I KLAMATH VOL. VI. KLAMATII REPUBLICAN FALIX, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, «IULÌ I NEWS OF TH ESTATE CIIAPTEIt XVII .... . than an hour there had hern ■aboikeu all'U«» •» dlB»y old law affi.«- <«r 'Ir " «rth.uslon. where Henry I laruln an«l William »• » 1er »till re iaalaer an,| (ituior partner of th» firm. au«l the other »• • .t.l'lent »till. f««r be limi U«»t nt «lai.'l I" "ffer himself for eaamlBa- ti..B Stilb • .!• B..iuelhlu« whl. h lleury partlrulsrb «Itellkr.l. bu «I aa hie mother had Ir.1.1>.-I him With the I'leB that labor far him wholly iinne«-re»ary, lie bad ne,,,r I....... .. B th«instil on the future, ur ais.le »•' « »eril«.n <«f buz bled. Now, boweter. « «liff'-rent phase of affaira waa appear ns Hl. father'» fortune was lbreat.li -I "Hit rulli; bik I be eat In the uffi.«- with lit» h «I. up««n the wlBdo* sill, (Irhatms the all Important question obether II «ere holler to marry Ella t'.uipl«e!l for the m. m-y which would agre him from poverty, or to rouse him >rlt to •< t> i< for the sake of Mary How­ ard. «h.«m he really fam-ini bo loved. Frequenti): aim-e the party h».I ho met ber. e» b tini«- becoming more an«l m«>re reurin.-r'l of h«*r ■upvrlurlty over tbo otb- er jonnx la-l I ■• of ber acquaintance. lie waa anJouht « lly greatly aaalateJ In this gmrIUon by th n.anuer with wbior. »ml *twoald he a «teured ecrape for you ab«I me to fight about 'your sinter.' aa you rail b»r for *<»• »br who bit« m«*. ur ktA'Ir « fool of in«*, otlt* or thi *'Yuu’r« n aa you pira** I rather wl«b you ireuM,“ th«*u taking hia bat be left the efllcr. whil« Henry continued bla •olilo- quy •• follow«: ”1 wonder nh«( the old folk« would •ay to a petitille«* bride WmiIdo’t moth •r «nd !<••*«* ral*«* a row? I'd soon quirt the »Id woman, though, by tbreatdUng Io trU that «br waa «»ore a factory girl. But If dui «maabea up I’ll have fo work, fur 1 haven't bralna rimugh to earn my llvltu by wit I guraa on the whole 1*11 go aud rail ou Kila; «be'* ba nd »«»Hie, mi»| braid re that ha* the rhigo, too; but bow ahgliow!** and thr young man broke the blade of hi« knifr «« hr «tuck It Into the hardwood tabi« by way of i-tnphaaluu* bis last Words. Kila chanced to I h * out. an.l as Henry wa« returning _ ho overtook _ Ida Meld, n sn«l Mary Howard, who were tsklns thelr «reiistoinr«! walk Him-r ber eonvrr Mtlos wlth Wllllaru a welght »evnieil llft«*<| fr.un Mary'a spirita, an«l »he u««w »»« happier far tban «he ever remv-m borei of liavlug !x-en liefore Mary miil.l nut fin i lt la brr hrart lo ba un cuurtroua t«> Henry, and brr mannrr lo- • ar«l limi that inortilng waa ao klu i ami affatilo that lt complrtely upsrt hlm; sud »hrn ho partasi wlth hrr at Mr. Helden's gate bis unni wa» qiiltr made tip to offri h.-r hi» hrart ami haml. "I «hall bave to work.” thought hr, bui for her aake |'|| ,|<, anythlng " An liour latrr hr aat down ami wrsitr ,0 Mary ou paper what ho «/«uld n»t trll ber fac» to fare. Ilad Birre l»-rn • lingrrlng doubt of h«-r acreplanre, he »«oli undoubtedly havr wastnl at Ira»! a dot. n ,fa(.,.t, ,,f t|„. tlltJr (| ||(| P’-r, but ss lt wn, 1(l),, WI1U|,| »uni,',., for ahr woiilil not acrutlnlne Iti» hmidwritlug --ab«« wouhi not conni thè biola, or utnrk thè «nua.lon ,,f pum-tuatlng pause». An • r lrnt «lei-larntloB of love ss« written •*«l'-il and dlreeted. R««atleaa and unqulet, hr aat down to •»alt bla answer. lt carne at laat hi» JectloB, yet coti« hr«l In laugungr ao klnd »»«I con. Illntory that ho eoul.l not fori , throe tlinea hr ren.l lt •' . hoplng to timi aome Ini Ima timi that poaslbly »In« ntight reietti; but no. lt waa finn an«| ,|..< ld<'.l, ami whlle ahr thanke.l ami n.r ili,, honor hr eonf.-rre«! npon Iter, '■ re»i«i i ttnlly decllnrd acerptlug II, a» In Vini* te111 'b** ,l1" *r<’r‘‘* •hould he kepi tl, ’''.’T"? comfort In that," i ' Kht he 'f„r | wouldn't llke to bave ■ kniiwti th.,t I havr la«.«« refe»«....... .. . ile i'n '""W" Klrl«" nnd then.na thè con tubi ' t 'Ih‘ ln*'* *’*" "l’oB »he costlv 1 k '| w,‘"" a toy tou ru,l„ '•''••«'«•e to ha truated In ita nini fi'nap, dJ/r.,!';'** ,h',r" w«" " knock nt thè nf In. ,'!,"lll’r wlplng away all tra.ea rr wt/'T” "'•"'■y "•'"""’•■I kla fath- l.r'o.,, ",lk of ‘•"'•r Alture hi I a re. " hi- ' ’• Hut h’1 mlght huve born whl. h .i. 1 " "lljf *1’’ ■ll,l,'|l »he rxti-nt to timidi "’y Wor" *»'">l»'''l. aihllng that ve«i* r""* »»'«•>« '-e prò- •a»t- ».1 ‘ m*' 11 wou|d come at Li, ó i. 1 ll,t honorabla payment of "hi" wouhi trave them beggara. wret.'h 1 do not care,” aald Ih* ti'un.i " l,r''"»,''K hard hia nchlng wi . m **'* '•«<1 thlek- tniseiz * f,-w *,iort »cka. "For nn.t i ,,' ” nnt *’nr'’« •”»♦ *»r nty wifr mnat m T for ........ • mas her acruatonind comfort», la arcneat pnng of all," | | | ' ■ Al! Ibl« Him lb ury iutd not gpok<*n, but thought w'nt* l»u*||y at work. Hu could not 1», atir hiiuB. lf, hr ba rnrrgy for that now. but h> <>nli| marry EIU p- bril, who««» wt tihh would k«H»p bhn )u th«’ position he now (M't*upir tiry atartr«! for Mrs. f anipbril • Lights wrrs burning Mi the psrlor, anl a* thr curtains wen* drawn back hr could ero through thr partially <»l»rn»-.| abutter (hat Ella waa alone. Itw «lining in a large sofa chair, she sat, leaning up n her elbow, thr soft curls of brr brown hair falling ovrr brr wrblle arm, which th« full blue rashtnero sleeve rip.mr.l to view. Mbs scented deeply «htfAg«h| in thought, g>»| never before hud •hr luokrai * iuy little pre la ah«Ba," aald hr. conimx for» .«rd. ■■>la lip» tie- >Ll«•». lirfora I fairly got the word» out; but nioury covrreth a multitude uf aln* I bag your pardon, man'am," aai>! ho quickly, ■» hr l»e« amo cuu » c I oub of having rudely joalled a young lady, who waa turning thr «-orner. luwklng tip. hr met .Mary Howard » larg» dark eyre fitml rather Inquiringly upon him Hbr waa aci-ompauied by oBe of Mr. ffalih-u'a »rrvanta. and ba felt ■iirr »bo »•< g"lng to vtail her alate«. Of coureu, Ella »«mid trll brr all. and what mu.t Mary think of ouo who could ao noon repeat hl. vowa of love to another? In all the world there waa not an Indi­ vidual for ubiMe good ««pinion Henry Un <->>!u < ar«-d . n«- halt ao much aa for Mary Ifuward'a; and the thought that ha should now aur«-ly l««»e It mnd«l«-ni-d him. Thr rvaolutlmi of th«« morning waa for­ gotten. and that night a f«>nm- ray of sunshine which even her buoy­ ant spirits could gather from the our rounding gloom Iler only slater was slowly but surely dying, and when Jenny thought of this she felt that If Rose could only live abv'd try ami l>ear th«« rest; trv to forget how much she loved Wllllniu (tender. who that morning hail honorably ami manfully asked her of her parents, ami ta-cu spurn«'«! with contempt not by her father, for couhl he have followed the dictates of his better Judgment lie would wllliqgly have given his «laughter to the t are of one who he knew wool I carefully ablel«! her from the storms nt life. It was not In-, but the cold, proml mother, who ao h.iughtlly refused Wil Ham's request, accusing him of ta'.lng underhand means to win her daughter's affections. "I ha«l rather see you «lend!" sal«l the atony hcaried woman, when Jenny knelt nt ber feet ami pleaded for her to take back tho wunla she hnd spoken. "1 hail rather see you dead than marrloil to such as he. I mean what I have auid, and you will «ever be his." Jenny knew William too well to think he wouhl ever sanction alt act of disolie- diem-u to her mother, and her heart grew faint ami her eyes grew dim with tears, a.s she thought of conquering tho love wblcb had grown with her growth ami strengthened with her strength. There was another reason, too, why Jenny should weep as »he »at alum- in her room. From her father she had heard of all that win to happen. The luxuries to which ail her life ah«« ha.I been nceustoined were (o I..' h< r- BO long. r. TIi.- pleaaeB...... Bl try house In Chicopee, dearer rar than her city home, niuat be sold, mil no­ where lit th«' i> wide world wits was them there a placo place for them to rest. Mr. Lincoln entered hh daughter'» ro'ini, an.I bending affectionately over her ronin, pillow aal.l, "Ilow 1» my darling to-day?" "Better, better almost well," return«'«’ 111 " f,'w ilnja, nail then you'll buy lite on«« of those elegant plsi'l *Uk»« T'”,? AI1 ,l"* girls are wearing them, and I haven't had n new dress this winter, and here ’tl» almost Mnreli." Oh! how the father longed to tell his dying ehll'l that her next dress wouhl be n ahroild. Bui •><'<'0111'1 not- ,,e " ,0° milch II man of the world to speak to her of death; so without answering her ques­ tion he »«III: "Ifo"*« do you think you are able to be moved into the country ?" «’What, to Chicopee? that horrtd, dull placet I thouxbt we w.-ro not going ttu-s* THE QUELPART UPRISING. COMPLIED WITH DEMANDS. tills summer?" "No, Uut tu Chicopee, but iu your grand Shin, Suipend» F.uminatiuni tor Period ot M May Lead to Foreign fnUrvantlos—Maaar». ma llowlsuil's In Gleuwoael. The physl clan thinks you will Iw more quiet there, Conger and RockhHI Congratulated. Five Year». TEM3 OF INTEREST FROM ALL F HOM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF sud the pure air will du you good." Washington, July 18.—-Full mail New York, July 17. — A dispatch Ito,« looked esrueatly lu her father’s PARTS OF OREGON. THE WORLD from Washington to the Heral«! any,: face to ••••« If be meant what he said, and reports that reach Washington re- China has formally oompBeel with then replied: "I'd rather go anywhere in 1 apecting the recent uprising on the the worl.l than tu Glenwood. You've no ;he demands of the powers that she Corean island of Quelpart say that it Comprehensive Review of the Importent A Idea how I hate tu stay there Grandma “suapend for five year, all official ex- Commercisi and Financial tfappaningi of Im- is not improbable that the appearance la su queer ami the things In the house ■«> Happenings of the Past Week Presented »ruinations in all the cities where portane« A Brief Review of the Growth on the scene of the trouble of two fussy sml «-ountryhed ami cooks by a foreigner« have been maMacred or and Improvement! of the Many Industries In a Condensed Form Whxh Is Most fireplace, ami washea In a tin basin, ami French gunboats and one Japanese ! have been subject to cruel treat­ wipes on a crash towel that haugs on a Likely to Prove of Interest Io Our Many ment,” but she has done it in such a Throughout Our Thriving Commonwealth warship may lead to foreign interven­ roller!" tion. If the islanders persist in their way aa to rob the suatienaion of the Redden. — Latest Market Report .Mr. Lincoln coulil hardly repress a rebellious attitude it will be dfficult punitive character desired by the smile at lloae's reasonlug, but perceiving for the Corean government to put it foreign governments. The emperor that he must bo decided, he said: "We A »evere drought is being felt in down without foreign asistance. The Count Tolstoi is seriously ill. has issued an edict suspending the think it best for you to go, and shall ac- the Silver luike country. French minister at Seoul reports that coralliigly make arrangements to take you The financial affairs of Porto Rico examinations not only in the guilty Numeroua bears have been seen in the employment of native Catholics districts, but throughout the entire In the course of a wm-k or two. Your are in gotsl condition. to collect exhorbitant taxes caused mother will stay with you, ami Jinny, country for a period of five years. tbs- Iwrry patches of Coo« county. A woman shot at the French min- Instead of announcing that this is the the natives to persecute their breth­ too, will be there a part of the time;" Hs;uirrels are bothering the wheat then, not wishing to witness the effect of istcr of Public Instruction. result of the ill treatment of foreign­ growers in some part of Polk county. ren. It is now apparent from reports his words, he hastily left the room, paus­ Porto Rico will have free trade with ers, the edict explains that thart- ing In the hall to wipe away the tears the I nited States after July 25. |>eror desirrw to give the students in lime to keep smut off their wheat, ment from China that it was solely which Involuntarily came to Ills eyes ae One man held up two stages in every province an opportunity for an and with g«K>d effect. he overheard Rose angrily wonder "why due to the moderation and humanity entirely new and modern system of she should lie turned out of doors when California and secured about $400. The Eugene Lumber Co. hu a exercised by the United States repre­ examination. •he wasn't able to alt up!" The United States pension rolls in- The United States lias not agreed drive of 1,w«-r» should retire from on the W. A ('. R. Railroad, near the Chinese officials suposed to have from playing in coal oil. been connected with the Boxer out­ ter, telling her how stroug ami well the , China as promptly as (KMisible. While Iliree norlbcrn Montana cowboys, China has in the matter of examina­ Fulton station. bracing air of the country would make rages, whose capital punishment was her. and how refreshing, when her fever who turned horsethieves, were lynch­ GraMhoppent are reported to be demanded by the foreign ministers, tions turned a difficulty, it is pointed was on, would be tbs clear, odd water ed l>y an organized posse. »warming the hills and valleys south have been proved to be entirely in­ out that the others terms demanded which gusbe«l from the spring near the Herious damage to nocent of the charges made against A mob attacked n train at a small are exceedingly rigorous, and it will of Pilot Rock. thorns pole tree, where lu childhood they them. In many other eases proof has growing crops is antipipated. so oft had played. 'I'heu she s;>oka of station in Mexico, killing seven pas­ l«e difficult for the imjierial govern­ No cause is known. ment to comply with them and at the The English pat ridges recently in­ been adduced that the offenses with the miniature waterfall, which not far sengers which the . Chinese officials were front her grandmothers door uia«le Han Francisco is to be made the •ante time preserve its prestige at troduced into Linn county are doing charged were not nearly so grave as “fairy Ilka music" all the day long, ami strike center of the United Stat«» so home. well. Three broods of young ones at last, as if soothed by the souml of that far as the iron workers are concerned. have lieen seen near the foot of Knox was supposed at first by the foreign It is re­ far off water. Rose forgot her trouble, butte, within a few miles of where representatives in Pekin. TEXA8 DROUGHT BROKEN. The sheriff's |M«sae in search of the garded here by officials as a matter ami sank into a sweet, refreshlug slum­ they were liberated. Montana bandits have acknowledged for congratulation that Messrs. Con­ ber. Heavy Rainfall and High Wind at Dennuon Valley farmers report an abundant ger and Rockhill moved with deliber­ in a few days preparations were <-om- themselves defeated and have aban­ - Stone CauM> little Damage. crop of Chinese pheasants this season. mrnn'd for moving itoae to Glenwood, doned the chase. ation and acted as a restraining influ­ and in the excitement of getting ready Dennison, Tex., July 17.—The There were many old ones which ence in the matter of punishment, for A former student at Annapolis has she In a measure forgot the tsllow cau­ worst drought ever exjierienced in es«ca|M-d the hunter last fall and this not only were these lives saved, but, dle, and patchwork bedquilt, the thoughts been committed to an insane asylum. this section was broken this afternoon spring lieing favorable there are more under their influence, the whole list It is claimed the ma«lnses was brought of wblcb bad ao much shocked her al of capital punishments was reduced by a terrific rainfall of over two hours’ young pheasants than usual. on by being hazed. first. duration, the volume of rain being Mount Angel college is developing from 10 to four, and mitigation of "Put In my embroidered merino morn­ Bank burglars in an Ohio village other offenses was obtained. The a model dairy. ing gown." said she to Jenny, who was held the entire jxipulation at bay almoet equal to a cloudburst. packing her trunk, “and the blur cash­ while they blew o|a«n the strong box. storm was acc«>mpanieecomming perished. disappearing to confirm the report, he ran swiftly bagk discouraged at the war's lack of the superintendent of the estate and bunch grass, It seems to flourish on ¡ robbery, in other words, the full jour­ aliout 25 coolies. Many coffee es­ hard dry soils with a minimum of ney from Dawson to «Seattle. The to hia employer, who muttered, "Just as progress. tates in the neighborhood were de­ moisture. 1 expected. I'll draw on him for what rate on individual shipments last year Famine threatens a large part of the stroyed. The country around was I lent him. su I that'll tell the-story. My was % of 1 per cent higher than this «laughter» can't afford to wear such Russian empire, not a drop of rain strewn with corpses. year. Portland Markets. having fallen in the eastern provinces things, and I'm not going tu furniah Many protests are being made be­ News has just been brought from Wheat—Walla Walla, export value, the mouth of the Hootalinqua river money for hia." for a month. Cro|ia are already be­ cause the Russian authorities at Port Of all this Rose did not dream, for in yond hope. Arthur are opening all letters to and 55c per bushel; blueetem, 57c; by steamer that a placCr strike has her estimation there was no eml to her from the American and European valley, nominal. been made on Ijtke creek, tributary The steel workers ’ strike is now on. father's wealth, ami the possibility of bis Flour—best grades. $2.9003.40 per to latke Teslin, the source of the residents there. Nothing is (icrmitted Two attempts were made to burn failing had never entered her mind. barrel; grahant, $2 60. to be sent out that contains any allu­ Hootalinqua. No particulars have (To be continued.! Aberdeen, Wash. Oats—White, $1.32^01.35; gray, rutilthmrnl I'ost poue I. Fattier (sternly!— Now. sir, come with me. I'll teach you to tell the truth, and ■ - Wlllle- Pn. ilo you iilwnya tall the trutb? Father- I ilo. Willie—Well, pa. the other day you said "the child Is father to the man." 8up|>ose you hand that strap over to your father, now Philadelphia North American. A Kense of r'ecuritv. "Doesn’t It worry yon to have your lm»bnml upend so much time In the cor tier store talking politics?" "No," aald the woman with the weary look In her eyes. "I know that when lie Is talking politics, he Isn't letting anylmdy sell him luid mining stocks or gobi bricks, or gremt goods. It kec|>s Ills mlntl occupied, ami perhaps It Io iH'tter so."- Washington Star. Worsts . law .............. i . lose - Its - grip , on inc right dere. As soon ns I heard de Judge say 'Imprisonment wit’ hard la- bor' I'd drop dead." Washington Star. No Lack of Mnneota. "No," candidly admitted Noah, "the ark Is not exactly a llerreahoff fin-keel, I didn't know anything about nlumln- uni when I planked her top sides, and her canvas Is not cross cut, nor does she carry a spinnaker. "But." lie added, complacently, "we are right In It when It comes to tuns- cots!"—Brooklyn Engle. Rantos-Dumont's airship tiial at Paris was not successful. The Perry monument was unveiled at Kurihama, Ja|>an. The fall of the Bastile was cele­ brated throughout France. Lamont is slated to succeed Mellen as president of the Northern Pacific. The excess of exports over imports last year was the greatest in our his­ tory. A general strike has been ordered in sheet steel, steel hoop and tin plate mills. There is no prospect of immoliate relief from the drought in the middle west. Kitchener may be succeeded in South Africa by General Sir Bindon Blood. Attempt to shoot a judge is the cli­ max of fishermen’s strike on Fraser river, B. U. Washington bicycle tax law de­ clared illegal by Superior Judge Mil­ ler, at Vancouver. Steyn, ex-president of the Free State, narrowly escaped capture by Broad wood's brigade. Thirteen Polish students are on trial at Posen, charged with belong­ ing to revolutinary societies. The Congregational church at For­ est Grove, Or,, which was built in 1858, was burned. Incendiarism is suspected. William C. Whitney, of New York, paid $50, (XX) for the two-year-old colt Nasturtium. It is reported that a company at St. Cloud, Fla., has succeeded in making excellent paper from the leaves of the palmetto. Otherwise with the Poor« •"I feel sorry for the rich.* Andrew Atlan, the only surviving "Why?" founder of the Allan Lino Ocean “When a rich mnn gets a counterfeit Steamship Co. and president of the quarter he can’t rememlter where he line, died at Montreal, Can., at the got his dollar bill broken."-Chleago age of 80 years. Record. sion to Russian military affairs or been received here as to the nature $1.3001.32 per cental. criticism of Russian methods. of the diggings or the amount of gold Barley—Feed, $170 17.50; brewing, obtained. $17017.50 per ton. CONCORD AT SEATTLE. Hanis, potatoes, cream, and all Millstuffs—Bran, $17 per ton; mid­ kinds of fruit are selling in Dawson Gunboat Which Helped Destroy Spanish Fleet dlings, 821.50; shorts, 820; chop, $16. at exceedingly low rates, and traders Hay—Timothy, 812.500 14; clover, are lotting money. Cherries, peaches, in Manila Bay. 87(S9.50; Oregon wild hay, |6<er pound. her. Mutton — Lambs, 3'jc, gross; built at once. The fire originated it dressed, 607c per pound; sheep, the lardhouse and is thought to huv Prairie Fira In Kan»,». $3.25, gross; dressed, 606*sc per lb. been spontaneous combustion. Hogs — Gross, heavy, $5.7506; I.arnetl, Kan., July 17,—A prairie The King'» New Title. fire, which started 18 miles north of light, $4.7505; «iressed, 6^070 per New York, July 18.—Large num this place, burned over a large area pound. Veal—Small. 7408'«c; large, 61»' tiers of letters have l«een received rt of country yesterday afternoon and garding the proposed extension of th 07 Lgc per pound. destroyed 40,(XX) bushels of wheat. Beef—Gross top steers, $4.0004.25; king's title, according to the Londo Incendiarism In San Francisco. cows and heifers, $3.2503.50; dressed correspondent of the Times. Th addition which seems to find mot San Francisco, July 17.—A series beef, 6S 07‘sc per pound. favor is “Sovereign Lord of Canadt Hops—12014c per pound. of fires early this morning indicate Wool — Valley, 11013c; Eastern Australia and South Africa.” 8e- that incendiaries were at work. Sta­ bles were made the especial mark of Oregon, 8012c; mohair, 20021c per eral corresjiondents suggested that tl two sons of the Duke of Cornwall an their torches. Twenty horses wore pound. Potatoes—$1.2501..50 |ier sack;new York should be created Prince burned to death. The tires occurred Australia and Prince of Canada. ft; the same general neighborhood. potatoes, He'c per pound. Tan Thousand Pcrons at El Reno El Reno, 0. T„ July 17 —The trains ttxlay have been bringing in moderate crowds for registration. There are probably 10,(XX) people here, and everything is quiet and orderly. Every one is comfortably situated and a large nunilter more could be accom­ modated. The water is abundant and every provision lias been made to feed and house tho multitude. Tho tem­ perature has hung around the 100 mark. Boston will have a college for train­ ing young women to oarn a livlihood. An instrument has been perfected at Dartmouth college to measure the heat of the stars. An English syndicate is said to have purchased control of 72 zinc and lead mines in Missouri. The American Museum of Natural History is to send an expedition to China to study the life and customs of the Chinese. Rushing Stock to Market. Kansas City, July 18. — Because the drought in the Southwest, whir is causing farmers to rush their sto to market to save it, the record i ceipts here were again broken tods when 31,500 head of hogs were , ceived at the local stockyards. T hogs received from the Southw* have l>een of common grade, aven ing 15 pounds lighter than the g<( aral run.