Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, June 13, 1901, Image 1

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13, 1901.
pane, tnuslla curtains, clean matting, co»
vealent tullet table, sad wbat to her was
fairer than all tbs real, upon tire uiauttd
pl«-* there stood two small vaaea, tilled
Our Export» Io Spain Thia Ytar PromlM ta
with sweet Bowers, whose fragrant-* Uli-
Break all Record».
rd th» a part meat with delicious perfume. FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS
All thia was ao dlffi-reut from th* burs
New York, June 5.—A spceial from
walla, uncovered Boora and rickety furol
Washington says:
titre uf tba poorbouaw that .Mary treiu
bind leaf It ahould provv a dream from
t Comprebamlv* R«vhw ul th« lmpor»wi Spain and tha United State* ar-ein to C mhmku I and Financial flaptxninqi of I
which ere lung she would awake.
When Mary waa finally sent fur by
portance A Britt Rtvww al al
H.ppaninq» W the Past Wuk W«M ter to fully restored and it i* not improb­
Mra. Mason abe had lie* Il so m» It secua
able that American export, to that
Growth and Iraprovemewt* of ih* M.
te a Condensed Form Whkh I» Mote
tinned tu sick peraotM that abe km-w lu
country in the finr-al year 1901 will
lultlrely Juat what tu du aud when to
Induttrici Throughout Our Thrrvheg C
llkaly Io Pro»« ol 1st«rot to Our Many
be greater, with poeaibly a single ex­
do It, and Iter step was so light, her rol*-e
moawealth - Late»! Market Report
•o low. and tba baud which bath»-*! the
ception, than in any preceding year.
aching brad so soft and g»ntl» la Ita touch
Export* from the United State« to
that Mrs. Maaon laruluatarily drew her
Ground has been broken for then
There are yet many rebels in arm* 8|>ain in the nine months ending
to her bosom, and kissing her lipa, lallad
with March, 1901, were vainoti at Patterson school building at Euger
her her child, aad said she ahould never in the island of Cebu.
*7,091,043 in
About 100,(JOI) pounds of wool ,
Icava her; then, laying back In her easy
Jamestown, Cape Colony, has lieen »11,879,349, »gainst
the corre«|»indinff period in the fiscal «old at The Dalles the other day
chair, aha remained perfectly »till, while
captured by the Boers.
Mary alternately Bled her hair r-ud
year 1899. The figures for the year 10 cents.
Judge Taft will la-the first governs? up to thin time indicate that the total
■moothad her forehead, until abe fe.l Into
Placer work in the Weatherby a
a quiet slumber, from which aha did not of the Philippine islands.
exporta from the United State, to Durkee districts, Eastern Oregon,
a»vake until Judith rang the toll fur sup­
The Chine*« emperor is planning a H[iain in the fiscal year 1901 will be ! now in full progress.
per, which waa neatly laid out !n a llltlo
aliout *16,000,000.
trip to Europe for next year.
■lining parlor, opeoing Into tba flower gar
Slugs and cutworms are do.ng
the import side the figure* of
Civil government will be inaugur­ the On prewnt
di-u. Thera waa aoiuelblug ao vary social
fiscal year are largely in ■ small amount of damage to early g
anil ebrering lu the appear a oca ut tbv ated in the Philippine* July 1.
excea* of thoae of 1899, though slight­ dens around Cottage Grove.
r* o-n, and th« arrangement of the table,
Eight miners were killed by an ex­ ly lea* than thoae of 1900 which were
The Oregon Telephone Compì
with ita gloasy white cloth, and iliabea of
’ ■
nine- 1891. The annual has a large force of men employer
tin* same bus that Mary felt a'luott aa plosion in a Michigan coal mine.
inu* b Ilka weeping as ahe did on the u nht
The cuti 'defender Coatutitiun wan import, from Spain into the United Dallas making extensive repairs.
o* her arrival at the pourbouae. But »Ira. dismasted in a squall during her trial States since 1891 have ranged from
Preparations for the Eastern <
Mason seemed to know exactly how to trip.
»3,500,000 to *6,000,000, averaging gon Fourth of July celebration, tc
entertain her, and by the time that first
Chicago machinist* demand that about *4-500.000, while for the pre»- held in Baker City, are being pus
tea was over there was hardly a happier
Employers Association shall dis­ ent fiscal year they .eeni likely to *x- with vigor.
child In the world than was Mary.
<to-d *5,000,000.
Mra. Maaon noon dismissed her to he»
The hop yards in Lincoln cot
own room, where she for some tlm*
are looking fine. The great tre
Three persons were killed and 15
amused beraelf with watching tha day- ' injured, some fatally, in a train wreck
is to get a sufficient number of
light aa It gradually disappeared fr-*m in Georgia.
to do necessary work.
thr Kill« which lay toyoud the pond. Then
Not Settle Machinist*’ Strike Unti
John A. Van Gros* a student i
Construction has begun on a rail­
when It all waa gone, and the stars to :
June II.
University of Oregon, has jus
gan to cotue out. ahe turned her »yea road from Grand Forks, B C., to Re­
toward one which had always aMtoad to public, Wash.
Chicago, June 5.—There will be no ceiverl notice that he ha* been a
her to to her mother's soul looking dowu (
Carnegie says that England will I settlement of the machinists’ strike ed a acholarship in Yale Univer*
upon her from the windows of heaven...
_ - , . - .. ..
Albany college commencement
Now to night there .bone braid. It a
. •H-;*’ to "-e I nthvl Mat.-, for in Chicago until June 11. This war
smaller, feebler one, and In the fleecy ni|lt'*ry help.
the decision of the local manufactur­ ender June 14 to 19 provide* an
clouds which floated around It aha fan-
The preaideut anti cabinet lias de- ers t.alay, when the members of the orate program of oration*, *en
cl«f she .ould define the face of her baby tided that an extra seaeion of con- Chicago Association of Machinery receptions and reunion*. The co
is just closing its 34th year.
aiater. Involuntarily atretchlng out h*r i treaa
Manufacturers pledged allegiance tc
bauds, ahe cried, "Oh. mother! Allie! 1
A prominent mining engineer f
am «o happy o**wami to th*- i-hihl’s Im j
new lOMflOO ttil-t li.K
MM the National Metal Trades Associa­
Colorado is making a toor of the
agination the stars amitol lovingly upon formed to lake over thr American und tion, and agreed not to enter into ne­
mining districts of Eastern
her. while the evening wind, as It gently Contintcnal corn pan ire
gotiations until with any of their em­ eral
the interest of a large *j
moved the boughs of the tall elm trea-a.
Twenty thousand acres of hay­ and ploy« until after the great gathering cate of capitalists of that state.
seruird like the rustle of angels' wings
grain were destroyed by fire near the
Who shall say the mother's spirit was
Four whales in Yaquina bay
not there to rejoice with her daughter town of lx>s Banos, Cal.
While the manufacturers were dis­ reported one day last week.
over the glad future ofx-uing so brightly
Lord Kitchener’s re|»>rta of the re- cussing their future action, the ma­
Arranged nets are being made
before her?
cent battle at Vlakfontein shows ! he chinists were not idle, a number of
Fourth of July celebration at Di
(To to continued.)
British loss to have been J00.
I II AITEK VIII. <<’u»0tiu»d )
(lu. mxiiliia al"'Ut twu wm-k» after
war,l Mary waa In lire meadow gailirriua
niwalllia f ir illut'er when ah* heard aiiine
..... , dung bar uanie; •»<! lii-ikiua up.
ab<- «•<• J«-»«) hurrjlii« toward her. her
»unlaHiurl bauglax down her back, aa
«anal, and her cln-edre Bushed with vlo
Irin Merilae
A« •»»>■ as ah* came np
all.- togan with. "«»h. my. ain't I bet and
tlreil, aud I ran t »lay a minute, either,
fur I rau away. Hut I had au< b good
■i-wa tn tetl yon. that I would romr You
are (»in* to bare a areal deal better
tome thnu thta
You know »here Illes
t'.irnrr la. the dlslrlet over eaat?
Marr tepliel that «ha did, and Jenny
VVe all wrut over there yea
today I" "er 'Ira Maa-.n
Hhe a a real
tire lady, who u.ed to live In floatuu.
and I»- lallniata «.Uh ma. until three or
four year» •*■> wheu Mr. Mason died
W* illdn I
there any mor* then, an.l
I eake-l Ko«- what the reaaoa was, and
ab<- aahl Mrs Ma»on waa poor now, and
■is ha-l 'rut her.' and when I aaked her
• hat »he isit her with, she only laughed,
awl «aid she Itelteretl I didn't know any
tblax H»t •I"1'* ,h,u !’’• learned what
It meaua."
"What dm « I " aaked Mary and Jenny
"If a per««! die« aud leave« no money.
Be aiattvr how *.» m I his folk« are. or h*w
murh jeu like them, you mustn't know
them ahm you mart them In the street,
or you must enwa over the other aid» If
you «er theut ceMulM; and then when la
Ja-e rail aud »peak alsoit them, you
utuat draw a great, l-ui* breath, and won­
der ho« the poor thing will gel along,
she was «> dreadfully extravagant.' 1
poaitirely heard mother aay those very
•onts about Mr«. Mason, and what 1« ao
faaay. the washnouiau th» Mine day
ipoki- -if her, and erled when abe told
tow kin ! «he wan. an I bow aha wouM go
wltbotti thing« herself for the sake of glr
lo< lx the poor.”
Afisr a moment's pause Jenny pror«*ed-
ad: "Tin« Mra. Ma«ou rama Into the
run airy and leoight the prettiest little
rottage you ever saw. Hhe has lota ot
ales fruit. an.| for all mother pretend« in
Bateoa that «be does not vlalt her, juat
a« soon as the fruit Is ripe she always
pw« there
l*a says It’a real mean, and
to should think Mrs. Mason would are
tbrnufb II ”
"Did you go there for fruit yesterday Y’
«.I.-1 M ■
hero sooner, said lie, "I hi I tho roads Is
awful rough, aud old Charlotte live got
a >tul> or aouu-tliln* lu her foot.
Whrru’a th.- gal? Ain’t alir ready Y'
Hl- was anawi rcd by Mary herself, who
made her appt-aranco, followed by Hilly
toann* the boa. And How cuiuiurnced
th. Iravr takings. Miss tlrundy’s turn
i-utulng Brat
"May I kiss you. Mis* Grimily?" said
M isa Grundy tom down and re-
crtvrd th» child’s klsa, and then dartlug
• •ff Into thr pantry, went to aklmmlug
fiaua of milk already akluiniml, Uacls
I'rtnr lrtwi..n liman kept ejaculating:
<Hi. lon.l. oh. massy aakr! oh. for
laud!” Billy knew It Would lie lonely
without Mary, but ha waa glad to have
bar go to a l-rttrf home, ao ba tried to
b* chrrrful.
A aid«- from him. Rally waa the only
mmposed <>m-
It la true her eyea were
very blight, and (here waa a cotnpreaalon
about her mouth seldom am-n, esi-rpt Juat
tof.ire otia of In r fri usled attacks. Oc-
caal.itially. too, ahr pressed bar bauds up­
on b«r bead, and walking to tba sink,
bathe.) Il in water, aa If to cool It* In­
ward heat.
Very different tlila time waa Mary's
ride alllr Mr. Kliltfht from wbat it hail
lirru aotue niunlba before, and
brnahln* away a few natural tears, and
sr-ndiii* Irark a few heart-aigha to the lov­
ed one« left lx hind, her spirits rallied,
and by the tliue they reached the border«
of III*« Corerr* there waa aueb a look
of quirt hapfiiH-aa on her fare that e»i-u
Mr. Ivnl*b> n-itl*<-d It. Aa they rode on
Mary fancied that tba rettntry looked
pleaaautcr an! tba honaea better than
In the region of the poorbouse; and when
a sudden turn of the road brought Into
»lew a toautlful blue «beet of water, rm
iMaotned by bright green bill*, her delight
knew no boon la Springing up and point
ing toward It. -hr exclaimed: "Oh. please
atop a mom. til and look, lan't Il lovely?
What la It?"
"That? Oh. that'» nothing but Tor
dunk Pond.’ nr aa folk« moat generally
call 'am, serin' there'« two. North and
I I'
"How far la thr | hiu 4 from Mrs. Ma-
son's?" aaked Mary, coating
glance« toward th. di.lant saudy beach
and the graceful treea which drooped
over the water'« edge.
"It'a farther back than ’tig there, 'cause
"Uh. ao," returned Jenny.
"Mother It'a uphill all the way." said Mr. Knight,
said «hr was tired to death with staying "but here ar to al Miaa Mason's thia
at h me
that, »hr b«*ard unir house right livre," and be polnta*d to a
thlag in Hoaton al»Htt a large rats’* In neat, bandanmv cottage, almoat hidden
Eaglanl. ahlih (HtaaHily would fall to from view by the -lense foliage which
> Mrs. Ma«.-n. aud ahr thought it would 1« aurrnunded it.
real kind tu go and trll her. Mrs. Maaon
There waa a long lawn in front, and
ha« poor health, amt while we were there Into the carriage road on the right of It
«hr a«k«i uiothrr If she knew of any good Mr. Knight turned, aud driving up to a
little girl «he rould get to rome and lit» •Ide door, «aid to Mary, "Come, Jump
with tor; 'one,’ »he aaid, ’who could lie down, tor my foot la ao lame I don't be
quirt wbrn her head ached, aud who Here I'll get out. But there's your cheat,
•onld read to hsr and wait on her at You ren t lift that.
Halloo! Judith,
othsr tlnir«.* Mother »aid st* did not come 'ere "
know uf any. but when
Mrs Ma»on
In answer to thia rail a fat. pleasant
Went Hit t . gpq tea, I f.illoued and told look lug colored woman apt>earr<l in the
her of you. and the tears came Into her doorway, and aa If fresh from the region*
tyra when I said ymtr folks were all dead. of cookdotn wiped the drop« of perspira­
• ad you were alme and sorry. Khe said tion from her round, Jolly face.
right off that ah» would come round and | "Here. Judith," »aid Mr. Kulgbt. "help
•re you aoon. and if she liki-d yuu you thia gal lift her trap« out.”
•botlM live with her.”
Judith compiled, aud then bidding old
Ko saying, she ran off; Mary, having Charlotte to get up," Mr Knight drove
gat here.! her i - ows )I| m , »at down to think ■ way, leaving Mary atanding by the
of Mr« Maaon. and WaUder If »he »houlil kitchen door.
"Come in and alt down." aaid Judith,
strr are her Th»t afternoon, when the
diahe« sere all washe-l, ahe, as usual, pushing a chair toward Mary with her
•tole *w«y to her booha. Khe had mH foot. "It'a *■ hot here as an oven, but
been kma occuplril ere aorue uno called I had cramliry aaas and ginfvr snap*, and
her. saying Mr. Knight waa downstairs massy know* what, to make thia morning
•ad Wauinl to are her. • ml that there and I got totaled; but Set dowu aud
make yourself to home.”
•aa a lady with him.
Mary took the proSU-red seat, and then
Mary readily gueaard that the lady
Judith left the room for a few momenta,
>>u«t In- Mrs. Mason, and carefully lirtiah
Ing her hair and tying on a clran apron, ■eying when she returned that, aa Mrs.
»he drM-vtidrd to the kitchen, where ahu Mason was still auffering from a head­
ache, she could not aee Mary until after
►iVn*’* ,',r "r' K k WM i who railed out. dinner. "And," continual Judith, "»lie
**•"“ lnr child, how do you do? 'I’enra told me to entertain you, but 1 dou't know
b* ••» you'»» grown handmitne. It agree«
what to any nor do first.
Harry died
•Ita y<»<i tn ||v* here, I reckon, but I'll
Juat a week to a day toforr he waa to to
’rnturr you'll l»> glad enough to leave married, ami ao I never had any little
•nil go and live with her, won't yon?"
glrla to talk to. Can't yon think of some-
pointing toward a lady »»ho waa Just
thing to talk about? What have you
ionilng from Mrs Parker's room and to-
lieen Used to doing?"
*"r' *ho»i Mary's heart Instantly warm-
"Washing dlahes." waa Mary’a reply,
"Wall." anawcred Judith, "I gucaa you
Mr. Knight, "one won't have that to do here for one night;
" ' ><• Lincoln glrla haa taken a mighty when aomc of the neighbor* were in I
•me to yo,, nni) ((.g nUM>r )1M> for heard Miaa Maaon tell 'eiii that »lie got
“eyre dreadful stuck tip folks."
you to rend to her and wait on her. An I
Mary. Inter- then she »aid something about your not
"Jenny Isn't a Idt stuck up." having nn equal chance with your elater.
' mpli’ returned Mr. Knight. "She Yon han't but one, now f'otlier'a dead,
"<»« not luil.m, to the Lincoln nice, then. have you?"
Mary replied in tho negative, and Ju­
1 ¡J«?"'.
hnow them, rm»t and branch,
tare .
*',rk ,n ,b* r»’” dith continued: "Wall, now you've got
'•»' ■I'f'« f-rgot all over the Brat ou t. 1 reckon you’a glad
kill t1**' *”'*
her head dreadful the baby'a dead, for alio must have la-en
•h. nrvrr ahe are-, me. But that’a kind of a bother, wasn't ahe?"
I her here nor there.
Thia woman
Inatantly Mary’a thoughts flow back to
»<• you to livr with her. Miaa Mason, an empty cradle, and again a little golden
1'• Mary. Mary, thia la Ml»« Maaon." head waa pillowed upon her hreaat. an
«ri-r' Mre^u""1"" ,M'lni‘ ,h"* ,'"l‘l'l,y often In time* past It hail lieen. and aa
It would never be again
Covering her
• reel .
l,r",'’*>lod to aak Mnry
In» . k \i'>f
«nd ended by aay- face with her hands, alio aolda-d, "Oh,
Ihoiu,)" ."'"K1" -he would take her, al- Allie, Allie! I wish she hadn't died!"
Judith looked on In amaaeinent. and for
• oim-
r"lh,,r n,,t b»v" ,"‘r
I»- al "r.*
4*Jn- »» »he waa going to want of »oinething better to do placed a
fresh atjek of wood In the stove, mutter­
' l"" Grundy wna now Inter
»’k 1 ,l,",r1,’f"'ng her knowledge of ing to herself, "Now, I never! I might
of knew I didn't know what to say. What
"'e rru'liiui''
" '''”>"o<l'"’>"lal nlr
a pily Hurry died. I'll give her that Idg
too nn.M
''fhnpa, ma'am, it looks
ginger snap the minute It’a linked. See if
Hui I', .' i
l’rnl"l»g myself, considerin'
but I
"" 1
"'"""«In’ of her nioatlv, 1 dou't.”
Accordingly, when the snap waa done,
me »< m "
'hnt aha'a lived with
Judith placed It in Mary's hands, bidding
«••1 ri.»; 1,ot. ",r
so well, her cat It quick, and then go up and ace
"’mp|•rr1^."t.'lMl'’,""."* " m"nn,'r"''. X|M»I-
the nice chitinber Mrs. Maaon had ar­
• knlf.
" '' Bni* w,l) aconr as bright
ranged for her.
Wl"h *° "***"
"Com*,” said Judith; and lending the
tie aim
last, and long Itefnre way, ahe conducted Mary up the atnir-
Marv "
'’Ter ‘hp «aatern hills
caae, and through a light, nlry hall to tho
••’read, 't1' I""1 dr*»«*»!. Juat na ahe doo.- of a small . ...... which she opened,
k»lly winJl,, ",
h, r r,M,,n
hek^I saying. "I.ook, ain’t It pretty?"
,,H ,OW1,onc' ‘‘Oh'
Mary's heart wna too full to speak, mid
•*irnlaa ok ,1,0,1 f '"K — mourning - for aeveral minute* she aloud silent. With
l,’r” 11 •* mourning when the exception of her mother's pleasant
parlor In old England, she had never be­
fore seen anything which seemed to her
w“’1* Mr Kul,l,‘ droT"
•»froii. i. i"' Maaon being sick with so cosy und cheerful as did that little
“»•dai-ha. "I ohould have been room, with Its slng'e bed, snowy counter-
í » ’
* ;
machinists leaving the three plants
The O. R A N. Co. has a h
Russia's casualties during the Chi­ of the Crane Company to join the
new switch engine in the Pend
nese campaign were 31 officers and strikers.
Statements differ as to yards.
tum.ulllra tbs Frsncbman Kap«rt-
682 men killed or died of wounds.
the number of men who left the
rncmi In tonrntau K «glinb.
The movement of cattle from
The city of Mattoon, III., was Crane plant. Besides these men, 80
A I'n-ucbtiiau tblrating for linguistic
ney county for the summer it
su|H«rlor1ty re«-eutly In-gan a counte of almost entirely destoryed by fire. workmen struck in three other places, tinder way.
...»«« to th« Cup ùtluxitr CoMtHutHM
Engllab lettaona with a timelier of lan- The proju-rty loaa will reach *75,000. while agreements were signed with
five firms whose names would not be
A severe frost near Vale a few nights
gmigre. After tolling conscientiously
— Rare* Will 9« Postpowcg.
The rebel general Cai I les doubted given out.
ago is reported to have injured crops
through a g<xxi many exervto-a the fol­ that Aguinaldo had la-en captured,
Newport, R. I., June 6.—Wliile
lowing dialogue Is-tween the pupil and and sent a special servant to satisfy
Two car load* of one and two year da*hln« M,onl?
• R**1 who,e “»>
Illa master was overheard:
Reef lightship
"I find the English very difficult,”
Von Walderaee has start«-»! for Ber­ All Lin«« Wut of th« Misxixxippi to the Pa.
bay last week.
i this afternoon, with three lower sails
complalne»! the Frenchman. “How do lin.
cific to Be United.
yon pronounce t-0-11 g-h?"
The contract for carrying j the mail set, the big hollow steel mainmast on
Physicians give hope of Mr» Mc­
"It la pronounced ‘tulf.’ ”
New York. June 5.—One trenien- between Marshfield and N tortb Bend the defender Constitution coll
"Eh. bleu, 'tuff;' 'anuff,' then, 1* spelt
will be let July 1.
like a blow pipe through the sudden
The policy of the United States dou* consol idat ion of the railroads
a n o u g h. la It not?”
Oliver P. Kaubb, aged 78, an old breaking of the starboard and win­
"Oh. 110; ’aiiutr Is a|M>lt s n u ff, Al
pioneer, died at his home near Col- ward spreader. The mast broke off
a mutter of fact, word* eudlng III
The prune outlook in Oregon is river and the Pacific coast promises burg the other day.
only a few feet below the spreader,
to result from a settlement of the
o 11 g b are somewhat Irregular.”
favorable for a good market.
The new superintendent of the about three-fifth* of the length of the
"I .<■<•; n au|H-rb language! T-o-li g li ( Senator McLaurin, of South Caro- differences wlffch caused the North­
ern Pacific corner.
Not only have Badger mine in Susanville district mast above deck, and as the top mast
I* 'tuff' and c o-u g h la 'cuff.' 1 bave ! lina, withdraws his resignation.
the differences lieen settled between has laid off a number of men, pend­ was carried away at the same time,
a very lunl cuff."
A new newspaper is expected to be the Morgan-Hill faction and the Har­ ing the making of improvements.
"No; It 1» ‘coff,’ not ’cuff.' ”
none of the spars truck the deck ex­
in Seattle about October 1.
riman partjr, regarding the Burling­
The Lincoln county court will
"Very well; cuff, tuff aud coff. And
cept the boom, and the latter only hit
Several thousand dollars were found
d-iyti g h la ‘duff,’ eh?"
under a sidewalk in Mineral Point, rood and the Northern Pacific and river at Elk City and will construct it light blows which did not injur«
"No, not 'duff.' ”
Great Northern with the Union Pa-! a bridge across the Yauina river at the hull at all. None of the sail«
" 'Doff,' then?"
cific, but also that the St. Paul, the Pioneer.
were torn and all can be used again.
"No; 'doh.' ”
A serious encounter occurred be­ Chicago A Northwestern and the
"Well. then, what about h ou g h?" tween French and British troops in
The machinery for the additional Fortunately three seamen had juat
Chicago Great Western will be taken five stamps for the Lucky Boy mill come down from the masthead after
"That I* prouounc«*»! 'hock.*"
of in the great harmunixing in the Blue River district has arrived
** 'Hock!* Then I auppone the thing
taking in the club topsail, but the
Chicago employers agree not to try
the farmer use«, the p-l-o-u-g b. la to settle machinists' strike until after scheme in the trunk lines of the west. : at Springfield and will be hauled to wreckage swept overboard the second
the mine as soon as poesilbe.
•pluff.' or la It ’phlock,’ or ’plo?’ Fine June 11.
He was promptly hauled on
language ’plo.’ ”
board however, without sustaining
Aa a result of a colliison in West
Portland Markets.
"No. no; It la pronounced ’plow.’ ”
anything more than a few bruise*.
"I shall soon master English. I am Virginia two are dead and many oth­ Will Try to Get Non-Union Mtn in About
Tne Constitution will be taken to
Wheat—Walla Walla. 60c.; val-
Sixty Days More.
sure. Here we go. ’Plow,’ ’coff.’ ’tuff,’
j ley, nominal; biuestem, 61962c- Bristol where another steel mast if
AU railroads west of Mississippi
nearly finished.
The yacht will be
'hock,* and now here la another—
Seattle. June 5.—If the strike of ' per bushel.
river to the Pacific coast are to lie
r-o-n-g h: that la ’row,’ 1 auppooeF*
Flour—Best grades. *2.909 3.40 per immediately refitted, hut it will lie a
week or 10 days before she is ready tc f
“Oh. no, tny friend; that’a 'ruff' consolidated.
liarrel; graham, *2.60.
Oats—White. *1.32^91.35 per cen­ sail again, so that the races scheduled
There is great unseaineas Eng­ settled within 60 days at the out­
off this port for June 15 and 17*will
"And I m » u g h 1» 'buffF "
land on account of scarcity of South side, an effort will be made by the tal ; gray. *1.3091.321* percental.
manufacturer* to operate their shops
"No; that happona to be ’bow.' "
Barley—Feed, *17917.50; brewing, have to be jiostponed.
African news.
"Ye«, wonderful language. And I
A state­ *17917.50 per ton.
A new explosive, called Maximite, with non-union workmen.
Millstuff*—Bran, *17 per ton ; midd­
have Just e-n-o u g h of It; that's 'enou,' much more powerful than Lyddite, ment practically to this effect was
la It not?"
has been adopted by the United State* made today by a leading member of lings. *21.50; shorts. *20.00; chop,
"No; ’enilff.' ” — Sheffield Weekly government.
the Washington branch of the Metal »16.
Contract for Construction Signed—Canadian
Hay—Timothy, *12.50914; clover,
Trades Association of the Pacific
Pacific Connections.
Exports this year from the United coast. It is said by members of the *799.50; Oregon wild hay, *697
Imdy "Botm” and Her Trunk*.
States to Spain will lie larger than in Manufacturers' Association that there per ton.
Spokane, June 6. — Construction
There 1« a story going around atMuit any preceding year, with a |M>ssil>le arc plenty of non union machinists
Hop*—12914c. per lb.
work will start tomorrow at Nelson.
Lady lloliert* and her trunk*, for the ■ingle except ion.
in the East, who would readily ac- ■ Wool — Valley, 11913c; Eastern Wash., on the Republic & Grand
truth of which, aay* the Westminster
Intense heat prevails over Europe. cept work at the present scale of
Forks Railroad,
Contracta were
Gazette, a man returning from South
per pound.
The birth of a royal princess causes wages in the Seattle shops.
Africa vouches.
George 8. Decks
Butter — Fancy creamery, 159 signed here today.
At the height of the transport difficul­ much joy in Italy.
17 Sc.; dairy. 13914c.; store, 109 A- Co., are the contractors, and the /
Filipinos Elected to Congrttt.
General Chaffee’s army has arrived
ties, l.ndy ItolM-rtn carrh«d eight large
12c. per pound.
road, 46 miles in length, is to be com­
trunks from I’ iiih * Town to Bloemfon­ at Nagasaki from China.
—Oregon ranch, 12912l4c- pleted by November I. It will con­
who were recently elected to parlia­ per Eggs
tein lu the very teeth of the officer*.
Ixmdon has a rumor of a severe ment were three Filipinos, residents
—Full cream, twins, 12<*c; nect with the Canadian Pacific at
EverylxHly wondered, everybody British defeat near Pretoria.
in Spain. They propose during the
Grand Forks, B. C., but the promot­
America, 1351914c. l*r ors say they are independent of all
grumbled. No one but Iunly liolx-rt»
The duke of York's visit to Canada course of the debate on the speech pound.
cigthl have taken the things through has been officially announced.
from the throne to bring up the
Pou 1 try—Ch ickens, m i xed, *3.5094; railroads.
The ti'HiiNport of stores had lw*eu atop
question of the Philippines, alleging hens,
Secretary Holland and Attorney-
*495.00; dresseil, 11912c. per
pt-il for the time, the sick lacked every
that the situation is worse than be- pound; springs, *1.5093 per doxen; Morris will leave tomorrow for To­
coinfort, nnd those who were not sick
fore the war.
ducks. *597; geese, *697; turkeys, ronto to arrange for the construction
were half starvetl and only half-clad.
Mrs. McKinley's condition cause*
live. 10912c; dressed, 14916c. per of a 500 ton smelter at Grand Forks.
Therefore, when a fatigue party was the doctors much apprehension.
Burglars Burned a Town.
They say they have contracts for the
told off to fetch thus»* eight trunks from
Minister Conger expects to return
Beaumont, Tex., June 5.—The
Potatoes—Old, 90c9*1.10 per sack; greater part of the ore output of Re­
Bloemfontein station, some rather un­ to his post in China about July 17.
public for the next two year*.
town of Jaspnr has been entirely new. 2c. per pound.
complimentary things wer»> »aid about
wiped out by fire. Seventeen houses,
women travelers In general and tills
Atphalt Dcipoiits Diicovarad.
l>c established at Vancouver, Wash. including every business house in tho pound gross; best sheep, wethers,
lateet transgressor In particular.
New York. June 6.—A cable meg­
The Ohio state board of arbitration place, and a number of residences, with wool. *4.259 4.50; dressed, 697c
Next day seven of th«» eight trunks
were destroyed. The town has no fire per pound.
age to the Ecuadorian Association,
wen» unpacked, nn<l their contents «Ila- prevented a street car strike at Day­ department. Previous to the fire the
Hogs — Gross, heavy, *5.7596; I
trlbnted among the soldiers. Th«» clever ton.
has offices in this city, an
poatoffice safe and the safe of the light, *4.7595; dressed, 7c. per
huly had smipped her fingers at red
nounced the discovery of vast depos­
American exports to Scandinavia county treasurer had been blown open pound.
ta|H*. mid bail smuggled through com have more than treble«! in the past and robbed. The conclusion is that
Veal—Ijtrge, 61497c. per pound; its of asphalt on the island of 8n-
lango off the coast of Ecuador. Trin­
forts for the men. One small trunk con­ 10 years.
burglars blew open these safes and small, 7)496 c . per pound.
tained her personal belongings.
Beef—Gross, top steers, *595.25; idad is now the chief source of the
Janies A. Herne, the well known then set fire to the town to create ex-
world’s asphalt supply, which is con­
actor, passed away at his home in chôment that would afford them an cows and heifers, *4.5094.75; dressed trolled by the trust.
Hen H»h In l*ato Ontario.
The deepening of the St. Lawrence New York.
cnnal ayuteiu has had other result*
Ran Into an Oil Car.
A Georgia coroner's jury brought
Poetal Orders.
It is understood in Rome that Pope
thnn to allow the pnuxitge of ocean­
in the following verdict recently:
June 6.—Passenger train
Washington, June 5.—‘The poat- “The deceased came to his death
going freightage, following In the Leo XIII lias made a will naming his
No. 106, on the Panhandle Railroad,
from a railroad in the hands of a re­
known as the Carnegie accommoda­
made their appearance In Lake On-
Northwestern Iowa has begun ship- Or., will be discontinued on June 15 ceiver, and the same is manslaughter
tion, ran into a tank car full of oil in
tnrlo, and are lielng eagerly captured ping choice butter to l’orto Rico. and its mail sent to Gervais. A post­ in the first degree.”
b.v the tlnhermen.
The first consignment left Sioux office has been established at Chisna,
Banana flour has lately begun to be the Troy street tnnnel last night.
The oil immediately ignited and the
Alaska, to lie supplied by special used in making cakes, bread and bis­
I'rrlimlmr, *tsp>.
train was completely f
The Austro Hungarian census just service from Valdes, 200 miles to the cuits. It is also used as a children’s
"Are you educating your child with
completed shows the total population south. A poetoffice has been estab­
M view to Ills future college career?”
'•Oh, yea; lie’s got to begin next to l>o 47,000,000, an increase since lished at Austin, Island county,
--J-—«-..... ..
week ami take a drop of tabasco sauce 1890 of 9 per cent. The population of
Wash, to lie supplied from Newell.
Budapest has increased 45 |>er cent.
three Times a day.”
1! ¡"I
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f the
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