Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, December 13, 1900, Image 4

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    Will Mak« laws.
A Michigan Miraele
Lost llsT Voire enel t>l«l Not Vpr.tk Aloud
f«ar Nearly Thirteen Year» iluw
Ker Bpreeh tVne Restored.
After oxp»»!<tnc the ridlrumus
The Ypsilanti Commercial. Ypsilanti« Mich. lilundera of the editor of certain old
plays, .lames Russell Lowell concluded
Many thing« appear miraculous that
are really the result of natural law« with the remark, "lu point of fact, we
the workings of which oan be accurate­ must apply to this geutlemati the tuitue
ly predicted. A striking example of of the first King « f Sparta." No one
this occurred in a prominent klishigaa roiueuil»«>r«al. of coin*«. " hat this was
familv recently, and in thia case there but when they loolwd it up they found
can lie no questiou a« to the truthful­ it was Eudawidas.
As Horace Maun sat In his study one
ness of the narrative siuce it is attest­
ed by Mrs. Harriet Begole, of Ypail* evening, an Insane man rushed Into the
anti. Mich., a sister-in-law of Mr. room, and, after abusiug him for all
Joshua Begole, who was governor ot kinds of faucled grievances, challeugi-d
Michigan in 1888-84.
When inter­ him to a tight. Mr. Mann replied: "My
viewed Mrs. Begole said:
dear fellow, it would give uie a great
•’In 1886 1 suffered from a severe ill* pleasure to accommodate, but I can't do
new brought on by a hard cold. Dur­ It. the odds are so unfair. I am a Manu
ing this illness my voice left me and by name and a man by nature—two
I did not speak again above a whisper against one! It would never do to tight."
for nearly 18 years.
The lusane man answered: "Come
“1 was treated by five local physi- ahead; I am a man. aud a man beside
ciai j and afterward went to New York myself; let us four have a tight."
and consulted the leadiug specialists
Prince Bismarck and Bancroft, the
there. They diagn «ed my case as par­
historian, at one time minister to the
tial paralysis, stating that the left side
court of Berlin. Were one day dintug
of my throat was entirely paralysed
with Herr von der HeyiW. who prided
and the right side partially so.
1 re-
himself on the quantity aud quality of
torned home utterly disheartened.
*'For nearly eight rears 1 have suf­ the fool which he furnished to his
fered from a «evere stomach disorder guests. In those days (ISIS) Bismarck
end about a year ago 1 decided to try was still in possession of his wonderful
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Bale Peo­ apimtite. Bancroft, at first amazed, be­
ple for this trouble. 1 was much bene­ came at last anxious on seeing his
fited bv the first box and eo was en­ friend twice partake largely of the first
couraged to persist in their use.
My courses. "Dear Count." he remarked
stomach trouble was relieved, my gen­ with a world of anxiety In his voice.
eral health became greatly improved "I believe there Is more to come." "I
aud to my surprise 1 regained control should hop«- so." replied Bismarck. Joy­
of my vocal organs. I have used five fully; and renewed his terrifying prac­
boxes of the pills and last November I tice at the next course.
■poke aloud for the first time in almost
It was once usual for Highland shep­
18 years. { am now 71 years of age herds to take their dogs Into church and
I leave them outside the pews. Two
and have full control of my voice,
feel so grateful that 1 wish - to make shopherds at enmity sat on oppoaite
known to others the wonderful cura- sides of the aisle one Sunday, and.
live powers of Dr. Williams’ Pink soon after the sermon liegan. the dog»—
Pills for l’ale People.
oue a collie and tin- other not—seemed
to enter Into their master’s quarrel. The
sfieplierds' egged ou their dogs iu un­
Sworn to and subscribed before me dertones, and soon there was a real
this 19th day of May, 1899, at Ypsil­ fight iu progress. Most of those in the
anti, Mich.
immediate neighborhood cram*d their
JOHN 1*. KIRK. Notary Public.
necks over the ]>ews to see how the en­
Washteuaw Co., Mich.
counter was coming out. and not a few
There is nothing surprising in this
were standing up. The minister’s pa­
cure, remarkable as it is. to those who
tience was ultimately exhausted, and so
know that Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for
he called to his "hearers" aud said:
Pale People are eo compounded that
"Ah, week my ivrltherln. I see ye are
t'i«y act simultaneously on the blood
more Interested In the dog-tight than iu
and uerves. They tone up the system
an.l cauu.it fie excelled as a corrective uiy sermon, aud so 1’11 dose the bulke—
or a disordered digestion as was proved and 1'11 bet half a crown on the collie!"
Capt. Hans Miron, who lost his life at
in the aliove ease. Their power in re­
building wasted nerve tissue makes his post of duty on the burning Saale
them invaluable in the treatment of at Hoboken, a few months ago, was
partial paralysis, and to this fact Mn. fond of telling of his early Introduction
¡lególe owes the restoration of her voice to the stern realities of his chosen ca­
after years of useless but expensive reer. He had but just come on laiard
the schooner where, as cabin-boy. he
Dr. William’s Pink Pills for Pale was to serve his apprenticeship to the
People contain in a condensed form all sea. and was still staring about him
the elements necessary to give new life with boyish interest and inquisitive­
and richness to the blood and restore ness. when the skipper approached and
ahnttered nerves. They are an unfail­ ordered him to assist In washing down
ing specific for such diseases as locomo­ the deck. He put down his bundle and
tor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus’ started awkwardly to do so, when a
dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheuma­ second order, acouqianled by emphatic
tism, nervous headache, the after effect expletives, was given him to take off
of la grippe, palpitation of the heart, Ills shoes aud stockings. He was per­
pale and sallow complexions, all forms fectly willing to oblige, but at home be
of weakuess either in mala or female. had not been permitted to wet bls feet.
Dr. William’s Pink Pills ’or Pale Peo­ “No." he answered innocently, with an
ple, are sold by all dealers or will be engaging stnile, "I stuould not mind, hut
sent postpaid on receipt of price, 50 my mother does not allow It.” The
cents a lox or six boxes for $2.50, ‘ skipper was a rough old sea-dog. who
(they are never sold in bulk or by the
did not appreciate obedience unless ft
lOUf. by addressing Dt. William’s
I was rendered to himself, and his reply
Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y.
was a stunning blow that flung the boy
Big Rain» in California.
! across the deck.
"But after that"
Rains the past week or two have Capt. Miron would say. with a great
been so heavy in Southern California laugh and not a shadow of resentment.
that business men are extremely hap­ , “I knew who was captain of that
py. First big rain in years.
schooner, and It was not my mother.”
Scrofula is but a mod .Wed form of Blood
Poison and Consumption. The parent
who is tainted by cither will see in ths
child the same disease
manifesting itself in
the form of swollen
glands of the neck and
throat, catarrh, weak
eye"-, offensive sores
aud abscesses and of­
tentimes white swell­
ing sure signs of
Scrofula. There may
be no external signs for
a longtime, for the disease develop« slowly
in some cases, but the poison is in tbs
blood and will break out atthefirat favor­
able opportunity. S. S. 8. cures this wast­
ing. destructive disease by first purifying
and building lip the blood and stimulating
and invigorating the whole system.
J. M. Seal®, 115 Public 6quare, Maabville.Tenn^
••ys : "Ten
my daughter fell and cui
her forehead. From thia wound the glands oo
the side of her face became swollen ana bursted.
6 .me of the best doctors here sad elsewhert
attended her without any benefit. We decided
to try S. S. 8., and a few bottles cured her e»
K? -
makes new and pura
blood to nourish and
«trengthen the body.
and is a positive and
WER safe cure for Scrofula.
It overcomes all forms of blood poison,
whether inherited or acquired, and no
remedy so thoroughly and effectively
cleanses the blood. If you have any
blood trouble, or your child has inherited
some blood taint, take S. S. S. and get
the blood in good condition and prevent
the disease doing further damage.
Send for our free book and write our
physicians about your case. We make no
Charge whatever for medical advice.
Until yon ham M«n and tested our watek
Wo m H at Fartory Frit* at One-Half at»4
leas than what you have to psy NlMwhar®
Our waV hes are fitted with the unequallet
"rweletl Npreial Limited or “ jswa
bam or Elgin Bevement* knowi
tha world over M the beet, an«
C bm la huntinf aolid gold patten
engraving, axtra H karat gol<
plate good enough for a rallroaa
preeldent. Hpefla I OFer ter tlw
neat KO dayst Rend your addrea
and wo will aend watch C. 0 D
with privilege of full examine
lion. Call in any e«|ert and I
founl perfectly aatiefactory an(
the beet watch ever offered for eucl
a price pay |S H and axpreeochar|
aa, oUiorwI m not one cen| FREE I
t'.OOchain for neaiSO daya with evef]
tetch. f.ttta If Ladlea ot Uente wav-h la wanted. Write atonoegf
>• war »Gd f.Jvertiac thia watch at th la price again. Catalogue fra®
t > rr ,
W a -.M
. 347 Central Bank Bld<.ChicM»
' Ifi
Q real < ougte Syrup. I sai os GoDd. Use
Intime. íbild by druggteta.
It Take.
Tw • or hree Par* and Ta a
Nerve-Tryintr J b.
“The misuse which many pipe organs
suffer is a wonder to me,” said a vet­
eran organ tuner and builder. "Church
organs cost from >1,1*0 to >10,000. They
are very sensitive to changes of tem­
perature and yet many are heated and
chilled once a week all winter aud al­
lowed to get damp soaked lu summer.
The same people who neglect an organ
will take good care of a piano costing
a tenth or twentieth as much.
"An organ Is a good deal like a hu­
man living when it comes to changes
of the thermometer. Sudden drop<j put
a man out of tune and It's the same
with the instrument. It needs an even,
moderate temperature during the win­
ter instead of a roasting on Sunday
and a freeze the rest of the week. In
summer a stone or brick chuich gets
(lamp. A slight fire once a week will
keep the organ dry.
"A pipe organ requires tuning at
least once a year and the best instru­
ments are looked over two or three
times in that period.
It Is a two or
three days' job and needs two men.
Besides the tuner up In the'organ nn
assistant must lie at the key Isi.ird to
hold down the keys. Temperature has
.to be considered even In tuning.
.the pljH-H must be brought to pitch at
about the name degree, and this degree
should be that which the organ usual­
ly has when in use.
”1 believe that pipe organ tuning Is
the most nervous work one can tackle,
In fact, after long experieneo 1 have
come to believe that I tune with my
nerves. No, I don’t refer to the nerves
of bearing.
I get my linpresslotis that
way. but I tune with my n> rvous sys­
My assistant strikes the chord.
,lf it la not true I feel a nervous stress
Mnd strain.
An soon as the chord In
true my nerves la-come narmonious,
too. It sounds funny, but it’s so.
"Two or three days may seem like a
long time to take to tune an organ, but
wlx-n you stop to think of the 1,7'JO
pipes In a large modern Instrument, it
isn t so long. A large organ will have
a i.ompasn of five octaves or sixty oue
keyr. These Instruments have twenty­
eight registers mid a pl|w to each key
aim register brings the nunilier to 1,708.
Not every key and register baa a pipe,
hut as some have two It mnounts to
The pipes are of all sotfs and
sizes, most of them wood, but many
of metal. A small number of the large
and long wooden pipes never get out
of tune. They are too long. For many
year's the fancy pipes at the front of
an organ wore only ornamental but
nowadays these sound as well.
■ I find that pipe timing Is a mystery
to moat people
They cau understand
how the ptauo strings are tlgbteued
aud looaeuid. Hut cbaugva lu the pitch
of plpea queer them. It Isu't strange
either, for the average organ has live
kinds of tuning. Of course, the pilch
u< (e'lids on the length of Gio pl|H‘. The
pit Ii may be raised by ahortehiag lhe
pipe or by stopping the open end.
number of the wooden pipes ar«*
etopiied by wooden slides.
are attached and the pipe Is tuned by
moving the slides up or down. Other
woods have set In the top a piece of
metal which Is rolled or beut over par­
tially to stop the pipe.
“Rlblaiu strips tire cut lu the aides of
the tall metal pipes and rolled down.
These break the column of air and net
the same ns cutting off the top of the
pipe. Another kind of pipes, the nisi.*,
are on n different principle. The length
of the reed controls the pitch.
A wire
presses tightly against the reed and Is
moved to lengthen or shorten the vi­
brating length."- New York Suu.
pMth Vkwi
Macb.lgblte -don th. wUdom
of taking a roi.atatiilv ,r*1'
They take poasesaion of th« body. «'"I
are Lords of Misrule.
They are attended by plniplos, bulls. the
Itclimg tetter, sail rheum, and othei cu
taneolis eruptions by teeliiies of weakness,
languor, «-'neral debility ami what not.
They cause more suffering Ilian anything
Health. Strength. Peace and Pleasure
require their oxpuleioii, ami tills is )••’•••
lively effected, according io thousands of
gmletul testimonials. by
uiglil that it glvss <•'*
Th« ChlMH AlmanM
|*rrdl<'la th. waalh.r ami iml.s lh. dav«
«hull are rtmsidared lucky ur olharwl*.
(,,r .,.mm*iiu««is «nr umlrrtaklug. nr l<>r
a|>|>lvl"g imi.di*. So <li«.aar> A luuk>
dav n n"i u«*'<’>«ary «lien llual.iiai •
Hiumavh Hill.r* I* l«l»ii foeroiiatipailoii,
hold the world a. new an.) fr.’.l> •« ' Indic »ll"ll. dv«pB|>.|B. Iilllou«ll.». IlVtr
,.r ki.lliay irvuhlr*. it • III cure all thaw
wonderful a« I» wa« ou tho Hr«l m<
... .. .......... ......—.
fug of creation when "od prono»"’»d dix.rdvr.
It ’ (orv good.'* And sleep il«*l< '• »
M*ho Uiiibtur«.
us every morning.
uiako* life a dally re-, rostió»
God I. thu. all th.'while .......... ••"*'? ’*
cupo! life alrosb to our Dp«
divine alohemy tbsi give«
which radically ami permanently drive« with our primitive vtiorgy o
them out ami builds up the whole ay stem. uitud.
Th« Idaho lagi.laturo will twgiu
bu>liii>aa al itet•«, Jauuary T.
” '
lit many fottìi»
W lmn you taka Grovo'a Ta.talaaa t'hlll
Tonlo ta'cauao th« l<.nnula 1« plainly
|,rluted ou aiary Imttl« allowing that It
1« almply Iron amt t^uliiliia iu a ta.ta-
I—« (uitu. No Uiiro, No Buy. OQe.
the Jap« and Lhinamtn.
The fvilerated tradri in Fortland
have taken >te|Ni to have the Japa and
Chiuaman driven out under a new ei-
eluaion act.
gel into action.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
A powder. At thia numnoii vour
Memhare of the Oraguu legislatura
will gather al Salem, January 14 and
Big Ship Butldlag »•('!•■
Ml.liigst) iii .'U, with I" a I capital
lata, have begun operali«** '«,r • ,
•hip-building yard st lacoma. «l-wn
OU the flats IU th« lumi er null ili.tuct.
feet feel
•wollen, nervous and uncuniforlnble- If
you ha\smarting ft vt or tight short, trv
Alien a Foot-F.MMt». It rests mid comforis:
makes walking raiiy. Cures swollen ami
sweating (eel, blister» and callous spot*
now'« this .
Brht vcs corns ami bunions of all pn>n ami
WS offer one Hundr*.) is.u.r. l uw.M f -r »n»
is a certain cure for Chilblain». Sweating.
<w ot ('*1*1,11 ih*l ,*U uv. IM ' UI« I '■> ll*u •
Ihtmpor Frosted Feet. We have over
.V!';' '.',
General Starr Always Glad to Meet'
Iry it fm/ot. Sold bv a l
Young West-Winters.
Wftheundrr-«»■■' >'*”• »>•“»» 1
druggists and shoe stores (or 25r
I rial forili*
A gallant old Atuerlcau soldier who package F mfk
Address, Allen 8 Olm­ boao'*GU m»llbu»li> ..ir*i>.;. «
' '
Melali • *1.1* to can » oui *u> obliti Uva* ui
nt oue time was well kuown lu Kaunas sted. I.v Roy. N. Y.
had many Idiosyncrasies, not the least
Warr A T«r«X.
ro ernie a colo in onx hit
w 1.0 < >*1 bru* 1st», Tl tr 10.
of which was an Irrepressible dislike
» *1»|SU. I»»*» A M • » '
Take laixative Bromo (Juiutue Tall­
for young lieutenants when first sent
wn,.i«»*i* bru« .«i-, io
isti. All dri-gghts refund thè money
ur« l«l lo « '
' ,r *“•
out from West Point.
The name of
if It fai!« to curo. E. W. Giove’« • IK- ,-lrve.ly ou <b- l l.—l and m e..u»
this old soldier was General Starr, and
tbe«y«i m. Crt r
;wr U> I«. »J-4 W •“
naturo is ou eaeh Ixix. 25c.
dm«, tata trsllllioul l.tt.<
at the time of which we write be was
Rail «Family ri.l- r ib ■••t-
a major In the Sixth United States
Laws in the Klondike-
Cavalry, though durlug the civil war be
Want* th< Canal.
Law» ate obeyed to the letter in the
bad been a brigadier general.
Tha Seattle chamber of commerça I«
Iu 1874 General Starr was In com­
Welch, who aa a detective has »pent agitating iu favor of the Nlcatagua
mand at Fort Riley, aud one day an
several years up there and is uuw liack canal.
orderly came to his quarters with the
in Seattle.
Paclfk Co*»l fightiag Ship«.
message that Lieutenant Morrison, Just
from West 1’oiut. was at the post ready
The first boat bull! (<■« the navy on
We have almost reached the
Tweuoeth Century, and no rent­
to pay his respects aud report for duty.
the Pacific coa.«» waa the Churlratou
ed v ha» yet *-• |nailed «1 Alt a II I.II
In response to this message the old gen­
then cams many other* luolsdmg loe
TK «. which lathe OHIUIN Al.
II Kit It M KIHCI>K tor the cure Ot
eral was starting for Ids office, when
Oregon. Ami now the groat Wi*ism
Conatlpatlon and Hick Headache.
his wife, a motherly old soul, plucked
■in. The (a»le»t lioata ot the uavy
him by the sleeve and said: "Now,
Law and Order In Seattle.
were built at 1 risco.
general, promise me that you won't be
A determined effort is being mud«
Holiday lor Court«.
rough with that young man.”
in Seattle to stop the wide open bust-
Th* Oregon Bai A»*»chth»n haw
"Rough?” said the old man. smiling nees incident to the Klondikeaud Nome
Mgteed to niHke February 4 a hvlhta*
amiably upon his matrimonial compan­ rushes.
for court* aud lawyer«, iu memory of
"Why I’ll tie peaches and cream
Slops r/»o Cough and
Cbiof Justice John Marshall, who ba*
unless the young dog riles me.’
Work» Off tho Cold.
came such February 4. 1*01.
Reaching his office the general was
axsi I w Bro'iio-^uinina Tablets cure
confronted with a dapper little fellow,
as spick aud span as though he had a cold in one day. No cure, No Pay.
Just come from the hands of his Ixirls-r Price 25 cents.
For Infanti and Children.
and tailor, while he had the half su-
All After the Burlington.
pervllioue air that seems Inseparable
Evsry deep harlor town on the
from the first stages of military educa­
coast from Whatcom. Wash., to Loe
Looking the young lieutenant over for Angeles, claim« th« Burlington road is
Signature of
half a moment the old general said with beaded that nay.
great dignity: "How do you do, Mr.
Th< La. J<«t Boat« Afloat.
Will Cultivate Sugar Buts.
I am pleased to see you.”
thè bigg<«t «tramerà afl<«l
The beet sugar factory at Waverly.
Then. as a flush gradually mounted
are la-iug bulli ut New 1» ad. n. < <>nu .
over bls weather-ls*ateu features, be
for tb<> P«<-ifle rossi and orientai
added: "I am always glad to see you take all the beeti that can be railed
traile. Chpacitv, 33,000 t<m«.
young men from the military academy. around Pullman next year at good
You—you—(here the general ended w It la pi ices.
flail Cat. flail Rabbit
a roar)—you think yourselves so -----
May She Get Both.
The Payette. Idaho, Independent toll«
smart!”—Kansas City Journal.
Walla Walla in moving for a big of a family there that claim« to have a
bunch of kittens that are half rabbit«
basket factory and fruit drier.
The story does not «ay whether there
are some cals and sanne mbbita, but iu-
Dairy Busincu Growing.
How Caper and Ga ze Mask« Are Made
■ nd What 1 hey Coat.
Reports from all over the Willamette fera that the case Is one of cross blood.
Paper masks are made by doubllug valley, Oregon, show that the dairy
one sheet of a specially prepared paper, business is growing rspidly.
wetting It. and moldiug It by band over
a face form; It is then dried by artificial
beat and cut off to form, according to
Tbi« aiffnatur« ia on etrry bnt < f th* jenuiaa
the Consular Reports. Openings are
Illative Bnimo-Vtiininc >* ms *
cut for eyes, nose aud mouth, and It Is
lb® remedy that rtirv« it cold iu um » daj
painted aud decorated by hand as de­ Says Peruna Is the Finest Tonic
and Invlgorator He
sired. The paper used by Sonneberg
Women That Steal
manufacturers .is made in Oeslau and
Ever Used.
Is *oin. lime* referr*- !
Schleusingen and costs at present about
Lieutenant Charles I’eterson, Hook
1.40 marks (33 cents) per 480 sheets. and Ladder Co. Nn. 21. writes the fol­ tr> a« leing elow, bill ti e polo«« of t■•■■«
One sheet makes three of the common lowing letter to The Veruna Medicine city think they haie itiM-m.-red some
masks. The painting of cheap masks Co., from 827 Belmont avenue, Chi- female burglars there tiial are pretty
costs about 50 pfennigs (12 cents) per cago. 111.:
gross; the molding of face costs about
Health «nd Houty
"lM«t year I had a severe attack of
(» pfennigs (14 cents) per gross. Pack­ la grippe which left me very weak, ho
No beauty with |.lni|lr -km. -lull <■--■
t'lrsn jour miri« *u.l k*v|> Il i
ing Is figured at about 3 per cent, as the that 1 was unable to perform my duties. breath.
with !r*«r*nt « « . *<. 1« ( ai,,!, < sihanic’
masks are rolled In brown paper, the He vers I of my friends advised me to dru««l«u, Iw, 3k*.
ends being folded In to save string. build up on I’ernna, and I found it by
What Portland Nttd>.
The expenses are estimated at about lar the finest tonic aud invigorntor I
A writer-ays what Portland needs to
15 per cent, leaving the net profit 20 to had ever used, lu two week« 1 w»i
22 per cent, as the complete article sells strong au<l well, and if ever I am ex­ become a big city are cheap ami plen­
at present at about 1X0 marks (42.8 posed to unusual hardship incident tiful coal for ship* and a dry-dock of
with my duties at tires, I tske a (lose unlimited caps.'ity.
cents) per gross.
Wire masks are made by stamping a or two of Peruna and fiud that it
Mo'I.en will fled Mrs W ....I « • "ooth-
piece of wire netting about one foot keeps me in good health.”
Irg Hvrup the ta-t re.uedy I.,
(,,r o,..,
square over a face mold In a large
Shildreu (luring the tM-thing period.
machine, Inclosing the rough wire
Army Worms May Lome.
edges in a narrow strip of lead and
A Waihington state bug profumor
painting. The latter Is done by hand
«ay« the chancos are excellent (or tha
in oil colors.
army worm to survive the winter and
Gauze masks are made by molding
hatch out millions in the spring with
over a clay face form a doubled piece
ewfol appetite for growing grain.
of cheap linen gauze that has previous­
•ah mis a l»iV® p.n .1 »,,,
1 Ite» f.Hir aH.l leiirr
l»Ml I It*y gu |»luui|4ly I r
BM t»l
St Jacobs Oil
Th* •»*•• rr>*r»l|»lluw fur M «liarla
('hill* aud Furor Is a lollla of Grove«.
I asióles« (Ulill Tunic, Il Is siili
iron and quintun In a teatri««« lumi,
No Curo, No Pay. I’rlcw EOo.
wbh Ii Is b celiala »Ul« (Mr9
Nig I lour Mill.
The nsv Hour mill al Everett,
Wash., «tarta mm > u with dally capacity
of «00 t mut » Is, to be uiado I, >00
fls'u br M^
<«<><>!> UK 41.TH,
To maint* n «. mh I h-.llh, II I.
I,,,...*n lu keep lb« bluo«l
t>ur* «."( the «.«(rm * Iran «odi
fo.i.tsri.i n i ». i, ii i. U m
bw*i btowl purihot known
Portland Do Mavs.
I’urtlaud Is walling
llama «tapped excavating work fur a
new In lek block. A big tarpaulin wm
• Irrt. lied from adjolulue buildlug* aud
the work u( making Ilia big bawatuaul
g >r* on.
11* i ■
i -
I ue » m F’«» .-Ml If
o -
IlK.l will k«*|> I'l I',
»t »I x»» tu» IL«
If ti-•< fv» Bs
"■* ’»44 1
1 ■ «
1 I 1 A. J. Tnwi Uh
Grandest Offer >.o
Ho. 99 Arlington
Drap NaaU
B Draawt.
Full Ball
The Kind You Hata Always Bought
ly been soaked In a starchy paste. The
sticky linen Is made to adla-re to the
form, and .this Is set on a stove and
dried for about twenty minutes. 'Hie
linen Is then taken off and openings cut
for the eyes, mouth and nostrils. It is
painted as desired, and makes one of
the most practical masks known. The
gauze mask Is used considerably In the
United States, but the larger portion of
them are made therein by machine«
owned by two firms, one In New York
and the other In Findlay, Ohio.
Terrible Fall.
Thin 1« said to be one of the dlvor-
nlonn occanloually indulged In at Kan­
sas City:
Solemn-faced man (with newspaper)
—Well, I see there wan n singular acci­
dent at one of the slaughter-boUHcs out
at the stock yards yesterday. A man
who was leaning out of an upper story
window let go and dropped sixty
and wasn't hurt a particle.
Eager Listener—How did that
peri ?”
Kolemn-faced Man—They were Pig"’
Hi« Dim Idea.
A teacher was giving to her class an
exercise In spelling and defining words.
“Thomas,” she said to a curly haired
little boy, “spell ’Ibex.' ’’
"Correct. Define ft.”
"An Ibex,” answered Thomas, after a
prolonged mental struggle, “Is where
you look In the back part of the book
when you want to find anything that’s
printed In the front part of the book.”
Narrow Escape.
Mrs. Ifenpeck—What's tills? Ah, a
blonde hair——
Henpeck—That must have come off
the Belgian hare I had for lunch.—
Syracuse Herald.
"Come easy, go easy,” Is an ancient
saying and good résolutions don't cost
Piso'ii Curs raimot b* t..„ highlv «i>ok»n
........ •'!'/* J- * "H«ii«..rx.
I H! ■' A v<- , S . M,
¿(||n j
b, IWO.
1 I
The above is only one of fifty
thousand letters we have on file
attesting the merits of Peruna.
There are a great multitude of peo­
ple in all partH of the land who have
entirely lent their health an a result ot
la grippe; who have recovered from an
attack, but find themselves with weak­
ened nerves, deranged digestion, and
with very little of their former power«.
There is no disease known to man
that leaven the system In inch an out-
rageouH and exanperating condition uh
la grippe.
For thin cla«« of sufferer«, Peruna ii
a specific. Peruna should be taken un­
cording to direction« and in a W/
week< the «offerer will lie entirely re­
store I to hin accustomed health.
AddreHi The Peruna Medicine Co.,
Columbus, O., for afreecopy of "Fact«
and Faces."
Hsvoc Wrought by « Beer Bottle.
Farmers iu our «xtremn northwest-
•rn status have l.oen greatly puzxlod
over ths origin of tiros occurring upon
tbeir prairies far remote from locomo­
tive spark«. inunctions not visited by
lnlians and at se««on« of tha year
when there were no hunters in the
eountry. They have carefully traced
back the progress of these tire« until in
each case they have found the flame«
proceeded from H pofm
ttlB gr|1((|)
where lay a castaway beer bottle, itself
the focal point of all the trouble
spherical glass in the bottom had acted
as a powerful cone«,,I rating prism
through this the sun’s rays had fired
the dry plain, Thu« the traffic which
corrupt« polities endangers rural pros-
perity. On the whole will
body rise up to tell us what class t„ tllM
community the brewery d<,«« benefit
and how?
"» «»klcsiao
bml health f«r n„. |m,t thr^1
c >J« ih « t <I my
talcing Canciir« in tin- f,niv «-..t't
* n,n atlfl
notice by »«UNlble inopie
worthy ut
U bo W liowi.M, Buird, M m
7 he
• •
One application la all that ii required. It laata for yean. -
your dealer cannot supply you, write for circulars and information to ths
following distributing agents« Perfection Pile Preserving Co.. Seal»
Wash.; Fisher, Thorsen & Co^ Portland, Oregon.; Whittier, Coburn 4
Co., San Francisco, Cal.
<*•• tiMnea
■ < ."«Il « «•
The “RuiAell” Compound
Writ« us for full particulars.
& CO.,
To Self-Supporting Women
U U h . tn IntsrfFroiff with your reg alar «lull»«, you
«•iiiHNkf Hl "Dry lit HirNDH of our ofTrr of III,-
KIKTIONN. Mod for hill
ps.th iilur«
t le 11 W. I Sih •«., M pw York
Mitchell, lieuis & Slaver Ca
A KUHr»fit<M*<1 Cur® for < nUrrh and
u<m»innptlori. Il oo l> Ixx k Ito» I4Ó.
W- H. SMITH I N„ tuffilo, a.f.hopi.
10 0 .!»' TI.ÍA1MM mt.
Hsvn mad« Drot»y «jid Itacom-
plioatiop» a >pcciblijr for tw«n>y,
y««i«wllb Ilf« moat wondarful
isooris. Havaoarodmsny tboua-
and cun
Atlanta, (la.
w.talnft*«. (I C. they will ra-
■ I I ' HlCXfiisi.,
• mieli rrj.llr« H. Mil N. It. Vol., Htaff
wu. i-orpa
WIU« t»t UM 11C CAI COMIIT, M l«> It, Ct«a«i. HI.
ti. a. a. entro 0021,
.T«..», (^
Yu*can't makes mi«i*»«11
*< I »TICA, ■mu
nr4 20 YEAH
NKss. f -
► HRI A. Ill* l I» 1« MF, < 1
i Alimi, « KOI I* |IKON< IIITIM, I.A jma.®.rt«aqu«ltaanyl*n*’ l’,< 1 ’**>h,>
.G'HBh.ir a, wita |
,„ m r-pfE
«■ (ti i- >-»-. MAl.AKft, Il F % Il I WKAH- iTl
D4..t aalTeftatery,
» ¿||af FnH
NKs-V ( Il
) Hu. An
(loldptate • ‘
■ Is.lll» t<u|u, _ _
II will I'.
***• ""tT.-r.ng and <l<M-(.i,'« blu» IlarmlM* tur I,a sai.L with or lor a. 1 «
. i •'«a'ejAAj
R . B)(i|i0llC*
rlilblr«,,'« .... < onlsln« no o|HBl»« ur nlhar har.n mall Wrlta wh.ihar 'i nU
ini li,«,« li«,i,». Ah-olul.uy pur» *„,l ron.-xnlralr.l I mp I»’» l»w»lff Co.. D»pl 33
Un» i . uiii » ut
«lo«»« t..r»i, pr«,H>l.l l,v mali or
*»| r-».. o» .. will .»«'I you ipo«l|*u<í) a irfal
.'«Ol« A«»-I‘U WHOIS.I
******* ***^'
la har« Io stay. Il is th« Moat Economical
and Powerful Engin« built.
Box N,
Wood Preserver
Prim-mil ng claim. «Inca IS7H.
POOLR, P orti . akii , O nvuon .
vn y"'1 t,IB ,M>"( bnrgalu. In general
ul.iwl ”7’7,>,•"»*• "•», hollars, tank«, pumps,
i’*"." *"'l windmill« Tim m-w
•dual! 1^ k windmill, «old by him, I« un­
All easMi nf DEAFNESS
ar. now f t R4BI.Rby <»•<; • fl
daaf ar® Inonrabl®.
< t >A*
a^ * J
¿X wy.lt ¡Hiai*r‘,¿i?SÍ"*
InternatlonalAural Choir -**- .
papaia. Il mo • PlinF’’«.! ••Ju
tlon. I r»i »niliiil'"i“""'" 1 - ((« ís "1' Ì'iirtl
N. r. N. u.
IIKN wrlllli«
■».alta» Mila •*»*’
Ho. 9W . ■