Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, November 22, 1900, Image 4

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    Sa/f Rheum
It may become chronic.
It may corer the body with large,
Inflamed, burning, itching, scaling
patches and cause intense suffering.
It has l>een known to do so.
Do not delay treatmenL
Thoroughly clean»* the system of
the humors on which this ailment
dependk and prevent their return.
The medicine taken by Mrs. Ida K
Ward. Cove Point. Md., «u Hood's Sar­
saparilla She write«: “I bad a disagree­
able Itebmg on my arma which I eoueluded
wai «alt rlieuni. 1 began taking Hood's
jarsapanlla and In two day« felt better.
It was not long before I was cured, and I
have never bad any akin diseaM aiuc«."
HootFs Sarsaparilla
Promise» to cure and keeps the
It 1» positively un­
equaled for all cutar.eous eruptions.
Take it.
Palm-leaf trays are both stout and
extremely light and will be found serv­
iceable and suitable for country house
A powder. At this season your feet feel
swollen, nervous and uncomfortable. II
yon liave sniariing feet or tight shoes, try
Allen s Foot-Ease. It rests and comforts;
makes walking easy. Cures swollen and
sweating feet, blisters ami callous spots.
Relieves corns and bunions of all pain and
is a certain cure for Chilblains. 8»eating.
Damp or Frosted Feet. We have over 30,-
000 testimonials. Don't get toolaore get
Try it todav.
Sold bv all
druggists and shoe stores for 25c. Trial
package Faag.
Address, Allen 8. Olm­
sted. Le Roy, N. Y.
Prot, J. J. Thompson baa discovered
bodies smaller than atoms and these be
calls corpuscles.
When you take Grove's Tastelees Cbill
Tonic because the formula is plainly
printed on every bottle showing that it
la simply Iron and Quinine in a taste­
less form.
No Cure, No Pay. 50c.
The rubber »unnelly made up into
golf balls is sufficient to insulate an
Atlantic cable.
Thia «Ignatur» 1« on ev»ry box of th» g.nulM
Laxative Bromo-Quinine
th» reewdy that ewr«» ■
m M
t * î > i » u
A Chicago firm baa set np a line ot
autombiles to carry pai-sengers between
its store and one of the railroad sta­
tions for 5 cents.
They Work While Tow Sleep.
While vour mind and body rest Caacarets
Candy Cathartic repair your digestion, your
liver, your bowels, put them in perfect order.
▲11 druggists, 1UC, 25c, 50c.
The lew Habit la Baalawd.
The Englieh have long laughed at
the American “ice habit,’’ but they
are now falling victims to it them­
selves. Not very long sgo tbe attend­
ants of public places in England,
where nearly everything except ioe
was provided, would be insulted if one
oomplained because ice could not be
had. Today all firat-clsM places have
a few small lumps swimming in s
glsss dish, and you pick these out with
sugar tonga. And in country inns and
even in seond-class houses they apolo­
gize for not having it.
At San Francisco the board ef super­
visors h»s passed an ordinance reduc­
ing the hours that laundries may be in
operation each day, which is designed
to reduce the boars of labor of the over­
worked employes of these concerns
from 16 to 12 boms.
F ^reuiurned9
The liability to disease is greatly
terse ied when the blood is in good con­
dition, and the circulation healthy and
vigorous. For then all refuse matter
is promptly carried out of the system ;
otherwise it would rapidly accumulate
—fermentation would take place, tbe
blood become polluted and the consti­
tution so weakened that a simple
malady might result seriously.
A healthy, active circulation means
good digestion and strong, healthy
As a blood purifier and tonic S. S. 3.
has no equal. It is the aafest and best
remedy for old people and children
because it contains no minerals, but to
made exclusively of roots and herbs.
No other remedy so thoroughly and
effectually cleanses the blood of im-
purities. At the
same time it builds
np the weak and de-
bilitated, and reno­
rates the entire sys­
tem. It cures permanently all manner
of blood and skin troubles.
Child Suffers Great Agony and ! xp res
la a Lonlon Hospital.
Rlohard T. Gardner, Florenoe, 8. O.,
Buffered for year«
rears with Bolte.
Bulla. Two boQ-
tie» of 8. 8. 8. pul hl» blood la good
ditto» sod th» Bolls disappeared.
Send for our free book, and write
our physicians about your case.
Medical advice free.
Gin, Brandy, Rum
Orrer, for W 00 and upward delivered free te
nearest K" 11 road or «U-ataer Lauding. Blast
Cases end Kegt.
80 Year«.
freezing point of water. He finds that
not only does tbe freezing point vary
with the pressure, but that three differ­
ent kinds of Ice can be produced, each
possessing its own crystalline structure.
Thus water may now be said to have
five known forms, namely, water vapor,
water as a liquid, ordinary lee. called
by Tammann Ice I., ice In its second
form, or Ice IL. and Ice In Its third
form, denominated as Ice III. Some
non-sclentlfic people would, in hot
weather, add a sixth form generally
known as Ice cream.
Through the Insertion of inductance
coils into the electrical circuit. Prof.
Pupln. of Columbia University, has
greatly Increased the efficiency of long
distance telephony through cables. The
Insertion of tbe colls enal • s the cable
to transmit 6.000 times as much current
as It Is able to transmit without them.
With an experimental cable thus pro­
vided. It has been found possible to
carry on a conversation distinctly at a
distance of 250 miles. By applying tbe
principle to oceanic cables. It is be­
lieved that telephonic messages might
tie sent to and fro across the Atlantic.
It wouid also greatly increase the ra­
pidity w'th which ordinary telegraphic
signals can be transmitted by cable.
The principle |g likewise applicable for
extending tbe range of telephonic com­
munication over serial wires.
M*. «. B. K»Ur, of Urbana, O.. wrttaei
** I had Eos»ma on mz hands and fao« tot
flva years, li would braak out in llula
white pu»tul»s, oruata would form and
drop off, leaving the akin rad and inflam­
ed. Tbe doctor» did m» no good. I uaad
all the medicated aoapa and Mlrea without
benefit. B. 8. 8. cured me, and my »kta
to as clear and smooth aa any on"*».**
Mr». Henry Slagfried, of Oapo M
J., ny» that twenty-on» bottle» of I
our»d her of Oanoar of the breast.
|ors and frtenda thought her ease hopo-
11 full quarts. »9.00. Per gallon, W.SO.
"The bite of the tn««'ct caused the
micro orga til»iiia. then 7"
1 ”1 can s«*e no other cause, from the
history of the case.” Continuing, wit­
ness said that death was due to general
blood poisoning set up by the microti»'»
The Jury returnetl a verdict of «l«*ath
from tilisid [Hileouiug set up li.v th«> bite
of an Insect, the death being cauaeil by
It has been suggeatiHl that It would be
misadventure. Pall Mall Gaaette.
well for legations In imrlmrous region*
to have a wireless telegraphic appar­
atus, as commuBlcatlou could not then
be Interrupted by hostile forces.
Holland, Next to England, the Greatest
l nn-1 Owner In the I’ectfi
The number of stars dletluetly visible
The Pnelfic iwean. westward of Ha­
without the aid of a glass Is put by
Gould at 5,333. I*rof. Newcomb «aja waii end the Marquestia, Is like a fed­
their nuinlier 1» 7.G47. These are up to eration of European nations oil Aslat'C
tbe sixth magnitude. Prof. Newcomb soil, united by the free commerce of
estimates the number up to the 14.5 the seas. The nations vary tu alxe,
strength and lm|a>rtance. as the states
magnitude at two hundred million.
Tbe new electric locomotive for the of Europe or of the American Colon.
ateepest portlous of the Juugfrau Great Rritaln commands the field with
Mountain Railway will be the most a landed area of nearly 3.2S0.<MM) square
powerful electric rack-wheel l«H’omo- miles. Poor Spain's once magnificent
tlve ever constructed. The two motors empire Is shrunk to Ices than fifty
will each have 125-horee power, and square tulles, a smaller total than be­
will make 800 revolutions per tuiuute longs to black King George of the
Holland, the country from
driving the toothed w heels.
which emanated the doughty Boers,
A new application of
owns over 735.000 square miles, settled
conies from Portugal, where an Inven­
with nearly eight times as many people
tion has been taken out for facilitating
as inhabit the larger area owued by
fox and badger bunting. It consists of
Great Britain. Germany, the new civ
a small electric lamp fixed to the collar
filter among th* net Ions, has doml-
of a dog. which is to enter a burrow.
nance over more than 1G0.000 stpiare
The effect of this light Is to frighten
miles »ml a Iront as many people as
"Br'er Fox" and cause hint to come out
there are miles, France, with lees than
of his burrow.
one-tenth of Germany’s laud. Is at
Dr. F. I-arroque reports to the some of the most lni|>ortant points of
French Academy of Sciences that
strategy and at the point of greatest
studies of the action of sounds upon the travel. Several Independent stall’s lie
human ears prove that tbe auditory In the midst of this federation, ns Swlt-
apparatus of each t-ar operates imle- xerland doe« In Europe; several other#
pendently of the other. This appears In the unhappy, suzerain*«! pos tiou
to have a bearing upon the question of the Transvaal In South Africa.
whether the loss of bearing by one ear
If all the Islands could be put Into a
exercises an Injurious effect upon Its continuous body of land they would
form a most heterogeneous emplie.
Orchids are fatuous for beauty and They would Include. In addition to Eu­
general attractiveness, but It Is not gen ropean peo|iles with their various polit­
erally known that they have a place in ical and social systems, a tangle of ab­
tbe arts that minister to the physical origines. a confusion of savages and
wants of man. But In some [tarts of seinl-clvlllsed cultivators of soil and
the tropics where orchids abound, a commonwealth: an emporium of pro­
delicate fiber Is prepared by the na­ ducts more diversified than a bozaar on
tives, which they use In the preparation a midway plalsance. a mystery of tra­
of the many ornaments these races pre­ ditions as Inexplicable as the origin of
pare for trade with the paler races of the American Indians. Profoundly for­
ested In the Dutch East Indies, the Isl­
Lack of proper nesting places, too lit­ ands become In western Australia more
tle water, the English sparrow, boys, Iwrren than the lava beds of eastern
collectors, birds on hats aud tbe cat are Oregon and more Irredeemable than
among the causes of tbe decrease of the uppermost wilds of British Colum­
song birds enumerate«! by D. Ijing. bia. Fertile, balmy and luxurious in
He suggests protection and encourage­ the beautiful lands of New Zealand.
ment of the birds by planting trees and FIJI, Samoa and Tahiti, they are trans­
shrubs for them to live In. putting up formed into uninhabitable coral reefs
nesting box«-» for bre«Miing. providing or into hot and malarial beds of strug­
water for feeding and bathing, ami gle In the guano covered or copra-pro­
ducing dots on the map north and east
feeding In unfavorable weather.
A German physicist. G. Tammann. of a line drawn from the Philippines to
has recently discovered some hitherto New Guinea and through Samoa to the
unnoted facts concerning Ice and the Society Islands.—Alnslee’s Magazine.
At St. Bartholomew'» hospital the
other day Arthur C. Langham, deputy
i-oroner. held an inquest relative to tbe
death of Lydln Marfa Chamlerlain,
iged U years, tbe daughter of » riding
Instructor, lately living with her uncle
at 58 Chelmsford road. Walthamstow.
Alfred l^ewls Chamberlain de;K>sed
that the deceased, hls niece. wa< play­
ing at the window on Friday wf.b Lla
own little girl, when she suddenly com­
plained of having been bitten by a fiy.
Nut much notice was taken at the time,
but In tbe morning the m»ot on the
nose where she had been bitten became
«0 much Inflamed and swollen that It
was thought advisable to call In a doc­
tor. Afterward she became very de­
lirious, and eventually lapsed into un­
consciousness. By this time her nose
and eye had swollen to an abnormal
size, and It was thought advisable Io
have her removed to the hospital. De­
spite every effort which was mad«: by
the whole of the staff of the hospital
tbe child gradually sank and died. It
was a case of sucli rarity that It was
watched with Intense Interest by all
the doctors.
"Von are sure It was a fly that bit
her” asked Mr. Langham.
“What she said was. 'Oh, I have Just
been bitten by a fly and It Is painful.’ ”
Dr. Nixon, bouse surgeon, deposed
tlmt when he admitted the child she
w is unconscious. Having beard tie
history of the case, lie never left her
until she died. The face was so swol­
len ttat be was unable to say at first
w here the bite was. He had since made
s post-mortem examination and found
inside the lower lid of the right eye
an ulcer. Thia ulcer had set up In­
flammation. which bad penetrated Into
the skin and Into tbe cellular tissues of
tbe orbit. 80 great was the Inflamma
lion that tbe pupil of the eye was forc­
ed out from between the lids, the pain
being, no doubt, most terrible. On ex­
amining the lungs be found Infection,
ctiowlng that a blood stream bad run
from the head and carried tbe jioison-
cus m'erobes over tbe body.
“Have you ever beard of s ich a case
before?' Mr. Langham asked.
“Yee. We have records of one or
two cases of tbe kind, but they are
extremely rare.”
Harmony fbr the Insane.
Music treatment for the insane Is
being tried on Ward’s Islaud. New-
York. with some encouraging signs.
The Idea of utilizing rhythmic meas­
ures to soothe the Insane dates from
the ancients, but It was only recently
that systematic work In this direction
was tiegun. In 1877 and 1878 some
desultory effort wns made on Black­
well's Island. In 1886 the London I. an-
cet discussed the subject, and Is quo ed
as saying: "Music lufluetices both hr.iln
and spinal cord, probably on account of
music having vibratory or wave mo­
tion. ami through Its vibratory action
stimulates the nerve centers. Music
acts as a refreshing mental stimulant
and restorative. Therefore. It braces
depressed nervous tone and Indirectly
through the nervous system reaches the
In the present experiment classes of
twelve are treated. The class Is ushered
Into the music-room and left free. Ev­
ery movement Is watched by nurses,
however, and just before the music be­
gins and when It Is ended the respira­
tion. temperature nnd pulse of each pa­
tient are carefully noted. The Instr'i
ments used are the harp and violin,
with the piano accompaniment when
there le singing. A baritone voice Is
employed. Even In the short time the
experiment baa l>een In progress Im­
proved attention has been notb-ed
This Is one of the most Interesting lines
of Investigation that has ever l>een fol­
lowed with the Insane, and a full report
on the worl: will undoubtedly contain
much valuable Infermatlrfti.
A Happy Ending.
A boy abont 10 years old came Into
the Centra! Police Station of a Kansas
city, leading a fine shepherd dog by n
piece of rope. The lioy’s face was red
and he was crying A big policeman
kindly asked what was the matter. It
was quite a long time before the l>oy
could stop crying long enough to re­
ply. “My mother,” he sobbed, “la too
poor to pay for a license for Shep. and
I brought him here to have you kill
Then he broke out with another wall
as If bls heart was breaking.
stood mute and motionless, looking lov­
ingly at his young master. A police­
man blew bls nose very loudly, the desk
sergeant walked out Into the hall, while
the captain remembered that he must
telephone somebody.
Then the chief
of police led the boy to the door, nnd
patting him on the head, said gently:
"There, little fellow, don't cry
more; run home with your dog.
wouldn't kill Hhep for a thousand
The boy shed tears of joy now.
ran off with Rhep barking nnd bound­
ing nt hls side. And It was hnrd to tell
which was the happiest
Broncho Bucks a Ixx-omotive.
We expect to hear of a bull disput­
ing the right of way with a locomotive,
but a horse generally lias more sense.
However, this was a broncho horse In
He was wandering around
In happy fashion and had crossed the
railroad track, but. for some reason
took a notion to return and use It as a
Along came a train mid
the engine whistled a warning. Bron­
cho trotted along a little faster, but
declined to get off. The engine shrieked
out fiercely, and this apparently an­
gered the broncho, for lie turned square­
ly around, and reared up as If to as­
sault tbe locomotive.
There can be
only one ending to such a tale—he was
knocked out In half a jiffy.
Little Liver Pills.
Must Bear Signature of
Varr small a*4 as a.
Sa lake aa swguiv
Illa Only Hvaaon.
The Sixth Michigan cavalry, of the
famous Custer brigade, was command­
ed by a colonel who hn«l formerly been
a member of the Michigan bar. lu
the early mormug of the last day at
Gettysberg his regiuieiit, with others,
we* in line await mg orders. The no n
grvw impatient ami excited, and grad­
ually became noisy in their talk and
laughter. The colonel bore it for a
few moments, and then, turning to his
men with a nervous gesture, he calleil:
"Keep rilence tberel’’ lustantly add­
ing iu au apologetio tone: “Not that
I care, but it will aouud better I”
It has been reckon*«! by the United
States fish commlseion that the avail­
bale oyster growing area in the Chesa­
peake is about 1,000 square mi Ire, aud
that with proper cultivation this area
would be worth f 100 an sere yearly.
Already these wouderlul oyster beds
login to show tbe result« of reckless
overfishing aud approaching exhaus­
V..II, •• »,'1»" W-me"’
The Youth's Companion
A abort H.........
tb,. lawpitalat n.'rmi
ing her friends aniuggl" •"
'.„„„ebr of forbid.leu »rllelM d
100 SteWl Attkl»» >•» tamro» Me. ,n.l w ..IMI
IVO S hhi », Or <h» »»••• ,«>*»*•' wm»<»i-l Fun,,»
|e,4el •’•' 1 Ib»',I»,
H i t 1 «4
I Slid numeroiia toilet ec'‘"W"i «
her locker were <liac*>v"r"d a I' •*
lmikinggl»»«. • M'"»11 Q“*"“
French «’belli *<>■' » «'inuta »ui'P T
rouge, ol all her
to .1."
pere.n lor
W»»r » « «lr»«*-
A story is curreui lu Merliii l" 1 "
effect that ever since rhe mur 1er «
King Humbert the German emperor
baa worn a cuiiase of liuelv tempere'
steel. It la also said ibel wheu l«1“
ing through Home to embark for 1 blue
Count von Wal.leraee prerented to him«
Victor Eniauuel a cuira«» of ideuthal
manufacture as a prvavu» Iroui the
lull BiH.«savakT.
qpHOHK who eahm-rlbe now, availing 8' TS *«*> tala
* allp or the aaaue uf thia publteaUua, will reeelve all
tbe lesa.e ot The i'<,n>i>aulon f»r the rviealalug w.rka
ot Igoe, Pre», »«ul lh»„ th» laeuee fur a« weeh», a full
year, »"III Js»»a«v I, i»“»
Thl» ei»»r laalud»» th.
gin of ih. n»w l'uu|ia»li« C’eteaSar, IIHo«gi»;>l,»<1 in
1» rulo«» f'»" »«»utell» 4.»Igo» p«l»l.4 v»pr.»»lv fur
Th» Vompanlou. To uoa »»b»«<lb»«» th. price le »•> c.nle.
Imuraiice for l>ath< rs 1« the “•*•••
euterpri«" iu the ineunnic" line in I ng-
laud. I’eiinv-iii the »lot machine» will
lai orcteil in popular balhiug place»
! llefoie you enter the water you drop in
i your copper, am! out l»'pe • twenty
four hour»' life insurance policy. 11"’“
if you are carried down to Da>v Joue»
locker your widow or next of km 1«
entitled to £'.*00 worth of uonipenaa-
lion fur the euddes takiug off.
t^erod*r«ot IM» tMHwe «Ul b« ptoatM in
ihrr« it al le«»l •>»»• »ttf«»lr"l
ih«i •eitu> <’•»•* <«*•» «bl« tu curt iti ail K«
i ur’ • »4 t >•« »tcatarrh llaU’at atarrh t nr<-
a ■. Wri..' a tu- •! • «
fraternity < ataffb batna a r«)uaiHutl«mal «lia
ra««*. f* ini • • * cttnatlimlonal trvattnmt
Bogus Petrlllcd Itemalns.
Petrified human remains are made
to order at Crookston. Me. I’heenle
Finn, a colored woman of tbe place,
serves as the model fiom which plaster
casts sre made for fraudulent museum
exhibits, ami she has earned a comfort­
able living In this way for many years.
The average price of a petrified human
body made of plaster of parts and
clay, and so skillfully treated as to ap­
pear to be genuine, is 1100.
Mutbam wi»l i»i‘d M ra W Inalow « Mooth*
*T1 Htrup lha beat r«*ii«dy l«i u»o f«»r iJi'**
¿hildrvn during tb« twtbíng p*rl«>d.
U— 'I...........
Stofto tht* Oituyb mil
Worht Off tfn> Uulti.
iMxalli" Dr«>*n<« Quliiiiin l»t>|rt. .n>s
a rol'l lu one day, Nu our», Nu l'*y,
l*i ice 16 retila.
E«|M<rts calculate that th
war has coat each great
uew.|er|er altUUl A'UO.OÜO,
tV here vindictive*'*"» 1» shown »,
may be auro llisl lliere 1» a l»,l <4
neral s-nw.
It Is anu,»li>l curiuu*
t" nl'svrve also that III" «Imllctl«« have
•aldotn aiiv real wrong I«- rr-teirg*.
They very ollen linagi»» the > Injur,
they »nek to return HI klud or r 4 Ulurl
the clrcutuafanc"» which ga>» rtev IS
lb" injury, real or auppnard.
wiaful l*l8H»a«r«a»
Over ovrry olnful ploaanre y<»u may
wriU Um Lord« owu word«: **Wbo«
«o«v«r IrlnMalh of thia watet «hall
tbirat agatu.’* Every man ha« t«o na-
turra, th« "t»a uplift* «tld alevalra, th«*
MKI.r w AW ni»
other wallows in th«» mir«, ami. like
L N i » I»
M. ..
' .»«g
rh<tl«rler lee t r |»r r
it I *•» «• I» 11 e h «-«I h ■><••«
thè beati. It grvv«i«. Tbe anima) na- tsM
r< tit« t( «
tura kuow« «>u« law ••my, self-ln>lul- el«»«« I*. <>
ft«T. O’«»» t l«e»t 4, llregu»,
gant'«; th«
sell 'll., ip.me
II»« Indiumi ar« h«»l all im|* rlaiil pr>
Tha Brat aud I*at victory la |«*r n man
liticai la *t<»r in thl« rowtitfjr. but ibrrg
to conquer hltna«lf, awv« Plato, and
la a c*>u.»ly In N«l»rae*<8 - Ihurato«
willniut that th« ciinquarur ia naught
coutil y—wl»8»r« (hwy hol* I tb« balance
but the vertrat alav«.
of poM«r
Ilia partln« and arf
The Mediterranean «qua Iron of the ruUivatc*! acennliogly by th« iwihue*
French navy la (wring equipped with ian«. Tb«*y cumiar at»>ul l,6U0t and
ouït»pria« Oinaba« am! Wluimbag hmi .
wirrleM telegraph Instrumente.
—————. ■ i
If »ng havrn't a rrgular hrs.thy nrovament of lb«
bowrls »very day. y<»u ra sick «>r mil ba grap y.-ur
bowala Oprii and Dr wall Forfa In tba stiapa of
violent physic or pill poison Is da xarous the
sib » lUt st casti-sl most perfrrt way uf aeeptag ibe
bowels clear aud clcau is to ushe
Wood Preserver)
PtoMant Palatable Potant Taste Qoo4 T»nG<ww*.
navar HlrReti WwafcwD or Grip« JfV
30 Wr'ta
for free sample ami booklet <,»» health Address
•torlia® «•••Sf 1 «wiMf, tbke^a.
g.a f«rt. ms
• •
¿J» One application is all that is required. It lasts for years. 11
your dealer cannot supply you, write for circulars and information to the
following distributing agentst Perfection Pile Preserving Co, Seattle.
Washd Fisher, Thorsen <Sc Co, Portland, Oregon.; Whittier, Coburn A
Co, San Francisco, Cal.
««rwa4 wf Gwraat ThretwCl* th« ■•maas
AMb < orp«
Fruarculir»g claim«
• y«iwn* laalawlly Chwrkwd by
JOHN POOLK. foBTiaWf. O rru «».
van al»« you th« he«t ttaryalii* 1“
••• i»n<>r«.M
«ugiiia«, builrn. tan«-
••ft DR4»r*i" I« a «««rm killer; a preventiva
I !»•
of 41 •»-***, a buH<|« r
nwrva for««; a tuakwr t»ln«A. Iialtc and WIitdiulH«
<>f pur* LifxxJ, <,f tiralthv U muw M har« Il I« •irrl f X L windmill, «*>M by bun.
• r«’' »i. i,* o«» iiieraar II I« a naiwral •quallad._________ ___________
A Queer Pocket Knlfb.
In a recently designed pocket knife
tbe Inner end of tbe blade Is made with
a seml-clrcle of teeth, which mesh In a
sliding rack In tbe back of tbe knife,
operated by a sliding knob at tbe aide
Or in fact anything in thg Marking lux,
of tbe handle to open and close tbe
write ua for Catalogues and Prices.
The trouble with Imaginary dangers
Is that they often lead us lulu real one*
An rigirio raiuil ««iUr« b In I«
uiainlalned b«tw«vu Clue lunati aud
a I« taken intentai
ilrrcdy up«’u th* b!'*eü anti mucutte «ur a
of the avatrin tltrfcby 4a«»r«’V Dg lit« f«»uit<la
tkm <»f 'ho <1 ««-a»«, and «i«lng lha pa »'«’hi
•tren|th bjr bulLftna up Iba rc*n«iltai'on «»*4
a a »tlnf natur» In 4<*»af Ito work
The pro
prlatcra have ou tBurh (allfe In H« rurat'*«
tmiaera. ihat thar offer Ol»« Unn«l»««l tMliar«
lor anv < a»«* that II fa>l« luQUlv. Ma«<t lot lui
of toitiujouiai« A4 Iraaa
F J < IIKNKY A < O.. Tolad.», <>
lh>:4 by dniggiota.
Hall a Yarn il» Ml'» ara iba Isas«
Florid«, acconiing to local paj'crw, 1«
oeeotning one o( the gruel tolxeoo
growing wtataa, and the product ha«
been pronounced iu «otne rv«|»e€U e<)ual
to that of I’ ii ba. Sumatra wrapper to-
i>acoo raiMWtl in Florida recently U>*k
the pi He at III« l'an« «ipuellluO over
the world.
»too itKW isti «loe.
.< Ns»W Flrw K Btlng it I a hr r.
A m iennst »ngifrsis ilml milk t* ’«**'• *<»
r\t ingiii'li t lit* Urttii»”* *'t
••milk forint au «aiultioii with II»» uU.
with h nirtkrs it artoinplhh it« objo t nn»rv
quickly ”
I Ilf I'f't BitriBill* 1“ tpilrklv
hidigvRttoii, dî»p*p*i»»,
hl 11« »tt S»lt«*!SM or IhitliHlHL.
lai I
stomach Hittera. Try it alto fur malaria,
lever and ague.
*lh«« crtiatia Imllvlln omillriha ih«
truth <>( ilio atab’tiiriit i I mi lhr^n>wing
cillws are th>>w wbor« marni*
( m < luring can I h » vammi un «vouMuiia
Front very early illune Kurop»
ertelo.lied by tit" Wunder fu I tí
which cent« from lit" Chinese
»Ilk. tea. .picos, the great Ideas
The cane bottoms of chairs can 1*
reuderod tight egain by sup|a>rtiiig the
chair, uioisteuiug th«« can«» »• imi
’•■ tbor-
oughlv with very hot water by meati»
of ii sponge, anti washing of!, so that
work —
the cane v,.-.-
soaked. Thou place the chair lu the
o|>en air, in a strong draught and al-
low to dry. The results will always
be gratifying.
In spite of famine »nd plague the
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab­
Indian railways continue to pro.e more
let». All dn'fgilti refund the money
ami more a financial Mocees. Th» mile­
If it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's sig­
age la now 28,700, lor which 28,783
nature is ou each box. 25c.
were worked lor tratHo la»l official
Instead of rickety tables for china year ending March 31,
Barrymore and Modfeaka.
Maurice Barrymore Is a careless ac­
tor. and always has been. Souie years
ago. says the Argonaut, when he wss
acting In the company of Mme. Mod-
Jeska. who had not been long In this
country, tbe Polish actress was re­
proaching him for hls negligence In a
certain scene which had deprived her
of certain effe< ts. "It Is ungrateful < f
you to be so regardless of my Interests,
when I have made a repiitatluu for ye»
here In America."
“My dear madam.” Mr. Barrymore
•nawered, "1 may have b»-en Indiffer­
ent in that scene, but I must beg the
privilege of contradicting you wlu-tt
you say you made a reputation for me.
I was a well-known actor here, when
most people thought Modjeska was a
tooth wash or a headache cure."
I am «ur» Piso’s Cure for CoiHumptlon
saved my life three «ear. ago Ma-.
The Meat I’reecrlpllou fur Malaria
• no» R ohbixs , Map.» Street, Norwich, N.
Chills and Fever la a bottle uf Groves,
Y , Feb. 17, Its*).
ínstele« Chill Tonic. Il I« aituply
There are no snakes nor frogs tn iron and quinine in a ta»t«l«sa lori»,
Alaska, but there are toads.
No Cure, No Pay. Price tüo.
sn<l bric-a-brac a house decorator ad
vises a narrow shelf across oue si<l«i of
tli« room upon which to stand jugs and
ri'lll’ n-w voluma ef Ih»
i .
Ih» 75th will sail»«-.! th* »o4o»vu,i
o( ih» edllore to m»ke 11 th» ba»i 4
III»« at y pei lodicela lot »v»ty manib»,
ths lamily. The luaplrlng aiti, I» by
Ihsodur« K>o»»v»ll. 011 ** Th» Kaaaece ut
M»tolam,*' will be but one of lite many
cutiulbullona d»,l(ii»d Io spur ths «utbin.-n
Im rasas th» uwlul knowle-lyn, »nd p> n ta
ths tru» hapyinees 0! young and old I at
us asiid you, FRl.K. full prospectus o( the
DMI volume and Minpio copi», ol Ih» p»p»<.
She protaatad
when th" ooametl«’»
an«! relu.e.1 to I» comforted. «».»"‘K
Î that she del not IA" ‘o I”»’1» **
Kal«»r aeld
1 901
tu<* to |«rtn life Ix-ft U» theinaal*without
Mtquatw riivahure« of prevention, the prin»
which enter (lie «**» human kr«lem multiply
*o r«p 4iy that their namlM-ra beeoMM beyond
human compreheiielon. destroying th* «true
tur» » of the bo«h until death com« • to the vl< -
tim'ff r« i»f
niioi k,'* if taken In tim-,
I« an kb««.liria preventive of di»*ase IT I« the
»»nly ahaolate « ire for Khrumatl«tn, driving
out of the iptrm forrv« r the uric arid ana
other I in |>ii ri Ur* whirl» «aiiM II In lie varlouv
form». It i« tagen up at once by the blood
ll*n<e It« Worg ia quicker, eurer and tuany
Urne« more rffrrtlv*
You »Would never lx»
Without It h.r.ire a I»ollie V h I b ). Y ou will
|«*n ......... the Mie elda “A l»r<»|»a” la liarin-
I**« and can be used bv a child aa well a« by an
adult. It la uaeil with uofialllng
th»» following fit•»»«■«•:
Klien iiallsiii,
Rrlath a, htof lsw« he, NeurifflwfM,
»yanepala, Affihmw, Hay Fever, < a-
tnrrh, < roun, I.a Grippe, Liver aod Mid-
ney Trouble«, Ml.epte«e«tiesa, Ma»rv«»ue-
’?•••• N*rvoua nod Neurwlglr lleadarhwe,
Kararhe, Tonrharhs*, Unart Wwahitwao.
I aral/fflff. Creeping Nuinhnwee, Ktc,
Portland. Oregon
4.2*»,111’ ,n*’n: 1 ««nl to tell you what yonr
o I’fopff" haa don* for me. I was for two
* ■'»ff»’r*r of nnloid misery. My irrt wer«
«woih’li no i muid not w« arehof’« and my hand«
wr* drawn no | could not open tlu m. nor
*[>uld I shut them. They rramjied half abut
>iy iiuoband had me try every medicine he
*”4 I «Uli «iiffrrrd untold agon-
««ui t .
1 CO,|W «*< would eaae my |>aln.
until I rm Sovrnitirr one of my neighbor« ha<(
Kheurnatlffm ao bad he could not walk
told my huahand al>oiit ••& Drupe” curine
hc k°t me a dollar bottle, and In three
w«lked without acene and roiiAd lie«
fny band« something I had not done for two
U-? .
al1 ,b* prwlae. to “ft Uropa.“
i/- i i ,,bor" kr,,,w lh*1 1 w*" •< death’« door.
.. T
a * “M"1 ,o,,r Ixdllre of “ft l»r«*ne"
iido rnv Worl1 whh • *** 1 *»" »tm ’«k.
i io,n*‘tHir«. ff «lila will do any good to»
»uffering people to hue “ft
1°” pl*««e. If any <me
neiehi 1'
(rienda ami
J ? . H OAl'F-ril <:. FIRN, ao.>7 North
The Kind You IIuvo Always Bought lias borne the «1-.,,..
tore of Chtw. II. Fletcher, and has been made tinder I ta
personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow ,,o onn
io deceive you In this. Counterfeits, Imitation» an<l
, nro
I^pcriments, nnd endanger the
health of Children—Experience against Experiment
CnHtoria I m » harm less sultat ituto for Castor Oil PurM.
goric, Props and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleaxant It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor oilier Nariotlo
substance. It» ago is it» guarantee. It destroy» Worm»
nn«l allay» Fevcrishne»». It cure» Piarrh<ea and Wind
Colic. It relieve» Teething Trouble», cure» Constipadlon
nnd Flatnlency. It a»>dniilate» tho Food, regulate» tin,
Stomiudi nnd Bowels, giving healthy anil natural Mleen
The Children’s Panacea-The Mother’s Frh'ud.
**”1'’ "» liltoi'»" I« Mill hy II»
our »".'f i1.''
, h " 0« ukk I»S» are
vt.Mr Í. 2!
!I« fiol obtalnahl« In
i» i
f Ol ua direct. Urge birr boltl*.
» N* «I (ib, «ent prepaid by cxpriiea or mall,
<»r for the next
day«, to enable
• II who are Buffering, to at least
have an opportunity tn try the most
wond«rfui <>f m || renieilh-s, we »III
"•'"'I 8AMPLS FHít «pon re
celpt of «<• to pay postage. Agenta
"*•»■*•• wanted In new territory Write New.
The Kind You Haye Always Bought
Bears the Signature of
This r*»rm, a< wfil •• Biled.
g 'J
1 ee AZR ' ur. .1 ■ . Dr.BooonUo’s FUS
M'.p« H« hing •i»<l h RRiIng A ’•.' ’•.."‘"roi, Wriw
Jar aidrugguu <»f •ent hr n -ell. Treatin'fr
».■MM..''», ml U"*ASk " I •
Y om can’t malia a mlAUk« It
Mitchell, heruis S Sta ver('11
D R 0 P SY
1B4 Lek» I reel, Ckleage.
When a metnlter of a large family
goes away from home, the first pleas
ant surprise Is that he gets a clean
towel on which to wipe bls face.
In Use For Over 30 Years
_ _ A k'isratitw'l Cur« tor Catarrh and
Consumption. |i i » i p i^ k n„, m.
w. H. SMITH I co., Buffalo. I.ÏJ im ’ i .
Bol N|
A.,. 4»