HAMATH REPUBLICAN. Dr. Reums I ti D. Ilsrfofd, state peeal- Hhla wIII l»r itiid < i |H'D< <| nf n- nl of Hu- W C. T. I’., ta-tiired innati a Y.’ jvnk ih , lu». here Nnte|( »nd hits since , hl* nuicrt TuradAyi Notice Is hereby given Dial up- iirte.id on rliiirges of Violating the W It. Biown hit* Sold his saloon al C N. law, Jiu'k llnrblh and Dave proved plat of township 39 south, Met rill loG. T. «'»oner. Nmitli, bolli of w < kh | river. Ilurbln range Hl cast. W. M., Oregon, will lx j e. Beach of Naylox was doing gave I mu ) for tit* ap|N*af»hee Ix-fore filed In tills office on the 2iitIi day of Appllciitlon for tin- en­ ' the I'. N. court, nnd Nmlth started .lune, limi. huaimaa Imtown TllcwUy, Tiiculny morning with the muntimi try of lands In Hie iilxivi- ili-M-rllx-d The fruit association al Ashland for Portland. township wlll lx- received uf tills of has cianmencetl bittiness. flee and made of reconl. Newspapers < lil'-f of the weather bureau nt of this land district are n-Mjx-cifully T lamgi'll "f Klanmill Agency Waalilngton intxiuneM, urici ii-n Was a Klamath Fall* vlalhir TucMlay. vein* of Investigation, thuf boirflxinl- requested to give publicity to the alxive, A Ker»hm*r wan up from Ills ranch Ing the ntnusiphere will not prig wixilen mill nt Klam­ AGENT W ll itcii of this plane and J. I*. Ila- N. c <>. ath Falla "otilrl lx* mori* profitable I Bru of I'm) valley. to patruulsr Ilian r It her of tin- route* C. R. lx Lap nixl wife started fur a»x> ve tiietit lonrd. bah • hi yeslrrany to secuie medical Notary Public and Conveyancer. Tin- r.iM- of Jnmra Taylor and Ju*. treatment for their Ulti« child, Mh<> II. Owen »• Gillx-rt C. tapliam wax ticrompanleu them. KLAMATH FALLS. ORE. di-« Idl'd III tli< I'irrult court here Mon­ Mr. Brandenburg had a alight ■ t- day In favor of the plaintiff*. The KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. lack of apoplexy FFI< K. ( William Harming, of Hornbrook, Cali­ 4* I.AsrviKw. (ikrook, Junr », isj I, ) terdny for San Franckr»», where t I k - atraln* lhe drfeixlnnt from diverting fornia ; Jacob Isler, of Klamathon, Cali­ 4- N«»lire 1« bcrrby fft««*n thal In •ofopllanrc or lni< it- ring withtberrerk ilttrlng I former will receive medical treat- W Ih ilo- |*fvle returned Friday I ni 3 I Wagons with stake rack tad, are requested to tile their claims in this ot Mi»ki)oii Mtatc of Cahlornla. »115. June, 191)1. ha» ibla day Al«««! in ibi» office hi» »worn evening, viti Ager, for Ashland In h>'alih la-lng much Improved. •tatrm«'Ut. No. .ilo (or thè pur*ba«r of thr E. M. BRATTAIN. Register. Mowers I j foot cut, MO. order to teach there for Sunday mom- L’wNW’ and NUMWta of Mecilon No 14, In Prof. Taylor, general all-around, lug err» |e.-*> town*hii4 No 33 »» . Bang« No 7', F W M Rakes 8 } foot, »30 to »35. Hr field a meet Illg Hi wlll 4'ffrr pr«»«»l to »how that ilo* land TIMBER LAND. ACTJUNE 3.1878 man. lias ap|Mrently riaporalrn as |x*ixlblc. n« Id. ua and broken lilts office his sworn statement No. 289. •Mm. Il L Ilenann départ ci yew- New stock gent's and ladies’ for tiie purcliaM- of the NE*4 of Section (l<«wn In henil It. an application will lx* vsitkii kt »Tvs t.sxii orrtcK. I terday for Portland wbere Mr wlll iii.i li' to tin* Governor for n remission watches ami chains and other jewelry No. 30, tn TownsliipNo.39S., Range No. l.isivikw, omiuos Jun.- ». IWl I remain trinporarlly wlth lier son ami of his tin*-. Thia enabled th« Court Not to »hu« good goods, reasonable prices and a of Klamathon, California; Dougins Nor­ ris, of Pokegsma, Oregon ; Joseph Claw­ tliai the land aotighl la mor«* valuable for il» Frank Harding nnd Geo Kerr and them, nnd If be dora, lie I* liable to timber nr »ton« than h»r agricultural pur- square deal generally. son, of Henlev California; William ami tu «Mabllidt hta claim to a families, wtio arrived here a few lx- reached for by the long arm of the Hanning, of liornl>rk California. tkefnre the Krglnt»-r an«1 Rrtwlrer <»f Ibi» office wek* .»go fn>m near Portland, have law. Il app<-ar*. therefore, tliat If n at Lakeview. Oregon, on Friday, the lGth dak Any and all person» claiming adversely lie name» a» witnesaes: J rented J. C. Beach's ranch at N'aylox peHb'ii w nils to all down Io a 140* of Angus!, IWI the above described lands are requested Wallace Dickey, of K lamathon, Calif ; Mhrri- to tile llieir claims in this office on or nn l will lis-atr In thia ri.unty perma­ trout dinner, he may go and patch d«ii F. Thornton, «d Klamathon, t alli.; otto before said 28lh day of June. 1901. them liiuiM-lf, bitt must not under D. Kulnw of Klamathon. calli.; Joaeph W nent ly. of Kiamathon. Calif. Any and all E. M. fiaATTAtx. Register. any clrvunudancca buy litem, and Miantleld. person» claiming adverm ly the above-dearrib- Mr*. Nmnmera, wife of Slier Iff Sum »■s' to Hu- ttaltcrniati "Im w-lls any rd land» are rss^urated tn fflv their claim» in I nv-rw, arrived home Tueeday from TIMBER LAND. ACT J UNE 3. 187», thia office on or Iw forr »aid Dhhdd^of Au- to him. gust. iful. Portland where she has been for sev­ NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. K M BRATTAI* Rrglefer. Newsunpcrs In different parta of eral weeks receiving tnr-dleal treat­ ment. Iler health la greatly Im­ the stat* arc claiming that one very Timber Land, Act June j: 1878— UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, I ' great I'.mxc of the rapid th*crea*c of proved. L akevikw , Oaanox. April 20, 190t. ) | Notice for Publication. tlsh in the lake« and rivera lx charge- Notice is hereby given that in com- Major W. II. Daly, surgmin 1 ( *h..... report caused the celebrated the ditch, and not one In a hundred act tor the sale oi tinitx-r lands in the Mol Ire le hereby firm that. In ovmpbancr "embalmed beef'* Investigation, mil- ever returns, but they follow the i states of California. Oregon. Nevada, «• 11it i ii»- i t■ >\ i» «• ’i•'*i t ip art <»l • '')';■■** ••• elded on the 9th Inat. at bls borne In wat*-r and are found scattered over June .1, milllr«l **An iwt lor the Mil«’ of and Washington Territory," as ex­ 11lutier land« In the »late» ««f California, Ore ­ Pitlsbu rg. tended to all the Public I .and States by the land under the ditch. All thia gon. Nevada, and Wt»liingl<>n Territory," ’ act of August 4, 1892, Mike S. Parker, Me lii-sr that Krno Is mam to have •leal ruet Ion of tixh can lx* eaally avoid­ a» r*tended Io all the public l^tial Mate« b> art of Augufft 4. I m RJ. J. Wallar«* Dickey, ol I of Bly, County of Klamath,State of Ore- a mill, the capacity of whieti wlll be ed In pl « Ing m r*-»*ns ill the tienda of K lamat I m » ii , County of Miwkiyoii, Mate ol Cal [ gon, lias this day tiltxl in this office liis ilurn*a. ha« iht« aajr hir«f in Uii« office hi» loojMio foet of lumber per day. A the dit< In-» whi-rc the water entera. They are now constantly in receipt sworn statement No. 290, for the pur- »worn »latement. Xu. :w, lor I lie purclmwe ot mill of this size will require the f the take­ cultural purpoM*«. and fo«*»lablt«h hi» claim grand opening in Delplt and Chrio- land sought is more valuable for its And now we see lu »ai«f land toeioro lhe Regiairr and Receiver i lete wares; none ever Ix-fore here timber or atone than for agricultural Ashland has already raised (thxt. view land office of Ihiaoffloe al Lakeview, Oregon, on Friday, that the Lakeview Rustler of last with which to have n big "blowout” the lath day of AniuM, IkOL lie name« a» wit- quite equal Io them. Cheaper gin sis purposes, and to establish his claim to July »th. Ttic managers arc ne­ week copied tit*- article front the Ex­ netara: John B. Kueck. of Klamathon. Calif.; besides, if you want them. A nice said land before the Register and Re- Olio D. Ku low. of Klamaihon. Calif.: Jo»rph gotiating for a I m of fireworks that press. but insteail of credit Ing It to W Rianlirld. of Klamathon, Calif.; Rherldan present given witli purcli.ise of three ceiver of this edict* at Idkkeview, Oregon. *111 surp ana any ever displayed In th - Ex pre** baa credited it to the R k - F Thornt«»n, of Klamathon. Calif, Anv nod dollars and upwards oil our opening on Friday, tlie 28iit day of June. 191)1. He iiainea aa witnesees: W. 1». Weeks, prr«on» claiming ad verm* I v th«« ab«>vr Naif hern Oregon. i * i in. ii vn . As t lie Rust lor aroumee all dvarribed land» are rirquratrd io file their day. Match forad. telling von when. of Duluth. Minn.; Harris Ih-ana, ol to lx-it pronilnent pattern of truth i claim» in thia office on or before aaid Iftib Duluth, Minn.: H. N. Ihinlmr, of Ash Geo. lasadey of Klamath Agency 1 and reform, we would like to know ! day uf A ugu»t, IW1 Notice for Publication. land, Oregon ; James Bell, of Blv. Ore­ R. M. BRATTAIN Rrglater. was Ix-re yesterday on his way home how It makes the mistake uf falsely gon. Anv and all persona claiming ad- l*q>ai'l melil ol the Interior, front Ager where lie met hl* son Rd- crediting the article to the R kfi 'N- TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3. 1878. i I juk I Office at Lakeview, Oregon I versely the above-described lands are "aid, wtio accompanied him. Ed­ I requested to Hie tliejr claims in this lican where It does not taking, In­ NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. May «, 1901. ward has lieen nt lending the uni­ stead of the Express where It dn, June S. i'.Vl. I lowing-named settler has tiled police of 1991. belong. E. M. BRATTAIN, Register. ' Notice I* liereb> liven that In rompllanca his intention to make final proof in If Dr*. Ilargu* and Straw's Xltay In the northeastern part of Oregon , with the nrovl.ion. ol the act <»( rongre» of siiiqxirt of hia claim, and that said proof ma< Idin- can ««« through a stone wail V. ia,K. antltleil --An act for the -ale of there hit* recently Ix-en extremely , June flintier land.In the Blate, o* t'atlfornla. Ore will lie made before Janies II. Driscoll. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878.— or a nrm, why not have It lisik Into NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. son. Nevada and Wa-hlnslon Territory," County Clerk at Klamath Falls, Ore., coiil weather for thia time of the the InsIdcH of them- mountains nnd a. cilendcd to all lhe I'uhlle I,and slate, hv venr. It has been a longer and i ' act on June 22, 1901, viz : of Auitu.l 4. IB».’, Sheridan F. Thornion, ol •«■fi If there is not a gold mine or an UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE.) E. J. Pool, stronger siege of colti than has <*•- K lanialhon. t'oimty of Hiakiyou. state of Cali­ oil well hid away somewhere. L akrvicw . O kkoon , April 20, 1901.i fornia, ha. Illi, day Sled In till, ottlee III. H. E. No. 1973, for the E'._, of SWl4, icurred during any spring for the past | .worn »latem.nl So. Ml), for flic purchase of Notice is hereby given that in com­ Reports of the doings of the stir- fifteen veara. Every night destruc­ file NKl, of Section Sv. 14. In Township No. See, 10, ami NF*, of NW1., and NWl4 pliance with the provisions of the act of SSH.. Rainte No. TV, K. ".XI..and will offer of NE'4, Sec. 15, T|>.39S„ It. 10. E., W. veyors tat w.... . KÌiimstlion and tive frosts have wiped out fruit pried Io .how llial the land »ought I. more M., Oregon. He names the following I Congresa of June 3, 1878, entitled "An Kkimath Fulls, show that they are and growing crops until little lx left. | valuable for II. timber or «tone than for a«rl- witnesses — — ......... .... to prove his continuous resi act tor the sale of timber lands in the |1ABS> ...a •-__ . . In . the . ». piirpoae», and toe.tabll.li In. claim states of California, Oregon, Nevada, «' ar II Hart's ranch mmintalns This has ix-en particularly the case, cuilurat to »aid laud before lhe Regl.ter and Kect-lver 1 deuce it|x>n and cultivation of said land, hiu I alsuit half way to thin place, and ¡at Baker City and the nelghlxirlng of ihl. office nt Lakeview, Oregon, on Fri­ viz: B. S. Grigsby, of Klamath Falla, and Washington Territory,” as extend­ the twill day ol Augu.l, ISol. lie name, ed to all the Public I-and States by «re slowly moving In this direction. coiintrv. It. has been more than or- day. a- wllnaaaen: .1. Wallace llu-key, ol Klanin Oregon; Si Faith, of Klamath Falls, set of August 4, 1392, William Hanning, Ilion, Cnllf ; Olin |i Killi>w, of Klninaihon | Oregon: I*. W. Anderson, of Olene, Ore­ I Idnlarlly cold everywhere In the cast Al the meeting of the L O. O. F. t'nIIL; Jowph W. Kianlield. of Klamathon, gon ; Frank Arrant, of Klamath Falls, of Hornbrook, County of Siskiyou, State of California, has this dav tiled in loilge on Saturday evening, the coni- this spring, but northeastern Oregon I'allt.i John B. Koeek. of Klamathon. I'alll. Oregon. In south-! All) and all tiernoii. claiming afore the Register '»'• regents of the Normal school nt lukevlcw, on-gon, lune ». IMU i Notice is hereby given that, in com­ nnd R<*ceiver of thia office at luikeview, l ;1,’ Phice, of which lie Is a member. Notlce I» li<-rvb> glvrn that In <-<>iniillknee Oregon. ”» Friday, the 28th day of w liti thè |>r<>» l.ioii» <>( die set of l ongre-» ol pliance with the provisions of the act of Speaking of the It. 11. prospects, a I ! Junr Dfr. also a »»»'niber, was wiim un- He names as witnesses: . ................. —.......... I, Um, rnlltlsd "All M< for thè -»le ot Congress of J une 3, 1878, entitled "An June, 1901. a >ie to gu, circuit court being In ses- reliable citizen of Illis place says that i tliulH-r titilli, lo thè Htsh-aof Caliliirnla. (trexon. set for the sale of timtar lands in the George Norris, of Klamathon, Califor­ , Nevailx ami Waahliilton Territori," a. ex- slow. .r. G, Pierce fold him yesterday that leniteli Inali Ilio l*«it>lb- Land- Htate» hy act ol states of California, Oregon, Nevada and nia; IXiuglas Norris, ol Pokeganm, Ore­ Ausu.l 4. ÌKS'J. Joseph W*. Htantlelil, ol Klaina Washington Territory,” as extended gon ; Joaeph Clawson, of Henley, Cali­ Indian Inspector McLaughlin nr the Iron and rolling stock for the rail­ I Ihon, Cininty ol Nl.kljriiu, state Ili Calilornla, road from Klamath Falls to Klama- , im. thl» to ar, the Public Land States by act fornia; John Hanning, of Hornbrook, ilay IIleil In thl» olhi-e hi» aworn Dyed Imre yesterday on route t>. to ♦, 1892, George Norris California. Any and all persons claim­ alalenieiit No. Sii, lor thè pnreha.e ot thè S»'( of August Klamath Agency where Ito gtx*s to thou were already bought, and the ' olxevtlon 1'1. in To» listiti» No. SSH.. ItHngv of Klamathon, County of Siskiyou, ing adversely the alxivo-descrilied lands contract for grading wax to tx* let at No 7', K No. W M .aiul wlll liner proci to show State of California, has this day tiled are req next ed to file their claims in 'orrect mt error In the t reaty which once. Our Informant said that this that thè lami »ouglit 1» moro valuabls ter il- thia office on or before said 28th day of m* made Inst year with the Indians llmlH-r or «Ione tlian for agrlenltiiral per|K>«e». in litis office hie sworn statement No. statement by Mr. Pierce was fully ami to e.lalill«li hi» daini to «atri lumi liefore 287, for tire lxtrehase of the N'V’I June, 1901. tor certain lands excluded from the i corrolMirated by a letter to him from thè Ki’glater ami Keeelver ot Ihl» office al of Section No. 28, in Township No. 39 8., E. M. BRATTAIN, Register. ’’"servatlon. Lakrvlsw. uregon, on Frlilay, thè nidi day ol i a party who Is prominently Interested Ausiiat. ItMH He nanie» a» wltneaac»: John Range No. 6 East, and w ill offer proof to I David - llaugh 4>l of aysri)^ tang lake in In Hie enterprise. innu wiim ••• Il KiMM'k, ni K lamathon, Calli. ; Otto II. Kulow, ahow that the land sought Is more valu­ Goo. Bradley has just received a of Klainallinn. Calli.; Hlierldan F. Tliornton. ol own with his hla team on Naturday, Nat unlay, and ami able for its timber or stone than for agri­ large lino ot stiver mounted bits, l Klamalhon, Calli.: J "aliane Dlekey.nl K Inni AIDE SADDLE FOR SALE. while here his Horace "hllo homes Ixvame became frlghl- fright- , 1 ailiiin, Calli. Any ami all |>er»on» clalinlng cultural purtmaea, and to establish his I have the finest I [ atlieraely thè nlmve 4* *i* «F4*4* 4* : ELECTRIC BIG STORE I* HEADQUARTERS FOR CASH STORE Í Studebaker Wagons, I I 4- Í I Deering Mowers, Thomas and Deering Rakes, ii Oliver Chilled Plows, s John Deere Steel Plows. \tAÌAto C. ii. WITHROW, STATE LAND BOARD Hats 9 4-' Steel Ranges, General Line Hardware, Stoves, $ Dry Goods, Tinware, and Crockery, Furniture and Burial Cas­ kets, Paints, Oils and Glass, Carpets and Lin­ $ Clothing and Groceries 4- i oleum. The Best Assortment We i Have Ever Shown BALDWIN, Hardware Dealer, I * T^. O. V. W. BUILDINC, 4( New Stock Now Arriving BALDWIN’S PRICES. / Jr. 4- i L. F. WILLITS, Proprietor 4* Baldwin, the Hardware Dealer, A. 0. I. W. Bldg. I « THE BRICK STORE w FULL STOCK General Merchandise. REAMES Hardware, Tinware and Agricul­ tural Implements. & JENNINGS, KLAMATH FALLS, OR RAILROAD NEWS. The best Enameled Ware on Earth« Nothing like it ever brought to Klam ath Falls before. Only stock of the kind in the ceunty Come and see and be convinced. CARRICK & GRIGSBY.