Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, January 24, 1901, Image 5

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Chan«« «I A<«nl« *t 5*1*1»
Salt Rheum
Han Francisco l.a.l W ho Vlakaa Modal»
of Hattl«»hi|»a«
You in«} < m II it wiema. tetter or milk
Eddie Vou Gelderu. a 13 year old boy.
But no mutter * hut vou call it. this skin oue year ago. after a single hour * in-
41aease whi h
in patches that burn, ape« lion of the l ulled Slate* battleship
iteh. diM’liargr a watery matter, dry aud Iowa, went off aud executed a remark
acale, owes ns existence to lhe pre>ence of
able model of the ahl|>. accurate In pro
bunior» in lhe -ten»
It will continue to eii«t. annoy, and ¡xirtlou ami delicate In detail, row
perhaps agonize, a* long as these iiunion* posv-d of odd aera|M ami waste picked
and iu his
It is always radically and permanently up alaiut Ills own home
He has now.
iielglilHirs' ba* k yards
cured by
unaided mid untaught, etiustrueled out
of vm I i I x mid cuds of materials, with a
« Inch rxi*rls ill humors, ami is positively few odd tools, part y of Ills own uiauu-
uuequah-ti for all cutaneous eruptions.
facture and «.Nviitrlvmice. motlela of a
ateaiu engine and elecirlc car giaai
Another Induttrv for Everett.
euollgli to tie «■xlilbileil before Hie
Estub i-hinent of another sash and
Teehuleal Sm-lety of the Ptielfle nt it«
door factory at Everett is planned.
last meeting iu Academy of Sdenees
building, mill which eonimamlisl the
Exceptionally Fine Sculpture.
resiH-ctful atti ntioii of the members of
The sculpture for the Pan-American that grave and dignified body.
exposition is being put in position.
The steam engine Is mi elaborate
There are more than 125 pieces of piece of work. |Hirfeetevl. as a model
statuary and model groups by the best or a sketch, to use the boy's own term,
sculptors iu America.
down to some of Its tinest details. Tin*
boiler is made ot strips of tin. neatly
Ru>«i*'i Asiatic PoMtMion*.
turned ami riveted together, then
Russia's Asiatic possessions are three uaileil dow n to a foundation Ixiard. so
times the vise of Great Britain's, but that they ap|tear. together with a sim­
bold only 23,000.000 inhabitants, as ilar atrip of slue at the front, to consist,
oom ¡aired with Great Britain's 297,- of a serii's of castings. The samlbrake
consists of a metalBe tip taken from
000.00U subjects.
the eml of a discard««! curtain ¡»ole. mid
a circular tin can forms the smoke­
The Neat »'roacrlptlon Tor Malaria
Chills and Fever is a bottle of Groves. stack. The headlight Is set In a little
1 asteleae Chill Tonic. It is ami ply I hix eonstructed by the lioy's deft
timid*, but for the ornmileiit which
Jr iron and quinine in a tasteless form,
caps It he Is lndebt«*d to his mother's
No Cure, No Pay. Price ,'0o.
discarded curtain poles. There are
steam cylinders with eccentric move­
Seattle Public Library.
Seattle people expect to spend some ments. symmetrical ami accurately
9200,000 iu purchasing a site for a pro|airtioiied. ami a whole system of
library, and *50,000 a year in main­ running gear mid mechanism liem-ath.
taining it after Mr. Carnegie's *200,000 down to lhe compressed airbrake and
hose, all as conscientiously exei'Utevl as
building shall have b«eu elected.
if the lives of human passengers ile-
DON'T GIT FOOTSOItK. <1«T FOOT- |M'ii<le*l u|Min their living carried out to
the finest detail.
A powder. At this season your feet feel
In the engine cab the boy lias accom­
swollen, nervous and uncomfortable. If plished some of his most patient imi­
you have smarting feel or light shoe«, try
Allen's E'ool-Kase. It rest« and comforts; tative work, for it Is rigged with a
makes walking easy. Cures swollen anti throttle and steam gauge, the doors to
sweating feet, blisters ami callous sputa. the Iwiiler anil furnace iM-ing carefully
Relieves corns and bunions of ail i-am and
is a certain cure for I'liilhlain*. berating. defined. On one side the engineer's
Damp or Frosted Feet. We have over 30.- raised seat is carefully ¡Hiilded. and he
OuO testimonials. Don't get tootsore get is even furnished with the usual pad-
Foot-Ease. Try it t«fav. bold by all
druggists and shoe stores for 25c. Trial iled arui rest on the window, while the
package Fax«
Address, Allen 8. Ohn- liell rope dangles alsive the fireman's
sled. Le Roy, N. Y.
seat opimslte. All of the other windows
in the cabs are glazed with illsearded
Bi* Train Shed.
camera plates. The engine is about
The big onion depot in Portland i* three and one half feet long and ot
to have a tram «lied three block* long proportionate breadth and height.
—and then travelers will not step out
The trolley car. four feet long or
of the car* iuto the rain.
more, is a less complex structure, but
shows the same fidelity, patience mol
accuracy. Hiiil is one of the most hon­
Petrolem for Diphtheria.
A country doctor in Rouen. France, est make-lndieve cars ¡Hissllile. from
ba* discovered
that swabbing the the stout wheels lieneatli. taken out of
tnroat with common petroleum i* an cord and tackle pulley*, to the trolley,
which reaches up to draw ¡lower from
effective treatment of diphtheria.
an invisible wire.
"That trolley was an old limolino
Ashing rod once upon a time.” el-
By local application*, a* they cannot reach the plains the young builder gravely,
ditea-ed portion oi me ear. There uon.y one
way locure dt-ame«-. and that i. by constitu­ bad to buy the glass tor the windows,
tional rriued e-. Deaiues* -■ caused by an In­ for there weren't any dry plates the
flamed condition of the mucous lining of the
I've got the adver­
Ku.tacbian Tnbe. When tin. tuba gel* ip- right size, you see.
flamed *on have a rumblin* soani or -toper
tisements along the top of the wall
feet hearing, aud »hen It >* entirely cio«ed
If you'll look in you can
deafi-e-i >• th* ra*uli, and uniesstiielnflamma- almve them,
tiun can be taken out and th*, tube rest -red to
It* normal condition, bear in* wil I be destroyed
forever; nine case, out ot tr* ate « anted by
The seats, simulated to represent
catarrh, a filch i. nothing but an inflamed
the rolling curves of the slattili
condition ol the nuie<>u«*urfave*.
We will give Un* Hundred Hollar* for any benches extending along the sides of
eaaa of Pea«item-catiaed by catarrh) that caa
not be cured by Hall » Catarrh Cure. Send foe thecar. were backed out with the aid of
•treulsr*. Ire«.'
_ _ .
_ an old jackknife, and Iteneath the car,
F. J. CHENEY A CO.. Tolad» O.
at each end. the lioy lias built that ab­
Bold by Druggist*, tde
Hall'. FamUy HU* are tha best.
solute essential to street cars In every
civilized community, safety fenders of
Wall* Walla Enjoy« Sleighing.
as ingenious a ¡uittern as lie could <le-
For the first time in about 11 years vise.—San Francisco Chronicle.
Walla Walla enjoyed an exteuded sea-
eon of fine sleighing during and after
What Frightened Him.
th» holiday».
While crosHlng the Isthmus of Puna-
ma by rail, some years ago. the tun-
A $15,000 Organ.
ductor obligingly sftqqied the train for
The great pipe organ to be used in Mr. Campion to gather some beauti­
the temple of music at the Pan-Ameri­ ful crimson flowers by the roadside.
can exposition was built to order at a It was midday and Intensely hot. In
his “On the Frontier” Mr. Campion
coat of *15,000.
tells a peculiar story of this flotver-
plcklng exi>erlence.
I refused offers of assistance, and
went alone to pluck the flowers. After
gathering a handful 1 noticed a large
Thie iiffnature is on every box of the renuino
lied of plants, knee-high, ami of dell-
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tameu cat* form and h Iw-autlful green shatla.
Ua remedy that emram a emM Im mme Hay
I walked to them, broke off a tine spray
and placed it with my flowers.
Portland Big Show.
To ray amazement I saw that I had
Let all the country- know that a not­
able centennial celebration and exposi­ gathered a withered, sbrlvelttd. brown­
tion will be held in Portland in 19U5. ish weed. I threw it away, carefully
selected a large, bright green plant and
plucked It. Again I hail In my hand a
Oregon and Washington Should Do It
bunch of withered leaves.
One of the many app npnation ques­
It flashed through my mind tliat a
tions which the legislature will have
sudden attack of Panama fever, which
to pass upon thin winter will be that of
was very prevalent and much talked
providing a fund for an exhibit at the
of. hat! struck me delirious.
Pan-American exposition to be held
I went "off my bend" from fright
next summer at Buffalo, 5. Y.
In a panic I threw the flowers down,
and was about to run to the train, I
looked around; nothing seemed strange.
I felt my pulse—all right. I was In a
perspiration, but the heat would have
made a lizard perspire.
Then I noticed that the plants where
Th« »kin is the »eat of an almost end­ I atoml seemed shrunken ami wilted.
less variety of disease». They are knewu Carefully I put my finger on a fresh
by various names, but are all due to the branch. Instantly the leaves shrunk
same cause, acid and other poiaou* in and began to change color. I hud been
the blood that irritate and interfere with
frightened by sensitive plants.
the proper action of lhe akin.
Hood s Sarsaparilla
To have a «month, aoft akin, free from
all eruption*, the blood mu*t be kept pure
and healthy. The many preparations of
arsenic and pota»h and the large number
of face powders and lotion* generally
need in thi* class of diseases cover up
for a short time, but cannot remove per­
manently the ugly blotches and the red,
disfiguring pimples.
EL tm U vlfflLanoo *■ tha prtoa
ot o haautlfal ootr»plaxlott
when such remedies are relied on.
Mr. H. T. fllvob«. >704 Luca* Avenu*. fll. Louia.
Mo . a*ya: " Mr daughter was afflicted for yeara
Willi a di»fl»uri«s eruption on her face, whicb
miM«d all treatment, »he waa takau to two
eelebra-ed health apriofa. but received no bene­
fit. Many meniclnea were prescribed, but with­
out result, aaill we decided to irv ft. S S . and by
the time lhe ft rat bottle «rea finished the eruption
began to disappear. A doeen bottles cured her
aorepletely and left her akin perfectly smooth,
flbe M now seventeen year« old. aod not a aign of
U m embarrassing disease has ever returned "
Equine Inequality.
The work horse and the carriage
horse stood side by side on the street.
"I see you take your meals a la cart,”
sniffed the latter, looking disdainfully
at the other's canvas feed bag.
"Yes,” replied the equine toller.
“Don’t you?”
"Neigh, neigh, Pauline!” and the
proud aristocratic mare rattled the sil­
ver chains upon her harness. "I prefer
mine stable d'oat." Philadelphia Bul­
Go Wrong.
"My boy,” said the greaf man. “I
used to shine shoes myself.”
"Well," replied the Isiotlilar k. "dey’a
a hull lot of de guys w hat Is led astray.”
8. S. 8. is • positive, unfailing cure for
Philadelphia North American.
the worst forms of skin troubles. It is
Ute greatest of all blood purifiers, and the
Hllk I»rennen In China.
•nly 1 one guaranteed purely vegetable.
Bad blood make» bad complexion».
Silk dresaes were worn in Chinn 4,.7»0
punfie* and invigo- years ago.
rate» the old and
make» new, rich blood
th»t nourishe* the
body and keep» the
•kin active and healthy and in proper
condition to perform it» part toward*
carrying off the impurities from the body.
-*”" m
Finland Wot ven.
Finland loans *27,WK» worth of cattle
year Ity wolves.
It in one of the wotidern of clilldliood
that grown people can get up without
Improv<m«nt in t«r««l Market*
Attiva l><-
nund in Iron and Steal.
Bradstreet'* says: BuailWMi !*• >tlll
t a betw< eu seis-'U character in nmat
line«, but a liwumg up of interest iu
wveial tiades has Ixeu noted this
eek. Lelstively best rep -rts co ne
rom the iron sud Heel, luml'er, leath-
■r aud rug irides, but there has been
♦ >me enlargeui' ut of wi olesale distri-
ulive trade ou spring account iu the
outh ami West, spring trade in dry
goods i* j'i«t opjuing up. an I it i*
noted that a heavy «hipping movemeut
ou ord»»« is now procer ling at the
We-t. Some gain in word sales is
u >tvd at Eastern in irkets, but w.-athet
eruditoli« have n >t b eu lavoiable as a
while, except iu stimulating the retail
traleiu shots su I lublier go>d<. A
apecial feature is the generally good
let or of n port« «» tu colie* tion* fro-n
all Weitern and Southern point*, fn'ni
which it is inferred th it trade rela­
tivi:* to retalíela must have been quite
good. Summed up brie ly, the situa-
nou is oue of widespread ct ntideuce iu
the general busine«« outlook.
Com is slightly higher, iu sympethy
with wheat aud small receipt* ot cou
Inquiry rather than active demand
i* a lean lug feature iu irwu ami steel,
but quite au increase of aetivty is
noted iu Bessemer pig iron aud billets
at Pittsburg ami iu plates at Chicago
Iron production is increasing, but ua«
not yet overtaken cou-umpti- u. aud
stock* are reported smaller t.iau a
mouth ago.
Wheat, including dour, shipments
for the week aggregate 5,961,095 bush
Busine-s failuses in the Vuited
States for the week uumber 322. ¡rut It another way. If nil the earth were
agsinst 388 last week.
salt water then- would la- enough of
Canadian failures for the week nnm- the tin voting principle In It to make
ber 38. against 23 last week.
two moons of solid salt nearly ns large
1« our present satellite.
Ilow did all this salt get Into the live
-Means'? It is a big question and It has
Scsttl« Market.
i wonderful answer an answer that
Onions, new yellow. 'Jot'i'eC.
Lettuce, hot house, *1.60 ¡<«v oass goes back to the beginning of things
VVliell the earth was a half iNHiled I mm I v
Potatoes, new. *18.
ill the water now ii | miii It was floating
Beets, per sack, 85c 0*1.
ilmve the hot surface In mighty cloud«
Turnips, per sack, *1.00.
■ f steam. As the earth went ou cool
Squash—1 *-*c.
llg Its elii-llilcal pile-esses set free vast
Cm-rota. per sack, 75c
-nasses of what the chemist kuows as
Parsnips, per sack, *1.00 01.25
hlorlde of sodium, what we cnll com
Celery—50c doz.
non sail. This lay on the ground In a
Cabbage, uative and
:1ml of frosty deposit. When the earth
202V«c per pounds.
ot - ool enough the floating clouds
Butter—Creamery, 30c; dairy, 18 f
line down In a deluge that may have
,22c; ranch, 16cjbl8c pound.
i-ted for ages. and. melting the salt
Eggs—Ranch, 80c; Eastern 25c.
posits ns they rolled over the ground
Poultry—14c; dressed, native chick
i countless rivulets, swept It Into the
ens, 15c; turkey, 16c.
eepest hollows of the earth's surface
Hay—Puget Sound timothy. *15.00;
ml formed the salt seas, S<> the *ea
choice Easteru Washington timothy
as always I hm - ii salt.
But the suit In the sea Is not all the
Corn—Whole, *21.00 cracked, *25
>alt there Is In the world, There I» a
feed meal, *24.
urge quantity In the rocks and the soli,
Barley—Rolled or ground, per ton. i fraction of which Is carried year by
ear Into tin- oceans by the rivers. Y’et
Flour—Patent, per barrel. *3.30; lie ocean IS not getting sailer. Tills Is
blended straight«, *3.25; California.
is ailse the sea cieatures take up salt
*3.25; buckwheat flour, *6.00; gra­ nto the structure of their lames and
ham, per barrel, *3.25; whole wheat
hells, and when they die and leave
flour, *3.25; rye flour, *3.8004.00.
lie«!- to lie upon the ocean lied the salt
MillstutT*—Bran, per ton, *15.00;
■mains locked up, ns It were. Nature
«borts, per ton, *16.00.
« a famous accountant, ami balances
Feed—Chopped feet I, *15.00 per ton;
-ut her profit and loss to the uttermost
middlings, per tou, *23; oil cake meal
per tou, *29.00.
Fresh Meats—Choice dressed licel •HEROINE OF INDIA” WEDDED.
«teer*, price 7S*c;cows, 7c; mutton
71«; pork, 7?*c; trimmed,9c; veal, 11 0
Hams—Large, 11 ’«c; small, ll1»
breakfast bacon, 13 ’«e; dry »alt side»
mage, attracti'd to the
by the opportunity to
do gotsl which 11»
Portland Market.
service offered.
55 0 56c
Iieautlful Alice
Valley, nominal; yiuevtem, 58c p«i
Lew I* has risen to
the highest rank
Flour—Beet grade«, *3.40; graham,
held by a woman
Iu the American
Oats—Choice white. 42c: choice
organization anil
gray, 41c per bushel.
How, as the wife
Barley—Feed barley, *15.50 brew­
of auolber officer
ing, *16.50 per ton.
who. like herself.
MillxtuSa—Bran, *15.50 ton; in d-
Is of staff rank,
Hings. *21; shorts, *18; chop, *16 pel
she will I m - able to
do even abler
Hay—Timothy,*120 12.50; clover,*?
work for the array
09.50; Oregon wild hay, *607 per tou.
thaIt before.
Butter—Fancy creamery, 50 0 55c;
Staff Captain John Johnson, w ho was
«tore, 82?gc.
married recently to Miss l<ewls by
Eggs—27 ‘«c per«lozen.
Cheese—Oregon full cream, 12c. Commander aud Mrs. Booth Tucker. 1»
Young America, 14c; uew cnetme 10< a hero among Gen. tVillbiui Booth's sol
«Ilers, ami he married a heroine. Miss
per pound.
Poultry—Chicken», mlxe-l, *2.500 Lewis s|>ent a number of years Iu the
■1.50 per dozen; liens, *4.50; spring», Indian service of the army, being at
*2.<»003.50; geese. *6.000 ».00 doz; taclied to the staff of the Booth-Tuck
Irak», *5.00 0 6.00 per dozen; turkeys ers there. She hail many narrow ex
live. 12c per pound.
capes from being killed by natives, ami
Potatoes—50060c per sack; sweet», won lhe soubrlifliet of 'Heroine of
1 He per pounu.
Vegetables—Beets,*!; turnips, 75c;
Her husband braved dentil In Africa,
per sack; garlic, 7c per ponud; cate anti on one occasion wax only saved by
bag«, I Ho P«r pound; par*lii|iR,
Ids own Ingenuity, having been eon
ouions, *1.50 0 2; carrot» 75c.
detuned to death, when he brought
crop, 12014c
stratagem to bear to secure release.
Wool—Valley, 13014c per pound;
At the Other End.
Eastern Oregon, 100 12c; mohair, 25
A r-ertalu naval officer was very pom
per pound.
pons and conceited when on duty.
Mutton—Gross, beat sheep, wetherr
One day. when he was officer of the
awl ewee, BHc; dressed mutton, 6'1(0 watch, and he could not. as usual, find
7c per pouwl.
anything of consequence to grumble
Hogs—tiro»», choice heavy, *5.75;
about, lie ntlempted to vent his spite
light awl
feeders, *5.00; dressed,
on one of the stokers of the vessel, who
*5.50 0 6.50 per 100 pounds.
was In the engine-room, on duty.
Beef—Gross, top »teerH, *3.5004.00;
Going to the speaking tube, the officer
cows, *3.00 0 3.50; dressed beef, 6 0
7c per pouwl.
"Is there a blithering Idiot at the end
Veal—Large, 707H®1 »mall, 8'-20
of this till»«'?"
9c per pouwl.
The reply came quick and startling:
"Not nt this end. sir.”
San Francixo Market.
The feelings of the officer, as he
Wool—Spring—Nevada, 11013c per
pound; Eastern Oregon, 10014c; \ al­ turned away with a black frown, can
lie better Imagined than described.
ley, 15® 17c; Northern. 90 10c.
London Spare Moments.
Hope—Crop. 1900, 18^017)^0
Butter — Fancy
Tin Toy Factory.
»«cowls, 20c; fancy dairy, 1»
The largest toy factory In the world
do seconds, 18c per pound.
la In New York, where playthings in
Eggs—store, 95c;
ranch. tin nre inHiiufiictured literally by the
million. It stands live stories high, ami
Millatnffa — Middlings, *17 00 (d turns out 1,007 distinct varieties in tin
20.00; bran *14.0)014.50.
toys. No. I Is a tin horse; 1.007, a Un
Hay—Wheat *90 IS1»; wheat uni menagerie The output of circular tin
oat *9.00012.50; bent bailey *9.50 whistles Is 2,000,000 per annum.
alfalfa, *7.00010.00 per ton; straw,
A Dental Want.
36047*»c per bale.
“There Is Just one thing needed
Potatoes—Oregon Barban .«,00 0 95c.
Salina* Burbanks, 85c0*i.l5: river
Burbanks, 4<:0i5c; sweet«. 85085c.
Citrus Fruit—Oranges,
Valeric a
*2.7503.25; Mexican limes, *4.000
5.00; Ca'.'fomia lemons 76c0*l.6O:
do choice *1.7502.00 per box.
Fruit*—Bananas, *1,500
make my business a success,” said the
Painless Dentist.
"Wlmt is that?" asked the Interested
"A Hhoiitless
patient.” Baltimore
_____ _____________ _
Our bion of « silly sight Is a Con-1
gri-xHiimn silling la-hind ii desk covernd
W. W Skiuiisr. »hu lcr
I1, ageul «»•
year* ha» lieoli Bia "*
¡•nt« tnat
Salem, t»regou, l» about t<>
there will
Iha va«'am'V
:-e quitH
moat priilialily cause
qi-.- a »•eilju«t*
meut of the sgeut» I...... - »ut* through
the Myxtvni ol iK*l*»ctloii *ud |» ioiih to o
iu vugue.
One tliousKii* „I bile« of jute will *r'
five at the Walla Walla | h i > ii «’I"'»"
ill k lew «I m v4, t» . ba mami!»*'lur«sl Into
KHcka by con« ict I m I iof . Il *-oim*s from
Calcutta ivinl cod« Hie alate *18 6« da
ll'vrotl ut W h II m W m I di .
To Aboloh th< Uhippm< •’»»•t
The law iiuiLer«
almilihHi <»l lhe w
W HO *04 » Ct'li’* III 1 » '
I II«*
pmve H* girui a lH,iirltt4 i«
4lf IIIMll'b IMW’» ‘I* IliibU tll
Irrtt I ih *
lhe btr.ik« r
ll V4»i» 'e negtecte4i »«»m 1
tilgeMbHi. 4'4» ii * i > ih O h"i,
Mini ».ohiey tr»»uhh • .»re u
but 4»iir i it re I |o*l«-l lei •
Ikiti’l laii l4* tn it tor la ■
Invila'« NnUd Hiv«r.
Sutler, Ill India. !• »•<« faainat
I Is ,l,*««-i*nt
flow illtf river in th«»
i, «i iu I si>
in oue »uctiou ui
in I lee.
vanir* did
Ida—What kind
<ll»tl Ibllt»’
that twar-proilm nig
Muy—I'uekat hamUsrchiaf*.
TO fl II F A < Ot II IN «INK II « t
Taka laxative Bromo yulinu» I
let*. All drrggt't* rv>luml th« mo
if It fall* to cure. I W <*rvna • i
nature 1» ou ea* h I«1»
To Exited It« lie«
It 1» reiiorted that the Northern I a-
ritte will esterni It» road troni Ilo-
quintil, Wash., to Loug Beach Ibi*
com tug auuiiiier.
Queer Ways «I Author»
vou an»
"Mr. Flniiiln-au. have
■qieclal methods Iu writing your uoi •
"Ye*. I generally try to begin At t.»<
lieg lulling aud w imi ui> at tiio cuti.'
Gov«rm«nt Kr<ulal«> Pn.ri
The ¡«rices of medicine« 111 I’niaalt
are r gulated by tile government.
Every J ear a uew price li«t la puts
I Lilial.
0<ld Ftllowi Nili Celebrate.
|f ptnaent ¡Hans are carrled <mt < Md
Fellows frinii all over tlirgou ani
\\ astili gioii sili be luvitrd tonimelo
Porti.imi mi Aprii '.'ti tu celebrale the
anniver-wiry ol thè (uuudiug ol Hit»
Ir» ter mi I order
Stoff • tini Oough and
Work» Olt tho Ootd.
lakxattve Bro-uo t^umiii» labial» cur»
« cubi in otte day. Nu cure, Nu Bay.
Prie» 25 cauti.
A Novel SiflM.
Scores Another Victory
< *tuqU0r0il h* |>r
ri**!» riti«
•••«• l'rutoil l'MBvelilHg
ff III0I4I«'
»»il • « «'•
•»•«paleoA wf.
avu»i iX* ».«.rsiil. M usi 11« weal, luw-«
Auotlier l'orson reloamul troni Ilio
terrlblo gia»|> «>• ah agiinlsiug ill*ea*a,
anollier mino' addeil lo Ilio long Ila! uf
Ilio»« »Imbava ri'celved K*W tifa» br
thè 11«« »1 Di. William»' l'iuk Pili* tur
Peli» Paopla.
l'or years a sufforel (rum 111» cruel
diaeaav ni 8t. Vltua' Dance, acarooly
alile t<> move. Ilio ¡»iwer ol »¡»eeli al<
iiiosl gol»», ami all «flotta lo cure ber
proviti» in vaili, Mr», Munii» Flwller,
Mi riv'anl, lowa, tliought h»r caa«
ho|i«l«»* ivm*
had *uuk Ut th»
blackeal deplbfl <>l <l«»|«alr
Sii» tur ned a» a laat remiti tu Dr.
................ ' l’ink Pilla, «ini Ihe wou
der» worked by lillà remaikable medi­
timi ar» tolti in ber own word a
• | w«a «ffiloleil for vcara with St
Vitua* Dalie». The Arsi eymptom* of
III« ill-e««« began In I nnv , »lu'ii th»
nerica t»'g«n iwllehlng III mv Inll
1 eoiiaulted physlclau» ol lilla
eltv, Imi Itoli» uf tlieiu «ver dbl m»
» parlici» ol gmid.
After I liad sul-
leieil (or Iwu ami olle hall yeara llia
dia»»»« eonlliiulng tu grow wore». I
bearvi of Dr. William*’ l'iuk Pilla tur
Pai» Pni'i'l».
"Il w»a II» 1891 that I wna Induced
lo tiv thfiii, and I «a* auri«rl«»il al my
rapld innnivrinent
I luvik ouly Iwu
lune», »ud w«■ elitlrely eured. Il aa*
hard io reali)» Itisi I, whu fot over
I mo yrar» w»a aeareely abln tu walk. alni
»ho ofteu louml It almo*! impimalbl» tu
t»lk, elmuld be re»tor«-l tu ¡wrl»> t
hcsilli ami In full |»«i«»»aloti ol all ol
my ¡»«wei a by two I mi lue of thla wouder-
fui r»m»«ly.
”1 am happy tu *taln that my h»allh
la utili perla« t alni I bave uever had
III» alighteit avmplum* ot a rallini ot
III» ili-caa«, although li la righi yeara
alt»«'« I wa» curml.
"I kuow ut oibrr* who bave laien
llkewl-e Iw-Ui'tllt» I and ar» aa graleful
aa iuy»el! "
All ih» »lamenta iimeaaary lo glv«
n«w III» ami rl< htmaa tu tiie blvaa? ami
rastorr ahallerevl nerica aro vxinlained.
In a oondrnaed l<nm. lu Dr William»'
Thoy ar.
l’iuk Pilla for Tale People,
al«o a ajai Itivi for troubles peculiar to
tema Ira auch ae sopì re.- tous. Irrrgu-
larlllc» ami ail forms of weaknraa
They bvillvl vip tile I i I imm I, and rest'-re
B ivi glow ot healtb lo pale and aallow
lu liirn they «tis i a radicai
euro in »11 va»«« ariaiug from mriiial
atraln, over work or «icraae- ol whal
»ver naturo
Dr. William«' l'iuk Pilla
aie wild iti !»■»»» «ueier lu lume bulk)
al 50 celila a lavi or al* boxe» for
*2,50, and may be had of all vlmggi«ta,
or dbect by mali from Dr. Wllllm»
Medi*lu» Company, Nchueetady, N. Y,
< X •< «IO. Il a«s all «latMad f«»r IttecB
md ara a truy «•»tidarru. turi
| ha»« ofiaa
• itUed for « inr.ii. na |>.aaaatH t«> tabe ai.d ai *•»
ia»« »ouiPi t tiia« aix.i *m» ta. j ih»» a.r
».o«»l na» fM>«o „ur-flevi at d n>v • .
, rgi.-t ba« liu-
«rovail • iti.lrrfn » an i I fra n
t t.r -at t. aver*
Mia *ai iia a Bii.i ÀUi I.Aiweil leou.
tel wlnlffi mu*l
St Jacobs Oil
labor Union« to join ttoivdi
A movement lias born starisi a|
Facoina for a lederallou ut all the lain«
utiloua Iu VVaslilligloii i ai.ei. pllsb
harmony of action among tun lai.oriiug
Yv« ran 1 make • niiitk« Il *uu
Mitchell, beiuis & Sta ver Co.
W AhR AN 110 .0 I 1'1
• r »-•
■ w.
’ «e
Varta • ■tamilfi »r»
B t»«i»n (law « «.t. . » y i vera*
Ihr M» tao I r»l in bir Heed» I'M
t fia « fi »
ahn I« Lo ia» Lt
Portland Death Kata.
Cold Agony
Som« Broad Streets m t urupe.
Berlin taraste that *'I‘nt«rden Liti-
den” I« the broad«,4 street in auv great
city. Il I« 215 lr«t wide. The ''ll lug-
strame" In \ lenii» le IHN fret, the Parts
"Grand Boulevard" 1'12 feet, and the
"Amlrasse Miase» ' et Budapest
feet wide.
Did you ever see a house and its con­
tents upside down? t he novel si, hl
will be a feature of the Pau-Aiuerivau
expusitiou midway.
During 1900 there were 909 death«
in Portland, 63 bring < hinan.r-ti
Mad« (rood Showing.
t h«« G »mwalo »
I i'
I Isa liar «tal
Assay report» just imelved on some
rmk Imm tlm Ninety-Nine mining
property, ‘-Il t-late creek, W»«b., show
an aii-rsge of * ton to the ton.
nu. f-
DHrert ■«< *
N«w Mining C ompany
A now mining company, known aa
the Co-operative Mining and lievelop
meat Association, has laem forme. I m
.Seattle, The com ¡am y has a capital
Stock ot *2,000,000, divided luto 2
I'a’aiah • p-«ani
‘Imai Narar «Iraan Wanaa,,
♦aril.» a.».«,
Taira rlnod rw,
Or r >w ix am
«, •'« '*»-1 a» a
IU URU «lau 10 < ■ Hr. r..u..a<, naI,u*
For Munii Ipal OwMrihlp.
Buia», Idaho, I» conaiderliig prospect-
lie iuuuici|M«l ownership of an electric
light aud salar plant.
Can Anybody Tell.
or *ii| I li-'*
»III r»> 1« »'b» “• “
logUf ainl prlrrt
RUSSELL A OO.. Portt»né,0r
( an anyliody explain whv so fnw
people go iuto the poultry and egg bus­ When you take Grove's Taatelees Chill I
Tonic la-caua« the formula is plainly
inn«, when at pri o. that have obtained
for many months there must l.u a fur printed on every hottie showing that It
Is simply Iron and (Quinine iu a taste­
tune in it?
A giiaranle-'l 1
less lortu. No Cure, No Pay. 60c.
H ««>
I' I'“ k •*' ‘
' • «.
Mu«t K««p After Wulvti.
Eastern Oregon seems to tie uniteti
In favor of the scalp Ixiuuty law.
■yon can earn «u bat an tisi pruSta
mouthly Ly Investing
British Columbia Coal I laid« Sold.
The Great .Sortlinrn Hallway Com*
pany, through I'reaident Hill, han pur­
chased 275,000 acres of coal land from
the Crow's Neat 4!oaI Company, near
Crow’s Neat Pass, II. C. The purchase
price is approxiinati ly |.r>.ouo,oo0.
Sunday Shaving a Crim«.
Portland barbais are moving to have
the Oregon legislature declare Suuday
shaving a misdemeanor.
or more, with thf» rompan». I,»« „*
Irli you how. rro»p«iiu» »nil full
particular» free.
•tao tari Oil, Promoting *a¿ i*,,*..
mrat Co.,
M.. 57«, ,77 |>arr<at B14»,
8à" P»a«ci»<.O
Hollt'a Hf'hool (tor !>«>>■), Mando farli, <’*!..
baa more afudenta and H In Ix tter comilllon
than ever
Hprlna term bcglna January 7th,
Me-f <l foi ( ■(MloKiia. 1 ra <1 lloltl, Ph h ,
Skagway'« Taxable Property.
.,0 0 ’VT« MIbtr.T DEL
Fl T« V
JÌ K»«»Biad« Dropiy aud itacoia-
pl «anol * i ipic.al y for twroty
■ year» with tifi mn,t wonderful
Have tored
cured many thoua-
aocceaa. Haro
The taxable wealth of Skagway,
Alaska acoordlug to the corrected val
nation limile by the board of equaliza­
tion. la *981,270.
County Growl Fait.
W. ». SMITH 1 Cd., tuffilo. I-LM*
« -8
111'«) "
Vim mot* all «U»ar traaiman««
Via bnito.
., Hl
Mora «han Mailmwiu »M-1
Mlaaanaa. veOttMMa and
MalM ronR.Un»laI-.ui«
• •
pepai». It im. *
lini, Irfvrnt lllltoU-H’"« *”’.%; («Hl'-O* ‘
convlm » t • w'tlmal »«"M* 1
k i<W,,f*
tt.n.H. 8»tt»'3oo»a,
Box M,
Clackamas ooiinty has bean settling
AtUnt», G». up during the past 10 years more rap­
idly than any other county iu Oregon.
Mother* will hml Mm Whitlow * Booth-
Nvrup the beiti remmiy to iika for th***
children during ilia teething period.
...... .. ''’"•F'Kl.bHOF CAtl.
rotisi«. li.l.f iTTKarr.l,, mail.rl f,,.,.
Huy Venivi«,. .1 „ „,,,, ,IIHbe
drilling. A'ijulna ih» l,lg l,l<o, well
Uovcruaient IJnenaed Brukgr
•37-TH-.TI» Farrell KMg„ ». g., Cai.
Duit at Sea.
Great qmintitles of dust collect on
the decks of vessels at atm. no matter
if they uro swept twice or thrice a day.
Most of it, too, is found on sailing
vessels. The inference la that the sails
act as dust collectors, arresting the
particles which drift in the air.
,r For„1*ft-
i H r Haid*"
W%h’"r “erJ*" "''¡'«i»'"'?
’"Îimsar »!"• "“L
.9 V M« e-"" t )»••*•”
V .. .................. . Í, I-T!1*
» '
if CLAtMANr* JO" p
L Wrl • le "•* **•"•....