Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, February 21, 1901, Image 3

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    uhiath republican .
local news .
j(M. Helby "f Merrill
H y; smith of Merrill wa» In town
Alexander Zevely of Ho'mutaa was
|ierv today­
din |,„w of Soldier Spring» wa»
In town Monday.
T f . D.iw»on of Hail Fran* !»<•«>
«»» ben' Tm‘»day.
j C. FerguwHi "f <*•*»! river arrived
In to*" »'••'•T'l*.*'
Ke... ...
the D*grtw of Honor
I m II tomorrow night.
w (-. Dall*..... . Title lake wa» nt
Klamath Falla Tuesday.
g. Merrill t*f Merrill waa In
Kl«tn»tn F ill* sat unlay.
ginll I’d and Mr. Ilemlrtck* of
,"'rr Mo“4“.*.
jolm »ml David Mi*»*k *>f Dairy
visited Khmath Fall» «»er Sunday.
Wm Nit krnmn of Yainax ha» liren
a Klamith Falla vlaltor thia w.-ek.
F K and G. W. Brandon, tnereh-
antxofM.ti.il. were here Hat unlay.
Oaint» Survevor Hlm|»*at of Nay-
loi wa» doing btavineaa In town Satin
A lit
Mr. (’. II Withrow rnviixl till»
week a I* til t rioni a gentleman resld-
log al I iiion, (ircgoti, making In­
quiete» In r* lai ioii lo establlkhlng a
w<»>leii nuli al Klamalli Full».
Nhould Ile colo bidè to Collie, Ile wlll I
red ulMiiit <> iic and one half milts thi»
»Ide of Hl»klyou, near the m w steel
tii klle, uml liatl It not been for I lie
gttttd judgment of th** trainmen,
might have resulted Ina I omi of lift*.
No. It, due here Saturday morning,
wm on time al the little mountain
»tiilloii and began to feel It» way
down the hill very caullou»ly. When
the »Hile, which wits 7.» feet long anti
I’* feet deep ami was composed al­
most entirely of Ixtuldcrk, was *t(U*k,
Engineer Hunter. In t barge of the
liclp'r engine, shut off steam ami
with hl» Orcman, leaped for Ids life.
Tlic engine ran on top of the slide.
Engineer O'Neil, In charge of the
l htough englne, si
ping III» machine a
fore any damage w.
master Burkhalter
aided by a force sent to the scene by
tlic ofiiciai» from tills city, vigorously
Itegun the work of removing the en­
gine from the rocky slide ami clear­
ing ! he I rack.
The pasM iigct» and
mull were transferred and reached
here at 12:30 p. m. Natunlay.
track was cleared In the afternoon of
that flay. »** that No. 1.1, sou!Iilmund,
was able to get through without delay.
Chhrnok dlalect.
R*v. J *■**»*■ K
full-bloodcd Klumaih, romw-d eri
»Insili >*y rcclllng tir progr* s» *.|
proplc m well a, the clami» of
At tllc clone of the * evening
W.ssi alluded lo thè pr*a ore «f I one
kuown to all thè guest», an early plo-
ni’cr wh**M- life for over li.df a century
bad beco devoted to Oregon'» hlNtory
and joiirnallsm, and called on Mr.
Clark, llbrarian at the I.ami Office
library. The I latter followed brief
rciiiurk» by reciting
r*«Tting o.\
"A Webfmit
Welcome" In verse.
A» a liliale to
thè i-venlng'» goodfellowkhlp, all
jolm'd In »inglng ‘‘America."
A Washington, |>. (’., corn-sjiond-
ent, writing from that city, February
ifith, on the subject of irrigation,
Anyone doubting th" prominence
to which the national Irrigation
movement has attained, should visit
the National Capitol these days and
note Ih<- amount of irrigation talk
ami discussion there, In and about
Congress. The air la full of Irriga­
tion. It has already come strongly
to the front in Isith House and Sen­
ate and In committees, ami Eastern I
Congrcshmen arc learning things
almut the subject of arid land recla­
mation and the resulting Is-nctils and
|s>s»lbilltles. of which they had never
t« for<' dreamed.
The Western men In Congress are
feeling very much encouraged, They
see that at last lrrig.ition is coming
to lie umlerstissl.
This Is the case In fact,
Great In-
terests are working for the Inaugura-
lion of a national irrigation policy,
ami they will continue working and
Increasing in their efforts until pro-
visions are made for carrying out
such a policy.
'The West has never before ts-en so
insistent and united in Its demands
that the Federal Government shall
build the great storage reservoirs
neccsKiry to the arid land reclama­
tion, but the great East lias now
come to its support and is anxious to
have the proposition given a fair
The majority of the embroidered
dresse» just now are done on black
or ecru liue, though some are on »ilk
or »utin; while a go*,*I peuii dr sole
**••*-*11» the favorite make, a»y» a fash­
ion authority. By lace must l*e un­
derstood the very wide valeociennea
and other nets turned out by Nor­
man and Nottingham looms, many of
which take the entire length of a
akirt and low bodice la-tween the
aehedgea. They are far too fragile
to hr atretched in frames, and are
simply tacked over (hr paper» on
which the itesigna are traced. These
are so elnltoratr that several women
work at once on the aamr drrva^or It
would never be finished in time, and
they are generally quite independent
of the pattern in the net Itaelf. Some
lay on straight or ainuoua lines of
black velvet, and other» e,!gr them
with gold or silver braid, or with
gold apangleo, or tiny crystal bead»,
or al! three. Vast quantities of fancy
lace braids are also used, and delicate
chainstitch traceries in the finest
gold or silver thr*-a*l. Many designs
are arranged so as to leave vacant
medallion», into which most exquisite­
ly embroidered »prays of silken
flowers on go»»am*-r-like gauze »re
afterwards Introduced. All is done by
swift yet dainty fingers that never
make a false or a loose stitch, and.
as may be imagined, such work en­
grosses the whole attention, as the
least suspicion of drawing the thread
or puckering would be fatal.
Silken robe* are cut nnd seamed in­
to shape and stretched in frame*. The
favorite ornamentation just now is
groups of single sprays of roses, both
bud and blossom, and just enough fo­
liage to give the graceful touch of
nature, embroidered in such exquisite
shades that they are no doubt often
suppose*! to t>e ¡minted The connect­
ing line* are done in tiny pallettes of
many sparkling hues, and the fii.wrrs
themselves are marvels of ingenuity.
Small petals of pink or amber satin
are laid on the si.a and then covered
with puffed morsels of white or pink
silk gossamer gauze to form a raised
blossom.sometimes centered or caught
down with a single Iwad or spangle,
but there is no risible stitch.
Occasionally a chintz gnuze is em-
ploved, and to see it in the piece sug­
gests nothing so much as a translu­
cent slice cut out of a rainbow. In
the case of a life-sized spray of rose
leaves the underlay is green rat in,
veiled with white gnuze. and so deli-
eately vrined am! strolled with »ilk
no to give all the effect of water
Black and white for half mourninir
is also in great demand, and the dress
executed in lace or gauze, with’em­
pire designs, in sparkling lines of jet,
silk nnd silver, and with motifs in
black or white satin or velvet, much
overlaid with white silk and fine che­
nille, are legion. Tbe materials for
these embroideries are got together
from all parts of Europe and as care­
fully collected aa curios, or even gems. I
A beautiful black lace skirt is covered
with a ilesign of bunches of likic and I
wisteria leave*, all in black paillettes,
and a very happy combination it is,
for the wisteria foliage in graceful,
and that of the lilac is heavy.
Aiguillette» or “dangles'’ are con­
spicuous in the trimmings of the day.
and they »re made separately or in
group», finished with gold, steel or jet
wrought in the “dented” ¡«earls that
so closely resemble real ones are
much used, and are so raaae that they
can be cut into complete separate
parts. White and bi »cult-colored cloths
are embroidered in chainstitch with
silk and tinsel threads that are gor­
geous when seen separately, but com­
bine into a very subdued yet rich­
looking whole, for the cuffs, lapels
and revewa of tailor-made gowns.
* ■ ‘
Dry Goods,
Clothing and Groceries.
I he Wool
On Monday this office had the
¡uni ('n«>li
■'omit up pleasure of receiving from Hon. It. A.
Emmltt, *>ur reprewnliitlve at Salem,
a copy of I lie Hous*' ('alendar, pul*-
Difficulty of getting the mall» over llshi'd last Friday.
Froui I lie num-
j a K*«mtx and David Allen, the mountain» I» ngulu very annoy- I»cr of ill I la ment loned In tills Calen-
loth *>f b«' Htver, were In town <>u Ing Fin* •** ill* ri-gliai taon this kille dar, It 1» apparent that the legisla-
of th*- mount ¿ilo», on the mountain»
lure Im» not lieen l>l le by any means.
tlw ms* I ks the • “
thawing know renders On the contrary, Itetwrcii three ami
Frank Gt iyl»»ll. **• I-
tilings dial».In al.
Hut this state of four hundred bill» have I h - cii Intro­
»n<! G. w J"r.v "f '•«•rrtll wrrv lierr
■iff.ili» * .inti I llow lie i'«|M-et*si to Is-
duced, covering a great variety of
ot her w Is*
I h*' crralng of tile Al|>s »object» and many of them will lie of
Horn. *>tt Halurday,
lllto Italy UK. d to Ik-equally bad !»•-
Fall». I*’ Mr. amt Mr». II K. Smith fore ti railroad wa» built, l>ut when much benefft to th*- state. If they be­
come law».
Among the bill» Intrie
uf Merrill, a **•••■
trai*-! rs h id finally got aerra» they dui'ed by ICcpri-xriitalive Emmilt, we
Th** wltool riertkai rouira off on ram*' to in h ti* ld» and Italian aklen.
note th*' following which have not
Monday. Mmli 4th and tlw city It I» so li< i.
Wlii'n mie ha» left !»•• been yet finally passed on:
rlwt Ion * at M**mtay, Man'll IMli.
hind him tbc ro* L«. ravine», inolili-
II. It. 243: "To amend an act re­
j. IL Jardine tiaa reigned hi* po*i tain I1 ru nt» .uwl snows of the (’as­
lating to transfer ami satisfactIon o,
turn x* cit y io4(»lial. ami John t'crl- rude ra.ige. tu- find» lilimw-lf ili a new
Injf* ha* hr It appointed In hl» plare. ami genial world.
II. IL 242: ".T*> provide for th**
John s Shook of Dairy 1» ni Klam
Akbland Tiding*
The post office payment of Jolm Muller of Wanhlng-
tth Fail» today, and will tomorrow department i* pn ¡siring new mall ton. 1».
ft.* Vablaml for a few week»' routr.u I» on s'.ir rout*-» so aa to lu-
II. IL 2m*: "To punish persons
elude a provision whereby persons using barbed win* for fencing tor fail­
W. (' Ctirm-v of I’mtland wa» to re living along *u* li route» may have ure to properly construct," etc.
Turatav on hi* way to Lakeview to their mall deposited III l»>xe» to lie
II. IL 2t*0: To license stock graz­
■mot on tin- electrte light plant al erected l>v thcin.
I hem. A gi'tieriil adver- ing In counties other than In which
Gut place
t iM-iiK iit lux il mg |>r<*|»w.tl* f*«r carry­ tUMcNaed,
II. It. 21*1: T** establish a soldiers’
tli*- mall >>n all star and steam-
A g***!»>z<sl »u*lI* nee wllnraMsl
thr r»pr>»lu*'tIon <>f "A Family Af­ Isut mail route* in Oregon for a term home at Roweburg, Oregon.
fair." In Houston'» **|» ra itoiuw List <>! four y*.irs Is'gimiiug July I, 1 ihi 2.
will I»- ........ I •»■ pU'iniM-r next.
It I»
Thurvlav filgtit.
Tbc S.UI Franrlff'o Bulletin report» f In- Int* lit ion of Hie dr|uirtmrnt to
lit. Sunday m -I mni I.
Recently at Vreka. aay» tlie <>r*«-
Ilia' tbe pt »Idi-nt wlll call an extra In* "rjs.r ite In all contract» entered ville Rcglstcr, a test w.is Iliadi' of thè
m. and 7,30 p. m., preaching.
troxem of c*mgr*'M on the explra’ion Into for ** riice under till» advertise w.-lght of show , and It was foimd iliat
ini'iit a ppivlsioti whereby |»'r»oti»
•rf (tv prra* nt w-raion.
I. G. K notts . Pastor.
a cubie f«w*t welgh'il li'.j p**umls.
living along Hie Hue of tlic route limy
Mt. tnd'Tson, oftlm tlrm uf W iti**.iv
lini of munte thè welght would v.iry
If they to itisirc. Imre tlirlr mull <le-
A Aml rv-n. merchant» of Merrill,
grc.it ly ai’conling lo lire dampness
l»M>i?<-<l m t»ni's erected l>y them for
»» at Kia math Fall» Momlay for a
ordrym'ssof thè MI**W.
Notice 1» hereby given that the
«lidi purj* . except oti rout*» where
I' sm I of Mtppli*-» fi*r their »lore.
bowevcr. iti| pound» lo I»* thè aver- regular annual stockholders' meeting
the r* *|uliI'liu nt* of »ueh uoX delivery
Rev. I. G Knott» of Grant» I’ara service would !»• I hi pract Icable, of ngc. Il will tic aceri th.it a r*»*f must of the Klamath Falls irrigating
liear up In some Insinuerà an cnor- Company will t»* held at in o'clock a.
Ivin Klamath Fall» where he wlll re­
whi* l> din- r*'|»*rt should Ito made giv­
nmu» welght.
Tlius In Yreka the m.. on Monday, March 4th, ltmi, at I
main * month.
lie arrived on the
ing explhtlly the ri'.ison» why »ueh
show wa» slx feci deep. and a column t be office of the company in Reames
l»lal*-*l Vsli..ui<l »l.ige Sunday after-
servi*.- I» ■sitishlcri'd impracticable.
of it olle fool s*|iiare and six feet in A Jennings' store, at Klamath Falls.
Tbr**ugh t he courtesy of Senat**r depili would arigli II*} pound».
A Oregon.
E. R. R kamks .
Th*' rnd of thr f.*rty day» of the
Willi.on. n we i.ecivcd on Monday H n<of 2ox4(> fcvt would bave lo bear up
* m-gon legist iture will tome on Fri­
copy of »• n it*' bill No. Iti», which a little over 50,000 pound». Bctwcen
day, tto-m<irrow.)
If the legislature
aa* Hitr*«lu* **l by nlm In tile »late Ori >v II le and l^uincy thè show often
larautlmi I after that date, It wlll
M-n.ite alni la likely to tiecomr a law. fall» lo thè depili of 1.1 fcvt, and fre-
•*■ do«*' without pay.
All persons indebted to the under­
It I» t<> give a Isiunty of 42 for the quently on thè summit it is 20 feet
will plcrse set tie their account*
A good Stock ot Hardware. Good goods
Tlf di lln ¡went tax r**ll of limo wlll destruct Ion i f < acb w lid eat, coyote,
ami iM'casloiially il Is 30 feet or over. .it Klamath County Bank.
b In tli lumla ol the alieilff Hie l,u«l
at very reasonable prices. Not blacksmith­
mountain Hou. panther, cougar, gray At the Golden Summit mine the
C. S. A It. F. M oore .
vE III*» w. ,'k, for collect Ion, ami lie Is w..|f .mil tlu.is r wolf.
(hi proof of show one wintcr was 3» feet on a
ing supplies alone, but Everything generally
r»(utr**l by law to collect tlic Mine which, duly mad** by the parile» hav­
Reduced prices on clothing, 1 uTv's. I*» mm of lofoHMtloa Rolatlaa «•
single aqttare foot of roof
* itmut needleaa delay.
kept in a Hardware Store, such as Shovels,
ing lit*'»*'11 p*. tin- county clerk will would bave tu bear up 037 pound».
■verydoy Affali*» la the
Km- li*'r« are getting ready Iodo Issue a warrant <>n the general fumi A risii 20x40 feet would bave to II* iole!
Forks, Hoes, Spades, Mops, Brooms,
lit'Ir planting »nd other »pring work <*f t lie county treasury for lite amount, up over 300.000 pound».
A tine line of Pumps and Wind
Never mix chilled milk with fresh,
Tinware, Sheetiron ware, Carpenters’
•*»»*<•(1 m Hie miow disapfM'iira, which and will deliver tlic acalpa to the
Mills just received by C. II. Withrow aa the latter will be injured, says the
the ''AermotorMan ”
•HI I»- within a »bort time If the countv court, together with a state­
Home Magazine.
and Hechanics’ Tools, Powder Shot,
prraent thawing weather lanta.
Silver may be kept bright for
ment sh**w lug the nunilxT received,
Reports show a greatly inc reMed months by being kept in an air-tight
Shells and Wads.
From Washington I’**»!,
Mr. »nd Mrs. R. s. M*»*r*- ntaried and on the l»l of each mollili lie wlll
death rate from throat and lung place. It is the action of the atmos­
Tumda, iiiornlng for Ager, Cal., and »end a statement of th** wli It* num-
troubles, due to the prevalence of phere which tarnishes silver.
from to,-n,-,. f,, port laml ami Knleni, tier of warrant» drawn by him and ' James Hotel Saturday evening. Feb­ croup, pneumonia and grippe.
Next to sunlight the incandescent
Or.. 1*» ,|»n relative» and friend». tli*' amount l*> the »e«Tct irv of state ruary 1». by th*' commission of Oregon advise tin use of One Minute Cough light gives the best illumination for
They wi|| |N. giiocnt al»«ut three who will refund by warrant two- Indian war veterans, who entertained Cure in all of these difficulties. It is reading. Electric light is not injuri­
ous to the eyes.
Ihlrdsof the amount paid hy the the Oregonians resident at the Capi­ the only harmless remedy that gives
A good perfume for closets and draw­
If ibi» bccomea a law it tal. The veterans are survivors from immediate results. Children like it. ers and as a preventive to moths is one
"nt. I’ Rlioada 1« making prepara- county.
1 the Indian wars of a half century or
ounce each of cloves, cedar and rhubarb
Hen» to e»( n bl lab ami run a aawmlll will take the place of and l»e a great
,1. L. Padgett A Sons, Keno.
pulverized together.
more ago.
«••'I planer on stukel mountain, six luiprovcini'iit over the old law which
To keep cranberries through the win­
I. A. DUFFY’S GREAT SLAUGHTER ter so they will be quite fresh, keep
(»ilea tram Merrill.
He cxp*-cta to htu l>een in for**' for the paat two
lect, and the feast was followed by
them in a firkin of water and change
»Input new machinery and have a years.
I t oasts and speeches. Col. T. A. W<swl.
the water occasionally.
Snit-cia*» milt.
We understand that Sheriff Sum- of the veterans, presiding.
Before repainting woodwork, have it
I. A. Duffy, the "sleepless and un­ carefully washed so ns to remove all
S tlm*m moi I h ^,, t r«»nt are now be- mcr», Judge Smith ami Fred Melha.se slotter llcrniaiui, of the General Lind
‘"K 1 aught In great aluimlanc*-. And arc thinking <*f luirlng for artesian (»nice, gave Ills expcrlcis'cs ¡is Mem- tiring,” has now on hand a "Slaugh­ dust, finger marks, stains, etc. Tut a
11 is to Iler of Congress In working for the ter Side” of Men’s and Bovs' Cloth­ tablespoonful of nmmonia to ench half
»11*1 dtn-ks and grcac, fat ami plenty, water the coming summer,
gallon of warm water, which will make
•r<' al»** rewarding the IndtMlrloiM be hoped that they will do so, ami Oregon pension measure, and spoke ing. SI mm ' s , Hats and Overcoats. the work easier and more effective.
tunterx. Thia 1» a great country for should th,dr experiment meet with of war-time episodes in .Southern Ore­ Nothing succeeds like slice* s*.
Rrowa Rread aad llaeoa.
hunters ami ffahertnen.
mendous sides, but not making any
nuccchs , It wlll I m * a most beiicticlal gon.
Representative Tongue ex-
Cook half a dozen slices of bacon in
It would plaimsl difficult les that beset such
Ashl.uiil riding»; John Perdue, an discovert for the county.
the hot blazer. For chafing-dish cook­
R***m hits to be ery. 1 invariably use the delicately cut
settle at once the problem of Irriga­ pension legislation, and gave a re­ u.vnnt.Kss of cost .
'.1|, dh d at Pertlue.
•‘"'igl.i» county, In hl» k4lh year.
A tion, as It dhl a few years ago In sume of Ills own efforts.
Remarks made for his large sp-ing stitek of shces of bncon which come in a glasa I
lie will soon enlarge Ills can. Cut the crust from several slices
were made by Mr. Gllfrey, legislative new g***sls.
»urvlviiig daughter 1» Mr». John
establish a Modern lie­ of Boston brown bread, nnd fry it in
the fat which comes from the bacon un­
’•'As. wife of one of the pioneer of land w* re worthies» for want of Ir­ clerk of lit,' Senate for twenty years;
pat tment store, and, with that in til crusty, Serve with two morsel« of
1 ll«< iis of Klamath county, n cousin rigation. And there were no lakes Mr. Sherman ami Mr. 1 lodge of the
and rivers, as there are here, which Land office; Mr. Cooper, Judge Rl*l- view, expects this spring to erect a bacon on each »lice.—Good Ilousekeep-
or Abraham Lincoln.
c**uld I»1 utIHr.ed for that purpoae. I dlc, ('apt. Stillwell, (’apt. Wheeler large, two-story building capable of Ing.
'ir** told ¡|1;l( sonic changes very Finally as a last effort to make fertile
. containing a great and varied assort­
Fruit Cookies.
ami ('apt. Mount.
('apt. Wheeler,
»»orable t„ travelers wlll g.t Intoef- the desolate and worthless plains, a
ment of gissls, hoping, with his years
One cupful of butter, three egg», one
speaking (ff the pension bill providing
'be middle of next month re- company went to work to tinti arie-
of experience In the business and his cupful of sugar; rub to a cream. Add
for the Oregon pioneers, resented the
one cupful of chopped and seeded rais­
■thig the time of departure ami »Inn water, ami after going down a
acquaintance with his customers, to ins, four tablespoonfuls of sweet milk,
Imputation'of public v r private char­
vultifllie Ashland stage.
The few humind feet, were rewarded by a
please them In the future M in the one teaapoonful soda; cinnamon and
acter, ami declared that the nation
* «rrangement will afford a day- flowing wi ll.
nutmeg for spice?—Detroit Free Presa.
This favorable result owes to the Indian war veterans the i past,
- ---------------------- -
K ti rii|,. 1)011, |„ going to or coming encouraged other settlers to follow-
Recent experiments show that all
existence of three great States, where
For the weakoess and prostration
suit. Other wells quickly followed the British flag might have floated iflasses of f*Hsls may he completely <11-
Mofid.ii H Ashland Tidings repotts ami now that portion of South Dako­ to-dav but for their patriotism and . gested hy a preparation called Kodol following grippe there is nothing so NOTICE TO BRIDGE CONTRACTORS.'
prompt and effective’as«One Minute
"nineteen colonists arrived In
Slnrles were told of the bat-I Dyspepsia Cure, wliic't absolutely <11- Cough Cun'.
Bids will be received bv Klamath
This preparation is
Its flowing (les with the Mo<l**cs and many a gests what you eat
As It is the on-
’"■Ill.y Safunlay from Nebraska i use, Is watered by
Grace Methodl.t Episcopal Church,
hlglfly endorsed as an unfailing reme­ County Court up to Mar-ii fi, 1901.
i ly combination of all the natural di-
1 My
||n, forevonoeca of others wells, Is rich In crops ami Is lightly thrilling Indian tight.
dy for all throat and lung troubles for furnishing material and repairing , n^u,ar Ku,,f,ay Service«:
■J*"l to arrive hoto nsm.
They considered as a...... .. the most pros-
('apt. Applegate also spoke, and an- gestants ever devised the demand for and its early use prevents eonsump the Whitney bridge on L*wt River. School at 10 a. m.; Preaching at 11
It has tlon. It was made to cure quickly.
a. m.; also at 7:30 p. m.
' l,'ttl of the large company of perous parts of the stat*'.
nounced th,' regrets of Senator Simon it has become enormous.
For sped Heat Ions inquire of
Z l !'* nrr,v,"K *" Chllfornla last
C. A. K tockwkll . Paator.
Ashland Tidings: The heavy rains who was prevented attending by a never failed lo cure the very worst
J. L. Padgett A Sons, Kent*.
J. II. D riscoll ,
from the oast,"
ami resultant thaw were responsible previous engagement, and of Repre­ ■eases of Indigestion and it always
County Clerk.
Big line of men’s and boys' suits at
Big line of men'» and boys' suits st
birn^ l>Uffy
'» result of child- for a serious slide In the Siskiyou» sentative Moody who pleaded a slmi- ■ gives instant relief,
Reduced prices on clothing. Duffy’s. Duffy's.
l>uff< ’s.
Ì he slhle isrttr- llir excuse In a note written In the1 J. L. 1'adgctt A Sons, Keno.
1,1,1 ’'•'Idity, the »th Inst., nt her last Friday night.
The Best Assortment We
Have Ever Shown
New Stock Now Arriving.
L. F. WILLITS, Proprietor.
New Hard=
ware Store,
Klamath Falls, Or.
Air Tight Heaters, Stove Pipe and
Cooking Utensils.
Full Stock of
Reames & Jennings,
Klamath Falls, Oregon.