Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, January 31, 1901, Image 1

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ns of i« re
from All Parti of the New World
and the Old.
readeh *
K«vUw of ths Important Hap
pourr.i ol ihr Part W««k la s
1 undrnMd Form
Ths oath of alleglauce has l-rart ad-
„lul.t isd to °»»* Lb'1« Flllpluuaal
full-kliMHlisI Indians lu the Creek
oouulry Ibi rateo
Ths tlrsgou and Washington legle-
lalurvs adjourusd out ul re«|*ct to
Qosru \ l- t- ria.
"'««ntlon In New Zea*
'■ «"Iteiderod a success.
Plan«d Io Kill PrumiMhl AmiruaM Disclosed
««le'l'r'.u1? i”“' ’,"lv',r*,‘y "I Ath-
ruled its centennial.
Paid,1,,."""""flHilon last year
••’•xiirt^a«94 01' ’’ir medical iittund-
hire '
,UUJ*° ,(>r "shoes and re-
’’"nicHti ,l"11 8n,hn»»hdor in a com-
uerlcane at Ihe siege of I’o-
Fortunately no Lot« ol Lift.
New York. Jan 88 —Elina Ma.urui,
a Greek, lire complainant lu au amaeil
case, whlcli came before Judge Kel­
logg, <>t Yonkers, N. Y , this morning,
t«>ld a slarlllirg tale u| a plot of Greek
auarohlst« u> kill prominent Americans,
ami would have told more hail the
court uol >l<ip|«*| iiim «nd Iurue*I him
over t*i the police, that they might
quietly Investigate the rase. Several
arreats have already laren made, au*l a
uumlrer more are planned.
On Hie stand Maautaa »aid that In
Greece he had beeu a meinlrer ol an
anarchist aootety
Home time ago It
fell t»r bls lot to kill a public mau in
Ihe I tittrrl States, Mid he was ordered
to come to tins country end place him­
self under the orders ol the American
branch of Ihe aor loty. lie had never
hoard the name ol the mau ba waa to
murder, and tindr-rutood that, as in
ulner caaea, the man who was lu l>e
the viollm wee Ur l*o select* d alter his
arrival In tills country.
Alter raucliing America, Maauraa,
according hr his own story, wont to
Yonkers, ami affiliated hiiuaelt with
a i rani fi of ths organisation, »• well
as one in New York
Fitutlly he be­
came frightened, withdrew and ref need
to cany out the rn|s»|on "Otru»t-'*l to
him. rrom th" time h« l"fl the organ­
isation lie claim» he was aulMryed ami
thrratetred ny nioiirIters of the society.
He remained hrm lu his determination
not to ol«v the ordtwa. however, aud
yeeterday six of the mnn came here
and Ireggr.I bltn to return. Wheu he
«till refoe*'*l, * tra of th" six, which one
be could mil any, attempted to stab
him. The blow was aimed too high,
Masuras was "pp-rente willing to
tell more ela-ul the eoriety, but Judge
Kellogg adjourned the hearing aud
lommitlnl Hr« | risouer to jail, |>eiiding
further examination
Maauraa waa
examined by the poll*«, and as a re­
sult the war aula were Issued. Joseph
and Jamse Kipteiikaa and Frank H< e-
talgtis were arrea.ed by the puHce. Hue
oth-r Yonkers man snd two New York­
ers ere named ou other warrants, and
Hie police are searching for them
The police a»a- rt that they (relieve the
at trv to hl l*y Masriraa, aud they say
that the affair baa led to the discovery
of an eurcht«l baud of a dangerous char­
Venezuela Trying to Squeeze an
American Concern.
Offrri Io Rrrtorr th* Asphalt Projwrty for
Ons Million Dollart
Gain a Balti«.
Florenc« Strike Settled.
Columbus. <)-, dsn
have been filed with Governor Nash
agiilnst ( ooneiU. X. Zimmerman, of
the Fifth
Regular Ohio National
Guard bv Major Dodge, slid it is ex­
pected that e court maitial will bo the
T he charges inende false en­
tries on the muster rolls and fai Hug to
account for public funds.
No action
will la< taken until Governor Na ah re­
turns from Washington.
Grand Opera H oum at Cincinnati Burned—
In (.unit trial
Chart«« A<«ln«i Militia Colonsl.
Cincinnati, Jan. 24.—The Grand
U|>»ra bouse was tonight destroyed by
fire, except for It* atari* h outer walls.
The play eel lor tbs night was "Ham­
let," by E. H. Southern company, and
the house was packed by a brilliant
T he first act had been finished and
in the second Mr. Koutbern, acting the
part of Hamlet, had Spoken but a few
Hues when a slight disturbance In the
orchestra nests was observed. It was
oaused by a alight issue of smoke at
that point. An usher went down the
aisle aud quietly asked the people to
be seated, saving there was nothing
wrong. Mr. boohtern, at this point,
stepped to the front of the stage aud
also assured the au lienee that every-
thing was all right. Theo be resumed
his part, but tafore he had spoken two
Hues the smoke issued in «uch volumes
that there was a spontaneous movemeut
of the people lu its vicinity.
Without further order or suggestion,
• is of the most remarkable a. enea over
wltneaaed in a crowded auditorium
took place. It was as if the whole sit­
uation had lie*n revealed to every per-
sou in the house, aud without a single
shout or anything else indicating a
leader, dispersal of the audience logon
aud was can led on with as much or­
der and composure as if no such thing
as fire had ever been known. Mr.
Southern estimates his loss at >50.000.
His company waa compelled to reach
the street clad in their coot times and
to loan the greater part of their l«r-
sonal effe ts. left io the theater.
Fort of Spain, Trinidad, British West
Indies, Jan. 23.—The arrivals Galay
from Venezuela confirm the > «frort« of
the existence of a critical condition of
affairs lu tliet rt public.
A former
Veneruelau minister asserts that the
politicians at Caracas are making a de­
termined rabl on the
Asphalt Company, lie adds that they
tried it before on a modest scale,
squeezing >80,000 out of the company,
Thrse people were killed near Van
when United States Minister latomia
eonver s» the result of au ex plosion u(
protested and stopped further action nt
puwder being thawed out lu a etove.
this description. The government, the
Hou th lb-ml. Wzvh . lias rant a dele­
minister alw> says, listened to reason
gation to Olympia Ui work for the loca-
then, but has now lost Ite head and
»ou of a m ruial •> I xh >I al that place.
offered to restore the property for $1.-
000,000, although it la said u> have
The slm>p Marla Teresa, owned by a
been illegally taken l>y a dictatorial
•ul'Ject »I Great Britain, was burned
decree, lu addition, the assertion la
by ths Veoesuelai guul-oat Mirand*
again made that if foreign governmenta
Tb" tirami opera hi.u-e al t'lnclunatl
permit the action of the Venezuelan
bunteii without lose of life.
Ihe ths
authorities Gt pasa without some pro-
stet was pecked al the lima the fire
laat, all foreign invcalora wIII ta driven
liom South America, lor the latter al­
ways claim they are lieing illegally
stephen I'areon Myer, a well known
In thia connection, the
contractor, who built the Colo» ado
assertion is made that no former Ven­
Midland railway. Is dead altaulavllle,
ezuelan government would llave dared
Ky., a s-l 72 years.
to act as thia one does toward Wash­
Tbs fl names of Oregon, «uh the ex-
ington. Il is eiplaltiel that the Ven­ t al'td States has Ofl«r«d $100.000 lor Certain
rvpllon ol two »peclal lumi», are iu
ezuelan authorities are counting on the
lilandt in th* Sulu Group.
K> m «I condition, re|»>rt» the «tale Irene-
disinclination of strong nations to co­
Jan. 24 — A special to
erce weak ones.
urer In bl» tiuaurlal statement.
At the office of the Orinoco Com- the Tribune from Washington rays:
Chinese lUners are seid to have
penv, whore two atoa merz were re­ senator Ixidge w i.l endeavor to secure
««■In resunie-l active iqieratlone lu the
cently seised by the Veuezuelau au­ the approval of the senate in executive
ttrinily of Tleu Tain. Li Hung < hang
thorities, the manager saya the British session today to the tiraty ngned bv
and Prince t hing a e accused of Iwlug
minister al Caracaa. Mr. Haggard, has Secretary Hay and Duke de Aroos, the
a«e<>clsted with llu- taxer lea*lore.
Informali the American mmlater that Spanish minister, on November 7 laat,
the British government will not pro­ for the purchase by thia government of
Partlrulat« heo jUXl bran received of
tect the company because Ita share­ certain small Island» in the Sulu group
a fatal duel al Springville. In Apw- he
holders are Americana. The comp-uy which ha l not I e-n included in the
OOUBty, Aria
Mutilo Slaughter waa
Is asid to Ire losing heavily through Pans treaty. Thia treaty was sent te
killed by ex-sberlff Beeler au<l Clare
the senate early last mouth, and con­
seizure of the steamers.
l'earey, an oulookrr, was l<a*lly wouml-
The oom mender of the French cruiser sists essentially of the follow ing arti'
«I. |l»s 1er and slaughter were cattle-
Nuchal, stationed at Cura|eino for the clee:
m»n and t«d blood had existed
Spain relinquish"« to the United
of the laige French hitere«t»
them lor a long lituo.
claim of title
tn that vicinity, re|«>rt» that disturb­ Staten all title and
had at the time
SsnsGr» slsctod are: J. R Burton,
ances sre increasing. The Insurgente
C m*pl«t< Tw l.'p Ruulted on White P««i snd
of the conclusion of the treaty of Pari»
Ksuaa«, knui« Salanti ani M, K.
of Venezuela have just gameti a belila
to the Philippine archipelago, lung
Clapp, Mluueaota; li. J. Gamble,
near Gucta.
outside the lines described in article
South Dakota; W J. Hawaii, Naw Jer­
Nentlla, Jau. J8. —The steamer City
8 of that treaty and |tartcul»rly t>> the
sey; J, II. Ilerry, Arkatiaa»; F. E. ol Matlie, January 14 from Lynn
Gtrmaey Net Inltrttted.
islands of Cagayan, Sulu aud fiibutu
Warrvn, Wyonv Iris; H. II. Elklus. Wa«l canal, reports a great »now storm in
Berlin, Jan. 23.—Tue Gerinan for- and their dependencies, and agree.
Virginia. J. W llallay, Texas. F. M. Noolbsaslsrn Alaska. For five days
etgn office ahows no interest w ha te ver that ail such islands shall be com­
Minin ii>, Sortir t'andina.
sut'Cv-eding January 7 the fall was por- I
in thè re|<irta reganllug thè situation prised in the cession of the archipelago
Frank Jannen, a 4»artier of South tbulaily heaw, completely lying up in Venezuela, an I <-liara< teriM» thè as fully as if they had beeu expri-rely
Setantoii, f*a., went home drunk and the White lass A Yukou railroad
new»pa|ier accuuuta of thè difliculty included within those line».
la * quarrel with his wife, threw a The highway was still blockade I alien as eleggerete-!.
The United State», in consideration
lighted lamp al her. The Iwd was Ig­ the brattle »a 11 nil
of this relingqiiishinent. will pay to
BotttOMi Hkagway and White Horse,
nited an-1 their ■•veer-old Imy I iuiimh I
Spsin the »urn of >100,000 within six
Io death
Mr». Jauuieu was prol-al>ly the Interior termluus ol the n ad. there
months after the ratification of this
fatally burned. Iler sister, Muygie
Mctauald, «as seriously burned. The st«Heil, heveral of th" ruglura were Bui the East Is Willing to H«lp Obtain Appro­
The Spanish rortes has ju-t a pi roved
houw was destroyed. Januaen is un­ diawlug trains on winch were from 10
the convention, and it only awaits ac­
priation lor National Irrigation.
to 12 i-ameiiger» rach
All ol the en­
der arrest.
tion by the seuste for ths exchange of
gines were witioul water, having to
Washington, Jan. 23.—Some Sun­ ratifications, which are to be made in
Ysrrll. the comp*wer, 1a seriously ill. melt enow. A train near the summit fl re-1 prominent dally Easteru newspa­
The appropriations to carry out the
Tbs «overeat »torni oo record Is re­ of the niounlains back of Skagway ran per« recently have edltorlaly expressed
short of pruv i»lns, the crew having*0 views favorable to a system of natioual agreement must tie made this season
ported from Alaska.
|«ck food for the passengero Iro.n irrigation. It would eram that the if the treatv is approved, but it cannot
A »trip of Benton i«mnlv, Oregon, E'ra*er, over tno miles distant.
Ihe East le well In line tn wishing the de­ be inserted in any appropriation bill
May Ire annexed hr Lilin.
»V rm ap|*a»s to have extended well velopment aud reclamation ol the until the senate has authorised ratifica­
A fire at Walla Walla destroyed towards Dawson, carwing down the great area west of the hundredth meri­ tion.
wires <d tlie Douiiniou Telegraph Com dian, and that it is realised that such
$25,000 worth of property.
a devslopment would benefit the entire
lira next Grami Array encampment
country and tie a national beuefit, add­ WANTED IN THREE STATES
Hithwiymaa Will Die.
Will lar held al Uleyulaml, Ohio.
ing to the general wealth and posrr of
Fpokane, Wash , Jan. 23. —P. B.
Ihe Yaneauela government la Irving Callahan, a highwayman, lies dying at the uation. While the F.aat is thus Two Men Arre«t«d in Illinois Ar* Guilty ol
willing to assist aud co-operate, it ex­
All Sorts ol Crims«.
io blackmail Ihe a.pbult com|wny.
Ha.'red llrarl hospital, as the result of
pects, of course, that the West will
Mount Vernon, ill., Jan. 24.—Geo,
At midnight
Speaker Reeder, of Hie Oregon logis- last night'e adrentures
local W. and John Reeves, alias Thompson,
make its owu tight.
Miure. lias announced his oommlileez. UaHahau entered Garabaldi Alt»i a sa­ Western
of whatever alias Clark, wanted in at 1 ast three
loon. one block from police headquar­
commerce. different state« Io answer for various
character—cham tare of
A new pura
|HW j, B,,w |^lt
ters, treik a drink with the proprietor,
comlristed by the Gregi.n legislalnre. and covered him with a gun. Albi boards of trade, commercial civ be, crimes, from murder to pent larceny,
busiuvsa associations—everything with
A bill |a iH-fnre Hie Washington leg­ lau away aud gave the alarm. Calla­ a president and secretary should dis­ have beeu arrested in the northeast part
jf thia couuty by Sheriff Mancion, I'o
atore lor the abolishment ol fish
cuss aud take action upou this ques­ I iceman Satterfield and Deputy sheriff
Washington »treat. In the darkness
tion of uationzl irrigation and govern­ Stanlev.
he plunged over the Groat Northern
ment appropriations for the bnilding
ta ljmgrewman Georg« W. Cowloh,
On Juno 1, 1835, near lluutington.
retaining waH. falling on bouldera 18
of storege leservolrs, aud then stand Ind., Bob Reevea and Ills two sons,
x ^ y 11 d**1*lu
fool Ireluw
Both his jaws were brok­
ready to <»-O|>emte with the National Geotge and John, kill®-! Deputy-Sher­
en. ami the huso of his brain Injured,
Irrigation Association, for whatever iffs Gardner and Cox, ol Dulavis conn
lie was taken to th« hospital where he
bw,n Introduced in
procedure is necessary.
ty. The father la aald to have died
regon legislature
increase the
The sons went to Kentucky, where
01 moment fun.I to >JD,ouo.
they assume I the name of Thompson,
Accidtnt to th* Bailey.
named l-a.ey two years ago. lu revenge
and June 9, 1N88, were sentenced from
*'*• PO'»''''ted the nomi* for having held him up.
Washington, Jan. 23.—The torpedo
Monri e county t<> a term of 31 years in
cl larrtes H. Harlan to be at*
xm I Bailey has ooine to grief again.
Glau Work« to Cleos Down.
•"«tey general of l'orto Rico.
the iwnitei tiarv for arson and burg
The accident which disabled her iu
September 28, 1896. they ea
HaitfordUity.ini., -Ian. 28.—The
will nr7 M,Un‘r'
l’>«»rwater, American Window Glass Company and thin cnee is peculiar. While lying in caped from the Frankfort prison and
thia ma- tlm Independent Manufacturer s Asso-
made their way to this couuty
8 “I the Idaho Igeialature.
trip on the following day, the intense
elation today agreed to close their colvl froze the water in her boilers, aseumed the name of Clark and have
atrteM 11 ,il"""’1* 8 w"l| known the* plants uutll Aiipl L instead of June
alnoe resided here.
bursting a number of <he tubes. The
Eighty factories ami alavut 80,000 boat has been sent to New York for re­
b<wrM.|,"*,1r.,*r' 11
,,le *UI* I
I “I Ht Mhldlhtown, N. Y.
workers will he affected. The object pairs, au<l the trial Ixvard has been
of the shut-down is to ourtuil produc­
ordered home.
,,,8*,° haa recoin-
ft'" 'T1 *...... ..
b> congres» asking
Twelv* SL B«rurdi Hive Left Chicago In a
School Act Passed.
pnpular election of renature.
Soldier Commit» Suicide.
Special Car.
Hon Francisco, Jan. 28.— Edward M.
I swisi ' m ”"r" *" heforc thn Washington
Chicago. Jan. 24.—In a private oar,
Bavtel a . ...............
«"ItHer, coin- ing the department of puhlio iustruo-
ol ths th" l'r"'hHng for the purchase
milted ‘suicide at the Preaidio yester­ tion was unanimously passed by the fitted up especially for their uae and
»«ut. "rr1"" ""“"•Jc,,8r‘•’°«8* f”r
day by shooting nimself through the Philippine oommisaion today, alter a comfort, 12 hardy and muscular St.
" •’•I« capitol.
head with a Krag-JorgunsM rille. He debate between commissioner Moses Barnard dpgs will leave Chicago today,
noted mi’ h"r,°" K'
M. D„ a was a Russian, enlisted In Chicago, snd Judge Taft, over the section per­ bound for Alaska. Chicago prospector«
•»-<1 N!
“ Wnincy, 111., .ml assigned to conipauy E. Thirty- mitting religious instruction in sclitxd will use them in the Far North to
transport supplies tn the Copper river
th« Ke,,/
” w*a lu Caicitta during seventh infantry. Hi» •‘•Ur resides in houses.
bejRiy (Hitbrrak.
Plano Two Hundred Y««r> Old.
Pullman, HI.
The canines have been giveu a spe­
D. Decker, of Charlotteville, Ind.,
•CToÎa?.?“"" , nltBr
New N«gro Unlvsrilty.
cial oonrec of training by their owner,
is the possessor of a piano made 200
n"5 .......... tat near Hie United
The University of West Teiiiiesaee.
who says ha has hardened them in
wrocks *"*; '*|l,a”"
*“»••“«"« »he which has ju-t been chartered in that years ago aud which is yet in good con­ preparation (or the strenuous life tliev
«hör,, hit'aiy
1 ‘h *" "iuoh beo come state, is to be built at Jackson
will be forced to lead tn the ice fields
made iif solid mahogany.
w — - ■ —----------------
promiuimt uegto educators.
-*i — - - -
Met Death Surrounded By Her Interesting Events and Gossip of the Past Week Reported From
Entire Family.
Cities and Towns in Washington, Oregon
Passing of England’« Qu««n CauMi Univ«r»al
Sorrow — Was One of Mott BeJovtd
of the World.
Cowes, Isle of Wight, Jan. 28.—
Queen Victoria is dead aud Edward
VII reigns.
The greatest event io the memory of
thio generation, the moot stupendous
change in existing conditions that
could possibly be imagined, has taken
pls* e quietly, almost gently, upon the
anniversary of the death of Queen Vic-
Coria's father, the Duke of Kent. The
end of thia carreer, never equalled bv
in« woman io the world's history,
came in a simply furnished room in
the Oelrorne House. This most re­
spected of women, living or dead, lav
in a great four posted tad and made a
•hrunken atom whose aged (ace an I
figure were a cruel mockery of the fair
girl who, in 1687, began to rule over
England. Around her wer> gathered
almost every descendant of her line.
Well within view of her dying eyee
there hung a portrait of the Prince
Gonaort. It was he who designed the
room and every part of the castle.
In scarcely audible words, the white
haired Bishop of Winchester prayed
lieeide her, as he had often prayed, for
he was her chaplain at Windsor. With
lowed heads the imperious ruler of
the German empire and the man who
is now king of England, the woman
who has succeeded to the title of
queen, the princes and princesses, aud
those of less than royal designation,
listened to the bishop's ceaseless pray­
Six o’clock passed. The bishop conJ
tinned hie intercession. One of the
younger children asked a question in
, shrill, childish treble, and was immed­
iately silenced. The women of thia
royal family sobbed faintly, and the
men shuffled uneasily.
At exactly half past 6, Sir James
Keid held up bis head, and the people
then knew that England had lost her
The bishop pronounced the
benediction, The queen passed away
quite peacefully,
She suffered no
pain, The moat of the mourners went
to their rooms.
A few minutes later the inevitable
element of mateiialism etep|«d into
this pathetic chapter of international
history, for 'the court ladies wont
briskly to work ordering their mouru-
ing from London. The wheels of the
world were jarred when the announce­
ment came, hut in this palace at Os­
borne everything pursued the usual
Down in the kitchen they
were cooking a huge dinner for an as­
semblage, the like of which has seldom
been kuown in England, aud the din­
ner preparations proceeded just as if
nothing had happened.
The tiody ol Queen Victoria was em­
balmed and will probably be taken to
Windsor Saturday. The coffin arrived
last evening from London.
It was thought that the queen was
dying about 9 o'clock in the evening,
and carriages were sent to O borus cot­
tage and the rectory to bring all the
princes and princesses and the bishop
of Winchester to her bedside,
seeme 1 then very near the end. but
when things Io ked the worst, the
queen had one of the rallies due to her
wonderful constitution, opened her
eyes and recognised the preeeuce of
Wales, the princesses and Emperor
Four o'clock marked the beginning
of the end. Again the family were
summoned, and this time the relapse
was not followed by recovery.
The Prince of Wales was very much
affected when the doctors at last in­
formed him
that bis mother had
breathed her last. Emperor William
was also deeply affected, but did his
best to minister comfort to lite sorrow-
stricken uncle, whose new dignity he
was the first to acknowledge.
From all parts of the world there
are still pouring into Cowes messages
condolence. They come
crowned heads, millionaires, trades-
men snd paupers, aud are variously
addressed to the Prince of Wales and
the king of Englaud.
Emperor William's arrangements
are not settled. His yacht will arrive
today, but it is believed he will not
depart until after the funeral.
Attempt to Extort Money.
Fort Madison, la., Jan. 24.—George
Wolf, of West Point, tills county, waa
landed in jail here late last night, the
warrant having Ireen sworn out by
Frederick Kriokenbaum, president of
the West Point bank, chargiug him
with an attempt to extort money.
Krinckenbuutii reoeived a letter order­
ing him to deposit >5,00t) at a certain
place under the Pitman creek bridge,
a short distance from town, on a cer­
tain date. The letter stated that, on-
leas the money was forthcoming, cer­
tain properties owned by the banker
would be burned. Th letter wascom-
pared with ditfornt hand writings.
Will Accept Canal Ammtadmtnt«.
Ixvudon, Jan. 24 —The Washington
correspondent of the Daily Mail says
he understands it is practically certain
that Great Brltaiu will accept the
amendments of the United States Io
ihe Hay-Pauncefote treatv.
and Idaho.
St Louis Str««t Car Consolidation.
Florence, Colo , Jan. 28.—The strike
Jefferson City, Mo., Jan. 24—The
ol the mill men of Florence was set­
supreme court en banc today sustained
tled today. President Gorman, of the
a motion to squash the alternative
State Fodetalion of Labor, who han
writ of ouster in the St Louis Consol­
been here ill conference with both
idated Street Kailroad case, instituted
sides, announced tonight that the mill
by the attorney-general, on the ground
tnanganra hail signal an agreement
Claim« to Hav« Klllhd 700 Boxer».
of illegal combination in violation ol
granting the main demands of the men,
Mr. and Mrs. Chaniot returned to the anti-trust laws. This disposes ol
including the eight-hour dny and ol
San Francisco from Chine, where dur­ the case, and makes the recently en­
the union wage scale. The mills will
ing the siege of Pi kin the couple claim acted law, allowing the consolidation
resume work at ouoo. The agreement
to have killed 700 Boxers.
of street car companies, legal.
is for one year.
The Dslles has levied a 6-mill tai.
Tacoma butchers have formed an
Burns has received a chemical fire aaaociation.
A petition is being circulated to
The Southern Pacific ts stoiing Ice at
have the poetoffice name
of Guy
changed to Albion.
The Dalles will purchase 500 feet of
fire hose.
The Rimpson Lumber Company, ol
booth Bemi, has accepted plans for a
The Oregon legislature deficit foots
pony baud saw mill.
up >50.000.
Machinery for the new laundry at
Fire partially destroyed the ship
Eugene has arrived.
chandlery store of J. C. Todd <fc Co.„
The Grant county tax levy as been on the water front, Tacoma. Loes
$4,000, fully covered by insurance.
fixed at 25Jtf mills.
Coyotes sre numerous In Colss val­
Mr. H. P. Harrington, a prominent
ley, Douglas county.
citizen of Kosalia, died of pneumonia.
The Douglas county tax levy bai His rennins were taken to the borne
of his parents la Monroe, Mich., for
been fixed at 20 mills.
The Pen lieton school district bat
levied a special tax of 8 mills.
During the recent enow SO tone of
Feveral herds near Montgomery hare ore was hauled from the Cedar Canyon
district to Davenport (or shipment.
been visited by coyotes of late.
Had the sleighing continued good, still
It is reported the Dallas organ fac­ more would have been brought out.
tory mav be moved to Albany.
Larkins’ hotel at Garfield, leased by
The approach to the Upper Calapooia
bridge was carried away by the flood. J. W. Keown, was entirely destroyed
by tire, together with most of the con­
Baker City has rescinded street tents. Loss on the building, >1,500:
lighting contract, and is in darkness. insurance, >650; loss on contents,
The walls of the first story of Mal­ >1,000, with $650 insurance.
heur county's new court bouse aie fin­
While fording Toppenish creek, near
North Yakima. Will Carrat was nearly
Collision of a train and handcar drowned. He was on horseback and
near Woodburn, Or., was narrowly the swift current of the stream carried
horse and rider revetsI yards, when
Famous Uncle Ben group of mines they lodged in some willows, from
in Idaho has beeu sold to a New York which, with difficulty both succeeded
in landing safely on shore.
The coal shaft being sunk by W. A.
Owing to technical error in writing
Maxwell of Coos City, is uow down the boundaries of a small strip of land,
about 800 feet.
amounting to nearly three sections,
Plans for the new creamery at Sum­ lying on the east side of North Bay,
merville are taking shape. It will between Mason and Fierce counties,
oost about >4,000.
is left out of the jurisdiction of both
Athena has invesetd $1,500 in school oounties. An attempt will be made to
warrants. The city, besides, has a have the neutral strip incorporated
wiih Pierce.
balance on hand of >1,100.
Lincoln county has awarded the
Oscar Bates, ex-sheriff of Stevens
contract lor building the depot bridge county, received fatal injuries at the
to George McCoulou for $335.
Drummer's mine, near Curliew. Ho
The old Cooe Bay road is eaid to Ire had set three shots in the 125-foot
in better condition than for several level, and started to climb the ladder,
but missed his footing on the secund
years at this time of the year.
landing and fell back 20 feet. The
Henry Zuts. Jr., a 17-year-old boy. shots exploded before he could regain
of Vale, Or., accientally killed him­ the ladder.
self while examining a revolver.
Hopkins D. Jones, nntil recently a
I. J. Straw, of Klamath county, role
off a bridge into a snow bank last hotel porter at Wilbur, Wash., who
was arrested at Spokane on a charge
week, aud had to dig his horse out.
of horse stealing, has been releaed.
Contract for building the Wheeler Word came from Wilbur that the man
county court house has been let to A. t'hauce, whose horse and saddle Jones
F. l'eteison, of Corvallis, for >9,025.
had appropriated, would not prosecute
The Wilbur man said he owed
Sixty-five thoroughbred sheep belong­ Jones.
ing to O. F. Knox were drowned near Jones money, and that he would be
satisfied to have him keep the horse
Cottage Grove by the recent freshet.
Howard & Stearns are feeding 500 and saddle to settle the bill.
cattle on Crooked river and about 600
head at Silver Lake, in Lake county.
A petition is in circulation askiug
that the public real from Cottage
Grove to Lorane be widened to 60 feet.
A free ferry at Weiser is proposed.
Caldwell merchanta have made an
J. W. Walters & Son, proprietors of early closing agreement.
the Elmira mills, have floated their
logs into the tang Tout from tire Noti
John Hunt was arieeUd at Oioflno,
on a charge ol cattle stealing.
Several car loads of Weston bricks
A public meeting was held at Lewis­
have been shipped to Mission station. ton to protest against division of Nea
They will be used for government Percee county.
The postoffice of Leduc, Blaine
An acotyline gas plant belonging to
J. P. Williams, of Long Creek, ex­ county, has been moved two miles
ploded last week, and slightly injured southeast, without change of post­
Mr. Williams.
A petition is being circulated asking
At Weiser's regular city electi n in
an appropriation of >1,000 to repair April, the citizens will vote whether
and improve the state buildings Hnd or not they want the city bonded for
property at Sodaville.
A herd of 110 sheep waa shipped
It is announced that shipments of
from Huntington to Salt Lake City crude ore and concentratea from the
by the Baldwin Sheep * Land Com­ Coeur d’Alene laat year aggregated
pany, of Crook county.
179,000 tons.
It is reported that Ed Lambeon, of
There were aererai enow elidei in
Willamina, has leased a large tract
of land on Salmon river, which he in­ Bear gulch last week, but no damage
is reported ezcept that the Orofino
tends to stock with cattle.
blacksmith shop was swept away.
The sale of land belonging to the
Several carloads of steel rails have
Leonard tang estate in Pine valley,
which escheated to the state of Ore­ I e<-n unloaded in the Weiser yards.
gon recently, has been confirmed b.i They aie to be used in exteuding the
Pacific & Idaho Northern next sum­
Judge Eakin, of the circuit court.
A meeting was held at McMinnville
Meetings have been held and reaoln
in the interest of the woodcutters of
the couuty. Every precinct was well tious adopted by eeveral G. A. K. poet
represented. They advanced the price protesting against the proposed plan o
of cutting oak wixvd from 75 cents to moving the soldiers' home from Bo is
90 cents a cord, and fir from 70 to 90 to Fort Sherman.
II. M. Merrin, of Spokane, has taken
The farmers and stockmen of Malheur a (x>nd on the Father lode aud two
county feel confident that the coming claims adjoining in the Coeur d’Alene
season will be a prosperous one for district. It is understood that work
them. While the wiuter thus far has will commence immediately.
beeu an open one compared with thoee
taw Granger, who is charged with
generally experienced here, the indi­
cations are that there will be plenty of stealing eight head of cattle out of a
water for irrigation during the coming pasture near Moscow, has been arrest-
summer, aud that the feed on the cd. Granger has a number of aliases,
but it is said bis true name is Latkins.
range will be good.
Plans are being perfected whereby
800 feet more tunnel will be driven iu
the claims of the Silver Eagle Mining
The now >16,000 school house at
i Co. There is also talk of building a
Davenport is finished.
cog-wheel road from the Silver Eagle
The railroad agent at Hamilton, to Ihe summit.
Harry Beeardeley, was robbed of >200.
A Mountain Home drug store was
A school house will be built st Day­ broken into anil an attempt made to
ton to cost between >20,000 aud >80,• I rob the place.
The proprietor, who
I has sleeping apartments in the rear,
Ed Sievers, of Iowa, Is considering was awakened by the noise of the rob-
a pro|>ooitlon to buy a shiugle mill at, bers. Upon hie appearance they ran,
[ having secured nothing,
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