Family Secrete. WHY THE TWAIN DISPUTED. ‘Thoee people In front of our cage ■ay they are descended from UB," ob­ John Hull Thought of Hill, the Clerk served the First Monkey. of Ha by, "Well," commented the Second "How much?" asked Arthur P. Jt»g Monkey, "we are alvout the only one« lan of Leeds, England, offerlug to pay of their ancestor* that they will pay bls bill. admission to see.”—Baltimore Sun. "Niue pounds," answered Clerk How­ ard L. Dailey of the St. James Hotel, ««•llowrO Hl» False Teeth. A n<«u r»< eul ly swallowed hl* false teeth smiling and bowing. The eye* ot Mr. Raglan, which had Sod it drove bun nuvd. Htomaeh* will eland * Rival ortai)t branch of public service liams' Pink Pills for Pale People in then economy i* bad: and the public words of praise, for they are an hon­ official who tries to make a record in est medicine. I recommend them be­ defiance of this fact Is no real friend to cause I know that they are all they public welfare. Where sinecures exist, are claimed to be." or useless political "Job" commissions, (Signed) SUMNER CROSS. Subscribed and sworn to before me. or w here w aste occurs by poor organi­ Z. F. LITTLE. zation of the service, then economy and Notary Public. reorganization are in order; but where Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale Important work would be less effec­ People are an unfailing specific for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, par­ tively done by arbitrarily abolishing tial paralysis. St. Vitus' dance, sci­ offices and reducing the number of em­ atica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous ployes, then the path of statesmanship headache, after-effects of the grip, 1« to point out the grounds for distin­ palpitation of the heart, pale and sal­ guishing between the two cases and low complexion and all forms of weak­ Hhape policies accordingly.—Gunton's ness either in male or female. Sold Magazine. by al) dealers, or sent direct from Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Schenectady. Lasting Qualities of Wood. N. Y„ 50 cents per box. or six boxes The navy department recently con­ for |2.50. cluded some tests for the purpose of TOO KNOW WHAT TOC ARE TAEI.NO demonstrating the lasting qualities of Whenvoutske Grove’» Taetele*« Chill Tonic, wood used In warships treated with the because the formula is plainly printed on every Samples taken bottle »bowing that It la simply Iron and Qui­ fireproofing process. nine in a taste!**» form. No Cute, No Pay. &>*-. from the torpedo-boat Winslow were employed In the tests. They had been For the Occasion. "Please look pleasant,” remarked in use for five years. The report show­ the photographer. ed that the wood bail lost none of its Snap went the camera. anti Are qualities. “And now, ma'am," he continued, "you may resume your natural ex- Their Taste Goes Wrong. gresslon.”—Philadelphia Times. Even the best Judges of tobacco can't always be depended on. Sometimes Garfield Te* purifies the blood, .their taste goes back on them, so to reffulate* the digestive organ* and jiromotee good health. It i* si>eak, and remains blunted for a week the herb medicine that he* been used at a stretch. Professional sampler* of raceesafully for many year*. tobacco take a week off every few A Fortunate Reminder, "Do you expect to have a pair of months and never look at the weed samples of every living creature in until they return to duty. In that way that ark?” asked one of the jeering they keep In condition. spectators Inlantilc Peaslniism. “From A to Izzard!” emphatically Aunt Emma—Well, Mary. I haven't responded Noah, “Ah! that reminds me.” he exclaimed. "The zebra!” seen you for a long time. 1 bear that And he Instantly dispatched a corps you have a little sister at your house. of hunters to South Africa.—Chicago I suppose she cries sometimes. Tribune. Little Mary—Cries? I should any she does! Why, I never saw anyone that appeared to look on the dark side of things as she does!—Puck. I CÜTARRH THIRTY YEARS. A Remarkable Experience of a Prominent Statesman. CONGRESSMAN MEEKISON GIVES ENDORSEMENT. 5 In Old Kentucky. The put »on catue out and retuon- ■trated with th« major for being to« hasty with hla gun.................. "After he «aid that, «aid eon "you ahoul.l bav« forgiven him "And didn't I”’ ’*1' ,h* “A Jor, "Why. purson. I *»• one of tna pall bearer» " Springtime He.olutlonn th «* Not Entirely Dlelnteraeted. IJttle Bésalo I like you bvttor than ■latcr'a other beau The Beau I'm glad to hear that Why do you like me? Little Beasi* Uauaa atster uever eat* any of the cheap candy you brlug. aud I get all of It. Now York jourual. HI* Nam*. VSBWSBWrS we. -___ ____________ ChOOl The teacher of the Sabbath *<’ dMs\pproaeh«ul one"little fallow who was present for the first time amt Itv tulred hl* name, for the purpiM«« of placing ft on the roll ’ Well. hu I-I the youngster, "they call me Jlmml« for short, but my maiden uame 1» Jamr* —Christian Register. A Literary Noi*. Mrs. Meddergraaa Wet. if I was them Boers, id just go without read I u before I'd do it. Mr Meddergraaa Do what” "Why. the paper* *»y they »» been takln' a lot «' British magazine* ' Baltlmoro American. Suing Her Up. Mrs. Wltherby Do you know John that chorus girl on th« left looked *t you toulght a* if »he actually knew you? )ust Witherby—t'niph' That » about «» much »«use a* *h« ha* got —Harper'« Bazar. CONGKESSMAX MEEKISOX, GE OHIO. Hon. David Meeklson is well known, not only in his own state, but through­ out America. He began his political career by serving four consecutive terms as mayor of the town In which he lives, during which time he be­ came widely known as the founder of the Meeklson Bank, of Napoleon, Ohio. He was elected to the fifty-fifth con­ gress by a very large majority, and is the acknowledged leader of his party in his sectiou of the state. Only one flaw marred the otherwise complete success of this rising states­ man. Catarrh with its insidious ap­ proach and tenacious grasp, was his only unconquered foe. For thirty years he waged unsuccessful warfare against this personal enemy. At last Pe-ru-na came to the rescue, and he dictated the following letter to Dr. Hartman as the result: "I have used several bottles of Pe-ru- na and feel greatly benefited thereby from my catarrh of the head. I feel encouraged to believe that if I use it a short time longer I will be able to fully eradicate the disease of thirty years’ standing. Yours truly. "DAVID MEEKISON." Many people can tolerate slight ca­ tarrhal affections. A littlq hoarseness, a slight cough, a sold in the head, or a trifling derangement of the digestive organs do not much disturb the aver- age person in his business. But this is not true of the public speaker or stage artist. His voice must alw ays be clear, lungs perfect, digestion undisturbed. Hence the popularity of Peruns among the leading actors and ac- treats* oi t h i a They country, have coma to re- gard Po-ru-n* a* in.lespenaabla to th e i r * u ccess. Their profession is eo exacting that it requires perfect health in every particular. They regard Pe-ru-na a* Miss Cania. Da. K II K lims . Ltd ,»3i ArchSt.. Philadelphia. Pa Sugar Cane. The sugar cane grows from six to twenty feet high. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of 3** I ac-SImlla Wrapper Balow. NUOACML 'CARTERS FOR FOR DIZZINESS. FOR FOR FOR FOR FOR RIUOUSREtt. TORPID LIVER. CONSTIPATION. SALLOW SKIP. THE COMPLEXION —WTW— **«■ Kiiliy listlliti, 314 llitb St.. Poriiii(|r Bmrv Pmsperrso Ikraer has a MCCORMICK gerou*. uervou* trouble Those hot flsaiie* are Just »•> many call* from nature for help. The nerve* are err­ ing out for aaaistance. The cry should Lydia P. Pink­ lie heeded In time ham'* Vegetable 4'oni|«ound waa pre pared to meet the needs of woman'« avstein at thia trying |M-r|od of her life. ' 11 build* up the weakenrd nervous system, and enable* a woman to peas tli*I grand change triumplian Hy. •• I era* a very sick woman, cauneil by Change of l.i/e I suffered with hot flushes. and faintlug *|ietla I was afraid to go on the »Irrel, my head and ba- k troubled me no. I waa entirely cured by Lydia E Pinkliaiu'a Vegeta­ ble Compound." Mn* Ja'istS N'oBLK, *010 Kr* aer HL, Germantown, Pa. Manifestation* of Gray Matter. "Am I *» Intelligent a* your other young man. Dolly?” Well, you quote more poetry than he doe*, but I think he beata you on necktie* " Chicago Record QuEGONfflOOPpUftlHER URIFIER LE ROY Model 50, $35.00. FORTLAND DELIVERY. FORILAN; DEIIVEKV. FOK CATALOUUg ANI> I'Kh IF Cl AIK «ata to* I >■ I L W'll« U 1A1MA *| I t I aicMuND. The Difficulty Overcome. Brooks—I wish you would pay that *10 you owe me. old fellow Borrowlt—I couldn't think of II "But I'm here to remind you of —Smart Set. c . iii«T wl i MONEY - heirs ! I Heir* if t'tilon Kollier« wbo who i ! Metre .»f Union N«>|dlafe iban IM) arrea l*fv • 'eno , le t no mat abendone*!I, atiould addfree NKNHV N. « OIT. Waehlngt>. SUMMER C. Is usta to aura titu* flrnn. hit • ml t ““«ustM** Otsrrwmsu. ... . , .„.‘j ■< The OBKIHAl, OILLD CLOTHING •MM «« e*v gg vfiLÂi SWMFKTKT» • WET WEATMtt CATALOGUÉ) t StE ruu une or « arwntj awmd AJTOWtR CO.B0310N MA35 Free Trial 30 Days This signatura Is 00 every bos of the genuine ljixativc Bromo-Vuinine U>* ramati/ that nares ■ raid la ’Va offer One Hundred Dollar« i’ewanl for any eaee of Catarrh that can no*, ba curo ! by HaU * Catarrh core. F J. CHENEY 4 co, Prop . Toledo, O. We the under>ign». Kall'*Catarrh Cura la t ken n1 rnally. ac'lni < > auppggg I’ll ever make a good golf player? Todd (pityingly) Never, old man You think too mu< h of your family and your business.— Harper’« Bazar. RUSSELL & CO., Portland and Spok»*«- NEW LIFE TO OLD FENCESI The »yetein cannot be In good condition when the »»owel* nr« ronfftlpated |ahe GerflHd Tea, It cure» con at i pat ion and • ffeet- nally regulate« the liver Inns Life to New Ones Hy Using Our In the Poetry “Bueineee.” A Correspondent, writing from Tex­ arkana, say«: "I have two »on« in the poetry busi­ ness. They can write it by the yard or foot—Just a« needed. I don’t know how you measure It, but what would you give for five or six yards? My boy« are hard working fellows, ami they need the money."—Atlanta Con sfltutlon. Anchor Clamps and Uprights. Gr»»l < runblnsilnn of Rtrangib and Beauty "Twa Tia Tw*v Homs '’ See Our Anchor Clamp You would bo turprlffrd It ,oti knew howllltloil would or^ f! ihl ah’l 1 ”‘5 Violent physic or pill iM.lann ia Ha. Jh ,hap?of ’.■ « m I««1 1 h * i oowdi« clear an« clean utJuh«1 Cattle, Sheep and Hog Tight. FARM, RAILROAD AND LAWN FENCE. The Portland Anchor Fence Co Writs for Prises and catalogue. Agents Wanted In Kvvry Town. CANDY CATHARTIC 74. Nicolai St., PORTLAND, Orc$«n’ Foot of Morrison Htrnrl, Can give you Buggies, p|uwil, Windmill« Windmills ami «ml Machinery. Hee TRAOf MARK WSOllTCntU LISTED AT »30.00, »3. 00 A N D »10 00. GUARANTEED TO JANUARY 1, HOT fW WRITE FOR CATALOGUE, DISCOUNTS AND TERMS. POULTRY tha best bargain* in Boilers and Engines, ____ Pump« _______ «n-l _________ General us before buying. NETTIMC- Huy from lhe manwlact'ir«’- Frl"R t* ( M ...................................... 4 » M M t «« Iron Work. HENRY GOODMAN A COMPANY, Many a man Is toasted whs needs to .... 12a Fterr trmj.... be roasted. 'Jobben of Bloyolo Sundrlaa. Portland, Oregon, ¡ _ t- «. DON’T GET WET! JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon, TO SELL LE RO Y BIO YOLES Ulrva, o • ■ ialt»<|Ult k rspllta b !US It Cvrpt. rrv9»?cullu< Cla.ius aiu<« I1T1 The Ruling Peaalon. Flr»t Enthusiastic Golfer— will you play another round with me on Thursday? Hcr-ond Enthusiastic Golfer—Well. I am booked to be married on that but it ran be postponed Punch BESTFORTHE BOWELS LE ROY Model 50, $35.00. A. H. BOYLAN, Portland, Or, u To Spell Shakespeare'* Name. It has been shown that Hhakce {ware's name has been apelled. by r« • ponalble writer*. In luoti different way* In hl* own time, hla rontem {Mirarle* apellcd hla name In thirty two different ways CURE SICK HEADACHE In all towns of Oregon, Washington and Idaho, Keeley Cure T<> Cl UK 4 < IN ONK l»AT Take I-dtxatlve Itrvmo Quinine Tablet* lrvi<«l«ts r*’ ' »’ * «»• '»*1 f 11 i»u* u> rur• L w. uroo. alaMlor* Iron a*, b tx>> Changed Hi* Mind. Friend—But I thought you wer» going to commit suicide in case the rejected you. Knightly Warfare of Old. Her Strenuous Way. Rejected Suitor—So I was; but af "You didn’t seem to get on with Medieval knights often took a vol­ ter I made the threat to her and left, that Boston girl?” untary oath that they would never I came back and peeked in the win- "No; she sat on the edge of her spare the life of an enemy. now and saw her reading a nov< I chair, ready to run and look up my Ohio S “ tate Journal. pronunciation in the dictionary."— CITQ Permanently Cured No nta er nervouanoae lllw b Y ut hnt day« ii»a of F»r Kliea's Great N»rv« j Chicago Record. nows Tina? Th* B*.t Prescription Tur Malaria Naturalist* aay the lobatsr win The Change of Life A Good Roioon- Pspa-You know. Jsmee.’ be» n»“'* ! disapprove of fighting • .... you have cratlfyliiK «rl«ncli>g Savings of Little Folk*. a train of very annoying and some­ canned Mother- Hout boll tho»« < time* painful aymptoma. peas. Bridget; they «uU »‘“l I to b« ThoM> dreadful hot flashes, sending I warmed. the blood surging to Ilin heart until it can't I.lttlo Tommy Mammy, pea* arem« ready to burat, ami the faint i talk, can they? . « feeling that follows, aotunllniea with Mother- <»f course not. >l”“r- »'D chill*. *■ If the heart were golni to Little Tommy Thon how do you stop for gorst, ar* aymploiu* of su- know what they want? Mothorhotxl KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN n . u. il KN wrltln* ta adv*r‘IM” uisntlon tbl* ■. r. I W (