Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, February 21, 1901, Image 1

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Import tats st th« sut« Capital —
From All Part» of lh< N«w World
KonaU bill itj,
■lalluuarv suglusr
loiealod Monday.
and the Old.
>mp-<h«i«ilv« Rtvlsw of th* Impwtont I tap
panlngi of ths Pa*<
bl a
( imdanMd I orm.
Mr« Saibm ■“» • »Mlling welcome
In ('hteitfo*
The relwl general. Malleui. waa killed
al Slbugau.
A aeiere *u«>w «turns la tegiug In I«'
dlaii lerrtloiy.
Spain l> pieelng through /another
•rilieal period.
Kight officer« aod 70 men aurreu<ler
*d al Kan Miguel.
Thouuud* have died from the plague
iu Weetoru Mlwrl«.
l.lnodu «lay liauqaeto war» held lu
many Ka»torn citiea.
Rusting *l<idenl* lu Madrid were die-
p*rev«l by Hie police.
The |lrlli»h a|u«lruu oroialn* In
West In lieu water*, will cell al Ha­
The civil contra. ! In wstsnectlon with
the coming royal 8|.«uleb wedding waa
The Tell commieelon hae goue to
>otihern Le«on to eatebllab provincial
A minority stock holder In Erie rail­
road •«■«■li! to restrain the company
(rum carrying out Morgan'« deal.
Tender* for 4'1 i.OOtt.OtUI rxche«|Uer
tend* wete cl<«ae<l In txmdon. Twen-
ly-tive million* wer« applied lor. The
*>•:«■• price wa* £97 5a 4<L
Al Helena. A. J. Kelly and George
Hand*, hut were convicted ol stealing
tbiee calve« «nd acre eeiifemml lu 14
year* each lu the penitentiary.
The annual meeting ol the Agrarian
Awoclati.m <d Tai an«l FUnomlo Re-
former*, at Berlin, adopted reaolutlon«
In faior of luctMiing agricultural du-
The roti to* t letween Hilly 8mlth and
Oa*n Kelgivr, al F'.rle, I'«.,
llopp«»l at the eud of tbe 10th round,
church people deinan ling the ahmff
k> enforce tbe law.
Wom*n Sullrags DeltaUd
An effort was mede |g i)ia bouae
Mondar t<> recoueirfor thè vote by ehlih
«•nate p ini ................... -|f (or WOII|M1|
•Uffrage. w*. deleeleei.
The vie lor
recouaideraiiou waa loat, 28 lo 21.
law Without Governor's Signature.
Governor t.snr Monday Hied the
barliar Hun-lay closing bill without
his signature, lima oompletiug the
I roc. »Imgs iio rssitry to make It a law.
Aa It bear* an emergency clause, It
wmt iniu effect Mondayaud will make
harboring <>u next Sunday a crime.
P.ired Bolh House*.
The followiug bilia bava p*»«m| l»>th
llouaa bill 3, relative lo
acliool librarle«, house bill 91, te prò-
lilblt barlierlug un huuday, house bill
2o3, approi riatlnn (or legislative ex-
peilssvs and delle lene |es, sonate bili 12,
provi Itug fot sai» ol achool landa; asin­
ata bill 15, axampllon ol aerimi** of
judgineul dsbtors; sellata bill 17. Ila-
tu* fava ut Wllneura |n Ihtuglaa, Jack-
auu ami Jossj.lilue counllea In crimlusl
aotlons. annate Mll 95, Hilng aalary ut
judge ut i lackaiuaa couttly. Incoi pur»
allou bilia, Bhertdau and Whltuey.
Signed by (he Governo«.
Tba following bills have linen signed
by the governor
House bill 8, amend­
ing Albany bridge act; house bill 4,
appropriating $1,mill l«>r Oregon agri­
cultural onllege, house bill 25. appro­
priating $47,5 >0 to I Iregon state uul-
vereily. hou>» bill | ho , lor pay meni of
scalp bounty warrants; house bill 224,
relative to I'urtland tax ley. h use bill
257. rvlinqulshliig ground U> Culled
stale* lor ¡»»»mitico at Balam. senate
bill H, rtdallia to li.-ensoa on slate lair
(Alsw without governor's
signature); senate bill 19, to |«y ex-
la« uses of Indiali war »eteraua to Wash­
ington. senate I III 89, to submit Initia­
tive and referendum; senate bill lot,
removing Incline at Cama-le locks,
senate bill 1|, to authorise Portland
to levy a epactal tax, incorporation
acts 8>r the following places.
If ose-
bur*. Canionvilln, bilvertou, Elgin,
huininervllle. Baker City, Antelope.
Dallas, Bumpier, Myrtle I'oiut, Med­
Flamber* of Use crewe of the t.erman
battle »Hip Knl*er Wllheliu II au<l th«
Th« Volt lo« Stiulor.
Keialan crnleer A*k«>ld gut lulu an al­
b r senator Monday stood:
tercation al Kiel and the Rnaataua fa­
('«riveli 30, George II. Williams 28,
tally atablwd three German«.
William Mnllh 25, lltnger Hermann.
Th* annual meeting of the eseculb« fl. n<>l voting I, absent or |>alre<l 5.
bcerd ol the United Mlneworkere la iu
•eeilnn al Columbus, <).
The laiard
Ard for Orphan*««!.
devoted meet of It* time to the dtecne-
The house committee on corp »ra­
ainn of matter* not rotutdered by th« tion» Wednesday rendered a favoriti.le
natlunal conientbm at lu llau*|olla.
r»|H>rt on th» bill l>y llolcotub provid­
lug slat» *ld for all orphan aay luma of
not to exceetl 110 per annum per lu­
Ft-Klng Milan Is dead.
All the aaloon* in Topeka haveeloaad.
Tbe pacification of I'anay la com-
Bitts P<u<<L
Ths »enato paaaml the naval appro­
priation hill.
The Philippine tat Iff act hae reached
There I* no fnntter any doubt of tbe
pl*gtie at Cape Ibwn.
Hida for Manila harbor Inipnivemeiita
Will aoutt lw ««hertlaml.
The disorder* in Madrid and other
8|wnleh elites onnlinue.
The bouae voted to a*k for a confer­
ence <>U the war tax bill.
Mr*. Nation eaya aha 1« going on a
world tour ot "joint'' amaahlng.
Au order la being prepared for the
Organisation <>(
nnw regimotsto.
The Mammoth haa been addml to th*
list of Eastern < iregoit producing minea.
A ballot In* wa* atolan aud litre«
’•re hurl In au elect ton riot In St.
Fha ( hlneae plenipotontariM will fx
•tcluded from meet lug* of the foreign
• ,
Th* nnw regiment of tba Twente-
Mblh Infantry I* to ba organlM.I al
v aooouver.
lltare I* * lank of cordiality between
,n’y men aud th* Philippine ootu-
The house Wmlnesdav jmsse-l Idlla aa
By Mulkey, to give old bor­
rower* of «cbool fuuds the brurllt of
same rale of internal aa glieu to new
borrowers; by Smith, of Yamhill, to
amend the charier of Sheridan; by
Masl.-rs, to reduo« Ives of wttueaars
and juror* lu 18 uglas, Jackaou :<n<l
Josephine ouunllee; by I’ortar, to re­
duce the »slaty of (Tackema* <ouuty
judge In»:: $1.200 to |72O. I>egiuuliig tn
The aeuate Weilneaday passed the
following bill«: Senate bill No. 77. re­
quiring that sentence of death be exe-
tutted al the penitentiary, by the super­
intendent or a warden; senate bill No.
88, relating to the proof of writing»;
aeuate olll No. H6, to create the office
of «1st« bacteriologist, without pay;
aenate hill No. 85, relating to title of
floating logs; senate bill No. 108, to
authorize district ami county high
schools; aenate bill No. 115, a aubati-
lute for the original, to fix the fee* to
l>e j«id county clerk«; aenate bill No.
188, to amend the charter of Vernonia,
Columbia county; senate bill No. 193.
to incorporate lira«* Valley; aenate
bill No. 108, to amend the scalp boun­
ty law.
Paired by Both Hourei.
Bills passed by both houses are as
follow«: Sellate bill 12, providing for
Lloyd Gri«.-,>m, United states »«er*- sal* of school lands; senate bill 119,
mid chargn, at Cmi« amending diarter of Hheridan; senate
KAtii op|$»(
coming hoinfl on leave Idll 17. fixing (*•» of witnesses in
|Ie ho no| j-etigned, at Douglas, Jackson anti Josephine coun­
ties in criminal actions; aenate bill 95.
. n'"
•upri’me court holds that fixing «alary uf judge of Clackamas
' "t<’"°P”r'l«<>r of election* (ths county.
< srv of state) la the lilial judge of
Signed hy th« Governor.
™n7n'er.tee ari.ing under the
Wednesday signed the
*»<.liun laws o| th* state,
following bills. House Idll 257, re­
h»» reported a bill
linquishing ground to Unltel State* lor
retoiv ‘i*1 1 '** Newelinn coIna may b* postoffice »» Salem; house bill 137.
dues'? i "c ,wr *or ■'* go'ernment amending Myrtle I'oiut diarter; house
Hifl/.h ' *"** **•«□ once an received, bill 1'29. amending Medlord charter;
tion " * ,1< t
Pu* 1,1 ciruula- house bill 8, amending Albany bridge
act; house bill 4. appropriating $45.-
000 for Oregon Agricnltuial College;
of «•"’•tel Maxim,
house bill 25. approprating $47,000 to
in »he Cuban cou-
Th. <rl.ua. Oregon State University; senate bill
103, amending Sumpter charter; sen­
0|lb* ramKr?
*° **’• Pf’e*''”’^
ate bill 104, removing incline at Cas­
01 U to U 10 WM *l,oP<e<i by a vote
cade locks.
•ntltlji ,‘",l*Tt* i* the first manever
•’’Mat’r," W"“r **"* •'•rter. the Vic-
,h# or,’or "I H». I'M-
01 th« i. ‘
Malo, á y
«round« and building*
•«pcriMon •»
HAS lilt ran
FEBllUAHY 21, 1901.
Stat«* Ar* Alive to th* Imp srtoaca ol M«klag
Laurkr Explain*! th* Relation! Between Can­
Comprehensive Exhibit*
ada and th* United State!.
The different «tales ami t< rritorie» of ,
th» uuioo are alive t<> the importancn
England's Action on the Nicer« 1 of the Pass-American exposition aud all Exiled Ruler of Servia Passed
ol them will las repretouted tiieru lu a
Away at Vienna.
gud Candi Project.
befitting manner if preaant plans car­
ry, a* ia almost safe to »ay they will,
lu aoiue iiihtam ea appropriation have NEITHER HIS WIFE NOR SON THERE
beeu made for building* and exhibits
au<l there are now lu various legisla­
A Count»» Proposal. I Ik«ly to Laus« Ext«nd<g ture* bills pending for appropriation*. ti« Rct*«n«d Ponemos of His Facullxs Until
New York state haa appropriated
Within s Quarter of an Hour of His Death
Nlgotisliom. Will Soon Be PreienKg
$300,000 aud ia erecting a beautiful
—Body to b* Interred in Slavonia.
Through lord Paunecfot«.
permanent building.
llllmda haa appropriated $75,000.
< ouuvclicut ha* made a preliminary
Vienna, Feb. 18. —Ex-King Milan,
totidon, Fab. IL —It ba* been
laaruail that n reply y will «Portly tas appropriation to cover the estwn-es of of Hervta is «lead. He paaami a sleep­
eeut to tiis ( uit <J Mat«, Nicaragua au exhibit aud the state lioard of agri­ less night aud wa* unable to take suffi­
canal project. It will not comply culture haa paaaetl a resolution uuaui- cient nourishment. Tba remains will
with ilia senate'« demauda, ueitner mot>*Iy aaklug lor an additional appro­ be lnterre«1 at Kronchol, a sacred
wil! it
lu th« nature 9! a flat re- priation ol $25,000.
Maaaachuietta ha* appropriated $15,- monastic shrine in Syrmia, Hlavonia,
lu.al, though for purpuaaaof immediate
000, with the ex|>ectatlon of au addi­ with the honors due a member of the
i-onslriictlon it will
tantamount to
reigning dynasty.
• u.h a ratued. It «||| <ongt , II14|I1|¥ tional appropriation.
Wiaconain ha* appropriated
The illness began with influenza.
In a counter 1 ropoaal or proposals,
likely to iimaa-iut« ««tended uegotla-
Milan left his bed
quick!/, and the
tJbio'a approj.riatlon I* *80,000. result was pneumonia. The doctors
In» nature ol tlm pregMBl iff
The alate ia putting up a handsome
alao foumi laty degeneration of the
not i»t ascertainable
Lord I’aunoe-
Inta will likely Im tiia inediuui through building whlcli is uow ueariug comple­ heart, which waa the actual cause of
death, as the danger immediately alia-
wblcb the answer will ba *aul and by
Ifhcxie Islau-I ha* appropriate«! $15,- mg from the lung trouble had been
whom ilia »ul>*«M|u<mt negotialloua will
000 with tbe aa-urauce uf more if it overcome. Fearing a fatal isaue, the
Im conducted. In Hritiabofficial opin­
abould I m > neoeaaary to carry out the doctors caused maseage* to be sent
ion, it ia likely that several month«
state'* plaus,
King Alexander and ex Qn«-en Natalie,
will ei«|»o imLrs the matter roaches
.Missouri haa guaranteed an appro­ but although Milan desired to aee
a concluaiun, by which time tha Hay-
I'auncafola treaty wil) have elapsed, priation of $25.000 to $5f',000, aud them aud himself »ent messages re­
within the last fortnight the Missouri questing their presence, neither came.
on the ba»ia of the aeuate'« amend-
oornmiaslou ha* resolved Io ask (or Natalie's reply, which was to the ef­
fha British conuter proposal*
fect that sbe would cotue if her pree-
ate now foriuulatinj, and it ia hoje-l
Alabama proposes to appropriate euce was really deaired, reacbe-1 him
an entirely new agreement, aali.fao
$25,000, ami a bill providing for sr.eti just before death.
terr to both countries, will eveutually
an appropriation ia now pending in
l>e readied.
Eni|>eror Francia Joseph, who MOt
tha state legislature.
an aid-de-camp to the deathbed, has
Commtnttd on in Washington.
ordered a military funeral, as Milan
aary to pay the expenses of au exhibit wa* formerly the colonel of an Austrian
Waalsiogt* n. Feb. IL —8o far aa
Writ Virginia wiH have a han l«oms regiment.
It waa Mi'an'a written
can t>e aar< rtala«<l, th* admlluistra-
building, lu advance of the action of wish that he should be buried at Nvr-
Ites*» haa not had any intimation ol the
the legislature a guarantee fund lie* rnia. He said he had tieen greatly
counter proposals the louden dispatch
lawn »ub*crtl>»d by her citizens to p o- disappointed at the abaence of his ion,
*<ya will he made iu the matter of the
vlde lor a building aud exhibit.
who*« ingratitude has provoke«! much
Nicaragua canal project. Tl ere tea
California has couplet««! arrange comment in Vienna.
According to
feeling ol regret that the British gov­
meuta lor au extensive exhibit through tbe Neue Freie Press«, he said to hie
ernment has felt «oustralned Io adopt
the »late board of trade and the Di- physician: "1 feel that 1 must die,
su h e course, aa the hope waa enter­
Angeles chamtier of commerce.
Tin bnt it is very sad to he compelled to
tained that the auieuumeuta to the
board ha* endorsed a memorial Iron
lie at 47.”
ilat-l’auncefote treaty
might have
the water and forest a*aoctattoo to the
Ex-King Milan, who was born in
been accepted in the spirit tn which
• late legislature asking that the alate 1854, alxiicated tbe throne in favor of
they were made.
make an appropriation of $.’>00,Oou— I hia eon, Alexander 1, March 6, 1889.
t-enato! M< rgau when informed to­
equal to that given bv the federal gov­ The circumstance* that compelled tbe
night of the new stand taken by Great
ernment—to have California properly king to alidicate arose from the policy
Britain, said he believed that if Great
represented at the exposition.
that ne had pursued at the beginning
Britain haa decided to take the action
Michigan has appropriated $10,000 uf hia reign, both in domestic and for­
stated, It Would create rrseutiueut in (or a building and exhibit.
eign affairs. Tbe new Servian consti­
Iho acuate and among the |«op|» and
Iowa hae appointed a commission of tution was adopted by the grand Skup­
dial rust <d the move« of that govern­
eight. The agricultural au I tioriicii 1
ment. lie hoped It might ro.ult in tural boards are arranging fur partici­ shtina Jauuary 2. 1899, by a majority
of 494 votes against 75. Tne ministry
aume action on the |«nding bill at thia pation in the exhibit*.
of Niko) Crieticb resigned. Tbe king
Senator Morgan, however,
Oregon. Mississippi, Izmirians awl
waa not Willing t<> any what action, if other *tates will l>e suitably rep-eseut was unwilling to appoint a radical
••nr, he proposed to take to bring about ed, owing to the great enterprise ot cabinet, an-1 applied first to Jovan
Kistich, tint oould Dot induce that
such a result
citiena. who are volitn'eering private
One suggestion made tonight aa a subscriptions with the intention of ap­ etateeman to form a cabinet. The
possible counter proposal by Great pealing to the legislature for re.ul­ radicals refused to take office unless
Tuschnovich. revolutionist, who had
Britain was that in return for concea- buraenient.
beeu condemned to death for participa­
aioua made bv her she might desire an
The New- England stain» are com-
O|a-n javrt on the Alaskan coast aa an bluing for a New F.ugland building tion in the Tiinok vallev uprisin ,
entrance into her gold fields tn ilia and private subscriptions ara beim should I»« given the portfolio of the in­
terior. The klug's throne was at stake.
K loudike.
taken tn Maine, Vermont and New He determined to apj>oint liberal pre­
MORE MEN EOR KETCHENER llam|»birc in antici|>ation oí legisla- fect« and sub-prefects, aud attempted
five action. Plana have been mad< bv pressure on the people to bring in
for a magnificent buildiug ol colonial a liberal majority in the election* in
R«inforc«m*nti for th« South African Army - architecture.
the autumn. The radicals lieeame en­
Maryland haa a atate commis» ion raged at the determination to exclude
Botri Held Up * N*UI Train.
»n<l the Baltimore Manufacturers' As them front office. Cristich was un-
Ixsudon, Feb. IL —Public attention
aociation are co-operating with this willing to play so dangerous a game,
haa again I men turned toward 8outh body to raise money for representation
and told King Milan that it was iin-
Africa by the di«p*t< h of reinforce-
in a number of states bills asking
mrute and the publication of Lord for appropriation* for exhibits at the possible for him to remain tn offioe.
Rotierta' dtapatche*. Rumor haa imen exposition are now pending. They ar« Milan abdicated the throne in the pres­
ence of the ministers aud chief digni­
in circulation that Mr. Chamberlain as lollow*:
had reconeidervd hia booth African Oregon. $35,000; Idaho. $ 10,000 Mon­ taries, and the mem tier* of the diplo­
matic body assemble«! in the konah to
policy, and was contemplating a touud tana,
$.50.000; Indiana,
tai Io conform e with John Morley aud I'eunayhauia, $100,000; Kauaar. $50.- celebrate the anniversary of tbe elec­
tion of Servia into a kiugdom in 1882.
Str William Vernon Harcourt, aud 000.
Ou being promised a liberal yeariv al­
tbe Fecall of Sir Alfred Miiuer.
In all rhe other states, with only otic
The appoarauca of the
bubonic exception, official recognition has been lowance, be agreed in 1888 to go iuto
plague at Cape Town serins likely to given the expMition by the «election ol jierpetual exile. It was decided that
add t<> the difficulties ol th > situation. representatives, niemliers of women'» Queen Natalie should likewise live
Queen Natalie,
The authorities there have decided boards of manager* or commissioners abroad.
upon a wholesale extermination of aud through whose efforts legislative came back, aud was only expelled af­
ter desperate resistance on tbe part of
rata. Should the diaenae apread, it action ia being agitated
ber adherents in 1891.
will necessitate changes iu the mili­
tary arrangement«.
Th* Tax on Banks.
Today Sir Alfred Milner makes an­
other aurneat appeal to employer* to Glare Plant Burned In a Pennas Kama Town
Washington, Feb. 18. — Senator Aid-
allow a* manv men a* possible to en­
Th« Ion la Eatimatcd at $1.500.000.
rich today sent the following dispatch:
roll in the colonial mounted defense
“Mr. A. B. Hepburn, chairman Ameri­
can Association of Bankers, Chase Na­
I he Boers held up a Natal mail train ol Rochester, on the Ohio river, aboil
tional Bank, New York City: Am is-
near Vlakfontein. The few soldier* 35 miles from I’ltwhorg. to lay suffcrc. eeiving a large number of letters from
on bojrd exhuusted their cartridge*,
banks throughout the country, sent in
and th* Boer* then robbed the passen­ loss is estimated at $1.500,000. The
response to request issued by your sec­
ger*, afterward* allowing the train to tire started just after midnight in the retary. demauiing that the tax on
copper department of the National
glass plaut, the largest tumbler plant bank capital shall be entirely lemoved.
Transports Rtqulstiontd
in the world, located outsido Roches­ The hoi^e retained the entire tax and
The night e-nployea turned out thv- senate has reduced one-half. No
I«on<lon, l-eb. 1 L—The government
action is possible in conference except
haa requisitioned three Cattle liuers to with their own hose and endeavored to to agree to either tbe house or the sen­
reinforcement* to Bonth
ate provision or to adopt «ma coni pro-
Africa. The remount department is wind was blowing and the tla-ues soon i itiise between the two. I hope this
uncommonly active, its agents buying
statement will save the member* of
largely in several parts of the world. The plant occupied several aves of your association and the members of
Following yesterday's war office an­
the finance committee much uuueo'«-
nouncement, recruiting
today waa The tire departments of nearby towus aary correspondence. ”
Ottawa, Ont., Feb. 14. — The address
in reply to tbe speech from the throne
waa disposed of in two hours in the
house of commons. Du ring the debate
It. E. L. Bordon, the leader of the op­
position, asked the premier aa to the
oouelition of affair* between Canada
and the United Slate* in regard to the
Aluaka boundary and the joint high
commission. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, in
reply, said that the position of tbe
joint high commission is exactly the
«am« an when it aeparated. The com­
mission is still in existence.
the session* of congress and the Cana­
dian parliament are over, be expecta
that negotiations will be resumed and
a satisfactory conclusion reached. He
had no boj>e, however, of reaching a
settlement in regard to the Alaska
boundary. It waa impossible to reach
a settlement with the present view
taken by the United States, but he
thought an honorable compromise may
be arrived at. It may be settle«! by an
honorable compromise or arbitration.
A third party may be called to arbi­
trate. For the present, there i* a pro­
visional boundary, which waa also
adopted in tbe war of a compromise.
Wr«ck in a Snowshed.
Truckee, Cal., Fob. 11.—Spreading
rail* in the snowshed* just east of Blue
canyon caused the wreck of a freight
train last night. Several cars wer*
pile«! up. part of them being thrown to
the bottom of th« Idil ami demolished.
The snowshed was torn up for a dis­
tance of 800 feet. No. 4 At'antlc ex­
press had pissed the ¡iciiit but a few
minutes before the wreck oconrred.
Millions for Automobiles.
It is estimated that during the first
five years of this century the enormous
sum of $1100.000.000 will be expended
by putchasere of anotinotdles.
It re­
mains to I* seen, if the prophecy
comen true, what style of vehicle will
secure the hulk of the business.
the Pan-American exposition all style*
of automobiles will be exhibited, and
then we may I'« iu beter position to
judge of the respective merits of the
Will Try for New Constitutions.
o|iera- ­
various makes end
and methods of opera
Alabama and Virginia will both try
for new state constitutions during 1901.
Plague at Cap* Town.
General Mayberry Prendre.
The vote Wednesday stood: H. W.
Bethany, Mo., Feb. II.—General
Corbett, 80; George VV. McBride. 31;
William Smith, Democrat. 26; Binger Mat berry Prentiaa, one of the oldest
Hermann, 7; 0. W. Fulton, 2; F. A. surviving generals of voluuteerx of the
Moore, I; S. A. Lowell, 1; not voting, civil war, is dead at hta home here,
aged 81 years,
lie was known aa the
“hero of Shiloh.” lie defeated Gen-
Foa Clark Sword Fund.
erais Holmes and Price at Helena,
In the house Wednesday Eddy In­ Ark., July 4, 1862. He waa th* last
troduced a concurrent resolution pro­ survivor of the Fitz John Porter court
viding for an appropriation of $202 for martial. He waa in the voluuteer
the completion of the Captain Clark service in llliuoia duriug the Morrton
axoitament in early day*.
■word fund.
Cape Town, Feb. 13.—The govern-
ment has decided to give notice to the
foreign nations of the fact that Cape
Town is infected with bubonic plague
There is no longer any doubt ns to the
nature of the disease. Joseph Cham­
berlain has addressed a communication
to Sir Alfred Milner approving the
latter's remarks made ill his reply to
the Afrikander deputation sent with
a resolution addressed to Queou Vic­
I toria.
Pnrchaiinj for Morgan.
Ironton, O., Feb. 18.—Col. E. J.
Bird, Jr., late superintendent of tbe
Martin Iron A Steel Company, is here
represanting J. P. Morgan & Co., for
the purchase of the plaut of tbe Hang­
ing Rock Irou Company, the Belfoute
Iron Works Company, the Kelly Iron
A Nail Company, the Martin Iron A
Steel Company, the Norton Irou Works
Company and the Ashland Steel Com
pany, Ashland, Ky. If the deal is
consummated, other plant* will be
erected here.
Raided a D«pot
Tn«d to Prevent Two M«n Searching His Hom*
for Alleged Abductor.
Filipinos Warmly Welcome Amer
ican Commissionen.
ludgt Taft and His Alloc latti Have Gee« ta
Bicolor to Organò* a Provincial Govtrw-
mani- Bulucan Will Next B« Visited
Ban Fernando, f’iovince of Pampan-
ga. Island of Luzon, Philippines, Feb.
14.—Bacolor and ail the town* adjacent
to tbe railroad, which name* are bia-
toric on account ol the tierce battlee of
the earlier period* of the American oc­
cupation, turned out to welcome the
Unite«] States Philippine commission
aa it proceded northward, on its first
trip to organize provincial govern­
ment«. At every station, including
the hamlets where the train did not
atop, there were bunt* of muaio from
the native banda and cneers for the
American commission and the partido
federal«. The ciowd at Maloloe, the
former seat of the insurgent govern­
ment, waa smaller, in proportion to
the population, than at the village«.
At all the atop« address«« were deliv­
ered by the natives, and response«
were made by Judge Taft, the presi­
dent of the commission; Profeaaor
Worcester, General Flores, Chief Jus­
tice Arellno and Dr. Tavern, president
of the Federal party. Th« native* re­
peatedly declared the people were be­
ginning to understand the purpose of
the Americana, adding that tbe com­
mission'* acts showed ité promisee
would be kept.
Judge Taft told tbe people of tbe
towns in Bulucan province that a pro­
vincial government will shortly !>•
•stablished there. The American party
alighted at San Femando, passed un­
der an arch of welcome and was
greete«! by the military and hundred*
of children waving Americin flag* and
singing ‘‘Hail Columbia.” The entire
American party was then driven to Ba­
color, capital of the province of Pam-
panga, where they will be cordially
entertained tomorrow, and until apnly-
ing the provincial government to Pam-
panga, there will be a public discus­
sion of the laws enacted.
General Grant receive«! information
that a band of Tarlac insurgent« is ap­
proaching for the purpose of harassing
the people of Bacolor. He ha* sent
scouts out after them.
Montgomery, Ala., Feb, 14.—Chief
Justice McClellan, of the Alabama
supreme court, wa* shot in the right
shoulder at hi* house thia morning by
either Jeiae D. Beale or his son, Phelan
Beale, of this city.
The wound is a serious one.
ft is
alleged that the Beale* went to the
house of Judge McClellan to find John
McQueen, of Ririmingham, assistant
solicitor of Jefferson county, whom the
elder Beale charged with alxiucting
hi* daughtet, Caroline.
It is alleged Mia* Beale had not been
at home all Dight and they had been
informed that McQueen had been rid­
ing about in a hack with her. Judge
McClellan attempted to prevent the
Beale* from going through his bouae in
their hunt for McQueen.
This they
resented, and one of them, believed to
have been the father, shot McClellan
with a pistol.
Tbe Beales pursue«!
their hunt aud belieOd they had locat-
ed McQueen in a clo-et which was
locked, and tired abent a doaen shot*
through the door.
McQueen was in
the closet, but was in a narrow place
to tbe side of the door, and was not
struck by any of the ball*. The Beale*
wer* arrested and held without bail.
Officers and Seventy
the Fight
Am«rkan Ship Destroyed by Disaffected Sailers
at Manila—Was Built at Boston.
Seattle, Wash., Feb. 14.—Advices
from Manila, dated Jauuary 5, says-
Tbe American ship Sea Witch wax set
tire in the harbor Thursday night, pre-
■nmabiy by some members of tbe crew,
10 of whom are now uder arrest.
Launches from the cruiser Brooklyn
and the transports Rosecrans an. I
Meade towed the burning vessel into
21 fathoms of water on the west aide
of the Pasig's mouth, where she was
pumped full of water.
The Sea Witch was built in Roston
in 1882. and is now owned by Edward
Lawrence. Sbe is of 1.280 tons bur­
den, 197 feet in length, 37 feet beam i
and 24 feet depth of hold.
The dis­
satisfaction among the crew was
caused by five of them being put in
irons for refusing to obey.
Manila, Feb. 14.—An insurgent col­
onel, Bimon Tecbon, seven insurgent
officers and 70 men, with 60 guns,
have aurrendered unconditionally to
Captain Cooles, of the Thirty-fifth regi­
ment, at San Miguel de Mayumo.
Ina fight at Sibuyao, Batangas, the
rebel general, Ma Ibas i* reported to
have been killed. Six insurgent offi­
cers and 20 men were captured.
Mariquina 1* the scene ot an im­
mense peace meeting of the Federal
The Women’s reace League met at
Judge Taft's bouse today, Senoiita
Poblé attempted to introduce a resolu­
tion requiring the telease of the impri*-
oned insurgents. Mrs. Taft and other
ladies spoke on a resolution urging tbe
insurgents to surrenler.
Thia waa
adopted instead of Señorita Poble'a.
They Dng Up th« Monty.
Kansas City, Feb. *14.—Clarence
Gordon and Roy Riley, aged 16 and 15.
icepective'y, were arrested in this city
tonight, and $870 in gold was found on
them. The boys say they saw two men
bury the money February 8, in Terre
Haute, Ind. After the men departed
they dug up tn« money. Gordon says
his home is in Indiana, and Riley says
he lives in New York.
lion Dollars.
Port Townsend, Wash., Feb. 14.—A
mining deal was consummated hure to­
day of more than usual interest, owing
to the amount involved, and that it
transfers a man from the rauks of pov­
erty to affluence. Erick Molander, a
boiler maker, of this city, who had in­
vested his earnings ^in Mount Sicker,
B. C.. mining property by hiling
claims staked for him on extension ol
Tyee and Lenora claims, has bonded
his holdings to London aud Paris in­
vestors for $250,000. Tbe paper were
made out and signed today. Molander
spent last season at Nome, but failed to
make his fortune. He returned on the
steamer Charles Lane, aud when her
Boilers gave out and the vessel was in
danger of swamping, he repaired the
boilers so that the steamer, with 300
passengers, reached port in safety, and
for which he was presented with >500.
Boers Last Stand.
New York, Feb. 14.—A dispatch to
the Herald from London aaya that a
sentiment of supreme
prevalent in Loudon relative to the
condition of affairs in South Africa.
and adds: “There is absolutely no
doubt that news haa reached here from
German sources showing that the
Boers are pretty well at their laat
Emprtii Frederick it Worst.
Berlin, Feb. 14. — Rumors are cur-
rent here today that the condition of
the Dowager Empress Frederick is
growing worse and that her heart is
not performing its functions normally.
The correspondent, however, was not
able to obtain any confirmation of such
___ _____
Silk Weavers Locked Out
Northern Poitmuttrs.
Washington, Feb. 14.—The follow­
ing postmasters have been appointed:
Oregon—J. M. Bran:ha 11, Aimes, vice
C. E. Biatuhill, resigned; A. B. Car­
traw. Derby, vice W. H. Derby, re­
signed. Washington—J. A. Fancher.
Manila; Christopher Carrothere, Otis; I
Ida McCormick, Tulalip.
Quarantine Against Alaska Raised.
Temakah, Neb., Feb. 13.—The rail­
Port Townsend, Wash., Feb. 14.—
road depot in thia town was raided by
unknown persona last night and 85 The quarantine against all Southern
cases of liquor, consigned to people Alaska port* ha* been declared Off,
here, were destroyed. Temakah is a according to telegraphic advice* receiv­
“dry town,” under the local option ed here today from Washington by Dr.
laws, and it is believed a party of wo­ M. H. Foster, in charge of this quaran
Vessels arriving from
men took the law into their own hands. tine district.
Southeastern Alaska can now enter
without undergoing inspection. Small­
Intertit In Crnada.
pox has enitrely disappeared in that
The legal rate of interest in Canada section,
and along the Yukon river.
in now 5 per eeut.
Min« in North for Quarter ef a Mil­
Scranton, Pa., Feb. 14.—Tbe strike
of the 4,000 silk workers in Scranton
has resulted in a lockout.
The mill­
owners and managers today declared
thev will not reopen their mills until
the girls are willing to resume at the
wages which were offered nearly two
weeks ago and in which there was a
concession of 25 cents a week to each
employe. The strikers are determined
to stav out until their demands shall
lie granted. They have a sked all silk
workers in the country for moral and
material assistance, requesting them
to strike if the mills at whioh they
are employed handle material from the
Scranton mills
Telegraphed 200 Mil««.
London, Feb. 14.— Professor John
Fleming, lecturing at Livetpooi yester­
day, said he had Signor Marconi's per­
mission to make tbe [first mention of
the fact that on the first day of tue
reign ol King Edward VII Maroon! ac­
complished th* astonishing (eat of send­
ing wireless messages between 8t.¡Cath­
erines, Isle of Wight, and tbe Lisaard,
| _nn _«!„
Perfect communication
I /
haa since been established.