KLAMATH VOL. VI. KLA.MATII F~ ROM « BY MARY J HOLMES FALLS, REPUBLICAN KLAMATH COUNTY, OltEOON, MAY 30, 1901. NO. ». saying, ’’Goals bare, little daughter, and WASHINGTON GOSSIP CHAUTAUQUA PROGRAMME let me touch you with ths top of uiy fourth Olger." Sarlaua Conation of Affsin ta Alsaks fita- About noou ths clouds broke away, Arrangement« Finished tor ExerclM« st Glad- while here aud there a pat -h of bright tional flomaa (or Ditahlad SoMlara. •tone Park. blue aky waa to be •<•« u But tbs roads FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM A serious condition of affairs i* re were a* muddy that Mary bad no hope Oregon City May 22.—Ararnge- OF THE WORLD. ALL OVER OREGON. of Billy'a Cuming, aud this It waa, per ported in Alaska in letter* which mentn have been completed forth« ex ha («a, which made the dinner (llahra ao come from army officers on duty in ercises at Gladstone Park, July 3-13. I hard to wash, aud which made her cry Thomas J. Morgan, of New York city, Comnwrctal and financial Happenings of Im. that territory, and especially front k Comprehensive Review ol the Import ota when told that ail the knives and forks those stationed at Fort Davis. The will I* the orator on the Fourth of mnet be scoured, tbs teakettle wiped and Happenings of the Past Week Prese ^d July, and will later give a lecture on portant«- A Brief Review of of th« forage at last accounts wits nearly ex •et with Ita uoae north. In what Mr«. hausted. The price of stqiplies which Others who in a Condensed Form Which Is Most the ”Negro Problem.1’ Growth and Improvcmruti of th* Many Grundy called the ’ I’out Hole,'* and must l«e shared by civilians a* well as will deliver two lectures are Dr. which proved proved to be a place under Likely to Prove of Interest to Our Many Industries Throughout Onr Thriving Com. the army, has greatly increased, and Chaires Bayard Mitchell, of the Hen the stairs, where pots, kettles and Iron there was every indication that those Readers. monwcalth Latest Market Report nepin avenue Methodist Episcopal ware generally were kept. who had made money in Alaska would church of Minneapolis; Dr. J. M. All tillage have an cud, and so did the have every opportunity to *[*‘«<1 it for Bash ford president of the Ohio Wes- scouring. In spite of Mary's fears to the The coat of repairing the Albany the necessities of life. Coal, for in im- contrary, and then watching a time when lyan university. Lectures will be de bridge amounted to $1,837.57. stance, brought as much as $60 [•*’ Mrs, Grundy did not see her, she stole livered by Dr. Alexander Blackburn I To it< I f, <4 of Portland and Dr. A. J. Frost of I xm away upstairs. Taking Alice ou her lap, The new ice plant at Baker City ton. slw sat down by the op«-ii window where Angelen. The Parke Sinters of New will lie in operation by July 1. The nstional homes for disubletl the damp air cooled aud moistened her York city will give two instrumental signed the The annual meeting and barbecue volunter soldiers are open to regulars Hushed face. The rain waa over, and concerts and Polk Miller will give two of Wheeler County Pioneers will l«e and volunteers alike who have Served across the meadow the sun waa shining rhe old Shamrock la at the new l«y evenings ol entertainment on “South held at Richmond on June 12 and 13. in any war, the board of management, through the tall trees, making the drops ern Life. ” in the discretion allowed by law, con of water which Imug upon the leaves half a minute in the last trial. The advance in the price of pota- struing aervice in the Philippine* as Musical concerts will be under the sparkle and flash In the sunlight like eo The striking machinists ___ have , toes has caused the planting of more direction of Prof. Boyer and the Che- many tiny rainbows. Mary watched them The gained many recruits to their ranks. rnawa Indian l>and will give daily potatoes than ever before in the vicin equivalent to service in a war. for a time, and thru looking Into ths proposition hss been several times ad- ity of La Grande. The coal tax in England is injur programme*. The class instruction road, ah« saw directly opposite the house I vanced to throw the volunteer home* liilly Bernier and with him Alles's cradle. ing the i.ianufai'turiiig interests of will |je a special feature and the in The Albany council has resolved to open to regulars without regard to war In a moment Mary's arms were thrown the nation, structors will I« the same as last year turn over the bridge across the Wil service, and an amendment waa offer around bis neck as tightly as If she I he recent punitive expeditions of except that Miss May Neal, of North lamette at that place to Linn and ed during the last session of congres* thought lie bad the power and was come Germany in China are now pleasing west University, Chicago, will have Benton counties or to Linn county, with that object in veiw. But it was to lake her away. charge of reading and elocution, and when the city shall lie reimbursed for defeated because of strong Qjipositi<m to th«- RuaNian ruler. "Oh. Hilly, Billy," said ahe. "1 was Prof. J. Ivey, of Los Angeles, wi'.l the recent improvements. to endangering the rights of the vol afraid you would not come, ami It mads Nearly 2,<MM) more United States have charge ol the art daises. unteers, anil also because the regular* uie so unhappy.'* volunteer* are now on the way home A rural mail delivery route from have a national home at Washington, Aa Billy released her he was startled from the Philippines. Eugene will be recommended to the RICH HAY DISTRICT. surround«! by lieautiful grounds, an at hearing some one call out. ’•Bravo! postal department. The route will ideal place, which is in part aupport- Interior regions of British Colum That, I conclude, Is a country bug. I bia are threatened with serious floods Meadow Lands in Idaho Which Produce Heavy be as follows: From Eugene north «1 hy contribution* of 13 cent» de hope elie won't try It on me!** on river road to the Miller fruit dryer ducted from the monthly pay. There Turning about he saw before him a by reason of the late spring. Yields. and return to Ranta Clara school are in addition to these 30 state homes white faced |«oy. nearly of hia own age, A l»and of fifty-seven gv|«»ic* æekitig Washington, May 21.—A report house, thence west to Irving road, where the volunteers of the v*rtmis whose dress and appearance Indicated »dniiiMioti to the United States from has been received by the department thence southeast to Riuslaw stage states may find shelter in their ohl that he lielonged to a higher grade, as far (•erniany have lieen deported. a« wealth was concerned. It was Henry I of agriculture from a special statis road, thence «eat to Kemp school •gc. _______ • ‘ A clerk in the adjutant general's tical agent who has recently traversed house thence south to foot hills by Lincoln, notorious leith for pride and In aoleni-e. Billy, who had worked for Mr. ofli«-«' at Manila ia charged with forg the great hay district of Northern way of Martin brick yard and return Commissioner Powderly wants the Lincoln, bad been Insulted by Henry ing General MacArthur's name. Idaho. Along the St. Joseph and to Eugene via Hawkins road, The head tax on immigrants coming into many a time, and now ha longed to 1 he party of Ohio congressmnen the St. Mary's rivers, and subject to trip will be made six times a week. the country increased to not less than avenge It, but uatlve pollti-nesa taught He who a< < ''til[«alli<*»l Pr«'«ii|ent McKinley overflow during the spring, are thous Service will not be established before $2. At present this tax is $1. him that Io the presence of Mary 'twould July. recommended to congrro* that the ands of acres of rich meadow lands to the West are now in Portland. not lie proper, so without a word to Hen Bear creek cattlemen shipped from increase be made, not with a view of ry he whispered to the little girl. "That Admiral Rogen haa arrived in Ca which produce heavy yields of wild Timothy, where sown, will Pendleton 110 head of cattle to Puget imposing hardships upon th^ new fellow Ilves near here, and If he ever vite to succeed Admiral Kempff aa hay. comers, but really to help them. He gives you trouble just let me know.'* cotnamnder of the Asiatic squadron. yield from two to three tons per acre. sound. says the increase imposes no severe In the Indian reservation the land is "Kissed her then, didn't you?" sneer- Fi"v cailets have lieen ex|«elled and practically given over to wild hay, The annual field day athletic con burden upon those seeking homes in Ingly asked Henry, retreating at the name time, for there waa something In Billy's six («tliera au*|M*nded at" West Point but elsewhere timothy in usually tests of the Pendleton public schools this country, and it would insure the aa the result of the investigations cultivated. Farmers near the navi will take place May 27. eyes which he feared. accumulation of a fund sufficient to "t'oiue Into the house," said Mary, into the recent hazings. construct suitable and comfortable gable parts of the rivers bale their Henry Brune front Rockland, sold "where he can't ace ns," and leading the J. P. Morgan haa purchased the hay and ship it down the stream to 30 sheared yearling wethers at The buildings whenever needed for the way she conducted him up to her own comfort and safety of tho»e awaiting celebrated .Mannheim art collection the markets of the river or lake Dalles for $3.10 a head. room, where there waa no fear of being inspection, as well as for the adminis of Paris. Ow ing to high import du towns. The larger part, however, interrupt«!. A bridge has l»een completed across tration of the law relating to immi of the hay raised in the district is de Alice waa first carefully fixed in her ties it will be kept in England for the It is gration. The tax of $1 upon each im voted to stock feeding, a thriving the Sandy river near Ix«ona. cradle, and then kneeliug down at Billy'a present. 233 feet long and 16 feet wide. migrant make* up a fund used in ad industry. aides and laying her arms ai roaa his lap, Mrs. McKinley continues to im Much of this district is heavily Mary told him of rrerythiug which bad prove slowly. It is reported that the Golconda ministering the immigration laws. timbered, the princi[«al varieties be 1 mine, situated in Williams creek dis Last year this amounted to $576,688. happened, and finished by asking, "bow Carnegie gave £2,(MM),(MM) to Scotch ing white pine, red fir, cedar, yellow trict, has been sold for a good figure. long she must at ay here?” Admiral Dewey favors a neutral pine and tamarac. Timber cutting Ilad Billy'a purse >w«n as large as his universities. Jack Gordon and Pete Gagnon re-' isthmian canal, bring opposed to its heart, that question would have easily The Ohio congressional party ia in is carried on extensively and the lieen answered. Now he could only ahake Oregon on their trip home. cleared lands converted into farms. •ently sold several quartz mining fortifiAtion. The neutrality of the his head In reply, while Mary next nak Strawberries are a profitable crop. ' claims in the Greenhorn mountains to canal can be guaranti-cd by our fleet. In a second trial race Shamrock II The canal is to be a commercial water ed If he had seen Kila. High prices are obtainable because Gibb Leavitt for $3,000. way, and neutralization, therefore, • I have not seen her." return«! he. "but lient Shamrock I one minute. lierries from this district come upon Recently a piece of quartz weigh I've heard that rainy as It waa this mom- President McKinley reviewed the the market a week after those from ing 25 pounds was picked up at the will mean it* preservation. Ing. Mrs. Campbell's mai«l waa out select- whool children of S»n Francisco. other sections are spent. Mule Gulch placer mine, near An- Mrs. Jessie Benton Fremont, widow Ing muslins an«l jaconets for b<-r, nul The University of Oregon defeated toine. It is estimated to be worth . of the “Pathfinder,” has a claim they say ahe la not to wear black, as Mrs. ECLIPSE OF THE SUN. th«' University of Washington in ath ♦2,000. Campbell thinks her too young." against the United States government Mary di«l not apeak for some time, but letic*. A clean up from 100 tons of Mam- ' f°r from her in~( alifor- her head droppci on Billy'a knee, and An extra M'ssion of the Hawaiian Cloud* in tha Sky Intarafarad With th« Ob- moth mine ore treated at the Virtue n ” **- »“• Th These 1 landa appropriateli "■*_' were “ 7? **“ she seemed to lie Intently thinking, At legislature cut the salaries of a great •svatortaa. mill was _ taken to Baker City last a8 f “ r back as 1863 for military pur- last, brushing aside the hair which had * - ____ — poses. TL„.. They L..,4 had cost her wvarxwo more ih.in than many of the officials. fallen over her forehead, Billy said: San Francisco, May 22.—A cable week. The clean up amounted to $50.000, to say nothing of the interest The Pan-American exposition has gram received from Padang, Sumatra, , fl ,100—two bars, one of the value of "What are you thinking about?" "I was wondering if Kila wouldn't for been dedicated. Vice President from ProfeMor C. D. Perirne, in charge $8<M) and another of $300, an average since, and she has never been paid for them. Gen. Miles made an investi get me and Alice now she Is rich and go- Roosevelt made the address of the of the Crocker eclipse expedition from of 111 to the ton. gation, and he promises her right to Ing to be a lady," day. the Lick observatory, stated that the The North Powder Irrigation Com restitution to be unqusetionable. Billy ba«l thought the same thing, an«l con- sky was partially clouded at the time pany, which recently purchased the An American conifMiiiy lifting the little girl In bls lap, he replied: of the eclipse. The programme was big Grayson ditch, south east of Baker P. C. Knox is the eighth attorney "If ahe does. I never will;" an«! then he eluded arrangements with the Mexi tulvl her again how when he waa older can government for the construction considerably interferred with, but it City, has completed surveys for the general of the United States taken ami had money he woul«l take her from of a new railroad in Yucatan. Mexico. is hoped that results of value have extension of the ditch into the lower from Pennsylvania. the poorh«iuae an«l sen«! her to school, ami A Isxly of Filipino rebels tinder been secured on a part of the pro valley. The work of construction of At the communion service in one of The form of the corona the ditch will begin this week. that she should some time lie as much of Angells attack'd a detachment ol gramme. the Presbyterian churches in Wash a lady aa Kits. American tn»q«», killing two soldier* was similar to that ol«erved at the (To be continued.) ington recently, the bread and wine eclipses of 1898 and 1900 in that the Portland Markets. EVENTS I IE THE DAY NEWS OF THE STATE CHAPTER IV.—(Continued I d<«» pan«- in trrror Mary clung to Mr, Wilk ilm utmoat rare Ella arrange.I her Knight, an,I wlilaperod, aa alm pollit«l long . oris, ami tl>»<i. tying »ver her black tuwar«) ihv figure, which waa now Istigh drv.a tk« <*nly whit» apron which alm l,at la It? Ara II«« «., j,,,,»,...... . alm atarl»«l for Mr«. C«mp many auch Imre?" boll'o The rea«'ud‘lat»ce between herself _ •■h«.u't I... af-erd," Mid Mr. Knight, ami EH« t'ampliell *«• indeed «4 alrlk ' ' ' but fmillah l'ul«> . >l«>- lug Ibat blit for the dresa the mother never hm I anybody lu bar life Com«. might easily have b<-llev«l Il to have been n«»W, let 11m allow you to the «»veraeer." her own « hlld. Aa II waa. ahe alerted up A’i'l l«l ber toward th« r«l wblaker- when the little girl appeayrd, ami. «Iraw «I (nan, who atoud lu the door. Ing her to her able. Involuntarily hlaanl Here, Parker," said be, ’Tv« brought I,,., ihen. caiialng her to all down by her them rhlMri-ii | wu (rilin' you «bout. tide, «Im minutely rxamlnml her tea You re r««>tii for 'em, I «'pose?" lures, qimatinning her meantime «-om-erii Why, yr ea, we can work It «o*« to Ing her nmilmi .«ml her home In Knglau.l make room " Of the latter Kilo could «mlv tell her that I hry now mt«r«d the kit« hen M«ry they llve«l In a •It/, and that her motbrr •«" <rry tir«l with bolding Alice «o had "«« •• taken her to a large, hamloonm I ■•■■ix. «ml. «taking Into ■ chair near the houae in the country, which aha said wee wimlow. alm would bar« cried; but there j waa a tlgbtneae In her throat, ami a pr«-a her old home. I'roni this Mrs t'ampliell Inferred that aurr «bout her hea<| ami eye« which kept Kila • family muet bate >«een auptrior the — ..ie I tears ft in flowing. Hbe pn-we«l ber (e nioat of the Etigllsh who emigrate Io banda tlehtly ami said, “Oh, I hope I thia country, an I after ■ few mor* qnra shan’t fallii." ton. «he decided l<> take her for • tin»« "To be ««ire you won't," aald a loud, tt least. •<> with anol her klas abe «litmus harsh • vol«e, ami inatautly large «tropa of t.| her. telling her she would come for | water were thrown In her fare, while her •■»•ll Mr ntltue arrangements were the aa mm _ _____ routluued: "You «lou't making for M I ami Alice, end (M the have auch spells often, I hope, for Dir i tame «lay In olilch Mr« t'amplmll waa knows I don't want any more fifty ones Io rail l««r Ella Mr. Knight, one of the here." *'acl,„'(men," whose bnalliea« It was to No, ma'am," said Mary, meekly; and look ifter the town*« poor, «la» came to looking up. she saw hefore her a tall, the «otlago After learning that Kila aqnan- hacked, uiaacullne looking worn wat provided for. hr torn«! to Mary. { an. who w..re a very abort drew«, and a •iking, bow ««bl »be w«>, «ltd what »lie very high crowned rap, fastened under rnuhl do." saying that bla wife was In her <hm with bows of sky blue ribbon. want of J»a< such ■ girl 1« do "• bore«,'* I Mery secretly hoped she would not prove tnl if she was willing to he separated to tw Mrs I’arker, the wife of the over *r>m All«-* b" would give her « boom with seer Hbr was a.»«n relieved of her fears kirn by the overseer himself, who said, "Polly. lint Mary only hoax«! her ulster closer I d'.n t see any other way but you'll have Io her bosom ao she rrpll«!, "I'd rather to take these children into the room nest uiotbrr to |o yourn The baby worries a good deal, I <.« with AUcv take ear» of her." ami such things trouble my wife, now "Very welL" sold th. tusa "Pm (««tax she's iick " to North I'hlcopee, but .hall be back In Th- person addressed aa "Polly" gave two hours, so you in net have your things her shoulder« an angry jerk, and stick •II ready." ing the plu on the waist of her dress, "Iio.i l cry a.«. Mary," whisper«! Hilly, replied. ' Ho, I s'|>oee it's no matter if when he *aw how fast bey tears w>-re I m kept awake all flight, and Worried falling "I'll . ome Io see you every w«-eh, ! to dralb But I g ilesa you'd find there'll • nt wli«-ti I am »Ider, and have money, I lie queer «Iota's here if I should be takrn will lake you from the poorbouae, an I i away. I wish the British would atay to All- r. ' ■ • bum, an i not lug tbelr young ones here Just then Mr. Camplwll'« carriage for us to take care of. Come, child, I Irwa up Mhe bad lievii taking her after will show you where you are going to «.»■n rule, ami now. on her way home, alrrp," at the same time she caught up ha«t •top|««l for Ella, who In bey delight AlklW, who, not liking her handling, kick •I going with so hamlaome a woman, for- ed so vigorously that abe was soon drop (<«( the «Ireary home which await«! her l«e.t, Polly remarking that "she waa •kier While she was getting ready might y •troni in her legs for a •irk Mr Knight returnml. and, driving bla baby " •Id fashb«ned yellow wagon up by tbr After passing up a dark atalrway th*jr tide of Mrs Cauipbell'a atyluh rarviage. came t- n door, which <>|>enml under the be rnterv.l the houaot aaylug. "Come. gal. garret »taira. and Mary waa atartlcl by you're rrs,|y, I hope The oM mare d«o> t a voire a hli-b •«■•■med to be almost over want to st and, ami I'm In a deoput bur her head, snl which. l>etw>*vn a sneer ry. too I ort to be to bum this mluiite. ami ■ bias, call«) out. "Her where the laatrad of driving over that atony Part Iminn- ulate Miaa Grundy comes!" Mary (png road. I h«qie you don't mean to •prang lu terror to Polly's aide. tarry that ar* thing," be contlno«!. point "(Hi, what Is It?" she Mid. "la It Ing with bla whip toward Allce'i rradle, I’atsy?" which stool near Mary's l»«x of clot bra "I’atsy!" was the tart reply. " Hhe nev The tears came Into Mary'a ayro. an,I er Is saucy like that. It'a Hal Furbush." •he anawrrwl. "Alice haa alwaya »lept Mary aske«l who Hal Furbuah waa, la It. an,I I didn't know but----- " and was tol«l ahe waa ooe of the poor ilrre she »topped and. running up to taaane Inmates. She atilMMxjurntljr learn Kit«, fai l her face In her lap ami sobb«i, «1 that Hal waa |>erf«-tly harmleaa, and “I «lout want to go. Oh! I don't waut •truck up quite a friendship with her. I«« go. ran't I stay with you?" At prraeut Mary follow«! her gufale until llllly'a yellow hau.lkercblef waa au«l they came to a longer and lighter hall, denly brought Into roqulaltltin. and Mra or «pa«« way." at It is frequently railed Barnier, who. with all her Imaginary in New Knglan I. On each side of thia and one native scout and taking one •rhea ami pains, waa a kln«l hearted there sere doors opening into small sleep equatorial extensions of the corona Wheat—Walla Walla, 60c. ; val- were passed by two admirals, a gen soldier prisoner. woman, made vlgoroua attache upon her ing room«, ami into one of these Polly NOT CONCLUSIVE OF QUILT. were prominent. The aky was con lev, nominal; biuestem, 61962c. eral. two supreme court justices and a tnulflHit, while Mra. t'ampliell patted l«l her «<,m|iauion. aaylug. aa she di«l ao. A New York syndicate has been siderable darker than on the occasion former secretary of state. Mary • head, saying. "Poor child, I can't "Thia la your riHiin, ami It's a great fa Fair« Min '«I Men Are Often Beret ve I by formed for the pur|>ose of securing of the eclipse last year, but still was per bushel. Flour — Best grades, $2.909 3.40 per Clnumatnntlal Kvtilence. take yon both, but you shall are your els The private letter books of Robert vor to you to l«e ao near me. Hut mind, th«' trade of the Orient. Manzanillo, hardly so dark as expected. De ter often." "As to circumstantial evidence. It's a (m the southwest coast of Mexico, tailed' Ivarrel; graham, $2.60. that rhihl mustn't cry ami keep me Morris, the financier of the Revolu roault« of the expedition will Kila was too much pleas«! with Mra. • wake nigbta. fur If she doea, maybe queer thing." Mid the man In the will lie developed as thé chief port. Oats—White.fi.35^)1.40 percental; tion, were brought to light in Wash be cabled as far as possible in two or Camplwll an,I the thoughla of the line you'll have to more Into that other apace, brown suit. "Five or all years ago I gray, $ 1.309 1.32 *> per cental. ington recently. three days after the photographic The general strike of the employee bom«- to which ahe waa going to weep, where wa heard the laugh." was In a town in Indiana for a night Barley—Feed, $17917.50; brewing, The but bar <-hta quivered when Mary held Mary thought »he would rather do any when a latnk was robbed. Next morn in the machinery and allied meta) plate* have been developed. In order to economize time and ♦17917.50 j>er ton. up the baby for her to klaa. ami aald. thing than that. Hhe also felt a great ing 1 w as arrested as an accomplice. It trades throughout the country to en health of all the members of the ex-1 physical effort. Secretary Root has re Millstuff"—Bran, $17 perton ; midd ' Perhaps you will never see little Allie curioolty tn know who her companion force the nine hour day, with an in [«edition is very good. Iwlng contended that I wa« seen Idling crease in wages, was estimated to again." lings, $21.50; shorts, $20.00; chop, duced his official signature from was. s<> «h«' at last venture«! to ask, "D«> “Elihu Root” to "E. Root.” In front of the bank and evidently act effect at least 150,000 men, but many WITHDRAWAL OF AMERICANS $16. Whan all waa ready Mr. Knight walk von live here, Mias Polly ? ' Ing aa sentinel for those within. Three •d around hia wagon, and, after trying "Why. >'•■« I'« »laying here for a employers signed the scale at the last Hay—Timothy. $12.50914; clover, The trade balances in favor of the to adjust lb* nnitieroiia articles It con • pdl now; kln«l of seeing things. My different |>eraona Identified me as the ; moment, thus reducing the numlici General Chaff« Issues an Order Ending the $799.50; Oregon wild hay, $6i37 United States in its foreign commerce V » talned, aald; "I don't nee how In the n.iiii«' Isn't Polly It'» Mary Grumly. and man and the fourth claimed to have considerably. per ton. during the last three years have Relief Expedition. worl«| I can carry that cradle; my wagon •onieh'«« folks have got to nicknaming seen me enter the hotel at a late hour amounted to more than all the gold Hops—12(314c. per lb. King Alexander of Servi* will n< t la «buck full now. ||rro Is a cane of me Polly, but It'll look more mannerly by way of a abed and a window. I Pekin, May 22.—General Chaffee at Wool — Valley, Il<«hl3c; Eastern in all the banks and treasuries of aboes for the gala to at Itch, »ml a plllcr in you to rail inc Mrs. Grundy; but what waa locked up for examination, with a I abdicate. midnight last night issued a farewell Europe, including the British Isles. can» <,f itnl|r f„r yj,, Hmlth, ami forty am I thinking of? The folks must hare The All«any, N. Y., street car strike order terminating the American relief Oregon. 7@10e; mohair, 20921c. chance of thing* going hard with me. l»»en other trapa, no I gneaa you'll have their «upper." per pound. w hen evidence Iwgan to come forward I has lieen settled. Wu Ting Fang was recently asked expedition in China. The American to leave It. Mebby you can llml our That night All'"«, who nilaae«! her cra Butter — Fancy creamery, 15(3 King Edward lias ordered many troops will board the transports Wed 17i,c.; dairy, 13914c.; store, 119 about the status of the legal profes there, amt If Dot, why, nho'll aoon get dle, was iinuaually rest leas, and Mary, on tny side. The landion! asserted and sion in China. He replied, "Lawyers nesday at Taku and Thursday will k»e,| to going without It." remembering Mra. Grundy'« threat, car swore that I was sitting In the ottlee at , reforms at Windsor. 12 *tc. per pound. are prohibited in China.” 10 o'clock p. tn. Two servants swore to leave direct for Manila. B,«foro Mary could reply Billy whisper rled her In her arnia until after midnight Lawson's yacht Independence is • ___ _ - Eggs—Oregon ranch, 12912*^c. I «1 la her ear. "Navor mind, Mary, you Tluii. without umlreMlng. ahe threw her seeing me go to my room half an hour M. Pichon, the French minister, lieing hurried to completion. Uncle Sam is making all the way per dozen. «now that little .art that I draw moth left here for home this morning. self upon the bcl, and for the firat time Inter. A man having nxuns op|x>slte Germany is much afraid of Amer Cheese—Full cream, twins, 139 from $4(1,000 to $60,000 a day in er" ...... * the ■•radio will Just fit It. In many wicks «Ireamed of George ami the hotel swore Hint he saw me smok A meeting of the foreign ministers «»I tomorrow nftcrmmn I'll bring It tn hi» parting prmniae to see her again The ing at m.v window nt midnight. A guest ica's commercial supremacy. 13*,«.; Young America, 13*,(314c. stamps upon atoek twilight and sold will be held tomorrow, but it is not on the New York stock exchange. Fmi. If It «l<H*an't rain," next morning when she awoke, the clouda of the hotel who hnd n room next to per pound. likely that much will be accomplish Turkey refuses to permit the entry Mary knew that hr meant what he were pouring rain. •- Every transaction has to pay whether —■ "Hilly won't coine mine swore that my snores disturbed ed, as some of the ministers have not Poultry — Ch ickens, nt ixed , $3.509 4; of typewriters into thniaeountry. •"»•I. and, mulling on him through h«>r today." »'•» h’’’’ it is a sale or pucharse, so that Uncle first thought, and. hens, $4(35.00; dressed, 11912c. per yet received instructions from their I The battle ship Ohio was launched ,''', u I h ««I into the rickety wagon. throwing herself upon the floor, she burst him from midnight till 2 o'clock and [«oiind; springs, $3(35 ;>er dozen; Sam catches the speculators "coming home governments. *hl<'h wa« nilnua a atop, and. taking Into tears, wishing, as she had oner that he heard mo turn over In bed nt I at San Francisco in the presence of ducks, $5(36; geese, $6(37; turkeys, and going. ” _______ 8, mid so I was honorably discharged Aii« e into her arms, she waa noon moving «lone Iwfore, that sho lia<l died with her ’ President McKinley. Remey Goev to Auckland live, 10(3 12c; dressed, 14916c. per Judge George E. Baldwin, United •W«y In striking contrant to thin Kiln, nioth.'i from cuatody." A fund ia being raised for the de Washington, May 21.—A cablegram pound. States consul at Nuremberg, Ger • imut five minutes afterward, waa car«- "But nlsiut It's being queer?" was III the mlilat of her grief the door wm struction of sea lions at the mouth received from Admiral Remey at t| Potatoes—Old. $1(31.15 ]>er sack; many, in 1868 nominated President ’••lb lift.,,1 Into Mrs. Campbell's hand puahe.l ha»lily open, and Mra. Grundy'a asked. navy depart ment announces that he new, 244(92^0. per pound. "»!»« mriiiiK«», mid rvrlining upon «oft harsh voice ex«'lalnie<l, "Wall, ao you are McKinley for the first public office ho "Why, nil the people on both sides of the Columbia river. Mutton — Lambs 4*4(35«. per ever held, that of prosecuting attor •'iNiiiofi, driven rnpidly toward her up at la«t. hey? I didn't know but you were mistaken. I waa not outside the The president told Governor Geer will leave Melbourne next Sunday ■*w homo. was goin' to lake It upon you to aleep that he might visit Oregon liefore for Auckland, N. Z., where the pound gross; liest sheep, wethers, ney. __ __ _____ 'VIII their paths In life alwaya continue over, but that don't answer here. Do you bnnk nt the time mentioned and neither Brooklyn goes at the invitation of the with wool. $4 25(94.50; dressed, 697c the expiration of his term. was I In the hotel." thn« different? Who can tell? Owe Thouaand Filippinos Freed. think «•■'• X"in' ,n support you in Idle- colonial government-. (>er pound. "But you were somew here." Mrs. McKinley is now able to sit Hog* — Gross. heavy. $5.7596; ncsa ?" Manila, May 23. —General Mac- "Oh, of course. Fact Is I got tnnshed tip. No date has yet lieen fixed for Japan’s New War Loan. Here, touched perhaps by the pale, CHAPTBIl V. light, $4 7595; dressed, 797 Xc. per Arthur celebrated the surrenders of on the landlord's daughter and wo sat the return of the [«residential party tearful face, uplifted to here. Mrs. Grun •tow l« n( nn«l tiresome flint rid« wns, Yokohama, May 21.— The govern- pound. the insurgents I.ascardo and Lacuna F i no «me f,,r n companion cxropt Mr. dy's voice softened, and In a milder tone up nil night on n balcony nnd aquoae to Washington. ment has announced the issue of Veal—Large, 6*<97c. per pound; by releasing 1.000 Filipino prisoners. Orders have been issued for a strike 6,000,000 yen in exchequer bills at small, 7*t98c. per pound. k«« .' " ,1”' *bough a kind hearted man, • lie milled. "We won't mind about It, nee- hand* nnd tnlked love nnd looked nt The insurgents are still in possession " nothing nlioiit making himself in’ it'« th«' first niurning; but, come— the moonlight nnd slapped mosquitoes of fifty thousand machinists through Beef—Gross, top steers, $595.25; 7*» l*'r cent, repayable in six months, of raracoie, Paracole, sortii North L< rort"",i " ll"1" ',rll,• '"* remained you mnat I«' iiiinflrt *•? *hl" time." Yes. sir, snt there nil night like a couple out the country, A prolonged st rug- to defray the expenses of the China rows and heifers, $4.5094.7%; dressed of the mining { town or The nearest troops are(|)e Camarines. Mary glanced "t Alice. Hhe waa sleep ofldlota, and though I declared I would iini'ii ' ,2'',,lr** Allee «oon fell asleep, gle is expected in the Pacific coast campaign. ocef, 8*498*,«. per pound «il llmttxh the Ihtl.. ,,riI„ whh,h h<,|,| ing sweetly, ami, though there aecmeil to at Indan, 30 miles away. die for her and she said she only want shops. ! ------------------------ it, !... i ..iitiiy, (here waa no complaint, I m - no reason, she still llngared. ed me and n humble cottage ahe waa Ths Concord Ordcrd to Alaska. Founder of Texas Sitting« Dead. Hi- "What are you waiting for?" aakeil falli,,' ' "r)' " ,e»r« gushed forth, ami A telegram of 12 words is sent to married to a red headed butcher within Two missionaries who made for Mra Grimily, and Mary, with some heal Washington, May 21.—The navy tny part of New Zealand by simply II,„ k ll,,un ,*l’> ’’"by'« face awoke her New Yew York, Muy 23.—Alex ^ „ « "i11 "n" ,,"t linlf out, and setting up tathin, answered, "1 haven't said niy n year nnd I wns sued by a snub nosed tunes iti the Nome district are to department has ordered the gunboat tffixing to it a 6d stamp—12 cents. tii 'i'i,' ' !•' continued screaming un ii,, 1" ' ' "’'*' **P to the very door of th«« fs'ihotue, l’or Ihe lanTs sake," «aid Mr. Knight, ' l"l|ie<l Mary from the wagon, •toni«,? can't you contrive to hnlr ,oull have Hal Furbuah in your ' ' f"r "•*•' <lon't like a noise." of 11"' nervously round In quest am . Hal, but sho aaw nothing hair Io,'c with buahy, tangleil • “till Uoae flattened against the win- prayers yet." A change passe«! audilenly over Mra. Grundy’s face, n«'1 "**# turned away without a word. When alio wns gone Marv fell <•■* her knees, an«l though the words "he uttered were mlilrcaae<l more to her mother than to God, sho felt com forted. and, rising up, start«! for the kitchen. It was a motley group which Nhe found assembled around the break fast tal’le. a**'1 »* "he w,t**d the room a man called Uncla Peter smiled on her, build a hospital in Chicago. Concord, now on the Asiatic station, Improvements already authorized Recent census statistics in Italy to proceed to this country for duty in ' yr contemplated in New York city Alaska. She will assist in the strict show that the proportion of popula will cost thr tremendous sum of tion not able to read or write has de enforcement of the liquor laws of the ♦277,8(M>. (MX). gold country. creased to 39 per cent. The United States leads all other The faculty of Stanford University Newfoundland Seal Fishery nations in the matter of fruit grow There la no distinction of parts of in California has directed that saloon Strawlierries were valued at The Newfoundland seal fishery this ing. speech In the Chinese language, and no ami cafe advertisements must lie ♦80,(KM),(MM) last year aud grapes at year will be one of the most successful recognition of the prltK'ipl« of lullec- omi ilted (rom the Daily Palo Alto,« yearg j ♦100, (MM). (MM). tlou. 1 the > college paper. widow for breni It of promise. I was simply observing, you know, that cir cumstantial evidence Is a queer thing, mid I wish to add that a Juryman shouldn't lie Influenced too much i»y It." Wnshliigton Post. ander Edwin Sweet, founder of Texa«f|^C Siftings, and a humorist of nation« J reputation under the pen names "Colonel Bill Short” and “Rev^^”® Whangdoodle,” died nt hia homo in'-, this city of heart disease, from whicH he had sueffred for several year«. Hl was a native of Nova Scotia and 6 years of age.