KLAMATH VOL* V. ns i in mi KLAMATH PROPOSED BY COLOMBIA. khems for United States to Ac­ REPUBLICAN. FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OHEGON, NEW COMPANY FORMED. Ultimate Object Is to Opsrats Bosts ! and Cars From Bpokare to Portland. NORTH YAKIMA, Wash , March 13. The Upper River Transportation | I 'onipuriy bus b*-«n incorporated for the purpose of controlling a line of steamers on the Columbia river. The irosts will make regular dally trips from Priest Rapids to The Dalles rcid < ai ry the great wheal crop of Eastern Washington to market The Incur- j (»orators of the company are J. M. Itusaeil, G««rge (’ Blakely and T. A. I Hudson. In addition to operating on the Columbia, they will run a line of steamers to Lewiston, Idaho, on the Snake In connection with the navigation of the rivers a plan la under < onsld- «ration to constru< t an electric rail­ way through the counties of Douglas und Lincoln, In Eastern Washington, and conn«* t with Hpokane The road will reach all of th« wheat centers and be used for hauling wheat to Priest Rapids. There It will be loaded on steel barge, and battled down the river to The Dalles. A portage rail­ way will be used to haul the barges • round the falls and into the Colum­ bia In-low, when the boats will be towed to Portland and the Pacific ■ oast points for shipment to the Ori- i-ntal markets. The steamer Billings. which has been lying on a rocky bar 20 feet above water a few miles below Pasco, Is now being overhauled preparatory to launching for the upper river traf­ fic. A line of steamers will be run from the upper Columbia to Priest Rapids and open up the trade from th« great mining districts in the Re- public and atirroundlng country. 21, MAUCH 44 1901 ♦ ♦ NO. 49. IN SOUTHERN LUZON. Ainosr A CLASH Provincial Government Established In Tsysbee. NEW YORK. March 12. According LUCENA. Tayabas province, South­ io u spe, lai to th« Herald, Honor Hllva, ern Luzon, March 14.—The United brum All Part» ol th« New World lb* Colombian minister Io th« United Items of Interest From All Parts Btates army transport, with the Amer­ Declines to Accept the Amended ican Philippine commission and their Friction Between the British and Hieles, i,., already Informally sub and the Old. of the State. party on board, arrived off Lucena milled proposals tu Hecfetary Hay Canal Treaty. Russians at Tien Tsin. last evening. Thia morning the com­ fur th** •* qulaltlon of the Panama ---- 1------- missioners' party, consisting of 50 per­ sons. crossed the shallow bar In the Of iNTEREkT TO Of» MANY READ fife * anal by thia government, und hue COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL I1APPI NINGS l«'«n luvltad to discuss them further, GREAT BRITAIN’S REPLY IS RECEIVED ship's boats and were driven one mile OVER A PIECE OE «A1LROAD LAND to this town. The commleelon then 1 icliminsty protocols w«r« entered proceeded with the first organization into son*« time ago with Costa Rica A Briet Review ol the Growth and Improve- Na Counter Proposai Mad« If Negotiations of a provincial government In South­ Dlxpoxltioa ol Troops Uadsr Von Waldsrsse • nd Nicaragua, so that theae two ern Luzon. menti ol the Many Industriel Through­ Arc Rsrumsd It Muri B« on this S*d< '■»unirles during ti*« summer will The Frovlnce of Tayabaa has long During th« Sumnxr Months—Stems- out Our I hr i vins ( ommonwealth. —Th« Text Withheld. been noted for the pacific conditions probably b« merely Interested spec- Ing « Gats in th« Grtat Wall. existing there. In contrast to the tature of the tnovaa which th« United neighboring provinces, which still pur ­ Ki President Harrison Is dying Eugene — A n«w opera house Is Io be Htalea. Grost Britain and Colombia London, March 14.—Friction haa built at Eugene. Washington, March 13.—The long sue a rebellious course. Colonel Gard­ Th« blah« legislature haa ad «HI make. expected answer from the British ner, late of the Thirtieth volunteer in­ ariaen at Tien Tain between the Brit- Jpurned. Athena — Athena has elected T II It !• understood that these are ths government to the state department's fantry, was today appointed civil gov­ lsh and Rusalans over a piece of land Th« Thirtieth volunteers arrived at essential points which the Columbian Pig*- school dire* tor und J. W. Hmltb communication reciting the action of ernor of this province. Colonel Gard­ alleged to belong to the railway com­ * lerk. Ban Francisco. the senate upon the Hay-Pauncefote ner favors the maintenance of friend­ pany and to have been in poeaeaalon govenimenl will urge A lease for a Baker City—The Th«*' Is hbtfoll between lliltlah term of years, m > long treaty was returned at noon today. ly relations with the natives, and Is _____ office will have a Baker City post­ as th« United stamp < um piling Ixrrd Pauncefote. the British ambas opposed to pillage, selxures, destruc­ ot the company for acme yeara. Ac­ and Russians In I’ekin Htstea may desire, not exceeding 2U0 machine. sailor, had already acquainted Sec­ tion of property and imprisonments, cording to dlapatcbea from Tien Tain, lion C T Gorham, ri minister tu years, of the territory across which Coionel the Russians assert that this land la retary Hay with the fact that he had except under necessity. The Dallsa — The Dalles treauurer the Netherlands. Is dead th« Panama < anal la being construct- bad an uvulluble cash balun* e March received a communi* atlon from his Gardner, when in command of the part of their new concesslona. and Carnegie denies that I*« la going tu "4. In return fur sudi lease Colombia I of 51.655 64. government on the subject and It had Thirtieth Infantry, was in control of therefore, Russian property. Mr. Kin­ Europe with J I* Morgan been In his possession for several this district ,snd as s result of his der, manager of the railway, began Is to receive either • percentage of Eugsne—A large electric trans days. Secretary Hay had acquired policy, a population of active insur- to make a siding, but was stopped by Chins appeals 1*4 th« United Hlsles II*« tax on lotinage passage through former hun arrived at Eugene for the a general knowledge of the character gents has been transformed Into the Russian authorities. He appealed fur protection from Russia • he ■ anal, or a lump compensation; lighting company. of the British response. Lord Paunce- frleudly natives, whose patriotism to to Colonel MacDonald, who referred Baksr City—Improvements to cost Th« ministers Irate prepared an recognition of the rights of ths fote came to the state department at the United States was considered to the matter to General Barrow, Brit­ noon by appointment. He brought be more firmly established than that ish chief of staff, in Pekin, who re­ other Hat of guilty Chinese French company. which will sell Its 520.00(1 will be made In the Warshuei “Carry on the siding, with i.otel at Baker City the answer with him and read it to of the natives of any other province plied: The great Manila l<-e plant will be < un* «salon with Colombia’s consent armed force, if necessary.” in Luzon. Secretary Hay. It was in the form of Eagle Point—It la reported from controlled l*y civil authorities to tbe I'nlted Htatea. Guards were put on the line by the The first organization of the federal Instructions from Ix>rd I-ansdowne. l.iigle Point that early frosts have nut the British minister of foreign affairs, party outaide of Manila was effected British, and the work continued. Gen­ Provincial government as estab Injured growing wheat. to Ix»rd Pauncefote, and he left a in Tsyabas province, and all the na­ eral Wagasak, the Russian command­ IS CLOSE TO DEATH. llabed st Lucena. Tags baa provili* a Pendleton—Water meters for the copy of these instructions with Sec­ tives joined. The arrival of the com­ er, protested, and said tbe thing Malone N Y offi. Isla captured 44 l‘* mlleton water system have arrived retary Hay. At the conclusion of the mission with Colonel Gardner, whose would not have been done If the Rus­ Chinese on the border north of LI Hung Chang's Life Hangs by and are being •old for 110. |I5 und conference, It was stated that the In­ regiment was recently given a pub­ sians had had as many troops aa the 120 each. Malone structions to Ixvrd Pauncefote were to lic farewell here, returning as civil British, adding that such matters MUTINY ON ALBANY. Thread. notify the government of the United governor, was enthusiastically cele­ should be left to diplomacy. Colonel Gold Hill — It Is reported that a rich Twu men were killed and several brated. MacDonald again communicated with PEKIN. March 12 LI Hung Chang three foot vein _ quartz Sailors on American Cruiser Rebelled States that the British government of _ gold bearing lnjur«'l in • rnllruad collision lu a The people of Sorosgan. a seaport General Barrow. who replied: “Con­ la again seriously III. Ind bls physic­ haa I m - i - ii struck un the old Clo* k place did not see Its way clear to accept at Hong Kong. Chi* ago suburb on the eztreme southern end of Lu­ tinue the siding.” General Wagasak ian says his Ilf« hangs by • thread. near Gold Hill. TACOMA. Wash., March 13.—Ad­ the senate amendments. pherldsn H Badger, a Chi* ago mln The amendments were ^rested in zon. have petitioned for a provincial appealed to the Russian minister at vices brought by the steamship Good ­ Prince Ching end Earl LI seem to Perry The The commission will Pekin, M. De Giers. Grand Rond« Lumber Ing engineer, filed a petltlln In bank detail at some length in argumenta­ government. think that by spreading rumors of the Company will start up its mill ut Ber win state that 75 sailors mutinied on tive fashion, the purpose of the Brit­ stop there later. Count von Waiuersee has Informed nipt* f with 55* UOO liabilities lioard the cruiser Albany at Hong ry this week, General Chaffee that the troops under About 1,000,000 feet -outts unwillingness to return to Pe- Kong last month. The cause was lack ish government being to show that Gaylord Blessing * Co, Hi Isiuls • In. unless this or thst thing Is done, uf logs are on hand. his command will be disposed of as A REAR-END COLLISION. of money and liberty. The refractory it had sound reason for declining to follows during the summer months: brokers. fil«*l a deed of assignment Coqullls Farmers on the north fork sailors were placed in irons and accept them. After disposing of the thsy < an Infiuen* « the deliberations of IJsbllltlea ate admitted tu escesxt the details, the note concludes with an Freight and Stock Trains Crashed England will have 1,000 men at the lb« ministers of lhe powers. As • of the Coquille report hay scarce in taken to Cavite for trial. •>.•<•1» by 5........ summer palace, a small detachment With Fatal Raaulta. expression of regret that such a that part uf the country, but stock Kan The Mohammedan rebellion in matter of fa* l. according to reliable is In fine condition. in Hunting Park, and 2,000 men In CHICAGO, March 14.—Two men other places. Germany will send the John liar«, the Kngllah actor now Stt has assumed such alarming pro­ course was forced upon the British government. There was nothing in were killed and eight others injured . playing In Chicago, an noun* e*| that reports from Hlnan Fu, the Imperial portions that the empress dowager Henderson The wagon brldir ;e at troops now tn Pekin to a village north­ at lhe con* lualon of his present tour, personages are extremely uncomforta­ Henderson station, which went out haa commanded General Feng Tze the nature of a counter proposition, in a rear-end collision early today be­ west of the summer palace in the five seeks hen««, he will permanently ble st Hluan Fu. where they live In with the last freshet, is replaced I and Hal to proceed northward from Can­ nor was any opening left for further tween a time freight and a stock train, mountains, while the German troops retire from th« stage ton with haste and undertake their action by the British government. It on the Chicago A Northwestern rail­ at Pao Ting Fu will be located In the house of lhe governor, which Is opened for travel. was stated that if there is to be a road. at Arlington Helghta, a suburb subjugation. the mountains west of the city. Italy The Brooklyn bridge authorities only a small structure. French mis- Foots Creek—Several tons of ore The gunboats Ball and Sngrlb, further attempt to amend the Clayton- of this city. will draw the troops from that part •re rontemplallng remodeling the alonarlea who have Just returned from from the Dixie Queen mine, in the built at Hong Kong, for Hlam. have Bulwer treaty, so as to authorize the The caboose of the stock train con­ of tbe summer palace which some bridge to allow of th« multiplying of Hlnan Fu believe that the empress Foots Creek district, are auld to have been turned over to that government, United States to construct a water­ tained 14 stockmen, and most of them of her forces now occupy. Japan •lioated bridge trains Th*- * ost «III dowager sould bring the court back ; lelded over *100 a ton. with the object of striking terror to way across he isthmus, then ft is for were asleep when the train stopped at and Austria will leave their troops In be In the neighborhood of 5' odoooo Lakeview The old electric system lhe rebels at Canton. Fourteen bri­ the United States to make the over­ Arlington Heights to take on two cars Pekin. Count von Waldersee says to Pekin on the oral offer of the al Jeaale Morrison stoise first trial les having as a basis the removal of for lighting the town of Lakeview has gands were egeentetd February 14. tures. The British government simp­ of stock, Suddenly the time freight that as by such locations of troops from St Paul crashed into the stock for the murder of Mrs Olin Caatl« the troops except the legation guards been discontinued, and will be re­ Four other tnen are being starved’to ly drops the matter at this point. The Hay-Pauncefote negotiations train caboose and plowed through any and all trouble can be avoided, death In cages exposed to public view. placed by the town plant. resulted In no verdict waa committed have been in progress for something into the next car ahead. Instantly he sees no cause for interference. to Jsll nt Eldorailo Kan In defnnlt Eagle Point—There la considerable over two years, and owing to the the wreck took tire. The crash DEPUTY SHERIFF KILLED. of fS OOO ball, to await a second trial SIX HUNDRED CASES. nnxlety over the proposed ditch from great interests Involved, they have aroused the village, and the volun­ blah Lake to the valley, fears being constituted the leading international A re* elver haa l*««n s|>p**lnted for to the Smallpox teer fire department responded With Two Fought a Pitched Battle Epidemic Raging Near question at issue before the state de­ rescue and extinguished the flames tbs Ohio |tel*et>t»re Company, of Co E a Prosidsnt's Condition Now Rs entertained that the company will Hignwaymen. t.iks so much water out of th*- streams Pryor, Mont. partment. The treaty was signed and assisted In taking out the dead lumbua. on lhe application of a st*« k 13 — News MILTON, Cal.. March gsrdsd as Ssrtoue. that there will not be enough left bolder, who says the outstanding In BUTTE. Mont., March 14.—A. A. has Just been received here that prior to the opening of the 56th con­ and Injured. The caboose and three liebledneaa |s 53|( UOO. and the assets INDIANAPOLIH. Ind., March 12 — lor Irrigating pur[H>ses and to run Deputy Sheriff Holman, of Calavesas gress. and was submitted to the sen­ cars were burned, and a number of Campbell, of Pryor, who is in charge the grtat mill. ate in December, 1899. It at once not naore than 575000 head of stock killed. The doors to of the Pryor Creek subagency, on the The condition of ex President Harri­ county, was shot atut killed at Wai- encounutered opposition in that body, the other cars containing stock were Crow reservation, states that there Pilot Rock—A painful accident oc Minister Conger left I’ekln for son Is serious. Dr. Jameson stated curred at the Warner sawmill, twelve Im • . a small tow n m ar here. In a but after some delay was Anally rat­ in the meantime opened and the are 600 cases of smallpox In the vi­ pitched battle wltn two highwaymen. home today that the upper part of General tulles south of Bllot Rock Will War One of the latter is reported seriously ifled after several amendments hod frightened animals allowed to run at cinity of Pryor, and that strenuous been adopted. The chief issue was large. A relief «as started from Chi­ efforts are being made to stamp the England rejects the llsy Paunc* Harrisons left lung waa Inflamed. tier, while riding on a log carriage wounded. fote I testy There Is some danger of the conges­ *as struck on the head. Hnd while Two prominent residents of Wal­ made on what was known as the cago as soon as the wreck was disease out. He asserts that Billings Davis amendment While in terms reported. has 40 cases of the disease, and that A ll'lplno hand «as defeated near tion extending tn the rest of the lung stunned leaned over In such a man la* *■ were held up und robbed by the this did not give the United States with its ewn cases and the reserva­ Banta Cruz and to the right lung Until 3 o’clock ner that a large piece of flesh was bandits. The men who were robbed cut out of his thigh by the saw Immediately report« t th« affair to the a right to fortify the canal, yet In GREATEST 8TAMPEDE SINCE 1898. tion cases, the detention hospital this afternoon. General Harrison was Bllteen Ilves w«re loat by the storm general language It expressed the there has become so overcrowded Unity—It Is reported from Unity. county officials, and Deputy Sheriff right of this country to adopt such In Arkansas resting easy, hut at that time he be­ Effect of Throwing Open Crown Min­ that hundreds of cases are being Holman, with a small posse, went to on upper Burnt river, that there was cared for privately. The epidemic ing Claims in Alaska. President M* Kinley will start for came slightly worse and Dr. Jameson s disastrous fire In that burg. James Wallace to arrest the robbers with measures In regard to the tanal as were deemed necessary for the proper ths I'ailfi* coast April 30 wss called. He said that he waa cer­ Payton's general merchandise store the result above noted. VANCOUVER. B. C-. March 14.—A has reached a point where the county maintenance of American authority. special dispatch from Dawson, dated commissioners have determined to Victims of the plague are dying In tain no.alng was to be apprehended was totally destroyed. Including quite After extended debate In executive General Young Returning. March 1, says the stampede conse erect a pesthouse near Pryor. A sin­ lbs streets of Cape Town for lhe next 48 hours, but the sge of a stock of gixxls The building was session two other amendments were quent upon the throwing open of the gular fact in th.s connection is thst 13. — The quar- Washington. March practically new, two stories high, A secret society burled alive ni the patient renders all calculations the upper story being useu as a dance termioter general is informed that rdopted. and the treaty was ratified government claims February 25 was up to date not a single Indian haa un* erialn. At k o'clock this svenlng hail. lives friendly lu Americans the transport Logan left Nagasaki vs amended. The other two amend- the greatest since the palmy days contracted the disease. meats abrogated the Clayton ■ Bulwer "On Pryor Creek and the Crow res- The Fren* h ex consul st Manila 1» Geuersl Harrison was suffering some Ashland -A petition has been for Thursday for San Francisco with treaty and struck out the provision of 1898. The order made available ervatlon. about buv persons are quar­ pain, but was resting comparatively warded to Washington for the pro­ Major General Young and the Thirty- accused of dealing with Insurgents. claims, unsold hundreds of lapsed of the treaty which Invited other for­ antined,” said Mr. Campbell. "The posed free rural delivery route south third and Thirty-fourth Volunteer reg­ eign governments to express their ones, tractions, etc. Under the new first case broke out in Timothy's Kight persona were killed and many easy. regulations the first man to arrive of Ashland. The route reaches from iments. General Young, on his ar­ approval of it. Injured l>y an exploelon In a Chhagu and make application for the ground camp two months ago. Then the dis­ laundry. Ashland eight miles to W II Sh.-p rival at San Francisco, will relieve TO ORGANIZE GOVERNMENT. gets it, until fraud has been shown. ease extended to McShane’s camp, herd's place, and returns via Eml General Shafter of the command of BOERS HELP BRITISH. Carnegie haa offered 575 0*»0 for r the department of California, and the He may really be the tenth man who and soon afterward to O'Connor's. As grant creek The number of families library to Davenport, la., and also tu Philippins Commleelon Lsavs for latter will be retired as a majot staked the claim by actual time, but yet, every cas^ has been of a mild which would be served on this route flprlngfield. Ill Two Thousand of Them Are Ready he must swear that he saw no other character. Everything possible Is be­ Is 125, and the number of people general. Lucena. to Enlist. stakes on the ground when he ing done to keep the men from leav­ Kirby Graves. Bill Johnson and 498, and one postoffice. Baron, would ing work and scattering smallpox EIGHT LIVES LOST. MANILA, March 12.—Judge Taft l>e discontinued. BLOEMFONTEIN. March 13—Gen­ staked. Some of the unfortunate fel­ throughout the state. The Indiana '••••n Brooks, negroes, were hanged •t RI* hmond. Ark . for murder. and bls associates of ths United Fort Klamath—Melhase Bros, of Forty-Two Person« Were Injured eral Dewet is reported to be moving lows who went out misread the of­ were all taken up Pryor Creek when northward steadily, at the rate of 25 ficial notice and staked claims that the disease first broke out, but now rhe Pennsylvania house of repre States Philippine commission, accom­ Fort Klamath wcighcil IM load of and Several Are Missing. miles a day, with a view of crossing were reserved by notice in the proc­ beef cattle last week at the Mitchell •entail*«a adopted ■* resolution favor panied by their wives and a number 13.—By “ the ex- the railway to the eastward. He lamation. Their four days' vigil in a they will have to be moved, aa small­ CHICAGO, Muren ‘ ranch and delivered them to George Ing the «lociIon of senators by the of prominent Filipinos, embarked to­ plosion of a boner in the Doremus should now be west of Kroonstadt. temperature 40 degrees below xero pox has made its appearance on the people Kohlhagen of Roseburg. The average * Several small commandoes are in was a frightful experience for many upper part of the reservation.” day on the United States transport weight was 1252 pounds, from which laundry. 458 West Madison street, this morning. eight persons were in- Relatives of Oregon school direct Sumner and sailed for Lucena. Prov­ of the stampeders. was deducted four per cent, making : stantlv killed, 42 were injured, and possession of the southeastern por- DAMS BURST. io**.'"'J*10* "ntployed as tea* lu-ra tlon of the Orsnge River colony, from the selling weight 1201 pounds. The ince of Tayabaa, Luzon, whero they several are missing. without unanimous consent of t ha TO CONTROL FISH INDUSTRY. which the garrisons of Dewetsdorp, price paid was 7*4 cents, an average Nine Persons Carried Away by Flood; will organize the provincial govern­ board. The cause of tne explosion has not of 545 03The total price paid for been determined with accuracy as Weepner, Smithfield and Rouxville Gigantic Canners’ Trust Being Formed One of Them Being Killed. have been withdrawn. A cloudburst In Marl* opn county, ment At the lime of their departure all was 58.286 90 yet. nn*l It will probably require an to Operate In Alaska. It is impossible not to be struck PROVIDENCE. R. I., March 14.— Aniona. «nrrlrd five miles of the pier was thronged with natives. official investigation to settle the with the fact that a great portion of track of (hr MnrhopH A Phoenix SEATTLE. March 14.—From Ju­ Two dams at Wanskuck, just north The Insurgents have surrendered Wheat—Walla Walla. 55©56c: Val­ matter. the former enemies of Great Britain neau comes the report that there is of this city, burst, carrying away two railroad. 600 rifles In the Province of I’am- ley. nominal; bluestone, 5714c per Reports of the number of dead In tn South Africa now frankly throw tn a gigantic trust being formed with wooden buildings containing nine per­ Oregon law which abolishes office pangs. Bulacan and Bataan during the bushel. the ruins run all the way from six to Flour—Best grades. 52.804753 40 pre 20. It is known that 36 employes of their lot with the British. Brandfort. many millions of capital, which will sons. one of whom was drowned. The of n»h * (tmmlssloncr. und creates a last four weeks. Kroonstadt and Bloemfontein com­ absolutely control every flsh cannery upper dam burst hrst. and the water barrel; grnhatn. 52 60. •Itnllnr one Involves question of the laundry had entered the place panies of ex-burghers are now bearing and the flsh industry of the entire with a rush swept away the lower dam The Methodists report 120 converts Mlllatuffs llran. 5'6 per ton; mid whi'tiier latter repeals former by Im before the explosion occurred, be­ a few minutes later. Over this lower In Mantis Isst week, and the Philip- dllngs. 521.50; shorts. 517.50; * hop. cause the automatic timekeeper found arms against the Boers. They state Alaska territory. Plication. their object Is not to operate against The report is to the effect tnat Mr. dam were two wooden buildings of to 116. pine Evangelical church claims In the ruins showed that number of their former comrades, but to defend Onflroy. once president of the Pacific the Allen print works. These build­ Two th< vll i wo - highwaymen entered the I«-. .. Oats—White, 44(f45c per bushel; registered arrivals, Two or three their homes and property against American Fisheries Company, a cor­ ings were crushed by the flood. Fire­ *te of llpe, near Emporia. Kan., ami have secured many new members. gray, 424143c. were entering at the moment of the marauding bands. Every town in the poration which practically controls men with ropes tied around their up a dox««n people«, (he Hay — Timothy, 5124712.50; clover, approximate fo­ Fr*'c State occupied by the British pantii of two store«. Three Persons Killed by Tornado. 57J79.5O; Oregon wild hay. 56477 per explosion, making the the flsh industry of the Northwest bodies crawled over the ladders tnl of 40 employes In und around the will soon become a center of British coast, is now in New York City mak spliced together to those who were Antonio Leonnr*lo<||. Antro lilmet Forest City. Ark . March 12 —Three ton. building. influence, extending a long distance Ing final arrangements for the incor clinging to debris, which had become Butter—Fancy creamery. 22*447>5c; «'" Abram Hnrturl. miners al the persons «ere killed and many Injured It Is reported that an officer of the In their vicinity. Over 13.000 refu­ poration of the company, which will lodged. He mine, in Hear t’leek, Colo., In this vicinity last night by a tor­ dairy. 18^20«. boiler inspection department warned gees are now within the British lines, hold in its grasp the Immense flsh The whole country below the ruined were caught by a snowslide. Eggs—Oregon ranch. 124712H«; Mr Doremus that the boiler was un­ nado, and 16 houses, and miles of and many of them demand arms and industry of Alaska. The flsh indus­ dams presents a scene of devastation. safe to use in its present condition. permission to take the field. If their try ranks next to mining in Alaska. th? *"* men w*r® h,,l,,,l “««right and fences and many trees were leveled per dozen. Poultry — Chickens. mixed, 53.50 •............... f •• / umiliV Boy Robbed His Father. al ,,,r “ m ,'y"»h*lto explosion to the ground. Ten miles northeast 474; hens, 54.505; dressed, Uli 12c Laundry employes, however, declare requests are granted it will be easy Seven canneries were In operation mu quarry near — El . Paso All were the tornado shattered the house of J. i per pound; springe, 54474.50 per 500,000 a system of self- light. 54.7 5 47 5; dressed. 6477*' per rescue began at once. One by one the statutory period It was supposed tract season. The company contracts t. the money they induced him to turn pound. . "» "’•*'l't*,*l i* reaolutlon request Induction coIla which makes conver- Veal—Large. 7 47 7*4c per pound; the wounded and bleeding girls were the traffic in fraudulent papers had pay 54 per ton for beets showing 1? it over to them. Before he could be carried to near by stores, where they been broken up when the commis­ per cent sugar, and 25 cents for eacl arrested, Mrs. Sproul's husband fled ng the department of the Interior to between New York and Lon- small. 814479« per pound. sation were given hasty medical attention sions of several notaries connected additional per cent. On the basis o to Germany, and a cablegram has ImJi Hn. W,'M< •<> I'tqiilrc Beef—Gross, top steers. 54 5047 easy as between nearby and then taken to hospitals in am­ with the practice were canceled by last year, this would aggregate 55 55 been sent to the German authorities 111 '■••ndltlAna nn*l give settle a don as 4.75; cows. 5 1 47 4.50; dressed beef, 747 bulances. to apprehend Sproul when he arrives. r*.i»o O*.ner* "n<' °*h**’a a hearing points. the government some months ago. per ton. Be per pound. • vc to forest reserve regulations Builders' Trlsl of Illinois. Northwest Postal Orders. Plenty of Recruits. Burglars Took 56.600 From Bank. Rich Strike In Republic Mine. After careful and patient Investi­ Newport News, Va., March 14.—O ’>/>"»nd gave Wilhelmina a new Washington. March 13.—The post­ gation the historical committee of the Argonia, Kan., March 13.—The pri­ ner builders' trial trip today, the bat Hpokane, March 12.—A well founded Washington, March 14.—An In­ office at Jett. Baker county. Or., will frown costing £2o.oon. report from Republic Is to the effect Society of California Pioneers has be discontinued after March 15. when vate bank of J. H. Springer was tieship Illinois more than measure*' crease of over 100 per cent In the up to expectations. The ship wai learned that January 24, 1848. was 4*i ../J1'1**0 «attic company bought that 51,400 ore has been struck In the exact date of the discovery of gold mail for that point will be delivered robbed by three men. and 52.600 in not taken out to deep sea. but was enlistments for the regular army sines Inn,i * "!'r|,R °f grazing anil mlncnil the Morning Glory raise. A streak cash and 54.000 in registered govern­ given a run down the coast, the malr the recruiting was begun, February In California by James W. Marshall. at Lime. '»nd In New Mexico. 8, has encouraged war department of­ The name of lhe office at Victor, ment 3 per cent bonds secured. object being to test her boilers ficials. They now feel confident that of eight Inches assayed that amount. «*.»,?,.nnln’»* heretofore unknown, re Assessments will cease, according to Mason county. Wash., has been About 5140 in gold and 58.000 in bonds Steaming out of the Virginia capes there will be no trouble In finding Blnck walnut canes from a tree on changed to Allyn. brn i "g. I"’,h horse anil the xe were left untouched. The robbers the battleship proceeded about 2f all the men necessary to bring the forests" '" n ,,,"covnrwf •« the Congo the directors. The Butte A Boston the farm formerly owned by Abraham secured their tools from the Santa miles down the coast. On her retur army up to Its just proportions be­ mine at Republic has 18 Inc hes ot ore Lincoln In Harristown township. Ma­ Power From Niagara. Fe section house near-by. The vault under a moderate forced draught, th* fore the date comes for the volunteer worth or er 2200 per ton. according to con county. III., were given to the ',irl< rommlgaionmerchants are a statement of Superintendent Nick­ members of the cabinet by the presi­ About 12.000 horse power Is trans­ was entered through the brick wall, ship's indicator showed her speed for regiments to be mustered out. For reI>rcscntatives to Cuba to erson. The strike Is at a depth of dent to whom they had been sent from mitted In the form of electricity from and the safe blown open with nitro­ two hours’ run to average 16.2 knots the week ended March 8, 755 recruit« an hour, with ICT revolutions. were obtained. tbi. côûntry^““1' fW ,o 160 feet. glycerine. Niagara to Buffalo. Illinois. quire ths Panama Canal,