Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, March 21, 1901, Image 4

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    Spring Medicine
There** no Beason when good
medicine is so much needed as in
Spring, and there’s no medicine
which does so much good in Spring
as Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Do not delay taking it.
Don’t put it off till your health
tone gets too low to be lifted.
I out mont of Europe In France the law
la loosely enforced and tbe Loudon
Daily Mall Is authority for the state­
ment that 14.AX) Froucboieu die au
uually from tbe dlaeaae. while It car
ries off only-110 German* a year Tbe
perenta of every child t>orn lu Etiglaud
ut lint, tv It hl u six mont bn after tbe
ctfild'a birth, bate It vaccinated by a
registered medical practltlouer or by
tbe public yacclnator. lu case a par
ent Itelletea Vhcclngtlon will l>e harm
fui to lila child he can net ure exeiup
tlou by taking oath I to fore two Justice«
of tlie pt-ai-r I>efore the child I* four
month« old. Ry such stringent uieth
tais a* these England anti other count
lien have prevented the recurrence of
tltoae epidemics which were so dis
SKtrous a century ago Tbe case la one
where tbe ounce of preventluu I m
worth seteral pounds of cure.
Composition of a Penny,
Pennies do not consist of copper
alone, there being lu them 2 per cent
of tin aud 3 per cent of tine to 95 of
copper. They coat the government
about 42 ceuts a pound exclusive of
stamping, and there are 148 iu a
pound, so that the government makes
a fair profit on every pouud minted
since, while they are redeemable lu
gold, but few are ever presented.
After nearly thirty years of constant
effort aud great expenditure. Il 1» ascer­
tained that the earth's
through the equator la 7.9'.‘tl tulles. Its
height from pole to pole, 7,SOW miles.
Layalty to Nls Employ«».
lu cieruiauy a furnace lia. been In
That young man who consented to have
a portion of his bhuxi let <»»it ♦<» wave hl»
Will give you a ip**! appetite, veuietl lu'emlol for burnlug low das.
employer. *rt a remarkable example «»(
fuels, such as lignite at'.1*, peat, and lu
heroUm. The iiiciiieni <*how» aha« oower
purify and enrich your blood, over­ whlt-li the combustion is luteu-itied by
ihrre 1« hi ituod bliH-d
There is oiilv one
natural wav lo pel po«»d bloosl. ami lhal 1«
come that tired feeling, give you turning Into the lire the gaseous mix­
from the »loniat h
1« the shmmch ii « m ‘<U
mental and digestive strength and ture obtained by lire evaporation of
asMisiam'e, irv Hoaisuer»*» biomavh Bit­
liquid air. The nitrogeu Is tirst set free
ThU wonderful metheme iurr»*h»-
steady nerves.
indigestion, ron»ii|*atu>n, imi
Be sure to ask for HOOD’S, the aud Hie residue, containing at least 30
makes rich red bliMni.
per cent of oxygen, is sent luto the fur­
best medicine money can buy. It is nace.
The Art Boa.
Recently a uew light system has been Tragi«- Seen« E-teclei ou a Hot'lotlo'd
“Why, Madge, where are all the
Introduced luto the village of Bliuuoa-
In Mouth Africa.
tassels on your uew boa?”
Bad Feelings In Spring -“In th« helm lu Wurtetuberg. From a large wu
No our dead lay aud grinned at those
“Oh, I stepped on some of them aud
•pring I was feeling very badly. My blood tral petroleum reservoir the oil from
other dead and the tierce suu dried other people stepped ou the rest.”
was very poor. I becan takln< Hood's
flesh and blood ou Briton ami on Boer
Sarsaparilla. It did me much rood. I
think it is a wonderful sprinr medicine and uted to the dlffereut lamps through for both remained iiuburlvd for a Dogs Being Supplanted by Donkeys.
recommend It to all sick and suffering.* copper tubes; the petroleum Is then va­
while, aud so It esute io |maa that a
Berlin now contatns 1000 donkeys
K tmkl L. B kam , Eaton Center, N. H.
porised by s|>eeial apparatus ami burn­ Boer comlua lido retook the lilies w here
which have been Imported In the last
er. A large lighting plant of this system those w ho died for its were lying, ami
is to be put iu the railroad shops at aa they marched among our dead they 18 month, to take the place of dogs
M beast, of draft. The change 1» due
aaw a sergeant lying al full length
"What nonsense.'' exclaimed Mr. Stuttga it.
to the agitation of the 8. I*. C. A.
Mtokton. as be tossed aside rite heart
to-heart talks page. "What utter non­ est iu the sun's empire Is hardly sur­ death the man hwvkesl like aome tight
prising. Au Euglisli Inquirer seeks to Ing machine suddenly gone ont of
Hie rifle was pressed against
“Io what are you referring,” in­ learn its size, aud poiuts out that three order
well-know u comets of auort period have his shoulder. Ilia loft hand grasped the
quired his wife.
••To the assertion that a xotnau orbits extending beyoud that of Nep­ barrel on the under side, the foroting
need not expect a man to pay her at tune. while oue comet of long period- er of the right hand pressed the trig
much attention after thev ate married Donatia—has a period of nearly two ger lightly, the Ivarrel rested upon a CASK OF LOCOMOTOR ATAXIA CURED
aa be <11d before, 1 am atieolutely thousand years. If this last named rock and his <ieatb-<1ulled eye still
sure, Henrietta, that I mind quicker comet really moves about the sun. It is glared along the sights, for dissolution
now than 1 ever did.
calculated that the diameter of the had come to him just aa lie lient Ilia Vlelliu V,<»st th« Hight of On« Ky«and Was
solar system must lie nearly U0.000.0im,- head to fire at those who shot him. slid
inabl« 1« Walk—Vision K«ator««t
An Inactive IJver. Stomach Dis­
now bls hands had stiffened In the uu
000 miles.
and th« I s« of Llmlti K«gaiM«d
orders. Sick Headache and other
ills arising from an imperfect
1’rof. Boutan lias succeeded In making bendable stiffness of eternal sleep. A
— A «worn Mtat«iu«Nt.
digestion are cured b' <• iRFIkLD
snap shot photographs of ttsb lu the sea Roersoldier saw the sergeant aa lie lay
TEA which I» made from HERBS.
cure that seems almost a
at a depth of about nine feet. His plan and with rude hands gra«|>ed the rltt»
miracle was that of Samuel Curnock,
Encouragement for the Struggling.
Is to let down into the water a white
of 62 Twenty-second avenue. Melroae
“Well, avked the artist, rubbing his sheet, and then attract the fish in from the deml man's grip, but as he pulled
Park. III. The story Is best told In
hands, "what did your wife think of of It by a Judicious distribution of
your portrait when you got home?
toothsome bait. The object of the pro­ own breast and the unyielding linger his own words. He says;
''Early in 1898 I began to expe­
"Oh. said old Mr. Packenhani, ceeding is to increase our knowledge of ou thf trigger did the rest -the rifle
banding ont a check for the amount he the movements of fish when not con­ i spoke front tlie dead man's hand am rience a worn-out feeling and noticed
bad agreed to par, ‘•«be told me .he strained by artificial surroundings or the bullet, passing through the Boer's that I became tired after very slight
still had confidence in me and didn't confinement. It has been proposed to heart, laid hint beside the Briton.
exertion. I continued at niy work iu
Sounds like a Journalistic He. does It
believe 1 was half as bad as 1 was lower cameras two or three miles In the
the machine shop until July 2. 1898,
sea and make photographs there by not? Read It in a novel and you would when 1 suffered from a fall, and after
flash-light but the enormous pressure laugh, would you not? But It is the that time grew rapidly worse. A phy­
at such depths would, it Is objected, eternal trtitb. all the same, for the sician waa called and pronounced my
comradeof the Boer who died that day
crush the apparatus.
killed by a dead man. told me the tab trouble locomotor ataxia. He treated
It has been averred that but for the himself, and he was one of those wht me for four months and there waa no
This signature I» on every box of the genuine saltpeter furnished by the Mammoth
planted the dead Dutchman on th« improvement In my condition, I waa
Cave of Kentucky and by some smaller slot* of Splon Jiop.—London New s.
Laxative Bromo-Quinine
talrl that my case was Incurable, and
limestone caverns the United States
the-------- '- UM caree a ewM la aae Say
that I would continue to grow worae
A Matrimonial Question.
would have been unable successfully to
Ths Other Side.
Should a mau make a home Itefore until death relieved me. I was not
w age the war of 1812. Even during the
Mother—Rot my dear, it isn't al­ Civil War these cave supplies of salt­ be asks a woman to marry bliu. ot confined to my bed. although I spent
ways the prettiest girl who gets the peter were largely utilized for making should be marry first and let the home much of my time lying down, and
best husband.
gunpowder. Recently the question of making following (be wedding? Thle i was entirely unable to work. I could
Homely Daughter—Perhaps not; but the origin of cave saltpeter has been I* rather a nice social question and It | hardly atSnd; It seemed as if my legs
she baa the most chances to.”
discussed anew in the Journal of Geol­ is entertainingly discussed iu J. P : would give out from under me. and
ogy, and W. H. Hess, dissenting from Mowbray's article. "The Making of a my movements were like those of a
the view that the saltpeter deposits are Country Home," in Everybody's Maga drunken man. A cold numbness came
due to the formation of guano by bats, sine.
in my right aide, and I lost the
Discussing tbe limitations and the
bolds that they have originated from
Of Particular Interest to Threshermea and
strength of my right arm. Then my
the evaporation of water which, as It helplessness of life In a flat under cou
eyes began to blur so that I could see
percolated through the roof of the car- , dltions that seem to prescribe a rise.
nothing distinctly, and In a short
Russell & Co., of Portland, Ore., the
'A man ought to reach Ills goal t>e time I became totally blind In my
largest dealers in machinery on the
Russia authorities are displaying re­
Pacific Coast, have just issued at con­ markable energy In connection with the fore be takes a wife, for the more be right eye.
''Last December I began taking Dr.
siderable expense a neat and very oom- utilization of 1’opoff's wireless tele­ loves her tbe more of a handicap she ia
Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People
plste account book for up-to-date graphic system. All the lighthouses in Don't you see that?"
“No I don't see It at all."
tbresheimen. eto. The books are lor the Black Sea are to be provided with
and within a month I was so much
free distribution, and all people wbo this apparatus, and several stations are
I "But you understand that he will not Improved that I determined to perslat
want them should write immediately to be erected on the shore, so that com
take any risk when be Is married; In the treatment. At the end of tbe
to Russell * Co., Portland, Ore.
municarion may be maintained between would rather plod securely than con aecond month I was able to return to
the shore, lighthouses and the war­ quer at bls peril. I ought to have my work and have not lost a day on
ships within the radius of the electric made a home fit for such a wife as I account of illness since that time,
Agent—Have yon seen onr new an* waves. Two hundred complete Installa­ have before I married her."
Since I began taking the pills I have
tomatic gas burner?
tions of the apparatus were recently . Then she laughed one of her copious
gained 30 pounds in «'eight, can walk
Householder—Thanks, bnt we ar« dispatched to Vladivostok and Port mellow laughs. “1 think you have got
almost as well as ever, and my "Iaht
already burning gas enough.
Arthur, and the work of fitting out thg that wrong. John, upon my word I do
fully restored. 1 firmly believe that
Russian warships in the Pacific is to
Pi»o’« Cure i* the best medicine we ever be carried on with all possible celerity. up to them. It's just tbe other wsy. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo­
naed for ail »flection» of the throat and
It seems to me. The wives produce ple saved my life and enabled me to
lang» —W m . O. E skblzy , Vanburen, Ind., The two ports are also to be connected
by the establishment of Intermediate the homes. Young men. «■ I under- again earn my livelihood.
»sb 10. 1900.
stand It. think Just about as much of
stations along the Korean coast.
making a home before they get a wife
Population of Ohio'« Cities.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
as they think about making a flying
this first day of August. 1900.
Ohio’s cities and towns gained 486.*
trip to the moon. Why. It would tie
•21 in population during the last 10
How the Discovery of the Preventive Just too ridiculous. John, to see a
years, or 792 more than the increase in
Police Magistrate.
Vtr • Wee Made end Applied.
young man building a borne and fur
the rest of the entile state.
At all druggists or direct from Dr.
Durlngtlie eighteenth century It was nisblng It. and then expecting a wife
' common talk among the country peo­ and baby to drop in because It's resdy. Williams Medicine Co.. Schenectady.
The Beat Preeerlptlon for Malaria
Price. 50 cents per box; 6
ple of England and Scotland that milk­ as the wrens do. You know yourself N. Y.
Chill« SDd Fever is a bottle of Grove*« Tutele«
Chill Tonic. Iti« simply iron and quinine In ers of cows never had tbe smallpox. you never would have bad a borne like boxes, «2.50.
atuteleu form. No Core. No Pay. Price 50e
At a time when this disease was oue this If you hadn't got married. How
the scourges of Europe such a could you?”
A Long River.
Public Baths In England.
Long rivers drain a large territory fact naturally attracted attention.
of 34 towns in England and
Training Hoys In Germany.
Physicians In tbe cities did not regard
of country. The Ganges is nearly 1600
A writer describing In a Philadel­ Wales, one-third maintain one or more
the country notion as worthy of notice.
miles in length, and drains an area of
When an epidemic threatened they In­ phia daily the methods of schools In public batha. They are crowded by
750,000 square miles.
oculated healthy persons with small­ Germany, states that the manual factory and shop banda.
pox virus to give them the disease. training schools In Germany are es­
Then It was treated from tbe start pecially Intended for the class of boys TOC KNOW WHAT TOC ARI TARINO
vou take Grove'« Tsslele«« t'hlll Tonic,
under favorable conditions The chief who Idle away tbelr time before and When
Secants ths formulai« plainly printed<>n evsry
bottle ahowlnr that It 1* aimrdy Iron end Qui­
' -ffect of tbe method wss to make tbe after school on the street
The regular session closes at half past ll Ins In * taeteleee toro. No Cnis, No Pay. It
■ inoculated person certalD he was to be
The liability to disease is greatly ! seriously 111. while the uninoculated two o'clock In the afternoon, and after
To Increass Governor's Salary.
lessened when the blood is iu good con­ might possibly escape. Jonathan Ed this time the boys wbo. either through
A proposition is being urged In Ten­
dition, and the circulation healthy and wards was one of tbe famous victims poverty or the indifference of parents,
vigorous. For then all refuse matter i of Inoculation.
are not properly and healthfully em­ nessee to Increase the salary of tbe
1* promptly carried out of the system ;
It was left for an obscure country ployed must attend the Industrial governor to 35000 a year. It Is now
otherwise it would rapidly accumulate physician. Dr. Jenner, to recognize tbe school for the rest of the day.
34000. It la thought also that tbe
— fermentation would take place, the I scientific importance of the tradition
in the summer-time the boys, divid­ state should supply an executive man
blood become polluted and the consti­ about tbe Immunity of milkers. By ed Into classes, each under the super­ •ion for bls use.
tution so weakened that a simple his experiments In 179« be proved that vision of a teacher, are trained system­
malady might result seriously.
atically In all the branches of garden­
A Rare Fish.
A healthy, active circulation means inoculation with cowimix virus carried ing. At other seasons of the year the
protection against smallpox. He wrote
The rarest fish In British waters Is
good digestion and strong, healthy
a pamphlet ou bls experiments and boys are engaged at various light the rlbboufish. Only 16 specimens
crafts In workrooms, such as making
As a blood purifier and tonic S. S. S. sent It to tbe Royal College of Physi­ of baskets, brushes and brooms, and Lave been recorded In the last cen­
has no equal. It is the safest and best
tury. It Is an Inhabitant of the great
remedy for old people and children returned with a contemptuous reply. plain carpentry, where the use of tools depths of the ocean.
la taught Typesetting and bookbind
because it contains no minerals, but is
ance not to make an Impression, and Ing are taught to the advanced and
made exclusively of roots and herbs.
No other remedy so thoroughly and during the fifth year after his first vac­ older classes.
Each boy receives a small remuner
effectually cleanses the blood of im- cination Jenner and other doctors vac­
atlon for bls work when It la faithfully
purities. At tbe cinated 10.000 persona In England.
In spite of tbe succeas of tbe proceaa and oliedlently performed. The money,
same time it builds
up the weak and de- there were many In tbe early part of however. Is not paid to him directly,
bilitated, and reno- the century who doubted Its efficacy. but Is put Into a savings-bank for him.
vates the entire sys­ The experience of the last thirty years and from time to time he receives bls
tem. It cure* permanently all manner has demonstrated the value of vaccina­ certificates of deposit
The girls are taught knitting and all
tion beyond the possibility of doubt,
of blood and sain trouble*.
Mr. K. ■. Kelly, of Urban a, O.. writes t tn Chemnitz, Germany, a city of 64,- kinds of sewing In the same system­
" 1 bad Eosstns on my hands and fees for (XXI Inhabitants, there was a smallpox atic manner. Every lesson la made a
flvs year«. II would brsak out in lltUs
Shits puatitlss, crusts would form and epidemic In 1870-71. About 64,000 of class drill. The children work by dic­
op oft, lsaving the skin red and inflam-
S. Tbe doctors did mo no good. I isod rhe Inhabitants hrd been vaccinated. tation, all In the room doing the same
tbs asodioated soaps and sal vs* w Jhout Only 1.8 per cent of them contracted work at the same time.
nsflt. 8.
S. oured ms, and my skin the disease. Of the unvaccinated more
is as oloar and smooth as any ont’«.”
Grant’s Illg Plurality.
Mrs. Hsnry fllsgfrlsd, of Cape May. K. than 40 per cent were 111. Among the
The largest plurality on the popular
t., sera taM twsnty-ono bottles of B. 8. 8. vaccinated less than 1 per cent of the
sured bar of Censer of tbe breaet. Doo-
vote for a presidential candidate was
|ora and friends thought her case bopo- cases resulted fatally. Among the un­
There I. «n end to
protected the percenfage was above 9. In 1872. when President Grant, running
ac.te «uttering when
Jlchard T. Gardner, Florence, 8. C., Statistics of the armies In Franco- for re-election, bad 700.000.
For bls
ered tor veers with Boils. Two bot-
tlee ot B. 8. 8. put his blood in good con­ Prussia n war show the same general
dition and the Boils disappeared.
results. The German soldiers were
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Peculiar to Itself
For Tslspb«"»
Bhower bstbs sre being put In ths
Paris telephoue eu bsuges fur tbs us.
of tbs telspbous girls It I* thought
that ihla will aid Ibstu lu ke.plng
tbslr health lu America tbe girls lu
many tslspbons sxchangss have long
•njoyed this cumfurt.
Th« »«wml»»»«'*
*” ••***■.
r I Ó.l> I » l •• • hl-1' I pill >1*1 UM
n.'i bwn «,|ü.l- l '•» 4>»>ih»r
• u luiprc.uwm I» « • •’••“*‘2
rtu Iw »wn «<i«r » •••
A««pt«d Ntattwsrv M«tnb»r«hlp.
Ex-Prestrleut L'lstalalkl ha« aoreplsd
honorary uieinlxr.lilp iu ths Merer
«n I---------- ,
County (N. J.) »<>s Hunting Assums
TO <’V KN A • OI I* Iff ON ■ l*At
TskslAzatlx »">"• qui«1“* I'sblsl* A
4ruM*.u “ n-J i'1« ........
" '!
*” ,u”
• w. Urvv«’« «isusiut« l«»u »•* h lx1*
Want American« to Do th« Work.
The Siamese government has sek"d
(or American hide lor Hie cou.trm turn
of a plaut (or the mana facture of am­
munition in that country.
KB ©!»■■»
With local syplloaUou«, m ih«r ••suuul r»*<-h
UsMMot Ib-.l «T««.
. SlStrh 1« * Wo»«
rvniuiuiioiisl d'"
»».I m »'•!»• '•' '
you musi tak'* nitvnial t»i»i«»li»«
• *
lairh i urs 1« i»leu inl»rnali<. «»>1 •*',L*',1
oli Ih« b'Oo.l «nd mu»‘4'i« «uri«»-«« 11411 • • «
larrh < uro 1« noi • quack mr'-lie'n*
prtwribed b» «»>•<>( ih» l**«i phr.i.
ia u>'»
Cu»niry tor rear« and >«a rrsular !■'••• nplu.n
11 >• oninjK-ar.l of tbe t'O«< ion1'1» known, com
btn«d with lb« beat blood j»urttl«r«, a- tliig dl
racily on Ilia murou« «urla*««
lb« parte*'!
combination ot ih« two inaredtanta it what pr>*
dur •• ta.-h wonderful rendi« '□ curing aalarrb.
Saud tor testimonial«, fr««
F J i llisXV A <•>.. t’rvpra . lulado, O,
Sold by drugx’tt«. price TK
Mall« Family fill« are IS« leak.
Th« Smallest SabrY Pad a Gov «mor
paid fo any
I Hi tad State«
of Vermont,
a year.
Th« «mallei salary
governor of a state in th«
is that of th« governor
who recoivee only
**•••••»• «i»
* * •’
sftar fl st
• t»e*<vf I** k ••• i.rwBt
lUB«.<wr Bendi. r FM BKfJ <Ml t ■ tel
tee Da. M H kiiwg. Ltd »41 *r»hM . PhileUeiphta. F%
New Zealand War Medals.
The New Zealand government In
tends to strike 140.000 war couittirtn
oration medals, and to distribute them
among the school children of the col
ony. Th« coat will be about £I2.OVO
IwiSllve Srotn.^quinine Tab «I« < ire s cold lb
OMllir Ne curo. No Pay Price £> conia.
American Corn Esports.
American exporta of corn have aver
aged 173.0u0.000 bushels a year since
1895, an increase of 354 per cent over
the preceding five years.
Police Judges in Porto Rice,
Mayors of the different towns In
Porto Rico at present have exclusive
jurisdiction In police court cases,
whether or nut they know a word of
law; and from tbelr decisions there
la no appeal.
Not Hard to Suit.
Executive — I would appoint your
man. but be la too Ignorant for the
police force.
Heeler—Den put him on de school
board.— Moonshine.
If yov U»«n l a ra«ular »«all»?
bov«ia «ff«ry day josrtilei or «1.1 »• K*«i> »o«r
bo««la op*n and M «all »or«?« io iMifiap«sf
»lolaol phytic or pill p<'laon la danaarovB
monostat «ulsti moat wrfae« way ut a««»^« kb«
Send for our free book, and write
©nr physicians about your case
Medical advice free.
About Marriage.
carefully vaccinated, while the French
Of one thousand men who marry, ft
were not. During a wide spread epi­ Is found that 332 marry women young
demic of smallpox tbe German lost er than themselves; 679 marry women
only 460 men from the disease, while of about the same age, and 89 marry
the French lost 28.400. In general it women older than themselves.
has been shown that the danger of In­
The best evidence that people eat too
fection la six times as great and the
mortality aixty-elght times aa great In much Is the way they keep It up. If It
'be unvaccinated as In tbe vaccinated. was not an Injurious practice, they
Vaccination is compulsory through-
would drop IL
St Jacobs Oil
promptly cures
. •
M/SS FAMA’C'/S M. ANDERSON, daughter of III IN'. JCDGf.
ANDERSON, of Virginia. fs at present In H ashington, I). C., as Cor*
responding Secretary of the Higher Educational l eague of thit cly.
Cured of la grippe by Peruna.
INN FR ANCES M. ANDERSON, 1 ofitlnue to suffer ou. dropping Into
Corrwopomling Newrrlgty ol tire the grave one by one
Erlocatlotial I ague,
I’vrutta cures catarrh In all •!»<««
wntea rorn the"Aatoria "Wash*
and varletlea. whether acute or <hroa
Iogton. D. C , the following:
••About two months ago I teas ic, ami Is therefore the most effertlr«
taken very III with la grippe and remedy ever devised for removing all
waa obliged to go to bed. I took the dvratigotuenls whhb follow la
three bottles of lteruna with very grippe.
Samuel M York writes from I'nlos
beneficial results, and m as able
Grove. Als . the following letter:
to lest e my bed In a w eek and re*
*T>ear Sir: lust week I was take«
gained my usual strength very
with la grippe and catarrhal d«*t
neas. I wrote you for advice and fol
••I have nothing but praise for
lowed your directions
After tailor
Peruna, and recommend It to
two bolt lea of Peruna I found mywlt
those similarly afflicted when*
well of la grippe, and my hearing waa
ever I can."***Erances M. Ander­
fully restored
My health Is botte
l.a grlppw la. strictly speaking, »pl- than It haa been In five years.
"My Wife Improved In health very
demlc catarrh that la to say, a va­
riety of acute catarrh which la so cun- mu< k after taking Varuna.' Saaud
tagloua and rune a course more or leae M York.
Miss Caroline J Kahl. Otlaco, lad.
definite, the same aa scarlet fever,
aa follows
wbooplng cough, etc.
During the acute stages of la grippe
It la not a very fatal disease, but the
condition In which It leaves the aye-
tern has caused the doath of a count­
less number.
Indeed, nearly every person wbo haa
had la grippe within tbe last three
years finds himself more or less de­
ranged by the pernicious efforts of
this disease. The majority of thoae
who have escaped death find life
scarcely worth living.
If this vast multitude of people
could only know with what certainty
and promptnese Peruna would relieve
them of all the bad effects which la
grippe haa brought upon them, what
an untold amount of suffering would
be averted!
Thousands have already heard bow
quickly this remedy will cure In these
cases and have been aaved; but tens
of thousands have not yet beard, and
••Three yearn I had la grippo
and pulmonary trouble. I oat
very sick. I had hemorrhages ol
the lung* nearly every day for t
year, and three bottle» of your
l*eruna cured me. The dottor
said I had consumption, I ttn
now In better health than I hs*t
been for many yearn.
“I highly recommend Peruns to ill
my nelghliora and friends. Peruna II
my favorite medicine. I shall alnao
have Peruna In the house."—Mm
Caroline J. Kahl.
If you do not derive prompt a»4
satisfactory results from tbe uae ol (
Peruna. write at once to Dr. Hartman.,
giving a full atatemeut of your cam.
and he will be pleased to give you 814
valuable advice gratia.
Address Dr. Hartman, president rfjj
The Hartman Sanitarium. t'olumbuk
H ardest
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A J T ower , C o
Buy front the manufacturer. Price In lull rnll«
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All glndaof Wire and Iron Work.
Tua sss'l asks • miiisla it you <oi>
Mitchell, lie mis & Staven Co.
You Nerd a
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Always Frosh.
Always ths Beet.
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For Catalogue.
mantles ,
tilings ..
A new bona fid« vherne bv which von mar
worth of Riiy ■<»<»<!» In the rata <> fiio
of Monisornsry, Ward << Co., chleaKo. tor /Rte,
or i»v amount at tl • sanie rair»
Brit« at
onra for particular*.
how we «‘an do It and
v«t make money
Heat «»f rafartnre»
Cn Q' KHiTIVK H1YI*<* < o.
«M Jamieson Hunding, Mpokans,
N. r. N. u.
Ns. Il"»***'
BN writing la advertí***
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«■<>■> Hila payer'