HAMATH REPUBLICAN. 1Ü,. . . THVliKDAY. MAY M. LOCAL NEWS. W. Il Bruwii mid wife of Merrill I Ititi. arrh cd here Tuesday on their return •rum a trip io Ashland and Moma- KU*'. I'hey llcparled for liolne ><»- lernay. I ami Marion Ulula, whose land ad Job a lite rupins, la poti log hi u largì* current wheel mid nimip, t, by «bici) wafer can be rnlK<-«l iltirty y ferì for Ir» rigid Ion. TI iiir they wli I* siake valli* uhie for cultivation and crop« a large tract of land hitherto nearly worlh- less for want of water. * 4- 4- 4-4- 4* 4-4- V • > 4* 4* ELECTRIC BIG STORE CASH STORE I 1 1 Heiih-y mill wife were III town Wc learn that there arc m-vcral i yt-sirrd.il Me. Ilenh-y Is lint feeling The well and as u conar-qttence says he gisxl race track* In the county. GOSSIP. may hale g > abamhm bls conlciiiplut- Fourth of July lx a natural time fori utilizing these track«. And It will' •8l trip to Alaska. I m - a go«xl time also for organizing a Mrs. \|vii Beals who Ims Ix-en at county fair, so that at leaat on< <* a T Purl laud for srvrral uioii II m for med- year the citizen« can have display« of b al 11* .itin,.ut, Is greatly Improved In fast horses and races, fat cattle and Imallli, and Is now on tlie wuv Io lu-r everything III the nature of grain, ho.... In this place. tcgciablcH and fruit. Other comities «'n Monday Mr. Hammond fell have siicli display» every year, anti Peo from Ge- plat form lit tin- rear of ills why not Klamatli county also? store lii Ung phu <*. ami wits severely ple can go and receive is netit and en bmt Ills in|urn-s have since con- joyment, and Hie time will not I m - lost. Every man and every family tilted lilni to liisliousc. should hate a holiday occasionally. Alsnit .ii.«Hr»» inai-iiliilKts In differ Tlie Klamath Falls scliools closed .1. V. Ilesalg of F'ort Klamath wua ent parlsofthi- country struck Mon day, the demand Ix-lng h nlm*.|iour last Friday for itw*«iimmcr vacation, In town Momlay. ■ lay anil .i m .m* of wages equal to lhe and in tin- afternisai of that day tin- H. I*. Kerr of Portland arrived nt present ten-hour |M-r day acalc. several departments milted in render Hie Falla Sunday. ing an appropriate literary ami musi Ai i.raii- M. E. cliurcli next Hun- It. It. Griffith of Humptrr, Gt., ar •lay, May ?i>, r ( || tl, m., sermon on cal program. Bcttldcs tin-pupils and teachers, a large crowd of patrons at rived here Bunday. “Tlie Era ot ilm ll<>ly Hplrltt" nt h tended. After tin- songs, ras-lt at Ions II. E. Smitli of Merrill bundayed p. m . m rniuii on “What Can the and debate, all of which were inter Holy Spirit Is. for You?" Come! In KImitat li Falla. esting. a number of visitors respond I. D. Applegate wua down from Ashland Tidings: F.illu-r LaMll- ed to Invitation« to addies« the gath h-rw of \\'«alburn has I m - cii appointed ering. The Rft<-rii<M>n was pleasantly Ills ranch Monday. to tak- i barge of | he Ashland and spent, and Ixtth pupils and teacherá Frank I »tike mid family of Lake- Klamath Falls mission held, and Is rejoiced that tliey were to have a view weir livre Friday. tlircc moiillis' respite from M'liuol dn- vx|x-r|i-d here wllliln a day or two. lies. I’rof. Gutlierle, the principal, Errd l*iillll|m, a rancher of lz*t At \shlaml war Is now on Is-lwrcii dcparteil witli bls family for Ash rher, wna here Tm-wlay. the city council and Uve s.iloons, land on Saturday. II. c. Ilawlw of Monroe, <>r., ar Klllts wi re commenced on Tuesday of I rlvni lietc Inal Yhuraday. Tlie Oregonian of Tuesday reports Inst week, and ladli sides propose to that tlie cases of Ashland against tin- 11. I*. Sliiaik of Dairy vialtvd here carry tin cas. s to the court of last re- s.iloon kec|M-rs were tried on Monday sort. the f«rv part ot tin- week. und <l<x-l<lc<l against tin- defendants, At h ast three or four car loads of win, were fined from »50 to »75 each. Deputy llrvenua Cullwtor Fox of faim machinery liuie Ix-en hauled In- Tin-cases were appealed to tin-cir Aatiland arrived here Tueaday. Io town this spring. These ami the cuit court, pending which tlie tines Geo. W. Ctaqwr «lid G. W. Boaiks Ininivnse loads of goods | ami other were suspended. “Dilling tin* trials .*( Yraka were livre Inal week. freight han- given the streets a busy rvltlence was offered In court of tile Ib-v. J. W. Craig arrived home laat Irark. Mir of liquors under various ftctltl'HM Katurday fr>aii Ina trip to Aaliland. II. H. M-a.re has i-oustriiclcd a ma- names. One witness testithsl that lie K B. Gardner of Wiaal rivet wn* chine, run nv water power, bv means had asked for cold tea at the liar, ami KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. doing business al I lie Falls Tm-wl.iy. of whl« Il Hu- sawdust acruiiitilal Ing I list lie liad I m - cii served w it h w hlskcy ut his mill is i« taken away awav and din- froni a teafol. Thrdefenae attempt Srckem for tlmla-r and prairie land I» im *I of without dumping It Into the ed to have tlie case dismissed on a ten-le-l t<> all lhe Public Lind States by hat» is-rti nuincriaia here tills week. liver. technicality, and will attack the act of Augu«t 4, 1892, John Hanning, -a? validity <>f ilie ordinances under of Hornbrook, County rumy of <»i Siskiyou. iii-8 is »»vi. *‘'z A. K Hammond of Mi-dford was A visitor to Klamath Fulls this State of California, I lias this <lav tiled in *,;• hrrr last week en nail«- to Mkvilew. week volunteered the statement Hint which tin- arresta were made." this office his sworn statement No. 289. Referring to our statement a few 3 | Wagons with double box bed, for the purchase of the NE«4 <-f Section ' W. A Witham and wife nf Merrill kl.imatli roiuil v lias tile most promis weeks ago In relation to erecting a wsn* Klamath Falla visitor» Naturday. ing tul hi • and Is tlu- mix>t dcslralilc • I . No. SO, in Tow nship No. 308., Range No. * sfxii for Inii slnn-nt of any ha alltv on wisilen mill on tin- grand water pow 9 E., and will offer proof to show that * lx-d. 3 I Wagons with stake rack ('. It. nranlaley and W. Dalton tlie < 'iNlst. er at Klamath Falls, the Lakeview the land sought is more valuable (or its <>f Tule Lake were in town Satiinl y. Examiner of List week says: "There $116. timl>er or stone than for agricultural < Wc ii .id rsl.md the «hid Fellows la no denying tlie fact. Friend IIuse, purfsises. and to establish his claim to Mowers 4 j fool cut. ♦•><). Ge<». lawwlry, rtalef of pnllrc at I lie are tn bale a special meeting next said land Ix-fore the Register ami Re- Klamath Agency, wan hen- yratcr- Saturday < veiling to i I im - uss tlie ques that your water power la as Hoc as Rakes 8 } foot, »30 to »35. . reiver of this office al ladieview, • Iregon, can I m - found In the world, ami that day. Rakes 10 ■' foot, »35 to ♦ IT». on Friday.the 28th day of June. 1901. * tion of r reel mg anew building tills some day Klamath Falls will I m - a big He names as witnesses: George Norris, A daughter wna lairn tn Mr. and year and will probably decide tlie manufacturing town. But we alan of Klamathon, California; Ilouglas Nor- Mrs. Gm Ager <<n Saturday, U m - l»ili matter at tliat time. have riglil here in Like county its . is, of Pokegama, Oregon ; Joseph Claw Inal. A m-w ruling of the pnKtnfllcr de- fine a water power as can lx* found in son, <>f Henlev California; William Hanning, cf Hornbrook California. »J* a tine of »2 imi ora tin- state, and if a woolen mill is to ('. P. Ilughea, one of the >>ld wt- partment Im Any ami all |H*rsons claiming adversely tlrraof l\<a Valley, wax in town yes year's liiiprl-xiiimcnt <>n any one who lx* operated by water power, to handle the al«>ve *lescrilx»l lands are , ire requested requeste*! carelrsah takis mall no! ludotiglng to the wools of Southeastern Oregiat. terday. to file their claims in this <- “— on — — office or -i him from the piMtuff1<*c and neglects the Chew anean rK er at Paisley will I before said 28th dav of June. 1901. Tlie n*-xt Oregon Slate Christian to return it Immediately. furnish ample power for this great In E. M. ItRATTAtx, Register. Kn<|eavi>r run vent Ion will la* lielil at dustry. There Is power fot many, Mis. < oggswell. one of the leacheni Ashland. TIMBER LAKI», ACTJUNB3. 1878, great Industries going to waste nt at Kl.iin.itIi Fulls, left to-day for KLAMATH FALLS, • - - OREGON. NOTICI FOB PUBLICATION. C. ('. Maltby la having lihi business Fori-st Gruve, wlu-re slic will |H|SK the Palslev. tiulldlng on Multi alrrrt pulntrd ami summer with relatives. Time Is rambling along and sug. Site will re Iniprovixl. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE. I turn In tin* fall and again Icacb In gests t hat the Fourth of July is not a and newspaper ‘tick.’ The Associa L akkvikw , O rhuox , April 20, 1901. f I Al last last srmunta tlie total sales the m li-.il. In which site lias been very great way off. Last year Klam- tion udjourned k<> meet at Plush next I Notice is hereby given that in com-, at It Falla liad a first class celebra! ion autumn to lake up thesubject of scab of oil at-s'k at Asli! ind amounted to well liked. i>n tlie 4th. It was well gotten up, on sheep. and to consider the advisa pliance with the provisions of the act of 75,000 »harm. Aciurillng to latest reports Mrs. appropriately arranged and success- bility of establishing a livestock jour Cougiess of June 3, 1878, entitled “An act fur the sale of tinils-r lands in the J. T. Henley arrived home bonds» McKinley, whnac life was nearly den- fully carrtcfl nut. A patriotic dis nal for tlie suppression of cow Bical states of California. Oregon. Nevada., from lila several wrrka' trip into Cali galred of last Week, I* How stcarflly play lit all respects It was, with music, Ing." and Washington Territory," as ex-1 Impon Ing at tlu- Scott reslih-nec lu fornia mid Nevada. orations, dances, fireworks In the lendetl to all the Public Land States by | Sun Fran< o nnd will sain tx-aide SI HAVEl). act of August 4, 1892. Mike H. Parker, Akiindrr Wil»*ti of Williamson to wiihsta id tin-return tilpto Wash evening anil good order nod pleasure of Bly, County of Klamath, State of Ore- ' every where prevailing. Why not river u h re with Ida daughter for ington. f< i which point a dln-ct ruutc liave another celebration tills year? The following described horses gon, lias Illis day lile.1 in thia office his i merfli-al treatment. strayed front my ranch at Nay lox on sworn statement No. 290, for lhe pur- will lx* taken. If so, why not begin to think It over or about Muy 10: One black horse. I dulse of the SE*4.of Section No 28.1 To-day Judge Willits and wife Ashland Tidings: A. Y. Beach, and commence getting ready for it? weight alxaii 1150 pounds, with I mix in Tow nship No. 39 S., Range No. 6 E.,| Went over to lloglic river Io visit wlio was In \stilsnd last Friday, says Invite cverybtxiy In tin* county to lay brand on left atlfle; one brown horse. I and will offer proof to show that the friend» ami relative«. tliat the sheep Interests of latke asltle ImsIncKs ean-s and troubles and weight about 1050, branded *-T I’" land sought ia more valuable for its - come. Join I lie ranks of Joy, listen counti at>- In a prospermia condition. Hols-rt llunsnker has recently on left hip; one buckskin mare, blind timber or stone than (or agricultural purfmaea, and to establish his claim to nioreil Into tlie hotis- heretofore or. Tin- lambing m -. imui has just com- to the music, participate in the dance. in right eye. weight about 1100, ruplnl bv Prof. Gulherle. im-iiied and the percentage will be s<-c old friends and <>jx-n a genial ac branded --J G;” one buckskin pony, : said land l>efore the Register and Re ceiver of thia office at Lakeview, Oregon, much higher than usual. The per quaintance with everybody. weight about hoo . Finder will pleas.* ’ on Friday, the 28th day of June. 1901. ••*”. T. Baldwin and Dr. Rentnea cent tills year will tie 125. as against atarted for Lakeview .Monday, au.l The Yreka Journal, speaking of flic return the property or write tn the I He names as witnesses: W. 1». Weeks, an annual :nerage of fhim 40 to 75. will Is- niwnt several days. Increased r.illristd traffic in Siskiyou underaignod at Naylox, who will pay of Duluth. Minn.; Harris Dean.-*, of Duluth, Minn.; H. S. Dunbar, of Ash Cheap rates from the East to the county, says that --a few years ago a suitable reward. II. E. Momyer of Klnm.-tth Igrncy land, Oregon; Janies Bell, of Bly. Ore S tepiikn II eiiliiiy . arrived Monday on lila return from a Const will continue all summer. This only one freight train a day was sup gon. Any and all |iersons claiming ad nu-aiis that tlu- number of home- plied, and a short ojie at that, while versely tin- altove-described lands an* Mtalnrav trip to San Francium. PI ’ 1 ar«-kem will greatly Increase. Ar* some of the time only a tii-wcckly n-quested to hie their claims in this A. L. Darter of D:ill.-u> and Mr. conllngly, it would be a wise and Ix-ne- freight p.iss>-d over lite road. Now office on or before said 28th dav of June Childers of Med fort I stopped here ffeial stroke of enterprise If the citi then-tire several freight trains every X 1901. yestcrdai mi their way Io Bly. E. M. BRATTAIN. Register. zens of this enmity would make u day. more Ilian half nt the trains con — B II Griffith, who In hrrr from milt'd Mild systematic effort tn act taining heavily loaded lumber cars, 8UMM0NH. TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNES, 1878.— fornia ; Jacob Isler, of Klamathon, Cali with many loads of long timbers, re forth the lesoiirrcs and advantages Komplrr. In l<silting nt a valuable ______ NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. fornia; Douglas Norris, of Pokegam.-v, heir and thus augment lhe hitlux of quiring double flat cars to li >ld them. ranch with a view of buying It. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon. Any and all persons claiming A single passenger train of seven or new sc!Ilers. tiregon, for the County of Klamath. I VN1TED STATES LAND OFFICE,» adversely the aliove-described lahrls ••real quantltlen of gmala for Ito- eight ears supplied lite traveling re Minnie ikxith. Plaintiff, 1 Suit in E<|iii- I. akkvikw . O regos , April 20, 1991.1 are requetied to file their claims in this Mnia inrrchanta passetl through E. IL Ilimsbv and wife arrived quirements, while lately two daily vs. ' t v for a Di Notice is hereby given that in com otiice on or before said 28th dity of t"»n the fore part of the week. here last Thursday from Ijtkevlew trains arc crowded, requiring divi Edgar Booth, Defendant.) vorce. pliance with the provisions of the act of June, 1901. Bo at hing nt Dairy nt 2 p. tn. ami and ev|>< t to mike Klamath Falls sions into sect Ions most of the time j E. M. BRATTAIN. Register. To Edgar Booth, defendant alsive Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “An their pcriitmienf home. Like many for lx-tter hauling, ss 12 or 14 coaches | named: You are hereby required to act for the sale of tinilxr lands in the »4 Ikmanza at 8 p. m. next Sunday, SUCCESSORS Tl) 1 D. CARRICK, ap|s-ar and answer the complaint tiled states of California, Oregon, Nevada, Timber land, Act June 3, 1878 •he lull Inst., by Rev. J. W. Craig. ».tilers. Mr. Ilamshv Is confident of a ami Pullmans areas many as two of llvel) growth for litis town and vleln- the heaviest locomotives can haul, es- against you in the a I sire entitled suit and Washington Territory,” as extend Notice for Publication, J’rvd S< hnlltick went to Redding. Itv lii the m ir future and wisely pro- on or liefore Thursday, the sixth day of ed to all the Public Land States by peclally on the mountain grades, »I.. lant week, with I lie extirftiit loti poses to c.isi Ills lol here. They were where I lirre engines are <x-caslonally June. 1901, being the last day of the ret of August 4, 1892, William Hanning, UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, I time prescribed in the order for the of Hornbrix-k, County of Siskiyou, '•f there M--Ing Prenldent McKinley. I. r. Ulip llll- il I M l-e. Flo. Hall who used for passenger trains." L akeview , O regon , April 39, 1901. f State of California, has thia day tiled in publication of thia summons, the first i publication thereof being on the 25th this office Ids sworn statement No. 288, Notice is hereby given that, in com H. II, Harciny, government mull wiis on her way to her home at Myr-1 Gov. Geer of thia state returned pliance with the provisions of the act of "»pertor, visited Klamath Falln lie Creek, <'r. They are now constantly in receipt , day <>f April, 11X11 ; ami if you fail so to iorthe purchase of tlieNW*4, of Sec Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An home to Salem on Katurday last from tion No. 30, in Township No. 39 S., ap|H-ar and answer, for want thereof, “• rriday, going from here to latke- A pioneer lady San Francisco, where In- had spent a of new gtxtds, something nice and of the plaintiff will apply to the Court for Range No. <> E., and will offer proof to act for tl.c sale of timber lauds in the hl.uni TWingm view. of Giants I’Sss who resided here lit week. Previous to returning he cal splendid quality. Watch for our the relief prayed for in the complaint show that the land sought ia more val states cf California, Oregon. Nevada and I’nigglst W. A. Wright la now the time Is the authority of lhe led on President McKinley, who ••<•»-, Druggist uable for its timlier or stone than for ag Washington Territory,” as eitende*! grand opening in Dolph mid Chrlo- herein, to-w it: For a decree dissolving ricultural puriMMH-a, and to establish his to all the Public Iatnd States by act the Imnds of matrimony existing l>e- ,,n ,I?5 '"'proving Ills residence Grants Pa»» < ilwrier for the state pcclally reqncsted Governor Geer to oil tile corner of Pine and Fourth ment fh.-it on “May 1«. 1873, snow express to the people of Oregon his lete wares; none ever before here tween plaintiff and defendant; for the claim to said land before the Register of August 4. 1892, Douglar Norris, of Pokegama, County of Klamath, State »• reels. fell on the Siskivous above Ashland regret that lie was unable to visit quite equal to them. Cheaper goods ! care and custody cf Alma Viola Booth, and Receiver of this office at Iuikeview, of Oregon, lias this daV tiled in Oregon, on Friday, the 28th day of the minor chihl of plaintiff ami defend to a depth of eleven Inches and snow 1 them at this time. The President besides, if you want them. A nice ant, and for plaintiff's costs and dis- June, 1901. He names as witnesses: this office his sworn statement, No. Ashland arrived here fell In evert month of thill year ex considered Ills misfortune greater present given with pun-hase of three i luirsements ot said suit. George Norris, of Klaimithon. Califor 288. for the purchase of tlie SE '4 ol y*«t.-nlay on his way to Fort Klam- cepting August. Tilt* leaves on the than that of the people of Oregon, dollars mid upward» on our opening For such other relief as to the Court nia; Douglas Norris, of Pokegama, Ore Section No. 30, in Township No. 39 H., u-rc he I m to take charge of a I oak I rec* wen- frozen and corn three who had been so kind to him both day. Watch forad. telling you when. mav seem just and equitable. gon . Joseph Clawson, of Henley, Cali Range No. H East, and willoffer proof to rh-unu-ry. " 1 feet high was killed." I politically and socially. Ilo had for This summons is served by publica fornia; John Hanning, of Hornbrook, show that the land sought is more valu I wsJi**.Klamath Marsh Notice for Publication. tion thereof, in the K lamath R kvchi . i - California. Any and all |x*rsons claim able for its timlier or stone than for ag years, he said, Itxiketl forward with. W. A. Liston of Salem, who has * pleasure to a visit to Oregon, which can , by order of Hon. 11. L. Benson, a ing adversely the alxive-descrilxxl lands ricultural purixises, and to establish his I h|, ,i ’ week to take home Ih-partnient of tin- Interior, claim to said land before the Register Ix-en lu-re several weeks In the Inter laind Office at laikeview, Oregon, Judge of the First Judicial District of are requested to file their claims in and Receiver of this office nt-Lakeview, J lie considered one of the coming hw' r h,W ***" “"•■'"""‘f est of lhe Continental Insurance Coin the State of tiregon, made, dated and this office on or before said 28th day of Muy l>, 1901. great states of the Union, not tally Oregon, on Friday, the 28th day of tiled in said suit, at Klamath Falls, Ore ¡June, lixtl. pany. ilcpiirted for home Monday on account of her natural resources. I Notice is hereby given that tlie fol gon, <>n the 24th day of April, 1901, June, 1901. He names as witnesses t wlh1*.’*!*r,|n Sr-"f Oakland, Cal., E. M. BRATTAIN, Register. mornlug While hi lhe enunty, lie lowing-named settler has tiled notice of John Hanning, of Hornbrook, Califor Diac. “U" hl* l,""ual 'l*B •<• Ibis adjusted the loss of J. W. Stout of but also owing to her geographical his intention to make final proof in ivliicli said order requires that summons nia: William Hanning, of Hornbrook, 'position in respect to the expanding in saitl suit l>e published once a week. o'''*’ “nd I'rolsiblvl Poe Valley. The amount of Insur amqiorl of his claim, and that said proof commeive In tlie Orient. The Presi ! for a period of six consecutive and suc Timber Land. Act June 3, 1878— California; Jacob Isler, of Klamathon, I- re'«»ln until fall. 1 will lx* made Ix-fore James 11. Driscoll, ance. »3110. was paid in full. He also dent further stated that lie yet. dur California; George Norris, of Klatna- >f cessive weeks from the 25th day of Notice for Publication. thon, California. Any ami all persons a wroie a large amount of Insurance ing Ills adinlnlstration, exp<-etcd to County Clerk at Klamath Falls, Ore., April, 1901. rziH^', Wl*,k Fr*>lw' *>'«' on June 22, 1991, viz: claiming adversely the above-described, for different ranchers, anil expects to complete his tour originally planned, i J ohn 8. O kh axu IL W. K kkskk , of Aai 1?’ ,"kc w ”• E. J. Pool, tile their claims »V ...V UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, > lands are requested .• to return here Iodo Millie more work In Attorneys for Plaintiff. In that event In- would go direct IL E. No. 1973, for the E'# of SW'4, ulderuri "'"''■rstaml the con- ( or before said 28th, ‘ L. vkkvirw , Oaaoox, April 20, 11X11. t in this office on c. thitl line during the coming summer. """■rat ion wna »250(1. h Sec. 10, and NEL of NW 1 ., and NW * 4 dav of June, 14X11. from Washington to the Northwest.” t Notice is hereby given that, in coin- Notice For Publication. of NF'«. S ix -. 15, Tp. 39S., R. 10, E„ W. E. M. BRATTAIN. Register. re i pliance with the provisions of the act of The Express of last week wrong "'•bi hi mn’r * MW ,ml11 *" no* r"n‘ Speaking of “radical reforma,” | i M., Oregon. Ho names tlie following ' Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “An loUnf t f,,n* turning out big fully imputes blame to the register of such as electric railroads, steamboats witnesses to prove his continuous resi Department of Interior, ■ net for the sale of tindier lands in the If people only knew what wc know , I. g*i H’r' f"f which the demand the land office Ix-cauae of some con-j dence upon and cultivation of raid land, and the suppression of cow stealing, Land Office at Lakeview On-gon, states of California, Oregon, Nevada and about Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, It would i '"irreat and growing greater. tests oter certain government lands. etc., the Lakevh-w Examiner re|x>rts| ¡viz: 11. S, Grigsby, of Klamath Falls, April 22, 1901. Washington Territory,” as extended be used In nearly every household, hha . |ng*»n<|ll<i,urt* *H r*"n"<1»,"nff, paint- We doubt if any one of the parties In- that al a meeting of the editorial as 'Oregon; Si Faitlo of Klamath Falls, Notice is hereby given that the follow to all the Public Land States bv act Oregon; D. W. Anderson, of Olene, Ore ing-named settler has tiled notice of his i of August 4, 1802, George Norris there arc few people whodo not auffei ►' teresled on either side attaches the sociation of Lake and Mtsltx-counties, gon ; Frank Arrant, of Klamath Falls, intention to make filial proof in sup|>ort of Klamathon, County of Siskiyou, front n feeling of fullnesaafter eating "> slightest blame to such officer. That nor irf i> ' residence on the cor- lie has performed Ills duties exactly at Lakeview last week, It was “re- l fregon. of Ins claim, and that smd proof will lie State of California, has thia day tiled belching, flatulence, sour stomach <>•■ '* »tyne and Pine atroeU :solved among othet things, that the E. M. BRATTAIN, Register. made before J. O. Hatnaker, I'. S. Com in thia office his sworn statement No. waterbrnsh, cauaed by indigestion o nj ns the law directs and that he will association use its utmost efforts to ¿who"»’ lhe »’"»tytorlan mln- decltle such contests Impartially anti Interest capital in the construction of TIMBENLAND, ACTJUNE3.1878, missioner nt Bonanza, Ore., on May , 287. for the pun base of the N»V*4 dyspepsia. A preparation such ns Knev« 28, 1901, vis: I of flection No. 28. in Township No. 39 s., dol Dyspepsia Cure, which, with n- j£. m""'hM airoIW| *Utl07M here n few In accordance with the law and evi at- electric railway from Cedarville to; NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. 1 Range No. tl East, and w ill offer proof to aid from the stomach, will dlgcs^r John Hedger, qu'lle On 5? lN ”"W htcated at Co-' dence. I here can be no quest Ion In I Paisley via Lakeview; to put steam II. E. No. 901X1 for the NW'4, Sec. 12, show that the land sought :• more valu your food, certainly can't help but dH< .' In Bunday m -I i < m >I work. the minds of any concerned. Tp. 39, S., R. 11, E. He names the fol able for its limber or atone Ilian for agri you good. U sitkii Sr.vTKa L and Ovrtca. boats oil (Itstse Lake, and Alx-rt Lake PwirTh uf Jw|11 r<‘l"briite the| lowing witnesses to prove his continuous Lakeview, OregAn, April 20, 1901. cultural purpoaea, and toestabllah Ills 0 to run up the Chcwnticaii River to J. L. Hanks and his son, Marion J. L. Padgett A Sons, Keno. Notice is hereby given that in com residence tqxm and cultivalion of said claim to said land liefore the Reglater !l win M f,"ir «lays’ races. ; Hanks, are making great improve- Paisley for commercial purpoaen as pliance with the provisions of the act of land, vix: II.L. Clopton. of Bonanxa, and Receiver of thia office at Lakeview, FOH SALB. »th. I.,,', -Ird mtd close on the mentson tlu-lr land on the Big Klam- well as pleasure; and to send a mem Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “An Oregon : 8. I.. Walker, of Bonanza, Ore th-egon, on Friday, the 28th day of »nd bi.,,,K' 'rotting and pacing, nth lake and nest town. J. L. IlHnks orial to Congress asking for the ap- act lor the sale o( timber lands in the gon -, L. D. Burk, of Bonanza, Oregon; [June, 1901. He names as witnesses: One first -class Jack for sale. 11 i tb-<hv P .7'H w,n ’**• ••'«'order of Illis just put up a wind mill nr.d com- polntmcnt of a “Biigologlst" Io sup stales of California, Oregon. Nevada, A. J. Lowd»*rbaugh, of Bonanza, Oregon. John Hanning, Hornbrook. California; E. M. Birvri w. Register. - William Hanning, of Hornbrook, Cali- quire of S. II. King at Ft. Kl«ln4t¡ j '»’i the as-mid dny. Thors plelt-da flume forlrrlgttlngpurp-ise-, press ticks especially the sig*- tick 1 .uni Washington TvriitvA-,” as ex* II. J. O'Brlvn of Dairy wnk lit town I .. ..... lay. Fretl Dtty uf Ukevlvw was tic re ycslcrtlny* Geo. M. Nnydrr of Bly vhB«-<l IhlM 1 p|*cr Huiitlay. I», T. L mw I ihi «'I Mcdfonl urrlved I here yeaterdny. John Gllp'n of Fort Klamath was here yvalrrdtty. A. White of Royalint Wits In town last Tlturailay. J. T. Al«*xttn<l»r of P»a* Vulley was In town Monday. NO HEADQUARTERS FOR Studebaker Wagons, Deering Mowers, Thomas and Deering Rakes, Oliver Chilled Plows, John Deere Steel Plows. Steel Ranges, General Line Hardware, Stoves, Dry Goods, Tinware, and Crockery, Furniture and Burial Cas * kets, Paints, Oils and Glass, Carpets and Lin Clothing and Groceries 4- oleum. ,4^ The Best Assortment We Have Ever Shown $ BALDWIN, Hardware Dealer $ K. O. W. W. BUILDINC, New Stock Now Arriving. — BALDWIN’S PRICES. All Machinery at Low Prices. L. F. WILLITS, Proprietor Baldwin, .the Hardware Dealer, A. 0.L W. Bldg. *4-'4- THE BRICK STORE. FULL STOCK General Merchandise. REAMES « Hardware, Tinware and Agricul tural Implements. & JENNINOS, KLAMATH FALLS, OR.