NO NEGROES IN THIS TOWN. Nothing Tastes Good WHAT ARMY OFFICERS EAT. Inertias ol Working Woman. I women GOVERNOR OF ORECON Uses Pe-ru-na For Colds in His Family and Grip. «i«a k«nt«cbs Village froaaa Which the u «ut tuif Only 50 »sears ago, but oue Nlavh Maa 1« Har,«4. worked to every 10 men. At ptesoul Calvert City. In Marshall County. Iu ♦ No one outside of the army has any the ratio Is one to four. Thirty years Kentucky. IS cue ot tliv few plat«« IU MRKNT8 OF GROfINU GIRLj (n, Idea of tlie variety of commissary ar ago two-thirds of all the self-support- the world that has effsK'tuaUy a»>lv«d And enting is simply perfuno- APPRECIATK IT. lug womeu were domestic servants. tides which are carried In the sub th« raev problem Not a uvgru Is to Iw Today only one-thitd are so employed. tory—done because it must be. slstence storehouses at artny poets (uuml within a radius of a dua«u miles, Tli» le Tulli i » f • B*eihar Thia ia the common complaint of The preveut extensive stock Is a grad anJ th« u»gr«i la yet to b« dleiuveted Ulularsi tur Hla l>««ghi., , " ’’ World io End Thls Tese. ual growth since IMid, when the old who has any peruiauvut ilvali« io corn« the dyspeptic. K»v«i ver y, Thi- 1« thè recent deeision of otte ot Ih» here. If eating sparingly would cure army sutler was supplanted by tlie protniiieiil societies ol thè World, bui thè post trailer, who In turn was driven out «Xa«'l dat ba* uot tei beoti li seti optiti aliti No. 01 Lincoln nvauus, Cottland \ To threaten a negro with Calvert r dyspepsia, few would suffer from it ■ of the service h.v tin exposure of cor w lille therv are ver» few people w ho beitele . City Is to brlug tie fore his frightened Y.. was uue« a Imi» of *,tlow C. long. sailneas. The daught«r of " ruption and collusloo which Involved thts preti ici uni, tìitrv are tltousands of vision pictures of death mure horrible orberà »Ito noi nuli' la-ite» e. bui know tlini Uiucka, thè prlde ut thè lmu«.'hii|d* The only way to cure dyspepsia, even the wife of a cabinet officer anil Hostelter s Bitter» is thè Itesi lhau by lyuclilug ' dragged the latter luto retirement. medicine to cune ilvepepsia. liullgvsttmi, The pea»cable, law abiding aplrtt that eeenied gollig ini» » deiillm» «a which is difficult digestion, is to reai'hed ber sai Ir womauhood «u.i h‘* The post trader carried a tew ar eonstinatìmi, billousues» or liver and kid- prevails In the little Kentucky tuwu Is give vigor and tone to the stomach tides which h«‘ sold to the otHcers and ne» ironbles A fair trial wiil cvitamly swiftly ba n I a lied w lieu a negro ap conditigli cauae l Die grnAt.a| ornivi lice jou of ila valile. and the whole digestive system. mon at exorbitant prices, and on»' of pears. If I)«* k»-epa going lie Is nut ; In thè famlly. Ih« happy «„.n,, Hood'« Sarsnoarilla cured tho ltiece of the choice government "snaps" was a luoleated. provided be attend« strictly i thè mailer aaneed ooiiahleraliln ««.-||, As She Remembered Him. | nielli In thè nelghl.rhooil «mi, W) * Frank Fay, 100 N, St., South Boston, post tradership, for which men were to Ills own iitTalia niitl dime nothing tu ! quaetioiieil l.y a re|airt«r, Mr. Louèù# Nass., »»ho w rites that she had been a willing to pay large sums that they k Mr. Skitnmerhorn (as the partici provoke the eiei alert Imatlllly of the ■ >< great sufferer from dyspepsia for sis years! Iliade ih« follo» liig atalemcnt ' * pants in the debate became perdonali— had Iwvii without appetite ami had been might have the prot»>dlon and license ivaldcula Hut lie cau neither take up "Ahont twn y«ar« ago my 'tanghi,, troubled with sour stomach ami headache. of the goveniment hi robbing the help I was a thuudenug fool when 1 asked CAPITOL BUILDING, SALKS, OREGON. hie al>ode there uor remain over all who wna thmi III hsr liuti »,.,(, She bad tried many other medicines in less army officers anti soldiers of re- you to marry mel ulglit. and so disastrous have btM'ii all tuoi health. Mia waa pa|« „„j M|. vain. Twit bottles of Hood's bar.aparilla Mrs. Skimmsihorn — Well, you look- A Letter From the Executive Office of Oregon. . mote frontier garrisons. The variety made her well. past attompta to brenk ibis unwrllleii, •d it, dear. wilhout elraiigth ur ittalHv. tu f,„ , h of the post trader's stock was as lltu- Th« governor of Oregon ia an arvleut | out of its victims, 1‘e-ru-na not onlv (nil uoiie the lesa, ntrlugeiit law, that no »■ondilion waa llial wlileli 1« generali» Hood’s Sarsaparilla lteii as Its quality was Indifferent. admirer of Pe-ru-na. He keeps it cures catarrh, but proveut«. Every negro would today dare to move lulu | called all run down. Krmtily for Grip SufY»*r«r«: Wi «rare o( When the i>ost trader was banished coutiuually in the house. In a receut household »houh* be supplied with this Caber! City ami aiiiiouu<-e bls lllleuiluu Garfield Tea cleanse* the system« Promises to cure and keeps the .nurse, worrls»! stani ber ami empio,, the subsistence department of th«- purifies the blood, aids diges great remedy for roughs, »olds, *m*l so of remaining letter to Dr. Hartmau he nays: ad lite liea« physlclans tu allenii ha, promise. Don't wait till you are army extetiihsl Its system so as to em tion anti heli's nature throw off lot th. State of Oregon, The to»» ii llaelf la a small place of a They studlsil ber rase «mi althmm, disease. It is made from HKKB8. worse, but buy a bottle today. brace something besides the ration It will l»e noticed that the governor few bundled liiliabllanla, altual<sl ou Exeeuti-.e Department. thsy did everythlng poaslbl«, g,,, tlrf which it purchased and Issued to Salem, May 9. 1898. says he has not hail o*i'ti«l>'ii to u»e Hie Illinois Ceulral railroad, only a I troops. It began to keep such articles Rather Ancient lliei»'»- doseu miles from I'adueah. Hie metro- no rollai wliteh waa perinati«nt. yj,« The Pe-rnu-na Medicine Co., Co- 1's-ru-ua for other ailnienla Perpetual Motion Discovered. lata Dr Angle had tirai i «|)n | g| as smoktHl fish, sirups, eauned oysters eon for this is, most other ailments be« pollauf Smiths eat Keutllcky. Criteek—‘‘That western Napoleon of 1 utti t>ua, O.: James Conroy, of Jersey City, N. Y., teiition l.> Dr. Williams* Plug pm, (1|f and lobsters. Jellies. Jams. dour. hams, fluence whom you have written up in gin with a oold. Using I'e-tu-na to Dear Sire:—I have had occasion to The lutellso hatred of (lie uegru datra Pale l'Miple, alni my wlfs had hear»l claims to have devised a system of coffee, candies and stilt. The list was today's paper must bo a man of •nor« use your Pe-ru-ua meilicine in my promptly cure colds, he protects his back twenty years or more. Few |ir»»- they wrre a lina bulle, mi «n de«q,|k| epringe and weight which, operating a meager one. but it w as the beginning niotts longevity.” family for colds, and it proved to be family against other ailments. Ibis is fees to kuow Ila origin, and many claim as a balance, will run machinery with tu try tliem tur my daughter. \\ « of an elaborate system and an exteu nu excellent remedy. 1 have not had exactly what every oilier tstnily tn the Editor—'‘Why?” out the aid of fuel, electricity or any that Ii waa tarn lu tbo |>«H»plo, but some ao ami inalila ut «ighl «rese III« nr|. United States «httulil do. Keep I ’ e ru- sive stock. The department has Im occasion to use it for other ailments. "You eav, 'He is reputed tu have other motive power. tie in the house. Use It for cough«, of the older Inhabitable diH-lure that It niary rauso of her troulda w«« remo«, proved its supplies year by year, keep made $6,000,000 in as many years.' ' Yount very truly, W. M. Lord. colds, la grippe, and other . Inn all • af had Ha luceptlon years ago. w lien i»»o ed ami alio show ad a .le. |i|n<| gaio ig Auy num who wishes perfect health ing In ntlnd the needs and the desires r»OBS tlx Covp/t and lieallb, atrruglh ami tirali, Psrmanwstljr «'ur*1. No fits er nsrroosMM must be entirely free from catarrh. lection« of winter, ami there wl«i I'» uegroea married w title Womeu and act MforAs Off tha Cafd. of the enlisted men. the otliceni and F|TQ Rllw aftrr nrst I »»'• hr Klno'a tire«! Nerv« gira» Iiiany people wl|| boy g Laxative R-oino-Qutnine Tab eta enre a cold In their families. These supplies are out K d «l nr IMnd ». r Fit EE S'^.OOtnwï iK-ttlrwD.i Ural Catarrh is well nigh universal; almost no other ailments iu the liott-e -itch Ill'll there The aieralou of I lie piMqile one day. No cure, No Pay. Price 25 cents. im . Da.K.11 K l . xs . 1.14 ArxhSf . PUiladfdpkua. Pa. medicina and tabe a few di «sa 1hi>t| iMMaiiie so great that numerous al families should provide themselves omnipresent. Pe-ru-na is the only ab side the regular ration and are sold at solute safeguard known. A cold is the with a copy of Dr. Hartman's lire l«a»k, tempts, resulting In coii«ldeiabl»> tiliH'd- It Ihey ara noi cura I they thr.iw i| contract prices even to officers and Georgs Washingtons in the Civil War. Three Rules ol Life. beginning of catarrh. To prevent «untied “Winter Catarrh.” Address shed, were nisile to expel tlie iiilaiuati'd astila aa m» good, or tabe II apa«mo»l|,-. men on the retire»! list, provided they The attention of ths pension burean F.dward Everett Hale gives the fol colds, to cure colds, is to cheat catarrh , l)r. Hartman, Columbae. Ohio. couples, sml «-»eutually they weie alle. We ballava |» a lair trial la certify that the supplies are intende»! has been callad t> one regiment in the lowing three good rules for life: First, strie* accordam« »Uh dlrrotious sud driven away. civil war in which, according to the for their own consumption. live as much as itosetble iu the open Olir fallhltillieaa was rewardad (or ah« I hl«> aroli«» <1 lite bitterest lioatlllty In the list of fo»xis there are now all air; second. touch elltows with the Netda to Ba tins«Utah rolls. 28 colored George Washingtons among tlie m-gn>ea, and the white |ie»» w«a greally tanetlls«! l.y thain, ||M Ink Uxd by Ancient Romans. kinds of canned and evaporated fruits, rank and tile; third, talk every day served. We have an idea that a woman has pie a»Hiii grew to so bate tlie eight of culor »’ama to bar cliaeba ami «ha con Pliny says that the liquor of the cut canned vegetables, fish and meats, with a man vou kuuw to oe your su tinua.! to gal» In walghl and atr-ngih. LIFF OF Ql'KZX VICTORIA. tlefish was ofteu used by the Romans to He ttuaellish to live comfortably one that ciery negro waa a ill 11 lua tely four varieties of soup, four varieties of perior. Wa baia told a greal maire lampi« through that period when her sous pre run out of the vicinity, ami one has Complete life nf Queen Victoria Rest as an ink. It was considered superior crackers and three varieties of white b«"k, best terms. Outfit vomì led free. aboul thain aud baia Uwu gladio do fer young gtrla to her. and her hualaml sugar. There are all kinds of spices Addrati s. ('. Miller X (u Furtlaud. Or. Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sootb- to the lamp black preparation, but it begins to take his daughters out ami neier be» n kuow u to live lu those parts so. " since. and seasonings, sauces and Jellies, t-g r-vrup tho best remedy to use for the’r was not used so freely on account of Mg ned. (ÌEORGE I.Of’CKH. leave her at home. Stock Exchange Membership Not Taxable. lu rei-ent years there has tieen no its much greater coat. among which are four varieties of children during the teething period. hubacrib«H| and awiirn In Ulufi m« serious trouble, liut It la satlmaled that The appellate division of theaupreme pickles and two varieties of table The liest F rese rl pt Ion fwr Melari* Ibi« 29tb day of Jone, limo Hom« Truth. TOP KNOW WHAT YOV AKK TAKIVO rhtlls and Fever I* a bottle of Grove's I sstrlr»« no lees than ti ll or a dozen negroes who conrt of New York state has oecided sauce. There are four brands of ci When ton taka Grove's Taateleaa » hill Tonic, Chill Tonic. It is simply Iron and quinine In F. C. PARSI>NH, Mr. Bidtile—Those shoes are absurd becau»« (be formula :a plainly printed on every had arttb*»l lu the nelghtarhood bare tbit memberships in the New York gars and four varieties of smoking to Notar» l’ublle. bottle abowtnr that it la aitanly Iron anti Qul- a taele les* form. .\<> « urr, No Pay. Frire or ly small for you, my dear; but oue tieen shot from ambuali or other wise stock axbeange are not taxable. bacco, with other¿moklng articles and uiu« la a taateleM form. No Curo, No Fay. Ju< Dr. William«' Pluk Pili« t >» p,|, must suffer to be beautiful, I know. mysteriously kill«*»!. supplies. Sometimes these varieties do New Proposed National Park. Peopla ara aolil by all »laaler«, or «HI Mrs. Biddle—Ah! but how oue suf Rang« War in Wyoming. Thia rrprrheuelbls means of etter ha salii fai sny ad.lreaa poelpaln, un re- not meet all the demands of the army, B tat * op O nto . Crrr of tolkdo , > The uational park of 1,297 square fers trying to be polite you will never L ucas C ounty . y mliiallng them, however, waa always celpt of prlea. 50 reni« a tag, or alt and additional kinds are provld<*d. but A tierce range war has been prevail miles proposed at Ute head waters of P ban * J. u hknky mskes oath thst he la the ten i or parter of the firm ot F. J. < nnnky «k Co., there is a limit placed on certain arti know. ing iu Northwest Wyoming between the Mississippi will, if it is estab adopted as a last resort, and no oue laura for $ ? ftil, by l»r. Williams ,M«d- doing business in the Citr of Toledo, County cles, and the department does not pro the sheep and cattle men. In oue day lished. t>« the lirai tu the ceulral region waa ever punished for relieving the I» lue Co., Scheuectady, N. Y. and State aforesaid, and thst said firm will par community of their preseme. the anm ot ONE HI NDREO DOLLARS for earn vide more than ten varieties of cigars the cattlemen drove the sheep over a of the country. and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured (none costing more than $d per $100. precipice and killed 2.000 of them. Sp«ful$ Millions loe Amusement by the use of H all ' s C atamsh Craa. FRANK J. CHENEY I >1*1 Hrrvania* Priaea. or $12 In the open market), six varie- The .Knirri'Nti people urn great th«* To Prevent th« Plagu«. This signature is on erery box of the («nums Sworn to before me and subscribed in my Population vs. Miles of Railroad. On the Austrian emperor's fete day a • trr gi ars an<l s|x»n<l mlxtut $ I I ï.Ouu,. tl»>s of pickles or crackers and five of pretence, this Sth day of December, A. D. 1886. Laxative Bromo-Quinine T»bieu Ceylon is setting its buns* in order uumla-r of prises were dlstrlbulrd to smoking tobacco or soup.—Saturday While New York state ia first io A. W. GLEASON, U>s rsiusuy that ear«« a la •»■»• *ay lu aervauts who have I hm - u a long time 000 annually for auch am u mtn amt. f____ I Sotary Public Evening Post. point of population it is seventh IU against the arrival of the plague Ball's Catarrh Cor« 1« taken internally and acta miles of railroad, according to oue au the past year In Colombo the muniti- In the same aliuatluu. The prise was Literary Note From th< Century Co. directly on th* blood and mocoo, surlacaa ol DRUNKEN COWS IN A FIGHT. 8EED DEALERS. thority. Illinois, the thinl in popula pality has bail rat* killed. about 115 lu each taae. First on the th« ,y«tem. Send lor testimonial«, free. The Century in to have a serial story tion, is the greatest railroad state, r. J. CH ENK Y A CO., Tolado, O. Sauguinurv Conflict Take« Place After Hat was a »alet. ag»-»l «1, who bad Bold by druzgtits, 7oc. hy Irving Bacheller, the author of that with nearly 11,000 miles of track. • -Meal on Fermented Cane. Ball’s Family Pills ar« th« best. aervnl forty all c<>li«r< iitlie years lu The most exciting affair in the vicini popular novel, “Eten Holden.” It ia Pennsylvania ia second both in popula one famlly The sm-ottd was a nurse, a border tale of 1812. Two ty|>ee ot Fried Smelts. ty of Bronson. Fla., of late was the fero tion and in railroad tracks. 72 years old. who bad s**rve<| forty two the men who have helped to make Smelts can be fried to perfection in cious combat between two of Farmer America are set forth in it: one, a years lu or.e family, a maid of all work. Bend 1er FREE -IHl UATAltxilE the blazer. Clean them, wipe dry, Hawkins' Intoxicated cows the other Northern Yankee, quaint, rugged and 77 years old. who bad nerved forty oue day, causing the death of oue after a Portland SEED Company, season and dip in Hour or fine bread yi-ars In a nunnery, ram« next; then wise; the other, a man who has the V- If roe bsvso l a rweulSf bwsltbr morfBsol «MM an under cook, aged 51. crumbs. Egg them, dip in crumbs fight that would put a modern bull hardy traits of a Puritan with the ro Portland, Ort. who had 136 Front Street. bowel« wrerr dar. r-’U re •(«•* > r w. b* sr*p p< ur again and try in plenty of hot butter, fight to blush. bowel« open an* bw veil lure« iu tbw«bap«<>f served thirty nine years III a boy's or mantic temperament of a cavalier. rloisol pbyslf or pUI pulton 1« tin xvr<>u« th* Hawkina lives four miles from Bron The scene of the story ia in the neigh torts with sauce tai tare and Saratoga m.xtthru wAalwet u><>at way v* «Mp<M l*»e phanage. M w «1« clear and clean is tv vase son and prides himself upon his tine borhood of Lake Cake Champlain, and chips. There was a maid of all work. age*l stock. He makes lots of cane sirup the title ia ‘‘D'ri and I.” It will be Annusi < si«;-'«; ir tu w rrs-ly .1 7'1. who ha*l sorvod thirty nine years CANDY TBK HERB CURE FOR GRIP. >>n f»«iuc*i r ili liti, of • - pi 1 se luf also. In the grinding season most of gin in the March Century and run for In one family, a kltcheu maid. <•> years CATHARTIC fa m. ry, b»c* <>r |a/4»n Grip and colds may be avoided the farmers In this country make beer six months. old. who lia*l t>een lu the household of by keeping the system c eansed, BULLL LAMHtHbON S SONS. for home consumption from the "cane the blood pure, and the diges> Prtm esa Clementine of Coburg for thir PIO Front Street« Portland. Ore. skimmings.” but Hawkins is a stanch tion good. Take Garfield Tea. I do »ot believe Piro'a Cure for Consump ty nlm* yesrs. i-aiiie nest, an*! then. <M teetotaler and vowed he would give the tion has an equal for coughs and cold'« — years old. camo one who had l>ecn a skimmings to his cows, So be fillet! the Jons F. Bovca Trinity Springs, Ind., Feb. To the Housewife. laily'a rnnld to Harotieaa t'tilcy for thir 15, 19W. Never leave canned goods in the can trough full the other afternoon. not ty eight years. Steam Patrol Wagon. after it has been opened. Their con dreaming of the tragic consequence to Altogether there were twenty one Plwstsnl. Pslata’ « f’otwnt Tss'tiGnort rv>Qtwwi. follow. Nevwr Htrfeen W«*4hon or Grip* i> :«w Writ« name« <>n th»- Hal. and the abort eat term tents should be placed in an earthen Hartford's new steam patrol wagon, ror fr«« saiapl« sotf ;> • ■» t . • been* a • ■ ■■■«a Soon two of his pet cow» came tip which cost $4,toU weighs 3,000 pounds dieb immediately. Many people have •torllag Sawed i I **yM>. th Wage, ■*wM«*l, Re* Voet US* of service was thirty yeara. Our cor been poisoned from eating goods that and began drinking the liquid. It tast an<l is operated at an expense of two r»-a|xindrnt remarks that the mletreaaea ed good, and the cows wanted more. and a half cents a mile. It is of 11 ■ -i have stood in open cans. of these good people »Irserved prises, Must Signatur* of Soon they had on a goodly “Jag" and horse power and runs from 15 to 80 too. for they must surely have lovable That Dull, Awful Fatal they got belligerent One plunged at miles an bonr. Io five minutes a tempers If they can X» on l»rlng wait«»! Il’aasiek hesdsebe Cure lit Avoid It! Cat. POULTRY NETTINO. the other, trying to get possession of ■tea tn pressure of 200 pouuds oan be ear-la * and» Csibartie give quick relief and Roy from the mannfaelorar. Prie« la tuli mila upon by ladles' maids ami maids of all the trough. The other, with a bellow generated from cold water. prevent beads* bea If taken tn time. AU drug- 2 feet wide. 10 feel lour li M work of the ages named, giau Wc. sic, We. of defiance, gored her antagonist In the ».............................. II « " ...................... . J to side with artistic skill. The other turn TO Cl'RK A COLD IX ONI DAT Mllterlan Klvera Well t.lghtevl. Cart of the Eyes. -tn ed tail for a moment and then came Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All * “ « K One of the moat remarkable featurea truniau refund the money II It falls to cur«. If you would have good eves, never rushing back, pinning the cow to a post All Kindt ot Wire and Iron Work. E. W. Grova'a sisnature Is on each box. 2.’. of the Russian navigation of Kltarlan read, write or sew immediately after and goring her frightfully. PORTLAND WIRE A IRON WORKS rivers consists In the thorough way In coming from comparative aarkuess 1SS Front nt., Pi.rtlanit, Oro««n. To Remove Paint From Clothes. The fight then became general. The FOI IEAIAML which each verat of the navlgalde into a bright light. •I a WHOLE CARDEN infuriated animals bellowed and A painter advisas how paint ran, be FOR IIUINEU. or more la light»'»!. There la always a plunged at each other and fought with removed from clothes that will wash. lamppost In sight, ami these are paint FOR BIUOUSIEtS. Carter's Ink deadly earnestness. This was kept up For a white garment or auy goods that W.em. I« h '.. «• « .. a> '»<.« ■ ff»r p»l white or red. ao a« to tie »MisUy die FOR T0RH0 LIVER. ba> the largest sale of any ink In the world, n«i*»r*s • »••• »•• •■■* I "ma««» cernlble during the day. Thia iiiuut because it is the best ink that can be made. for a half an hour, when one was will not fade, boiling water is sotii*. I • FOR CONSTIPATION. 11s. N.>rXK*«t> |..t«> I» knocked down In a dying condition, and cient. For colored cottons rub coin* Mama ».«orli. »»*»*«■» ne.esaltat»- the employment of at Iraat Ksri.rwl. «*•••« ’ •»»»A*» - FOR SALLOW SUI. the other was Just able to walk around mon kitchen soap thoroughly on the A Municipal Pawn Shop. 1,<MW llghtkeepers, who also patrol and Iti» Ito** FOR THE COMPLEXION 11 Iff lUballUl Ito sound the river's depth within their re Chicago has the only municipal and bellow triumphantly, The men spot, and let it soak in clear water |A r ••• aa»A®A »*’•»»<* KtotfStak >»*»••• • •' I ' apectlvc beats. Each Isolated woodpll» pawn suop in tha country, Pari* sad folks heard the uproar, but did not get over night, when the paint will readily P* Wsrik SI »*'— I«-«'« other European cities nave bad them to the scene of the warfare In time to peel off, leaving no etain and without muat have Ita guardians, who live near 11 art W. .Ill mall »■■« any injury to the fabric. stop It. in operation for many years. CURE SICK HEADACHE by In a log hut or two. Mr. Hawkins Is out one cow. but has I-.... » «.a 1 i . •* ...• «• " tft ibte 1,n lots of experience, The old settlers An Kn-rptlimal l.ake (k.IrriO.I.a tdtoJM« !•••«•* around there say this Is a common oc An Interesting exploration of l.ake poto*««« •$ •' • I-* harrRl ss«! •> »••I**»» * *'•*'u L . «a. currence where cattle drink this skim Tanganyika ami tlie country north of ---------- aa* v>. arts Pfl lifrHHli mings, as It makes them fighting drunk It, finlsbed reiently, revealed the fact l ifi and a scrimmage follows. In the old that while certain •»•• inolluaca are times It was one of the boys’ sports to IT LEADS THEM ALL found In thia lake. It la the only one, You ean't maha a mlataS« II yoa (Hi of all the large African lakes In which The blood may be ia bad condition, get a drove of cattle in an Incloaure Cyclone” Thresher eueb phenomena are observed. Thia yet with no external aigaa, no akin and feed them with cane skimmings watch the fight that would follow. and lake la only a short distance, some eruption or sores to indicate it. The For Infants and Children. eighty mil««, from the great (>>ngo b. symptoms in such cases being a variable When He Held the Jack. rin. much of which, wltlioul doubt w as appetite, poor digestion, an indescribable ‘‘He was a aoftish sort of chap, but once covered by tlie sea. weakness and nervousness, loss of flesh played a tolerably fair game of seven- PORTLAND. ORECON. and a general run-down condition of th« up,’’ said ex-Hheriff Warren K. Ridg Bli-yi'liata in France. way, of Pike County, Pennsylvania. System — clearly showing the blood hat M Thereareln France—chiefly In Parla— lost its nutritive qualities, has become this “We were sitting In, up at Lacka over half a million registered blcycllata. Don’t You Want AveCetaWe Preparalionfor As- and watery. It ia in just such cases that wanna, playing for a quarter a corner. In 1WM the number was 203,1 >20 and In " If You Buy a Nrw I knew be was dead gone on a girl up Tho prettieat I alendar out thia teaioa! simila l mg the Food and Retf ula - 8. S. S. has done some ot its quickest and lHIMI 483.414 Each one pays a tax and If to. .end your uaiuo and alao name, ami at the Narrows, and so remarked, casu ting the Stomachs and Bowels of ail.lleue« ol n h ram er. n. . ,,.ir nrlab- carries a lli'enae. The above number most effective work by building up ths bo bood, andoi.e win I.« „ «Ued you fr«. ally, early in the game: does not Include motorcycles nnd mo Addrwss. blood and supplying the elements lacking “ ‘Every time a fellow gets the Jack IMAMS .■"( HILDKI.N tor cars, which are far more plentiful to make it strong and vigorous. A. H. BOYLAN, of trumps In seven-up It's a sure sign In France tlmn In England. Motor- ru. As» . Me orndek if M < o.. thinking of him. ’ bis girl is “ My wife used Sev Hswthorne A vr., Portland, ore. cycles are to be uaed by postmen for Promotes Digestion-Chreriul- sort o ’ watched the young ‘ ‘ Then I an! bottles of S. S. 3. You of Count Want th« Best. Write»* collecting letters In Parla. ness and Rest Contains neither fellow, and the very next band he as a blood purifier and Catalogue And Pricrt* (Jpium.Morplune nor Mineral. to tone up a weak and picked up I noticed bis eyes light up Female N< h<>ol Tea<-hrfw. emaciated system,with and a real nice flush of pleasure spread N ot N arcotic . Women are rapidly displacing men as Heirs of I nlon Motilar« who hoin«tea»l«4 le«i very marked effect by over bls face. So I led out, and, sure than Ml art. a i.efo « .lune j. |«;« (nu mattar II teachers In the schools of New York. way ot improvement. PORTLAND, OREGON abandoned), should arldreaa ns pollywogs! I caught bls Jack, as I “We regard it a During the laM year there waa a de IIBNKT X. COPI', Washington, D. O. thought maybe I would. And It worked great tonic and blood crease of 217 In the number of men em *** so well all the evening that I had a purifier.”—J. F. D uff , ployed, while the number of women ■ Princeton, Mo. whole lot of bls quarters when we I teachers liicreancd 1,073. quit. But be seemed pleased, and is the grestest of all went up to the Narrows on the next Prairie 4'hlckena In Kansas. tonics, and you will train.”—New York Evening Sun. Prairie chickens are anld to be more find the appetite im New .lereey Fomtlla. abundant In Western Knnaaa than for proves at once, strength FAT FOLKS REDUCED yeara, and tin* farmera are *ll«(>o«»'<l to In the blue shales of a valley a few Aperteci Remedy for Constipa - - returns, and nervousness vanishes as new from 16 lots lb, r«r moo'ti i,, , miles from Montclair, N. J., are found give the birds a clianee to multiply by fion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoen h»om«„ ......... MW rich pure blood once more circulates eiirnil Ml! M A Marl rout. «41 W"*ff fossil flab of a kind which Is almost keeping a check on the hiintrra. BLACK oaYLLLOW Worms .Convulsions .Feverish H««i«r at, HochHWr N r, KW \»Jf through all parts of the system. extinct, only thr< e specimens now sur ness nnd LOSS OF SLEEP. •rl»«« "»our r»«r» ««o i » m A *<e 8. S. S. ia the only purely vegetable vlvlng. They belong to the order of Mdmaid «S pouml, b, y„„, ,«|„ Z Hiiperstlllon of t'hlnrae Women. able truimant MyH|lwaM \ ( I J blood purifier known. It contains no min ganoids, which possessed no interior Cblneae wonien believe that the evil FacSunile Signature of •«Trsiimd N urMi hs«i«u«bi m« t h« d«nr«r> nt r«»<- D*S«ii«ranon Karanut ««ln«d i-,, erals whatever. Send for our free book bony skeleton, but only an outside cov aplrlt holds possession of all the high points of the earth, and that la why no on blood and skin diseases and write our ering of bony or cartilaginous plates. NEW YORK. Chinese woman i nn ever be Induced to physicians for any information or advice They were the earliest known verte climb a mountain. brates. A number of excellent speci Wanted. No charge for medical advice. 'tos.'gl STOR^1,*. * mens show distinctly the shining, bony eauM fl. hing. Thu form, a« v«l| m Nlln.l, Hlrudn.a <,r W,l,„aSL (NR SWIFT SFICIFIC CO, ATLANTA. SA Tsar No SoasriTUTXS Ilollantl'a Cnnala. I hr« ar« < nr-dby Dr.Ho«anko*« Plla «•iLlll * scales of this peculiar species of fish, V„...... .. —■ Sb.p. Urbina ami l. Holin ml Ims nine miles of canal for which, according to geologists, must 2ar aldriirgiata or aani hy null Traa(1«nfr«a' w every Hat equine mllea of surface. 2.700 have existed ages ago. EXACT CQPY OF WRAPPER. miles In all. N. r. X. V. The wrong Is doubled when * book a-ieot. vwa e.ev.vs a«M«asv. saw re«« «rrv. Usually the man who la good when Consnmptlon. k guaranteed •gent 1« jolly. |i in. 1> Loch 1 «'l he s asleep la troubled with Insomnia. I V. I. SMI1H A CO., Idilio. I.V’*’ * Great Variety ot Food 1« Dispensed t»v the Comm e»«ry IVepertmeni. i (S ABSOLUTE SECURITY. BESTFORTHE BOWELS WHY DON’T YOU PUHI UM8ERS0N S SEEDS! Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. KEEP YOUR BLOOD GLEAN CARTER'S No External Symptoms, FB® For 14c. NOTHING BETTER MADE ..Mitchell.. Mitchell, b ecu is & Staver Co. Thresher, Engine, Bears the HORSE POW'-R OR SAW MILL Signature MONEY !°A e W£ sss 1 In Use For Over Thirty Years ’ICASTORIA RUSSELL & CO.» lowers SURE CURE FOR PILES iBïlER’SWRiüUTEeflOOlS