KLAMATH VOL. V. REPUBLICAN. K LA M A'I’ll eater I % Epitome of the Tclcgrnphlc Newt of th» World. VF.IINK IK kN Flutti .'UK WIRES Rn luir tr«t Illg < «illcrlhtH t$f 11miai« Fr« •lia îwu ll*»»»l»|»h«*re» I* ree » iu J I m «• <‘ m $' I•»»!•«• »I Xr. * A A •«•rimi» si»>w Nouth Dakota news . * 'I «term Is raging la Ih» < hlhn«« emperor and will raiiirn in Bakin. AGREED Uu A I'HUIUCOl. 4 I Ira dosiroyiid n ronsidarabla pur- thin of t|ln < ureuii pulso, Seoul re- oautly. Fate of Thiity-two in the Nova Scotia Wreck. • terieral llotha has sent lxrr. CENSUS rn» Kasai a al l‘ kb. Has* l>»-r|>ys have finally sgr«««l to the following terms to lie |>r«-s«nted in a joint note, which, sub­ ject pi the approval of riie government, 'will I* pressed upon China as the Ini Sis ot a preliminary treaty: “China shall erect a monument to Baron von Ketteler ou the site where lie wan mur>lere>I and send an nnperal prince to Germany U> convey an apol- ^T- “She shall inflict the ili-ath penalty njs n II priucas ami officials already named and suspend provincial exami­ nations for five years where the out­ rages occurred, ”.'n future, »11 officials failing to prevent anti-foreign outragea within their jurisdiction shall l>e di«m»»ed an«! pnntah«-)!. (Thia is a uoalii flat ion of Mr. Conger's pro»al ) “Indemnity shall he paid to the steb-s, curisirations am! individtfllls. ’’The Taung Id Yamun shall be abol- iahee nia>ntain«»1 anast 100 miles. Maurice Jolmsun, the agentjfor this district, traveled over 2.000 miles with a dog team during the winter, and enumerated 8,018 persons, all of whom were Indians. The Italians iu thia region are probably the most des- t.tuts people on the North American c< nt nent. Mr. Johnson reports that from December 1 to March 15 he visit­ ed 74 iuterior villages, and during the time saw but three fires burning in the shacks. The poor creatures huddle to­ gether in their miserable dwellings during the long winter, and subeiat on frozen fish and a little seal oil, which they secure ou the coast during the summer. The fur-bearing animals, which formerly furnished them with natural clothing, are nearly extinct, ■nd they have been forced to adopt the white man’s garb, and. as their poverty prevent« them from securing enough to cover their nakalneae, there is great suffering from the cold. “The spiritual condition of those natives ia no better than their physical, as the mikhionanes tievote their atten­ tion to the more attractive fields in the gold regions and along the river, where their work may l«e seen. “The Nome district is the most pop­ ulous in Northern Alaska. The enu­ meration showed a permanent white- (opulation on June 1 of 6.7U4. During the summer al«out 18,000 people landal at Nome, about 2,500 of those coming from Dawson. Aliout 12,000 have re­ turned to their home« in the states, leaving a lout 9,000 people in the region contiguous to Nome. It is probable that the population of the town of Nome during the winter will be be- tween 4,000 and 5,000.” Yarmouth, N. H., Nov. 14.—Th« Washington, Nov. 15.—The indus­ shorn of ibis country for 10 miles ««st trial aim miss ion today heard the testi­ Henry Idling, n plou«H*r of .Montana and wiMl 1s ntrnwli with the wreckage mony of L. P. McCormack, lalior com­ ami president of a|g lianks in that * ar« worrlad l>y tha roMOl favor In bis state. In some trade« ar­ gratini, Eltehll*, Ilf New York. Immi- «zroullona al Bau 'ring )u. who m<«rlv all ludonged to isiints <>u bitration, he said, had almost sup­ giunta baie srrited In this i-ouuiry at. llii. < o«.t, have arrived Vi identify th« planted strikes, snd in many branche« fleiiry Vlllar«l illwt al bla temi« osai the rate of |,IHM) |«r day from all dead. al industry contracts between employ­ Debba leiry, N, V., sg«*l 65. •outttriM since July The I hx II i - s were arranged In a room ers and employes prescribed that in Marena Dalv. tha Montana copimi Thirteen insane Insane suldiera from the I > the public hail, ami the coroner case of difficulty arbitration shall be kiug. la daad, agril «10 y««ra. I hllipplues, who had been confined In who held th« inquest gave an opinion resorted to witboot cessation of work. M okhxxi au Francia«'<>, of accidental drowning. All the bod he The result iscon.tsutlv inreeasiug good Mal«*»' >teu»sllp «»k»«l tu |>rol ld« fur lum al Washington. D. (J. enforced arbitration in extreme case« Urger alni mora «Issilo atmy. Tai« i-. Ilrg>. will educate free of light, when the simi lileboot, which where the interests of the public are Ih» llrlllsh i<*l by the survivors of the concerned and where a long strike will men o| .tcepiional filu<*.a ami high first laial to have la-eri swamped, was Nouth Alrlca, aliar tour (toma' llgiillug bring disaster to the people at large. «ffiaracter I »«laotod l«y Judge Taft, of dlacovnred on the shore. A few yards tui|«’rtall"ii of Auiariran slael lianr Thi. method, he thought, would often distant were the bodies of Mr. El­ the I'hlllppiii« commission, throaleus «’Siiti* IloM ot Fiiglaud’s iu- evert bloodshed, and he considered the dridge, a passenger; second Engineer Al Dntivar, In an action la-gun by Poole; Mr. Fripp, a traveler, of bi. testry method more economical, as well as (lean llatl Io prevent Nuuday theatri­ John, N. 11.. ami tlm laaly of a seaman. more humane, than calling on the mili­ Tha sla flou ■•( Ita* Ebani, Daitioofal, cal |«-r loro,an «aa police Justice T lumaa All four had life bolts around them. tary. Mr. McCormack said that most ■s gmanuir ol Kaulueky. wlll u*«l l«a d««*l«la| In lavor of the theaters, hollsh |Mp- rs putii a lattar fr«uu Ja I Is «o|i| the <>la t srl • comi.'iiiuaug III« racaul op- conservative. Mr. McCormack said The !*»ru«lan Imrk Fianclaco T»zo ■ II evidently come ashore in the life- risiugs that while the la I sir organizations elearal (run, A-t<*ria with a cargo of boat, and ««-re killed ou striking the Dia relurm In tha llrlllsh army wlll 5 21» «151 tert of Iu111 I er. valural at might not be friendly to enforced arbi­ n< l «me escaping. raqalr» In tallirsi II) munlbaol ■■ irulifiu $5.784.78. tration, the interests of the public at M«a was luailed at Ilia The watches in the (»icketa of two of tfrill fur ihq suMlar, Kliappt ii. Wash., mills, and gore to the men stepped at 12:45 and 12:25 GENERAL COBB NS REPORT. large always should 1« consulted rather than the wishes of the few directly en­ o’clock, respectively. A latal hotel file occurrad al Bo|a>- Callao, I'era. llreottiMir n<1 ml loitn 1» y the A dj utant-Gen« gaged in a strike. The l.aly of Captain Harding, of the lar Bluff Mu., lu wblch lour porauua The stale supreme court of Mitinear- «•ml «»f the Army. Professor Brooks’ testimony was de- wer» burlHxl lo il’xUi. ta I as rlrr-ot,MÍ iliat the so-call«-l "jag Monticello, was found at Picnic Point, New York, Nov. 16. — Adjutant-Gen­ votwi to the question of work in the encircle«! with a life belt and fully The nilurwurkers «il America wlsh tu cure law ' I. uiicoiisllluthntal Irecau.e eral Corbin, according to a Tribune sweatshop«, in the investigation of dressed. bava operai-rs iu«<«l titani lo atr.ugs Il applies r-nlv irr counties of ovar 50,- It is a coincidence that the ship special from Washington, has started a which he has been engaged for many 000 jaorple ami ii Is limited lu it» Irme- auausl * alo <■( » «c ‘-eustor Johu L. Wilson so- from the statute looks a law that works fairly well, but that in New one |arr «car lu each 10,000 of ¡aarple. shore a few years ago In the month of nonne«» hi» raiitaiuenl Iroui psillllcal July, and a tsial load of men came in makes sn unju-t discrimination against York and New Jersey the conditions A'lrea < arucgle has BU'>lhnr surprise where the Monticello's I m mt was found. W est Pointers in the army. It is al­ were almost deplorable. Isadrrshlp in Washington. In those l->r iTltsbnrg, Iniidtiiig the ci|r«ndl- Half of the men were dead before the most inexplicable save the adjutant slates it was impossible to secure ade­ LI Hong i'Iistig saya damamla (or tura of ssteral million dollars. Ills laail touched the land ami many las* that such legislation should ever hate quate inspection, liecause of the fact puaisbnieiil ol l'rinca Tu»n and III« pur|s«se is s«bl to Ire the establishment Hev« the same is true of those in the been enacted or bate remained in force that work is done in private apart­ duwsger «mprvsa ar» Usi bumlllatlng. THE COLOMBIAN WAR. ot a |»rl) techlil« ». lav >1 (or the Instruí*, Monticello« ta.at. The fury ol Die sort 12 years, aa that which favors the pro­ ments. The wages were the loweet There la stili «nata trietloo anioiig ti -ii in pr.<-ti<*al me* hatiica au> have Man on la>ard cominan Is. pie thus employed work from 14 lo HI srliool i> $3,000,000. In hie current annual re,ort. General hours per day, to the injury of their from Cartagena say a special from The annua) n-|»irt of III« Uuited the Monticello, has l»>en washed ashore Fanama, Colombia, indicates that a Htate» Itallau comuilsatouw a«ys Ilei leu Aml-aas.'lor I'huate leclurvxl ou ami identified. He represeule«! a Ham­ Corl iu devotes considerable space tc own health and the damage of the coin- decisive engagement may have l>een |sipulall<'U ha- imi ila, rraaad sluca sai- i.lueolu al i.'linburgh. ilton. <>ut., jewelry firm, and carrie«! the act of June 18, 1878, which pro­ tn unity. ‘‘In New York,” said Professor fought tietween the revolutionists and lleiuvnl id Ilio couulry liy Ilio wbllae. samples worth $8ats am! parte of the siiiw-rslructuro ically qualified foi promotion, and the brought to tiear strong enough to allow ■ut. Trias. I>. II. Waaver, tlramau, vance on Barranquilla. He bad incor­ us to get at the private homes oi these act of July 80, 1892, which extends tc In lu.triwl commission hear, testi­ of the steamer. James Hall, a mer- was klllwl, A. 17. Amliaws, vioa-|*raa- people, the trage.lv will go on indefi­ porated into his army moat of the gov­ Idsnl ol tb« Gray«>u couuly batik, of mony <> ii lalsrt atrlkaa ami »«eritshop«. chant of Yarmouth, who was supposed all unmarried soldiers under 30 years, nitely,” he said. He advocated the ernment troops he captured at Corogal, ami po-Mssing the requisite qualifica ­ sale, to have la-ell on toald, >s having Hhrnnsii, «a» prulaibly latally iujurnd. Indeiiiuilv claims by Bhilippine cor­ ami is said to have been joined by manv missed the steamer in St. John. Rup- tions, the privilege of competing, at substitution ot factories, ami argued iurty Uvea wer» loat in ih« Bay ut porations will Ire submitted to «-oligresa. ert Olive was crossing the hay from prescribed examination*, for commis- that the result need not, with the use reerjite from the surrounding country Fandy, A bill Io disfranchise negroes was .St. Johu to Yarmouth to rejoin bis siona. of proper machinery, be an increase of who had been attracted by his success. That the law opera tini wall in at- the prices ot the goo.Is manufactured, With captured supplies and trans­ The Steel trust hai bonghi a flaat of infríalo«-«* I lu lln* Georgia legislature. own steamer. port he was then practically ready for lake steaiurrs. I‘res Irbn I Mr Kinley a»k« the iiieiu- Some difficulty ha« Iwn encountered trading to the ranks a superior class ol ribo change also would result in higher an adavnee, aud it was lielieved he wages and an improvement of the gar- intelligent young men was demon ­ A typhoou sunk a Brltlsh giinbofit al hers ill the >aabluet to relliaiu with in figuring i'Ut the total loss of life, aa strated by the yearly increasing num­ ineuts. He dwelt on the danger of would soon march on the important a nnmtirr of |MS«eiig<-rs joined the Mon­ him. Hong Kong. coast ports. ticello at St. Johu n ithout first regis­ ber who obtained admissiou into the spreading disease through the sbop», Brasil and Aigentina may force < "hile General Ospina, with a strong gov­ American I dki I s and slioaa ara In da- command branch of the army. There Hiving it is always inimin ut. Prices tering at the booking office. They tn grant lolna's demamls in regard to ernment force on November 7 was re­ «sere getting to lie so low, »■mi lu l.uglaud. Mr. Brooks were six in 1893 and 68 in 1900. bought their tickets on board, A re- coast lines. said, that Americans very seldom en- ported as having arrived at Ovejas. a Dietrich, Itcpubilcan, 1« «le, ted gov- vised list ot the members of the crew, These men were compelled to sene in page in the work. Most of the sweat­ short march from El Carmen, where males a demani for Union lals'r the ranks only two years under th« Srtioi of Netirivska. pteiMirt-d at th«1 head office of the Yar­ stale pi-ltloiis lu Wasinugtou uu4»r mouth Steamship Company here, shows la», and calling attention to this fact. shop work is done by immigiante from the first opposition was to lie offered to Th« nmuitor Araknsns was laumlied u«*w regima. the advance. El Carmen is a strong lia»tern Europe. that the officers aud crew numliered 28. Gem ml Corbin says: • t Ne« pori Nawa, Va. stragetic point. Should Uride defeat “ Experience has shown in which Au lilaho dance hall tragedy result­ The total uumlier of |>eople on la>ard is Struck a Rich Streak. Ospina's army, it is believed at Pana­ Il i» rumorml timi Ah’utrullar Dnw<« ol in the death of two men ai the now placed at 86. The four survivors that two years is too brief a period in Cripple Creek, Colo., Nov. 15. — One ma the government resistance in the wlll ro<-c»ertsnt duties of command Ntaamship Universo wlll |o«k ami Slewar of a |«iw.ler oum|*any at lai- Oiled; she became tentlnue tn tight ter IUd«|Nl«llcn. unmanageable, Point. It is recommended that the law on a narrow streak of the ore tody runs pany is to be held tomorrow, at which branle. t'al.. 15 mil«« from Nan Fran ­ Is- amended to read jour years instead broke apart slid foundered. The sea is , Ktauiord University del. Hi. )l tha as high aa $102,000 per ton, while the it is likely a president will tie electee cisco, one white man aud two Ubinesa not remembered to have l«een so heavy •f two. This will put appointment« Dtegon elevon by « S< f Chiengo haa officially Berlin, Nov. 15.—Private advicei with trilling I«***«, killiug 2i)0 Chines« here last evening ran iuto an oia>n most intense excitement in mining cir that the recent extraordinary buying trout Treves say that the Moselle vine­ tan lrral Ite $.I|.|HH).LHHI drainng» canal Mini rapturing a quautity of arms ami on the stock exchange of Pacific Mail switch at Sugar City, 65 miles east of yards hme increase«! enormously ip cles. •** thè I ultnil States goviirnmulit. shares was made for the Southern Pa­ Tien sure. Pueblo, an I plunged into a freight ca- value, owing to the growing popularity Cave-In tn an Arlvnna Mine. A iimimmimt lo commemornte thè , Max J. Lasar, tlwdiamond smuggler, I nkimi in which were four men. The bf Moselle wines. At Kern Castle, the Bhoenix Aris., Nov. 15.—While cific, and that this company now con­ trols an absolute majority of the out A,,",lr**1 Ih’wey al M hih I s pleaded guilty in the United States passi'iiger eiigiue ami caboose telescoped celebrated I lock tor vineyard has just workmen were engaged in repairing *111 lai erected in Nan Francisco, court at Buffalo, N. Y. lie was fined and fell in a heap which at olice t>a>k iticeli sold for at 100 marks a square the timbering in a tunnsl at the Tur­ standing stock of $20,000,000. The population of New Jersey, aa $5oii ami sent to th» Erie couuty jail fire and all woodwork was burned. meter. It was purchased in 1808 nt quoise Cop|>er Company's mine near Ordered to I.enve France. offlcisUy ■iinouiKwd, is 1,88,669, aa lor six months. He smugglal dia- Engineer llueket jumped, but Fireman 60 murks a square meter. The prie» Tombstone yesterday, the Iwams in the Paris. Nov. 15 —Caesar Della Croce, •«»lust 1,444,988 in 1890, an iux nisa inotlds which were sold for $31,000. Nelson remaiiwd on the locomotive and was 1,000,000 murks, which is said tc ceiling fell, letting down tons of rock who was naturalized in New York in 01 »0.8 per cent. The liodies of 22 persona who were was pulled out of the wreck uncou- be the highest price ever paid for an and debris. Antonia I«aya was crushed 1898, has been ordered to leave France ' harlee If. Piiikliain, well known kill».I by th» colla)»*» of lionsei inshore ■oloiia. The passengers were uninjured equal area in Gtttmany. A few years to death and three other men were within 24 hours or be imprisoned. and their cars went East later. The ago the usual price in the Moselle dis­ severely injured. They escaped instant Croce said the reasons for his expul­ “ » tnaliufa« turer of proprietary medl- by thn typhoon which struck Hong death by the protection afforded by the sion were political. He has recently c »••». died at hi. home in Lyuu, Mart., Kong recently, have been recovered. wounded mon were brought to tlm Pu­ trict was two or thre«' maiks a squart •««I r.fl yMrg> More than 50 hoilies have la*«ii takeu eblo hospital. The wrecked freight meter. A strip of unplanted vineyard timbers falling partly across their bod­ been dependent on charity, seeking aid from the harbor, mid the remains of train was a sugar-beat tn in plying be­ land, about 24 aeies in area, receutly ies, under which they were imprisoned from the Uuited States embassy, con­ The president has appointed Fre.ter- jfor many hours, while their fellow brought $20,050. many victim« are still to be fouud. tween Sugar City and Gluey. sulate and charitable institutions, 8. Stratton, „( < M11D.rniw. collator The damage to property aud crops is ■workmen laboral desperately to break though he conteuds be is about to come Fire I h Copprr Mine. ¡through the great mass of debris. Tbe 1*1 ’ 1*«' .11«! the ICIectlon. J g0""'"1"" «* **••) Franolaco. vice enormous. iuto a fortune. Last year be was ar­ Butte, Mont., Nov. 14. — Fire broke J°hn 1 . Jackson, ti*tl6u. t'alai Hallway Aeehlant. hihi«’?1', •nuiklñg Mole than 150 new school houses have been built in Kansas within th» last year. i*“"»<’d a law to pro- U,,,'"r ” ,u“r" of *“u 'rom Apricots stand second to oranges ns money making crop in California. Roughly estimated, the present apricot yield is worth $'.*,500,000 to that state. rhe home of tlm late Bayard Taylor • h croft ’’’"’•"'i •’«., kovvn as Cedar- lafv ¿ "i"? H"1'1 “* »lieriff’a sale to sat- ‘"'J » claim. •fth'n »ill" ! r!"H" limisi "" formerly president '**‘»1« OÍ i«*»i»- to five years’ It has been discovered that Monon­ gahela river is ruinous to boilers, hav­ ing 10 grains of sulphuric acid to one gallon—a disastrous ratio, according to expert». Omaha, Neb., Nov. 14.—By the col­ lision ol I lie iverlaud limited train of tlm Chicago & Northwestern railway with a freight train at Missouri Valley, ¡la., last night, Beter C. Beterson, ol Omaha, a oarpeiitor, who was stealing )iis way, was fatally injured. Before he died Paterson said that two men were standing on the platform with him when the collision occurred. They have not siuoe been seen ami their bod­ ies may be buried beneath the debrie. I I Their names are uukuowu. John Rice Trimt. Chicago, Nov. 15. —The Tribune to­ morrow will say: 'The incorporation of the American Rieegrowers’ Distri­ buting Company was announced today. The capital stock is $16,000,000, of which $7,500.000 is repored ]>aid in. Local groceries circles credit John W. Gates with being the prime mover in the uew cor)airation princi|*ally to control the shipment of the Southern rice crop over lines of railroad lu which he ia interested. 32 llrhcadcd by the Kmprena’ Orders. Cotton Manufacturers of the South Petition For IL IMPORTANT TRADE NECESSITY Saeretery liar Ashed Oflteaa to Prava« Market, to A Washington, Nov. 17.—Secretary Hay has received a petition from nearly all of the leading cotton manufacturers of the South to take such action as may lie within his power to prevent the in­ terference by any European power which might close the foreign markets to the cotton manufacturers of the United States aud injure other Ameri­ can interest«. The petitioners declare that the "open door” policy is neces­ sary to secure the retention of the im­ portant trade in cotton drills and shirt­ ings with China, moat of which are manufactured in Southern states. It is declared the withdrawal ot thia trade in Manchuria would seriouaiy affect not only the manufacturers of cotton goods but Southern cotton-grow­ ers and employers and employes aud laborers in the cotton mills. The peti­ tioners represent fully $15,008,000 in capital ami declare they have lost half their trade since the Boxer upris­ ing and are running on half time. General Cbaff««e has cabled the war dapartincnt the following from Taku, under date of Novemlier 16: “Sixth regiment. United States cavalry, will remain in China, under command of Lieutenant-Colonel Theo­ dore J. Wint, with troops I, K, L, M. “CHAFFEE.” CHINESE DISCOVERED AMERICA. Kvirtrnce Contained In Ancient Records I nearthed in Pekin. Monterey, Mex., Nov. 17.—The re­ port that American officers have un­ earthed ancient records in Bekin show­ ing that the Chinese discovered Ameri­ ca 1,500 years ago, and erected temples in Mexico, has aroused the greatest in­ terest amoog the scientific men of Mon­ terey and throughout thia country. The Chinese temples alluded to are in the state of S odots , on the Bacifia coast. The ruin of one of the temple« was discovered near the town of Urea, in that state, about two yean ago. One of the large stone tablets found iu the ruins was coveted with carved Chinese characters, which were )>artly deciphered by a learned Chinaman who visited the ruins at the request of the Mexican government. This Chinaman made the assertion at the time that the ruins wen* those of a temple which bad l>een erected many centuries ago by Chinese, but his statement was not re­ ceived with credence. It has been long claimed that the In­ dians of the state of Sonora are the de­ scendents ot the early Chinese settler«. They possess many traditions and characteristics of the Chinese. If the report of the finding of these records in Bekin is verified an expedition will go from here to explore further the ancient temples of Sonora. Ulsh«nest Offlelals. Yokohama, Nov. 17.—Several mem­ bers of the Tokio city council, having been accused of accepting a hrit>e from the Mitsui lead pipe factory, all the members resigned en bloc, but were sul>se«|uently re-elected with the ex­ ception of the incriminated member«, warrants for whose arrest have been issued. Fire in a Brlcife Plant. Detroit, Mich., Nov. 18.—Fira which started in the engine-room of the Detroit Bridge & Iron Works early today did between $65,000 and $75,- 000 damage. Five hundred men are thrown out of employment. The lose is covered by insurance. Repairs will 1« tiegui im ma I lately and the works started again as soon as ;>ossible. Queen Drag» Not Dead. Baris Nov. 15. — Inquiries made by a lepreseutative of the press at the Servian legation here show that there is no truth in the report published by the Echo de Bain today that Queen Draga of Servia is dead. The legation officials have not even beard that the queen is ill. Wealthy Man’« Sulchle. Fort Wayne, Ind., Nov. 17.— Frank A Merman, a wealthy real estate man, killed himself today. He walked iuto a hardware store, purchaie«! a revolver, loa led it and then sent a bullet into hia brain. He is thought to have been in­ sane. He waa a prominent Republican politician. Another North S«*a Cable. Washington, Nov. 17.—Consul Leia- toe, at Rotterdam, in a report to th« state department, says that a third telegraphic cable has been constructed recently between The Netherlands »ml Englaud aud will expedite the delivery of American cablegrams via London. Farm Machinery Plant Burned. Chicago, Nov. 17. — A special to the Record from Geneva, 111., says: Fite totally destroyed the plant of the Ap- pieton Manufacturing Company in this city. It started in the paint shop. The loss is $250,000. The company manufactured farm machinery, Effect of Colombian KnrthquHke. Washington, Nov. 16.—Mr. Russell, United States charge at Caracas, re­ ports that the earthquake in Colombia last mouth was much more severe than at first discovered. The people desert­ ed their houses and slept in the streets, snd between 12,000 and 15,000 build­ ings were destroyed or damage«). Berlin, Nov. 15.—The fxtkal An- ■eiger publishes the tollowiug Jyom its Shanghai correspondent: "Natives from Hankow say that the empress lie­ headed a number of telegraph officials, who accepted a secret message from Epnieror Kwang Hsy to Count von Waldersee, informing him that he (the emperor) was being kept a prisoner Hubonlc Plague In Kgypt. aud was unable to return to Pekin. Cairo, Nov. 15.—Two fresh cases of They also say that other executions oc­ bubonic plague are reported in Alex­ curred in connection with the matter.’ andria. MacArthur Kctnovea the Censorship- «Manila, Nov. 17.—The ceusorship was removed today. General Mac- Arthur, however, has isaue«l direction« to the cable companies ordering them to furnish him with a copy of ail press dispatches. Return of the Logan. Nan Francisco, Nov. 17.— The trans­ port Logan arrived from Manila tonight and went into quarantine. The Logaa brings 278 sick soldiers, 80 prieuMSi ■nd eight insane.