KLAMATH vol«. ' k IM.MA 1 II REPUBLICAN FALJaN, ble. gaxlng fixedly upon the marble fee« of her toother. Alice waa not preaent, for Hilly had uot ouly succaodod In wla King hla toother'. «ouarnt to take the ehll- drett for a few days, but he had alna coaxed her to aay that Alice might coms ■efor« th« funeral, on condition that h« would remain at bum. aud take csra of b«r. KLA.MATII COUNTY, OREGON, ! j 1 ' I MAY 23, 1901 REGULARS RETURN. Philippov Army te Be Rtd«i«d 25.000 NEWS OF THE STATE Mtn NO. 1. STRIKE NEAR REPUBLIC. Nugget« Found by Woodchoppers M Oranits - Orders Sent to MacArthur. Creek. FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM Washington, May 15. —By direc Republic, Wash., May 16.—Two OF THE WORLD. ALL OVER OREGON. tion of the secretary of war, inatruc- Wood choppers in the employ of Smith iions »«'re cabled Jo General Mac- Arthur to send to Han Francisco at Bron., of thia place, while getting out cordwooti at a point on Granite creek, k (.omprrhcaalv« Review of th« Impoe*«« CHAPTER IV. ' hia earliest convenience, the follow- Commercial and financial Happening« of about two mil«** west of town, near J Rcarcaly thr»« buura bad paased a inc« Happening of th« Put Weak PrtM kd I i'ig orgiiinzationa of the regular army : portane« A Brief Review of of th« the old saw mill, picked up gome nug the dark, molat earth waa heaped upon One is worth $21). The men in • Condensed form Which la Moat Fourt«*«-nth, Eighteenth and Twenty- the huuibl« gray« of lhe willow and her Growth and Improvement« of the .Many gets. third regiments of infantry; Fourth immediately abndoned work on the eon. when again, over the village of Chic likely to Prove of Interest to Our Many Induttrici Throughout Onr Thriving Com. wood contract, and, selecting a spot regiment of cavalry; Twenty ninth, ope«, floated th» note« of lb« tolling I m >II, Readers. Thirtieth, Thirty second and Thirty aud immadlatvly rrowde of people, with close to the water's edge, sunk a hole monwcaJth Latest Market Report third companiea of coaat artillery; eeendugly eager baste, hurrM toward about four feet square to the depth of CIIAI’TEII II.-(Continued.) sllm.nt h« hurried sway toward Mrs th« «'atiiptewll manaion, which «■■ khiu three feet, at which depth they were A financial panic was narrowly First, Eighth, Tenth, Twelfth and At last Frank, pulling th« old blu« Newport will have a Fourth of July “ 1 *'* ,u0 J*'st rising. nearly fill»«!. Thirteenth lotteries of field artillery. on top of a decomposed bed rock, an«l i averted in London. jacket from under hl» bead and passing ’’ Itliln th» rottag« there was no sound or celebration. On a inarbl» table In lhe aam« room lay General MacArthur is instruct«! to in the course of thin small amount of Il tu Mary, said. "Take It to Bill Bender tuarn of Ilf», „„I. thlnklo< |nna(M the bandaome coffin, aud in It alept young The new school hotyie at Marcola work, which took but a few hours, The ¡s>wers have protested against transfer to other commands all men . lie offered me a shilling for It. aud • w«r» aaliwp. Hilly paused aavaral mln- Ella. Gracefully her email wazen hand« i Turkey s postal measures, in the aIxtve organizations in their has been completed. they had taken out nearly $100 in ahllllug will buy milk fur Alli« and crack ut«a upon th« 11, reahold, fearing that bo were folded on« over th» other, while first enlistment having more than Timber claims on the middle fork of coarse gold. They did not try to save er« for mother lab» II." «Mould dl.turb their sliiuihrra. At last, white, half opened roaebiole were wreath A band of American brigands one year to serve, also men wishing . the Coquille are being rapidly taken. the fine gold, simply confining their "No. Fr«uky." an«w«r«d Mary, "you with a vague ;ir<w»ntln>rnt that all wsa ed among the curia of her hair. ‘‘She la been broken up near Manila, to remain in the Philippine«. All would ba»» no pillow. Iwald««. Fv« gut not right, h« ralasd th« latch and rater- too beautiful to di», and the only child, Operations have been resumed at attention to the large nuggets. The new Philippine tariff will men of other organizations having Sonisiho>g mor» valuable, which I can •d. but Instantly etartnl back In salon The men were greatly excited when too,” thought mor» then one aa they look aril I’ve kept It long, but It must go to lahiurnt at th« a <ii« l»for« him. On th« ed first at the aleepiug clay and then at probably go into effect June 1. three months or less to serve, not in I the Eureka mine, at .Selma, Josephine Smith brothers app«*ared on the scene, county. ua ....... «tarring" «nd »b« h«l<l 1« thuudl« bed lay Frank, cold and drad, and endravoreti to get their assistance the atrlckrn mother, who, draped in deep President McKinley has made hi« tending to enlist, are to lie transferred View the gol'lrli luek«t which Georg« «nJ near him. in th» aama long, dreatn The telephone line being extend»«! iu staking some claims, but the men to the returning organizations. eat black, aold.ed convulalrely. And yet official entry into Han Francisco. Jl oslsnd had thrown «round her n«<k. Iras alaap, »•» Ida Umt her, wbll« between ah» waa not one-half an desolate sa was It is expected that this movement from Hpringfield to Waterville is com could not lie induced to leave the joy- • lui shan't sell that,” said Frank. tli»m, with one arm thrown lovingly the orphan Mary, who In Mra. Bender « •Mrs. Nation’s attorneys have s«-t of troo|M will la-gin soon after July 1 pleted to Thurston. ful task of picking out the yellow "You must keep It to r»m«mb«r Georg»; arroaa brr bratbrr'a Mck, and her cbavk klt< lien ant weeping over her elater Alic«, iqi the plea of insanity as a defense next, by which time the homeward _______________ The Southern Oregon Oil Company, chunks—they only having taken time «nd ibr». you may want II mor« aunt« prvaaad agalnat hla, lay Mary-h«r eye and etrlviog to form words of prayer in the trial for joint smashing. movement of the volunteers will have ' operating near Ashland, has pur- enough to stake one claim. Smith ether tint«.’’ ll>la tnolat with trara which, though Bleep which ehould reach the God of the father- been completed. It is the intention ,.|ia«wl a boring plant, brothers staked two claims above. Mary hnally y laid ml th« point, and ing. alt» allll ah«d On th« other «14« of loss. Edward A. Cudahy says he is will of the detriment to replace the home Great excitement prevailed through gsthsruig up the ■ rumpled Jacket «t«rt«d I- rank, and nr«tl«<| «,, rloarly to him that The machinery of the Summerville "My mother, oh’ my mother." sh» cried, ing til pay $50 .000 reward for the man coming regulars, so far as the mili out the town. There have lieen many In guest of llllly lleatdor. 11« waa a her warm breath lifted th« brown curia aa ah« stret<h»<l her hsuda toward th« w ho alslucttsl his son, if nece—ary. creamery has been received and will tary conditions in the Philippin«« re Mad hearted boy, two year« «ld«r than from hl« I.row, waa Ella. But there w»r« clear blue sky, now that mother« home. n.ports of the finds on Granite creek The president of the French com quire it, with troop« recently organ be in place within a few days. Frank, whom b» bad often befriended no tear stalua oh brr facn, fur ab« did uol "Wh> dldn t I du, t here in the ¡»st, and colors can be Eighty seven »cal[ia of wild animals obtained anywhre on the creek, but and sitivi led from (he jeer« of their coni' jrt know buw brrmvod ah® wn. There was a etep upon the graaa, aud pany which owns the right of way for ized in this country under the pro panions II» >lld nut want the jacket, fur For • ti 'Hirnt Hilly stood liraaotata, looking up, Mary aaw «tending near het the Panama canal is in the United visions of the army reorganization were pnmented for bounty in Jackson nothing like the present strike has It waa a vast deal luu small, and It waa •nd then, fm Mary moved uneasily in her Mra t’enipbeU’a Engliah girl. Hannah. States to make an effort to sell the act. These movements are predi county in the month of April. ever been made in this section. Two •aly In reply to a proposal from Frank •¡umbers, be •dvsn<*r<| a step or two to Kh« had slwsye »«¡need a liking for Mra. company’s concessions. cated on the policy of the adminis Contract has been awarded to the hundred citizens left town tonight for that be should buy II that hs bad caaual ward her. 4’bs aolae arouaod her, and lloward’e family, slid now after tiulehlng tration to reduce the army in the The employes of every machine Philippines to 40,<XX) after the return Athena Flouring Mill Company to the scene of the strike, and many ly offered hltu » ahllllng But now, when Instastly remembering sn<l comprehend her diahe«. and trying in vain to apeak pump water for the city for $800 per claims will be staked by daylight. he aaw th« gm-neut, and l«arn«d why II ing the wb >!r. ehe threw herself with a a word of eonaolatlon to her tniatreaa, ■hop and factory in Seattle, numla-r- of the volunteers. year. was sent, bs i mediately drew from hla bitter cry Into Billy's eitendod arms, as who refused to l>e comforted, she bad itlg over 250, have walk'd out. They The war department today pub •Id leather wallet a quarter, «II th« If he • ue were all the protector she now •tolen away to Mrs Bender’s, oatetuibly demand nine hours instead of 10 and The Henry P. Smith farm of 199 ADMIRALTY SUITS DECIDED. lished the reorganization order pre utoasy hs had In lit« world, and giving had tn the w.4e, wide world. Ere long to M-e all the orpbaaa, but tn reality to .. 12 . per cent increase in wages, acres, 1 («' mile* east of Dallas, has scribing the strength of the various It 1« Mary, bad» her keep It. •• eb« would fr.ils, to awoke, anil the nolay outburst •e« Ella, who bad alwaye been her favor been sold to an Okalhoma man for Two From District of Wuhingtoa. and On« Riot followed the attempt of the branches of the military service upon $6,400. g««d It all which followed the kn iw|r«!gr of her loss ite the bads of a total army of 77,287 Half an b»ur after a cooling orang« made Msry «till the agony of her own From District of Oregon. The eight of Mary’s grief touched Han Union Traction Company, of Albany, The Ontario Warehouse Company waa held to Frmk'a parched lipa, «nd heart In order to «»»th« th« more violent nalt’a heart, and ailtl ig dowu by th« lit N. Y . to riTUinc the operation of its men and a staff of 2.783, the enlisted 8an Francisco, May 16.—Opinions Maty said, "Drink, brother, I’v« gut two grief of her eirltabl« slater. One strength being 74,504 men. By the is building a warehouse on the Short Billy’« 11« girl ah« trir«l to comfort her. Mary electric street railway system. mers, beside« som« mltk and broad." but loan were Rowing, too. but at length felt that b«r worda and manner wer« nonunion motorman was fatally in order each cavalry regiment will con Line right of way. The building will were rendered today in the United lbs ear she «ddressml »■• deaf aud lb« Hal ng up, be said to Mary, "Homethlug prompted by real aympatby. and after a jured anil a car derailed. sist of 12 cavalry troops of 85 enlisted be 50x70 feet, fire proof, and will be States Circuit Court of Appeals in eye dim with th» fast falling ahadow of must be d<>nr Tbo villagers must know time ah« grew calm, aud llalenaM while two admiralty suits from the federal men each, making the total strength ¡»ushed to a spe«^ly completion. Mrs. McKinley is much improved of the cavalry branch 15,840 men. death "Mother! mother!" cried ths Ut of It. an ! I «bail have to leave you alone Hannah told her that "aa soon a« het court of the district of Washington, The Sunset mill owners started il« girl, "Frenhy vvuu't drink, aul hla while ! tell thrtn." mistress got ao anylxtdy could go near in health. The coast artillery will consist of 126 their quartz milion Forest creek again and one from the district of Oregon. forehead Is all sweat." In half an hour from that tini» the her. ah« meant to aak her to take Ma Lacuna has promised to surrender companies of 109 enlisted men each, last week for a run of several months. The lower court was sustained in Mrs Howard had been much Worw Cottage waa nearly tilled with people, Howard to fill the place of her own hi» command. making 13,734, anti the field artillery They have a large amount of rock on awarding the owners of the British that day. but agony mad« ber «trong e<>me of whom came out of Idle rurloaity. daughter." of 30 batteries of 160 men each, mak the dump, some of which which will ship Ravenscourt damages in $7.- was beaten by Sham Shamrock II Mpringtng Io bls aide, ah« wi|>ed front Hut there were other« who went there "They look aa mu<b alike aa two 288.35, with costs against the Ameri ing a total artillery force, field and yield $75 to the ton. hla bros Ih» < vld moisture which had for the aake f comforting the orphans beans.” said ah«, “mid «’¡»oalu’ Ella How rock I in a trial race. can owners of the ship Columbia, coast, of 18,862 enlist«*«! men. The M alarmed b»r daughter, chafed bl« an! attending to the dead« and by noon ard ain’t exactly her own fit-sb and blood, A hotel will be built at Enterprise arising out of a collision in Puget A watchman in a Utah refinery 30 infantry regiments will c«»n»ist of bands aud fret, an I ba th ml fais bead, un the bnd>«-« w«re dex-rolly arranged for ehe would grow Into liking her, I know." stole $15,000 in silver bullion. if citizens will give a bonus of $1,200. sound on January 22 of last year while 12 companies of 104 enlisted men til he seemed Iwtter and fell aelerp. 1 That night after her return home Ilan Strong indications of natural oil both vessels were in tow by the tug Feat Ib» abades of night cam« on, and ‘ I heri *1 I m * no troubl#,** tall onr, “In nah lingered for a long time about th« The Chinese are astonished at the each, making the infantry strength 38,520 enlisted men. The engineer and gas have been found near Mil- Tyee. when all was dark in the sick room Mary finding a pla > f >r Kite, she la so bright parlor door, glancing wistfully toward amount of indemnity demanded. The judgment for $12,000 for per Sobbml out. “Wr bava ho can4le. moth ¡ and han*!> ue. blit as for Mary. I atn her mistress, who reclined upon the «of« battalions will have four companies ton. Twenty five thousand regulars will of 104 enlisted men each, with a band •r, aul If I fu fur one. and be abuuld afraid abe d have to go to the ponrhouee " with her face entirely biddvo by b*r the Oregon state sonal injuries awarded Charles H. The receipts of be returned from the Philippines. file- " “Were I in a • n lition to taler either,** cambric handkerchief. and will, have a strength of 1,282 en land office during April were 123,- Newman, a ship carpenter, was re Tbr sound of her voice aroused Frank, 1 replied \| im JwhtiMon, “I should prefer “It’s most too aoou. I guras," thoiifht duced by the appellate court to $♦>,- listed men. A Russo-German tariff alliance 459.36. •ad feeling for his «later*a hand, hs «sld. Mary, fur ;n my eauiuation ahe la much Hannah. "I’ll wait till to-morrow." 000 and costs, on account of a perm against the United States is proposed. The contract has been let for build "Itoot go. Mary; don't l»«v« m« the the brat g rl. bat three la the baby, who Accordingly n< at moruing. when, aa ah« COST HIM HIS LIFE. anent nature. This suit was brought tnom la ablalnff bright, »nd l gite«» I ran must go wherever Mary does, unleae the had expected, ahe waa told to carry her ing a school house at John Day. The against the master and owners of the The military governor of Bataan in i my way to God just aa Well." ran be peraua-led to leave her." mletresa’ toaat ami coffee to her room, has been reprimanded by Mac- M m Who Stepped Aside to Let Anathei price is $3,466. steamer Homer on account of a col Nlok ten eleven and then through Before any - ne could reply to thia re ehe lingered for awhile, and aeemed so Aitliur. Gain Safety First. Baker City wheelmen are having lision of that vessel with the barken- the dingy window« th« silvery moonlight mark Mary, who had overheard every deslroua of «peaking that Mra. Campbell trouble with miscreants who steathily tine Blakeley in Seattle hrabor. New fell, a« If lodimi to light th« way of the wont, came forward, and, laying her Baked what ehe wanted. Governor Nash and party are visit Indianapolis. May 15—While Wil puncture their tires. man was employed on the latter craft. early lost la heaven Mary had drawn fare on Mrs J >hna*>n*e lap. tubbed ont, "Why, you see, ma’am. I waa going to ing the various interesting ¡daces in liam Phelps, of Richmond, Ky., and A. M. Simpson and James Magee, her mother'« lounge to the «Id« of th« I \ i . I t■»!«! in *th< r 1 say a wor«l about about that young«*«« California. The Southern Pacific is putting in a owners of the tug Columbia, were James Staplebury, of this city, were trundle bed, and In a alato of almoat per would.** Howard girl, Khs'a R' t to flu to thr poor- Rear Admiral Schley will cut short cleaning out the inside of an eight 1,900-foot siding at Rice Hill. Other allowed only the $1.000 awarded by fset exhaustion Mra Howard lay gaap Hilly B< n ter. who all thia while had house and it’a • pity, »he's »<> hanlaoute. repairs are being made along the line the district court of Oregon for pulling Ing for breath, while Mary, •• If roti l>ern standing by the door, started for Why couldn't she conn- here and livel his visit in lamdon on account oi foot upright boiler at the Cerealine mills today, an employe turneel on in that vicinity. •clous of th« dread reality about to w home, never onre thinking, until hr I'll take care of her, aul 'twouldu't 1« sickness in his family. the Grace Dollar off the beach at Coos the steam, thinking the cock tight. ear. knelt by her aide. Oo.-s Mrs llow reach«* I it, that hla mother more than nigh ao lonesome." Citizens of Enterprise have organ- bay in August, 1898, as it was shown Russia is standing steadfast for •rd laid her hands on Mary's head, and •la hours l>«-f«>rr, had a«-nt him In great It leaked, and the scalding steam ized an immigration board, and will that the tug encountered no more At thia allusion to her bereavement prayed that «h« might ba preaervad and haste f r the physician On entering the Mra. Campbell burst into tears, and mo ¡s-ace, according to an official state ¡>oured in on the two men. The only try to secure the «»-operation of other danger than in taking an ordinary ment received at Washington. kept from harm by th« God of th« or house he f un ! her, as he expected, rolled tinned llaunah from the room. exit was up a ladder. Both men towns in the same county. tow, and hence could not be awarded »han. and that th« «In of dlaobodlvnca up In bod. apparently In the last stage of I ll keep at her till I f«-t<h it about.' One mail clerk was killed and jumped for the ladder. Phelps reached salvage. resting on b«r own bead might not b» scarlet fever, but btforo ahe could re thought Hannah. But further persuasion All but eight or 10 men employed another injured in a wreck on an Illi, it first, took one step and stopped visited upon b«r child. proach him he »aid. “Muther, have you from her «« as r«-n lered unnecessary, fol He jumped aside and shouted, “You at the Mineral City smelter have After « time a troublad sleep came up hoard the nrwaF* Mrs. Lincoln called that afternoon, and nois Central train in Louisiana. RICH STRIKE IN MINE. been discharged and work has been go up first Jim, you are married.” oa her and ah« alept until rouaed by ■ Mrs. BenJer had a particular love for after assuring her frleud that she novel A steamlsiat on the Mississippi Staplebury sprang up the ladder suspended for a time. low »nb liaising herself up, «h« looked news, and n >w forgetting “how near to before aaw one who was so terribly af river was wrecked near Chester. 111. with slight burns. •Mlouely toward h«r children Th« death's door’* aha had t»ern. she eagerly fluted, cnsually mentioned the Howards Two ¡lassengcra were drowned and 22 and escaped The stages between Canyon City Believed to Be th« Best Ever Mad« is East Though Phelps followed at his heels, and Burns are now traveling on the ■toonlteams fell upon the white, placid demanded. “What news? What has hap and the extreme poverty to which the) ern Oregon. deckhands arc missing. his act of heriosm cost him his life. summer schedule, and the entire dis fare Of Frank, who «ssnisd calmly sleep pened ?’* were reduce«l. Baker City. May 16.—What is be Both men were being cooked when lug. while over him Mary bent, pushing Here Mrs. Campbi ll commenced weep When Billy told her of the sudden Unless the «ultan of Turkey yields tance of 70 miles is covered in one lieved to be the richest gold strike bark front bls forehead the thick clue deaths of Mr« Howard and Frank, an ing, and na Mrs. I.iucoln soon took bet on the question of interference with I’helps jumped aside. By the time day instead of two as heretofore. ever made in Eastern Oregon was un t«rtng curls, and striving bard to amotb exprrs»i‘»n uf "What? That all?** paaa<*<! leave ahe wa« left alone for severs foreign mail, the ¡towers will present he had followed Staplebury up the er her soba, ao that they might aut dia over her fa«*®, and ahe said« “Pear me, hours. At the end of that time, impelledj an ultimatum, backed by naval dem ladder the flesh was dropping from his covered in the Little Giant mine, Portland Market». turb her mother. my snuff Hilly. Both died Inst night, did by something ahe could Sot resist, ah* about one mile from Malheur City, limlc. He lived for two hours in oust rat ion. rang the l»ell an<l ordered Hannah to go h" •l**Pr* aokml Mrs II ward. they? Ilain't you nothin' else to toilF* Wheat—Walla Walla, 59®60c.; in Malheur county. No «assay has great agony. Both men are colored. A new Russian loan of 434,000.000 sad Mary, covering with her handa tba **Y«s. Msry Judson and Ella Campbell, to Mrs. Bender's aud bring Ella to het valley, nominal; bluestem, 61®62c. been made, but samples of the ore far« of 1,1m w|,„ , room, as ahe wiahed to a>-e bow ahe ap francs is authorize«!. too, are dead.** jier bushel. GOT AWAY FROM MOTERMAN. exhibited in this city are so rich in “Turn away, mother don't l»oh at Mrs. |l«*n !«*r, who, like many others, peared. Flour—Beat grade«, $2.90®3.40 per fret- gold that it does not need in as Fire in suburb of Detroit, Mich., (To be conllnued.) him Franky la dead, lie dl»«l with Ma courted the favor of the wealthy and Three Passengers on a Trolley Car Seriously barrel; graham, $2.60. did $800,000 damage. say for even a novice to know tila t it arms around my neck, and told me not tried to fancy herself on intimate terma Oats—White.$1 30® 1.35 percental; is very rich. The samples are of Hurt—About 100 Bruised. to waka you.** General Dewet, the Boer leader, with them, no aooner heard of Mra STRANGEST OF ALL FISH. gray, $1.27*^01.30 per cental. beautiful nuggets as large as a pea, Mrs. Howard waa In the last stages of Cimpbeir« sffli« tl'»n than her owu dan has munml operations. New York, May 15.—An open trol- Bariev—Feed, $17017.25; brewing, and so bright that the gold can 1« eonaumptlon. and bow ahe lay back, half gerous aymptoma were forgotten, and, I'enl**n of the Be 1» th.it Atitf eo 'nr Pennsylvania beat Anmt|N>lis in ths ley car, in which were packet! about $17017.25 per ton. the t no, I I'. Devour • fainting up..n her pillow. Toward day plainly seen at a distance of 15 or 20 springing up. she eirlatmed. “Kila Camp 115 people, got away from the motor- ! Moat remarkable of alrang«' Usin'« 1« intercollegiate boat race. Millstuffs—Bran. $17 perton; midd feet. The ledge is about 12 feet wide >l|ht a violent coughing fit ensued, and |»rll dead! What'll her mother do? I ah« knew that ah« was dying Beckoning must go to her right away. Hand me my the angler tlsli. wlioae very name aeeuia National organization of machinists man near Fort Lee, N. J., ami dashed | lings, $21.50; shorts, $20.00; chop, and has been uncovered for a distance down Leona hill. Every person on $16. Mery to her aide, she whispered. "I am double g.*wn there in the closet, and give n paradox. The Itablng flsh la never- has ordered a general strike. [ of 300 feet. The discovery of this the ear waa bruiaed and three serious- I Hay—Timothy, $12.50014; clover, leaving you alon« In th« wide world. Be me my lace rap in the lower drawer, and theln*« a reality, and a «tern one to nil Yah' Is'at Harvard 57 to 47 in the ly hurt, but only one of them, the . $7(*9.50; Oregon wild hay, $6®7 rich ore has created a great deal of «lad to Ella and our dear little Allie, mind you hate the teakettle bllrd agin 1 that approach thoae awful Jnwa of his. excitement here, and a numler of annual track and field contest. conductor, is likely to die. The I per ton. •aa go with her where she goes. May grt back." With u body th«' color of mini, he gfu prospectors have already started for • o<l keep ami bleaa you my precious cbll “Before yon go atty where, auppose you The Port«’ has ordered all foreign heavily load«'«! car had start«»«! down Hops—12« 14c. per lb. erally Iles In the ahadow of solin' rock the new diggings, intent upon locat fen anti reward you aa you deserve, my stop at Mra lloward’e and comfort poor an incline a quarter of a mile in postoflices removed from Turkey. Wool — Valley, 11® 13c; Eastern ing extensions of thia rich ledge if on the bottom of tin* sen. waiting mo- darling —» Mary, who erica all the time because ahe The steamer Princess Louise was length when the motorman lost con Oregon, 7® 10c; mohair, 20® 21c. possible. The sentence waa unfinished, and In ami Alice have got to go to the poor- tloiilcas for the approach of his prey, trol. The car was going so fast that i per pound. lie Is provided with an odd kind of tin wrecked in British Columbia waters. Mapeakabla awe the orphan girl knelt house." no one dared to jump off. The road Butter — Fancy creamery, 15® Between her mother and brother shud- “Of coiir«« they’ll go there, and they t just over th«* mouth, am! thia Is held An attempt was mad«' to sell con is a winding one. At the foot of the I7*«c. ; dairy, 13®14c.; store, 11® Alaska LighthouM». darlng In the preaenc« of death, and ort to be thankful they'r« gut «u food a out In front of him to give warning of fidential documents in the Ntvly case. hill it curves sharply. When the ■ 12*»c. per pound. u*»a weeping to think that ehe waa alone. place." Washington, May 16.—The plans the coming of something to In- swal Seattle men have bonded 1.000 front trucks hit the curve they started Eggs—Oregon ranch, 125t®13c. for the 12 American lighthouses re "I want to aak you," Bold Billy, "can't lowed One token allv«' wns experi CHAPTEH III, we couldn't you taka them for a fc«v mented on and It was found that If acre» near Willapa bay and will ls>re around and made it. The rear on«'s per dozen. cently submitted by Captain Langfitt follow«*«! part of the way. The wrench Just an the .-urner of ChleopM Com Cheese—Full cream, twins, 13® to the lighthouse; board, which were day«, aud perbapa aotiirthinx may turn this ¡irojectlng tin was touelied with a for oil. upon Mie car, however, as it swung »<*«. att'l ttadsr th« shadow of the era 13*,»'.; Young America, 13*^®14c. found too elaborate for the appropira- up?’’ Esterlinzy has mad«' an affidavit stick, even though the stick did not '*rr »1.1 dm, wh|(.h .klrt th* lardera of about, was so great that the laxly was ¡M'r pound. "William Bender," «aid th«' highly a« tion available, $400.000, have been that he was the author of the Dreyfus come near the mouth, th«' jaws close«) torn ami lifted from the trucks and '>T th. vlll.aera ths touiahed lady, "what can you mean? A Poultry—Chickens,mixe«l.$3 50®4; slightly modified and returned with • Ml. atnn.la the amali rad cottage of p«xtr, nick woman like me, with one foot convulsively. Thia shows that the tin, borderau. rolletl over ami hit the ground. The hens, $4®4.5(); dressed, 11® 12c. per ', «h«* In her way waa in the grave, ink« th« charge of three by some provision of nature, closes the Embezzlement charge«! against ex passengers were caught in ami under pound; springs, $3®5 per dozen; instructions to advertise for bids. Captain Langfitt desired to have these quit, a eurlo.lty. All ths "III« whl.-h flr.h pauper children! I aha’n't do It. aud you Jnwa ns aoon ns It is touched. School Land Clerk Davis, of Oregon, the car and were piled in a heap. lucks, $5®6; geese, $6®7; turkeys, lighthouses built by day labor under c"1'10* awMlaf. B »h« could needn’t think of It. I’ll«' mouth Is tremendous, growing to may be outlawed. live, 10® 12c; dressed, 13® 15c. per his superintendence, but the board I I» * " ,h" "F'nptoma, was aura to hare ■'But. mother," peralated Billy, who the width of n foot, while the whole Mere Americen Liners. Trouble between the managers of pound. thought best to have the work done "• affffravstad form. could generally coax In-r to do aa he llhe«l. fish In only three fi'el long On«' of these Philadelphia. May 15.—The New the Buffalo exposition and union Potatoee—Old, 90®$1.10 par sack; by contract, and ordereel very exten- t th. «vanta "It’a only for * f,,w daya, and they’ll not anglers w as caught not long since and. York Shipbuilding Company, » at its ,«<- workmen fora time threatened a com new, 2 *b ’ c. per pound. dream. I. "a 5" ‘M‘ ch,'Pt*'’ »"ly. wl...... be much trouble or axpenae, for I’ll work sive advertisements, in order to secure ) nlthough It wna only twi iity-tlve Inches plete tie-up of work, but th«’ difficulty new yards near Gloucester, N. J., has Mutton — Lambs 4?a®5c. per reasonable contracts with reliable ■ ream« bad baan disturbed by thought, enough harder to make It up." long, a fish flfteeu Inches long was begun work on four steed passenger pound gross; best sheep, wethers, paritea. lias been settled. "I haw wnitl no once, William Bender, at *,rljr> ■''•‘«’Hnlned to call ami freight steamships for the At with wool. $4.25®4.5O; dresscxl, 7^c. In » . l,!‘w"r'V' «"’I a™ If they were and when 1 Bay uo, I Mean no," was th» found sticking In Itn throat. The nng A grip containing dynamite was in ler Is provided with n peculiar set of Wh.7h". Î ""''h'"« »«*t hla mother, anawer. lantic Transport Company. Two per pound. process of fumigation at Port Town » ta.l heard rumor, of the acarlet fa Best Hop Contract of Season. , Billy knew ahe «he would I h m > 1 less lea. decided teeth. In double or treble rows along Imats are 6(X) feet long and the others Hogs — Gross, heavy, $5.75®6; send, Wash., when owner told con lhe next tint«' the subject whs broat bed, th«' Jnws mid at the entrance of the i Ina*tn ti* "fi >*f<ir* him. and on descend 500 feet ami they are' to trade from light, $4.75®5; dressed, 7®7j{c. per Salem, May 16. — The liest hop con,f tents, causing a panic among the iX. '“"F her sitting so for the present he droppe«! it, and ink throat. Sonic of these teeth nre a foot Philadelphia. New York anil Balti, pound. tract of the season was filed today,» * Ing Ills cap he returned to Mrs. How long II«' Is not n pretty tlsh to look at. j steamer passengers. »r an I h ‘ flr" her feet In hot wat more to London. Th«' steamships ar«' Veal—Large, 7®8c. per pound; By this instrument George L. Ro's««, ard's, while Ilia mother started for Mra. blaiai. V ,hr,,w" '’"’h « manner Mrs. McKinley is ill, and lias Ix'en not intend«'«! to lie flyers, but will run small, 8®8L«c. per pound. but Im attends strictly to l>usln«'ss mid agrees to deliver to H. and W. H,n «k.i/h, 'rW?1* ,h"’ ","n,'|hlng new had Camplsdr*. will swallow anything that touches hla taken to San Farncisco for a rest. at a moderate sj»eed. They will have Beef—Gross, top steers. $5®5.25; Ramsey, of Seattle, 15,(MX) pounds o;h "( i u.'.n hcr Next morning between the hour« of I* Her illness, while not serious, may a carrying capacity of 6,(XX) tons of J cowsand heifers, $4.5O®4.75; dressed hops of the crops of 1901, 1902, 19O3r.rh throu«i. " Í'"'” ,"W ,h*' ",'Te N’*«1 atul 10 the tolling bell sent forth Ita and warning tin, whether It be meant for cause curtailment of programme for , cargo. beef, 8l«®8lvc. per pound 1904 and 1905, at 11 cents. laat h gh*' h’«t my time ha. come at summons, and ere long a few of the vil food or not. All kinds of things have the remainder of president’s tour. lagers were moving toward the brown been found In the stomach of anglers, •ch i' i * *','n "«F head and atom Cables Are Interrupted. Large Timber Land Deal. A Toledo, 0., police judge says fever . i” »»t« X"t the scarlet cottage, where in the aam«' plain coffin from bits of lead and stone to ffsh al- j The congressional appropriation of New York. May 15.—The Commer drunkenness is a disease, not a crime, quick” ’'°U m"*t rul1 toT 'he doctor. slept I lie mother mid her only hoy. Near most ns large as the angler Itself. This New Whatcom, Wash., May 16.-, them »•• Ella, occasionally looking with Is without doubt on«' of th«' most ¡>e- j $3,(XX),(MM) for the extension of the cial Cable Company hits issm-d the and dismisses all plain drunks »that >*-. Peter Larsen, of Helena, Mont., pre'*»*^ foifrel1"', f'lmated Billy; "why. childish curiosity at the strangers itround cullnr mid Interesting tlsli lu the whois rural delivery postal service becomes following notice: "We are advised cotnc before him. ¡«lent of the Bellingham Bay A Ea«' :,bil€ xxtt n ‘ "nce’ *°" have It her. or leanlnfl forward to peep nt the ocean. available in three months. that the cables betwt'en Tschifu and •«MO. <im you?" An Omaha man claims to have ern Railway, has purchase«! for h1** . tips of the new morocco altoca which Mra. The Homan Catholic archbishop of Tsingtiui and Tsingtau and Shanghai made out of common earth, petroleum company 1(>,(XX) acres of timber land •nyU.1,1 ’¡"n * lu’uw 1 never wan like Johnson had kindly given her; then, when Clrv r Son ptuaker. are interrupted.” and two secret ingredients a cheap lying in Whatcom an«! Skagit conev^Xaw Friend Why do you dump all the Montreal has forbidden the members dm»** i"'1 ?" h*T* ""T'hlng a her eyes fell upon the coffin, she would of that church from countenancing ties, and owned by ex-Secretary Al* jX, doctor i . , N"w ,"* "I’T ■"•' falch the hurst into such an agony of weeping that dirt Into your soap kettles? and plentiful fuel. Naw Naval Academy. snuff i, J"11 ¡*fup" y»" «o hand me my many Of the villagers also wept In H.vtn- and ex-8enator Hawley, of 0h> p Soap Manufacturer If folks don’t cremation in any way. The naval academy at Annapolis Earl Orey, of Great Britain, lias a full , r ", 1,1,1 **” nanlater top h<'H|>iti' pathy. and as they stroked her soft hair, lltul the water dirty after washlu' they The public printer of Minnesota will l<e a tin«' structure. When com plan to secure control of all saloons The consideration is $155,(XX). T,*,. ìli , 7 lnt? ,h- thought, "how mild........ she loved her land contains between 2(X),(XX),( H< l>eat all records by issuing the laws think the soup is no food. New York pletetl the building will have cost $3,' and to discourage the sale of intoxi and 3(X),(XX),(X)0 feet of atanding ti « the » . ° then, knowing that mother than did Mary," who. without a tMMsed by the recent legislature with 000,000. cating drinks there. '“*> tea would retuovo bls molhcr'a tear upon her cheek, aut there Inimova- Weekly. her. m- in two days after adjournment.