Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, February 07, 1901, Image 1

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    < LAM ATTI
f .\ lln .
finn» tedi Hi I nlvrttd lo ( onform teith Ru>
ala» Syatem.
fnxn All Part’ *>* th< Ncw World
and the Old.
y wrctfV W 01K ***’ KtAMO
^aywlMMlve Hevtew U the Importent B«P
pomp of lhe Pa»l *•«» •" •
(.undented term.
Th* fhika ol York I» »i«'k
TH «•“•'• pa»""1
ptallou bill.
Urtho«» will try bl drive lhe lU.er.
«al »ItbF tk»k>u»
IlMidrut McKinley may «lall Port-
lad. O».. **'*• •I”"’*-
A levulutionary pl**t ha» txwiu dia-
(cwrel I» l'ru»*l«u Pul»ml
prie’Uet «.caped from Ilio tirant»
A prleill.r
|'« h jail
\tw York
'• •‘,11 •’
W'a la »ml I. ml low have
h» «•'• Philippine«.
m«a a»« A. II Hammond
g» pari ol Aat'irla railroad bonne
Ml»lrt«r Lami la ha« |**«l|»>lid lhe
I pnMataii u id III« ultimatum to \ eu
rb» »milieuI recommend» that ad-
titwaal copi«« ol tn« couaul reporta bn
Ttoailliena of ekageay »re great I «
II.. Peteraburg, Jan 80.—The mie
I nginctr t ( ¿rcleitncM the Cause lalrv ol war haa completai a rlraft uf
law to regolata Ilia military mrvlc
ol a Bad Train Wretk.
Ih i Urlami in conformity with th
■yalem »dopimi In ih» empir» al largo
Il 1. e«|«<-led that II will Le pul il
rivedi USONS tel Kt INSTANTLY KlILfR force eurly tu Ih» voar
Iroveruor-i,onerai Ifcibrlkoff haa late
ly l-oue I iii.truction» lo thè gov.mor
Mlalook th« f>,,| Sa.hon of . P.,,inJ Train
ol thè province« lu i-luland urgiug »
1er th« Si.und I „«man «nd f orward
atri* ter eufirrcemeiit of thè ordinane«
of laat July regardlng publlo aaaem-
ttrtakman tetr« Al«o Sl««pln(.
blie., The compiami la ma la that
Parker.I.Urg. W Va .Jan. SO. —Five Ibi. ordinano» i. evaded nudar prete«*!
of amuiemeul. aud eutertelumeuta ;
p»r«un« were killed and one »everely
Injured and two englue» aud Hl loaded Among ili» amueemeut. which re*|iilra
perniila may 1« reekoued galberloga ir.
car. wen* vvrroked l.y th. ml.take of a
wbicli eo< i.l, et iepliSe «n i eooooialcM
train crew thi. alterm.in Ixiweeu Pe­
<|iiei.tion» arn divciiamel or w lo re .<1
troleum arid Vdcani Jum lion, ou th» dreaMM aro marie, Aaaeiuhliea wblcll
Balllmora * Ohm llallroad. Th» en-
aro levrmilied mugt 1« walchr.1 ov.r b’ |
gliieer w». a.lrn-p >i hl. po.| nd<l ml.*
t«a>k the flr-l
Hun ul a passing train thè polle», e hiMe duty It will lo» t<M
■upprea. d,'m<in«t ratlon».
for the Micoud
I hlnhlng I m th had
lu oyder P* re eoi thè briycott ol *m T
|Mt««ed he pullt
his train on to the
popolar off), lai. bv hou.oowuera au*
main track ami
•<l ouaard V» what
hotrIkeeper», IrovriUor limerai Rubri
would M*eu, to
'• urtrssarlly linen koff h». purchaaed, tur |.bo. » dwrll
bl. death.
log ImUMi Iti llelalnglor».
All live men killed w«»rn pin no i un*
Por thè ptirpo» ol cultlvaliog clo»e»
drr the wreck «ml aj •» lata I m >UF U>*
tilghl ouly oue id th,, l««<hre had I »een rolalloti. witb Bulgari», Ih. gerani
meni ha. euteren luto an »greco «n
recovei ed.
lhe aoci lent occurred in a colon • Uh Prime i er ilnaud a goverumeu
reduclng telegrapb lolla trwm 40 to 21
a curie i n a heavy d .an grade amt al
cmtimea a wor-l, ami lutrodunag ai
ih. »ml of . bridge
The third mh :-
lni«-rualioual money orrter «y«l«*m «Irn I
Uuu ul No. •; waa on th. .idlng at Fw-
llar 1** that In vogue in Itua-la.
troleuiii With order, to well there until
lhe Mooml ia.itlon of No. ya had
pa«eed aa.t
Engineer f*avld«on
«guilad over the tieclalon of the «ae re
urr «I Ih« lutarli« granting lhe great«
fart of tba biwnalle u> Il Sbarre.
Th. body of Judge N I'caVI, ’*' Por
hl barri, *«• found lu the Ml.almlpp
tirar oui limi place
with beai»
»«IgbU Ilei «numi the h.mt. ami
«al.*« 11« ha i t«wii nihaing ala*u
leu »ret«.
l-»ill**«m« Man Hull
1» T«««i lor Tria 1
( oo I mm » flu Crim«.
s».raioeuui. Cal., Jan. 30. — lr»ul|
llyall waa arreated here tonight fo I
the murder id .Steve Preealey, coinmil
ted lu Elrath county, Texaa, July 7 I
ISbtt. Ilyatt haa made a full coulee I
•ion, rlaliuiiig Mlf-defenaa. lie ba* ?
been re»|illug In thi« city for the la.
nitre year«, aud wai* mu ploy ml io th
railrnaii •bop« under th« same o
Charlea I.Mkrs.
lie has a wife an«
In bis • tailed ron (eng:on, h
elaliu» Dial It waa bla Intention to rv-
turn to Teiaa nail y ear an I »land tria
for the killing.
He aaya the quarrel
Ieitween hirnaell and I'roley, who war
the .teplatliet id hia (ormer wife, oc­
cur rod over emio building material.
I'reaaiey | I. ked up a large »tone tej
throw at him.
IL* .truck at 1‘rewo
le>*. aim with a club, to make him
drop t,,» .t no, and lhe latter. In dodg-!
Ing, wa» «Huck on the head and died.]
Ilvatt claim« that he leaied he wou'di
not get a fair trial, a« all the wiine-ne».
ware relaUve. id I'reaaiey, ao he tied. ]
N»y>r Cenerai Arthur MacArthur
will tee rtll»i«<l Irma duly a« the com
naodvrlog general <d tiie divi «bur u
uw I’blllpi'iuet In April mat, amt wil
te atcceailed by
Brigadier i renom
• rm- I *Mk
Iba d«» I L»ly of Jacob hunt» a her
I nil. wa« Ivuud III a mlarrable a I
I Mat Peurla, III. Tire holy wa. cl»
I» Wga. ila Ina pero u Wa» |lhh I
eaaev »nd • I «eri *•■ no a--r*w ul rain
«Maland. II» had liter»..y alar a,
ftm.ll to death
I>r>>ke through the !>-» < U a large pond
Imck of Evergreen cerne ery, today,
au<l in the wixl Iru.. • lor )l*e two
taiy» were drote ned.
1 ha lee over the
center <>l tire p-ml, .lore the wnli-r
a a« de* |a-«l aud » Imre I lie «k»tnr» «era
aaeetnblwl in greatest iiumber«. aud-
den I y aank.
The whole crowd na> |>aiilc atricken
Men alid women fought to «ave thorn-
aehea, and children «offered In the
I be »creama of the
' d au «grvem.ul une |ul atrugg'o
** *k» qawtlun <•( p.oii.hm.ut,
akaler* were heard by tneu employed
Vvla»um wf„, •»tiHslml
In the In a factory mar by, aud they ran to
^•■t tua; I,« mustered out «• the pond
I hey dragged long |dauk«
Va»«» v«r,
With them which were pu-hed toward
Along thia
A •ad tram wm-k on the Baltimore the center id the |«md.
• Oblò »., ,-.u ••*1 by tir» engineer go­ flatting a life line waa formed.
tear tlr«t made to reacue the woineu
hi t» «Iwp.
aud children. |ly two» aud liirre«
IbaCabl. C„„ minlng dlatrlrl in
they were taken from lhe water and
«•t-m *>r»gon haa takeu ou a urw huatlod along tiie plank« to the «Imre.
The police reserve« and aurgeou» ar
J*l|»C»p|»» ha» reaigned hi» poai- riverì In ambulance« and aucoored
many of the half-drowned akaler«.
b «< mmisu | a< Valparaiso, ati<l will
"»ara ho«®,
The lolle« id the two I ova were recov­
Jkaern.n prtnee of Garmanv waa ered.
^tetodwith tb.ord.r of ih. óarter
Sh< Turned on lhe (»at.
•' 'klorn» houae.
New York, Jan. 80.—lu a flat In
•“Sfama eourt Ima de-
Weal Thirty «lath «treat, there died »«
the reault of iulmling Illuminating ga>
^«lelag t» |||»g.|
a woman who«« »on any» «he cam» of
one of Ilia mo»t dlatlngul.hed famllie»
»tiolher wlth anaa of Tenncee.
*«» Mr». Anua
hf'oiialy wountled hlm.
Terrv the wi<l*J
I» pori-li«.,
h "'11.’'*"
d?b U r l,u‘
Ur' h- ••"’*
bill, ha» beeii don».
Vitifera N««l fall.
t'level.nd, <>., Jan 80.—.MembWH ol
the «ulxxuiimittee of the national <i.
A. It. council of adminlatration. wb<
art* lu lhe city, pre-llct that 160.00(
veteran« will attend the eucampmen.
t„ L’ held III thi« Jtv Ibi- fall.
local committee eipeci» 450,000 vlait-'
or» to come to the city during the eu-'
campnreul. T he member» of the aulì- j
committee, who are tieuerai E. M
'•ternit, ol st. Lami»; Colon»! Jainarl
scoti, of Fairfield. III.; and ColoneiS
Armitrong, wete iu conference baiavi
with th» local committee. The city!
will l*e aaked to ralae » fund of abouti
♦ LS.OOO for the entertainment of thel
old »oldlei«.
Free accommodation. I
w ill l*e provided for »limit 10,000 de- I
I he I ne Railroad, which i. I
liot a member of the ('entrai Paaaenger |
A.«oclation, haa aunouuced that It
will grant a rate of I cent a mile for
the encampment.
Plra<l<> Nur Canton.
Washington. Jan. 30. — The follow
lug cablegram »»< received at the atate
department today (non United State«
Consul McWad», at < anion, dated to
"Pirate« at Simyonkec, near
Kamchuk, attacked a European hou«e
boat early Sunday.
I hev killed a
Uhineae Iroatman and wounded »ever»-
Iv Hrookhurat aud Spalinger, Euro-
I .can«.
Pirn ole« occur dally tu the
vicinity of Canton."
ludgr Capir» Corning doma.
Valparatao. (bile, via tlaivo«ton,
Jan. 30. — Tlm United State» conciti at
Valparalao, J. E. Capi»», of Portland,
tir.. Iia» reaigned. The Unitati State»
miniate», Henry !.. M’ilaou. ni Sjiokane,
Wa»h . I» g'dug to thè Uniteli State» ou
leava of abaence.
Meaar». Caplea and
Wllaou will both «all ou thè uext
ateamer frolli Valparaiao.
•h»l»w’.m 1 K,',",‘b '»ty
"rT *"
’1 Anthony
i»t 'tem
ln>m th»
th. * e,/, *’'■ K' ,nl
°* by
b-T fall-
[*** whlle living hol.ted
to“rl th» aurfac».
. ........
, 11 *" •np|>o.»d
wert r
’ —
with ga*.
ii .
Cl«v«l»iid. 0 . Preparing to R««lv< g.'O.OOt
F er |
• Earguaon, a a»|| known
^Xii'ónim J*"”'"“11"* Ky**
................... ..
Mr. Et-rgu-
- health lor a
m ” »Sr ........... .
i». 1846.
Carnrgla'r Tuba Project
... V > 1
lidie, to the United
The objector i» atartlng a
nweapeper carni »ign in favor ol their
retention, but the finance oommittee of
"“K Which
nJ" ,"r ,ho
Irteli f„r , ",u
her crni.ing the liand.thing will shortly report in
k t r°
H>e favor of the »iile of the ialanda.
«mind o' , "" ,h* ”•« "''‘l1 <>» agitation of the Inhabitant» ot the
^"""•U.l of
wh" *• h> have ialand. again«! their «alo la largely
ihe ‘-’“vi.1..... artifloial, »«<•• therefore, of not much
i’.lT' “l**M *" «**• *h-
YOr; B rk t,,r
.:i corrí i,, laetoia »t h ,»
•«■In»,!? *vy ’’ard.
Thi» veaaol I»
h k»r>
’!lu h
’r •»
’?'" r,,|,l
"r’ Vfi-r»*
$J*^i*Ji.**.*R*w *
N«w Sttamtr Lift for Honolulu.
N»w York Jan. 80.—The American
freight ateamer Hawaiian, of the New
<,f MiaalMippi
*••*•*•’» How,r°r " th*
»• American-Hawaiian Steamahip «otti-
panv, »ailed on her maiden trip from
. An’"rican r*
thto port thi» afternoon for San Eran-
¿'"""^"■ta hav.M Rn
dico and Honolulu. Tim llanaiiau
Pu'11 'ted. |„ .
',r“o“o»lly uuiied I» in command of < aptain lianrold,
H ob ,,.
11 ''""’pe.
and i. theeoeond of th» line’» new ve»,
■el» to leave thi* port.
Monthly »ail-
«J7, ®v«r
»••»urir» continue to tuga will follow with the naw «team-
tueroiai iuvadon» by eri, Oregonian, Californian, Ameri-
oau, A Waken and Aritouian.
Pittaburg, Jan. 30.— I ho Pittalmrg
Poat »ay«: "Negotiation* »re pending
iu Naw* York at the prevent time which
if •mceaatol, will remit tn the Carnegie
t'ompanv abandoning it» plan of build­
ing a great »teel tube plant in Con
hOHUt. O. Jo.lma Rhode«, chairman of
the board ol the National Till« Com­
pany. admitted that the official» ot
that company were making overture»
to the Carnegie Company for the
abandonment of the Conneaut plan.
How far along theae negotiation« have
progieaeed Mr. Rhode» could not »ay.
Cruihtd to (hath by F.lrvator.
Chicago Jan. 30.—Stella Thom». 20 1
year» old, waa orii’hed to death today
by the elevator in the Young Woman •
Chriatian A»«oci»tion building. She
had watched a phvlician vaccinate the
inmate« and took the elevator to go t
her room. She fainted, and fallit <
forward, her head caught between t •
floor and the aacendlng car.
I j
head ana badly cruaiied and »he <' .
wikliin five minute».
■- ■