KLAMATH volo REPUBLICAN. vi. næ or i ra OREGON, DISASTER on ship . APRIL II, 1901. I ULTIMATUM TO CHINA. HER BAILING PREVENTED. I olino Commandsr Roper, of Qunboat Pstrsl, Russian Threat Unless Manchurian Injunction Sult Against British Mule Suffocated. Treaty la Signed. Transport. WASHINGTON, April 1.- Ths navy I WASHINGTON, April 3. Informa­ NEW ORLEANS, April 4—Proceed­ department early this morning r* tion bus reached here to the effect ings wefe brought In the United States from All Part* ol New World '«ivcd a cublegram front Admiral Item» of Interest brom All Parts that the Russian government, being seriously perturbed by the tourse of Gunboat Will Carry Him From court her« today by representatives Aguiruldo Acknowledges Uncle Homey, ■ «mmnnder In < hl«f of the As I of th« Boers to prevent the sailing of China In not signing the Mam hurlan and the Old. of the State. lath station, giving a brief account ut the ship Anglo Australian, loaded with Sam’s Sovereignty. La Guayra to San Juan. agreement, largely because of thn • flic hi the «all room of th« gunboat protest made by the several powers, mules, consigned to the British in Petrel, and ,,f (h„ of lho ,.om has conveyed a dlatlnct and unmis­ South Africa. Judge Parlange, after Dt INTrRfST TO OUff MANY READE'S mandlng offl<«r, Lieutenant Command commi riial and i inancial happenings takable Intimation to China that If WILL 7EACH VENEZUELA A LESSON reading the petition, issued an order REPORT FROM GENERAL MACARTHUR this «ours« Is persisted j 0 there may «r Jesse M Ituper, as a result of a requiring th« defendants In the case to !>« an Interruption ut diplomatic re­ h< rol< effort tu reaiue th« men below. show cause April 6 why a preliminary lations between Russia and China >mp «lwmlv« Rrvhw of th« Important Hap A Hrl«l Kxvlsw ol th« Growth and Improve Ih«i dlsputih states that 22 other of Th« Ex-Chi«l ol th« Tipi R c I m I* Promis«« and a termination ut the present In­ Th« Miniitsr'a Futur« Action Will Depend Injunction should not be granted. penis«, id th« l’a»' W«U In • Hunts ol th* Many Industrio TIiroujK lb are and men war« prostrated, but tercourse between them. This Is lit­ Allugcthcr on Hi« Conltrtncc With The petition sets forth that the Promix* to B«com« « Pticubl« and (und«ns«d form. all are recovering, Admiral Ramey's out Our Thriving < ommonwsalth. tle short of an ultimatum that China United States and Ita people are at Secretary ol Stata Hay. Uw Abidin* Citiz«a. dlspati l> follow* must sign or take th<- consequences of peace with the South African repub­ a termination of her friendly relations lic, and the Orange Free State and "Cavite, March 31 Fire was dis- Governor Allen, of I’orto Rico me y At he ns--Negotiations are pending with Russia. WASHINGTON, April 3—Frank their citizens; that Oreat Britain is WASHINGTON, April 4.—The war i'ovnied In th« sail room ______ of tho Petrol resign To what extent the United States IxMinils, United Hlates minister to Ven­ at war with these republics, seeking department today received Informa­ it 7 o i lo< k thia morning. Roper < om- for u skimming plant at Athena. will take cognizance of Russia's dis ­ Chief Burgeon Hall, of Northern '.landing After going below one«, he to destroy the property rights and ezuela. haa been recalled, and will Pendleton—The <> Il A N. will sup- tion from General MacArthur that Luzon. 1» «$«*•*• went again ugslual advice, ami al- ply Its yards ut Pendleton with a new position to enforie the signing of the stxrn be on his way to the United credit of the petitioners; that for tne Agulnaldo haa taken the oath of al­ | agreement has not yet been made ap ­ purpose of carrying on this war, the States. The future of Minister Ipnes th« valet, told how be killed «mpled to re. over th« men beluvr. He switch engine. parent It appears to be the policy of IxMinils depends upon the conference Anglo Australian Is now loading at this legiance to the United States under *aa sufforated. and died at 7 46. Millionaire III'« the Chinese authorities to consider which will be held at the state de­ port with munitions of war. namely, the terms of amnesty offered by Gen­ Iwi-ntytwo other officer« and men 6usanvllle — It Is reported that a Klutlng In Ilousla la nu longer con­ as a subject which concerns the partment between Becretary Hay and mules and horses to the number of eral MacArthur by direction of the wcie entirely prostialed, but are ra- milling plant will soon be Installed at this fined io students powers quite as much as It does China. himself when the minister reaches 1200, and to the value of $150,000; president. The dispatch conveying overIng Tin- tire I» out; damage the Badger mln«, near Husanvllle The mutter haa become further com­ Washington. Until the secretary haa that the steamer is employed In the this Information contained much more Tin* Itciiver election resulted In a mtuaterlal Will send Roper’s re- republican vi«lory. Philomath—Two carloads of ma­ plicated by reports reaching Wash- had a/i opportunity to talk freely with military service of the king of Great than waa given to the public. The mains by Buffalo i;:::.;;.-. RKMKY." Ington that the Chinese authorities Mr Loomis as to the conditions In Britain; that for some time defendants portion withheld related to the future 1 b« department at on«« sent a tel- chlnery. have arrived for the new sa w- agUllisl''-" has subscribed to ths divided on the course to be pur­ Venezuela, it cannot be known posi­ have been forwarding From thia port disposition of Agulnaldo and made «gram Io H F Fay. toother In law of mill. In course of construction near are oath of alleglsnie sued. some of the most Influential In­ tively whether or not he will return such munitions of war. knowing that suggestions as to what the late chief Philomath. Lieutenant Commander Roper, at Cfiiii’ c Gilecom has effected a eel cluding LI Hung Chang, urging that to his post. Mr. Ixjomis has been the these munitions and the ship were In of the insurrection might accomplish. Longwood, Maas, asking that he In Buena Vieta—The steamer Modoc i«< quiescence be given to th« Russian Iknient with Turkey of bitter attacks by some of the military service of Great Britain, No official statement could be ob­ from Mrs Roper of the news. The ran Into the ferryboat at Buena Vista proposals, while others insist on re­ object the Venezuelan newspapers, not solely and they were to be used against the tained as to what finally would be done There have liven 1« cnses of plague following expression of sympathy and the other night, Tho lotupuny paid jecting tin- agreement The attitude tiecause of the asphalt controversy, people of the South African republic, with the prisoner, but it was emphat­ st Han Francisco thia year appreciation was also made; "With the damage. of LI Hung Chang Is accounted for by but also because he was charged with and the Orange Free State; that de­ ically stated that he would be held for Agulnaldo * last pro< Inmatlon ha* this sad new« the department sende to well known friendliness for Rus­ making false reports to bls govern­ fendants sre making use of New Or­ the present, but would be granted ail Echo—John L. Crawford, of Echo, bls Mrs Roper d««p sympathy In the great tx-i-ti r«< < lved st Washington. sian Interests. In this case, however, ment touching the insurrectionary leans as a basis of tke military opera­ possible Immunity consistent with ex­ was Injured by a pile of rocks falling there appears to lie arrayed against government ln Venezuela. oaa ah« haa sustained, and the highest tions of Great Britain In Its war in isting conditions. General MacArthur Oregon stone will be used In con applet lallun of th« gullantry and self on him. He sustained a compound him the strong Influence of the south­ The minister did inform the state South Africa, and to augment -ita has hopes that a great deal may be structiiMi of Salem postolfice fracture of hla left leg. lai-ilfit-e with whl me God." will resign as prim« mlnl*ter of Eng talk about West Point Influence* is Condon—A disastrous “"'(« up" took dockers ft has been suggested that under ishable goods lie rotting on the docks land sooner than «(petted. Mr Pal all booh If any such at nt omen ta place at the sheep cv».,- if 4 It Bar­ Twenty-one steamers are awaiting be sent first to Kingston. Jamaica, but court are summed up In a letter writ- ■ the terms of the notice of amnesty, four I* mentioned as a su< < eoeor the stay will be temporary, and the ten to Secretary Root, which accom­ the prisoner should be set at liberty have been made that graduates of ker. near Condon On a separation discharge. West Point I or men who have risen of the ewes from the lambs the latter The general strike, while it lasted whole squadron will Boon be under panies the report. The letter says: at once, but there is a provision in the Th« mayor of Havana resigned. from the ranks will oppose Funston's plied up In a ditch, and 88 head were and the continued suspension of way for Tomklnsville. "The findings of this court of in­ amnesty proclamation which says that decided that in the interest quiry, Salisbury Is said to lie Improving. advancement. It has come from the smothered. are sustained by the evi­ those who have violated the laws of work, has done enormous Injury tc of It a was passage to the United dence, which Sumpter It Is reported from Rump the commerce and industry of Mar States, quick show that the statements which war are excepted from Its terms. There la no yellow fever In Havana. lipa of dlaap|Hilnt>'d offi< era No good Mr. Ixxtmis should be carried led to the convening iflb er or sentleman would belittle ter that the Golconda mine Is showing seilles. The calculations show an in­ the court to Whether or not General MacArthur the Scorpion to San Juan. Porto the effect that ex-Cadet of Oscar Count Tolstoi was banished from au< h a brave achievement.” another rich ore body, and that as un­ dustrial loss of some 25.000.000 francs by L. Booz has been satisfied that Aguinaldo has Rico, there to take one of the regular Russia Genetai Young, in apraklng of tho derground development continues wlnle the men have lost 2.000.000 mer- hant steamers for New York. The came to his death by reason of In­ not violated the laws cannot be stated, ffo< t of the capture of Agulnaldo on the prospects of the mine grow better francs In wages. A curious illustra­ ifli'-lnl« did not know positively when juries received by hazing at the scad as the prisoner would be permitted The business situation In Cuba is ” the altuatlon In the Islands, said be ench succeeding day. tion of the bitterness which the strike the minister would leave Venezuela emy were not true. They show that to take the oath pending an Investlga- Improved belleied the troops would have to lie has engendered tietween the men and at the same time Cadet Booz was a tion of his past conduct. Agulnaldo, Canyon City—James Robinson, one masters Is seen In the fact that the iut st the navigation bureau it was member of the academy hazing was having been the head of the Insurrec- J I* Morgan wants to build the Pan­ kept lh> ■ lull six months longer. Ik stated that htere was no good reason ama canal did not think It would oe wise to bring of the oldest and best known citizens strikers instructed their delegates t< vi hy the Siorplon should not sail to prevalent there to a deplorable ex­ tion. undoubtedly can be held until them all away, however, for there was of Grant county, died at Canyon City formal notification to the minis­ that the present officers of the further investigation Is made or until from I .a Guayra. If Mr. Loomis tent; Th« army frauds at Manila are bo a large number of marauding bands after a lingering Illness of nearly 12 give acdemy have shown commendable en the circumstances wihich surround the ter of finance of frauds In the oil seed day is on hand. ln< Investigated. throughout the Islands who would have years Deceased was born In New trade, pointing out that oil seeds ergy, zeal and efficiency in detecting , situation In the Philippines make it Brunswick. January 12, 1834 were Imported In bags, which the cus and punishing offenses of this char advisable to release him outright, or The foreign ministers are reforming to be kept under subjection. PANAMA CANAL CONCESSION. "It will tske at least two genera­ Klamab Falls The Ashland Klam­ tom officers have not been In the acter, and that they greatly decreased otherwise dispose of him. These con­ the Isung II yamun. habit of opening, with the result that tions." said the general, "to get the practice. The testimony and ditions and the general situation and Without Colombia’s ths The public debt decreased 11M.H7«.- Filipinos to understand the meaning ath Falls mall route and schedule has articles subject to a much higher im­ Negotiations findings of the court were placed ir Aguinaldo'» relation to them was the b< en changed. It will herenfter be a Consent Would Forfeit Charter. S95 In the past year. hands of the committee of con subject of General MacArthur’s di» of self government as we understand daylight run. and the route front port duty are smuggled In. The com NEW YORK. April 3.—A special to the gress charged at about the same time patch. Karpovich, the Russian assassin. It The Filipino Idea Is to hnve the l,arkcr’« station to Jenny creek will merie of Marseilles Is. for the time the Herald from Washington says: being, almost at a complete standstil' with the investigation of the subject I country parceled out among the lead­ tie over the logging camp road. will be sent to Hlberla. While M. Hutln. president of the and RETURN OF GOVERNOR ALLEN. Foods which are Imported arc scarce French the very efficient and beneficia« ers. and they will rule the people and Panama canal, has been await Titus, the musician, haa been ap- get all they can out of them. We Canyonville—A company content The prices of sugar, coffee, flour and Ing the participation of Colombia ir action of that committee, followed b} pointed a West Point cadet. shall have to look to the children of plates building a flume from Canyon other necessities have increased. A the negotiations for the sale of the legislation upon the subject, contained | May Decide Not to Return to Porto Rico. number of factories have been obliged Panama canal to the United States in the act of March 2. 1901, renders j Southern china viceroys protest the babies over there now to get tbs Creek, five miles south of Canyonville, to close. These condlltons. added to M. Bruna Barila. formerly an engineer further action by the department un to the mines owned by Lewis Ash. matter on a correct basis ” WASHINGTON, April 4. — While against the treaty with Russia. which are sltuted about halfway be the serious damage done by the flood« of the company, who says he repre necessary." Governor Allen, of Porto Rico, who Bids an- being asked for supplies and hail, have thrown the whole pop­ sents some of the stockholders, hai tween Riddle and Canyonville. REWARD FOR TITUS. sailed yesterday from San Juan, on ulation into deep misery The store Indicated to the Isthmian canal com tor the naval station at Heattie THE MANCHURIAN TREATY. the Mayflower, for Hampton Roads, keepers and merchants Intend to ap mission that the company is willing has not formally submitted his resig­ The Houthern Islands will have a Brave Musician of the Fourteenth May PORTLAND MARKETS. peal to the government to remit th< to sell Its concessions and property. Rumor at Pso Ting Fu That It Haz nation. so far as can be learned, his Be Sant to West Point. oepsrtmenttal system of govemmenL taxes for the first three months of the M. Barila will leave in a few days for Been Signed. friends here would not be surprised If WASHINGTON. April A petition A party of cavalrymen hail n sharp Wheat- Walla Walla, 57c; Valley, year. he decided not to return to Porto Rico. France. He has been in Washington LONDON. April 4 — The Morning encounter with rebels In Cavite prov­ signed by all officers serving with the nominal; blueetem, 59e per bushel. Governor Allen went to Porto Rico In for several days. M. Hutin has seen Post publishes the following dispatch ince. r Fourteenth Infantry regiment has Flour—Best grades. $2 "003 10 per FOREST FIRES IN NEW JERSEY. M. Barila. and the two have talked from Pao Ting Fu, dated March 31; ! May last, at the personal request of the president, to set up the new civil sent to Adjutant General Corbin, barrel; graham. *2 60. over the situation. Ihrei- hundred metal polishers In been "Chinese officials here profess tc government there and get It into good requesting the appointment of Musi­ Oats Wh to >1 ”5 per cental. Five Thousand Acres of Big Timber M. Barila has represented to Rea: Frunclsco have strut k for shorter cian Destroyed—Windsor in Danger. Calvin P Titus, company E. Four­ gray, fl 2001 22'y per cental. Admiral Walker, president of the have received Information from Li working order, with the distinct under­ hours. teenth Infantry, the first American sol- HAMMONTON. N. J.. April 3 — Isthmian canal commission, that M Hung Chang that the Manchurian con standing that he was not to be asked Harley Feed. $16 500 17; brewinr, to remain after this was done. The threatens to sever relations ■Iler to enter I'ekln during the recent One of the most extensive forest Hutin is to be displaced from the of vention has been signed." ’’Th« Chinese expect after all that president and the secretary of war »Illi China unleaa the Manchurian troubles In China, a cadet-at-large to $16 50017 per ton. tires that has visited this section of flee of president of the French com Mlllstuffs Bran. $16 per ton: mill treaty Is signed. the military academy. The petition state Is raging tn the big woodr pany. It is learned, however, that M the Manchurian convention will be are full of praise for the manner In Illngs. $21 50. shorts. $17 50, chof the north of this city, The fire reached Hutin was advised only a few days- ratified In the course of the next five w-hich Governor Allen has accom A gunboat will carry Minister aays: $1«. ■ During his service Musician Titus a point just east of the town of Wins ago of his reelection to the presi days," says the Tien Tsin correspond pllshed his task. It Is expected here I-oon>la from lai Guayrn to Porto Rlc« has proved himself to be a trustwor­ Hay Tlmothv. $12012 50; clover, low last night, and for several hour» dency. showing that he Is to be re ent of the Standard, wiriug Monday that If Governor Allen declines to con­ on hla way home, thy. Intelligent, sober, bravo and thor­ ■709 60; Oregon wild hay, $607 per It was feared the town would be talned for another year, aqd that a "The southern viceroys and governors tinue In office. Secretary Hunt, late of soldier On August 14, 1900. on. wiped out. Men. women and children majority of the stockholders are sat are Incensed, and threaten rebellion Montana, will succeed to the place Ikkha and Dnwet will join a gath- ough if the court yields. The northern, As to Governor Allen’s future, hit nt I’ekln. Chitin, he wnn the first Hops —12if He per pound; 1899 crop. fought the flames and succeeded by isfled with his policy. ,r,|>K of 13,000 lloem fop operation! American to scale the wall of the Chi 6 ©7c. M. Hut n has contended that under Chinese are more Ignorant and Indif name Is connected with official gossip back tiring In turning the flames to »gklnat tho British. nene city and enter Pekin. On the Wool Valley. 14015c; Easte-n Orc- the north of the town. While the the terms of the concession held by ferent. The Tartar general at Feng with one of the foreign ministries company, the grant would tie sub Tien. Manchuria, has Issued a proc though as there are no present va Hspreaentatlve Peters, of Knn- following day. while engaged In the on, 9012c; mohair, 20021c per men threw up trenches to keep the the fight In the Imperial city, he received fire away, women and children car ject to forfeit from the moment nego­ lamation assuring the people that the cancles he might be obliged to wall •*". may ........... H. 0. Evans, as a slight wound. Ills meritorious con round. a time. Butter Fancy creamery. 22H025c; rled their household goods to places tiations began for its sale, unless such Russian occupation is only temporary for pension commlsslonor. duct deserves recognition, and It la 'airy. 17<»02Oc; store, lO0124«c per of safety and are guarding them, as a negotiations had the approval of the The Chinese troops at Feng Tien are NONE OF HER BUSINESS. Colombian government, It was. there­ wearing Russian badges, and the town change In the wind is feared. Henator I’rot tor says the Platt believed that If given an nppoint round. is occupied by a strong Russian force." 1 for him to submit a fore, impossible Several farm buildings, about ROtWl ment to West Point, and a commis ­ »nendmont is satisfactory to tho sion upon graduation. Mualclnn Titus Eggs Oregon ranch, 13H0l4c per acres of big timber and thousands of proposition for the sale of the con- Russia’s Reply to the Protests of 'oxen. ""Ung residents of Cuba. Settlement With Turkey. Japan. cords of wood have been consumed. cession to the United States as r« will make an excellent officer.” Poultry Chickens, mixed. $3 50© Many narrow escapes of the firefight­ quired by the Isthmian canal com Washington. April 4.—There is rea ' YOKOHAMA. April 4. — Leading In order to escape the tariff on Im- • ; hens, $506; dressed, 11012c per mission. ers have been reported. Roughly Treated by Burglars. son to believe that Lloyd C. Griscom, | Japanese newspapers assert that the Po't'd material, tho Sheffield steel round; springs, $405 per dozen: orks W||| |0(.B(0 n plHnt (n thu UnHe(1 Mount Baker Road Nearly Ready. secretary and charge of the United Russian government has replied to Pittsburg. Pa.. April 2.—Mrs. Anna lucks. $5'iifl; geese. $608 per dozen; Interest in Spain in the Capture. Seattle, April 3.—P. B. Cornwall, States legation, at Constantinople, who Japan's protest against the Manchur­ Ward, aged 50, Is lying In it critical urkeya. live, 10011c; dressed, 1301er pound. Agulnaldo has caused much interest British Columbia railroad, is in the the credit of effecting a final and sat­ sia does not wish to enter upon a dis­ •be I tilled States steel corporntlon treatment by three masked burglars Cheese—Full cream, twins. 130 here. The press Is divided on the city on business connected with his isfactory settlement of the American | cussion with a third power relative """ nl>H(,rl„„| th„ An)„r|(.nn br11)M# at her home this morning. Mrs. Ward !3’»c; Young America. 13t4014c per subject. In a published Interview the road. He stated today that the road missionary claims against Turkey to her negotiations with China; that terests"'1' lto< •run mine In- and her daughter were awakened by pound. director of the Filipino organ her« to the Mount Baker mining district that have taxed the abilities of no ! the proposed agreement is purely tem­ the pie ime of burglars at their bed­ Potatoes—45055c per snek. and the piesldent of the so-called will be In operation by May 1. The less than three of the ablest ministers porary, and not intended to impair the side. eai’h woman finding it revolver Mutton Lambs, 12*4c per pound Filipino Ju ita emphatically declaro roadbed has been graded, steel bridges ever sent by the United States to sovereignty of China or to Injure the As the result of nn ,,|(| qunrr„i no#r pointed directly at her head. Mrs. gross; best sheep, wethers. $5; ewes that the capture will have no perma­ put in. and the final tracklaying Is Constantinople. It appears now that interests of other powers; that the sn i "" ' "Ash., three men were shot Ward undertook to resist, and while $4 50; dressed, 7H08%c per pound. nent effect on the war; that Aguin­ now being hastened as much as pos­ Mr. Griscom has Anally succeeded in contents of the agreement Immediately the daughter was hold In subjection by 1 ■orlmialy Injured. Ono of them one Hogs Gross, heavy. $5 7506; light. aldo will be replaced, and that the sible. Mr. Cornwall is chief owner arranging with the Turkish govern­ upon its conclusion will be communi of the mon. another knocked the not exp.cted to recover. Filipinos, aided by the climate, will of tho Black Diamond coal mines, and ment the principle upon which these cated to the other powers, who will elder woman Into unconsciousness, $4 7505; dressed, 7c per pound. while In Washington will visit that long-standing claims shall be settled undoubtedly find them acceptable, and. I he threatened revolution In Brazil literally crushing her skull. Tho bus Veal Large, 707'ic per pound; never bu subdued property with a view to making ex­ »nd that the pledge of the Turkish gov- ' finally, that If any of the provisions band and son of Mrs. Ward were small, 8<409c per pound. has " ' 11 |lllt ^own* Thti government sleeping on the third floor, having In Good Workers for Mills. tensive Improvements preparatory to ernment is In such binding form that are not acceptable to Japan. Russia is Beef—Gross, top steers. $505 28; said that the New Englander ...... "lunlcntlons to the Euro their possession about >1.200, the ■owe making latger shipments to meet the it is not doubted that payment will prepared to discuss the matter ln a It Is heifers, $4 5004 75; dressed soon be made. friendly spirit. increased demand. the best mill hand. In« ti'1'"1 1 H,nles legntlona, say- booty tho burglars evidently were eef, and makes 708%c per pound. ‘he country Is snfo. after. Fresh Disturbances in Manchuria, Disorders In Russia. Big Timber Land Deal. Will Go to West Point. Berlin. April 3.—A dispatch to the I-ondon. April 4.—The Vienna corre­ proiMi?.«*’?"1 ''•« stesi trust Meeting hla chief In tho compnn- Eureka, Cal.. April 3. — Two big deals St. Petersburg, Rain and High Wind. Cologne Gazette from presi- spondent of the Times, reviewing the Washington. April 3.—The onwny, tho ordinary pirate, nithough ""'"l'IlH'Ung ld l","’r ''Y Dallas, Tex., April L—A heavy rain nboring under tho Intensest excito­ dent today appointed Calvin T. Ti­ In timber lands have Just been con­ dated April 1. says robber bands. Russian political situation, takes a bltriuiim K ‘’‘"■''"‘•teiit board of ar- storm, summated here, involving 3898 acres. Boxers and Chinese soldiers have been serious view of It. believing that the gccompgnled by a high wind, nent. saluted. "1 have the honor to tits to be a cadet at large at the prevailed here this afternoon. Tho nform you, sir." said ho. "that the United States military academy at Of this large transfer the Merryman causing fresh disturbances In Man­ first reports of far-reaching revolu Fruit laind & Lumber Company, of churia in the neighborhood of Chang tionary movements are confirmed by A wl,h ,nn"Y "•Insea. wind damaged roofs mid blew down nagazlne has gone up!" "The powder Michigan, secured 2500 acres, anil Tu Fu. General Gaulbers is strength­ reports of sanguinary disturbances In Votili ii ' ¡"‘•’"'io'ia all over tho shrubbery hik I the precipitation was nngazlne, you doubtless mean?” said West Point. Titus wes the first soldier to scale Charles A. Smith, of Minneapolis. ening the railroad military posts be­ Dialystock. where there Is no uni­ Val,. Hrealdent lliidloy. of so heavy that It formed torrents In i he captain. "No. The magazine In In New Yoi k'00 *n<' l,u,d*'d 1,1 Pr*,on the streets which swept everything vhich the story of our adventures Is the wall nt Pekin. General Corbin 1398 acres. In round numbers this tween Karbin and Chang Tu Fu. versity. The disorders there. In his before them. Street eur traffic was de­ 'mining!" Tho captain paled. For a today cabled General MacArthur at last acquisition will Increase the hold­ General Gaulbers has asked Governor opinion, show that the rioting Is no Manila to send young Titus home on ings of Smith and his partners to General Gredokoff to send reinforce longer confined to students. The cor­ Whi, h "«burod Gin puvlllon In layed mid a quarter of n nille of track moment he thought of shouting the first available transport. In order 30.000 acres, making them the larg menta. as a general revival of the respondent. however, does not believe Augùn, ; M' KInley s socond In- In the southern portion of the city hoarsely to hla men to clear away that he may take the entrance exam­ est owners of redwood timber in th< Boxer movement Is expected In the that the domestic situation will Imme­ I r lo In. ' ' w">' dellverod, litui It liHd to be abandoned for the remainder ihn boats, but this would obviously ination to the academy. world. spring. diately hamper Russia's foreign policy. World* f.,1?0. ,,f. ,,1<‘ novellina at thè of the day. The dsmiige In Dallas avail nothing. They must all perish. """ fair In 1903. Is estimated at $25.000.