. Certainly I was dream­
run away."
ing; but which part was the dream?
"Books!" »choeil my mother
h"’* ruo ■" «F
"I don't believe he care« a straw about
I recollect».! at once that the books »he
Tardif?" i a.hmj
the carpets!" exclaimed Julia, In a dis
th.^îr? Mnoï'" h« «axwored. "but might »I-Icct. »• being sult»<Lto » H«rk
appointed tone.
bv h* r
FOU c»n »e» that nea»aut. would hardly prove iutercstiiig
"I do in deed, dear Julia,” I »aid.
nnt ',0 l"',,<’r
ha. re f" *
W,"*v»r or whatever ah» to my psllenl- 1
She hail set her inln-l upon having flow­
than go down to Barbet'» circulating li­
fr""' h,r
•" «h"e
ers in her drawing room carpet, and
t. and ber heart sorrowful
I brary and look out »om» good works
there they were, large garlands of bright-
•""’• nothing of her secret, but this I ,h"Well. no,” I »«Id; “never mind the
colored blossoms, very gay and, aa 1 ven­
awret' .W|it?/ *’ i” ,O<,J' ,n'1
tured to remark to myself, very gaudy.
waa fr I ’ Û"" ° "*r p,’"r ll“1* wlf» books. If >»'• w111 •<»*»« «“I >ho o'her
"You like It better than you did In the
arìàf /1,h" "h'’"1'1 d**' “ w111 b* " «r""‘ thing», those can wait.
"Whu^tre they f,,r7" ««'‘",l
mother pattern?” »lie asked anxiously.
’f. tï A'T."’
lf 1 '•°u,d
," I replied.
I did not like it one whit better, but 1
"For my patient,"
wllllugly "
Pla<!* Of h, r"- >’d do H
putlrnt, Marlin?"
Martin?" alto
slio should have been a brute If I had said
"What sort of a n patient,
so. She was gazing at it an-l me with so
.wl" "'rt d‘*
there. Tar- Inquired again.
"Her ntini» 1» Olllvlsr," I said. "A troubled an expression, that I felt it nec­
th.- Inn "" ' ' p,,,ll“n« to th» door sill of
com....... mime. Our postman's name is essary to set her mind at case.
"it Is certainly handsomer than the
tuU ».1 i* rr ’h* doof noiselessly » sig Olllvlsr."
pattern," 1 said, regarding it attentive­
and .o '’' "1’"" b’,w,en '»other Renouf
"Oh, ye«." •hr answered; "I know aev-
h»'l »I i»»t’ reif|°,n,L
P'",,'u‘ rral famlll»» of Ollivlers. I dare «ny I ly; "very much handsomer.”
“Julia, my love,” said my mother, "re­
b*r wi t
1,1,0 * Pfofoitiid »liini should know this person If you could tell
Juno, or member that we wish to show Martin
i " '* •*''•'»*<• llk»ly tu continua ms her Christian name. Is
1- It -2".
those patterns whilst it Is daylight. To­
■<»ma hours.
Martha, or Rachel?”
morrow Is Ntinday, you know."
I,,.}’1" ,“<>r"in* ’»■» morn than half gone
“1 don’t know, I sahl; I <lhl not ask.
A little tinge of color crept over Julia's
and can101 ler “•‘»o'*? opened tlio door
»or. hT
h,r o|d
looking me wonderfully; ami my mother, rather Unties» face. We then drew near to the
•7»» tù1' th"" •V,r' b,,‘ hrr little amase.l at my taking the aupsrintendsnev window, from which we could see Sark
^“ winkling with aatlafactlon
of It in person, stood by ma In her »tore so clearly, and Julia drew out of her
"AH go., weB," .he »shL
closet letting m» help rnysslf liberally. pocket a very large envelope, which was
"Your lit- There wa» a good apge. left after I ha<l
bursting with Its contents.
,„t’"Il* does not think of dying
taken siifib n nt to »apply Ml»» Olllvler
They were small scraps of white silk
for aowe week, to come and white satin. I took them mechanic­
rHred'Xi1."'*7 tO W*',h hoW Tardif re- with goo..........
news, for I WH Impatient If my mother had not been by I should ally Into my hand, and could uot help ad­
miring their pure, lustrous, glossy beau­
have filled It up »¡th books.
T?*' l to *™
,, w "
h * was
sss n
going on.
ty. I passed my fingers over them softly.
deh‘r'l‘k h,,T,n- ‘be fever was
"Give me a loaf or two of white bread.
gone, the
I said "the bread nt Tardif's is coarse There waa something In the sight of them
OOvnlnT l"1 11,1
nrK gray *y»'«-
The "
and hard, as I know after eating It for s that moved me, as if they were frag­
my fingers touched
ments of the shining garments of somo
rw<>re cell» end Intelligent,
""Whatever are you doing here, Mar­ vision, which in times gone by, when I
did nn»*? ”, .w‘'*k •• ■
but that
liatur i lroub,e
much. I was sure her tin?" exclaimed Julia'» uuwekome voice was much younger, hail now and then :
floated before my fancy. 1 did not know
«"‘"ral b»h|th w„ <1>O1t ,n,| ,u. would bebiud mo.
• ny on» lovely »nough tu wear raiment I
of glistening whit» Ilk» th«»«, unl»»»-
unl»»» — A passing glimpse of th» pur»
whit» faca, «01 glo»»y h»lr, »nd deep
of my Hark p»tl«ut Hashed
atro»» m».
"Th»y ar» pattarne for Julia's wed­
ding dress, said rny mother, In a low,
t«ud«r tou».
(To b» continuad.)
4 Compreheneive Review of the Important
Happenings ol the Put Week
Spanish ladar Is ths Mast Wood, but
Comes from ( uba.
"There are something like 14,OOQ.(jOO
cigar boxes used In the United States
annually, and about nine tenths of that
number are made in thia city, where
tba trade rivals the clothing Industry In
point of capital invested, slid the num­
ber of people employed," said a lead­
ing cigar box manufacturer In New
York to the writer. "The material out
of which the beat boxes are mudo
cornea principally from Cuba, and I»
known aa Hpanlah cedar. The recent
war with Kpaln shortened the •»¡»ply
and Increased the price of the article
to such an extent that many box mak­
ers have been compelled to use a cheap­
er and leas desirable grade of wood for
the purpose.
"One New York flrm baa been experi­
menting with timber from the unex­
plored Paraguayan forests, which are
said to contain the finest cedar wood
In tlie world They have, however, ex­
perienced considerable difficulty In sell­
ing their lioxes as cigar manufacturers
and counolaseura Insist that It spoil» a
fine cigar to put It In any box not made
of genuine Hpanlah cedar. The latter
wood alwaya retains the flavor of a
good cigar. Indeed, some people claim
that It Improves the flavor. The reason
given la that It grows In the same lo­
calities aa the tieat Havana tobacco.
"Attempts made to use cedar grown
In the United States for cigar boxes
have not been very successful. The
Florida and South American cedar con­
tains a peculiar gum that melt» when
the wood 1» exposed to the heat of a
»tore or house, and thus the labels and
sometime» the ctg»rs In a box are
•pollt. Of course, the smokers of cheap­
er brands of cigars are leas particular
about the quality of the wood used for
their boxes, and a veneered cedar,
made from a peculiar sort of cedar that
grows In Mexico. Is often substituted
for the Spanish article. But It cannot
tie done without the cigar dealer» find '
Ing It out. and the consequence Is that
even a good cigar when packed in such
a box sells at a disadvantage.—Wash
Ingtou Star.
Too Good to Ho Troe, Though a Sober
Mon To la It.
“Never bad such u »buck In my life.
I questioned for a few mluutes whether
I was In my right mind. I was sick,
and goo! and sick at that. I called up
ceentral, and was Informed In one of
the moat pleasant voices I ever beard
that they were busy ou the line of my
regular pbyalclan. Just ng 1 was go-
lug to cut loose on a string of profanity
»be »aid: 'You're sick, sir. I can tell
from your voice. I'll call physicians till
I get one. Meantime you'd better lie
"Hay, nothing but a dead faint would
liars removed nte from that telephone.
I lt»tened a» I heard her ring for one
doctor after another, always quick and
pointed In her Inquiries, but patient
ami not a lost note In that flute like
voice. I forgot that 1 wa» »lek, and I
waa sorry wheen she finally found a
physician whom she told to hurry to
"A little later she called up to know
If I needed a nurse. Of course I did.
Just because I wanted the pleasure of
hanging on to that receiver while she
routed up one number after another
until the desire,! article waa procured
It was great. When It came to getting
drug« »be was only one removed from
n magician. I ordered dainties that I
never cat. Just to hear her call for them,
for I pretended a degree of weakness
that would not permit of my standing
too long at the 'phone. The whole
thing was a startling revelation to me.
When I'm well the company Is going
to lose that girl or she'll refuse what a
good many mammas regard as a
Then one of the most desirable eli­
gible» In the town went to the telephone
and asked the time, though he had
three clocks and a chronometer, all on
duty.- Detroit Free Pre«».
A Queer Inscription.
In a (.undented
Likely to Prove of Interest to Our Many
The chainmakers are striking for
more pay.
Venezm-la Issue» an explanation of
the trouble.
A Cotton Belt train was robbed
near Texarkana.
The Japanese press is excited over
the Honolulu Incident.
Visible grain supply August 31st
shows general Increase.
Late developments were not favor-
able to the steel strikers.
Governor 8chroeder reports pros-
porous conditions In Guam.
Summary of crop conditions reports
generally favorable weather.
The United States offered to medi­
ate between Venezuela and Colombia.
The Caracas and Bogota govern­
ments replied to Secretary Hay's note.
English and Pittsburg syndicates
bet 3400,000 on the coming yacht race.
Men employed to take the strikers'
places at the 1-e Roi smelter walked
Boers threaten to shoot all British
soldiers captured I after September
Courts will be asked to set aside
the sale of a Skagit County, Wash-
ington, road to the Great Northern
Lone highwayman was captured
near Ashland.
Insurgents of Colombia have besieg­
ed Bocas Del Toro.
France requests the Turkish Ambas­
sador to leave Paris.
Oregon's Pan-American exhibit has
been of much benefit.
British bark Collessie wrecked on
west coast of South America.
Official trial race of Columbia and
Constitution was without result.
I.abor Day was quite generally ob­
served throughout the United States.
Philadelphia woman was arrested in
Ixmdon for the forgery of nearly $500,-
United States Consular agent re­
quests that a gunboat be sent to the
I scene.
Burdette Wolf, who murdered a girl
in Portland 10 years ago. Is in hiding
! in Peru.
The steel strikers were unable to
get the men. at the Duquesne mills to
walk out.
Roosevelt, in an address, said the
I cry against the men of wealth is not
Courts of Hawaii do not agree on
the question of the Constitution fol-
lowing the flag.
Francis, the Missouri murderer, is
still at large.
Frenchmen are excited over the com­
ing visit of the Czar.
Five American warships visited Brit­
ish ports simultaneously.
Steel strikers declare they have
caused the Duquesne to close.
Columbia defeated Constitution in
the first race of the final series.
Boers blew up a train and killed a
promising young British officer.
Venezulean and Colombian troops
are massed on the border near Cucuta.
A trust has been formed to control
the manufacture of laundry machin­
An Illinois aeronaut fell 400 feet
from his balloon and was alive when
picked up.
New York banks affected by Sub­
treasury operations and interior de-
rnand for money.
Powder mills at Krebs station, Pa.,
were destroyed by an explosion and
two men were killed.
Montana train wreck on the Great
Northern was the worst in the road's
history. Thirty-eight were killed.
Nearly 10.000 Venezuelans are mass­
ed on the Colombian frontier in readi­
ness to support the Colombian rovo-
Prince Chun’s mission will be hur-
ried to Berlin.
Shamrock had another
_____ _________
trial In New York bay.
A queer sentence closes the Inscrip
tlon on a tombstone In a churchyard in
Leigh. Englsnil. After announcing the
Kitchener reports another case of
name and other particulars of the lady Boers shooting prisoners.
there buried, theae words follow: “A
The Chinese are again dictating
virtuous woman la 5s to her husband.
The explanation Is that apace prevent­ terms In regard to the protocol.
Nine persons lost their lives by the
ed "a crown" being cut in full, and the
stonecutter argued that a crown equals explosion of a Delaware steamer.
Nebraska Republicans denounced
____ .
Governor Savage for paroling Bartley.
A Fellow-Feeling.
A Missouri negro murderer is being
Perambulating Pete Boss, 1 tint an
ordinary tramp. But every spring, pursued, and may be burned If caught.
'bout April, tuy wife Insists upon clean
Sante Fe line negotiating with Pa­
cific Mail for trans-Paciflc connec­
In' hou----
Mr. Boertim Place (Interrupting him tions.
sympathetically! My poor man! Don't
The list of witnesses to appear be­
say another word, llere'a a dollar!— fore the Schley court of inquiry Is
made public.
Brooklyn Engle.
Burns, of the Window Glass Work­
A Conservative Claim.
ers. has a plan for settlement of the
"I suppose you think you have the steel strike.
greatest climate In the country,” »aid
In Hong Kong there are only 400
the tourist.
"No," said the man who was suffering women, and in Hawaii 532 women, to
from a coki.
"'Ve don't claim the every 1000 men.
The number of retail liquor dealers
greatest In that line. But we do claim
the largest variety." Washington Star in the United States at the close of
last year was 206.000. The total vote
Cheap Enough.
of the prohibition party in the elec­
"Isn't It ridiculous to say ‘Talk Is tion of the same year was 209,000.
cheap?' ”
The bee and honey raisers of North
•■Oh. I don't know. I could take you Oermany are having a hard time. They
Io a place where you'd get dead loads of feel the competition of the artificial
It and a shave thrown In for 10 cents." honey fActorles very npich. The arti­
ficial product contains often no more
-Philadelphia Press.
than 10 per cent of natural honey.
m : ws of the state
Turkuh Ambassador waa Formally Requested
to Leave Pan«.
Paris, Sept. 5.—The result of Munir
Bey, the Turkish Ambassador, coming
to Paris In spite of the rupture of
Franco-Turkish relations, and holding
a fete In the open way, at the Turk
ish Embassy yesterday, in honor of
the anniversary of the Sultan's acces­
sion to the throne, has been that the
French government sent him the
same afternoon, a request to leave
France immediately, and Munir Bey
departed for Switzerland that evening
Advices received here from Turkey
indicate a disquieting internal situa­
tion. Disorders and militia uprisings
are reported In Armenia, Macedonia
and the neighborhood of Mecca. The
son of a high functionary was carried
off by brigands near Adrianople, who
fought a bloody engagement with the
troops sent against them.
A dispatch from Salonica says that
Nouri Bey, aid-de-camp of the Sultan,
who was sent to investigate the brig
andage in Albania, has been killed by
Albanians. It is also said that the
Turkish troops at Prisrend, Albania
and Lskub are rioting because they
have not been paid.
M. Constans, the French Ambassa
dor to Turkey, had another conference
with the French Minister, M. Delcas
se, today.
The Government of France is deter­
mined to compel Turkey to fulfill her
obligations. Unless the Sultan yields
shortly he will find the bill against
him increased by a number of other
outstanding claims of Frenchmen
which will add an appreciable >um to
that now demanded.
Chin«»« Prince and Hi« Entourage
Are Now
En Route to Berlin.
Basel. Switzerland, Sept. 5.—At 11
o'clock tonight Prince Chun and his
entourage left for Berlin by the Im
perial special train. Before starting
a number of the mission said Emper­
or William had decided to waive the
ceremony of kotowing, and that the
only persona to be received by him in
ceremonial audience would be Prince
Chun and Ying Chang. The member
of the mission in question said also
that the mission would remain in Ber
lln for a fortnight, and had received
and accepted invitations from the
British. Italian. American, Belgian
and Japanese Governments.
Commercial and Financial Happenings of Im­
A Brief Review of ths Growth
and Improvement« of the Many Industries
Throughout Our Thriving Commonwealth
— Latest Market Report.
Large deposits of mineral wax have
been discovered in Malheur County.
A pocket of 50 per cent pure gold
ore was uncovered In the Virtue mine
in Eastern Oregon.
Reports are current that numerous
Chinese pheasants are being slain un­
timely in the Willamette Valley.
Superintendent Ackerman holds that
Oregon voters have the right to say
whether more than eight grades shall
oe taught In the public schools.
A Pendleton bicycle thief got safely
away with a wheel, then became
frightened. Jumped off, abandoned his
booty on the street corner and ran
A chicken-raiding owl, measuring
five feet from tip to tip and with claws
as large as a man's hand, was killed
the other day in the mountains a bora
Webb street. Pendleton, Is to be Im
proved by crushing all boulders larger
'.han a number seven hat. that can be
found thereon. The street was dress­
ed with "gravel" some months ago and
has been impassible for teams ever
Another rich strike has been made
in the Copper Stain mine in the Mount
Reuben district near Grant's Pass.
Workmen, while drilling, noticed glis­
tening particles in the rock, which
proved to be gold. The extent of the
vein is not yet known, but the rock is
worth many thousands per ton.
From parties who have been fishing
n Bear Creek, it is learned that some
nscrupulous persons have again been
dynamiting fish in that stream. One
nan reports having seen any number
f dead trout along the banks where
he dynamiters failed to gather them
ip. He says he measured one such,
which was exactly 26 inches in length.
Hop picking has begun in several
Iregon yards.
German Public Satisfied.
Another contest has been filed in
Berlin, Sept. 5.—The fact that Count
ie Tillamook timber land case.
von Bulow has at last succeeded in
Cattlemen fired about 100 shots Into
surmounting the Chun difficulty has
created considerable satisfaction in x band of sheep in Eastern Oregon.
the public mind. Prince Chun will now
Important changes will be made
apologize without any humiliating for
•nong the traffic men of the O. R.
malitles. It is asserted that all the
N, Railway.
members of the government were as
Hop pickers are said to be very
to re- ■arce In many sections of the Wil-
vive the obsolete custon of kotow­ imette Valley.
ing. Count von Bulow has not return­
Richard Downey has been appoint-
ed to Nordeney to finish his interrupt
1 marshal of Vale, vice Robert
ed holiday. It is understood that the iraper, resigned.
newly appointed Chinese Minister to
Construction of the Lakeview-Silver
Germany, who is a member of the ex
ike telephone line will be begun
piatory mission, was most energetic
in opposing prostration, declaring that bout September 1st.
if he submitted to such a ceremony he
A band of counterfeiter’s captured
would forfeit the right to be treated it Huntington had one of the most
as an equal of the other members of omplete outfits ever found.
the diplomatic corps.
A branch of the Sons of St. George
GERMANY AS A PEACEMAKER ..as been organized by the Britlsh-
Lmerican citizens of Marshfield.
A dead infant was found in a mill­
Will Advi«e ths Sultan to Settle With France
ace at Salem, but the presence was
at Once.
(plained satisfactorily to the cor­
Constantinople, Sept. 5.—M. Bapst. ner.
councillor of the French Embassy, and
W. S. Walker's threshing crew run
the other members of the Embassy's
ve days on spring grain and aver­
staff took the guardship Vauteur on ted 2500 bushels. The largest run
an excursion up the Sea of Marmosa
a- one day was 3100 bushels. That
in order to avoid dressing the vessel s something big. and Mr. Walker
as the other ships in the harbor were
ould like to hear of the thresher
dressed, in recognition of the anniver­ hat equals it.
sary of the Sultan's accession to the
throne, which was celebrated yester­
Portland Markets.
day. The members of the Embassy
did not participate in the congratula
Wheat — Walla Walla, nominal
tlons of the diplomatic corps nor was d>t,c per bushel; bluestem, 56)g(3
the Embassy illuminated.
7c; valley, 554,(356.
Turkish officials received only 40 to
Flour—best grades, $2.65(33.50 per
60 per cent of their salaries on the
trrel; graham, >2.60.
anniversary of the Sultan's accession
Oats—Old, 11.10(31.15 percental.
The report that the Sultan has ap
Barley—Feed, $15@ 15.50; brewing,
pealed to Germany to use her good
15.50 per ton.
offices to settle the dispute with
Millstuff»—Bran, $27 per ton; mid-
France is confirmed. Germany, it is
understood, will advise the Porte to
;ugs, $21.50; shorts. $20; chop, $16.
settle with France as soon as possible
Huy—Timothy, $11(313; clover,
<39.50; Oregon wild hay, $5(36 per
Butter—Fancy creamery,2225c;
iry. 18@20c; store, 11(312c per
Northport Smeltermen's Union Repliea to the
Injun, t on.
Eggs—17(317 tj'c per dozen.
Cheese—Full cream, twins, ll<a*
charges are made in the reply of the
ll,c; Young America, 12,'¿c per*
Northport Smeltermen's Union to the
ou nd.
injunction suit and restraining order
Poultry—Chickens, mixed, $3.00(33
forbidding Interference with the smelt­
75; hens, $4.50(35.50; dressed, 10(3
er employes. The union charges that
a majority of the stock in the smelter lie per pound; springs, $2.50(33.5<it
company is owned by subjects of King ; ter dozen; ducks, $3 for old ; $3 0(a-
Edward, who have no right to own ■3.50 for young; geese, $5(36 pe$,
lands in this state. Charges are also dozen ; turkeys, live, 8(310c; dresaedc-
preferred against Bela Kadlsh. super­ 10(812*^0 [ter pound.
intendent of the smelter, who is ac­
Mutton — Lambs, St^c.
cused of offering a bribe of $2000 to dressed, 6(37c per pound; sheepbd
an officer of the union to break It up. $3.25, gross ; dressed, 6<36}<c per lk in
The union men state to the court that
Hogs — Gross, heavy, $5.75(3tor-
they "only claim the right to go to light, $4.75(35; dressed, 7@7Jgc pro­
whomsoever is willing to hear them,
and tell the exact facts and to per­ pound.
Veal — Small. 8(39c;
suade persons by peaceable means."
(37^c per pound.
Beef—Gross top steers, $3.f
Gift of Carnegie to Brave Miner«.
London. Sept. 5.—Andrew Carnegie •ows and heifers, $3.25(33.50
has given £100 each to Sheddon, Law, <eef, 6Lj(37tic per pound.
Hops—12(314c per pound.
Jones and Dick, four miners, who
Wool—Valley, 11(313Nic; Eaatqte.
displayed conspicuous bravery in the
rescue of their comrades at the time 'regon, 8@ 12,L$c; mohair, 20(321c
of the recelnt Doinbristle (Perthshire! ,'ound.
colliery disaster.
Potatoes—$1(3$1.10 per sack.
Examinatlon of Surgeons.
Washington, Sept. 5.—The examina­
tion of applicants for appointments as
assistant surgeons In the Arniv has
been resumed In Washington and Sail
Francisco. Seventy-six vacancies in
the Medical Department still remain
to be filled, and as It is desired bv
the military authorities that the de­
partment be filled to its full legal limit
as early as possible, all eligible appll
cants will be afforded opportunity foi
examination, and those found qualified
will be commissioned at an early date.
Brazil produces 350,000 tons of p
fee out of the world’s yearly crof
00,000 tons.
The population of the United Kdeath
, lom passed that of Franco for
* "fie in-
I rat time In 1892.
te sta-
Holland has 10.100 windmills, A
i mc «
>f which drains 310 acres of Ian«.
t. This
in average cost of 25 cents an a<se the
Id Bue.
Italy and Spain have fewer b<
In proportion to population than
other country. The Argentine R
lie has most.