KLAMATH REPUBLICAN X VOL. V. KLAMATIi Htm or ritt ra From All Part» of the New World and the Old. (X INTtKtsr TO OUR MANY HI ADI If Loo>p-«h«n.lv» Role** ef th« Importe«! lisp P«nlno ol th« Put W««k In a I ond«iu«d t omv Th« llrltleh m«l *»h »«»ere luasss al Muria)«burg Kctulurcemaute w*H l* ■•••• •« KH v I mmh ’I' «•( <«nv«*. Two humlre*! mill bauds al Flutttuoo, Culu . bsrtt struck. F'rsd r. Dubois wss »lr**’l« Ilia x-i.t iiclug of Mvord, (Im ■ iu boulsr, h»s i»>slp»me«>ls W«re »telrHted by th* g'»»» rumrut I*» op« . ismii I'anama l h« ) rr«l»lcnt bus app>»llit«d \ »»Is Moure |«»»iiiia»t«r st Ireusbte. u F'isd Al> iauu «teko al LauivU' worth. Kall*. A sawuilll I»»* Astoria, wllli-a dally capaeily °f 200.000 loot, Irs* bvou uuhu »‘*"I (u Now York. lbs (J. R. * N Co.'a wharf at balstu whs earrted away by high water, lx»»« about (1.090. Two carload* of I'otlugu«*« telmrwl« bouU't for Iho «»Igar plantations of Hawaii pas st’I H»r l«o ». I'hbago d«t»cti»«s raise»! a c«iunt»i latter's ««n, captured J. !' Mc<»«ir», th* •u)’|«’*<'l loader ol th« band au»i •scurwl Hire« bag* of spurious reriu Rssr Admiral Georg« W M»I*|||«, SOgtaeer IU a>y is.al, ••)« Hist English ma 1« warship* are Hot ««•» a* stabl« a» those ot our owu buil’I. Tba Vruesuelsn goverilinelit Ira» »eire»l two »leatiret« Hvlug lire llriti»li Hag. Th» company ownlug tl»o rnescl* lias an Amrrleau presl’tenl aml eevaral of th* ¡»Hu» l|a»l aio kliolilera al» AurMicamr. icd III Dm licotl Wil t%*<» tarili«, lower h»»u*e Mrl»<> • •• beglUUing w •l»laiil c< utl mejr dur tu*; l llTflll. I« i'leslt (' Larry, 1‘itew dying st hli county. III Coquard, tiro man who delied tbs Pan« faille«, lian coirtHrttted suicl'l«. Ils was | ursuixl by lire |«>i(c« to Ins bon«» where b« barrwd llrn doors, aud, Irmn all opalali» wllblow, waruel all lo beep awai »»I lie woubl slitsit them latter all army olllier wlih a netai'h- a»eiit of irraipw lor» c»l tl»« «lew I aml found ('»quard hanging Hr tbegarini with a bullet h*»l« through lila r-hiu. Israel Is uo longer a lion with lb« British. Aootncr ocean I u - ih rail I as I lr<»*«l I* projected. Ru»»la turn« I over ti n l ieu Talu rallr»»a»l to Germauv. SAXONY SOI K ITS A UNDERSEA Ti l l PHONE. I tonda and Cuba to rt« (.•*• itfuiUd for the l'nifcd Stair» Nw Y< rk. Jan. 17 —The llrsl under sra l«l< pb< lie built, ac-ordlug Io I lie luveiiiiou ol Dr Michael I'uplu, la to I* pul down l»elwe«ii Florida aud Culm lor die l ulled Males gorerumeut, by tile l uu’l id the patent, tba Ih-11 Iola pl.one I'ornpauy. I mat July Dr I'uplu, haling secured bl* Isslenta Here and abroad, offered hla dlaooiery Io the American Telephone A I airgraph ('» hi penv. The company immediately Ismghl an optlou on Hie inieutiou. at­ tending to January I, IVOI. I lien uuder Dr. I'uplu'a direction, tile com | m » iiv rqulppod e Illi» from Bedlord •lallon, 0,illHI for hie recent invention of a system by which ocean telephone la made |sM*ible. I lila la iu addition to the annual royal­ ly of $15,000 a yeae during tlie lit« ol Admiral Dewey 1» i onl ii'*'l to hla the patent*. boms by an alia» k <>l Hi« grip. Proprietary T am Dfdtion. T. M I'attarson was ii'imltinte»l (or Jan. 17. — .fudge ssuator by I < l>»ra«lo lualolilsts. K*n*a* < Iti . M Ill« supreins »uurt rlrel le»l III rt lid»»’, in the 1'nite.l Males district court li» re Imlay, rendeteti an iiii|airt* Neely uniat l*e uzlra Cuba. ant dm l>l» Il III the Case o| the Koches Oreg' U will «end throe mea-eng ra ter Blew log < unipanv vs the Culled to cany th« presidential vole to Stat»», involving tile taxing III a pro­ Washington. irletari mmlicinal i>r>»p«r»tlon. iter Much ilauisg« hwa been don« i»y court sustained tlie complainant’« con­ snow ami lanrisildns and high waler Isnlion tlMit the article was not nut» In Oregon aud Washingitiu. jei’t to taxation, and rendered a dr» is iliere 1« a lamin« In th« provlnc* inn against the government lor «3.3JO, of Hhan HI, China, and It ia sabl 6,990,- the amount paid by the brewing com« penv under pride*!. The rmnplaiiiniit 00« people are tai iug starvation. fiompany had sold wbat they trrmeiy al D«nt<>u, was a mild In er. nsai Manchester, Englund, Woman I alally Hurn*d. The stnamni Tillamook, cam Ing Han Francisco, Jan. Hl —’Mrs. M. L'uitttd Mains n ail lM»tw«»'ll J uiieau •ud butch Harbor, Alaska, was A. Millican, wife of the editor of tlie wrackcil on W imm I island ■ eel HUd is New York Medical Journal, waa ba»lly burned in a fire which partially de­ I ■ total loss. stroyed the house In this city In which A special from Ashcraft, II. <’., says she lesided, and Im liopes of her recov­ that this« oases of smallpox are re ery are entertained. She wa- rescued |sirt«»l to havri broknn out among th« unconscious con ln»llanson th« reservation near Qucs- from tlie flames in null«. The place lias boon »iiiariiu- ditiuu. tliirsl. 1 T<> Te«( Wsihlnyton Flr. Woril just received from Daw «on re­ Wusliiiixtoli, Jan. lì. — ’Hi« navy <1« ports a fire on Jaunary 7. Three large partiimlit ha» notiiterl Hrnator Foster ■niiilitig* weie entirely dealniyorl But «mi llepresentativu Jonri* tlmt It will •Ittla of ill,, contenla warn savml. The In» pittaseli (<• recaiv« »ampie« of vellow origin o| the lire is niiknown. lx»»» tir for exiimiiiHtioii «mi test alni if WO,(XX). (olimi to meni . ..................ut*, will II«« I he most sorions accident that ha* tlii« luinher ili tlm coiistructiou of «hip* Hiaulted from (lie combination of hrmvy for Hi« tmvy. »■■»iwfaii ami high winds oicurrnd to­ Senatori Elei ted. ll1"' '* *l,,','*ul from Vain Oliver, Panato** bava beati «tecietl in ih* • *when almost tlie entire norih M. H. IJiiay, l'eun- •ni end of h ,„ n „ w drlll fiali of following stat**: o’ Dnkn of Crmiianglit's rifles col- ■vívanla; licor*« F lloai, , Maaaachu- New llmiip- “ ‘ BiirtiliHin, " •P*ed. Th« wall was built to IA f««t ■vtta; H. K. •" " ‘ 'tl»»h(i> ili; I', Hi height, ami was six tent widn. The i. _ . i "'«ttureil bricks rnpresent a lose said 1,1 "pproxiniata $I, oimi . Mayor-Elect Hurley, •"“*«., win Kh.„ h|g HM|I( •o the poor. 1 of Salem ui |2 ft))( ’-hairman Jahnson and Haoretar *l»h will keep national Dooiocrali» ^•l,Tl,*rters iu Uhiuago open til A“ «»périmant farm will tm start«» J from MiihilR by th« Uullt« Philip in«« uuiiiiii I m I od forth' uf m H MirtN of Mood* and plau* KLAMATII I OAN, Annuunieineiil Made In New York Amount >20.000.000 .New York, Jan 15. —-Announcement waa made in W all »tient of the author' Maiiun by the kingdom of Saionv of a new 3 I»er crut loan for MU.0ÜÜ.Ö00 mark«. r«|iihalent to abnut wlthh« hl Ila own na* tlolial loan, etatnd t«> be for 0,000.- IWO marke. <Iûd.ooo.ooo, until the vailou! italre of th« government bam made their lieg •llatloiie. In k eu neaimi have lawn off« re I hmiie of the free city of Hamburg, the kingdom of Bavaria, and now the king dom of Haiony. Il la definitely known h » teanki. 11. tteal hotte • •• » ami Great Britain have the I m * native ol hravv luana In « vntriuplath n. llh’.i will be (he flrat i oui > c « m I, l»ow«’vrr, lammt !»u learned. It la douhtfiil if aatlafactory arrangement1' vatt l»e made to filiamo any tonnUleia hie portion of theao loan» here. At leaal, the arrangeiiivuta that call b« made, H | n reported, are Hot as lavora* ble aa lh<*ti made when the CTü.OOi), • Oou ilrltleh atcheqiier loan and the so, oou, mo marka imperial (termali Itvaaury loau were organized I hr German g wrumeiil, Il la uiideral<*»d. hae »outi«le«| Allieticeli financière through (hair Berlin vurreepomlenta on tba pruepr« I« of pia* Ing a portion al the v iitrin plated loan flare, but hat found that iomhtlolia Were m»l highly lavuratda. I ho < termali l«»aii oould l>r placet! In tiial country on tattler term« thau here. l irw 1 ALLS, THE FINAL COL’NTY, OltEGON, J A N IJ A K V 21, I » NO. 1901 41 NEGOTIATIONS. Mini,Hr, «I P.kln hill Citar th. Way ol Minor Matter». Washington, Jan. 19 —Ho ter «« our A Negro Murderer Burned at. stat» itepartniMil » an trillu«-ti< «, tin, na. lie the Stake. HORRIItir I AU Ot I RID Al I XANDER Su«paturntroll«» al* tempt to create a diwlurbnm e. When Tourth aml Olive etrvata were reached the police, a ho Were in the hack following the one in which Alei> andcr wan com eale*!, Jum|M'd out aml rha»r him. While It waa la»Illg done, Alexander vailed to friends of his in the crowd and I mk I u them goodlive. lie did not MM'III to realise that he was pi 1er Alexander wa« burned at the »take ■ a*ked to make a < confession, tint de- A « the dared himself innocent flninfta leaped alimi him Alexander turned ghastlv pale, ami then for the llrnt time realized that bin death wan near. hi leva than five iiiiniitva he wan hanging limp and llfclrtn by the vhainn that lamiid him. A* M»oii aa the crowd anw that life waa extinct, it began to alowly «(or« umtertaa- Ing III» «oliitlori of tlm morn difficult probiviri« Involvad in th« »«-Iti«.... nt of H im question« ot iuiteiiiultl«'«, *u iran- te«« aii’l colimi«», l«l trenti« Il t« ful­ ly ox|m» t.'.l tt,at til« t'bltii'*«« repressu* tuliv»« will iiffur opposition to almoat •v«ry point, tn order to »«-cur. more favorable term», su» li mail tiudrrtek- Ing to dismantle, instea»! »>< l destruction of the liikti loris The emperor's dlspatcli asked also of Die fix mg ,»f a »I» l'iuta period for Ihn pridilblHoii of the Importation of arms, ami re<|u«*ate»l that tlie punitive ex|»ediih»n» be at*»pped, n-ke,| f, r par­ ticulars a» tu tie« ami’UUt of lumi to l»e retained (or tlie legation», the iiumber ol lagatloii guaids, tl» indiatile cost of tile military o|*rntlon* ami tl r »late wtirii the foreigners pio|s»no t»» restore the public oilier* aid ..... rds in I'ekin to tile < III Hew I tie emlM-ior ilo»* Uot uieuliou Hie dem.nd ol the |a»wer* tor Hie punishment of th»' principal offend- rrs. " Flrti Sitting ul Price Conference. Berlin, Jun. 1H.— An of the Gemini) f«>rri/D office iiih>rin*»d a <>| th« pri MM I o <1 hv that the fi I ft elttiliit <>f the ¡Hitt* < •<> il. rrUCf» in Ptkin would be n|i|iuintc«| i ¡ninni- lnt)ly uft««r the iliflt'H'iH foreign etivo)« hud com lured theiiim*! te« that their roplna of tlie J< lilt !J"tf lied I mh 'U prop- ••rly • lgut*d •• li*I m ’ a I ìm I by the Chiiim«« plrill]M>trtiU4rinw. A DESPERADO CAl’GHT. Offk er» located Marvin Kuhn«, the Indiana Outlaw Iuiyaii*|sirt, lud , Jan 19.— Marivn Kubus, Ihn rt jail. Kulm» and hl» brothrr, w ho wa« rdeaaed Iroin tbe Coluiubiia i rlsoii »hortlv alter Murlvu es, apr»l, Wrre takeu alter a »le*perate light. Befort* the outlaw was over- l»iwervd he -h»»t two men and wa» Ium- »elf »hot in Hie Krad. I»ut o»»t aerliiusly. Kuhn» aml hi» Inolher aml a cunfed- «rata stide a team at Plymouth Suuday lilght and staite»! South. Ex Shtriff Marshall aml Marshai t'lieiiev triiee»! tltein io I a Eavett« laut ineiiiiig end hv telephontng n« Iglil'ormg tow ii« located them at <>rt«nliill uear Otterbein. At tltterliein Hie |a>s*e »urrouun board, and ia coinmnnd- petitioning the government to make t he «d by Uaptaln Reynolds. Hh« struck investment of Danish capital profitable oarlv yestwrdav morning diirmg a log, in the Danish West Indies, declare aix mites from th« malii land. Wort! they have no intention of agitating of the acoitteut r«aoh«d hei agents her« against the sale of the islands to the test niglit. Th« Steamer I« test on th« United States. Their idea is to de­ reete, aml is |suindlng in tim dorther velop the islands iu the event of their which is now blowitlg. Sh« i« iu uo not being sold. immediiit« (langer, however. Mailer of th* Gey»er. Casualties at Kclfait. Is indo n. Jun. 17.—Th« otlioial list of Rritisli ciisuHlties in th« recent figlitiiiit nt B«»lfust shows 29 kilted, 58 wuiiiid«era have released 297 British who acre mptuied at llehrtia m l Belfaat. The (acta regarding the *aplure at Bel ( h at hove Uot boon al- lowed to transpire. It I m aaoerted that more hxHvr naval guuM will tw landed h ( th<* Cap«, lu formation as Pi th« doilitf of the lu­ vadera ia hard to obtain, but it is clear that they are getting very little help from the Dutch. Twice tliw Htteiiipte»! h» rapture Parle lev Eaat, but both timea they were repulsed For threw day« they occupied Sutherland, but they cleared out on the approach of the Britiah. Some acaitered p.trtica are re|M>rted op nating in litfurrnt part». A|'|M«rently the invadera alien« dotted the idea of attacking i lau Wil* ¡lain '»n tin«!ing the town well defend- Oil. A oommando of l.Othl haa been active in the Rnhinoud district, but there the Boere have eecured only 100 Dutch recruit«. Boer» Attacked Colville. Standerton, Jan. 19.— Colivlle’s mo- bile column, marching from New Den­ mark to \ ladlaagte, was attacked by 1.000 Boers, divided >uto two force* iue force made a determined attempt on the baggage ami the other on the cavalry couatitutiug the rear guard. The cavalry war compelled to retire until protected by four compauiea of ritlea. hidden by a ridge, who were waiting with bayonets. Tlie Boera made a sjieedy retreat, leaving several dead and wounded f om the heavy British tire. Eventually both attack* were r pnlaed, the Boers losing heavily. The British were not able to pursue the Boers, owing to the necessity of pro­ tecting their baggage. The casualties were one killed ami 15 wounded. TO PROTECT WALRUS. Th« Indian»' food Supply Endangered *»y Wanton Deitructlon. Port Townsend, Jan. 19. — Reports of the wanton destruction of walrus have reached the treasury department at Washington. Walrus come from the Arctic on the ice flow during the early portion of the open Mason to points be­ tween St. Michael ami ('ape Nome, nnd 'housnnds ot paseengers on early steamers plying between those placet shoot into bauds, killing ana wounding many. Captains of whulers have re- ported that thousands of carcasses are seen floating in Behring sea and the Arctic ocean. Walrus flesh is the main subsistence of Alaska coastwise Indians, and their wanton destruction threaten* starvation to them. The law relating to fur-bearing animals doos not not apply to walrus, hut Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Spauldiug has issued instructions to Collector of Customs lleustis, at this |s>rt, to urge masters of vessels visiting A laska waters to prevent the killing of w nini a by persons on board of their vessels. These instructions are issued with a rtew of protecting the food supply of the Indians, many of whom are said to be almost in a starving condition. Admiral CaMy'i Plan». Philadelphia, Jan 19.—Immediately upon being relieved of the command of Litgiio Island navy yard, Admiial t'nsey, with hie wife ami family, will proceed to Sail Diego, Cal., where he will meet Admiral Kant», and assume command ol the Pacific station, with the battleship Iowa as llngship. Alvord Get» Thirteen Year». New York, .Inn. 19.—Cornelius L. Alvord, Jr., the »lefmilting note teller ol the First Nntiual Bank, was today sentenced to 13 j'ear*’ imprisonment. Th« amount of his defalcation Will $(190.000. Beaumont, Texas, Jan. 19—Th« owners of the Lucas oil geyser, which has he....... hooting oil 50 feet high since test Thursday, have succeeded in con­ trolling the well. A valve was placed mi the mouth of tlie well to lay, end Captain Lucas thinks he Is now master To Tske Part in the Inauguration. of th« geyser. It is estimated that All wsrshijm in enstern waters will 150,090 barrel* of oil have already lie ordered to Washington to take par* flowed from the well. Prospector» in the inauguration of Freaideut Mo- •nd spectator* oontinue to arrive. Kin ley. Cities and Towns in Washington, Oregon and Idaho. A 50-year franchise ha* been granted for mu electric railway betweeu Haattle aud Tacoma. The hue operation in 18 month*. The machinery for the new mill at Hxrtforl is now on the ground. It i will cut 35,(XX) feet of lumber prtr day, »uju notion aud the shingle mill in cj^ujunction will have capacity of 150.000 shingle*. I A* the result of eating canned meat* and salads at a lodge entert« in met at Ballard, F. 8. Stillman, a drug ctetk of that city, is lying in a critical con­ ?.. dition at hi« hunie, suffering from pto­ maine poisoning. • I Word has lieen received of the death ot Captain William Haine*, a | loneer mining man, at Northport. He wee a native of North Carolina and had been on the coast since the palmy day* ot Virginia City, Nevada. The Northern Lumber Company’* sawmill at Everett, which was burned ’I a few month* ago. is to be rebuilt. New machinery ia on the way from the Ea-t, aud plans for the building are ready for the contractor*. It i* announced that the I oggiog cam jih adjoining the Sedro-Wooley towusite on the north, «taited up again by a new concern. These camp», two iu umnlier, are among the largest in the Northwest, each employing atout 150 men. The operations of the n^w firm are expected ta be on a scale even more extensive thau beretofule. Judge Moore at Seattle has issue«) a p.-remptoiy writ ol mandate to the King county l>oard of coin mi-sic nag» requiring them to call a special elec­ tion within 40 days to permit the resi­ dents of that part of the reservation lyiug within King county to vote whether they desire to have the reser­ vation aucexed to Pierce county. Natural oil indication* have lieen discovered near Spangle. The discov­ ery was made on the adjoining ranebee of A. D. McMichael and J. B. Butler, and a lease has been secured on one of these by capitalists who will prospeot for oil and gas. F. K. McCoy, a repre­ sentative of an oil company in Cali­ fornia. has been examining all the fields of the Palouse looking for oil l.iids for bis comt>any, and he has se­ cured a lease on Mr. McMichael’* farm. IDAHO. Thurrton Hutchin*, a well-kowu «tockman of the »tat«, died at Boi»«. A movement is on foot at Caldwell, looking to Hie early closing of store*. Paul Jaeot, a te»ideiit of HI. Joe, ha» tieen committed to tt>e Block loot in- sane asly uin. John Harley, a pioneer of Idaho City, 1« dead, aged 70. He came to tbl» State in 1863. Callander is the uarne of a new post- office in Idaho county. Edward W. Taylor is postmaster. A branch telephone line has l,een run from Dewey to Swan Falls. This give* the Fall« a direct line to Boise. H. B. Wright'» two-*tery residence at Bouner '« Firrry, igi the north side of the river, wa* entirely destroyed by Uro. The aggregate valuation ef the in­ strument« tiled for record st Wallace with the couuty recorder in 190U is «2.052,416.78. Henry Ott. a well-known pioneer farmer of the Boise valluy. has sold hi* ranch ot 450 acres. The purchase price wa* «6,825. Thomas W. Bates, promoter of the Idaho Mnllau»I railway, has return«»! to New Yolk. He says tile road is in the best possible condition. The P. A- I. N. railway ha» an­ nounce«! its intention of extending it" roa»l into Hie Soten Devil» country. •Steel rail* have already been pur­ chased. * The county commissioner* of Ada county have selecte I T. C. Catlin to represent tneir iutererts at the Na­ tional Live Muck Association meet, to be field in .'alt Lake City. The preliminary step* have been takeu toward organizing a Pioneer As­ sociation at Lewi-ton. All who re siiled in the state prior to the close of tlie year 1877, are eligible (or mem­ bership. Ju»!ge Stewart ha* rendered a decis­ ion of considerable importance to Boise. He hold* that the city council lias no authority to act as a board of e»|iialisaliou. Therefore increases of valuation of property made by the council are illegal aud void. Fire at the Bunker Hill mine, Wardner district, destroyed a tram- wav which leads to the Stemwinder mine. In consequence, the latter miue had to l e temporarily «hut down. The lire originated in the pumpiug house. Loss is estimated at «2,009; fully insure»!. James Patten, a rancher iiving near Bonner»' Ferry, lost a valuable horse while triyng to cross the river. He attempted to drive the team across on the ice, but when uear the middle of the stream the ice gave vyav nt. ler the horses aml before they could tie drawn out oue of tneni was drowned. 1 J V OREGON. An important strike has been made on the property of the Oro Granda Gold Mining & Milling Company, a few miles from Marcn*. Previous as­ says gave from $4 to $21.65 in gold, silver and copper aml the ore from the uew vein is expected to go much higher. The organ factory at Dallas is en­ larging its plant. The Bybee bridge across Rogue river is tieing repaired and is closed to travel. Tlie free ferry at Liverpool. Benton couuty. is not yet in operat|onKowing to high water. F. E. Dunn, of Eugene, cold 57 bales of 1899 hops te Han Francisco bnyets for 8 cents per pound. Fred Walters, of the Farmers’ Cus­ tom mill, has purchased tbe Cheap« mill prup.'rty at P«u»lleton for $5,59U. The telephone office at Sumpter haa abolished its telegraph office, am) inea- sagea are now transmitted uy teiei^-jno to Raker City. A test pit. snnk 15 feet on the Oro- g»ui Boy. h recent location in the Ala­ mo district, is said to have disclo-ed aa le’lge with $12 values. Oscar Dilley, of Oakville, is building a dairy building which will tie large enough for 50 cows and will have all up-to-date improvements. J. A. Fitzgibbon has bought tha Cook and Miller le-lge on Foot's creek. Southern Oregon. This is a ledge iu which two feet of $50 ruck has i»«en developed. A youug man, age»l 18 years, th« adopted son of Thomas Smith, was thrown from a load of railroa»l tie* near Elgin, ami received injuries which re­ sulted iu his death. Tlie shaft on the Little Breeches »•latni. in the Bald Mountain diatriot, ! is down 26 feet, and average assays of $5.40 are reported. No cross cutting will be done uutil the 100-foot level i* reached. Farmers living between Lebanon and Stalaville will make an effort to get free rural mall dttH”iry. The route will be about as follows: Krom Lebanon to Sodaville, thence West »Imai six miles, thence north atout six mile*, thence east to starting poiut. George Newsouie, a farmer living near Marquam, was held up and robbed in his own doorway. Mr. Newsome answered a knock at tbe front door aud was surprised to liud a revolver in his face ou opening the door. He gave up a few dollars ha had in his pocket. C. 8. Warren, Jr., has purchased from George Day a one-sixth interest iu the Crown Point property for $590. The property adjoins the Diailem in the Greauhorn Monntaiu district, and has been developed by a 40-foot shaft. It is sai»l that average assays from a BS-foot ledge are $35.30. white soiua specimen* a-saya»l $191. The executive hoard of tbe Thurston Comity Bicycle Path Association re­ ports $1,901 received last year from the sale of bioyole tags aud $456 from other «ources. All important mining deal haa just been consummated in Eastern Oregon, whereby tne Quebec and High Ore claims changed ham's. The considara- tion is placed at about $49,000. David Jathlev, who ha« return« I to Everett from Dawson, brought home the petrified jaw of a prehistoric iiihs - todon. From point to point the jaw measures 87 inches, and it still oou- i talus two teeth nine inches long. It is thoroughly petrified, weighing 69 1 I pounds. A mass meeting of citizens of Gil­ liam county was held, at which it waa dectiled to organize a company and build a railroad from Condou to tha Columbia. This would greatly l>0M*t the wheat men of that county, •• at p-, «sent all wheat ia lieiugj haulod in wagons 40 to 60 milas, WASHINGTON Tt la Mid that Hoquiaui will have a banket factory. Tbe Aberdeen Order of Eagle* will elect a >3,000 bull ling. Spokane ha* accepted plan* for a orviiiatorv which w*ill coat >1,500. The old Hartford hotel has been torn dowu and loaded on cam, billed fur Jackman, Skagit county. New Whatcom is endeavoring to have the appropriation for the water* wav project raised from >15,000 to >50,000. Whitman county tKvants of tbe youugent conrt bailiff in the United Staten m the pereon of Willie, the li­ year-old non of Judge McDonald, of the auperiur court. Dr. L. K. Marklev has be^n ap- pointed quarantine orti er for Belling­ ham Bay. Heretofore venneln have had to wire to Port Townsend for iuntruc* tionn. Mensines «re beiiiit taken to intro­ ducá a bill in the legislature to sub­ mit to u vote of the people su amend­ ment to the constitution desigiiHting Tacoma as the state capital instead of Olympia. The miners working on the A»lniiral Dewey claim, near Republic,, hue« kilted lour cougars recently. The largest measured 8 feet 4 inchea from tip to tip and the smallest 7 feet 10 inches. The board of county commissioners lor Lewis county has let a contract to the Northwest Bridge Company for tl e construction of a 140-foot spau bridge across the Chehalis river at Black's Station. The contract price is $1,494. í ■