hjimath republican . U BItt'AKA 24. mobili' unii t|,,. n gWM,|h„. . ....... " 1 UlbltM <1 tin ■, i m navigai« both l.md ill(,| IKK. Tim KI un iti. 1'niig Irrigating I'lteh cump.mv will m,, t day foitn, pul)»,» ,,f iiwting offi ci-ri», «nd m t|h,t tinm will <<aMlder Q w. Snyder of llly wiw »li re blin |HO|MHM'd I'lll.up |,|, ,,f |||(, ,j||ch. Km II 1'111111'. in. ut Mill lM. I dar Il AA Matpl" f,,r AK,r liy i'“ rylMMly, vid tlm greater enlargi'iimut tin |H n, r. LOCAL news . ja». Utid'iri'i' ut Fort K lama!h waa tiwlng fi, liii'leiiii'iii weather liad io.ul, H,,. II..J,,,., ,,f ||tl||„r hrre Frlduy. A p Harpold of llominza Hutidny- here last I ililu» evening was not mi largely ulti nd' <1 was exported mid „1 in Kliimull1 F . ni||M.r dlsapiM.lnt- j |; pi lliui and Rulli l'i II of Asli coiiM qmml» . Ing financially. The ix'casion was a land *•"' 1,1 1 succi s» mm i.rii», li.iwi'it-r, all pri'si iit ptid. Hopkins of lt.in.ili/i Visit I'll hating a giHMi lin,., and un excclh'iit Klamaih I dH over bumluy. siipi* i, Ti„. ito goti li glsl.ili'r" adjourm d j llug-rai»In” I» mi,, of ||l(. niixil Un, .Ile al midnlglil S.ilutd.iy. profitable Indiistiiis Intim world and pr Mi»* “ luriwl Ib'- laller |vni more all, nth,o houlil I m - devoted to 0,'last *>ek troni iris trip lo Al.dlurd It III I III» 1'1 III ii 11. 'I Ill'll' Is 110 I m I ter pr jllldi rl.r.uid aod Frank llt.in ti'iil fol gi■ 1»In hogs than alfalfa, Imiiif Merrill aì » ìi «'<> Kl.nmiili I di» rye un i |M,i.it.., » ■'in 1 moils erojis of wlilcli ate t n»,i| . .11 h year In Klam gaiurday Jiidge li. muffi 1» no* al |t.«« l>iirg nth count y. let the hog bushrcM lit' ill “'lojM'll. holiliiiil • '’• *" l’1* ' “f AA e lint |i ■< hl file ■anillt""' The bill In Ihe IvglsUturr lo Ineor- tIi it Mr. ( uni., rs 1» I i . ia liecn sigimi by Illg ills It »Id lie. and lots n ponile |il.|i'i'. Mr i nob. is I m mglit lite jftrti’riHH ranch In Klamatli enmity Ball In I'.ii riel» ’ » |letn>-m,H r SI IllOIlt II* .170, imi we jin sume Houston » opera house Friday in n pei ting t I i1 lb |nf. Mar. li I •. a very worthy otiz n and an The Mwm i» almul off and Me arc lent addition to llic iH'onle brtlitnlng I" li ivr m.my trini» ut ap I county. pò* lime »prin • L.ikcmid AI o J im -<i,untie* are talk pr. II.-ime» I i . m I» < n «luly appoliii ing of tin- |>< .nit. of tffiillllg oil. ni pelisi"'' • » imlher ni Kl.im.itli Fall» Iii 1»,tli I'oimtivs ■ h | surface liidlca- br thè goti rimiciit. II ions are foumi. < if K lanuti h county |*rv»l>l' il McUiuley and Vice Pn-s also, III,- Mimi may 1 I h - salii. As n itieni ll<»~ “ Il «Ili Ite Itiaugutrtliil Mlll|lle. I 111 Ii' ate very strong hull- a<*lt Moi.‘l.n . Alio li itti cat Ions on t in I.imi of .1. AV. Siemens Tii<-Po *bi I.'fiali i lii.reli and par Hoar the riier. AA'hy not Investigate amage .ire tiri i sprlllg tu I h -div'orat ,11? It might IlioSM'lll out Into a ni alili a n. « . . il < f (lalnt ItoW Illg Well. San Francisco Call, Feb. 22. I’.ii»}, Hugh < liipimi and Jack llur- Gllmon pl ty with Gllatort men mid toil a! tended the — D. of . II. ... I mi II al wutiii n and GII nmmi llhlstrat I oiis . Klamath Falla Inst Friday night. P'Tim Only/.ineticgii Girl Who Ever Thu <nld Fellows are now lo Married a King" rivalls Um alnmst cal! d in their in w hall. They arc fnrgotG'ii ru.11.t1n f of a New England 1 ndi avorlng to |iiin hiiM- a m w organ girl who eainc near to wearing a by siriwrlpt Ion. crown, an I “Fl».' Liveliest of All Marl«, I lie yoimgi-at daughter of Kentucky Girls” recount* the Micial Ed Mrs. ('I i . uh ', dlcl last Sunday at the triumphs of a .Southern beauty. home of Mr. and Mrs. Janies near ward Bok writes on topics of wide Royston, uf membraneous croup, af spread Interest, and Helen Watter ter a brief Hickner. The ri'inaliiH son Misxly i II m ' iism ' h “Girls Who 'Go were burled Tuesday In Bonanza ecni- In' for Soiiu'llilhg.” Tli" fiction fea ture of tin- Man'll Journal, “The Au elcry. thor’s Raiding at Bixby Center,” is . 1 In Kate Ixiuglas Wiggin's liest vein. '•A Sum ssful Country House at Bryn M.iwr" and “A Suburban House for »0,500” show the beauties of g<xxl ar chitecture. Music lovers will lx- de lighted with the musical wi ling of Eugene Field's "Armenian Lullaby,” At midnight, Saturday, Hon. John ' and all women with the showing < f II. Miti'licll WSHlIected I nited States feminine fashions, apropos of Easter. Senator. Tlte Dual ballot gave the By Tim Curtis Publishing Company, Philadelphia. One dollar a year; ten following: Mitchell, 40 votes; Corbett, 29: cents a copy. ELECTRIC I CASH STORE THE NEW SENATOR. Hon. John H. Mitchell is Elected. If was learned yesterday Ilia* lie- fore Ficsidenf Hays of tin- Southern Pacltle Railroad left for the East In* received a delegation of the J'okegu- ma Sugar Pine L uiii I mt Company of Kl.niiatlion, < il., ami give tliat Imdy ■■very iwsiinUK'c of tils siip|x>rl In the company's effort Io build a road from I K lam.it lion to I lie Klamath Lakes. Work on this mad has Irren coin* inciiccd. It will extend from the Bennett, 15. For News oi the World north side of the Klamath River, One of the triumphant supjjortcrs i . iiiiiii . ii. lng at Klam.itlion, fourteen of Mr. Mitchell was Representative Read the San Francisco Bulletin. miles In an easterly direction Into a Enirnitt of Klamath county. The Fifty cents | mt month, including S nd dense forest. 'File toad will I m - In the citizens of this county are well satis large 28-page Sunday edition. heart of a splendid t holier district in fied wit Ii the election of Mr. Mitchell. for sample copy to Th-- Bullet in, 133. which the stock holders have In sight I.ik>- Hermann. McBride and Tongue. Kearney St.. San Francisco. • more than I mhi . ooii .OOO feet uf lumber. Mr. Mltcliell is an hotiorablc and re Reports show a greatly increased It Is tin* Intention of the new rail liable filend to Riston Oregon, ami death rate from throat and lung road company to push Its road ilinct In Iris hands our Interests arc safe. troubles, due to the prevalence of Io ttie Klamath Lakes. own itsslaeui- ST. PATRICK'S DAY BALI.. croup, pneumonia and grippe. We ■•rs oil tills body of water and In this advise thi use of One Minute Cough w.iv strip logs to Its lumber mills at A grand ball will be given in honor Cure in all of tIrene difficulties. It is K lamat lion at a minimum cost. of SI. Patrick's Day In Houston's the only harmless remedy that gives ’File company also intends later on opera house Friday evening. Marr I, immediate results. Children like it. extending the mail Into tile Lout 15. Tickets. II. Supper at Esmond J. L. Padgett & Sms. Kent*. River country In tin state of Oregon, I io U m - at .*><1 cents per plate. which, though rich In timber and ONE HORSE RESCUES ANOTHER HOW TO TRAVEL. (Misttire lands, at pre« nt is not pene ria«H*s la ■ ■« Tow. to Ia>a4 Bllad trated by any railroad, Information for the Public. Aalmal Str«**linj la AV it Ii lire completion of the rail Wat«*. A road into thine timber lands the I'm In select in;; your route to the Rist kegain.i Sugar Pine Lumber Company A blind horse wm rtirwtl from a wa Judg'* T.miliw;".’ll of lalkevlcw Iii tlm l. gls ■Ihl.iturr on tlm I Till, a will is-greatly Item tiled. At present von cannot afford to overhsik the ad I tery gru»e th. other day by another vantages and comforts offered by the •topp.il li' mi .udir on in» w.iy rcMilut inn was Intnxluei-il favoring its only means of transporting logs hone. The blind horre wandered into a bum* from a Irlp lo I' rtl.m.l. tlm divliii. 'll of I in <>n Into two states, to Its mills Is by rolling t lient into Ilio G iiiisde U E'i Kits R ailway In mill pond at Mountain Grove, AV. Va., connection with the Denver X Bi" and soon got beyond hi» depth, when be Il >' l'iirk' <>( Altaiuonl w.i» ni rim resoluiion was iot.il down as the Klamath Hiver and trusting to Grande and Colorado Midland Rail began sw iinming around in a circle, un Fort li luck that they will drift down with able to land. His distress attracted a (hi* pi ' l e-l i', ile reporia thut liriglri liai<- I ■ ii ■ xpcctrsl. roads. It is the only transcontinen horse which belong» to Postmaster C. . iiati ly, Rist, tn on gon Will MMIII the current. hit «lf. Il.l» (r • Il qlllU III of lai '. ’ITtiii plan is not a sue- tal line passing directly through Salt Z. Berner to the water’» edge, and he Tuia, i olmi) s:i|>-'rlnti'odi,iit l»c- doiil.li- In inti-« ami strengtli. ami e.-hs. Frequently tin* log» accumu Lake City, and In addition to the tried by neighing to direct the blind lapi. riaiiiinlng llie sili gradr of »»lii'ii t In ' IM'Xt li'| ..slatutc inerts, two late and caiiM' a jam. Imps also diift glimpse It aff rds of the Temple City, horse to shore. Failing in this, he thè hlamilli I all» *< Insila for priMiio yearn hi-itc* »11.I1 a i< udutton will Is' to the sides of the bank ami eventu tile Great Salt Lake, the Salt Palace, plunged into the water and swam out Into the deep pool to the distressed ani tiieii.' I with greater fa“*. ally land high and dry. With the lina. and the picturi sque I'tali Valley, It mal’s relief, which was sccomphahed new road the logs will lie caally load Cajit ii < Applegate wlitidepati- L L- C hiù , atlurney ni Liketl. «. offers cholee of six distinct routes to in the unique way of seising its foretop • aslillown “'iletd.iv oli Iti» way cil for AA i»t,i , ,'tou city Iks'cinlier 15, ed on flat ears and hauled to ttie mills. ttie Rist and the most magnificent and towing the quadruped safely to terra firina, amid the cheers of up A prominent S.iitln-rn Pul tic It.ill- la.inr tf" i Salem, »liete Ile sai dui arrived Imi tin. iii irulug, icturiritig scenery in the world. A double daily ward of 100 persons who had become via tli<’Soiitli rn mule. lie had a road official stall'd yesterday tliat lie train service and through Pullman lag th. » natoti ti ci f lo.i. spectators. pl*-1 uni j'-urimv iiik I an enjoyable deemed tin* coiiiiiii'lu ellielit of work Palace and ordinary sleeping cars, Aslilatid 'Fidili”» Mr*, J. M »i»it m AA .isiiington. bcaldca aoeoin- mi tliis road the tlist steps toward a free reclining chair cars and a perfect WOMEN’S INFLUENCE. Hsniaker rame out from Port land plislilng in li for 1 I k * Improvement substantial railroad. dining car service arc now In opera **• la latra'lr Krs.oaslble for tbe Ust Wri-k and Is visit Ing tn Astil.uni I ••Tliis mad when completed as far of Ills Ag> ii< lie promise» to give tion via these lines. CSirsrltr of Sfatar, at en nini. to her Inline it K laiii.lt Ii 11» soim tiring for piililli alIon next ns the Klamath l-aki-s will I m - valu «he Orbar tel. For pamphlets descriptive of the ralla. ••After •“ k r< . irdiii” Ills trip and ex|*T- able property,” Im said. ••Great Halt Lake Route ” apply to J. Iter. J M McOmib will tirale , Iclices. "The Young Man Out of Business reaching ttie lakes eommcl Ions can lie |>. Manslield, General Agent, 253 Hours" is th* theme upon which Sen bere wltb III. f unity aironi A pril 1st verv easily made with the |>ist River Jas A u.mu f L-mgcll Valley, mid Washington St.. Portland; or to Geo. ator Beveridge, of Indiana, discourse« lo ir iipi ili • l'nuby toriati puFrlt agiil a'M.iit . “ am, was on Sunday country, which is rich tn mineral as AV. Heintz. Acting General I’assenger in a recent article in the Saturday perniali -ntli 'Fliey conic from Tur- Evening Post, in the course of which .ifti-iiu 1 f i ni dead In an old cabin well as agricultural lands.” Agent. Sall Lake City. net. Or. u he snys: 'on Iris brother DamPs place about 7 “There is poiiitively nothing of sueh Ali i t|» i i. i. <d tlHliernuin iella us tnllesfro.ii I', n.i'i/.i. In tlic above article from the ('all. SCHOOL REPORT FOR FEBRUARY. lb' evidently value to young men -yea, and to old that lf ili r- 'imi lia*1 a railroad so Ii id im , n <1 11 sen-ral days. tin' statement tliat work had already lie Numlier belonging at the end of men. tix>-n» the chastening and pow th.il a tnarki'l < oiild !»■ qiilekli rracli- l. a», i .111 ...... 1 mother and two broth til'll commenced, should proliably erful influence for good which wom lite month. 137; total days' attend ni. li.'e. uhi i li ai Jlo.iMio e“ rj “-.ir er«, l».i»ldand Henry. Io mourn Iris read tliat it will lie coinmenceil as en bring into their lives. I should lie ance, 2.3A5; numlier of days taught, the Inst man in the world to suggest In llie lu.li Itusini's*. si on an tlte weather pcrmlttwl. |..i. Tli •. or< oT, Mr. Marple, was 19; average daily attendance, 125.5; that a young man should keep himself A tlnnr uf citile, nuntberlng 200 iKitlll d. tint did not de'ill it iki ' cs - numlier neither nbsent nor tardy, 03. ‘tied to his mother's apron strings.' and uwned li» Fred Mcllianc of Fort sary l<< hoi,I an ln'|uext. Tlte per cent, of attendance has in- as is the saying of the people, and this is not wrhat 1 mean when 1 Kliinitli wt-rr starteli oli Suini i» fot Ashland R <>nl: James Pelion of creaacd very largely. earnestly suggest that he keep ns thè tallioid, »11 Te Ihe» were tu I m * s.itns A ill. 1 John E. Pelton and AVc copy from the San Francisco A. C. Gi'TiiKitiK, Principal. close to his mother's opinion* teach aliippul f >r IS.rlInnd. El.no Neil of Ashland, and Geo. Call of last Friday a very acceptable ings and hifluence aa the circum SABBATH SERVICES. stances of life will jiermit. The same Jn<i. King, AA in. AA' i I wki , limi k.'lill.i • hi of Roseburg started from piece i.-f railroad news, from which it thing, of course, may t»e said with Barattarli. AA |'. Wliiiney and A g us Ii. tc “-»ter i n for Kl.1m.1lh Falls to ap|mani tliat there is an alwolutc cer-' reference to a man's wife—even more 10 a. tn., Sabbath school. la k iii'iiliiiru uf Alerrlll were in drl“' in mo head of beef cattle tliat t.rintv of .1 railroad to Klamath coun strongly, if possible.* But the conver 11 a. m.. preaching; subject, "The Riamila | iila Fridi» in attenti III” K"l>ll I” in I»'i:<it from Pelton Pros. ty. It Is t<> lie built by capitalists sation and opinion of any good wom Divine Presence.” Dtgrrc of llum.r bull. an are, as a practical matter and a I'li 0 »«ill I,” sliipix 'l from Ashland t<> .mil liaeked by the Siullmrn l*aciti rt:4*i p. lit.. Endeavor: subject. ‘•Re measure of worldly wisdom, simply it. II., and will I k - built from Klama- Tills I miu I of cattle A» mmiii ;u> thè r.illru.ul la bulli lo Puget > uti I. ligious Barrenness;” Roy Wright, beyond price. She i« wise with that Kl.iin.itli | ili» thè Soulliertl Paeltic »»III ii” doiitit tramp down tlm snow Ilion to tills pl.u-f when1 it can con- sublimated reason called 'woman'a in leader. iiis t with steimers on tlm upper and •IH "f • "ut» i .itic i its Ashland diti and make .1 »»Id. path on the summit stinct.' 7:30. preaching: subject, “God's lower Klamath lakes. From the ar "There is. too. a human quality kept nl'm point and hiriite ilio Mine ai of the Uavadcs. Opportunities and Judgments. ” ticle It appears tliat the mad will bi' aliie and growing in your character elthcr KI.miai Iloti ur llnrnbriiuk. Tim I'.u llic mail steamship, City of I. G. K notts . Pastor. by woman's association and influence puslied with vigor and will Im com * • J. Ilirhlle of Purtlind nrrlved Rio de Jaimlm, while attempting to that, as a matter of business power pleted as soon as possible. Tim N. PATRIOTIC SOCIAL. in meeting the world nnd its prob liete lilhl liiil.iy t,, |,M>k o“T I Ile town enter m ' i I ..inelsi'o bay, early Friday (’. O. R. It. to Lakeview and this lems. is far nnd away beyond the morning. I> 1 Its coun» in the dense >nd country wRii a vlrw of hM-atlng. ■ road to Klamath county, Imtli tot*' Tlm Ladles’ Ahl society of the M. value of the craft of the trickiest Re wi.ui i I m -a dealrablc clllaen and fog and was « reeked on tlie rocks and 1 done this year, and both opening R church propose to give a "Patriot gamester of affairs and business and wa trust he »Ili timi a Imslne.ss upen unk In a few m nmiits, carrying disirs Io San Francisco, render It cer ic Social” on Tuesday evening, March politics who ever lived. It is a say down Io dealIi 122 of the pa-ssi ngem Ing bere. ing of the farmer folks among whom tain that If Port land desires to com 12. .Some novel and very interesting I was raised that such and such a and itcw . This was one of Um most A ’<'l> pli'.ni' lias I m ' i ' h put In Geo. pete for tile business and trade of features will I m * Included in the pro person ‘has principle.’ meaning that terrible shipwrecks ever occurring on T. Baldwin's sturr, which ci.niiecls Southern Oregon It will necessarily gram. which will appear next week. the person so described is upright, It happened near the P.ieltle coast. trustworthy, judicious- that such a with mu' ai |||g I ioiis C' and another nt have to lose no tline. Portland Is 11 I in* cut rance of tlm Golden Gate and person's attitude toward God and STOCKHOLDERS* MEETING. the power house of .......... Icetrlc liglit great mid pmspenuis city, but It man nnd the world is correct. alMuit a quarter of a mile from tlm lisiks like a losing game if it stands <<>iii|i.mv. Several otliera nre noon to “AA'omen have pripciple in precisely Cliff house. Notice Is hereby given that the ** put In. idly by and makes no effort to hold a the sense in which that term is used Tie l.ikeiiew Examiner, speaking regular annual stockholders’ meeting by the country people. Thej will Mlm May Worden gave a parly to n of the rivalry l*'tween Portland and part at least of the business of South of the Klamath Falls Irrigating keep you true to the order of things It Is reasonable there numlier tlf yming (H'uple nt her home San Fraimlsi o ns to which shall get ern Oregon. Company will be held at 10 o'clock a. —to the constitution of the universe. fore to believe that Portland will im Friday evening. Rxeellent refresh- tlm ti lde of Eastern Oregon, says: mediately make such effort and that in., on Monday, March 4th. 1901, at They will do this, not so much by preaching at you as by the influence uu'iii» w< r,. M-rud. ami games, music "I'ortland business men have no one the office of the company In Rennies I of their very personality. The man and general noclalillltjr made the even but tlienihclvcs to lilanm because Sail we shall have In the very near future rallnnd commimleatlnii with Port-, X Jennings' store, tit Klamath Falls, who has gotten out of touch with lug | i . i » s quickly and pleasantly. womankind in not to lie feared He Francisco gets all ti c trade of Rist- laud as well ¡is San Francisco. Oregon. E. R. R kamks , is to lie pitied rather than feared, for Secretary. Port Ashland Record: The I mh I v of llic cm and Soutlmaslern Oregon. he is out of harmony with the world BONANZA NEWS. ■'»•year uld daughter of Mr. and Mrs. land's business men have never In —he is disarmed. No matter how NOTICE. lnrge his mind nnd great his courage, ( iiwii of klamatlmn was found In terested themselves in tlm trade of Mrs. Chase of Colorado is visiting he is neutralised for all natural, liuiaili river Saturday where she Uris section, or tlm welfare of the All persons indebted to the under proper-proportioned, and therefore If the railroad from In r parents, Mr. and Mrs. James at was drownsd Nov. nth lust while (Hopli’ here. signed will please set tie their accounts enduring effort. playing mi |(lgg w|t|, (,t|l(.r ,.1,11,1. tlie north pts Into this territory Royston. She will remain for several at Klamath County Bank. “I know a physician who. still ten. Hrsl, Its managers, liaeked by I’ort- montlis. young, has reached the hind of his C. S. X R. S. M imhik . Mr. Bateman of Klamnth Falls profession In this country. Sundays land, will have m move quickly, fol- l.akeview Examiner: Tim Pitt 1 and the evenings with his wife nnd PUMPS ANU WINDMILLS. thi N. <’• hue, under the new man went to Illy last week and purcliased' «''T Indian* will not |H. removed to children nre not enough for trim. He a giMsl team of horses of Mr. Smith. , agement, 1» active In I Im extreme.” *'h Klamaih reservation. The A tine line of Pumps ami Wind takes AVednrsiInys also. Precisely this AA'alt Ihiekimister returned last Mills just received by C. II. Withrow same thing is done by the great young 'i»liliig|.in thut they Tlie Klamath Fails W. <’. T. I • captain of finance and affairs whom the ••AernmtorMan ” f’maln Where ilmir nticcsloni lived, i will hold memorial services for tlm Thursday from Montague where he took a large drove of sheep for Mr. ' Anp<.(lo(aI s)(1e of TheiHlor(< I described first in this paper ns be mul inure limmlliig schools are not ex late Francis E. Willard at the M. E. ing a total abstainer. This is not Gerber for shipment. ' Rm^velt ” gives sharp, clear views done for the rest it gives these men, pedient. ehiirch on the evening of Sunday. Jas. Dixon of Lost river was riding of (he strenuous life of our many or If it is done for that it ia not the 11 Is no longer a question <>f wlictli- March 17. A g>"'d program will be sided Vice-President-Elect In the greatest benefit they get out of it. rr Ivlninalh Falls will have a railroad rendered and everyixsly Is cordially in Langcll A alley last week. They come back to their work with Mrs. Etta Vinson lias returned to 1 Ladies' Home Journal. These clearer and stronger Conception* of 01 ,,"t. hut, u question as Io how many invited to lie present. her home in Langell's Valley. Kb'' anecdotes reveal (lie characteristics human character nnd of truth in the M iis . II attik W ilson , Ml|l get. Several different rall- lias spent Ihe winter here to give her j „( |,|s remarkable (MTsonalily. and abstract, nnd the concrete, with r”<id builders are anxluiisly figuring Clialrinan L<sal Committee. which their profession or business children the iH'iielll of Hie school, gre freshly told by Ills closest friends. Ihii's pro|s>scd to lie run lliroiigli may lie. must deal. They have a new SEULE UP NOTICE. Iler older daughter, Miss Lulu, has 'p|H> witching "Widow and Her tenderness, a Inrger tolerance and n tills I'Olmly, Aiming the projected Impruvenients All persons indebted to the under- an al lack of Saint Vitus Dance and Friends.” of Charles Dan i Glbs'in’s broader vision of life nnd humanity, Mrs. Vinson will soon take her to' ).rcat|on| are v|vithxl Into stage per nnd, therefore, of their business, •’ this town uro those which Iwoeltl- signed are hereby noli lied tn settle up. which is merely a phase of life and Klamath Falls, Or.. Fck 2«, 1901. Yreka, Calif., for medical treatment, sun.iges and intreduced in a two-act affairs." .__ _ »id shortly Intrmltiee. Ono of I Albert l’attcr,oii and sister, Missicumedj by Margucrltj Merington a, Un ii' wood X Co. il ui pinpos s to gel a gasoline auto- y Dry Goods, Clothing and Groceries The Best Assortment We Have Ever Shown New Stock Now Arriving. L. F. WILLITS, Proprietor. ▼ [1 1 J I LATEST R. R. NEWS. \tAMtAMb üa M taù ware Store, Klamath Falls, Or. A good Stock oi Hardware. Good goods at very reasonable prices. Not blacksmith ing supplies alone, but Everything generally kept in a Hardware Store, such as Shovels, Forks, Hoes, 5pades, Mops, Brooms, Tinware, Sheetiron ware, Carpenters’ and Hechanics’ Tools, Powder Shot, Shells rind Wads. Air Tight Heaters, Stove Pipe and Cooking Utensils. A. D. CARRICK. wW GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Jll* BL» Reames & Jennings, Klamath Falls, Oregon ■ NOTICE TO BRIDGE CONTRACTORS. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Bids will ire received by Klamath Grace Methodist Episcopal Church. County Court up to March ft, 1901, Sunday for furnishing material and repairing Regular Sunday Services; the Whitney bridge on Lost River. School at 10 a. in.; Preaching at 11 . a. m. ; also at 7:30 p. ni. For specifications imptire of C. A. H tocmwíll , Pastor. J. 11. D riscoll , County Clerk. Big line of men's and boya* atrita M lleiliined prices on clothing, Duffy's. Duffy'a. «