Scrofula Few ar* entirely tree from It. It may develop so slowly as to cause Bttls If any disturbance during U m whole period of childhood. Il may then produce Irregularity ot tbs stomach and bowel*, dyspepsia, catarrh, and marked tendency to consumption before manifesting Itself In much cutaneous eruption or glandular swelling. It Is best to be sure that you are quits free from It. and fbr Ita complsta eradica­ tion you can rely on Hood’s Sarsaparilla, Th* best of all medicine* for all humors. Bsndkxpped by Srisncs. “I understand that he has long been a student of political economy,” said the visitor. “He has,” said Senator Glucose, and his economy in politics has kept him out of office. lie think* lie can be elected without spending a cent.” Our Nation's W,allh. Gold and silver are poured abundantly into tbs lap of Hie nation, but our material wealth amt «trvngih 1* rather in iron, the most useful of all metals, just as the wealth of a human being lie* in a useful stomach. Ifyou have overworked vours until it is disabled, try Hostetter’s Stom­ ach Bitters. It will'relieve ttie clogged bowels. Improve the apatite and cure constipation, dyspepsia, bilousness, liver and kidney disease. This signature is on svory box ot tbs gswnin Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tsbius Easier Job. Mrs Cobwigger— Poor thing, tried to reform her husband failed. Destructive««***. Mrs. Dorcas—What Phrenologist—Your bump of de­ to do now? structiveness is very large. Are you Mrs. Cobwiggre — To reform the a soldier or a pugilist. world. Subject—Neither. I’m a furniture mover. Will B* Well Doe*. Cuticus—What are you farmers preparing to do this year? Haycede (absent-mindedly)—Sum­ mer boarders, as usual. A Suburbanite. Mr. Isolate (of Lonelyville, on evening train, embarrassed)—You may noticu that nearly every suburb­ anite is bringing out either a new cook or waitress with him? Mr. Brooklyn Borough (his guest, critically)—You might call this a “Cook’s personally conducted excur­ sion." Heredity. Irate Parent—I begin 40 see that I’ve got a fool for a son! Philosophical Offspring—Ah, my dear dad, what a wonderful thing is heredity. Drawing Card. "OPERATIVE WORDS ' IN LAW* TH« "BUSINESS DOCTOR •implored br th. Ia>«e Department Htore, In New York» A unique calllug has develop«*«! Itself lu this city. It may be died that of the busiueas doctor. Tho bualueaa doc­ tor I* a man who goes to bilalues* bouses aud is allowed to exauilue thor­ oughly the whole working of the "ma chine.” He finds out. fur example, how the letter» are opened aud distributed bow order» are executed, bow mauy people are employed, wliat 1» the exact nature of the work they do. wliat are the wagee they are receiving, aud so on. in the ease of a large concern be may need a week to get a full p<>asos aion of the facts, aud be charges at least $y mutual content. If oue of the vou rfli lug parties demur, aud back* out a .u for damage* Is opeu to tbo other. "lu auetlou sale, the property put up ls anybody’, until th. auctloneor «1« •sou»’ or sold’ aud th. hammer drop* No mattar bow th. .ale la regrette«!. or how much the parile, would Ute» to re­ tract it. It .land, ami tbs court win sustain It. . “In a will they are five, detlsfl and bequeath' Real property I. devlaed aud persoual property be.iusathsd "In a not. the borrow.r mu.t prom lae' to pay. and In a bond U» mu.t 'bind' himself. “lu some States In a dsed certain words .re necessary to eouv.y real ro­ tate. Tho court, bav. held geu.rally, however, that the word grant will car­ ry a good title. In New York, for In • lance, tho operati», word, conatltute quit* a formula, and are grant bar­ gain. sell. a..ign. transfer, «et over and convey.' That’s the old form Now the words grsut and release’ aro .urti- cleat. "In a lease the word let' mu*t tw used They hare an odd formula In New York, used for centurie», proba bly. const.ting of grant' demi.» »nd to farm let.' and It applies to all k'uds of property. In a quitclaim deed tbo word 'quitclaim' mu.t be uaed - Washington Bias A HareMtio lawyer. ÄVrßrtabk Preparation for As similntini lhe Food and Hctfula Ung the Stmonchs and Bowls cf Promotes Digestioni’hrerful new anil Rest Contain* neither Odum.Morphine nor Mutera! N' ut N ahcotic . Aperteci Remedy forConMipa lion. Sour Sluai., P. 0. drawer 17, Portland, Or. S Fac Sunite Signatur* of A Dream Dispelled. "It Is said that lobsters will tie ex­ tinct In 25 yearn,” remarked inland. “Oh, well,” replied Malket, who Is very fond of lobster, “let us not worry alxiut It. Let us look on the bright side. We may all die before that time.”— I’lttsburg Chronicle Telegraph. Catalogua I urni.hsd Upon Application. All Kinds Carried in Stock Summtr Xetolullont iîiV Kooloy Cure •ur» teltof fiom llauor, »pinta an ) lor ptriieuiM« to K m M lntltit», ""V..** *‘.,.ol CASTORIA Ths late Henry W. Payne, of tbs Massachusetts bar. was ones defend­ ing a charity case, tn which a boy of 13 was charged with arson. Ils mads * strong css* to prove the defendant an idiot. After a charge from the Judge, which was practically an order for ac­ quittal. ths Jury brought In a verdict of guilty. The Judge asked Payne If he would move for a new trial. "I thank you for your suggestion." was tbs an­ swer. "but I am oppressed with ths gravest doubts whether I bars tbs right to move for a new trial. Your honor, I have already asked for aud received for my Idiot client the moat precious heritage of our English and American common law—a trial by a Jury of bls peers." Payne bad an old quarrel with the Supreme Court, and never lost an op portunity of showing his contempt for that body. Once, riding from Boston to Cambridge with a load of law books, he was accosted by a young Harvard Had Fun with the Parson. man with the remark: "You bars A clerical friend of mine told me a quite a load. Mr. Payne. law books. 1 capital story of a Yale man who wax suppose?” “Oh, no.” was the answer, the stroke oar of bit crew aud the chief "only Supreme Court report».”—New York Tribune. athlete on the football field. He entered the ministry and spent years tn missionary labor In the Far West. Walking oue day through a frontier town, a cowboy stepped up to him and said: "Parson, you don't have enough fun. Take a drink!” Ths minister declined. "Well,” be said, "parson, you must have some fun. Here's a faro layout bright Take a hand In the game.” Tbs minister declined. “Parson,” said the cowboy, “you’ll Thers's a bfil tb.t's high »sd sloplng. die If you don't have some fun.” In th. eountry. far away, And be knocked the parson's hat off bls bead and bit him a whack on the Where a bey wbo wasn’t bundlsd Fit te amothsr u.ed to stray; ear. Witte tb. »wiftnes* of tb* llgbtnlng The old athletic spirit rose; the Down tb» (Isaming kill b. spsd. science which had been learned In the And no sähe* ever grat«* college gymnasium and forgotten for a 'Neath bis quarter of a century was aroused, a teom. blow landed on the Jaw of that cow­ stad* boy that sent him sprawling in the street The parson walked over him as If he bad been a door rug, picked him up and dusted the side of the house with him and then mopped up the sidewalk with bls form. As the ambulance was carrying the cowboy off be raised his head feebly and said: “Parson, what did you fool me for? You are chock full of fun."—New York Times. The woman was standing In the door way, shading her eyes with her hand. She called across the garden: "You, Innocence Williams. Come In. honey, outen that hot sun. You’ll burn yer little cheeks as brown ez a berry. Come In, Innocence!" One would have expected to see a falry-llke creature rise, as from the heart of a flower, and drift dreamily over the violet beds. But Instead, a gaunt, tall figure, with face browned and bonneted, shambled toward the house, dragging a dead rattlesnake by its rattles. It was Innocence Williams. "Thar, mammy!” she explained, tossing the snake over the palings. "That make« ten I've kilt sence the fust o' June!”— Atlanta Constitution. Wholesale Boots & Shoes ALL DRUGGISTS The Kind You lints Always Bought, and which has be« la us* fbr over 30 years, ha* bo rue the signature of ,-¿7 — »nd has been made under his per- , »oliai supervision since Ita infancy. /rL/.'.Xj'L. Allow no one tothlii(j Nyrupa. It la lT«-aaaiiU It runtaln* neither Opium, Morphine* nor other Nor cot io aubatMoe«*. Ila a«r la It« ifiuiruiitre. It dcatroya Wort«* anti allay* Feveriahnesuk II rurca Dlnrrlnrit uml Wind Colic. It relievo* Toethln* Trouble*, eurea Coiiatipiilioa utxl Flatulency. It uaaiinllatra th«* Food, remittal«'»« tho fitoniuch and Howels, Riving healthy and nnturui sleep. Tho Children'* I'auacoa—Tbo Mother's Friend. CKNUIN* CASTORIA Boar» tho Signaturo of ALWAY8 __