pany were served KLAMATH REPUBLICAN. I dinner. LSRRICK. GRIUbBY CO. with a bountiful aliovo deacihed lands are requested Io tile their claims in th»» office Udore raid The most complete line of machine 271 Ii day of July, IMI. Niihicnmk useful presents were re* extra» 111 the county. The only au­ K. M. B mattaim , Register. [reived. Publl.hedfvrrz Thnr.ilsj by W. HUSE & SON, Ehirn« «»h P kopbhtw *«*, *1 tussirrioa urn: 0>r year (In »«vane«). ........................... Mr. and Mrs. Horton ate spending thorbed agents for Mit’ornitck ma- a couple of weeka in Lakeview. chln< s and extras In Klamath Falls. Timber Land. Act June 3. 1878— bl’kt Tiger llolingworth teeth cheaper I Their hinrty friend» extend Notice for Publication. hen' tlian els, wItero. Now stock 1 wishes, ■ - -,....... ..... gissi goods. Cail and examine. I NITKD8TATI - l «NDOFI1' E | GRADING ON N. C. O. R. R CARRICK A GRIGSBY. L akkvikw , O hkiion , May 2, 1901. i »2 00 Timber land. Ait June J. Notice for l’ublkatioii. UNITED •’•TATI - 1 hSH » l.igKMk«. t'avo -*. April-9 111 . ................... .. plirtmc vi lili ths provl.kms I, t»ntiil«'*l **A ii Cimgrvs* id Jun*’ •’* ... ,i._ u, t im tlm -al" l‘"d” i , stab’** "I Calli'inda, Htnl Waubmgh'ti frfrìt*»rv.M •• vi* Uh»! H ia I»»« I i - ik I in I to all •I'»’ |HW, Futi»»* L. by act *>( Aitg»i»t •* h|* Parviiall. id Marnatimi*, Vuiiiity t •• knoii, Mate of California, , ha* itola -•« ntdt«,ti»«’i'l. tiled 111 tn «III this ” offiii* a»«" ’’ • Iter ” ’ "" ’ . ’ . K .. | »*W _ (or II»«» , .4 No t ____ ‘ P’i” ' »’tu'«* »•* lo» -hip No. ■' S ” ot Section No. I. »•• loa Ra.q«e N<..7'J I nml .... . « ~ >'l •’*’ ’ l''’*’1 '” »ho» timi II»’ ••••ighl »«'mot. »»III «Me tor il» titillivi or Mone timo t >r ag ni’iiltural |>uri<»»re". ami to .•-ml.loh livr elumi tossili land l«fo>« ’he .noi R.veiver of this ulti*? «' <' » ■ Oregon, on 8 Julv, 1901. "he ii.'iin*’« a- t'hiìo ll.ill, ot llori.h*o. h. i ih' . • u-‘ li. Iloll. ol lloiobrook. l .dii . ••"!"' I Suiall, of Kiunmthoii, i alit. ; l.-iio'* Diirgin, <>( Kl.imalhon. C .IU all iwrsons elaiming a.lvei" I) lho»l*ov<’ J.-.’ri!H»l lan.l» are riquv"t«al I» Ule thvir ilaims in t'.i» olii. « *•» u» Udore NA«t 27th «la* uf Julv. f-’l. E. M. IIRAITAIN. li<.’i"ter. ALEX MRÏIN President. BEX »ARTIN JI, E R. FEAft’ES, Vice President Cisils. ••A few niontliH ago. food which I The Alturas New Era of last Fri­ Noti.ti i." Iiendiy glieli tlult. Iti colli day says that a crew of twenty-six ate for bri-akfiul would not reiiiaiu pliaucu wilii thè piuvuuoua *>1 thè a*l ut I I ('ongrvvH ot June 3, Is.’S, eutitled “An nu n has lieen put to work at clearing on my stoiu.ii-h (or half an hour. nel tur tlie sale ol timlwr lumi" in th« off sagebrtlsh along the route over UMii otte buttle of your Kmlel Dyspcp- whirl» the N. C. O. Is to la* extended. n I m Cure and can now eat my break­ stille* of Cahlornia, llregon. Nevada and Washington Tvrntoiy,’'a» exii-ndi-d lo Geo. II. Bailey has secured the con­ fast and meals with a relish and my all tlu* l’ulilie I an i State* l'V nel ut it. Wiffis. it proftflhent ahd re­ tract for grading fifteen miles ot the food is thoroughly digested. Noth­ Auguri 4, is'.Q, W illiatu StaleUp, <-l liable citizen living four miles fion» ' railroad, and this crew of men is work­ ing equals Koilel Dyspepsia Cure tor Il irnlirook. l'ounty *>l Sirkivou. sti le stomach t roubles. " IIS. I’jt’.. \r of California, b»a ibi» day filisi in lina Klamath Falls, informs us that he ing uniter hia employ. When 15 miles ! of road are coinpletisl. it would bring lington Tex. K del Dys|x’|»sla Cure ottici* hia aworn »tal*meni, No. ;to;l, (or met J. D. McCoy, a leading resident , the road clear aero«* Madeline Plai’ts. digests what you eat. thè purehaae ot lite E'« ut SU lv. nud 81» ot spi» ot Sveltoli No. II. in foni • uf PtbdletHn, here Monday and learn­ with the terminus at Wils-m Bailey’s J. L. 1‘adp’tt A Sons. Keno, al»l|> No :c» s., Rango No D» E. U . M . ed that that gentleman was making place on the north edge of the Plains. Mr. James Brown of 1‘utamouth. Va. ami w ili offvr priail to show timi tlie Even this short extension would l»e an hivewtlgiiting t«t»r over routes pro­ sought ia moie vahlabfo (or ita ¡of vast benefit to the people of this over 90 years of age suffered for ye trs lan-l posed fof the f’otumhia Sotithem rail- (part of the country, as the worst por­ with a Kid son» on his fa.t*. Physi­ limber or «tono tlinn for ngrieulhirnl J. F. GOELLER, Proprietor. lfoWltt’s purpuaea. and to iwtablirh hi" i lami to loud. He had come down throtigh tion of the road lx»tween Alturas anil cians could not help him. aaid lami Is’tore Ilio lìegi-teraml lò-cviv Witch Hazel Salve cured him per ­ Barns and Silver Lake, and returns Termo would be covered by the rail­ vr ot tliia olliee at l.akeview, Oregon, Plans and Specifications Furnished on All Kindsol manently. on Monday, th? I5ilid.iv < ( July. l'A'l ♦la Big Klamath Marsh and the De* road. Freight could then be hauled J. L. i'adgett A Sons. Keno. He usuivi- ns «itile»-,»: R. A. Siati Buildings and Contracting and Building from the railroad to Alturas at al ­ Aliotes river. 11» Is gathering data foni, of HornbriM'k. Calli. : l'me.l \ most any season of the year, as the •■The D ’ ctors told me mv cough on the Installment Plan. of the resources of the country in distance would be only thirty-five Quali, ot Klamntlion. l abi.; Wm. II. ri MI'KIÌ 1. \ N D. D I’ U NI ,!. I"> was incurable. One Minute Cougli timlier, live stock and agriculture, miles over a comparatively gotsi road. Cure made nte a well min." Norris Quali, >4 Klamidlion. Cali!.; Rolit. B N i 'I'K'E l«'R \TH‘N. V" o -4 th« iiirtulfo vailely of material and work fornl*hi<*l In lhi*riU|(m. Stalcup, of llornbr*M-k. t ulli. .In* and besides taking altitudes and making The stage journey, which is so greatly Silver. North Stratford, N. II.- Be­ all ]>erri*naclaiining adversely tlieato«*iB oi k. Sa»h. lUmr* »0'1 Bltml". Cornrr ami Bami llh.h. n ( w A' s. IMI. also be lessened to such an extent stubborn cough, d n't despair. their elaima in Ibis office on or l-elorr One aix I Turiinl B*lu*tere, l»our ami Window Fiamea, Ihdplta and I’»» F->al", Shfoil*« to lay Ills report before a meeting of that it would no longer be unpleas- Notte«* Ì j » tovrvtoy aiv«»n ihut in vum i Minute Cough Cure has cured thou* said lòtti dav uf Julv, IIMI. ♦' » railway officials at Shaniko on his ar­ - ant. pliainv alito lliv | rovnl.-HH««I ttor n* I ui Itiiildi-r« ,laol»«rv. Paint* and Oil, Moulding ami til im , Elt*v*lion* * ii <| IN.^' R. Xl. BRATTAI X, RegUter. sands and it wtil cure you. Safe atul < t Juiiv 3. is7\ .nitilv l In Fml"*"i'*l> t,r**un*l ami Cut Ida«*, Wall Paper, Furniture, etc., etc, rival there. ifr. McCoy expressed We are informed by Eliza Smith, sure. t I »r ilio »»al«* ui t itiil*vr lami in ih** TIMBER LAND. ACT J INE 3, 187", ' who arrived here from Termo Tues ­ Ih-ai «»'k and matciiaf, and In the fatwl and um*i approved *t»le*. himself very favorably in reference J. L. l*adgett A Sons. Keno. »tate« •»( i’iilii rnut. Nrxadu. NOTICE FOB PUBLIC ATiON. day evening, that the crew of men ami U a-hin i :t ‘ ’ » Tvrritoiy ” n« « strini to this country and assured Mr. Wil­ The bilious, tired, nervous 111:111 are making good headway, and that < n I lo all III«’ rubli«- I on i bUtrm I y m i lis that he would be back here In the the work of clearing off sagebrush cannot succ.-»fully compete with his I'KttKn Sr.iTK* I.»sr> Orrtcr. oi Augi.Nl 4, |Sy.\ ISll«*r Ihiri&tu. “I latkeview . Or.. May 2. 1901. not distant future. Mr. Willis was and grading the road is living pushed healthly rival. IN-Witt’s Little KLuii.ution. Cuunty bi^kiyuu. >u«t» Notice is hereby given m com Early Risers the famous pills for con­ pliauee with the pruvi.i >n* uf llie act of of Cshiorniii. Imi l! i* «Ly hi» • ‘J1 formerly well acquainted with v him along as rapidly as possible. T t '** ------- AND OFFICE-------- stipation will remove the cause of ■ Congresa o* June 3. "-78. entilh-d "An tliis otìk-v h«-r t»w«>rn »lat«'tn» i t N >. ’.*'>• in rendition aniFTflflwshl Im to be a 4? ’4 <•! i*vi’U«»n 4 act for the rale of timlwr Iqnd* in the (or Ih«* purcha*«* «>( Un» Eczema, salt rheum, tetters, chafing, your troubles. ma'» of wealth and reliability, A ivy poisoning and all skin tortures iLing«' x»». J. L. Dadgett & Sons. Keno. States of California, Oregon. Nevada, xo. 1 in Tounahit» so. A3 gentleman accom|flthlcd him, but his are quickly cured by DeWitt'a Witch i and Washington Territory." na extend- 7lf E., anl KUin itlion. (\« ìh : Emma <’ house Tuesday evening which was at­ New stock gent’s and ladles’ Range No. 7ltt E, W. M., and will offer l'amhall. of Klamathon, Cnld ; Wm. Il I ’ iissciigcrs cotiXf'vetl tu nil purls of Southern Oregou proof to show that the land sought is tended by a goodly number oUhe watches and chains and other jewelry more valuable for its timlier or stone SmiUi, •»( H«>rnbr»mk, Calli ; l‘l»ilu unti Northern California at the wry lowest ratea. just received at VanValkenburg'a. Unii, <»Ì Morii brunii .< ahi Ani nini all Seprswentativc citizens of the town than (or agricultural pur|s>se*. and to establish hi* claim to ssiil land before prmonn claimiiiK n»lvvr»vly II«* atout«»* and county. On motion, Rev. J. M. Co. are We notice that the Duffy Makes daily trips each way by Bar­ Register ami Ria-eiver of this office «lescrila'd l.tmlv art» iv4pi«‘*l«'*l tu tih» McComb was made chairman and looking the at Lakeview, Or., on Monday, the )5lh thrir daino in tl»i* «»Iti» «- un or torture ren. Soda Springs. Shake. l\»kega- selling men’s nice stylish suits at (6. $8 and 910 and fine all day of July, 1991. lie name* as wit­ pani 27th Jay o( Jnly, UMH. Rev. C. A. Stockwell secretary. The ma. (Logging Camp.) Keno, to wool suits at 912. 914 to 916. É. M Ha «ir « in . Rtgolrr, nesses: Wm. II. Quaif, i f Klamathon. Orr*» \ allfy. Oregon. object cf the meeting, as stated by Klamath Falls. Calif.; Ernest A. Quaif, of Klamatlion. Pt-TITION IOk I.IQVOR l.KI N5L. F. O. IH NUM). Ownar. the chairman was to get an expres­ Everybody Is surprised at the great Calif.; Win. Stslcilp, of Hi>r„lrook. values the Duffy Co. have in men’s Calif.; R. A. Stanford, of Hornbrook. sion as to building an academy and To the Honorable County Commi»* It is the direct line from Ashland and boys’ suits. They are saving |C lifornia. Any ami all |>enions > to devise ways and means of doing so. and all Northwest Oregon to Klam­ their customers from 93 to $5 on each claiming adversely the al*»ve ili-acrilasl rionvr* «>( Klamath County, btalu «»I < Ireton: On this question remarks were j lands are leipiesled to file their claims ath Falls, Merrill, Bonanza, Bly suit. We, your |«ctllk»nera, 1«-¿nl vot«*rw o( ■ in this office on or Indore the said 15ll> Wood llivrr prerifict. in »aUl c»»«iniy made by Judge Benson. County Clerk and Lakeview, and also Indian i day of J ul v, Call. STRAYED. and Hate, ree|jwtfully r«^|ih*«»l that J«»bn JViKoll, Mr. Leavitt. Major Worden 15 Rr’Mtrrí íoriiuc Lli* htSdt. Agency and Ft. Klamath. E. M. B hatt vix. Register. II Harbin lx» grantinl a li«*vn»»« t»> *ell and others, all favoring the laudable Prl.c: $iou, $1 >3 and Siso The following described horses »pint«)«« . mall aaiii vinoua li«|m rw in Timber l_and. Act June 1878— let*.*» «piantiti«*** than «»n«* itallun in rani enterprise in view, and enthusiasti­ t.ALDOU ALAMO tirad el lltrd. Leave Klamath Falls daily at 9:30 strayed from my ranch at Nay lox on Notice for Publication. prvtilK’t of W«M»»i l»o» r, (or a I'rrtixi «•( cally pledging their most cordial sup­ a. ni. and arrives by 5 p. m., and or about May 10: One black home, three monttof (r« tn June 3. HMJ, lw .*r|>- weight about 1150 pounds, with box port. Indeed, that appeared to be UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE.i tanbnr 8. ISOL makes good connections with all brand on left stifle; one brown horse, TIMBER 1 KM». AIT H NE 3 L. vkkvuw , Olin. on , May 2 1991.) the feeling of all present. A com­ W. C. Moore, Andre* rhimont, S. H. F• D. REAMES, M. I). north and south bound trains at weight about 1050, branded “T I’" Nofil E I HR Al h>N. Notice is hereby given that, in com ­ King, W. II. Morgan, Harry Engle, J. mittee consisting of Judge Orr. chair­ Ashland. Daylight ride both ways. . on left hip: one buckskin mare, blind pliance with the provision* ol the act of J. Campla'lly I>.tv«« iMm >nt. E I. >«•« n- r«H* Mrare» tant» omm. i man, Sheriff Summers and another «>r*'*¡o.». June . i a • t » I in right eye, weight about 1100, Congress of June 3, 1878. entitled "An uvr, W. Kirkpatrick. Wm. Hi k«, John tak»- Phy etc Inn and Surgeon, Zi- lu « « hm | Nollr» .» !«*-•«*> „ Ml* ffiftw ol» - t* ib»« ■ , branded "J G;” Finder will pleas? act for the sale of timber lands in the Gray, J. A. Cotti«*, K. <«. Eurua, M. I*. «tlhthe whose name we did not get, 1 pti»$ ‘«lit?» ‘«I«■»?• ni nl II»« lit* »cl »cl tif ut < < -! _ t»f state* of California, Oregon, Nevada and tofS» - ntI Uc* 1 » ’ An act in* «I»* •*<<• J JD» T. r«tlU*«1 *'An fiHTt iwt Itlffi <»( return the property or write to the Qood 5tock and Equip- Morgan, J. II. Whet r W \ Morri All Calls Answered Prompt!) Day pointed to confer with the _ _ u* • iula. «»?<■ «; '••»«!• lu ihr «»• » ' undersignod at Naylox, who will pay Washington Ti-rntory,” a* < xtcmli-d to aon, FMuartl J«»hi*>«>n. A. S. Shllr, «1. < lltrilwt »n \«n4 W«*l>it»giuh Irrrnof i/* or Night. Wa«bit»«> Piiinont, • > .‘«frful* I a reward ot 325 for the horses deliver­ «Il II»« l*ubhr Mhtl Haïr« l»> August 4, 1892, Ernest A. Quaif, ol George Ihimont, I*. M. Hill, Paul Para f Auguat hl rfl-îan rf|'!«n F y rhuftlloft »»I »«J ‘niltlée on ‘building. Clerk Driscoll. Careful Attention Given ed at Naylox. 113ft <4 uf Mi.bijfott, M»«ir -------- ot . « ffili' KlamathutL, County < f Siskiyou, Stale suo. G. W. Morine, E«l. ¡Urkvr. John Kl«in«lhi-it i outitt lie*. Bryant and anot Iter whose name S tephen H ebliiiy . Al»«l lu It» «h!» tbla nfific «»»€• ’ bu <4 California, has thia day tiled in Barker, T«»m Barker, IL K. Kayler, A turul». ha« thi« day m«»«t Traveling Public. «tanru •«•Irtti tirili Mu *U. I*>f Ihr pufrUa««-«>t te did not learn. Committee to sol-1 this office bis sworn statement. No. 3 i’>, J. Fuller. R«»v Venial. G.H. Hoyi.O. 1». thr VF», t»f * * tion a*» II. it» N*' for the purchase of the SW. Q of Sec- . Bunch, Frana Chirh il, B. II. lxuNil«*y. M M Kai X*. ?»t r V V and will «.Rrf icit aid from country, School Super­ I i FREE TO THE BABIES. « that ihr land wmifhl »• M»*»r« tionNo. 12, in Township No. ;i3 Range tins Mvlhaae. Fr«*«l Mvlliatn*, II. E C< < jrfiw.t I.» H« tittilwrf ot «lirfir than lut ««<•' valuahk J. L YADEN, intendent DeLap and A. D. Carrick, R. M. GARRETT, No. 7’tf E. W. M., and will offer proof to tie, A. Mvlha*«*. W. I* Hmpnon, l».«vvi rultural pu ri -«*•<•. and i»>r«tabM«h hi» riatta I show that the land sought is more valu ­ to aald IwU.rr l*rl«tP3» tltc the Hcgi«i»'f Hrglalrr at»«| at»d H K ’ 1 Uritri rtruf aTT present were appointed a gen­ 1*l.e Eastern Manufacturing-Co., of Smith, Win. Gliv«*r, J. Hill. J. M. SaperinUndeaL Proprietor. al • I l*i< | a a « I « rn r n «••< g t »>. • >. 1 •»*« Chicago, will present to every baby, able for its timber or atone than for ag­ Kirkpatrn k. W. I*. Htllivnn, C. W cum , dftp.lh«* iMh -lay ot Diiu»'. IWM, Hr uantr» gfiQTTrompt and careful attention eral committee to solicit aid from the ricultural piir|wHH-s, and toestaldiab hia I a« Vltnr*Mr> J i «1 alla* r t>.r i>.rh«*3. «»t klati»« Wallaer under one year of age, in this county, one claim to aaid land before tlie Register II. M. Morgan, C. It Cn-I«*r. •<> allo darà town and county at large. Meeting « — iff«» ft Kulua. uf Klaitiathut» Noli«*«* in Iwrehy giv«*n tl it the un* I it->n ••-'! solid silver baby spoon with the baby's W iMauftrUl. k la«DaU»«»n. mauArtd. and Receiver of this office at Lakeview, l«a>r««- » Ihr itig at 8 o’clock at xxiyrt bouse, at-l not have to pay one cent nor buy any­ 11AJ1. He names as witnesses: Itobt. (or the lirenav prai«* hlr ■ IT.*’r ____ ut» __ ut I»*«fut* »aid ... thi« _ _____ ___________ which time the committaea w»19re­ B. Stalcup, of Hornlwoik, Cslii.; Wm ing petition, pr**««*nting l i«, hi*« prti lhair rleiN»L • in thing to get this spoon. The Eastern Stslcup, I6th *la) ut A igual IWI ol Hornbrook, Calif.; Wm. II of Julv, H«>l. port. All residents of the county X M. BaarrAtw, IGfiatcr Stage Line Manufacturing Co. are large manufac­ Quaif, of Klamathon, Calif.; R, A lion, on raid filth J day Proprietor of Freight Urngont. ohn h . I i ikbin . are invited to be present. turers and jobbers of jewelry and Stanford, of HornbriMik, Calif. Any I all persons claiming nd-' silverware, and have taken this method and WAR TAX REDUCTION. the als>ve-de*cribed lands are tiling «Ion«* with of advertising their goods. Instead of versely requested to tile their claim* in this nralnvaa an, 1991.) ! E. M. BRATT AIN, Regiafor. journment and since signed by the to give it away direct to consumers. Notice in hereby given in eoni- president, nukes sweeping reductions Office: At the Telegraph The undersigned firm has been pl la i ice with the provisions of ths act of in the stamp and tax laws. The re­ made distributing agent for this Timber Land. Act June 3. 1878— Cong i ess of June 3, 1S78, entitled "An Auction will aggregate 941.009.090 Office. act for the sale of timlwr land* in the locality. Bring your baby to their Notice for Publication. per ajMftutif. --The act went into effect states ot California. Oregon, ¡levada, store and give its name and age and Digests what you eat. KLAMATH FALLS, OR. JnlyTst.' »Following are some of the and Washington Territo.y,” a. ex­ you will receive one of these beautiful UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE ( It andclxily digest* the food and aids Cleanliness and Good Work tended to all the I ’ tiblic •I ’ .and State- changes made: L akkvibw , O huiom , May 2, BAII.f by act <>f Augu.t L ¡str; John W Nature iu *trenglb>oit>g and recon- silver spoons all engraved free of cost. Express receipts—tax repealed. Guaranteed. Daily from Ager to Klamath Hot This is not a cheap article, but solid Notice is hereby given that, in com­ O’Neil, of Hornbrk, ( oiinty of ilructltig the exhausted digestive or- Money orders—tax repealed. gauz It isine latestdlscovrriand Notice for Publication. Certificates of deposit—tax repeal­ Makes connection with all trains at , Klamathon, County of Siskiyou, state 1 st or stone ____ iliali for agricultural all other result* of impel feet digestion. Í ed. Ager, Cal. of California, has this day fill’d in purposes, and to establish hi. claim PriceXK and41. Lsnre*is*cuat*lesl4 U«» UNITED 8TAT»> x *" !.h 1 !!.n i Promissory notes—tax repealed. small usa Boos all ati<>ui >• : except on bond of indemnity. ■ ToH llalli p .X io. 83, 8., Range No. 7*._. July, 1001. lie names ns witnesses: •..■i»*, ■ r* 1«’ %• <‘..iigrrr" i t J.m*’3. I"7". \ Certificates of damage and certifi- Excellent Accommodations. K E. W. M., __ and will offer proof to show Win. H. Smith, of Hornbrook. Calif.; m t for the -«1« <>f B'»1"'* '•‘J."1’ ‘.I' j • cates not otherwise specified—tax re­ ■ ■ that iiii. the ino .ami- land, sought "".igni >" is more more valuable valimi.;,’ W. IL Roberts, of Hornbrook, Calif.; Male« of California. Ore*'"' „ ■ for il* tin.Ur or Mone than for agrh-iil- Philo Hull, ol Hornbim.k, Calif.; Hen­ pealed. Taseenger, express and freight traffic W»*hln|itoii Tnritory," «" ,< plural ’ purpose*, ami to establish hi* ry I. Hmall, of Klamatlion, Calif. Any «‘ witr ii bTATEs I.ish Oil I' «.) ïuï .. ......... ... ............................. tr Charter party—tax repealed. all Hie I'nl lh U"'« '< ’ J . solicited. All business entrusted to us l.iKr.virw, «»srr.os, April !'U. 1991.» im to raid land before the Register and all |H-rM>n<< claiming adversely the Conveyances (deeds) — exempted be ­ will be expedited. I, land Receiver of thin office at L-ikeview, above-described lends nr>- requested to Notice i. hereby given that In com­ Anuu.t 4. D92. Henry I. I. low 92590; abova 92500, 25 cents for Kia mullion. I'omitv jOri-gon, on Momlay, the 15tli day of tile their claims io this office on or Is- pliance «nil the provision, of the set ol olUalUoriiia. lui" Ibi» day 0^1 I';1 ■f each $500. J.luly, l!S)l. fie name* ae witm congri-s* of June 3, 1878, entitled “ All fore said 27th .lay of July, IISH I •' ’»-Telegraph messages—tax repealed. 'vrnest A. Quail, of Klunathon, Calif.; net tor the side of timlier Inml" in th*' otti..’ hiHi-worn •tatcmeiit, E. M.BRATTAIN, Kegisler. pun Imre «I iMO-EQ. <• »• liuixrance—tax repealed on all UNEQUALLED SERVICE states of < aliloriiia, Orego*. Nevada, il„. ■ Win. Stiileiip, of Hornbrook, Cshf. 9 No. |.in To«„"l.1I.Nor:i8. R.m^ I Rol.t. I!. Slalcilp, ot Hornbrook, < iihf. kinds of insurance. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878- ami Washington Territory, ' ns ex- 7'., Ea-t. and «»I offer ;.r<">l " via londerl to nil thss Public Land Flales Leases—tax repealed. R. A. Stanford, of Hornbrook, Calif. N«JTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ' ;. !>v 11- t 111 A igunt 4, 1892, Philo Hull, timi the land "ought •" Aliy and all faTMina claiming ndverxely Manifests—tax repealed. for ii* limlwr or none limn for agri Great Salt Lake Route. ol Hornbrook, County ot Mnkiyiiu. turai puipo".-. and 1“ tin- above-»le»eril*er ii in, ba* thin day filed claim to aalil lami 1*1"«’ th« j p;issage passage tickets—ex­ » fore raid 15th day of Julv, 1901. in thin office his sworn statement, no . empted below $50 In value, and the via Salt Lake City and Denver ovet Notice i* hereby given that in com-1 3(l0, (or Ihe piircliaso ot the E*. ofhll and R. n-ivi r of Hila <>tll<_<' | t,llr E. M. BRATfAIN, Register. Ore., on Hatunlay. t»H»27th d.vUJ V. Rio Grande Western Railway, pliance with the provision* ot the net of and W'^ of hEQ, of Fectioti no . 2, in ......................................... “ I rate fixed at 59 cents for each $50 and the t ’ oiigre*" of June 3, 1878, iiitilhd “ Au in connection with either the Denver . over. x -4... IIHII. lie III ...... . as II. i' no . 33, 8., Rang« no . 7!, Enn*, Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878— act for th»- "ale of timlier land« in the Townsliiti c i & Rio Grande or Colorado Midland Power of atlprpffi — tax repealed. ami will offer proof Io show that the Hull, ot Hornbrook, ( state" of California, Oregon, Nevada, Inml sougiit is more valuable for its Binili», of lluliibriHik. ‘’“•'V • .'"..■.(hrr Railroads. You will find it a pleas­ h - k /C, Protest—tax repe.iTAd. Notice for Publication. and Washington Territory,'’ an extend­ timlier or stone tlisu for sgrieilllural I’arrlmll, ol KI iiiiih II iou , < » coupling as it Warehouse receipts—tax repealed. ant way to travel, ed Io al! tlm Public Land Slate" by­ pnrimses, ami to establish his claim to i>urgin,ol Kliinmlhoii, < ahf. • . j TIMBERLAND, ACT JUNES. l““ Proprietary medicines— tax repeal­ does the nroSt remarkable scenic ride UNITED 8TATES LAND OFFICE,/ all peraoim cl.lmiug X ‘ act of August I, JK'.I2, Willis II. Hola.rts’. L akeview , O reoon , April 30, 1991J of Hornbrook, County of Sinkiyoii, ►aid laml In-torn the Register ami Re- iibovi’il<’Hi ril'*’d luu'fo n”’ " ** in America with an unsurpassed train I NOTICE FOR PI’BLK a TION. ed. . I«. (■••¡ver of Ibis office nt Ukevlew, Oregon, Perfumery and cosmetics—tax re­ service. Three fast through transcon­ * Notice is hereby given that, in com­ State of California, Ims thin dav filed in on Hitiirilay, the 27lh >l.iv of July 1901. tile their dahlia III “’i* *’i ' o«i'i U mitkd S tates L an i > O fek e , fore aiiiiL 27lh day olUuh'. 1 *’'• pliance with the provisions of tlie act of thin office bi* «worn statement No. 29|H,int ine ai lulinlnislrs- Hlis k of everything ried at the home of the groom’s sis­ trains at Ashland. llnc, fit prices which wi ,.a„ w-H for its timlier or stone than for agri­ view, Oregon, on Haturdav, tlie27thday fore said 27th dav of Julv, 1901. trix of the e.tstu of J hiiu - h Owen, do- ter, Mrs. L. Burk at 11:30 a. m. cultural purmises, and to establish Tier of Julv, 1901. He name* us witnesses: '" 7 E. M. BRATTAIN, Register. leiiH-d. All persiMin having claims provai and patronage. June 27, 1901, Rev. J. B. Griffith of, I claim to said land before the Register Philo Hull, of Hornbrook, Calif.; Ella; For Newa or the World against said estati* will present them to you anything . .......... ril,r" h..i| an\V*’fi, drt’rfl’Cfl, TlIVRHDAy. JULY 4. li>0I. COLUMBIA SOUTHERN. £ to Promptly. KLAMATH FALLS PLANING MILLS, ICXCl IANdC STABLES Klamath Falls-Merrill Stage Line, KLAMATH ACADEMY. Livery Ashland and Klamath Falls HLRLFORD STOCK FAR! largest Herd of Hegis:ered Here­ fords in Oregon. j. n. nooRE, Ager-Lakeview J. B. MOORE, I Kodo Dyspepsia Cure s. L McNÂÜGHTON, Pro?. HOTEL BARBER SHOP. J W. SIEMENS. Prap. A. D. CARRICK, Klam&th FaKs; Ore. I CARRICK. GRIGSBY C O