KLAMATH VOL. V. KLA.MAIH ‘AUK NtWS. Fh" dowager «mpi.i»» de»lr* » to r« iuru to Pi.kiii Epitome of tho Telegraphic News of the World. TKKBK III KM from the wium Allottar »now «torni i» «weeplng over Brltish ( 'oluiulda. 8('v«uty-lh» Uvea were lo»! iu thè tornado in th„ South. s«g"tiaHon» are andar way for a re- clpreclty ticaty wlth Ru»»ia, A dlffereiic« of opinion ha» lirought Dio l'hlueMi Uogolialiot» lo a staiid»l|ll. Paul Krugi-r, ex-president ol ih« floalh Atricau rvpuldic, has arrivod at Marsailtos. Hanltnrv . nmlDIons al l'ekill are he- eeitnug »«rimi*. The g1»»! roads movemeiil «a* forni- all/ lsunch*.l lu Ubicar>.' M«th» Tenue***« olgarelte law Tour meu wrre Imrned lo dealh In a lire that ) «d a P*nusv Ivaiila ho- R The twltlc slilp Kentucky e III an­ fore Di« ludemulty < lalm «gallisi Tur- In *n imgagoment UUFthuf Manila II Amerl-aus aud 60 Fll tpluo* w«re bill*!- Tliere I* a scarcity of I cmm I In Tten Tslli. *nd already ihere I* consideratalo eufirring Tb* Hay-I’aunvefote treats will lai |be sluml’llllg block in the way ol Hia way» sud instate oommiitaa of II», bone*, ita-idea tu roluee ili« war tax $$0,000,000, Ma. Arthur l» |>u»hlng Ilio rainpalgii agalnsl Dm | llipinoa, reiuforceuieut» talug »«ni |o Dm Miveral divistoli». Ili» off), |,,| «..uni (or Ohio l» as (ol- luws M< Klnley 543.0IN, Urtali 474, 88.’; McKlnley • pluiallly, 60,086. Iadiipw,n |* shermnn, brether of thn late H*ii.it*>r .lulin tahorman. ol Ohio, dled al fise .Moina», luws, agni 70. Ita oli,, tal rotini f,,r Nebraska, •boW» Disi t|, Klliley1» plurallty iti Die *t»*« I» The total vote i of the •tate I. ,- VI. K , , , , , rei riled 121,876 and llryan 114,013 Thn popolatila! of ih* »tate i of Naw York as odi* lallv annotino d by the rrnau» bureau, l» 7,868,01$, a» agatu»t 5,007,863 in I h ' i O, au lu-rea»* ol 1,870,150, ot 21.1 |»*r cent At Itepuiili«, Waeh , Charles Krun, r w*> fi uml hanglng ly hi* n* k. in a slaugiiler tamia*. II» ha i I hwii inis.rd ■¡Ile* November 0. Hi» l.alv wa» (olimi t>y Gaocgi) Raglan, wlio vlsllial thè *latighter house. He was generiI- Iv dawpomleiil, an i liav ing lost $100 on lb« *l*cll> 11, il lssup|»>»ed that luduced talm lo taku hi» ciwn Ilio. $ REPUBLICAN F alls , KLAMATH 1 i SENSATIONAL Xi’Y, OREGON, MURDER NOVE.MBEK 29, 19OO, CASE. P.*H»yl*a«la Minister I wsh * ot Kllll»' Ills Wits. Willi'.barre, l’a„ Nov. 28.—A sen- Mikl Punishment of Leaders sationai murder mystery has developed at Wyoming, near here, and the prin­ of Boxer Uprising. cipal figure in 11 I* Rev. D. Stuart, a funner pastor ol Die Wyoming Bap­ tist church. The pastor's wife died HONORED Kl llltElIF.VJ OF TIAN suddenly two week* ago at the home of her daughter in Plymouth. Hhe had lacen married but three months aud was ill only ten day«. Her Him-»* was not considered »-iriou« ami she died suddenly shortly after her husband had carried dinner to her taiside. Au emp­ ty tattle with the latal "earholie lamJon. Nov. 22.—Th* Morning acid" was found near the Iced and sui­ Fust'» I'sluii corre» |«>ndent, say«: cide, was suggested. Numerous suspic­ ’’ I'lm edict inflicting punishment Is ious circumstance* have been brought to • ciIliter than llm first reports suggested. light and the body was « (burned aud Prilli-« I nun and Prince Chwang are an autopsy will be held, The reverend only banished, ami not im plisoned. gentleman was asked to account for Duke Iucii cannot accept the edict, some money belonging to the church, owing t > llm inadequacy of the punish­ Which he failed to do and he resigned ment. Ins i>astoral« ami left for Philadelphia. '*< stunt von Walders«« offioially an- Muart was arrested in Philadelbpia. Uolincea liist Be has stopped looting Ill« warmut charges murder ami aboi- sml restored peace m the provine* of tion. < III Id." Multon Cun g ratu• at$»• M. Kiwieg. Dr. Morrison, writing to the Time* < ‘on» taut inople, Nov. 82.—United from I'eUiii, aays: "In comminili sting th* punishment State* Charge d’Affsini Griiootu was edict dstcl Must) I u, November 18 to again at the Yildiz Pass November 17, th* foreign envoys, Li Hung ( bang sub­ attending a court muelcale, after which mits It as III« final punishment the he remlaned an I dined with the sultan, court is side to inflict, ami repeat* ibe who charged him to transmit to Presi­ st«r<-otv |«d ph-a of all Chinese pieni- dent McKinley hi* warmest oougrstu p leiitisile-, narnedv, tiiat the emperor latlon* upon hi* re-e lection, adding tilreat. iis him ami Prince Ching with tiiat the result uf the election had given sever« punishment II they fail to in­ his majesty the greatest pleasure, be­ duce tlie representatives ol th« powers cause It assured the continuaiia of the Pc accomplish a compromise. The present exceedingly friendly relations inlldu«-* of lite sentence* *1011«« ridi­ tatween Turkey aud the United States. SWEPT V • 4 MACABOLOS WILL LEAP HARTY M* Will Ifavs On« Hcinctrect Fl. hsd *Sll»»S SH* Will II« Hu|»p'*rl«cl hr l'«ll«.l Stai», Troops. Manila, Nov. 23 —General Macs- holo*, the ex-Filipino chief, is prepared to »tart in pursuit of Aguinaldo with 100 picked natives, supported by American troops. Other ex-rebel Fil­ ipinos will Ire u»ed in campaigning io the country. Their offers have not been formally made yet, but they are ready if the authorities will accept their services. Aguinaldo, it is sup- posed, is in Northern Luzon, according to statements made by ex-rebel lead­ ers now in Manila, confirmed from oth er sources. Aglipay, a renegade native priest, not long ago an insurgent leader in Northern Luzon, has written to friend* in Manila asking for election new* and requesting to be informed whethet a decision ha* been reached concerning the relation* la-tween church aud state, and the disposition of church proper­ ties, The replie* sent him contain the information that church aud state will be separate, ami the entire religious freedom will lie allowed. Char*» on Kleyeles. *»te"to ¿lH5"r ,,f K,"g Humbert, •••K kïnt N,,w Vork, that lulled to dì ’ *,nl> q 10 "Und M|| the Urne. ,’la" Ibelin,,' « u< Î ui"" ?" Turkey.' ’ nwl ixini* »«hing a census of nam ber of *"Hd ia 10$,» K».000,000 are in Frank Snros6s of an astate val­ ion, succeeded N. It. Donnelly, the re­ over 50 pounds, actual weight will lie ued at |4,500,000, all going to rela­ their employes to work for the pro­ tiring president. Headquarter* of tiie posed exposition in 1808. tivas. eharged- union are at I ml in nu polls, I nd. The Missouri is now claimed to be the longer by 200 miles than the Mln- slasippi. D* v Ex-Rebels Will Join Ameri­ cans in the Pursuit. TrMiin|»«>rt ItitllMiia Afroanrf. rci 1«. «nd strengthen* the minister* in 1h. S„,U'(l.d J.w.la. Washington, Nov. 23.—l^iiartermas- determination their det« rm I nation to demand th« New York. Nov. 23.—At the custom­ death pelialy. The puniihmeut* are house today it was aumiuuced that au ter-Geueral Ludiugt >0 received a cable l'slusl irglslatlon. illuaory. Prine« > Tuan Is merely bau­ official appraisement of the so-called dispatch today from Colonel Miller, Tw<*bly>li Oregon coiintle* that ished to his own li me, aud others un­ Maximilian jewel* taken front tbe per­ chief quartermaster at Manila, con­ bare uol remtlled »alp tauuuly te* are dergo a merely ii minai lowering of son e«n sm> I rank. Per|>«tu«l lnpri.ouineut mean* lined their value et $2,760. exclusive ing ol the trau-|ort In liana on toe ra*t side of l»la de Polilo, one of th* I Tb» marrlag* of thè Duke of Man- d*rlng tur »«me lima at tho Clami Har- a lib of 11 II red retirement. of tlie UO per cent customs duties. The eheeicr uri Miss Zlmmermau. ni Uln- vester Manufac turing Com|.«i>v 's plani "Large numbers of Southern Chi- case will probably ta submitted to smaller islands ot the Philippine group, elusati. 1« siiltmiucsat. at U*»l Pullman. Illinois, culmlnated ne*n now r* bling in Pekin, fearing United Mates District Attorney Bur- east of Luzon. Colonel Miller's dis­ patch follows: l'sst fi-«‘al vrar wa* thè nioet prna- in a l.wkout ot umi wurkmen. Nottce« further tribulation during the winter, in ti on charges that the jewelry wa* ‘‘JmliHUH aground November 7. She ere preparing to leave for the south. ’ ’ bave t*ei> pi»trd atinouncing a su »| m - ii - smuggled into this country. pereus prrlud klmwu lo American is reported as not damaged. Palmet According to the shanghai corre- stou of Work for «n imlrtlnlle perlod. sbippiug tur som* tini*. Uaierntnrtil InaNit* f'atlrnta. (quartermaster), with tranaport Penn­ The plani w*s shut down la»t July. hai • |»>udent of the Tinies. It Is asserì« I on A Ubicar' (lim sotmills thè lavai |>ld Washington, Nov. 23.—Tne annual sylvania aud h lighter draught vessel, Work wa* rraumed agalli Ih« day after good authority In l ien T»lu that theie k*r III« «- ii,iruclln> <>( thè n*w |aw|- are »till some missionarie« surviving re|sirt of the government hospital for left Manila Sunday in order to relieve elee! lon ortlce buil'ling -alvin. Or. at 1st Yuan Fu uuder the protection the insane shows a total of 2,076 her. Nothing more necessary.” Tb» Vosslch* Zeitung, of Berilli, of th« Mandarin*. When the li.clisna ran aground she |>atient*, *u increase > trek luto t,«rm«u SonDiwe»t Shanghai correspondent of the Stand­ total cd 2,275 inmate* at the clone of pany of the Twenty -second infantry, Africa, «lu-« tb«y are uiimatiagoal-le the present rear. There are 058 in­ detailed t> act as a garrison at Baloi. Fnal J. Kl-cl. of Malheur connty. and lnca|-al-l» <*f a* cepllng Orderly con- ard. "that the allies hate captured two mate* taken from the army, navy auri passa* Irai! I ng (rem Uhl Ll iuto shan TORNADO IN THE SOUTH. Or««''1*, hss I xh 'II «p|aillll«d a* a (tele- dittarne. *' i •!< Ing a Word of w sriiing, bi. Herr Knapp«. th« tierman consul, maim« hospital service, of whom 256 X-tls lo lite National lrrlg*D<>n Uou- It sa), "The Boers would m««*k to has returned from Nankin, lie re­ were received during the past year. Mttrh I.»«* of l.lfr in Teiinee»«*« and gre**. botai Die groun I, thus foriti log A Mat* port* th it lie u»ki«d the viceroy to per­ M i• tti |»|>i. I.yuns Car Hlrllis. •tMft ’ Th«* (irriiiMii |«»U ÌH I wllhin a iter. J aio»« Dclghton, «n<-* a nol«l mit foreign troop* to ascend the Van­ Memphis, Tenn., Nov. 23.—A tor­ Lyons, France, Nov. 23. — The Lyons Luer- nado bounding through a narrow Irlwl ol Fpurgeou. dled al lluugton. would la- grnrrsllotl. lariore Die ItiH-r» Sian Fu." lions. Yesterday, the police accom­ stretch of terntory stretching Irom a Ind., agni 63 year*. forget that they *li'O |av»sc»»ed au ludi-- ‘‘The French consul here reports," panied the cars ,in one instance saving point three lull- » uorth of Lulu, Mias., peudeilt |sdltleal existrlKO. ’ ’ says tlm Sha igliai corri spondent of the ■ driver whom the crowd was atnut to to Lagrange, Tenn., caused a heavy Tb* popolatimi of Mltmoanta, as olii- eially ennouneml, 1* 1,715,754. agallisi Thn allo , at P«klu r.solve-l on ' Daily News, "that severe persecutions throw mt > a canal. Today the striker* loss uf life au I pro|>erty this afternoon. II < .Hindi.' convert* contiuu« iu the ov«rpower«d tlie ears and the police in The storm ao completely iuteirupted l.lui.i»1« in 1180, au lucro«»* uf 440,- str-mg mea.ures province of Knng SI. Mr. Giaidnow, order to disperse them, were compelled telegraphic ami telephonic communica­ M» silice 1800, <>r 44.5 |wr celli. No rffort wlll l« ma le bv cotigre». United Male* cn-ul, bear* that the to draw their revolvers. Many arrest* tion that neither the origin nor tbe elid­ Dt*pathrr* (rum Vladl voalock aa» lo de* r«a*«v i-outberti represeutettam. Finti »taut* in the province of Che have been made. ing of il can be determined tonight, uor Ilio < hln«s» bave desino ed 31'11 tersi* The oprnlug of Die Milton crsaimery. Kiallgart similarly |>et*ecuted. The can tbe extent of tiie disaster be of Ih» southvrn section ol ih« Mauchur- Di« tirai in I a»t< rii Or«g-*u, waa cui»- governor* of both province* are Mau- M‘tr<* %itH*<*tli* •«• Rt<»ta. learned. From meager detail* obtain­ isu rsllroad. All Di« statlnne were hrate-l Canton, Nov. 28. —Refugee* who able, covering oulv three |iuints, it ap­ chit» sud violently anti-foreign.’’ barimi ami mudi reiIIng atoek waa de- have arrived here report that auti- pears that ill lives were lost, aud the Russia di-ai. Il*« Pacific comi a hard suoyad. Ih* dam.(gè l* esttmated al THE APACHES RAID. < liristian Hot* have broken out in th* destruction of property was also heavy, blow by putting a logli tarlff 011 flour 10.000,000 nuiblM. province of Kiang Si. The non-Chris- it is believed that between the towns lo tallieria. Th» M«*rtii*»M < «slssftlr« A|»|*«> m I f»»r Mill- tian* are wearing hedges and all per­ heard from numerous farm-houses an 1 Tao inrii h»lt *o decorate i are in danger of and secun-l $13, Chihuahn». Mex., Nov. 22.—The death. The viceroy of the province iuterior communities of more or les* te« colisldi-rtHl Die reiluctloii of Die considerable population were struck. tir» at f aeton. China. de*tmy*d he- atamp tea. Mormon colouie* of Durban, Pacheco. ha* ap|s>luted a deputy to settle the Accompany lug tne tornado was a rain Iwarii SUO uml fimi h<»uees. < '«|ouia. <*axaca, Colonia Dins and French claims at Shun Tak, and French An cx-reln-l chlef «ili »tait in pur- storm of terrific pro|x>rtions. lb 1 '■'■'» l'Iew o;«n Die vanii of a sull of Agulnal-lo, «ho la salii lo be tu C< Ionia Juarex have appealed to the gunboat* will accompany the latter The tornado struck the town of La- military authoriDcs of Mexico against with tiie view of enforcing his orders. kzek lu Muimy,' HI , amt •eeurwl Northern Lu«ou. grauge. 48 miles east of Memphis, on further raids from the band* of hostile $1. HW. the Southern railway, in Fayette coun­ The popiilation of I lurida la 528,58, Indians. Prr|mraliens are being made German Warship Damaged. Fire st an Oshkoeh, Wis., lumber as agallisi 301,884 In 1800, ali lucrease Kiel, Nov. 23. — Divers report that ty, this afternoon. Only one church by the wur d< partmriit to strengthen yard v«d $;5,ooo worth <>r hUn of 187,120, or 35 per ceni. tir»t-cla*s German battle-ship is left standing in the town. Tbe the military gam-on* and D> annihilate the grate ¡uinbrr. Kaiser Friederich III, which was in streets are littered with the debris of the hi e ir«n has arrived at thè l'mted Mate» plnads (ot a Wide ex- hlo>>dv attack on the Par hero settle­ collision >aturday while entering this destroyed buildiugs, merchandise, tele­ graph an I telephone wires aud poles. 8su I rati. i »<-, i (non Manila, wlth 878 tensiou (ri thè rural tree delivery. ment a few days ago. These A|vaches liarbor with the tirst-class battle-ship Several perton* are dead. •ick soliliers, have iak -u refuge in lhe Sierra Madre Kaiser Wilhelm 11. is leaklug «lightly E. Gai»« was coll viri ed at South Mx ¡H-rsous were injured more or less nt the bows. The Kaiser Wilhelm 11 inriuiitaiu*. and their pursuit will be Two man «are tcillori and tour Band, II«« li , of murder iu Dio aocoud seriously, aud 10 bu-me«s places were has her outer plating dented. Neither difficult. lhe I’ac'-er culouy ha* a «''•Ir lnjnre.1 lu • tralu wttw k degree far kllllng Captalo llecson. totally destroyed. The Methodist, of Die vessel* requires dockiug. population ot alarut 1,900. Jaskami, M ìm , Baptist and I'lesbyterian churches The situatioii in South China ia ini- Ki>*lan. steamer Nome City has arrlv«d pròvod so that Die retala hai« been Salt Lake, Utah,Nov. 82.—The presi­ London, Nov. 23.—The Daily Tele- tion of the town also suffered heavy «I taaltle from Noni* wlth 260 mlucrs ciinqiiered, ami tho n-talliotl la Uearly dent of the Mormon church in this city graph makes the following announce­ loss, several building* being completely •f'I $100,000. extinct. lias received a Ivlegiam from A. W. ment: "We learn that the govern­ demolished aud a largo uuinber daiu- lire destroved tlie businaaa portlun The populatlon of lihode laland was Ivins, president of the Mexican mis­ ment will not ask more than £20,000,- sged. »1 tbe town of Phlllppi, W. Va., oaue- •nnouncvd to ta 428,556. a» agallisi sion at Colonia J us rex, Mexico, saying DOO for the war loan in December. A perfect deluge of rain wa* falling that no Mormons have been killed, ns ‘“K • *<>»• of $100,00J. 845,506 in 1800; iucrcaae 88,060, or The question of Die full amount ana when the cyclone came, but its ad­ recently reported, and denving that that of the Transvaal will be decided vance wa* foretold y a roaring, rush- i. *“"w •• "«h*g in 24 )a-r eeiit, there bad been an Indiau uprising. Brltish ( olumlda. $10,000 daniagn tm- lat.r John II. 1 >tt, thè comeliun. died ut iug sound, followed by quick heavy re­ teg amia in Vannoiiver alone. Ililliall •* ll.hariin.il wt-ra drowued In thè eases. He was taken ill alsmt two St. Petersburg, Nov. 23.—Count iug, and they rushed out from the full­ sciigc-r» who arrived here Sunday 011 tiie Klein Michael has formed a stock com­ ing buildiugs. s"'",|e hom a »mali »«iltaoal. weeks ago. 11« was 3N year* old. "‘‘I' '»l'«i«t’d In a guai ol wind. Th« big cotton mill o|H'rntiv«s’ strike British s eniiler Atrato, from Colon, pany Io exploit iron niiues discovered STORM IN CHICAGO. The American legaDuu building al In Alsnianle county. North Uarnltim, say there were rumors at Colon, whet.- on hi» estates in tlie government of they milled, that the British steamer Kursk. lhe prospecting commission has been declared off. Tlie strike has » ischi aHa Injiired licyond retialr by Built Fell in Deluging Quantitie« Bint liecn in force alsmt three months, and ToliHgo had been seized liy the Colom­ reports that 500,000,000 poods of ferri­ '« receiit Venoanelan eartliquake. Thunder «nd I.lglituiiig Plentiful. bian government nt Fnnnma, and sent, ferous earth, bearing from 48 to 60 i>er Ihs Uhlvcr.itv of Oregon tamthali several thousand hamls wore involved. under 1111 iirmvd escort, to Buet n Ven­ Chicago, Nov. 23.—Glaring flashes Dawson Uiiy advices tarmight by the tura. It is added that the Birtish con­ cent of iron, are accessible. 'l-f-'ted thè University .ri Cali- of lightning aud loud peals of thunder, steamer Danube, arrived at Victoria, sul nt Panama had asked his govern- Two Mm Kllt»«l by <-ulla|>a. of l*oek. sights aud sounds generally peculiar to •il» team |,y * *core of 2 to 0. Buffalo, N. Y., Nov. 21. —A section midsummer in Chicago, accompanied Ih«JTilted Mineworkera bave decid- are to the effect that on November 18, meiit loi a war vessel. of the Minnesota ore docks, situated iu the storm which burst up n the city Dutt..... wea ic|H>rl<«l to have Iteen free " iriug luto their erga ni sa lion all from new cases of smallpox for 10 this haihor, collapsed today, umlsr the shortly before midnight last night. M m it'll Agt«lii«t I’ mhhihm . »*r» iti and staut the inlues. weight of 60.000 tons of ore. Max Kain fell in deluging quantities, and day*. Kingston, Jamaica, Nov. 21. — The Ih» nmrdaious Apaehcs of Mexico, Tors ami Thomas Ford were killed, and the elements displayed all the charact­ The British warship Pheasant, sta­ British steamer Atrato arrived heie to­ William Burke was injured. The eristics of a summer thuude storm. un,! *’ ul’ Ki thn moiintains tioned at Victoria. I*. received rush day from Colon. Unptaiu Copp reports tn»',!." ,,y ,h» Mexican property loss is estimated at $100,000. Telephone aud telegraph wires were af­ ordere from the Admiralty dispatching that the insurgents had gained several Tlie crash came without warning, 800 fected by the electricity iu the atmos­ her to Panama to protect Hritish Inter im|svrtant victories during the fort- feet of tlie dock disappearing beneath phere. The streets of the city ran rsi-li'i'y' * w,'rM no* concerneil In thè ests in the revolution w hich has re- night that preceded his departure, and like rivers. There was enough wind flint when he left Colon they were the surface of the water. wa-,,:"'l"’r"«’ W illiam. Il curred-thero. on the lake to endanger the safety of Klomllkr Gold Owtpwt. marching in force against Panama, liti u- " r" ' **'" M< * * ''“""'Uted Ber- The annual report of Hear- AU ini ml w here the store* Inid been closed in Seattle, Nov. 23.— Duffereiu l’atullo, light craft. En licott, chief of the bureau of yards Thre storm is probably the forernu- chief clerk of the gold commissioner’* «xlit'w?,! hllledina and docks, submits estimate* aggregat­ nioiuentnry expectation of an attack ner of a cold wave that has forced the office at Dawson, estimates the past °l l’un ' " tl *’0,o,,,,n Kl thè proviucn ing $12,456,380, <'f which $11,252,510 Satai Hotel Fir*. season's Klondike output of gold at mercury down to 12 degrees below il w„„/; , l""t 100 killod is set down for public improvements. Sturgeon Buy, Wis., Nov. 22.—The $ .’0,000,OOH as against $17,000,000 for aero iu Montana, and which is sched­ w,"’u'l'’* l**teent t'ansed by •cross the country at the sam« time Cngl.ahxi«» They Threw «.aall swept away the wires, *> that tele­ 1 < olns al <>o.n Fanl. phone and telegraph wire* alike were put out of service. Dependence ha* Mnrseilles, Nov. 85.—Today proved necessarily been placed in railroad men and travelers coming from affected a triumph for Mr. Kruger such as even parts. 1( is estimated that the numtar the Boer delegate* and hi* most ardent admirers failed uj anticipate. Tbe de­ of dead will exceed 75. lirium of enthusiasm which m arked A THE STORM IN TENNESSEE. every step of bi* progress from tbe time he landed until Die hotel wa* More Thau 50 people % IN MISSISSIPPI. ly the high reprehensible fooli-huess of A Wide Ext«*nt of Territory Swept by half a dozen persons in throwing small the Tornado. coins into tbe crowd as Mr. Kruger Memphis, Nov. 24.—In Mssisaippi passed acted like magic in cenjuring the greatest loss of life and damage to up an anti-British outburst, which it « property occurred near Tunica, Lula needed all tbe promptitude and energy and Hernando. A report by carrier of the police to prevent becoming a « from a point 12 mile* from Tunica say* serious disturbance. The hotel re- that the tornado'* devastation was *0 mained for tbe rest of the day in a great that it will take week* to calcu­ state of siege, while at one time a pro­ late and repair it. Five negroes lost cession, several thousand strong their lives on the Hamlin place. In marched in the direction of the British Tunica Die church and a number of consulate, shouting. “Down with tbe Buildings were totally demolished. English,'' and railing other threaten­ More than 50 negroes are missing, and ing cries. The result was that a strong it i* feared that several of them perish­ body of police was compelled to dis­ ed. Corn is re|H>rted badly damaged. perse the demonstrators, although it At Hernando a white man was killed was found not necessary to make more aud a negro fatally injured by flying thm iew temporary arrest*. debris.* Numerous sawmills, several Trust Companies Consolidatr. residenc s and hundreds of negro cab- New York, Nov. 23.—The trustee* ins were blown away. At Love Sta­ tion, J. ff. Boney, a white man. was of the Atlantic Trost Company aud the crushed by Hying timber, and is ex- directors ot the Bankeis' Trust Com­ pany, at »eperate meeting*, decided to pected to die. At Tracey the reisdence of J. B. consolidate uudei the title and cbartei Higgins was totallv demolished and of the Atlantic Trust Company. The several other buildings were wrecker!. consolidation will tacome operative as Ten cabins were destroyed on a planta­ soon as the stockholders ot both oom- fianies ratify the action of the directors. tion and three negroes killed. At La Grange two persons were The Atlantic Trust Company was or­ killed ourtight and a score or more ganized nearly 15 years ago, and it seriously injured. About 100 bouses, has at this time capital of $ 15,000,000 mainly those of poor people, were de­ aud *500,000 surplus. The Bankers’ Trust Company was formed a little stroyed. The damage to unpicked cotton can­ more than a year ago, with a paid-up not be estimated, but it is undoubtedly capital of $1,500,000. French d < * consider ride, Tra ilio on the Memphis branch of the Louisville it Nashville railroad has been delayed silice last night, owing to high water at places between Milan and the Tennessee river. All tiaius have been delayed. I e N LIVES LOST Venr«ti«»lih B uy « Goulil'« Yacht. THERE. Fearful 11.» tor Wat Wrought in a MI m - fiiiMippi Town. Memphis, Nov. 24.—A special to the Commercial-Appeal from Arkabutla, Tate connty, Miss., says: Yesterday afternoon a tornado de­ scended upon this little town, aud a* a result of its fearful intensity 10 per sons were killed outright ana 20 were injured. The storm overwhelmed the town about 5 o'clock iu the afternoon, and in a few minutes every building was demolished. Many of the victims were p nned under the wreckage aud weie extricated with much difficulty. The toruado passed to the northeast aud caused much damage through the coun­ try districts. Steel mik I Wire Mei» Laid Off. ; New York, Nov. 23.—George J. Gould's yacht, the Atal.iuta. with the war equipment with which she waa armed for Colombia, which was to have bought her, is to go to Venezuela. Mr. Gould has complete I arrangements (or her sale to the latter country for $125,800. General Nicauor Bolet-Pe­ raza, confidential agent of the Veiez- uelan government, who belongs to the Castro, or Liberal party, conducted the negotiations with Mr. Gould per- sonally, aud has paid him the first in­ stallment of $30,000. 1 lie Morii» in the Ku«t. Buffalo, Nov. 25. — Inspection of the government breakwater shows that a section about 1,100 feet in length was demolished bv the storm last night, This secti* n was being repaired, and the waves which pounded upon it da-bed i.wav re much of the structure that extensive repairs will be necea- rary. The damage is estimated at $200,000. ________________ An Appeal for Help. Memphis, Nov. 25.—The people of Lagrange, Tenn., have sent out an ap­ peal for help. They say all the busi­ ness portion and nearly all the resi­ dence portion of the town are in ruin*, aud many of the inhabitants destitute. They ask that contributions be sent to Scranton, Pa., Nov. 23.—The strike W. B. Hancock, mayor of Die town. of the 700 employee of the Forest min«, Oil Derrlckn Dmlroy«*«1. at Archbald, which has contnued since Toledo, O., Nov. 25.— Yesterday’« last March, has been satisfactorily set­ tled. The strikers got neatly all the storm destroyed nearly 8,000 derricks in the oil fields south aud east ot here. concessions demanded. Cleveland, Nov. 28.—All the night men employed at the Newburg mill of the American Steel Wire Company in this city, about 500, have been laid off. The company officials refuse to make any explanation.