Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, April 11, 1901, Image 3

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    I hat month. Th., elllz.m. of that
,"WM . .......... iking »iillabl« prepnra-
lloim to greet and entertain him.
II. I .Mil.
J. L. 1 Hilen caule In laut Friday
from N| h ncer crock where lie has
I'een lining th- roads repaired to fa-
clllliiie die Aslil.mil stage line, of
Hqtilre I’arkcr of Ashland la In whleli he i» il,,, proprlctor.
tuwii tod»/1
• - J. Il.irhlte, who recently sfient
(i. 'I'. Sisson of Nan Francisco ar- noverai we.k» m Klmimth Falla, ha»
rived ’I'liewlav.
•mugli' grmiml m Ashland and pro-
A. (’. SpeiicC of A m I i I hiu I wim
|»'SC» I I ereel ||u remi * SWlmtlllllg
-r- A- ❖ + 4- * <• -t-
S|>''nkliig of lite w-i'ti-iy In Hi »
country, Mt. »leNiiughi. n uf Agur,
('al., wild lo un yi'Nterday liuti there
wim imtlilng In thè I :ilf< d Stati » or
Europe that eould tipi,il li. The
luke» and Isluiiila, riverii, foresi», (
»now eiip|M i| mountain», and flnallv
Dio woih I it of thè worid, Cmter lake,
forni a combinat lon of mtruction,
whii h I II 11 wltli tlie »low nirfhod» of
monili ahi trave), brougbt Iu re la»t
tank ul a cosi ,,f ».1.000.
(own Tuc*d*y-
1 htlllilner O»er thlrteeli hundli d tour-
Jack llortort of Bonanza was In' At (naie M E. cliurch nexl Noti- i»t». Wltli rallroid cominunicalinn,
(own Tilcsitay-
day, Aprii |{, mornlng mtiiioii wlll m , liiat toiirlst» can eomfortulily and
j C. FergiiMon wu» up from Ids I»' mi "Nccurlty lo Chilst." Kvcn I expi'dlt lousl v eros» Ilio mulini ahi», j
log «erinmion ■■< hrist 's ('all, and Die lliuii-ands will coinè whcri hundred«
ranch .. ..... lay.
eoitic now. Tlien thè siluri» uml |».
lle*|>miM " Come!
M. K. Hutidilwin of Merrill was In |
G. W. Itradley, hanii's» maker, land» uf thè l'pjcr Klamath l.tke wlll
tm»i> tid» week.
show a mugnlllccnt array of siimtner
It |t. Ili rdelman of Fort Khimatii wishes to «leiiy thè report that he
n »Idi'iii'c» nini Tesori», ¡inda flrct of
was hcic rucwlay.
»leaim-rs, crowded with life
Andy Uy an *n» •" •"*" Monday bere. Ile anni» 11 timrmighly under- and enjoynicnt, will banish the soil-
■Umd llmt le mi. mi» i,, sii. i, tl,
and ¡nude us 11 call.
t lidi' w lilcli now prevails.
Kliimnlli l .iils |M-riiiaoeotlv.
lieo. Mantling of Spring take was
( »0 «•mopl.ilnl of Mr». A. T. Clark
at the l ab» Tiiewlay.
of Dalry ts'furi Judge llattmi last
Henry Vinson of tangcll Valley
T t Idiiy, J im - llatllogcr w*a arriati-d ■
A riHTtin.7 num held at Ashland on
visited here yesterday.
Ulld luniod over tu keep tlie |M*UCe. Monday of last week by dlicetors
Frank Groll» «if taligell Valley vis Bali wa» tixed ut ».imi.
|t *ppean*«l I present, David Horn of Hornbrook,
Rial the Fall» ••••» week.
liiat Hatiioger m.uie Direni* lo Mrs. II. S. Mi»,re of Klamath Falls. II. L.
Manley Whorton ami son of Lake, Clark.
Me Williams, Jesse Met'all and W. J.
view stoplM»! hi ll' Numbly.
Mr. l'orierof p.,|k cmioty, who ha* , Woods of Ashland.
'I'll'1 Record of
j 1, Smith >>f Portland arrived on I hm - ii liMiking over ili!» coonly, do- that place «talcs that there was "no
the Asliland stage Monday.
l»ntfii| fm le,me ibis mornlng,
||,- . Important slgidfleami- to the meet­
()*-ar Stewart of l.angell Valley Miy» li« < v|»ei» io return hcre withln ing excepting they will keep up their
a few week- in 1 <>m|Miiled liy a dozen org inlzal Ion. This <'<nnpany went to
WM'lobrg business here Momlay.
M P Morgan <'f Fort Klamath wu* min who are de*lrou» of llndliig great trouble and expense In getting
| hmm-s.
right of way and surveying a railroad
doing business In town yesterday.
from a |s>lnt near Klainalhon to
John Bradley, tiie genial mcri haul
M ieli iiilli » Minili of llmianzu, wu» In Klamath Falls, about Ml milt s. They
of Dirrlia. was in town yesterday.
lown Mi,i il.11
Ile i»cmintriictlog an •ltd so upon the rrpri’K-ntation of rep-
A. T. tangell < f Bonanza ha* been
Irrlgutimi «Uti li whlrh wlll f«irnl»h all rcM'iitatIves uf the Midland Construc­
a Klamath Fail* visitor this week.
tln water whlrh hi» ranch and *ev- tion Ctt. of <'hlcago, who agreed to
Horn, t" Mr. ami Mrs. Jntm*» Drls erui olili r i.im tu » in t!■«• nelghbur- finance tin- enterprise.
Th- hoods
roll of till» rity, yesterday, a wn. b«»»l wii) unsi.
were hold Io lite Chicago organization
Mrs Win Nickerson was an arri­
Wc ¡ire tulli |)V one of the coni­ and they let tiie i entraci for con­
st ruction of ni tiilitf from Klama-
val »11 thi Ashland stage Inst evening. HI II tee mi I li,,
li itisi ruction of the
caiiM' for any kick. The advance,
!.. B \pplegat* amt daughter of pro|»>M,<l m w I . •». O. F. building limn to Spencer creek to Hale a while not very heavy on I he c >0*1110-
Tiie 1*1 ter ttrm
S*an take visited tills place Moil- 1 timi it wili !»■ morii larger titan a* Smit li of port land.
er. will make considerable difference
work without
tirsi rc|Mirt<<d. Ì lie width <ui Main
to the large mill» which produce 20,-
Attorney II F. Murdoch arrlv r<| »•re« t 1» t<> 1» <10 <>r ni feet, II» depili tiie payment of money down ami a 000,000 to 30,(KM),000 fe< I a year.
guarantee fur the balance from the
home Friday night from his trip to »5 feet and tw , »lorica high.
Small mills, at the Mine time, can be
I 'hleagii firm.
F<>r some reason the
at a margin of protit.
Nm.ill|>>v i» prrvalent in aoine of t'lileago firm was unable to get there
“The co*t of log* has advanced
M. F. «irrof tangell Valley was thè < Hi g n t"wn» un tlie Smitlicrn wit It die money and tiie
work of from »1 a few years ago to ?«i and
visiting hi» brother, Judge Orr, last l’iwltle |t i;.
|t )» reported that building was never begun.
L. W. »«>.10 now, while sawmill hands are
««lenitale h i» |s 1 i*< » ami tlie town Vanllorne, vice president i
and gen- now being paid from »1.71 per day to
Almi Uiree cral manager of tiie Oregon
A. Armdl w.i» an arrival «111 yester­ li.ri Iseo qii iraulim-d.
i Midland
Pua» and Railway, went to < hlcago last fall »2.50. Three years ago wc could g-t
day** Age- stage.
lie is lier«- to find
mi" at R i . m !,i,r.'. The <IÌM*a»e 1» »ahi and is still there trying to resurrect -all the yard hands we wanted at *1.21
a Ural ion.
|» t day of 10 hours, so the incriM.sed
Kervic-s approprlat* to Raster to 1« rnphiii spreadlng nt Wcmlling. i lie enterprise. ’’
cost of the pro hictimi of lumber can
l:. s< ini,’ f .iimie.iier: An Or ‘g"tt
were held in the diffcrrnt cliurebea
Illi MH K.*lAI!»>'"c(>NV IN [ION
' be readily seen.
tir log I» m - 11 tuli, takeo to Buffalo
last Sunday.
"There Is no good reason why the
Conic and sec the milk nuvlds In
John Matney of Merrill sold this
sawmill men of the Northwest should
wr<-k loo aerra of land near that place by » fi l i and »III have 011 olir* stile, their pretty c<»tuin< s with their adhere to a cut-tliroal policy, as th<
•PutMe«iff at Buffalo."
Ikwlde* bucket* and stool*. They will hold
to Frol Buesing.
market* of Asia are opening to us, ,
thi» Il wlll take tlftccll frclght cara to their convention at Houston's opera
A. F Bunnell ami wife who reside
and the demand from China, Japan,
Ilo-« irvgmi cxblbil. G ucm peo- house on licit Monday evening. April
• twelve miles wmttieast uf her», were
• NitxTia and the Philippine* is very
pte wlll k:mw wln-re thè Oregon rolls loth, at s o'clock p. m. You will I*
lu town Tuesday.
sure to Increase, while the forests of
entertained a:id, w e hope, Instructed;
' ufter u«hil".
and Washington. ¡Teat though
A »•« ere frost at Ashland Rtnid iy
for how could It be otherwise, with
s. L. Me Naughton, proprietor of
they be, are not inexhaustible.
nlglit did cii:i»lder.il>|i< damage to Hie
tiie Ager takeview stage line, ar­ Killeen pretty girls, all telling what only competition we have to meet is
Instiling p<- n il crop.
they know alsiut cows, milk, butter,
rived here Sunday In charge of a big
that of British Columbia, but the
J. B. and Geo. Ilea venue of J ark-
There will is* a musical pro­
of that region is limited, anil
aonvilie were arrivals here Nunday to
gram, assisted try t he orc best ra, given
here »li■<•<• last November, having
of production fully as great,
•rciire employment on tiie ditch.
ts<-n kept busy all wlntcron the Ager in connect Ion w Ith the farce; also a If not greater, than ours.
J. V. Houston wliu bus br»*n mt - end of his line, lie reports that out­ drill. Admission. 2.'» cents; children,
•■Our market in the Eastern States
l<u»’y ill fur lite |»ut ten days is now
side ludleat Ions point to a big rush of
is incroasing rapidly, an<l we aie <x»in-
«•nt uf dati • r nnd rapidly recovering.
people t<> Klauialb county during the PROJtiCTRONLOPE EXHIBITION.
peting with the Southern States in
The ex.itiiinat Ion of teacher* com­ pri M ill spring and coming slimmer.
the big lumber yards «if St. Paul.
At Houston’s opera house Friday Minnesota. Omaha, and as far east as
menced y< »terday nt | lie cinirl house
C. D. Wilson Is making a numlier and Saturday evenings. This popu­
with an attendance of fifteen Icadi-
Important Improvement* at ills lar entertainment consists of moving Chicago, In spite of the freight we
have to pay.
Within live years we
piner of Imslm-ss on Malli street. panoramas and scenes, In which are
II. IC. < .mtrlll bought of John lion-
will be furnishing all the lumtier used
Among oilier things lie Is having tlie all Hie activity amt action of real
•er till» we-k »0 acre» of land adjoin­
for structural purptxtes in Minnesota. 1
rear of his lot tilled up. and also con­ life, among which arc scene* in Hie
A good Stock of Hardware. Good goods
ing the former'» ranch near Alta­
Michigan and Wiwonsin. as the for-
structing under tlie entire front of Spanish and llocr wars, battles,
»•sts of those states are well nigh ex-
at very reasonable prices. Not blacksmith­
tiie I'lilldln/ a cellar, the heavy walls dances, a cake walk, serpentine and
it would !»• folly, the.-e-1
K It. Hanan and R. K. Nlierwmul of which ghe Intimation that a large
ing supplies alone, but Everything generally
butterfly dances, panorama of Miss­ fore, to throw our lumber away, or to (
uf Rinebtirg arrived here Sunday to tiriek or »tunc building will take the
issippi river. Rough Riders in Culm, sell it for less than the cost of pro­
kept in a Hardware Store, such as Shovels,
look over the eountrjr with a view nf
place of the pre.wnl one In Hie near price tight of Corliett and Fitzsim- duction. just when we b>*gin t > make j
buying Mud.
Forks, Hoes, Spades, Mops, Brooms*
f lit lire.
niotis, a storm at sea. ami many otliei something out of it. We don't want
I uvm I. iv .mil Wedni'Mlay were two
Skin troubles, cuts, burns,
Mr». Cl.ir’A. Wagner, wife of F.
Tinware, Sheetiron ware, Carpenters’
the earth, but we are human enough
d' liglitful t'allfornla day».
A long
and dialing quickly heal by the use of
1». W.igtu r. editor of the Tidings, ait interesting and perfect exhibition to desire pay for our lalxir. and a!
and Hechanics’ Tools, Powder Shot,
It is
rontinuaniv of the Mme favor in sin-
Remember, the opera small rate of interest on our invest- DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve.
dlixl at her home III Ashland on Hf real life.
«»rely to lie hoped.
Imitated. Be sure you get DeWitt’s.
Shells and Wads.
Thursday *ftrm«»‘n of last week,
| J. L. Padgett A Sons. Keno.
Ptuf R. a . Hopkill» came down from romplleiitlons arising a* the re­ Admission: Adults, .10 cents; child­
from Bonanza yesterday tn madNl nt sult of childbirth.
Richard Harding Davis’ ‘•The
Nile was agtxl ren, 21 ci'll Is.
• if exaiiilii it Ion of tencher» which 1» 2D years, 10 months and t) days. The
I*rincess Aline" in dramatized form.
120 acres of improved alfalfa land,
taking place thi* week.
illustrated by Charles Dana Gibson, is
funeral w.is In-Id Satunlay. The R e
all under irrigation. 1J miles east of
feature of tiie April Ladies' Home
Avlilvnd lias the promise of a «un­ «•rni.n vn joins many friends I11 ex­
Service every Sabbat li at Ila. ni. Merrill. For particulars address
iting factory. Um ||S malcrlallza-
__________ tending sympathy to th«’ bereaved and 7:3<) p. m. Sabbath school meets
"The Beautiful Jewess
E. M. C onn KU,
Who was CUlIed the 1'iincess of Her
•"'U this year dejM-nda on primped» for husband.
at 10 a. m. Tiie Young People'* No-
Merrill, Oregon.
People,” and "Tiie Lovers of a Cheer­
the coming fruit crop,
|l h ri'|»>rted that then’ are a num- 'cicty of Christian Endeavor at <1:41
Giver” are two other articles of
KJ. Dexter ami W|fe of Slskiymi I» t of flintier cruisers ami buyer* in p. m.
Prayer meeting every Wed-
Reduced prices on clothing, Duffy’s.
In the same Issue.
coiinlv, Cnl., arrived here Monday to the timber looking it over with th«- »•'«•kv evening at 7:30. Subject of
Grlscom. the American woman golf
»•"it their daughter, Mrs. <i. W. view
of purchasing. The arrival of
champion, shows "How Golf is Flay­
Hl ad ley. I hoy returned home yes- II iu I ht mm »0 early in the si’ason, in- "( •"’Istian Work, ’’ Subject of tiie
In a series of photographs. Ed­
(¡race Methodist Episcopal Church.
dlcatcs that when the roads iHi'ome evening sermon. "When and Fur
ward Bok further emphasizes the val­
A. Kershner returned from a visit g<s»l, and the snow disappears In the1 Mhat ( ause May Me Lejolee.-
Sclxsil at 10 a. m.; Preaching at 11 ue of simpler living, and Helen Wat­
I" the
igijp counti-y ycMtenlay nmuntains, there will be a much
•’• "'• M«- c «> mii . Pastor,
terson Moody offers guidance through
""•Diporiii that, the ranebem there greater rush for tlmls r than there inc REASINU PRICE OF LUMBER, a. tn.; also at 7:30 p. m.
“The First Tragedy in a Girl's Life."
C. A. S hs kwkll , Pastor.
‘•i'e done ninth Hie L xn L year In Im-, was a year ng«». Amt especially the;
“A Stucco Country House for »7100."
proving their lands.
great txslv of government tlml»>r
“A Shingled Country House for
We iinderst.md Hint, at the meet-! land north of here, of which but little: The recent conblnatlon of the saw­
*2500,’’and "Some Artistic Little
"if of ti„, <||r,.,-t,,rN „( t|lc Oregon has as yet been taken, is liable to be i mill men of the Columbia River and
A second-hand Solid Comfort gang, Homes’’ have a practical value to
Midland Railway last, week at Ash- tiie scene of great activity among |»up.t Sound is working to the satis- plow; two 12-lnch plows. Enquire of' those planning to build homes.
■l"d, *11 theonievrs were duly re-clwt- luiyers.
faction of those millmen spoken to on
O. A. S teaiins .
There arc three short stories by Ge-
‘',l for another term.
lett Burg ss. W. A. Fraser and Laura
Among the many new buildings the subject, as the price of lumber
O. Short's seed potatoes are the
r,’k'ret to hear that Judge Ben- coiilemplaled in town, w«> w ill men- has Is'cn advanced alniut »1 per tliou- best Eaily Six Weeks and Centen- Spencer Portor. and Elizabeth Stew­
art I’helps’ "The Successors of Mary
is eijs , ting I,, remove teinporari- Iloll thill 1!. N. Moore will probably sand for tho more expetwlvo grades,
lals. See samples at Brick Store and
tho First” is concluded. W. I., Tay-
X I" I "i 1 land.
All will regret to soon ere«'I a large business house on while for rough InmlsTS I he inereasi'
leave your order.
lor's painting, ‘•The Barn-Raising as
hl'n ami ids family go, and will his lot on Main street, recently Is wareelv apparent to tho consumer.
iKiught of Geo. T. Baldwin, such lo- The advance in price was found ncc-
a Sts'ial Event," worthily lilis a whole
Bargains in overcoats at Duffy's.
"lH' f,,r their return.
catloii Isdng west of and adjoining essary ns 1 he cost of logs and labor
page, and •■Througii Picturesque
I' Ihirkee of Altamont was In
Hi,, "(¡old Front Stor«>"lot. Thobuild- had Increased very materially within
America" is linished. making way for
Monday. ||,. r(>portH lhllt (|lc
Ing will have 24 feet front ami depth the past few years, and the sawmill
similar tours into other lands. Much
a 1.1 or hl» wife, who has been quite of<IOor70 feet.
All persons indebted to the under­ space Is devoted to fashions, and
It. will Is) t wo j men complained of having made no
I ""sly III f,,r several months, Is
stories high anti linished In I he l>esl 1 prolll at all, during the previous six signed will please set tie their accounts there are articles on gardening, the
‘‘I had piles so bail I could get no
For New* of the World
>w s.owiy Improving.
at Klamath County Bank.
lawn, floriculture, cooking, etc.
rest nor find a cure until I tried De­
st vie. The lot adjoining this on III«' months.
,r’ W>
Kt this west Is owned by Mr. Rearnes, and
C. S. A IL S. M oouk .
A mill man spoken to outlie sub-
The Curtis Publishing Company,' Read tho San Francisco Bulletin. Witt's Witch Hazel Salve.
lo erect
ereel on I ' Ject
jeet yesterday,
yeslenlay, said:
,l<'' has pun hased and moved Intoj we hear that lie is liable to
Philadelphia. One dollar a year; ten Fifty cents per month, Including using it once, I forgot I ever had any­
Illg line of men's and boys’ suits at
“Thc combination Is by no means a
. . I'*11 ‘ '"du,idle piano, the music, of It a similar building, the two stores
cents a copy.
large 28-page Sunday edition. Send thing like Piles." E. U. Boice, Som­
II 1 "HI cheer thi' members at to have a total width on Main si red trust, but simply an agreement to ad­ Duffy’s.
for sample copy to The Bulletin, ¿33. ers Point, N. Y, Look out for imi­
Those famous little pills, DeWitt’s Kearney St.. San Francisco.
',r meeting* henceforth.
Be aure you ask for De-
of IS feet. The creel loll of this block vance lh<> price of lumber so that the
Little Fail}' Risers, will remove all
J'uu?1'1'"' M' K,n,ey will visit the will add much to the business look of busincHH would I»' remunerative.
In- impurities from your system, cleanse
One first-class Jack for sale,
Dr. Leahman, dentist of Portland,
J. L. Padgett & Sons, Keno.
tun ' ",Kl 1,1 May, and according the street, and with the present ami Lumber is cheaper now In Portland quire of S. II. King at Ft. Klamath.
your bowels, make them regular.
lie here in a few days to do work
he, n?,l"^raln i,N ""•lined for him, fill lire demand for business houses,
.1. L. Padgett & Sons, Keno.
in his line.
Reduced prices on clothing. Duffy's.
Fine job work al (hi* ollie*.
S,"P nt Ashland on the 21st of the Investment will lie a prolltable be, and so those who use II have no
0. M. R. R.
headquarters for
Studebaker Wagons,
Deering Mowers,
I homas and Deering Rakes,
Oliver Chilled Plows,
John Deere Steel Plows
Steel Ranges, General Line Hardware, Stoves,
Tinware, and Crockery, Furniture and Burial Cas­
kets, Paints, Oils and Glass, Carpets and Lin
Dry Goods
Clothing and Groceries
The Best Assortment We
Have Ever Shown
BALDWIN, Hardware Dealer
New Stock Now Arriving
Very desirable <
ranch of 185 acres, ?
all cleared and all ’i
under irrigation,
for sale at $25 per
L F. WILLITS, Proprietor.
A fine ranch
of about 300 acres,
well improved, lo­
cated 3 miles from
Klamath Falls, for
sale cheap
A good, improv
ed ranch of 320
acres for sale at
$so per acre.
ware Store,
Klamath Falls, Or.
Call al Republican Office.
Air Tight Heaters, Stove Pipe and
Cooking Utensils.
General Merchandise.