It Cloud.d Jtar KLAMATH REPUBLICAN. PubluhM every ThutMay bV W. HUSE lone who is 11 signed t■ ■ the mysi ' tons THURSDAY, MAY Irt. 1901. Providence that t .bids Ulin to label : in a foreign lnt.d, lie. however. Is liappv in a home Held in old IN tin. T he n . c . o . to lakeview and Next we ntitiee W. C. Gault. a klahath falls . ' man of lovable character who found I Ma way to Africa and tifto a faith» til response to inquiries, we hake ful serviee of al.tit 2t* years yielded deceived thin week from a well known up his life, a victim to the African had reliable resident of a neighlioring fever. fertility. a letter In relation to the In this connection A. <’. G »»I de­ (pfieral hope mid expectation of rail» serves more than honorable ment:. .¡1. fcsv connection in the near future. He stiM'd high : - a s'h.dar and a Inltis letter he advances a seeinini;!) preacher. Would have had no diffi­ well founded theory. but one which culty in securing a good church .it we have never beftife heard mention­ home, but he. too. sought the wilds ed, In regard to the N. U. (>. railway, of Africa. He brought to the West­ which, starting fiotn R*-no. Nev,, ia. ern world much light on the flora of ismmpleted in a northwesterly dlree- that country, and all he taught f lift ns far tut Torino. From Terma th 1 way of life to the darkened minds it is to be extended tt> Lltuias, I .. of the people. While on an exploring At Alturas the road will divide into ex|xxlition, fever claimed him and he two branches, the construction of was cut down in tlie flower of his which will capture the entile business young manluHxi. Few have aceom- nf Southern Oregon, and settle for­ phsiuu more in so sh< rt a time. We ever all competition over it between mourn his 1< xs 'out are thankful that bah Francisco and Portland. a farmer boy of Penn, could allow From Alturas one branch will run such Christian heroism and undoubt­ due north to Lakeview and will there ed capacity in the service of Christ. meet the contemplated road from Space will in t allow us to more th in Hufhs. Another branch from Altu­ mention W illard who spent th“ l est ras will run northwest to Klamath part of his life at Juneau. Alaska. Falls, and thus receive the licnetit Small s;xice must be given to the In­ and business arising from the vast dian missionaries, but we hope to forests of pine in that neighbor!».■■ si. hear from them again. At tlie time Roth routes are easy, and the busi- of which we write there were three hesa which the two brani'hes will re­ students who looked towards this ceive by such a union, in lumber, ancient and renowned country as Stock. freight, passengers, etc., will their sphere of labor, namely: J. C. at once make the N. C. O. one of the R. Ewing. G. W. l'ollock ami J. M. best paying roads in Oregon or Cali­ Mi-Comb. fornia. Much had been said of the un It is a plausible theory and bast'd healthfulness of that climate, and as tin truth, and one which good busi- the people looked upon the three, hess enterprise will at once see the tiieir verdict was as follows: Ewing advantage of, and the questions. is a strong man and he will endure ••Will it pay?” or "Is there business any climate, even that of India. Let enough?” can no longer be used as him puss. Polltx-k also gives every Club# to break the backs of propose I promise of being well in tlie tropics. railway« into this part of the state. McComb, however, cannot live there The timber alone will pay an enor- and we predict that he will die or re­ hione income, and when to that is ad­ turn home as m . n almost as he sets ded all the business in passengers and foot ill India. The result, however, freight of Southern Oregon, the road was otherwise. Pollock after a hero­ will be seen to be a nival one for the ic struggle with the climate found prosperity of its stockholders. And that he could not live in India and thus may the great problem of rail­ returned home. We rind him preach­ road building into this part of Ore- ing in West Virginia. Ewing re­ Koo be settled to the mutual satisfac- mained about six years when lie. t<»>. tiort of owners and patrons. broke dow n and was forced to come home for a season, although lie Iris New stock gent's and ladies' since returned, and is now one of the Watches and chains and other jewelry most celebrated and successful mis­ just received at VanValkenburg’s. sionaries in the foreign field. Mc­ The day light ride loth ways on Comb was not on account of his own the Ashland stage line is appreciat­ health obliged to come lii ine at all. We have now introduced you to Connects with ail ed by travelers. 'some of our missionaries. Next we trains at Ashland. hope to write of the voyage to and Call at “Van's.” the jeweler, and from that country. J. M’. M c C omb . See his .stixk and get prices before Skin affections will readily disap­ buying Watches, chicks or jewelry. pear by using 1> Witt's Witch Hazel When you want tlie best hand Salve.' Look out for counterfeits. If fnade harness at the lowest price, call you get I>eWitt’s you will get good on George W. Bradley. My harness results. It is the quick and positive and work are guaranteed to be equal cure for piles. to any on the Coast. J. L. Padgett & Sons. Keno. ONION SETS. iher Diligili, ni»’hi»n, l'idit. V ii » II. Yi .iger, of Oiegmi : Nor­ ami all pei»,ms claimma advvrsely thè man Campbell, id Kl.inmlhom ('alilor alswedi-sellwd lamlx are ivqueatvd to ma IX'Ugla- Nurri«, ul Pukegamu, Ole li lo their »daini* tu ibi» olii»-,' !■> Ime sani gull. E. M. BRATI'AIN, Register. 27lh day et July, l.X’l. I . M. Ba irtAiN. llegi-ter, IX-partnii nt of ilio Interior, I nml Otti»»' ut Liki view, ............... Apiil 12. itati. Nolin' is heieliy giviMI tbut ilio lui lowing-imimsl senior l»as til»*d mdieeol ber mtentlon to make linai pr«x»l in sup- |xut ot ber i laim, timi timi ».ud pl,«>l w ili lx' mudo Ix'fon» Jax. II. Driscoll, Cimiliv Cleik, ul Klamatl f ilila, Or., oli May -..X. 1901. vi.-: Antm A. ì'honia». H. P. No. l'alt; tortilo NUs, c 19. Tp. s.. K. lo. F. Ilo nanie» ilo- follo»»- ing witm--' » to prove In» eoiitmuoii.s rvsi lem,' iqx'ti ami »'iillivation of said J. f. Ilenley. ol Klani.itli, l-a 1“. l>r,’. ; I N. t'ols-'ii. ot Klamath l ati». < be ; Koont/. ol Klaii atll i alls. Ore.. S. B. 1. >»», ol Klamatli f all», Oli*. E. M. ltR VTTAIN. Rvi'ìst'r. ì ' ni i n> Si»u- I. ini » Oryn r. Lakvvieu . l'ienon, Aprii 20, 1991, N >ti»e i- lu ri-bv gtven in o'in pliance »»uh Ilio provi-ions of ilio net **t Congress ot .lune 3. 1S7S. enlìtitsi --An aet tur Ilio -aleol titnber lami.' in thè state- ot California. Oregon, N«-»ala. atol Wa-lniigtoii Territori-." .is extend- I ' : A 4. 189», Henry s. Puntar, of A-lilaml, County of .la> Usui. State »'t < >i. >n. bus llu» day fthm in Ibi» oIBcv ilis »„olii natemelit N". 2“4. for Ilo- pureii.i-e of tli.- S W 1 , ol Seetioli N >. 28 in l'ownslnp No. 39 > . lìnege N<>. •• Fast, ami w ùl effer pioni to show liuti ilio land » Ughi is more valuat'h' for ita timi er or slum- than mr agi ieultural purpo-,--. ami to eatablish hi- daini ti» -.lui land indoro tlm iìegister ami Re- »X'iver <>f tIli» Oli:.-«' at laikev.ew, Oregon, Oli Frida» , Ilio'-’Sili liav ol Jillie. 1991. ! le nume» a» w il nesses : J. A. Parker, Blv. t >iogon ; .»l.s. Parker, oi Blv, t»t<- gei» ; W. D. Weeks, of Dulutli. Siimi. ; Harris Piana, of Diiluth. Mimi. Ani- and all p» r-ona clniniing adversely the iibove-desi ril-e>i laivlsare rvquested to rito their el lini“ in tlii* otliee oli or before sai»! 2»th day of .lune. 1901. E. M. ilKArrns. Resister. Timber “Our little girl was unconscious from strangulation during a sudden and terrible attack of croup. I quick- Iv secured a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure, giving her three (loses. Tlie croup was mastered and our little darling speedily recovered.” S > writes A. L. Spafford, Chester. Mich. J. L. Padgett & Sons. Keno. 1 This Is the name of the new firm Which now reigns in the store which has heretofore been conducted by A. J>. Carrick alone. As to the mem­ bers <*f the firm. Messrs. Carrick and Grigivby are thoroughly posted on all kinds of farming machinery and gen­ eral hardware, and expect to keep and furnish a crovi«ione of il.e act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “An act for the «ale of timber land» in the state* of California, Oregon, Nevada and Waxiiington Territory,” ax extended to all the Public Land States bv art of August 4, 1892, Henry J. Small, of 'Klamatlion, Count»- of'Siskiyou, state of California, has this day tiled in this ' office his sworn statement, No. .'>ol, for the purchase of the SE*4. of Section ; No. 1, in Township No.33 S., Rang“ No. i 7*'i East, and w ill offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricul­ tural pur|s>ses, and to establish hi“ claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this ottice at Lakeview. Ore., on Saturday, the 27th day of July, 118)1, He name“ as witnesses: Philo Hull, of Hornbrook, Calif.; Win. H. Smith, of Hornbro ik, Calif.: Emma C Parshall, of Klamathon, Calif.; Esther Durgin, of Klamatlion, Calif. Any and all jHTsons claiming adversely the above-descritred lands are requested to file their claims in this office on r., on Saturdny, the 27th day of July, 1901. She names ns witnesses: Wm. II. Smith, of lloriibnxik, Calif.; Henry I. Small, of Klamatlion, Calif.; Emma C. Parshall, of Klamatlion, Calif.; Ex- Notice is hereby given that in com­ pliance with the provisions of the ad of Coiigre»« of June 3. 1878. entitled “An act tor the sale of timlx-r lands in the states of California. Oregon, Nevada, anil Washington Territory,” as ex­ tended to all the Publi»- Limi States by act of August 4, 1892, William D. Weeks, of Duluth, county of St. Louis, state of Minn., has this day t:i> d in this office his sworn statement No. 392, for the miri-base o| the NW'j of -edioli No. 32. in Township No. 30 S., Range No. UE„ and will offer proof to show that the lumi sought is more valuable for its timl»er or stone than for agricultural purpo-e“. and to establish bis claim to said land before the Register uml Re­ ceiver i-fthis office at Likevirw, Oregon, on Friday, tlie 2.8th 'lay of June. 1901. He names a- »vitm—»•■» : Harris Deans, of Duluth, Minn.; 11. S. Dnnbar, of Ashland, Oregon; J. A- Parker, “I Illy, Oregon; James Bell, of Blv, Oregon. Any ami all js-rsons claiming ad­ versely the aixjve-ilescribeil lands an- requested to tile their claims in this office on or before said 28th day of June, 1901. E. M. BRATTAIN, Register. TIMBERLAND. A( TJUNil 3. I«7x, NOTICE FOR PUBLICAT ION. U nitei » Kr.vnta L and O ffu e . Lakeview, Oregon, April 20,1901. Notiix; is hereby given that in coin pliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “All act lor the »ale of timber lands in tlie states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wii“hington Territory,” ax extend­ ed to all the Public I.ari'l Mates by act of August 4, 1892, Harris Deans, of Duluth, county of St. Louis, state of Minn., lias this day filed in this oil'u-»- Ilia sworn statement No. 291, for the purchase of the NF.'j of Section No. 32, in Township No. 39 S., Range No. <> E., ami will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to estaMisli Ills claim to said land before the Register ami Re­ ceiverot this office at Lakeview, Ore­ gon, on Friday, the 28th day of June, P.sil. He name“ as witnesses: J. A. Parker, of Blv. Oregon ¡James Bell, of Bly, Oregon; ILS. Dunbar, of Ashland, Oregon; W. I>. Weeks, «4 Duluth, Minn. A. I NI ITI» 8TA I E> I »*•' 1 " 1 ’ I « 1.1 \ 11 «« , ’ ' m '1 Notice is hi icby gh«m lb *’ ’ J" p’iimc»» will» H r r»»*\» ' 1 ' i ong......... I Jnn.- 3 I' ' " art lol tin' rale "I tÌU.I’i'. I-."' » ' ► tali » ol ' '»lit'" 111 ami Wa'Imelon !■ ' temle.1 to all tie Pu'd ■ > 1 I.» a. t ot Aug'i-t I I'1' 1 1'ar.liall. .1 Klamathon. I mil' knon. Slate ol < alll"im.i. I "“ «t i- • III,-.I in Ibi» olii»,' be' »wma ►i.itemciH 298. I“’ ib.- pur» h ■ I th* ‘ ot S.. II.-U No. I. m i'"" "l"1' ' l>ai>;e No. 7 1 .• I imi ■ 1 I...... " ► Imw that II“' laud »"Ujlit '■ . ...... . ' 1 ” alile tor U h timla-r m M 'm rii iiltiual pui|H>''“. and to> »l‘< 1 !l ■ lutili to xaul land lx I 'e I I“ -” ' 1 ui..1 Rin iver ol IL“ "I1“ • >' I •' " r i )i egon. on Sat o i > la » . I be 11 n > i ' » July. BIOI H .• i in as wit no*-« ” (’ahi . I I ripì.» Hull, of II««Mil..... '• t» . Hull, <‘l 1 b»riiluoek. < tin : Ih’im Small. «»1 Kianiath««n, (/aiif, : 1 -th« \h\ in ! >ui «in, ol Kl.iniatlo»n ( (III nil ; «»rwotiM cl.dniing a>i\• > m ’Iv ilo* u ! m » v «1«i i»H*»l lan«l* ar«* »« « pi»-(« «I t" 1» llo ir «’laitn* tu ibi* olii» «' ell Ol l»vl”l ►ani 27th da» >4 Jttlv. I “'I. I-. M. Bl; \ I I «IN Keu-tor. I XlTKl' Si \TI s laxi» th rit I Lakeview, Or., Mtlv 2. l*iH. Notice is hereby given (hat in rom- pliunee with the | rove-ions ol the act ot ('ongress o1 June 3. entitle«! “An act for the sale of timber laml* in the Mat« s of California, Oregon. Ncx.ul.i and Washington territory,” a* extend ed to all the INtblic I and Status by act of August ♦, IS 2. ioibert B. >lal cup, of Hurnbr«»ok, county of Si-kt vou. State of California, has this «lay tiled in this odice bis Nnorti statement No. 304, for the purchase of the N \\ ol S-«*tion No. Ii. in Township No » > Range No. E. \\ . M., aud will « 0« i proof to show that the iaml sought is more valuable for its umVer or stone than for agricultural purp<»M *. and to establish his claim to said lan I l>eiore the Register ami Receiver «4 this »•!!.« « •it Lakeview , Or., on Mt-mlay, tin* l«»th day of July, BK)1. He nauu-s as wit- - . - Wn H. Qu ■ : K tu (’alii,; Ernest A. Qmid, of Klamathon Calif.; Wm. Stalcup, of Hornbrook Notke I or Publkatlon. ('ahi.; IL A. Stanford, of Hornbro« k. Ik pirtlm-lit of thè lliti'rmr. C liforma. Any ami all ihumoiis Limi • itili»• at l.ikr»n claiming adversely the ab«»vc-d;h low ing'tiameil 'i ltlcr l t» lil.'d iiotn*. «lav of July. l‘.MH . Iti» inti lo make tieni pi e t in ■ E. M. I’ hattun . Register. |H,rt of hi» l'Ialin. nml -al l |>> wtll la- inad.’I» loie J H.ini.ikii, i Timber Land, Act June j, 1S7S S < ‘ ..mmiH'iom r a'. Bommx.1. l)re., Notice for Publication. Jutle 8, 19 l|. » iz : (J9ITE D ST AT E8 L A N D OF F! CE J L a K e VU* , O hf - hon , May 2, IWI.I Notice is hereby given that, m »om pliance with the pruvi*ions of the act «»I Congress of June 3, 1S78, entitled “An act lor the “ale of titnlar land“ in the s»ate“ of California, Oregon, .N«‘va«la ami Washington Territory,” as extumh i to all the Public Land Stales by act ot August 4, 1$92, Ernest A. Quaif, of Klamathon, County <1 Siskiyou. >tatv of California, has thi*» «lav file«! in this office his sworn statement. No. for the purchase of the >W. *| of Sei tion No. 12. in Townsiiip N-». . h « Range No. 7l.w, E. W. M.. ami will offer pr«»ot to show that the land sought is more vain able i«»r its timlaT or stone than for ag ricultural pnrp «»-r“. ami to establish hi* claim to said laml Isdore the Register ami Receiver of this office nt Igikvvtew , Or»»,, on Monday, the 15th day of July, 1901. He ham« - as witnesses: R«»ht. B. Stalcup. of ii«>rnbrook, Calil.; Wm Stalcup, ot llornhroi k, Calif.; Wm. H (¿naif, of Klamatlion, (’ahi.; R. A. Stanford, of Hornbrook, Calif. Anv and all jiersonn claiming ad­ versely the above-d»»r of N E* j. ami N}.^ of SE1^, of Section No. ¡1, m Township No. 3.3, S., Range No. 7’. E. W. M., and will offer pr. Hull, of I lorn brook, Calif.; Henry L Small, of Klamathon, Calif.; Exther Durgin, of Klamatlion, Calif. Any and all piTHonx claiming adverxelv llienbov,- den rilx-d land* are requested to (lie their claim* in I lux olllcn on or before raid 27th dav of .Julv, 1901. E. M. BRATTAIN, Regoitcr. E R. REHMES. ALEX MARTIN JR., lice President. Cashier. AUX M1HTIN Präsident. Cordions Attended to Piompt'y. Correspondence Invited. FALLS KI.A.11ATÎ1 J. F. GOELLER, Proprietor. Plan » .'iiiil Spccuicatioii i Furnislied on All Kinds o| Buildings and Contracting and Building on the Installment Plan. I TIM BEK I. A Nd. \( r.H NE.;. NOTICE H>K ITBLB \ I !' >-N. Land, Act June 3 1,878 | Notice for PubiRation. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE I I. aei . vii . w -, O keo ON. April 29. 1901.1 Notice is lie-eby given that, m com pliance witli the provision» of the aet of Congress of J line 3, 1878. entitled 'An aet lor the sale of tiniln-r lamia in the states of California. Oregon. Nevada ami Washington Territory,” as extendml to all the Puhii»- Liml States bi aet of August 4. 1892. James Bell, of Blv, comity >4 Klamath, state ot Ore­ gon, has this - of tlie sW t4 of section No. bo. in , ■ - ■ - 1. x ami will offer proof io show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agrii'iiltural pur|w s<'S, and to establish lus claim to said laml la-fore the Register ami Be- ceiver of tins office at I jkevtew, Oregon, on 1 ri lav, the 28th day »-l June. I.Ml. He names as witness»'.“: W. D. Weeks of Duluth. Minn.-, Harris Deans, of Duluth, Minn.; H. S. Dunbar, of Ash land, Oregon; J. A. Parker, ot Blv. Ore­ gon. Any and all jx-rsons claim­ ing 8'lversely the als>Ve->les< rilxsl lands are requested to tile their claims in this otilee on or lieiore said 28th day of June, 1ML E. M. BRATTA IN, Register. A.t June J. Noth« for I'liblii-Hi'"’- I x . I I !>.- r \ I I ' I INDOFFlt I.AKKVIliV, Mil) 2. HMI. » Notice is hereby given (hat, in coin phanee \tith the pi«» vimoiis ol the at t <»l ('«ingress «it June 3, ls. s, entitled \n act for the wale ol timber laml»* in the status «>| Culitornia, < hfutni. an«I W i<, : v! -n |\ i t it.'t \ . a ■ < \ ’ • " all th«1 Pul lie I arid >!.it« ' bv ,u i . : Aligns! I, ISW2. \\ illirttn M:il«Mp. “I 11 »rhl'iouk. t’onntx • ! >iskt\«»n. M.c« ol Culitornia, has tin • «l.i\ rile I tn this «'lti«‘e Ins suorn Mahnieiit. N » lot the purchase <»t the I «»I ’y, ami >l , ut «1 '«‘« lion No. I’, in loun ship No . s._ Kai»,.'• N • . 1. I \\ M . an«t will <»fler pruoi to show th.H the I uni H«»nght is more valuable lor its limbvi or Ftone than tor agricultural purpo>t‘M, and to establish his « laitn t«» >ai«i !:unl l>eh»re the Kegisterand Kceuiv- er oi this olliev a! I akvvi« w, Oregon, on Monday, th? lath «lay «•! »Inly, iwl He nanus as witnesses: |{. .''tan ford, of Hornbrook, (.'ahi.; Ernest \. l^uaii, of Klamatlion, Caht : Win. 11. TIMBER I. \NI>. \t I' H NI I ’• (¿naif, of Klamathon, Calif.; Ibdt. !• noth e i fi: fi ill' viion . Stalcup, of Hornluo« k, Cahl. Atn ainl all |H‘i>om» da*ming ailvinsely theal»«»v< d«‘>crtbe«l landa are rc«ptr>tul to tile their claims in thi? otll« e on or I’elarv sai«I loth da\ ol .Inlv, I'. b H. E. M. BKA l l’AlN. Kcgixter. TIM BER LAND. Al T .11 N E l. |x,8. NOflCE I olì l'UBLICATTON. Mr. W .1. Baxt r of North Brook, N.i.-..'. SUff. »11 | - Seven pounds for il.on. Baldwin's fifteen years. He tried many reme­ TIMBER LAND. ACT JI'NE 3. 1878.— notice for publication . Hardware Store. A. O. I’. W. Build­ dies with no lesults until he used De­ ing. Klamath Falls. Witt's Witch Hazel Salve and that UNITED STATE' LAND OFFICE, I quickly cured him. L a KEVIRW, O kegon , April 21). 1901. I J. L. Padgett & Sons. Keno. CARRICK? GRIGSBY CO Timber Land. Act June 3. 187S Notice for Publication. hiotfcc I or Publkatlon. limber Land, v.ii ■ t\ « i • .«’ ¡»it I w«»rk ( « 11111-> ! * «'« I lt\ tlJn i, «I ( .‘ivui^, stair IkHil*. I’filu«l«,i* nn«l Newrl LuDtN. |i »I Wo» k '».»• 'i I ‘ I »o l r im i*, < <>r Iler Riol B mm « BI im k« li • r I • •«»! nml Wih>'«>w I nt ii >«*'«, l*iii|»lt* rtiol l‘»«w Khd«, * A » ui«»’ r.imt* »if«l < hl M tilling uml I ì I ma * . I I va ul Iona hii »| | I uiot Lut < »hi '\ h II r.i|n 1, I ’n11. titln . »•!«’., rlu. t »\.t k i.«l liottviiui, mal in tl.u *.tt« NOTICE FOR l’UBLI ITIO UNITED »TATES l.\NI><>| F’t'E > Noli»'.'i» hereby g'.eri that in »olii- pliance with I lie pr>» i-imi» of the u> t of ( ’ongle»» ol .hll.e .1, 1 »;8, « otiti,-«I “ \n act lor th.- «aie of timi-« r lami» in II « «tat.-x ol ('.idioti .a •h.'.' n. N.-iad.. and \Va»liington Terril, .y.” n« ex tenti* I to all th" |*nl I . • i I.y act of Augii»! I. -ix'cj John W tl'Neil, ot Hornbrook. ( oiml» of >i'ki \ou. State of California ha« thin dkv tiled in thi“ office• hi« «worti -'aietn.i.- N ’ . • >. lor the pare! ite • t 11 ■ N I 1, of Section No. 2, >n T<»»n»liip No. 33, 8., Range No. 7*« E., ami will offer j r«x>f to »l>-. » that tin- I n .I «ought i“ more valuable f-r if« tim lier or xtone than for ngrieultnral piirjH,«..«, atid to »*Htabli«li hi- claim to Haul lami Ix-fore the l!. gi»t« r and I...... . . of thi« olii ¡i' I o,. . ,..a Oregon, on S.itunlav. th.* 27th dav of •Inly. P.IOI. He tiainex n« witli"--. \\ i ii 11 - in 11 h .. I 11... i, . i OREGON, r,"r'ii'’ii» eoi>\>'.i'i i, ill parti ' • * 'io I k i n Oh .nul N 't ilt* l it ( "aliiotnia at the verv lowest rates. n HER1T0RD STOCK FARM |>rrw ■» \ ulte) , Oregon. I . (>. Iti SIIMI, Owner. Larges! Herd of Registered Here lords in Oregon. 15 K i 'B'IT' i I iarlinf Lull» Fur 'à rrke: >!••«», $U5 «nJ S»50 / U DO# 4/ 4 WO //h|f .«••«• •>! in ! tor th«*’ -late- ni ( n *111 rt 1,1 the Siale of K14 ti I « i h. Sult tn E < tirr««ll. 1*1.Olitili, i I «i’iiiy l”f % M. I h • t/ftr. V. A. < \im«il, !H’frhilmit I . « . A. ( 4rr«»ll, Ihe alaivr im nifi di ‘i'titlaiit. ! ri » N «MF «•» Tilt ^TATI «»K < <.-’wj 5 «ni H’«' h*'frl»y r»’q«iií«*l t«» the M !. Intere»! on 'Hine w thi“ date: No». I v>. 541 ■ ,■> S110 5 '■ M-M ■ i -. ', Klamath 1 all., Otegoii, tl February, ItMll. IL II. « i X \ » i K r » :.t it«.. I 'outit» Tr.- 1'iir. r FALLS, I’1 ' ' * i'A 'luv, week or u.Quth. li \ niel Grain bought ami aolil. limber laud. Ait June J, |8;M Notke lor I'ubloation. E Stage Line, «« of 8Í • ¡xl.'l. N ... 4 a>..| will. (I.- pr.H.f tu r>- v.ilu- t for ng* ¿l*|l lit» I . tore llm Ih-gixti r ulb> <- ut l .,k, \ n-* . . th»* 2'.lh «luv • iisHIie« n* Ultf.«’»*«» < ( K h .mut 1« hall*. • »»«’ ^Hiniiirr * of Klaitiitlti i. i | ». \\ i 'I « n <>f K lattl n . < but h*' Il iiotlkiir, «*t fe^oii. Any nn«l «Il t lu- ¡«1*0.«' ito 111«* « tli« »’« n ur Ls*i”rs* . IWI. I LA IT \!N 1 ■ 1 ,igalh«'t \<»«l h» II'»’ il’**'” «’otillisl siili, ,>1, , f Irt i .fu f | h « t.itli il*) • »I -I Uh«’, A. IL HMH, Mini I VtMI l*‘l •*» t‘> »»«•*• r u «ti.l ! I « ri ot. tl i ì.tlM «fi w ili Mpply V» ■ « . .il t «r li»«* •«•In I »%• pr«vi«* «ii?*oks >l, Mhh«i¡l»-«i and b*M (of . >«!. >•> Hon«»n»M« I I UtPit». <’«« ihtv J••»»••"' \ IL, fn'l iih’l <«*nlinii«’ l«»r *•' •n«W’ i. c M.. k-, until i' - l e, da, -t l'.n-. \ 1 • . u • n, «i I . ing tin I >'• - * ,l* !.i*l rm hi irai i«»n. Lni'irf^ Mn ir, Allori»«**»« t«»r l’Iiiintiff. Dyspepsia Cure P» n.k>i:AMi:s.M.t). Digests what you cat. Ptiyulclan nnJ Surgeon, Atl Calls Answered Promptly •*)' it artt*:< tally dtgcxtji th" foot! and aids Nature tn mn ngth itiug and recon­ structing the eihaunted dlgextlvc or­ or Mfcht. gan». it 1»the iateatdlscovi icddig>'»t- ant and tome» No other prepirntton can anproach p m efliciem-y; ¡t In» W. H. Roberta, nl Hon ■ “i.intiy rtheve-and permanently cures Phi lo 11 ul I. of IlornlttiMtk, Calif ; Het D> i>'|.xiu, Indigv-tiun, Heartburn, ry I. Simili, ot Klamathon,( ahi. \ni I it tiiom i -h, Nau m a. and all |»-r*on« claiming ndver-el» th.- .Sir a H Pticb'h Ga- tralgla.Ur.imp-aml ah >Ve-d“»colH-d land are I'qu. -ted t'> ull other result» of imp« i fectdigolIon. file tbi-ir claim» in thi“ nifi".- on «,t I« I' ii a K »1.1*1, k.rgxait.'contain*2‘« tlrm-x £4F"l‘r<>n>pt und «iridili »ttrntion . i . i ¡»Itala, Iso>1» al. ai-.ut«ly’.s»'P'..i u>,noiit'-o fore «aid 27lh dm- of liib rxi| to idi o »lera Praoarad by L C. LaWi I I a CO-. Ctpcco» E. M. BRATTAIN. j. n. nooRE, J. B. MOORE, TIMBER LAND, A< T U NE : IS? NoTK E FOR ITBI.IC \lloN, UNITED STATES I.ANIto! IKE/ L a KK vii ; u -, Onia. ox , Apiil 29, 1 >o| | Notici- ih hereby given that in cm pliance with th.- provi-ion- oi the a. i m Congii" of .Im,i 1878, i ntith-d ' Nn act for the «ab- of nmh.-i |.m|« m »tali', of I aliform i. Oi. and Wa«liitiglim Territor) a-i »t"nl e I tu ail Hie Public I.and .'tai. - |,. act of Align»! I, 1892, Willi- II. lîolx-rl- of Hornbrook, County of “i-ki’.oii .'tate of Ciilifoinin, ha- tl,.“ d ll tiled Ili thi» office hi- »worn -latement No. -jo., (or the purdinvc of the NWof 8ci-’ lion No. 2. in Town-hip X.,. ;;;| s, Range Nn.71 , IL, and will olfi-r pu»,f tn »how that tlm land »ought i< more y il nabli, for il“,timl»-r or “tom- thim for a r rii iiltiual piiririHi-, and loe-laLli-h In- claim 1.1 -aid land bi fore the l!, gi«it.r limi Ri-ceiver of thia offici' at Laki', lew Oregon, on Saturday, the 27lli dai ni Julv, IIMll. lie mitin*» ax w itili'., i-- John W. O'Neil, of Hornbrook, Calif - Wrn. If. Smith, of Hornbrook, falif.; Philo Hull, oí I lor ni in »ili, Calif. ; Ihm ry I. Sinall, oí Klaniathoii, Calif. An»' nodali piTHoo“ claiming iidver»"ly th». lilMiVe laud“ an* r1 .111,■-.t, d tn file their cliiitn» in thi“ ollli e on ,,r be­ fore »aid 27th day of .Inly, I'. mii . I-«. M. BRA I IAIN, llegi-ti-r. D< Wit' s Litt!.. I'hrly ItlhcrHHenn-h llm rento fest part s nr t In- Ixiwels ¡mil remove the inipuriiii s speedily with no diHcomfort. They uri* Lutimi* (<„• their cllle.ii-y. EiWy f„ ||„V1.|, gripe. •I. L. I’adgi'tt X Sort*, Keno. L' ' 1» ^l AII M < >FI I< t’J L\KK.v;m , < April 30, HM|.( Proprietor of Fi-eiijht At «goni. Notice i.. |iur**hv |/iv«*ti (hut in coni' pliance With lliu plovi*|o|iH ol th»* IK'I <»l Everything dorm « ill' rofign »•« of June .3, B»7M. rlitit h*«l “All m-atlie«* mid dixpnl' I* ■■■ in*! lor the i|u «J liiitber hni'L in th*’ n-ki\«» ii . Mato of ( ilif.trnia, hiia H i I m |.i t, of Se* tion Ml Ill lown-lnp luiiig«* *-o. • ’ l a**, Guaranteed. *Hi'l will of i i proof to h I iow thill tilt» Also Agent for LONDON liii'l onglil !• mon« t.ilnabl«« for ilw Linker or 'H h * tlum for agiicnlflti h I LANCASHIRE FIRE INS. CO. pnr po. no ||,,e lahlMi hi« i liiiiii to •ti'l I Ill i lif-lme I he I.’- /I -1 el ;ll.'"',| f hi ,il ’ I' ’ll. «•( k l;t in il lion .< alii. ; !>th»,i ||< f. H'H.'in, oi Klain.itbon, Cnlif. Any nn«l md |>y*p<'pKht Cure I I h»*” all |w*r"oh* ('laiining h <•• piaisc Isodnl l>» »pepala < ni' W. ioic Haid 27lb «Iny of July, 1901. lv. " Tini» « riti » Mrs. < • E. M. Bi<»rr'iv, Rt«ahtvr. HOTEL BARBER SHOP, J W. SIEMENS. Pr