KLAMATH REPUBLICAN. I THEFAKTIIESTNORTII W^-"‘ -• Pubihh«*«!»’wry Tburrfty by W. liUSE <& SON, EmTonx axi > Men Who Placed Their Mark Near est the Pole. I' koi ’ kik T okx . ■ CBm-Kimos Ufll: Ou* »ear (>" •**' THURSBAY. FEBRUARY Ivrrll«»ua n ou 28. tuoi. Feat Accumpll«hed by the Duke of the Abritai awd Ilia rarly-Partlrular» oí the I*: »puait Io a. Klamath County The following atiitements ami facts |X'ttaining to Klamath cvimty are mainly taken from the IX>rtlanvl Dally Oregonian of January I. luol, and may tw considered reliable In all part iculars: Klamath county Is pre-eminently tilted by nature for stockraising. The 4* ssihilitivs of the industry are practically unlimited, owing to tlie natural systems of Irrigation. Capi tal has t>een interested in the county in nx'ent years, and many miles of ir rigation canals have l>een made. Water has betn turned upon the waste lands, making them produce from live to seven tons i f alfalfa per acre. The most valuable natural re sauree of the county Is the pine tini- tier, which covers 1.250.0<h) acres. The largest and most valuable tract lies north of the Klamath river, and is known as the Jenny creek tx'lt. It contaiiiK fully .'».ooti.tkm.ooo feet tlie finest sugar and yellow pine. Klamath county pnxiuces grain, fpUits. and even hop« and totaiecti in ,, small quantities. Big line of men’s and boys' sull» a I MltTv *H. A |x>wclful l upine ' ili'"'1 1 ' 111 ' with a we k tailer. uni 1 1 ■’ up the stilili of in ail i' III*' "ul1 1 n, .rem.i. it; ntltb ' ’ i1 sl the human iniiclillie to m.ik i,|>.i '* p«Hinds of butter and cheese Io If tlb' BtlHIUM Ii outside market. fixai to keep the body st i< m:. Mi'll" pit-gt.ii.ilbn M hod .1 l»»»p |*l ■ 1 ,;l' It dip. sis whit you Klamath county has I.nt I horses should lie used. valued nt »70,074; 14.01* cattle val- eat and it simply can't help I ut i!" ned at »2; i 2.. ì ' ì : ì ; '.2*1 sheep and you good. goats wortli $!»,3O2, and o*2 swine J. L. 1‘adgett A Som. Kenis worth »l.<il7. M - ti» .-I |-- IÎIS, is i"" and 1 ih-Witi's Little E.i'ly Risei* The forests on the «'astern ami llu-lli to lie I luv>>‘ w Ilo use t liciti timi wi'Ktem s!o|x*s of the Unseade i.inge X. i. i rljw. fniuous little Ibi r pili*, of mountain.* show that on the west J. L. PHilgeit A N II*. Kenn. ein slope 27J |x-r cent, of the timtai B.irg liti* ili eri ti.ii » il l'ulfy »■ is yellow pine iinil 2 * to per cent. Is sugar pine. Tiles«' peicentagi'S arc I There Is always danger In u*lu • more than doubled on the eastern counterfeits of DeWitt * Wit. h lla/el slope. On the eastern slope, where Klamath county Is, th«' yelloa pine Halve. The original I* ' safe a'"1 it I* a sooth- is 68 per cent, and sugar pin«' 9 |X'r certain cure for pile*. liig and healingbiihv s<‘*| S and all «•«'lit. The yellow pine easily rank* At last accounts Mrs. Nation was The duke of tne Abruzzi and Capt. enjoying the restful quietude of a Cagni have furnished the data for tin official reixirt on their polar expedi Kansas jail. tion which appears in the Italia A report has taen adopted In the Militare e Marina. The earlier stages of their experiences hair already ixeu lower bramii of the Indiana legisla told. What is new and interesting ture favoring life imprisonment for dates from February after their win kidnapers. ter on Rudolf land. 200 yards from the shore, where the ice in the bay had l^t Crowe, tlie notorious alleged crushed in one of the sides of the Cudahy kidnaper, is reported to havej Stella Polare and let in the water. been located near Omaha and w ill be The story has already been told of an excursion about Christmas time, whi n taken into custody. the duke and Cagni fell into a crev asse. The duke lost two fingers by The Oregonian thinks if tlie pul>- frost bite and the doctor forbade him lished pictures of Mis. Nation are to undertake the command of the ex- true, she may be excused for smaah- pedition over the ice toward the ]x>le. Ing every mirror that confronts her. Capt. Cagni started, however, on Feb atave all of the other S|x*’|es on the skin dise:iM’**. ruary 20, but the intense co'.d and J. L. IMdg’ U A S.»n>. I\« u<» eastern slope In brief, ami from The president has called for a spec ccnreqnent difficulty with the provi tlie above figures, an acre of timber ial Oesxion of the Senate to meet on cions compelled him to return almost immediately. On March 11 the expe on the eastern shqx' contains more March 4th at noon for the purpose of dition started again. I. It consistd'of ---------------- than double the valuabie tltnlx'r than continuing the presidential nomina ten officers and men. with numerous does an acre on the western slope. dogs and some sledges and kayaks, tions. savs an eastern exchange. Tliat th«' timber on th«' eastern sld«' \. v , • Ashland Tidings: The Senate Sat- After nine days march, during is more valuable in th.’ market, is ardav afternoon passed the general which 43Va miles were made. Cagni, also sitown by the table in lhe Ore appropriation bills reported from the finding the provisions running short, I Last year Klamath county began gonian of th«' lumber cut In 1900 in sent back Lieut. Querini with two House. In one of these, H. B. 347. men. These three have not been an era of rapid progress along all Klamath county and its value. The was Included the allowance of »12.- heard of since. On March 31. when ' lines. The unusually large Influx of limber cut was 22.000,000 feet, anil 5<x) for the maintenance of the South the sledge expedition had passed the home-seekers and new capital, and its value is »275.000. in the county ern Oregon State Normal Schixtl at eighty-third parallel. Dr. Cavalli-Mo- enterprises, either started or projev t- adjoining this on the west and across linelti was sent back with two men. Ashland and »2.500 for dormitory They, with two sledges and 16 dogs, etl. contributed to greater develop the mountains, 2">,lMM),0t)0 feet was purposes for the same institution.**" arrived safely nt the main camp on ment and materially aided in spread cut, (exci'eding ours by 3,000,«)00 Oregon wiil have a new code of its April 24, having taken four days ing the spirit of improvement among feet,) but it* value was only »2.70,• laws prepared by Judge C. B. Bel- longer to return than to go. Cagni, in those already here. 060, being $25,000 less than the value the meantime, continued his journey linger of Portland, The legislature with three of the Italian Alpine of ours. From tiles«' figuresit m iv About a year ago, the Oregon Mid toted »10,000 to purchase 1 000 copies guides Cancpa, Petigax and Fenouil- land Company, composed of jx-ople of be corwtly assumed that eastern en behalf of the state. It is undcr- let. Cagni worked on an equality Klamath and Jackson counties. Ore- Oregon timber, while yielding double atood that the new code will be pub with his companions and at night Narici:. they all shared the one sleeping sack gon, and Siskiyou county. California, the amount per acre, is of a quality lished as aoon as the laws of the 21st of reindeer skin. They had the advan was formed to ptomote the ctinstruc w tiicli brings a higher price in mar Session just closed can ta included in tage now of having the sun always ■ tion of a railrotid from Kkimathon. ket than timber in tlie other part» of fund* in tliv Count' li«*a*tn\ í"r t! <• 1t.***The House on Friday concurred with them. The ice softened and tlie state. Cal., to Klamath Falls. From the rvih'iiipt ion »4 lliv follow inn »omit » v.i In a Senate joint resolution to change their way became easier. They ate rjinlH pr«»t«**tv<l on uiiil prior lo N >v» tt their provisions as long as they lasted start members of the company work ■*" • • • • ou min«* will Interi-»! the date of state elections in Oregon and then commenced to ki’.l the dogs In addition to tlie foregoing, we tarili). 1*1'2. ed diligently for the undertaking, evasi’ troni Iltis •late : X- ■•. 4 X5, ,5437. from June to November. The reso for food in order to live, or rather in will briefly refer to aomc of the fact» 54 M. «VV 2. with every prospect of success early .73.11. ,WII, !kI3'J. •*>♦»«♦. ’ lution proposing a constitutional order to attain their object. They . 4M 5¿*55, alxive allude«! to: Besides opening a rich in 1901. l'ated »t Kl.itnatlt Etili» ''leitoii. Ilo» amendment to legalize the mainte were able to increase their speed to Klamath county ia about the size nine and a half miles per day and at stock and agricultural country, tills 3»tll day ui Eel riiat v. ! 1 I. nance of slate institutions away fn.ui) last they reached Nansen’s farthest of tlie state of Massachusetts. Com H. H. V ix V li K> *■ urini. road will tap one of tlie choicest »he capital also passed both Houses. north. S6 degrees 14 minutes. After County T o usurer. bodies of sugar and yellow pine on pared witli tlie size of til«' county, a long and careful observation to th«' population Is not large, yet it Is ~ Not only will j the Pacific Coast. John II. Mitchell who has been make sure of this they passed beyond, elected to succeed Geo. W. McBride and on April 26. 1900, they touched transportation facilities be afforded rapidly increasing, tlie gain during tai the U. S. Senate, was, says the F6 degrees 33 minutes N at alout 56 for many miles of forest on cither til«» past ten years having ix-on 04 per In a county so large and witli Tiisoipisr jorrs »: IN Till WORI I’ l»KV”T<l» TO Oregonian, born in Washington coun degrees E., when they decided to turn i side of the line, but, connecting at cent. back. No land was in sight, nothing such a boundless supply of excellent tills point witli Upper Klamath Lake, ty, Pennsylvania, June 22, 1835. but ice in a state of thaw. Peter- His parents soon moved to Butler niann's land, which Payer believed he ■ witli its northern tributaries. It is land and timber, and such great ad county, and here lie was reared on a saw, did not exist where he stated, pl iced in touch witli thousands of vantages and resources, there is. as a ISSILO WEEKLY farm. lie worked and studied hard. , otherwise Cngni would have seen it acres of excellent pine, besides that matter of fact, abundance of room early in his journey. The same is The out for thousands and teiys of thousands At 304 Dartmoutli Street, Boston. and in this way acquired a good classi said of King Oscar land, which would on the Indian reservation. Mass,, cal and legal education. In I860 he otherwise have been seen on the re look for tlie building of the road en of settlers. The land her«' is of the richest qual hanced the value of timlier lands and rame to tte Pacific coast, and soon turn march. sr In Its priKiuetions of grass, Toward the end of May the four ad prompted 100 persons to exercise ity. located In Portland. He at once ran nei : or light 1i m ihn ». < «» miiny venturers found themselves at the took a prominent part in upholding eighty-second parallel, but the condi their rights to 100 acres of timber grain, vegetables and fruit, it Is equal The only the Union cause, and was soon elect tion of the ice had compelled them leach. Others bought all the desira to the lx st anywhere. thing need« ’ «! to make tlu 1 wlmlea gar ble timber belonging to tlie state in ed to the State Senate. For four to keep too far to the west. On une i THE B ivs'nt I« • t i den, is more Irrigation. And that I»*,., r ol su.Ht lox X. s« 8 they made Harley and Ommaney this county. Representatives of years he was president of that body. war. Is »I r..RT, < ■ i sir l*. islands, having passed Rudolf island will sixtn ta‘ supplied. Men* ion has rrxivTivr sr this «. .1.’ »ors l I.K- Is- In 18<i6 he lacked only one vote of without observing it. They now made Eastern and Western capital inspect i Ari P»run*'hi; IC- p..ît. "I . » piriOT.il In »ml «pirli-.al. Il..l"..¡ .t the caucus nomination for the United the best of their way east, then north- ed Klamath coun'v timlier last year been made of the irrigation plants Sitial . E Itior.al l>,-r artmrnt »I, . now in operation in the county. In Hcimtlrii- ii|»*n »|.ir.tual ati.| ai eveal*; -t States Senate, Six years later he re- east, and finally reached the main and bought a considerable number of |t. {.arlli.i'iil . It- t-.-t. <1 », r : addit ion we learn from a source which eeived the toga at the hands of the camp in good health on June 23 with sections, noniena, anti i oitlrlhi.tt.ut» h, il. tu<> two sledges and seven remaining is reliable and unquestionable that c«l writer» In the nitriti, . -t • le republicans. He was again a candi Another proposed railroad is head dogs. the irrigation ditch at Klamath Falls date in 1882. but was defeated, and J. TERM* OK h! B>‘ HI! Ilo\ IN F The Stella Polare still remained ing for Klamath Falls from the north, I • N. IX'lpli elected. In 1885. at a spec above the ice and Capt. Cagni suc and while the date of its construc will be enlarged in the spring, and I Htx Month? I ’•> that pt epa nit ion* are being made to Three Month * •,, JO ial election, he was elected to succeed ceeded in repairing her sufficiently for tion may tie more remote than that *1 »ecim<*n c«»|»let wilt irre. do it. Thus vast tracts of land, now James IE Slater, democrat. He was the return voyage, which commenced of the Oregon Midland Company, it is on August 15. It was highly improb uncultivated, will be assured of lux again elected in 1891. He was an able that the vessel would have with- reasonably certain of being built ApTMRTfWrMrVTW pttl.lidi .1 At tW-'tl’Y-nrr uriant crops of alfalfa and grain. cent» u line, w Hh «ti«<■•<•»x»<• (<>r «pm «- *n<l urn«* avowed candidate in 18IG, but failed .food another winter in the ice. within the next few years. As we have wen, there are tn^ the Two years' provisions were left at the of re-election. Immigration, which was larger In county 1,250,000acres, (or about 1,900 Banner ol Light Publishing Company camp in the forlorn hope that the Al-n I'UbL. I-. x'i>! I,." . '..f .»!• nt U li>>'t'*R! - Among the most important of the three missing men might still return. 1900 than for many years, was about square miles.) of timber land, «8 per nir! IF ’ it! n <■ r j ' •’« •’ SpIrllM«!. enactments of the Oregon legislature On August 17 the Stella Polare was eveply distributed over the southern cent. of which is yellow pine and 9 ProtcrcAtivr, ket >rm«t»rv . nod ll«^rllanr<»u* Hooks, t Lt <> xu!n«m Iheoso blocked by the ice in the British chan half of the county, and the value of fa the adoption of the Torrens sys per cent, sugir pirn', both of the best phx blmltvi Ptychol .'v lit.; in. nel and remained there 13 days, but acrlplive VetAldCiir wnt ir* « •pplfratlon tem of public registration . of land on August 30. the thirteenth day. she farming lands uniformly advanced and nirjst marketable quality. To Any t»ook >n Enidm >1 <>r inirrh-A. out of print, w ill b<- m hi by mall or •-» titles. ‘‘The bill makes all recorders reached Jackson's station at Cape with the growing demand, Un-irri- cut this into lumber we have splen not preM. Six days later she was at gated ranches which could have been did water powers, and unsurpassed of deeds registrars of titles in their Flora. Hammerfest, having run great dan respective counties, and provides that facilities by lakes and rivers for get ger of destruction by icebergs when bougnt a year ago for from 92 to »5 the owner of any estate or interest in 30 miles from the European mainland. per acre now command from »5 to »10 ting logs to the mills. The water kind, whether legal or equitable, may On .September 11 the duke and Cagni an acre. An an instance, GOO acres, power at the outlet of Klamath lake apply to have his title registered. arrived at Christiania, and on Septem bought a year ago for •« per acre, has a fall of 64 feet, and exceeds No mortgage or other estate less ber 14 they were in Turin. soldin November for »1.7 per acre. Npokanc Falls in force and volume, than a fee simple shall be registered This land is dry, but accessible to fu being able at all seasons of the year Where Trampa Get Their Gall, nnless the fee simple shall first tie Land under the to furnish power to cut into lumber It has been told frequently by per- ture irrigation. registered. The proceedings for the sons who claim to be connoinFeurs on ditch is worth from »15 to »40 an the 350,000 acres of timber tributary registration of a land title are much cooked birds of all kinds that the only acre. to Klamath lake and the rivers that proper way to prepare a squab for the tai the nature of a suit to quiet title table is to incase it in mud and leave Irrigation has made good progress. flow Into It. and are brought in the Circuit Court. it on the burning coals, then remove it. Two large ditches, fed by Sprague To take all this princely supply of All feesaie paid by the applicant and break the mud and the squab roils out River, have been built in tl.e vicinity lumlxT to outside markets, a railroad the cost will depend upon the history splendidly cooked and fit for the gods i>f Bly. Ji. E. Ankeny lias secured a Is needed. As to that, we can My nf the conveyances through which to eat. A tramp who applied for lodgingat half interest in the ditch leading that the discouragements of the past the title has passed. All persons in Central police station the other night from near the source of Klamath ar«’ alxnit over, and there is no doubt I terested are given notice as in a suit said the same rule was true in the River, and his object is understood to that next spring will see the com in equity, but any person claiming cooking of spring chickens. “The be to so enlarge the system that it mencement of this great enterprise. an interest may have his claim con tramps' w ay to cook chicken is the only will water all of the land within its A railroad will come because it will KLAMATH I Al.I S. OR. way." said he. "Steal one for yourself, sidered wit bin two years. After the wring her head off, pack her into a range. John Shook and Clark Ham- pay to conic, and because the timber expiration of two years he may also handful of mud, throw her in the fire, aker have plans to make a ditch from as well as the crops and cattle and make his claim, but cannot, in case leave her there for about 40 minutes, Lost River at Bonanza. It will have other great resources, arc assurances he establishes a right, secure the land jerk her out, break the mud shell, and capacity to irrigate 50,000 acres. that such a railroad will be profitable Daily from Ager to Khimntli Hot there you are, a la Waldorf-Astoria. Spring». Kono. Klamath l all», Daily, itself. He must accept satisfaction Why. it can't be beat.” Stockraistng is still the chief in from the start. Boi'iinza, Bly ami Lakeview. «fills claim in money. After land “But what becomes of the feathers?" dustry of the county. Sales last year With the enlargement of the ditch, “O, they just burn and evaporate, so has been registered, no title there ad Daily from Lnkevieu to I’.lv, l'.<.n:niz.t were: Cattle, »210.000; sheep. »10,- the building of a road giving access --------- - .- l ull*, „ .. ■ K|ul|i|ill; I'Hiry, Klamath Kent»,' verse or In derogation to the title of to speak. You never see t hem after the *00; horses and mules, »«0,000; hogs, to outside markets and the coming Hot Springs and Ager. chicken is taken out of the fire.” the registered owner shall lie acquired I "How about the gall?" in of mills and manufactories, will »7,500; total, »2*8,300. Milkes connection with all train« at by any length of possession. When a i "(). that's where the tramps get their The acreage under cultivation has come a growth and settlement far in Ager, Cal. land title has been registered, a cer gall."—Louisville Courier-Journal. greatly increased. Large crops of al excess of what it has taen in the tificate of such registration is made, i falfa, wheat, oats, rye, potatoes, tur past. A prospect so bright for the I.ltflr More Substantial Than Air. and a duplicate certificate delivered First Londoner—Rather a visionary nips, cabbages, beets and other vege immediate future, should not be over I to the owner of the land. For two man. that fellow Gibbs. Easy Coachei tables are grown. Fruitgrowing, looked by farmers stockgrowers, luni’ years this certificate shall be prirna Second Londoner—Should say he which received only slight attention bermen and ent< rprising men in all | Excellent Accommodations. facie evidence of title, and after that was! Always building castles in the To them It until recent years, is now developing 'g branches of business. u time It shall be conclusive evidence.” | fog, ye know.—Puck. may be truly said that a greater and rapidly. Dairying receives more at- For the weakr'csa and pros!ration tent ion as the adaptability of the better opportunity never presented Recent experiments show that all following grippe there is nothing no soil and climate to the Industry be- itself than the one now offered here. I'iisseniTi’r, expri’s» and freight trafile elasses of foods may lie completely di And finally we will say that we liavc solleiOti. Al •■ii-ines» «• 1.1 r uh te. I o, ,,H prompt and effective as One Minute conics more fully appreciated, Bc- gested by a preparation called Kodol will ta expediteil. Cough Cure. This preparation Is sides supplying the home demand, an uneqtialed climate, the purest Dyspepsia Cure, which absolutely di highly endorsed as an unfailing reme the two creameries at Fort Klamath water, the tast of health and tlie, gests'what you eat. As It is tlie on dy for all throat and lung troubles and the private dairies in all parts of grandest scenery in the United ly combiimt Ion of all the natural di and its early use prevents consunip the county ship many thousands of States. gestants ever devised tlie demand for Like bad dollais. all counfi rfi’lts of lion. It was made to cure quickly. it has lievome enormous. It has DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve are J. L. Padgett & Sons, Keno. never failed to cure the very worst worthless. The original quickly ' Bargains In overcoats at. Duffy's. daws of indignation ¡uul it always Big line men's and ixiys' suits at. Reduced prices on clothing. Duffy*». cures piles, holes and all skin disease... gn»n instant, relief. I Rcduc.’d prl' < s?n clothing, Duffy's, I'uffy 's. l ine job work at thi( • ffice. J. L. Padgett X Suu.:, Keno. J_ L. Padgett A Sons, Kenu. Riverside Naval Oranges 40 CENTS PER DOZEN Al R. I. HAMMONDS. BANNER OF LIGHT: Spiritual Philosophy. Ager-Lakeview Stage Line. s. I. McNAUGHIOH, Prop. Office: At the Telegraph Office. •/ Piesidenî. E K. REAMES, Vico President. MAHfIN JH Cogestions Attended to Promptly. KLAMATH Invito! PAILS PLANING MILLS. J. F. GOELl.ER, Proprietor. Plans a ml Specifications I nrnishcd on All Kinds oi Buildings and Contracting and Building on the Installment Plan. \ ii ...i,' t|>v In tini te varie! V o| inntei I d and work fu riuniti d lo Ilo- mill nlr Store* | , o Wood Curving, Stair Hulls I'.dioters and Xt-xil l'urta, Bimkrla , ,i! ai j i . i I ». mm • ti» .i I Blind» ’.hit.h Cornet roiiH'i and m. i r Ibi».- lib k « . ,IW r(| and I h hi t m d i w )V • *»i i k k. > * » i .») '•»>« and |t| t <k- lei I •...i .»i w i . . i i i . i | . , i , „ l.ilihb»’ . I.u<h\ art*, I'llltitie Hüll Oll, XI» ’iLhufc* . iih I I «I ♦<•*. Eh'\ft!|>>| im Alni l’ut-ign» I ml f - I < » t • »nul Uli« I (‘lit < i I m »**. AA nil I‘ii j er, Felt nil lire*, rk.,r!r, |k *1 Hot It »Ilei llolteilttl, Nini Iti tliV l*lt»»t n»nl lue at A|»|i|e>Yv«l attira. STAI Jijes i:\ci i A.\< AN|> oil ICE- - Ktamath Falls-Merrill Stage Line, W. W. 11 AZ LN, Proprietor, EAST END, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGCV Livery llorst'.* lui iiih il by il.iv, wtH'k or i:,.i;tL, Hay miti Gratti bought um! *<>M. I' -■ ii'.'i’t* c'invt'vt'il lo all piti’ of Smit lui h Origori ami \<'itlii iti California at the vetv lowest rati *. Ashland and Khmaili Falls Stage Line. i IMI 1:1:1. \ XD V f .’t \ r : i»;», NOI l< E i'Hl I I HI |< VITIIX. ’ I 9X1» < >FLh F, tfl, I « I h ihirv In! I'.lOl, »y itimi lit »! in t«im | l t I- !••»»») .’Ill,, fit ( , f .» I • K i ti! I» I« - I Au I L hh U hi ilm it«* »»I ci, <»’•■/ •». V< I \S .i‘liiDjfit-h T«*r»'.!<»• » . a* » »ii'Dtl* U» nil Ii.»- I’liMtc I i’i'l m » I » «««t ' » • l»l I. Is.»‘. AS ilh.-Hi I* Eli' Afl*. Ah X r».i tLHiii!* <•( |xl.iti.;4'l> »lat«* «»I I Makes (.¿illy trig s each way l>v Bar- rcn. s <1.1 Spring*. Shake, I'okvga in - tlimp. ) Kein,, io inn, t • • ¡X I.IIILl ii I al!». Ile- dirts t ime (mm Aaliluntl e i •!»)!«•’!»» ii t N«' I. lor th«« all Xi.rtiia, st Oregon to Klam- I'tirx ! him « «»file- AS », «4 N I » t • t K . |0, I ali» Merrill, lb nan-a. |!h .1.1 >SS ‘4 ..I bl ») an.! h|?4 . » bSS % <4 Lakeview, and also Indi.in >. »!l 'lt A.. 3. hi I «iw ti»lii| \ . t»! M , IÎ4I . »• N. 10 K in I will • !?« f i f.* I fu h i mid I-1. Kluiiutih. •«how thil Ihr Im.-I f- <kht im iH-'t.' vaiti« al.!»« f.»r it« littitrr «»r •:..« than |«»r It Is • . hc.iprr anil otic day quicker <, i i.iilt’if al |»trp i- itf.fl l> >-t|’h»h l»l* t'laihi I” »rti'l I I» »I I m L (*' tin* Rrglt- tlni<' than any other mute. i.r ;»t I n«.. 'kvr • I llu- • • •! I.ikr- Vi»'«. Or. i>ti i .ihinlm ’»i. Lilli »Uv <4 Hr limn« " .»• a i! Li »r« ' .Spill. HMH Mirrili, <•«♦.». SV. C««nitvr. I L4rica T. SS ili».« h . Al ri ili. » G «, < hilt Ir» S I»unibili M< mil « »’rtf' h ; Uh. I he ifntl. Orry SShimrv, rl«lhi>ll>tf H*l* Shi Ali i «II J*» f llu I i .i <ia ate vvrx-ly tin* a I m 'V v ■ ill Ihn l»-«| .'«I III Hlv I lb day < I April, ' III» » «iti uî I h I oiv at IUUI. II. M. (ilKÜUT. I.. M Hu tino I:, gi»irr. It I» and lit II and Ai? Good Stock and Equip« nient. Careful Attention Given Traveling Publie. Sotkc I or Publication. 1 « I arinwi’t ol fio» Infrri’ r, I and I’(ht r «I I uki'VH’W . I>rt«¿4»n, FV Ih, B«!| .Noti' .• ir hrri’by giv»*h Inai ili«’ I •! loUir; 11.1" I -.■tllf-r J il« hh'«l r»««fi'-»- ”f hi* hitrnt“ ii to oiìi K p Ihinl proni in «iip P«“t <4 In* « lami, nini that «nhl proof Willi« Bi.lih« iM'fo’i« .fillio*« fl. fh|«> fil, ( oGiit v ( I« t k . at |\!.iin,it| I* alt*, O»(«n Alan h 2 », l’.M|, vir ; Jol»|i M. Tlptnn. II. E. N" I7;»._ |..r Ihr NI ’* of NE», i h M IL 10.1 .'il'. . 7. hi ¡«I T.1 . of N AA ’4, iin«l lz»t I »*f »•■«■ Is lp. ’» S., R. 11E. H»»naine* th.- (’•) »w .i /w ? io **•*«» lo provi* hi* » ou- tiiiiioUM t»•«• d I.’I k ' i « iqwfii and mltlvA tif'h <4 f « i »I hm«!, via: •s,anni**l |>I x < h ». • 4 » »h'iH* < >r« j*< n ; I*. A\ . An<l«*r*«'U, • Í » »h*n»*, < h'-gon ; < '|ifir*«’i» Horton, of Ilo- ion./.t <>r» X'’O» .l‘»hn Stunt, <4 olmi’. < >r»*goii. r. ai . r.iLATr.AiN i:.-.i-nr. j. n. nooRE, J. B. MOORE, Proprietor of Freight logons. " itb I» Ev*rvt|iintf Mini HOTEL BARBER SHOP. J IV. SIEMENS. Flop. Notice I or l'ubliuAlton. ¡».•¡• ir!«»( ih»’ lnt» ri’»i-, Liii i Ollicv i»l Lnki'vivw. Fvt*rn:iry I ». IWH. N’itíí’f im ht'H'by gìvrll liiHt li» ini l"U ID/ fii'lfll il M-ltii r |ti|M iiii'll lD»lt •»« <»! hi” in’> ii’inii |o make lifml |»r»»<4 il» Rlip »laini, nii'l tliAl * iii I proni "ili I'• in i !»• Ix-ffir»« Ja«. Il Priw.fll, < *»iii)i v ( leik al Kliimatli l ui!«, Oregon, <»n Mai eh L'jih, limi, viz : < .••»•rgf L. ,**rh w nrtz, Il I'. N" ? m .’| f<>r tliu N1, t f > i :') if m :*4. ht . : i , and naa », <4 ' NW. “ i »f H • . 2. Tp. Il, b., Il 12 I Ile I iianir« thv f«ilb»wing witiH»»»««n !>> prove Id* rontimioii* recidete e upon mal i illivation of raid lami, li»! Al- •n il Hay, ». Tide l.nke, Ore.; Allierl lohn un, of Tuli' l.nke, Ore.; .l inns I 'ixon, <>f A It a mont, < hu. ; John itixun, of Allainont, I Ire. I . M. BlLVrTAl.X, Itegister. P on* who cannot i *ko ordlnarj pilla liiid it a pleasure to take he- Wilt's Little Early Risers, T h* y arc the lust little liter pills wer Hindi'. J. L. railgel t & Sons. Keno. I’ar; i|ns In overcoats at Duffy's. Cleanliness and Good Work Guaranteed. Also Agent for LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INS. CO. Tltr.AHl'Itl It'S Mill» E. I , ,, ' . I in the Conn') I 11 or.lini» '"r ,, r««<h*niplp'ii ’n li“* t< .-.ting county oil iiH'1 ptint I" unrrnntM pr<»f<**tr«l - Npvf nibrr 12, IHL*. lllt.t. -I -WAS t.I'i»i» *¡mi" in i»! Il i 'li” I » ' * I — 1 fi)!« fi2t)H HI I ksli ',ir»s 5124, -il7 t, 5100. 5104. ■'.'■| .VINO, 51 H. ’H’-'..'.' ’I F'Se .'HW/t. ’***!• ,»O), 47J» ’I'1 ' ; 1 %JS l 5113, IX7,4'i;2. ’ili. 1'17*, 5111, 5'Ili ”"'1’ Olio, 5li.ll. 521.'. .O'1 I ' ' 50 .'tino, h’.TO, 51*1 It’ll., '-'"'i to '..l, ¡seto, rsns’>, Dateti ut Klilliiath I nlb, '>)• g""- ’** lililí day oí JHiiiiiirv, H'OI r_,, Il II. V'*\ '"‘T7"'„rrr. Cotinlv Tri-«»1"* Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you cat. 11 am‘iclally digest» the food and aids Nature in strengtbfDing and recon« strutting tho extiansted digestive or- «an», it lathe latestdlscovcrcddlgcst- ant. and tonic No other preparation can npitrmu li It In clllcicnryr It In stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Eiatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea. Nick Headache, Gast ralgla.Crainp*and allot her results of impel feet digest ion. I’rl ’f jtx: anti |l. Lirge.li.contain. 2!4 tlniey i.imillllu ¡look »Uslsiutdy«ni'|t»i.ita.illedfi' u Priipcrsd by E. C RsWl f f'sGO, Chicago. I T aao « Mj* co -* b ,0, ì !!2*' Anroni. •»iblln. " .nl-klz "«"Tbe'i <,i,i„, I tiivrutlott I» l’r"l' ■ nuil'»’ t loti. » tout Ir ’till. I’’”'"’ ■ 1 .... uriti« ...ft o........ "'I-i it’i.in I-,ant,t. take» mili« A .............. fir t'l""'*«'rf |T,;;'n,.l. sä '»?«»«. -...’■’ifiíwi ÜiUNN tlCo¿«'!-'S!S’t BraiH-h ’iff’Lü, • T.> I • ’■•«