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About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1901)
KLAMATH REPUBLICAN 1 VOL. V. Affi of nit ra KLAMATH nominations confirmed . FALLS, KLAMATli COUNTY, OREGON, MARCH 14, 1901. | torla charter. CABINET THE SAME Senate bill No 207. to Allea to Be Assistant Secretary of aide charter. President McKinley Renames All His Treasury, With fisvsral Othars. Senate bill No 56, Old Ministers. County Courts to declare 'innavigable WASHINGTON, Marc h 6 The sen WASHINGTON. March 7.—The pres From All Parti of the New World “ In eg«< utlve session made the fol Large Number of the Act» of the streams highways for floating logs ident has sent the follolng nomina , , lowing couthmatlona Senate bill No. 174, to authorize ex The Inauguration of President tions to the senate Rumored Changes in Manila’k and the Old. llradsti'-c-t H Itaeldeii. of Maine to pendlture of money for hatcheries Oregon Legislature. John Hay. of the District of Co William McKinley Police System. be consul of t|lu United Hiatus at Ba Senate bill No 189. relative to bi lumbla, to be secretary of state. tavla, Java ennial reports. Lyman J Gage, of Illinois, to be tec- Of INTERUT TO OUR MANY READPRS Milton E Alles, of Ohio, to be as WITH ANU WITHOUT HIS SIGNATURE Houee bill No 128, for distribution OCRING A HEAVY DOWN POCR OP RAIN rc tary of the treasury. LOCAL OFFICERS WERE OVERZEALOUS of laws and journals. I ■laiant eec retary of the treasury. Ellhu Root, of New York, to be sec- Willis«,. A 11..1.1.__ Ufi______________ Houae bill No. 276, to amend act William A Rubles, of Wisconsin, to >m|>-*h«Mlv« Rtvkw ol th« Impartant ttap. retary of war. Hills That W«r« Pasted by Both Houin But C smi of Alleged Treason Hereafter Will Be creating Southern Oregon Agricul- Crowd ol 40.000 Ptrtona Witnoud th« C«r«- b« i onsul genera! al Hong Kong ptningi of th« Past Waak h a John W Griggs, of New Jersey, to Which Old Not R«c«lv< Hit Approval i tural societies. Referred to the Governor Before Naval Constructor Francis moni<> - Oath Adminuttred by th« T. be attorney general. ( und«na«d F orwi. Until Altar Adjournment Bowles to l.v < |||a-f construí tor and Senate bill No. 1 138, making owners ArreiU Are Made. Chkl Justice. Charles Emory Smith, of Pennsyl * 9 « of vessels liable for I damage to pro chief of the bureau of construction vania, to be postmaster general. Over gealoug pull«» offi< era In M a and repair, in the department of tbe Governor Geer haa filed th« follow perty or land. Manila. March 7.—It is persistently WASHINGTON, March 4—William John D. I-ong, of Massachusetts, to Sila may •>” removed navy. Ing acts of the Oregon legislature Henate bill No. 194, to ameud M< Kinley a second time is president rumored here that Colonel Wilder, be secretary of the navy. A Ftul Stevens. Or. well digger was George I) Gear, to be second judge vyhll« some of them were allowed to Soldiers' Home act. of the United States. He was ushered Ethan A. Hitchcock, of Missouri, to chief of the Manila police; Captain Seriate bill No 62, to fix time of into that office in a city ablaze with rescued after being entombed ■ 11 of the circuit court of the Aral dr become laws Without bls signing Gaines, in charge of the Manila secret be secretary of the Interior. I them, most of them contain bls sig meeting of regenta of Htate Unlver- more and finer decorations than ever I cult of th« territory of Hawaii. bouts James Wilson, of Iowa, to be secre service, and Lieutenant Killesple will ally. Marshal II Wooqworth, to be at nature be ordered to rejoin their regiments. have graced the holiday loving na tary of agriculture. The first annual convention of the Senate bill No. 29-, to authorize tional capital, whose streets re No orders to this effect have yet been rattle (towers' association opened Iti lorney of the United Htate» for the «Henale bill No 76. to require street It Is understood that Attorney Gen rallwaya to provide vestibules or Portland to dispose of block 132. ; northern distric t of California sounded to the tread of more march eral Griggs will remain in office until Issued. General Davis, provost mar Denver i on atreví cars, House bill No. 62. to consolidate of ing soldiers and sailors than ever the president baa been John II Feeler, of Colorado, to be weather guarda able to select shal of Manila, denied having recom The appropriation for the Improve House bill No. 126. to punish kid flees of Clerk of County Court Clerk have participated in a like function, ■ onsul at Amoy. China. mended these changes. The officers his successor. Manila harbor will ba m«»t of of Circuit Court and Recorder of and bad as witnesses to the ceremon themselves assert that the stories are Edward II Anderson, to be sur napping It Is expected that the president doubled House bill No 183, to provide tor Multnomah County. ! veyor genera) of Utah. ies a vast multitude, who cheered fre wtll send the nomination of Robert circulated by persons Interestd in John D Rockefeller has given House bill No. 21, to punish des quently whenever be or his vlce-pres- McCormick, formerly of Illinois, but trading with the insurgents. It Is Post masters were confirmed aa fol- recording ■ hatte! mortgages. (11.000 to Vanear college tur a now l<JW B House bill No 237, to fix the bound tructlon of records on publfi' lands. Identlal colleague was visible. now a resident of the District of Co charged in certain quarters that the dormitory Houae bill No 286, to < bang« com Porto Rico Robert A Miller, at urles of Columbia county. There has been better weather on lumbia. to be minister to Austria, vice police are over zealous In making ar House bill No. 88. to require blds pensation of certain County Clerks Inauguration days, and there has been Minister Harris, resigned. rests of alleged Insurgents under Gen General A S Daggett. r«« ently ap- 1*0114 I». House bill No 149, to punlsb dese much worse than that which attended Oirgoit Robert II Robinson, Ar for furnishing public supplies. polnle<l brigadier g«u«ral of tbe army, The president Issued a new commis eral MacArthur’s proclamations. No House bill No. 122, to punish tree- cration of United States flag I llngton; C t. Cued. Dallas. today's ceremonies. The day in the sion to Mr. George B. Cortelyou, as notification baa been given concerning baa been retired puss by cattle In certain counties. House bill No 76. to amend act for early forenoon gave promise of being secretary to the president. the trial of Carman. Carranza and io be mineral land commlaalonern Cunimlasloner Itrx khlll. at Pekin, la Houae bill No. 177. to define loca election of road 'supervisors. ethers who were arrested by the po In Montana George L. Wales. Mon a golden spring day, but the weather trying to buld down the foreign In Houae bill No. 33, appropriating was in a capricious mood, and by noon lice on charges of dealing with the In tana, Daniel Arms. Philippsburg ; tion of natural oyster beds in Netarts FOR MAYOR OF CHICAGO. dsmnlty demands 81000 for Soda Springs. I John T Ingram. J M Hartley. Wil bay. surgents, and the police have been a slow drizzle had begun, which lasted Nothing Is known at Madrid of the Ham II I William». P. T. Morris. Ed Senate bill No. 162. fixing com pen with some intermissions and an oc Houae bill No 229. to fix weight of Carter Harrison Renominated by the ordered to refer all cases in which report of alleged fighting on the Hpan win A Jones, low». Edwin S Hath standard bushel of oats at 82 pounds sat Ion of prison Inspector. they shall subsequently obtain evi casional lively downpour until late in Democrats. lab Portuguese border Senate bill No. 79, correcting the afternoon. The worst of the wet Hous« bill No. 346, to prescribe du dence to the provost marshal for re away, t'harhs I D Curtí». Montana; CHICAGO, March 7 — Crater H. boundary of Wheeler County. weather, unfortunately, came just at Harrison was placed in nomination for port to the military governor for in The lumber warehouse of I* Cuntí Mlles 1 Vananagh. Montana; Watson ties of Attornev General. Senate bill No. 210, prohibiting sale 'he time that President McKinley was vestlgatlon before making arrests. • Wright, in Greenville. Or., was Boyle. I District of Columbia. Geo mayor of Chicago for the third time of liquors within a mile of mines. The commission has decided to W Garrett, Arkansas. being Inducted into office on the east by the democratic city convention to burti'-'l ix>ss 885.000 Senate bill No. 126, regulating front of the capitol. In the presence double the appropriation of 31.000.000 day. There was no opposition to his »' The German government has or drawing of State warrants. for tbe improvement of Manila har of a crowd estimated to number VAN DUSEN NAMED. renomination either at the primaries dared 300 barrel» of California brandy Senate bill No. 216, fixing salaries 40,000. But the air was mild and bor, and has passed a bill accepting yesterday or In today's convention, for usa by ita army and navy of certain District Attorneys. rise pleasant, and the day ended with dry and no ballot was taken, the nomina the transfer of the Manila public An Astorls Man Appointsd I Bamuel Mowr, who murdered hie Senate bill No. 72. to declare the weather. library. tion being made by acclamation amid W«rd»n for Orsgen. Wife and three children nt Pekin (>. Jurisdiction of Justices' Courts. A wagon train and a detachment of great cheering. Roosevelt Sworn In. gals 21 years In the penitentiary SALEM Man h 6 The state bi Senate bill No. 86, to create office for the signal corps, together with six The platform, as adopted, strongly The brilliant and impressive scene ver >f State Bacteriologist. . Private Eugene 1. Tyon. company of fish < ommlsalonrra. constating favors the ultimate municipal owner Macabebe scouts, were attacked by Senate bill No. 221, to provide for in the senate, when the vice-president fish A, Ninth Infantry, died at Tung Chow. th* governor, secretary of atate ship of "all public utilities." includ- the insurgents about midway between treasurer, today held Ila firat n> board to draft a Portland charter bill, elect was Inducted into office, was re China. February 28. of pneumonia ing street railways and lighting plants the town of Silang and Das Marinas, Ing and apixilnted 11 (1. Van lb. Senate bill No. 232, to regulate served for a few hundred. The pub of King Edward haa laaued a letter <>f Astoria master warden, and t^-wie and included a resolution of sympathy in Cavite. Three Americans were lic had no part In it. botidlng branch linen to railroads. county Judge la Baker county. killed and two of the Macabebe scouts paient empowering the Duke of Com Bean, of Roaeburg. deputy. When the ceremony in the senate, for the Boers. The extension of street were wounded, while one man is miss Senate bill No. 196, fixing salary House bill No 172. to amend the , wall and York to confer knighthood Th« appointments were made by law relating to the appropriation of Superintendent of Wheeler County. a little tedious, despite its brilliancy, railway franchises is eipected to be ing. Four horses and one mule were the most important question of the while he la In Aunt ralla the unanimous action of the members of waler from lakes and running Senate bill No. 23, amending school was over the floor and galleries killed. Captain Mair, with detach " Nine men charged with robberies Th« name of Representative Talbert streams emptied into the corridors through campaign, Contests were expected ments of Infantry and cavalry from law. over some other city offices, but little gad murderous assault and who were of Cla< kamaa county, was mentioned, Senate bill No 142. requiring state which the people jostled and squeezed Hous« bill No 97. to prohibit pub Silang, arrived at the scene of the swilling th« action of the grand Jury, but th«*board decided that he la not lie contrac ts In counties of 50 ooo in warrants paid to be deposited In of- Into the rotunda, and out on to the developed. surprise too late to intercept the brokt out of the Cumberland. Md . jail. eligible under that sc<tIon of the con habitants, except after public bidding flee of Secretary of 8tate. platform erected from the east por- enemy ’s retreat. DAWSON FEARS FLOOD. Senate bill No. 234. filing ssiarlet ileo of the capitol building. Houae bill No. 1. to amend the law A dispatch from Irun. a Spanish stltutlon prohibiting members of the of County Treasurers. PASSED A BOGUS CHECK. town near th« French frontier, says a legislature from holding an office relating I to mining claims. The President Inaugurated, Sudden Thaw of Snow Might Result Senate bill No. 116, authorizing House bill No. 39, to tlx place of as quantity of dynamite. In the custom created by a legislature of which Disastrously. It was Just 1 o'clock when the of- State Land Board to buy land at fore- bouse exploded, killing seven persons they are members. F C. Reed and sessment I of personal property. Man Who Served a Term in Oregon fleial party came through the main SEATTLE. March 6—Though it is l^wla Bean were also candidates for Senate bill No. 13. to fix place of as closure sale. sad Injuring many for Offense. doorway of the capitol. A deep hush yet early. Dawson is already figuring the offiie of mnster warden. Senate bill No. 44. filing terms sesament of personal property. RATHDRUM. Idaho. March 7.— The delay In the payment of the fell upon the assemblage as the pres on the spring breakup. Which is some There were two candidates from House bill No 200, to increase com of Circuit Court In seventh district Harry C. Collins, alias H. D. and H. O. first installment cm the c ruiser ordered Astoria for deputy warden ident and the chief justice advanced months ahead. With the passing of l> II pensatlon of deputy county clerk In Senate bill No. 114. defining elig ■ by the Turkish government from the to the center of the pavilion. The February it seems that winter is Davidson, and many other aliases, who Welch and Fred Wickman The tuia rd Malheur county and to provide assist Iblllty of directors of corporations. passed a 825 bogus check on Mrs. Cramps la caused by th« present pov- decided that alm e the master warden Senate bill No 220. concerning sal president removed bis hat. and then nearly over, although actually not O. Lavin here Sunday, was arrested ance for c lerk In Gilliam county, -•rty of th« treasury raised his right hand, In the Intense more than half There is considerable had been chosen from Aiftffiln. the Houae bill No 44, to sld Oregon arles of Baker, Malheur and Clatsop stillness faintly could last night by the city marshal of Ritz be heard the worry expressed over the probable The mtunorlal to Queen Victoria is deputy must he selected from some Historical Society. Counties. ville on information from the officials solemn words of the chief justice and flood in the spring which could to be a monument, th« most prominent other se. tlon. and Bean wan elected Senate bill No. 227. for construction Senate bill No. 112. to provide of Kootenai county. Sheriff Dyer the measured response of the presi easily occur should there be a sudden feature of which will be a stallie of departed last night for Ritzville, and boupty for scalps of seals, sea lions of ditch to supply water at state in dent taking the oath to maintain In thawing of heavy snow on the moun ths queen, to be erected hear West stltutlons. LETTER FROM PAT CROWE. etc. brought the prisoner here today. violate the constitution and laws of tains. Transportation men look upon Blaster Alibey or Buckingham palace. Harry C. Collins is the man who Houae bill No. 65. to authorize ap Senate bill No. 87. to amend charter the United States. He spoke tn a this snow as a good sign of high water The northwest woolgrower»' con Similar to th« On» He fient Mr. Cud pointment of clerks In state treas of North Yamhill. operated so extensively in Lane, Doug Senate bill No. 107. to Incorporate strong voice, easily heard by those for navigation. ventlun Opened at Pendleton las. Coos. Josephine and Jackson coun urer'a office. sdy Recently. near the front of the stand. His face Three thousand letters arrived on Yoncalla. ties, in Oregon, over a year ago. pass Houae bill No. 59, to punish poison A Cuban agitator stirred OMAHA. Neb.. March 6. — Pat up Senate bill No. 176, amending char looked very grave as the oath was the steamer Dolphin, from Nome, ing in those counties several thou *B anti • American dr munsi ration lu Crowe, one of the alleged abductors ing of domestic animals. pronounced. today. sand dollars' worth of bogus paper. House bill No. 121. to authorize is ter of Cornelius. Santiago. "He that handleth a matter wisely of Edward Cudahy. Jr., haa written Senate bill No. 191. for primary He was finally caught and sentenced suance of diplomas to certain grad the World Herald, post shall find good; and who so trusteth a letter to Attacked and Looted by Boxers. Carman, arrested at Manila for aid elections in cities of 10.000 inhabit- from Jackson county to serve one nates of normal schools. in the Lord. happy is he. The wise Ing the rebels, says in' sis not atone marked llenlaon. la. March 2. touch Victoria. B. C-, March 6.—From year In the Oregon penitentiary, His House bill No. 102, to prevent coer- ants. Ing the kidnaping and aaHcrting bls in heart shall be called prudent; and In the work. Corea news was received by the Senate bill No. 180. amending Aus ago. Innocence The communication Is a don of voters. the sweetness of the lips increaseth steamer Olympia this afternoon that time expired a couple of weeks A new course of study ___ ____ few and ite came to this section a Senate bill No. 137, to create office tralian ballot law. for Oregon long one and in many respects is a the learning.” 8000 Boxers had crossed from Man days ago and began the same business Senate bill No. 202, accepting 1.- high schools haa been adopted by th« duplicate of the letter written to Mr of county auditor In Multnomah Kissing these verses of the XVI churia and attacked and looted In again. He was in Sand Point a few 000,000 acres under Carey arid land ■Ute board of education. Cudahy three weeks ago. Chief of county. Proverbs with bowed head. President cherg. A thousand Corean troops had act. days prior to coming to Rathdrum, Senate bill No. 203, to Incorporate Benator Carter, of Montana, talked Police Donahue says there is no McKinley, for the second time, passed been sent against them from Seoul, Senate bill No. 10, amending law where he spent money lavishly, and it Milton City. “• fiver and harbor bill to death. doubt In his mind aa to the genuine completely Into the full honors of the and 500 from Ping Yang. The Rus Is stated on good authority that he House bill No. 100, to protect union relating to Jury lists, •Peaking 13 consecutive hours presidency of the United States. The ness of the letter, and of Its coming sians meanwhile have driven the Box passed a couple of small checks in that Senate bill No. 161, Incorporating I labels. book had been opened at random by ers south from Kirin and occupied , _* 0 V*B «»I Astoria, haa from Crowe. Chief Donahue gave out Houae bill No. 6. to fix time and Hood River. Clerk McKinney, of the supreme several Corean villages. Much alarm town. » Spp.>;¡ t«<i filh warden for Ore- the contents of a letter he wrote Feb place of No. 209. prohibiting sa Senate bill Papers and letters In his possession holding circuit court iu sec- court, who long has made it a point was felt at the northern mines, and «o» and txwl. Ilea«. of Hoaebuig, ruary 9 to Steve Crowe a brother of one! district. loons within 300 teet of schools. dsputy. to note as a matter of curious knowl the American camp at Wun Sun has prove beyond a shadow of doubt that Pat. and which was written in an House bill No. 294. making Van House bill No. 144. relating to pub- edge the verse which chances to meet been supplied with Maxims and small be is the H. C. Collins who reaped »aer to the' letter received by Mr A rn)4,.. couver avenue a county road. such a rich harvest from the people of >rka. Cidnhy at that time lie presentation of dramatic plays. the lips of Incoming presidents. The chief arms to resist any attack. House bill No. 334, governing Oregon. All the letters were ad- House bill No. 20. making legal cer- I es- says: estrays. dressed to him at Ashland and Jack- dry. "If Pat Crowe will surrender him tain murrlages. Three Years for Spencer. Veteran of Civil War Dead. House bill No. 113, defining duties sonville prior to his arrest by a House bill No. 3 il, to fix salary of self to me personally. I will waive all Tacoma. Wash.. March 6.—Arthur woman and one was addressed to him of surveyors. San Diego. Cal., March 6.—Major of my rights to the reward offered for county judge of Malheur county. House bill No. 208. relating to es- Francis S. Karie, a prominent Grand Spencer. Indicted for impersonating a at Jacksonville in care of the sheriff House bill No. 249, to tlx salaries rd- hla arrest: also to the reward offered United States official, pleaded guilty in after his arrest. tabllshment of public highways. of county treasurers. Army man, is dead. In 1860 he was <P- for his arrest and conviction for the House bill No. 295, prohibiting mu a member of a famous regiment of the United States court. He made a Houae bill No. 146, making It a :ter. kidnaping of Edward Cudahy. Jr., the plea to the court, charging Spokane tilation of hidea. Three Were Launched. New York militia, but the next year, night of December 18, 1900. I will crime to interfere with boundary authorities with cruel treatment, He him ! House bill No. 54, amending Ban London, March 7. — Arrangements marks of mining claims. when the war broke out. he had was sentenced to three years in the had been made for the simultaneous igu- further agree to do everything in my Houae bill No. 68, to prescribe croft bonding act. moved to Michigan, when he was ap zel It I power to protec t him from nn.v per method of apportioning state taxes, House bill No. 61. relating to incor pointed adjutant of the Fourth regi penitentiary at McNeil's Island. launching today of four new warships, tire zonal violence or mistreatment while poration of cemeteries. the Montagu, flrst-class battleship: the House bill No. 24, to provide for ment. by Colonel Woodbury. He was he la In my custody, and will nld him Mat Accidental Death. House bill No. 187, for service of advanced to assistant adjutant on the Albermarle. flrst-class battleship; the In every way to establish his Inno relief of Indigent soldiers, sailors, etc. citations. Denver. March 6.—W. C. Clark, sec- Drake, armored cruiser, and the Kent, House bill No. 26, new military dis- staff of General Fltzjohn Porter. renew of the crime. Senate retary of state of Colorado, in 1876, armored cruiser, but owing to the un code. line met accidental death in the Wade favorable weather at Portsmouth, the Portland Officers Made Raid on Houee. bill No. 110, protection of House h II Dewet Headed but Not Captured, No. 280, to annex the Houae Chehalis, Wash.. March 6.—Deputy block, in this city, this afternoon. He launching of the Kent had to be post and larndon. March 6 A dispatch front game, forests, wild flowers, etc. Senate bill No. 201. to provide panhandle of Union County to Baker Sheriff James Matson and a posse tripped while coming down the stairs poned. The Montagu was launched at General Kitchener, dated Pretoria, made a raid on a secluded house a and fell to the bottom, breaking hie Devonport, the Albermale at Chatham more efficient method of assessment County. csS March 4. Buys: No. 139, the Orphans' mile and a half east of Centralia this neck. He was 62 years of age. Senate bill and the Drake at Pembroke. and taxation. "Dowel was moving on Phlllopolls. «es Sennte bill No. 177, to Incorporate Home bill, appropriating 160 per morning, and surprised and arrested ine- but was headed by our troops, and la Ambassador to Mexico. capita for inmates. two men, who give their names as H. Porter to Stay at Paris. ths now marching on Faureamlth. Bub- City of Wasco. new aesicm, Senatp bill No. 73, enacting the B. Miller and James Mulligan. Both New York. March 6. — General Incorporate Senate bill No. 193. to Paris, March 7.—The reiterated ru Ington has dug up ft Krupp, a pom Torrens system of public land regis men were armed with heavy re Powell Clayton, of Arkansas. United mors that General Horace Porter, T r City of Grass Vnlley. sawmill at Manor, pom and some nmmunlMon at Land tration. Wash., volvers. and in the house were found States ambassador to Mexico, is at United States ambassador here, in Sennte bill No. 63. to regulate sale eight mile, from Van- fonteln Sixteen men of the Victorian twnv«r. a number of articles which tended to the Fifth Avenue hotel, He wUl be tends relinquishing his post and re Senate bill No. 188. tbe primary of adulterated food, drinks, etc., and I *»• burned. The mill was Rifles have captured 33 Boers and 60 connect them with the numerous bur in the city until Monday, when ho turning to America, are authoritative define duties of dairy and food com election bill. »’"•«•ticixlly n, * »nd had horses at Beacow river General Dart been In op- Houae bill No. 189, to construct the glaries that have occurred in Cheha- expects to go to Chicago and then to ly denied at the embassy as pure In missioner. about » year. R win valued nell has captured a Hotchkiss near his home for a few weeks. « 88500 Sennte- bill No 229. to amend As- vention and without any basis in fact. County Court of Multnomah County. Ila. 1,0 Insurance. Plctertleff. 1 Buy the Samoa. Movements of Transports. Ploy«’It',n,'""'ry of Chinn _____ Fell 400 Feat to Death. Large Win« Crop. Soni ol Pmidtnt John Tyltr. On the Retired List. em- Ran Francisco. March 6.—The big Lyons, Frame, reports that the wine Washington. March 7. — Tbe trans Three sons ol President John Tvler has transport steamer Samoa British Tacoma. Wash., March 7.—M. M. I Washington. March 6—Two prom I orop ol France for the year 190(1 will are now living. One is a member of been purchased by the government, port Logan started from Manila the Laughlin, master mechanic In the on the nont nitval offleera were placed * writer on of the exceed 1,791,000,000 gallons, a yield the Virginin senate, and another is and when she arrives in port 2200.000 1st Inst, with Generals Young and Treadwell mine, while alighting from modern waterways retired H»t •<”'“> bv 'rart1,hH' that has been surpassed but three president of William ami Mary col will be spent In fitting her up for the Hare. 25 officers and 769 men of tbe the cage, missed his footing and fell near future They are times in history. electric! law on account of age. *rtl°n win t„. lege. transport service. The Samoa Is on Thirty-third volunteer Infantry, and 21 400 feet, to the bottom of the main universally adopted Rear Admiral Philip C. Hlchborn. who m p»nala. her way here from Hongkong, and is officers and 785 enlisted men of the shaft, Thursday last. He leaves a Militarv and Navy Mantuvtri. Prtient Method of Branding Cru«l. line been chief of the bureau of con expected to arrive in about ten days. Thirty-fifth volunteer Infantry. Gen widow and four children. He was ■tructlon »nd repair for the past eight The war ami navy departments are Cattle men in **outh Dakota are geu- Is I i I to lie In ..... hh ..... "iniinem <■ Hn,t She Is 445 feet long, 23 feet 8 Inches eral MacArthur reporta that the trans formerly a locomotive engineer on the »ngsr of drying up, the years, and Pay Inspector H. G. Colby, plannng (or joint milltary and uaval orally agreed that it is time to abandon upon it 7 . ■’ “i’- mu one of the rsnklng officers of the pay in anso vera iu New York harbor uext the present method of branding cattle In depth, 53 feet In width. Her gross port Lawton arrived at Manila the 1st Northern Pacific, and was in the Ta '•Wffinients 'C dU" t0 lrr,“n,lon Inst, from San Francisco. tonnage Is 6396 tons. coma fire department. as cruel. suiu mer. corps. fllfD ST ÛOV. OttO