***** ' ‘ S th u— - ■ •«•*«**>* - - • • *• fg republican • t* .«liy of li'i.ul in l i ,|, ( . i lu-y cangili tin- i o ,,i ,t j., -'- a Bay with tin- assistali, i- ..i 11,. In i mil» fan.Il) and laiidi-d tlu- t)»h In i iati r l.tk.- • s lolx t 17 last ■ » • a. ' i -.li.jH » of tin- i ,i. ,i I-. rang, BONANZA M;WS. of monili lini show that on Hie west • hi slope 27¡ per cent, of th. tlndx-r tot Tin- ■•niea»b-y" »it ual ion 1» Improv­ » fhfltsl'" l'sl Sli' • • Tlie f-illowing »1 aleni' ut » and is yellow pirn- ami 2 k-lo jn-r cent. Is ing wry rapidly. 4 •? f.ii ls | h - i Iainlng lo Kliiluath •oimty sugar pin*-. Tin-».- p.-.-cciit igi-s an- Mrs. Welsh of Dairy 1» almost it local NLVVS. »' ('oliisf.H k, a , lini ni" iiiallily ta'o-n frolli th<- l'mtlaml more than d-mbli-d on tin- eastern death'» door with consumption. I m I dealer, stall s I ii.ll i can li.illy in. -onlan of Jaooaiy I, H’OI slum-. On Hie easti-rn s I oih -, where jVdx rt Bill "f *“* r” |HM| I m - iM.ught In < ii Illky Wixids, while »biM-hig ti vici­ ♦ ,, f,,r jin| aliuut nnd mai I h - consldcrcd ri lial le In ¡ili ’-«• Klamath county Is. the yellow pine ous horse one day la»t week, was wlial it «-«Mil, I" illilsi- Alliiiii'hotn pai I leni.un: Tluir».f I In- other s [ h < | i h on tin- fini rwl.i- Arthur Laogiill went to Spra-zue *4" fi "'I isli ||l ». it »li.-i) of Mei t ill was here I II 'h fol Ile- (•• abillt Ica of thè industri aie •z y. jK III indoli ii f rliiul eastern slope. In brief, ami frutti ♦/ • Mllll, Win-Il III k< i plug cool nnd i»-- piai lle.illy Ullllmifcd, OWilig to |he I hi-ulxivc ligure», an a* re of tinilx r river country to buy cqialrv htifscs ♦ 4 yistenls) liig panelli, |||. y , .,,, M.|| f,,r »i-n-r.il naturai System» of irrlg.itlon. ( api on the eastern slope contain» more last Saturday. ♦,z Ml* •' " "" of Merrill i I s IG m I lililí » III.- price III. Owen M' K.-ndrel j.f fllcte killed a *«• iiow g.-t. I il bis I h i-n Intel • si ed ili lite colini V Hi in double the valuable limiter than Ix-rr Fri''-1' J. T. JI. uley w . II filWII I 1!« ».(ai In i< e. ut years, ¡imi maiiv inlli-s <>f Ir- diM-s an acie on tita western slop«-. large cougar recent I yr. Wm. Met mid infoi iin-d ii» •hai the Irrlg.iHnji - rlgatlon canal» liavi- heen mudi*. That i he I linlx-r on 1 lie ••astern side Ah ». Zeiely is up hi fuingell’» Val­ Ix-r» »'rida' Water ha» I h -. h tiirm-d ii | hiii ilo lllti'h, ow m il joint h ley hunting. I» mor«- valuable In Hi'* market, |» Idii) and II. I J sin'1 ' I. ik vlm* ivi» !• -I » Alik liy, will I., • iilarged tu |he wastc lami», making tliein produce also shown by the table )n the I Ire Wash. Ols iichain 1» «-rlti'-ailv ill at laal TI i »,»' i -‘ nmilng >,pt log. I hi» axsiired lili. fiotti fin- to M-ii-n |mi» of alfulfa p- r /olilán of th<‘ lunitxT cut In -|!»o«> In Bly. Ilehas the mt-aslMand Ids ad- JU iii ('..im«-’'» ,,r l'*''n” •" prov.-im-ut I» The mosi valiiiihlc naturai r< Klamath county ami It» value. lm)M.| taiii e 1«, itele. Tin- vanci-d ag<- make» it difficult for him. ti.wn ye»l'-’d agrlciill itr.il lau.l» |. i l.z sullllle. 1st of solin e of tIn-contil i’ I» (In- pine tini tiiiii»'i cut was 22.ti’iii,<><> ‘ (|.|. |,( fn.in i‘'*‘ ' ‘’■ • ■it rainfall, Jas. Kiernan was here last Monday will js- Wllter.-.l .ii„| luercaM-d tn Ile» noi I li of I In- Klamath river, and til« mountains. 25,000,000 feet was on business. llrri Da'i* f Merrill was a I V.lltie. Thei.i ||.,, I . Z I h - cu a de­ i»kuown n» the Jenny cri-.-k Ix-ll. ••nt, (i-xci-eding ours by 3.000,ooo tlaltiir Thin-' The (>d<) Fellows installed the fol­ m imi fi»r a I u,-. i .lit i, an Improie- II coni alti» fully 5,000,0011,000 feet feet.) but Its value was only $250,- $ hersii!" "! I "’ I • 4 » • f b-f > lowing officer» fur the «-nsuing ’ term: llli'llt lung in-i-ih J. A. Iziuderbaugh. N. G.; J O. the lime i f r< al.z latini 1» iild.-iitly K laui.iHi county prixliii.u. grain, of oura. From these figures it may llamakey, Vz (».; Geo. E. Stuart. (IH>. til l-" 1 b " • »• -»• |,,|t. h«uir fruii», and even bo jps ­ ami tobacco In Is. curie.'tly assumed that eastern near at bind. Chap .1a»[H;r Bennett, Con.; Clarke Krii«. »4» II-I lii.T.lay, »mali qmintitlrs. Oregon timlx-r. while yielding double Di. list Ilanmker \V.; H. L. („Topton. Tr. p W II, '» ft Metrill Visiti <1 th>-amount per ¡u-re, I. of a quality 11 Hi eil from \-.bl.i 11 * Will Bauman^ Sec.; U B. Klosniap. ♦,z Kl.walli I < .1 Frlil.n *r Lisi ti ii RI.«matti cornili Ix-gim w liicli brings a higher price hi mar­ I li.-1 I« ft li.-i■- f. i A R. S. S.; Ar«-h Brown, O. G.; Jesse I m \|r*. Kila *• t-'1« **t linai ali eia of rapici progress along all ket than tlmlx-r In tlie other parts of Rolx-rts. I. I«.; Rolx-rt A. Hopkins. *r 1» I In lug »tor m ii t In Klamith »-»* ' ,*'1' "" *• Ibi- The utm»n.illy largo Inthix <«f I lie st ate. lienee Ili.-i can -lit R. S. N. G.; Wm. •-hixik, L. S. N. G. ♦ lihiin-ai • -ki-r» and new capitai, ami J, Iksittii'.ir .md J' »»I'' Jeum-tl liad quite mi Itil.-r Jas. G oks , R. S. V. G ': Jnb. Lynn, L. 4 * */ Csl ■ * h r.- till« «••• k. • nti-rpt I m - s , eltIter start<*d <>r project- Ill addition In tin- foregoing, we »now and wm.l, S. V. G. The lixlgc is in a very • * - 4 * " a ■ -I. ei.nirlbutisl lo grcat< r dcn-lop- ami unhappy csim - i will bri.-tly refer to some of the facts flourishing condition •.«rial in- - - '-i ' t i H («tirt-tli 4 »4 - .Z — ♦ ’ im-ul ami inaterlally a:i'ed hi »pri-ad- above alluded to: | • -» going, yet li.el a pi family sr- 1,1 ,*1' ' 4 Ashland Tidings: M. L. Chamber- » lug t h>- splrlt uf Improvement among Klamath county Is about tbe size they got ilici n j, I ' - i ■. ■ i » i» .1 lain. clerk of the state land boaid, III- s>- already here. , of III • st .i!<- of M.is».iehuset is. Com ­ )•«>(,i| out last w. < k Inx iHWlnrs» it lie ».ili» I m »*1 at. AIx.iit a ic ir if.I, t le- < in-;- ni M id- pared with tin- size of the county, reports that th.- receiptsUf bis office I^iulior.l I;, .ir.l 1 f tin* Lmkiill* home mi lmnM-l,.;i'k laud 1 iiipaii-.. «•' • -•mp.si'd of |H-op|e of the |xipulatioii is not large, yet it 1» for the past mootli of IssendM-r were 4 .«ti» t rlbtil.it Imi» an ••• p»iw ha» 4 - ' - r - it t ok of I •••«»Illi I» li lam it li ami . I.uk »011 counties. <>ri‘- rapidly hu-rcasiug. tin- gain during larger than for any other month dur­ e.I|M-» f r«.|ll ' ir.'il11 I » * ing bis adminlst rat Ion. The greater "j. II ll.»»ii- m l W Kerwin of -'■11. and S;d(ly<>u i-i>imty. < allfornia. th* past t.-ii y- «r» having Ix-.-n G4 per they li.il |ll»li..!u'. t • ' part of the increas«- In receipts is due IU,«l1 lb.» |«l.i- • I ri Hid mmiiii I • ♦ -* w.is furili. I I*, pl illlnle the construe- ■•< nt. In a cmiuty »o large and with totli«- great rush now being made dav. Hun of a railroad from Klaimithon. such a Ixnmdless supply of excellent - ♦ • .1 J. W It»- . . < r I III » pl i> ■ ha» • 'al.. to K11111.1t h Filli». Frmn tin- land and timber, and »'ich great ad- for M'h.sil land, and in this Mr. 4 •> 4 who Imilglit lli<* r. Mail memlH-is of tin- company woik lantag. s .m l r. »-mr.-.-s. tlien- 1». as a <'hatnlM-rlain sees a promise that the >/ Irrn 4pp-il.il • * « 4 i u I t«o « «r x-'ti r.iurii (rulli |U<-km ♦ Ml •I illll-.’.-iil |y fur t lu­ iimlerl.iking. matter of f.i. i, alum I.me«- of rtxmi several sections of this state wiil un­ ♦/ Intbljliirr. and «Hltrm L iai miiihid r. I 4M ll li li «-1 .-ry pi ■ h - t of sucre»» eai 1 - for thousand-, and t-nsof thousands dergo wondeful development within ♦ thjr «orilo t n t s.k.-s Wordi-n in minfNihy «1 if h \| r hi. • J tin- next few years. The land that is B<-»iile» opening a rich , of set t lers. In I util. I«omflii.-.l I ..II, a » lem» al 'tanwth h! s dint* l.«$o |l.s •r 2*1 li now Ix-ing sought so eagerly is the »t«M‘k and agrl.-tiltur.il country, thl» The land hi re is of tlm richest qual­ l»i uf r!i f*»r Ibv mih -I i . Th*-* I them m -I kjo I sections which sell for $1.25 mad will tap on, of Hu- choicest ity, In its productions of grass. Pallili \ .1 $»!«!.cil r ri» ( imm I wiipjil k n tur Ihrt * Th- per act«-, only a part payment Is-ing • ■ « I mk I ìi - k of sugai ami yellow |dii.- on grain, V. -i-t ibl< s and fruit, it is «-«piai Ilf ( III* I r . p 4A ! • / aren»« tin . « ••).-n icid »t.i ;••« I tlH»|» • • till- I'.ieitll C 1 '«-ast . Not Olllv will to tin- I lx m »t nnvwhere. anywhere. The only re.|uired in c.isli on issuance of certI- » t».*f»>ii* Kpiiii/ In tre staking . ■ ■ • .-• to I»- By far the greater » » ♦ 11 .msjM'i t at tun faciliti«-» I h - atf.-i.l.sl thing il ---.b-d to make t he whole a gar­ ilcate of sale. hmi I v l«> liiiiiil fen» • »» ire the of tills place start si MK<-h< I li portion of the sales are of land in ♦> for inani mile» of forest on «-it lu-r den, is more Irrigation. And that a druir uf : ... 11 • if lieef catti«' f«»r ru itl wit* np n. an I 'I r <' ini«-rs Eastern Oregon. The state laud side of till- line. blit, connc-tlng at Will «.»in Is* supplied. Mention lias want«**! lo i» I h« < tilín ' - v in t II w III Aifrr, Ci M Imaid ha» i housau l» <>f acre» of prai­ li». !li-s |M«hit with I'p|M-r Klamath Lake, '»-. n ii. id. of th irri/ition plants !« t . *1 li** *nuH hf$»rni '■ - in to alarm rie aid tlnilsT land east >f the Cas­ Tlx- sel i -I at with It» northern tributarle», H Is now iii op.-r.it i n in the county. In Mn» * iiniN’tw .inti wIt a the iiioun- cades that lias remained unsold t«e- 4sdg> It usui VI placed in touch with Hin •>f Judge «.ti the Indian reservation. The < lit­ th*- Irrigation ditch at Klamath Fall» I uiim h I ioii ! tb«* m.ilt« r .mil arrang.sl and it is so. in fact, unless more con­ Iktiini pt kill, . W.IS lll»t io k for Hi«- building <>f the road <-n- will )»■ enlarged in tlu? »firing, and m Itti lliirvr) ll»»w.ini an i Will Ihck w(4-k appiUili-.l ham < <1 tbe value of tlud««-r lands and that ¡itep.ir.itions are being made to venient transportation facilities shall clerk, of «•ruoti, t * « i vi|M*r i ti< • <1 snow •hœ I»-provid. 1. Since railroads crossing ihr l«-gi» .»• prompt'd I'MI fM-rsoli» to exercise dolt. Thas i.i»t tracts of land, now «* h ii 11 m - o*, to gu to th«* I« I K-f of Mr. Eastern Oregon In almost every di­ tli.-lr r.glits to Ilio aer< » of H iii I mt uneultlvat.si. will I k - asmirisl of lux- At tin- M II, list < Irireli n -xl Sun­ < ¿ hii I m 'I* iiii’l hi*» rotiipinl 'lb rection arc so gtm-rally prop .»¡-.I < u I i . Ot hi-r.s iMiught all Hr- d.-sira- urlani crops of altalla and grain. •IP Januar i : at il a in.. Mcrm«« ai>» -.it aÌMiut equipped *llh tnoto m ! i «» s he conducted on a large scale hv the \iioth. r propos-d railroad Is lie-id- . lit this into luinlier we have splen­ • tu III I II In national gov. rnment. pass, I f I •!«* < inib* r*t p trt \ h r I h*l I I. ' -r Kl im.ith Falls from Hie m rtli. did water powers, and uniurpavsed ■>■«1)11.1* » «, i w ?.. of Klimith their mbin tb«) Intend«»I U» ta\<* <- I while the date of Its conalrilC* facilities by l i’.,. s a-i.l rivers for gi t- R-duecd pric.-mn clothing. Duff, I - - - down til-* J« li».. l T l *U < '»ll.it .’) for th t ii may I h - m< re reunite than that ting logs tu the mills. Tile water T hehe - have lately lx-cn placed up­ ' ■ teen ap \shl.in i K l ini Il K.iik V- ’ • lin-, if I lie Or. -..:i Midi.imi t'ompany. it Is |Mi-.u-r at the outlet of Klamath lake on the market several cheap reprint» H"Mt...... irk ip hi th«-fall for­ c V| mm -| big tU tllld t III* H.IIII« watch re;is.i:i ili'-. « ertali! of lielllg built ha, a fall of i>4 feet, and exceeds tín I.- -ulji in of an obsolete «slition of •• Webster's Illg foe the telc.-i ipil Im-». w, 1 hln tic- next few v.-ars. Spokane Falls in lore«- and volunie. Ifu-I II \ R Dictionary.*’ Th.--».- lMH>ks are given \ part i of r.r : i-l - i- «. : from li ulti <-f Ken-«. II.r lmmlgi.ition. which was larger in I m ing at-le at all seasons of the year various nani -s. --Webster's t’na- rifui ii of Klam ith, laikc. th«- north stop;- d lure a few day» p i ■• than for many years. «.is a’.inl t-i furtiisli ¡Miwer to cut Into linn'M-r bridged ." --The Great Webster's l»ie- •'fink ami W , ì I (*l ••mt I«-> in I ll>- leg- dur inc t li>-r. - ut I. r i st-.:m. il. Th r. II n'l disi ribtit cd over t lu­ »out hem the 350.000 acres of tinilier tributary ” --Welister's Big Diction- t ionary . Wotan., ha, !l appointed chair- were four tri il»<- pirty. w ilcli was ll..If of 1 he county, and the value of to Kl.imath lake and the rivers that .ary.” •• Welist -r's Encyclopedic- l>ic- A good Stock ol llardw uCot..! goods •mn nf th • < , 11, 1 <• on claltmc und. r «Ti.irge of I In.-i I.■> -i.r-.•; l|e:i- f.11 mln.; land» unlfcrn !v advanced flow into It. i ionary. etc., etc. Hv a gimtl- hi in wlm Inter- with th- growing demand. I 'n-lri I- •kt Sitimi o tn the i-.i»e >,f Ho- ap dcrsoii. at very reasonable prices. Not blaeksniifh- To take all this princely supply of Many announcements concerning I’lk'atliin f„r ii , ip;>-Influent of a vi< wc«i Hi«- party w.- an- informed -.it.'il ranches which could han- I h - cu lumber to outside markets, a railroad them are misleading. The Webster ing supplies ;■! '««. l>;;t Everything generally panllan f.,r ii. I»-I li mil prop.-i I y that lhi-y start- I fi -m «»n'ariu. Ore., Isiiigul a year ago for from $2 to $.7 is ne.-ded. As t<> tlj.lt. we can say "*<«m stuns i hirftr WillltM dull som«- time In Hu- fall f<«r the purtMiM- ¡H-r acre n.«w eonimand from $.5 to $|u that the di»eou,-agem<-nts of the past reprint |*>rtiou of each from A to Z kept in a Harduar ■ e. “ticlt as Shovels is the same, over fifty years behind »niniln't-d B -|- \iidi-iM.ii e» Kiyh of making a pr- ilium in railroad sur- an a -re. An .111 Inst nice, EOO acres, are about over. :md thole Is im doubt the times, ami printed from plates Forks, Hoes, Spades, Mops, Brooms port un. V «■ «. gut I el In : dat i - tc. Iron i On Ixiught a year ago fur $«> | h t acre, tbit next spring will see the com- made by photographing the old pages. tarlo tlicv ran 'lie Im- westerly to ».«Id In November for $1.5 p.-r acre. ilieiicenieiit of this great enterprise. Mr. ('.oí, i Tinware, Sheetiro’n ware, Carpenters ¡»•pillar postumster The old liook has I h - cu padded out I Ili» lami is dry. but accessi'de to fu­ \ railroad will come because It will II ,!|l" I'D in.I I his Imel, lute -a. and Hechanics’ Tools, Powder 5hot by various additions culled from vail- slun-f the cast side of th - Cascade ture irrigai Imi. N' iiu L v . -ri,,, r Land under the pay to come, and iHvauso the timlier "ill tiiship conili- oils sources, but the tsirty i., the same Shells and Wads. '"■""fili...... , broke Ionie, mid hl- mount.un». T' i .* Un i i-i. h -d Fort diti !i is worth from $15 to $40 an as well as the crops ami cat He and that was published when Polk was Klam.ith Slid Klamath A-. eney and acre. otlu-r great resouives, are assurances ...... --.rmi.lmal president and duly buried ¡it the in­ Irrigation has made good progress. that such a railroad will be profitable r(»vh»' md ovcr |||a| from there along the east shore of coming of Lincoln. The Webster, Big Klamath lake to Klam ith Falls. I'uo large ditches, fed by Sprague from the start. ®H,rnlng. current from Lincoln to Harrison, is \\ .th the enlargement of the ditch, « '!?' M;' " U»e wlft - f W Fi-tmi this |M.ici- they ...... tinned lliver, have I m -.- ii liuilt in ti-e vicinity the popular copyrighted ‘•I’nabrldg- southerly to ll.ild .. ..... it-tin I’ ii . ks . of Itti. II. E. Ankeny lias secured a t he building of a road giving access ' di. I ,,f e.mmimptlon ¡if het ed" which has now boon superseded From ilu-iethei r turned homeward, half Interest in the ditch leading to outside markets and the coming ...... . -• ».....lay ..f this by W ebs TEII' s 1 NTKltN.VTIO.\ vf. I»K- but were caught In th--storm ¡ind re­ from near the smn-i- of Klamath in of in 11» and manufactories, will Tu . Il"‘ f""" il f.x.k plat.......... Tints AliV. mained here a lew days • iboi ’ nien­ linei .--ml Ills object is understiKMl to come a grow th and setth-menl far in 4,1,1 "a.» largely ti mil. Hu i stated that th - route I m - to so enlarge the system that it excess uf wltat it has been in the1 PUMPS AMi WINDMILLS. »vii¿k,y?"l”l’"l"/"‘:' frl"",h tlii-i followed from first to last was will water u!l of the Ian I within its past. A |iros|Het so bright for the \ tine line of Pumps and Wind cxeejlent and easy I" build a road rance, .lobo Slusik and Clark Ham- immediate future, should not l«e over- Mills just received by C. II, W ithrow Tl»' play ,.,1(111, ,| over. Bald Mould.till I’llss Is s lid to aker have plans to 111 ike a ditch from lookeil by farmers st«» kgrowers. lum­ (tn* -AurmotorMan ” hlr-"k'ln-u by I, "A Family ,\f ” d talent hi the In-easy to get through to the west. Lost River at Bonanza. It will have bermen and enterprising men in ¡ill "l*'r-t h'.ii».. fri,| iv Quality and not quant ¡jy makes evening, was wit- Ill connect loll With this, we will lile l- capacity to Irrigate 50,000 acres. branches j.f business. To them it DeWitt's Little Early Hisers such by .. lai ... St.H-krait.ing is st ill the chief in­ liny be truly said 1'hat a greater and and appreciative tlon that the < he-orii. hi . under the •Wlli-m-r, valuahl« little liver pills. J. I.. l’:id- head or -|.\ New Riih-'id I'rojeet." dustry of tlie county. Sales last year iM-tler opportunity neier presenfed Rollìi- ¡m,I a '•uteri.iliiiui-iit was gett & Sons. nielli lolled till- proposed ex I i-li-.loii of were: <'al I le. $210.000; sheep, $10.- Itself than tlie one now offered here. .......... tliiiincl.illy. A G ood I nvesi -. iieni . - ••Knowl­ f at Mur- the railroad now built rioni Montague Hou; hors.-s ¡ind moles.. $00,000; hogs. And Anally we will say th.-it we have to Viek.i in a sou'hi-rli direction, for $7.500: lutai, $2**.300. an unequaled climate, the purest edge is power'' ¡iccording to the oM ^"'iM-inl1’1’"' 4 f................... Hie building of which tIm money Is The neri-aire under cult hut ion has water, the best of hea th and the adage, but It Is also said that a num Large crops of al­ grandest scenery in the I'nlted never knows a thing until he can tel! ^'Iiir. rent' i H '"""'""M '"un h mie» ready. If th.it report Is correct, then greatly Increased. it. and he wlu> can express his knowl .in extension from Mont i-;ue ii irth- falfa, wheat, oats, rye, potatoes, tur ­ States. ^■1$;; i,................................- edge In languagertiore terse, vigorous, e.isli.rly would strike Bald Mountain nips, cablHlges, heel» and other vege (listers in any style at Fisher’s \i„ r'"' 1,1 "'is ¡mil appropriate than others becomes Fruitgrowing, ^’l»or|1"i' ' " 1,11''■’*■ I'Kuhlng ill- I'.iss, and I lie eoiinecliuii of t hese t ivu , taiiles are grown, rest au rant. a leader of men. In gaining this loads senilis pos.-.ilile, and indeed wt)leli re.-eiveil only slight attention Bargains in overcoats at Duffy's. power of expression as well as knowl until recent yeais, is now developing I diseav- thus far, probable. edge itself th.-re is n*» ¡ltd so helpful, rapidly. Dairying receives more at- indlges- F. ¡-son» who suffer from If. ' "4" " 'IlMUlbed 11)1» conn- Everything llrst-class al Fisher's from which so much can be obtained, li.'iilipn as the adaptability of tlu- long lie ­ I ion call ni-l expect tu llrtj restaiiranl. Wurm metis serici ill soil and climate to Hu- Industry lie- cause they .-¡iiiiiot cat tin.' food re­ and for so small an outlay as \\ eii - "¡ ■- «I- «an.... all hours. come» more fully appreciated. Be­ «¡Hired to noorish the I hm I v ami the STKIl's I NTEKN ATION Af. l>HT U»N AItV. Bargains in overcoat.» al Dully », sides supplying the home demand, priMluelsof Hie undigested foods they This work is the universally aeknowl •*l"crili|,.w ”"Milon»'.; '■ ‘ ""'“'"'"K II qlliir- the two creameries at Fort Klamath eat poison the I i I imk I. It is Import­ edged standard for the derivation, This season there Is ¡1 large deal I. M|||..a " "'»">'■•■ lami, were this and tin- pillate dailies in ¡ill parts of ant to cure Indigestion as soon as spelling, pronunciation, and meaning rale among chlldrt-ii from eioiip ¡mil krl(’""'h'""it lhl"r,l| .. ......... .. tin-county ship many lliousands of possible, and the besi metluMl of do­ of words, and with its numerous tiiblis lung troubles. 1'iompl action will Kcdiicrd prices on eint hing. Duffy's. When threatened by pneumiaila or The irtu-1 pounds of butler and cheese |o the ing tills Is to us.- the preparation of useful and reliable Information it save th«- little Ollis from these ter- i any other lung trouble, prompt re­ qtilekly and satIsfaetorily answers the a part of outside market. know 11 as Kodol Dys|M*psia Cure. It The merited reputation for curing lief is necessary, as U is dan^pruun U»' ..... thousand and one questions which' yellow and sugai rlblc diseases. Wit knmv* of nothing digests what you eat and restoresail piles, sores and skin diseases acquired '»»tlnii'1'"f‘"’.Hnlng the so certain toglie liistant relief ¡is delay. We would »wggv-sl tliat' One - res- Klamath county lias Lull horses the digestive organs to peiTcct health. arc i‘mis(aiit ly arising In our reading by Ih-Wltt’s Witch Hazel Salve, has Minute Cough €We be taken asauon' < Ine Minute < ou :h «'me. Il can also and study. The pun-base ot tins valued at $7(1,574; 14.O4K cattle val-, .1. L. I’adgetl A Sons. led to. the making of worthless coun­ IM ii ^'.’"1 " " f l-'Uh Inst. Ira relied ii|Mi|i it) gtl|,l’,‘ «”'• •ourcedf knowledge and power will terfeits. Be sure tt> get only l»e- as Indications "i/ having taken